HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-03-14, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE -t THntSDAY, MAUCH 14th. 1033 HENSALL DASHWOODAmong those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. William Bonthron, of Detroit; Mrs, L. Simpson, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. MeMartin, Vair son daughter Miss 'Beatrice and Mr towel.Will Joynt, IM ........... .. Simpson and sister Mae Simpson, of Detroit were here on Sunday but could not stay for the funeral, Mr. William Hildebrandt was vis­ iting friends in London 'last week. c«« | Miss Ila55el Hudson (spent a few Miss Myrna Hudson is visiting in mays iu London last week visiting mother the late Mrs. E. Otterbein. The Y^ung People's League of Chiselhurst United Church are put­ ting on the play "The Road Back” in the Town Hall on Thursday ev­ ening of this week at 8 o'clock. This play comes Well recommended and should draw a crowded house. . of Barrie; Mrs. M. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Pater- if Clinton, Mrs. Joynt and her „ ”L~ of Listowel . and Mrs. Carmichael, Lis- Dr, Geo. Joynt, I-Jarry and af Toronto and Mr. Will Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week aud at office over the Post Office, id Zurich, last three days of week. THE RED &, WHITE store Hensail School reports are being held over until next week. iMr. joe Hagan visited in London1 on .Saturday. Mr. N. Batttersby and son Frank spent Monday in London. | London with her sister Mrs. Hairyj friends. Abray and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Scruton, of Ft. Dover, are visiting for a few days with their relatives in town. f Mr. A. J. Sweitzer, of the Beacli- O’ Pines, was calling on friends in of Toronto, the village on Tuesday. j;____ tlo?To>„?on XX" after'vfs'ltlng' «>'• Hemphid, of rroronte, for the past week with relatives in. Detroit. 1 The many friends of |Hrs, e. Drum­ mond will be sorry to hear she is confined to her bed suffeing from high blood pressure. IL. L____ z:____ _________ don one day last week visiting his brother John Stewart, who is a pa­ tient in Victoria Hospital. Mr. Launce Battersby assisted in the choir of St. Joihn’s United Church Stratford on Sunday evening. It was a special service for the Tuxis Boys group. The many friends of Mrs. Alda Simmons will be sorry to ‘hear she is confined to her room through ill­ ness but hope to soon see her in her usual good health. Miss Minnie Reid who ihas been in poor health for several weeks was taken to London on Saturday and on Monday underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s hospital. Miss Reid’s many friends hope she will soion 'be, in “good health again. The Ladies of Group No. 5 of toe Women’s Society of Carmel Presby­ terian church intend holding an Irish concert in the (school room of the Church on Friday "evening, March 15th. A pleasing feature of the ev­ ening will be a talk by Miss Pearl Thomnson on her trip to Bermuda. Mr. Thos. Wren held an auction sale of .his farm stock and imple­ ments out at the farm, just east of Chiselhurst on Thursday afternoon. There was a 'big -crowd attended the sale and bidding was very-"brisk, grey team sold for $300.0 0 and other horses sold well. The cows other cattle went ihign and also implements. The A. Y. -P. A,, of .St. Paul’s glican church entertained the young people of the United Church on Monday evening. The meeting open­ ed by a hymn and Rev. Mr. Hendry led in prayer. A pleasing solo was given by Louise Drummond. This was followed by a well rendered duet by Miss Greta Lammie and Miss Clark. Rev. Mr. .Sinclair gave a very interesting address on hymns. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. The Young Peope’s League of the United Church have extended an invitation to the A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul’s to join them on Monday evening March 2 4th. A very successful organization meeting of the Hensail baseball clu'b was held in the Town Hall on Mon­ day evening with a goioid attendance of officers and players and prospec­ tive players. An election of officers took place followed by a discussion of the coming year’s business. The position of president was left open for the Executive to select at the next meeting. The following were elected: Honorary Presidents, W. J- Jones, J. W. Ortwein, Jas. Ballan- tyne M.P.P., W. IL Goulding M. P., Henry Arnold, Errold Drummond, J. Paterson, Jas. Bonthron and W. Kerslake; Vice-President, J. Pass- more; Secretary, Launce Battersby; Treasurer, E. .Shaddick; Manager, Laird Mickle; Mascot, Laird Hudson Official Scorer, Donald Hogarto. HensaU is looking forward to hav­ ing a very strong team for this year and will start practice as soon as the ground is in good condition, /The Wohelp Class of the United church held their regular monthly meeting on March Sth. The meet­ ing opened by singing hymn number 240 followed by the Lord’s Prayer. Miss Olive Harrison, of London, spent the week-end visiting friends in town. Mrs. Ross Dick and son Douglas, are visiting relatives : here and also at Hillsg-reen. spent toe week-end here with his1 I parents Mr, and Mrs, A; ■ W. Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Walker were recent visitors with Mrs. Walker’s The Bethany 'Sisters S. S. class of the Evangelical Church will hold a St. Patrick’s tea on Friday evening March l'5th at the home of Mrs. D. Tie man. i Mr. Herb Gaiser, of Detroit, is spending a few weeks at his home here also attended the funeral of his I I I I I I Mrs. Sam Oestricher, who spent ; the past week in Kitchener also at-j tended the funeral of her brother- in-law the late Mr. Wm. May return­ ed home Monday.A very successful quilting bee was1 held jn the basement of the church I by the ladies oi the Lutheran con-; gregatian last Wednesday afternoon, i ' Mrs. T« Hopcroft entertained a number of her friends to a "bee” on: L. Monday evening. I I Evangelical L. A. I The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of,1 Dashwood Evangelical Church held! i their regular meeting in the^ churchI basement recently with Mrs. xt. Guviz! I as .chairman. Mrs. D. Tieman led in ' the opening prayer after which Mrs. R. Goetz read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. J. M. Tieman sang a very ap­ propriate .number "Alone”. The chap­ ter in the Mission study book1 "Ja­ panese Women Speak” was given by Mrs. Jane Guenther, following which Mrs. A- E. Oestricher played a piano, solo. Mrs. D. Tieman presided for.i the business session which followed.' [.There were 81 sick visits reported and Mrs. W. S. Henrich and Mrs. D.' piuou pressure, „,nthD,. tut,.* ______' meir regular jneevuig m cue whuwiMr. Duncan Stewart was in Lon- l1.0??61,^1.8, !n 'Oli Biuce- basement recently •with Mrs. R. Goetz! field who is seriously ill. Apr. Mervin Brown, who has spent several weeks here visiting his par­ ents ’’Mr. and Airs. Geo. ‘Brown, re­ turned last week to Toronto. Mr. John Cochrane, of I-Iillsgreen, who has been in very poor health tor several months is taking treat-' ments at Dp. Moir’s Huron Springs S'anitorium. I Mt. W, L. McLaren, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren and Mr, and Bell, attended the funeral __ _______ ________ I late Mrs. David Christie of Hibbert J Township on Saturday. ........... ........... ..................... Atiss Mildred Forrest, nurse-in , braining at Victoria Hospital, Lon-' m^“ Wesley0 Wolfe”and Mrs." Vernon j Mrs. G. Tieman were named as Visiting Com- of the mittee for the month.Fees were re-.• - - *' t- 'l ing has been arranged for the after-, I noon of Thursday March 14. The’ " i next meeting will be in charge of Marmalade Oranges, get them ndw 45c. a doz Grocery Specials f GOLD MEDAL TOMATOES, choice quality 3 large tins 25c SWEET CORN, choice 3 tins for 25c FALCON PEAS, No. 4............................,...........g tins for 19c GOLD MEDAL PUMPKIN, choice quality 2 large tins 21c CROSSE & BLACKWELL TOMATO SOUP 4 tins for 25c GOOD COOKING RICE.......................................3 lbs. for 14c. WONDERFUL LAUNDRY SOAP 1U bars for 25c. SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE......................per tin 10c. DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, Assorted Flavors ... 6 for 25c. One the and the An- i i i Golden Wax Beans per tin 10c. Peanut Butter in bulk......... .. 3 lbs. 25c. Large Meaty Prunes...........2 lbs. for 25c. Medium sized Prunes............. .per lb. 10c. Fresh Dates ........................ 4 lbs. for 25c. Fresh Broken Sodas.............3 lbs, for 25c Pure Clover Honey in 5 lb. pail? each 50c. New Carrots .... per bunch 10c., 3 for 25c Texas Seedless Grapefruit;.........6 for 25c California Celery,Hearts ............... 15c. New Carrots . . , per bunch 10c, 3 for 25c. Fresh Tomatoes ............ per lb. 19c. Head Lettuce .............................. 2 for 25c Large Fresh Cocoanuts ........ each 5c, Weston’s Soda Biscuits...........2 pkgs. 23c. Mushrooms ....................... per lb. 39c. LARGE TIN FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER—handsome goblet free 25c. FRESH FISH EACH WEEK—FRESH FROZEN B. C. SALMON, WHITEFISH, HERRING, OYSTERS, CODFISH, SMOKED FILLETS OF HADDIE, SISCOES, ETC. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Quality always higher (than price.” EXETER, ONT. We Deliver don, spent the week-end wiblr her parents Mr. and Mrs. William For­ rest. Mr, John Shepherd, Mrs. .jFred Manns, John Woods, Watson W’oode, and Miss Mary Woods attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Christie of Hibbert on Saturday. , - ,Mrs NTplliP Tnfimor nf T nnrlnn ' Mrs- W. S. HeUl’lCh pOUl’ed tea dUI’-< Mis. Nellie Latimei, of London, is ing evenlng( while Mrg. WilHam visiting with .hei b.iothei, Mr. David gnen received the guests at the door, [ Blackwell, west of Hensall, Mr. |lAirrangements were in charge of the Blackwell on account of ill health j (Social and Lookout Committees the intends giving up farming and Is holding a sale next week. The dance put on by the firemen in the town hall on Thursday even­ ing was fairly well attended. The music was supplied by Jimmie Den- omme and his Red Hot Peppers. Will Hatyer was floor (manager. A cafe­ teria. lunch was served by Mrs. Walker. A euchre and dance will' be put on by the firemen on Friday | evening o,f this week with the same' orchestra. The W. M. S. of the United Church held their regular monthly meeting in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Cross, the president of the society, acted as chairman for the business part of the meeting. The meeting opened by singing hymn 1’8 O' and prayer. It was decided that t'he birthday party be held on the evening of the 20th of March. Mrs. Norman Cook and Mrs. Mickle are to be the lunch com­ mittee and Mrs. Drysdale and Mrs.' Sinclair the program committee. Mr© Charles McDonell and Mrs. Elder were appointed as a visiting commit­ tee for the month of April. Owing to ill-health Mrs. Edgar McQueen sent in her resignation as superin­ tendent of the Mission Band. Miss Verdun Watson, Miss Gladys Pass-1 more and Mrs. Love were appointed. to take charge of the Mission Band. Mrs. Merner then took the chair for the Devotional period and the Bible lesson was taken from chapter of St. John’s devotional leaflet was Hemphill. The study six parts the leader’s Schatz.Pancake Supper ! The Excelsioi’ Bible Class of the Dashwood Evangelical S. IS-, sponsor-1 ed a Pancake Supper last Tuesday evening at the spacious home of Mr., and Mrs. Ezra Bender. Supper .was' served .from 6 to 9 at tables attrac­ tively aranged with bowls of tulips. J Mrs. W. S. T-Tpm'inh nnurert tea dlll’-i former being Mrs, William Snell con­venor; Mrs, Ezra Bender, Mrs. M,| ,Nee,b, David Tieman, John Bender, | and the latter being Mrs. R. Goetz I convenor, Mrs. J. Wein, Mrs. W. S. { Henrich, Daniel Weber and Daniel Haugh, 'The proceeds $16. Death of Mrs, Ezra Mrs. Ezra Otterbein day morning, March 7th at her home here after only a few days illness' with nneumonia. Her maiden name | was Miss Mary Sarah Ritter and she' was first married to George Gaiser, from which union there are surviv-i ing two sons Chester, of Dashyropd and Herbert, of Detroit. Another son Wesley was killed in the Great War. She later married Ezra Otterbein who now (survives also two step-sons Edward Otterbein, of Blair and, Abraham, of Preston and one step-i daughter Mrs. Josia'h Bear, of A1-, berta. She was in her 76th year and had lived in Stephen Township and Dashwood all her life-, services were held at the residence on Saturday afternoon f which a service was held t in t Evangelical Church. Rev. W. S. Hen­ rich assisted by Rev. Silas MciFalls officiated. Interment took place Crediton Evangelical cemetery. and Daniel’ amounted to, Otterbein died Thurs- CREDITON Wuerth, Zu- and and Mrs. A. left for Detroit, the 15th Gospel. The read by Mrs. was given in part being mu lonuweci oy me lotos grayer’ . . „ Merner The first nart Minutes were read followed by the taKe” to 1 .® , pa J roll call, business was discussed and it was decided upon for the girls to piece a quilt. An instrumental was played by Verda Watson. A talk on the latest developments of toe -day by Ian Filshie; a reading on Korea was given by Letta Love, Hymn 120 was sung followed by all repeating the Mizpah 'benediction after which contests were played and a dainty lunch served. . Death of Mrs. T. Cleveland Joynt The death Occurred here on Satur-- morning rl a -tr ©van in w ei 1 1'h A nm A A f h A.P 'day evening at the «ome of her mother, Mrs. Robt. Bonthron, of was taken by Mrs. Sinclair; 2nd part by Mrs. Chas. McDonald; 3>rd, Mrs. Hobkirki; 4th, Mrs. C. Cook; 5th, Mrs. Drysdale; 6th, Mrs. J. Elder. This very interesting meeting closed by singing .hymn 130 and prayer. The services in the local churches on 'Sunday were well attended. At the United Church Rev. Arthur Sin­ clair had charge of both services and preached two splendid sermons. At _» service, Mr. Launce Battersby sang a solo and also took Florence Edna Bonthtion, wife of T. special solo parts in the anthem. Cleveland Joynt, after a lingering At tile evening service Dr. Smillle illness -of nearly twio, years of heart took! the solo parts in the anthem tiouble. She was the :----(y daughter of Mrs. and the late Robt. Bonthron and was biorn in Hensail,40 years ago and has spent all her(buerritt ana di. Cleveland Joynt, after a youngest1 fl a quartette rendered by Mrs. G. Hess, Mrs. Thus. Shenritt, Mr. Tiros. 40 vears ago and has spent all her( Shen-Hi uud Dr. anillie. At the life here. Her .death is the first- Carmel Presbtyerian Church.Rev. W. break in the Bonthron family. 1 ....... was married to Mr. Joynt about 14.services. At the evening service She( a,. Young, pastor, had charge of both --------- — — ------ -------- 1- nvrviuvs. At the evening service years ago- and after their marriage' y preached the fourth mf they continued to reside here where 1 tnkinp- tor hisMr, Joynt has ■Ctonducted a large 111S senes Of sei mons, taking for hi .-t , __4. ! Akviof'inYlii’V nriPH.i ’mercantile business, Mrs. Joynt Was a member of the United Church and highly respected by all who- knew her. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her loss, two) little sons, Carey and Donald; her aged mother, Mrs. Robt. Bonthron; (three brothers James and Fred, of Hen- sall and William C. Bonthnom, De-, troit; three sisters, Mrs. James Mc- Martin, of Barrie; Mrs. M. Vair, of Toronto and Mrs. L. Simpson, of De­ troit. The funeral which was pri­ vate, to'ok place on Tuesday after­ noon from tihe home of Mrs. Robt. Bonthron with interment taking place in the Hensail Union cemetery Her pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair conducted the service. The pall bear­ ers were William Oonsitt, A. W, E. Hemphill, Fred Manns, R. J. Pater­ son, Herman Dayman and Mr, Pat­ erson, of Clinton. The floral tributes were very beautiful showing the es­ teem and respect iheld for Mrs, Joynt in this .community where she spent all her life. On Sunday and Mon­ day a great many friends called at the homo to pay their last tribute. subject, "Is Christianity Practical”. Special music wa>s furnished by a male chdir. A sextet entitled "Just Outside the Door” by Messrs. R. Y. McLaren, Harry Miller, Roy McLar­ en, Ja>s. Bengough, Clifford Moir anti James Mustard. A male chorus, "Praise Ye the Father”; duet "Whis­ pering Hope” by Rev. W- A. Young and W. A. McLaren. Sunday, March 17, is Go-to-OhUTCft Sunday. Let everybody make an ef­ fort to attend church next Sunday. HARPLEY Miss Nora Webb who has spending a few nronths^at <lier here returned to London last Mrs. Roas Lane and Betty „ the past week with, her father, Mt. Mansell I-Iodgins. Mr, Hector Murray who has Been spending a .few Weeks with friends in iThodford returned ’home on Sun­ day accompanied by ..Mr, Andrew Murray. 1 been .home week, spent Tilley, Miss Irene Witzel all of Ste-, borne, visited with their daughter, phen and Mrs. Heywood, of Exeter.; klrs. Margaret Fletcher, on Satur- A lhemorial service was held Thurs-. day of last week. _ day afternoon in the Evangelical, . , t-, . „ I the member© of tke irutn beeaeisat "which Rev. A. E. Pletoh, Sunday School class met at the home officiated, assisted, by Rev. J. W. of MisJs Hazel Sm,it,h in Exeter and Johnson. The choir sang, an appro-.presented 'her with a handsome bed priate anthem. Mrs. Gordon Morlock j ligjlt as a token of remembrance on, and Mrs. Emmery Fahner sang behalf of the class of which she was "Good Night Here and Good Morn- a valued member. ing Up There” accompanied by Miss i Mr. .Fred Penwarden . went to Addie Gaiser. Interment in the Cred- > Windsor last week to bring home jx_ ____mx. „ _„n 'his now Ifnrd zta.r. Melvin Lamport, Gurdon Lamport^' Edward. Lamport, William Lamport, Harvey Neeb and Clifford Heywood. A large number of relatives were present. The sympathy of the com­ munity is extended to the bereaved. iton cemetery. The pall bearers were his new Ford car.>' . • - - -- - — ---------1 On Friday afternoon toe Womens -- ' — -■ * Missionary Society observed the World’s Day of Prayer in the school­ room of the church. AH the ladies of the congregation were invited to' attend the program. The meeting was in charge of the president, Mrs. | Arthur MciFalls with other (members ( of the society taking parts through- ! out the program. A very pleasing , solo was rendered oy Mrs. Margaret Fletcher. On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schwartz entertained a num- , ber of friends at their home. On Wednesday afternoon ( Ladies’ Sewing Circle met at ( home, of Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart, dainty lunch was served " hostess. On Tuesday afternoon week Group No. 2 held .a Circle in the school room church which was followed by lunch. A small fee was oharged for the lunch and the proceeds went to that group of the association. On Saturday evening March 9th, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson enter­ tained to a birthday dinner in honor of the former’s father, Mr. Daniel • Hodgson, it being the occasion o£ : his seventieth (70 th) birthday. I Those present were Mr. and Mrs. D. 'Hodgson, Mr. Herman Hodgson, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Hodgson and family, of Chatham; Mr. Cecil Hodgson, .of Toronto; Miss Elsie Gourlay, of_St. - I Marys and Shonto. ~ ---------- ---- ---—--J Mr. vV. XL. XUUXUUL vvnu 1V1 LUC was -opened by singing hymn Take paSj. (montb. has been ill at the home ?,ime Tt0 J5® Holy and prayer by brother, Dr. J. E. Elliott, -of Mrs. Jacob Ratz. The Scripture was Toronto, has recovered sufficiently read by Mrs. Matt Sweitzer. Roll to return kome was called and reports were given.'; ~ ■ •— It was decided that each member have a week of self denial, the pro­ ceeds to go towards missions. was decided to quilt quilts for our jjufferin j-jall to spend a jolly time­own members for $1.00 each, but for one outside of our Aid $11.50 and' -yA if fine quilting $2.00. It was de- a v‘ulJIU,ua,Llwu cuu l£VUit cided to have an Easter program > magazjne rack and a cushion, for the April meeting, •Committee. and Mrs< sllUiiJCUU appointed, Mis. Milt. Ratz, Mrs. A. ■ with a living room table. The au.- Gaiser, Mrs. A. FiiiKbemer and Mis. flresses wag rea(j by Mrs. Donald i Hicks and the presentations were i made by Mr. George Thompson. A number from the village at- i tended the funeral of the late Mrs. ! Allie McFalls in Lucan on Friday : afternoon of last week.I Mr. D. M. Elliott is in Toronto I this week attending the funeral of his uncle, the late. C. J. Handcook- Miss Margaret Slavin spent the week-end at her home in Hensail. k The monthly meeting of toe . j Wcman’s Association was held in _ ! thia ftr»h nAlr A Am nf- th a Mnndriv” pvenintr last (Thursday afternoon, March 7tli, The Ladies’ Aid held a success- with a good~ attendance. j The ^de- ful quilting at the home of Mrs. J. Ratz Wednesday afternoon. The community extend tlieir sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Tilley of the death of the latter’s father, Mr. Wm. Witzel. The funeral was largely attended -by relatives and friends held Thursday afternoon. The Farmers’ Clu'b of the com­ munity held an Oyster .Supper on Friday evening last at t'he home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser, about 35 being present. The evening was spent in games and card playing. AH report a pleasant time. Miss Lulu Gaiser, of McMaster University Hamilton, spent the,week­ end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Mclsaac spent a few days in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar rich, visited with Mr. E. Wuerth on Sunday Kitchener on Mionday. Mr. Elgin Woodall, of visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Woodall a few days last week. Miss Edna Beaver left on Monday morning for iLondozt where she has accepted a position with the Landon Life Insurance Company.Mr. Fred Kerr is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. The pancake supper served by the ladies of the Women’s Association of the United church last Tuesday ev­ ening was a decided success. An elaborate supper was laid with an abundance of pancakes and maple ford, syrup. On accoiunt of the water! Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff and getting into the church basement daughter, of Woodham; spent toe ....I___L 1___ .. T_ 12 j former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff and other relations. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and daughter Mrs. Stanley Kelly and i Mrs. Frank .Schieding, all of London, spent (Sunday with their parents' Mr. and Mrs. H. M'Otz. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein and children and, Mrs. Leonard Wein and <'tson, spent Monday in London, j Mh- aud Mrs. John Rawlings, of towja line spent Friday with foriw(er’s sister, Airs. Joab Sims. CREDITON EAST Mrs. Eldon Merner and three 'boys returned home Sunday after spend­ ing two weeks with tiie former’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Rocky .in Strat- the the A. by thesupper was served in the town hall, ' week-end here with the A union meeting of the Women’s1 Association of the United Church and the Ladies’ Aid of the Evangel­ ical church Friday afternoon to ob­ serve the World’s Day of Prayer. There was a splendid attendance, Mrs. Louise Schwartz presided at the meeting. A vocal duet was given by Mrs. T. Mawhinney and Mrs, F. following| w. Clark. Several of each group or-; "1 _ i-he t fered prayer. Rev. A. E. Pletch de-j 7ar,< livered an impressive address "Bear ye one another’s burdens.’’ Evangelical Sr. E.L.C.E. The regular meeting of the Sr. E.L.C.E. was held on Friday evening with a splendid attendance Miss M. McMaster presided at the meeting. The topic was discussed by Mar­ querite Aimy with corresponding . Scripture rfead by Gertrude Amy. An instrumental duet was given by Ad­ die Gaiser and Freeman Morlock. Lorence and Lloyd Wein rendered a vocal duet; Miss Gladys Weber gave a reading and Mrs. Gordon Mforlock contributed a contralto solo "Living for Jesus” accompanied by Mrs. E. Fahner, Meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction. Women’s Institute The regular meeting of the W. I. was held March 5th in the Institute Hall with twenty-five members and visitors present. The .meeting was in charge of the president and opened by singing, repeating ode and the Lord’s prayer. The "Old Oaken Bucket’’ was sung; minutes of last meeting read and adopted; roll call was answered by "A Wholesome sa­ lad’’ motto "Life is like a garden it bears the fruit you sow.” .The hon­ orary president, Mrs. C. Zwicker pre­ sided for the following program:'1 Song, "Long, Dong Ago”. A. paper on Agriculture was given by Mrs. T. Mawhinney; piano- duet by Miss T- Weber and Miss Mr. Amy; current events by Mrs. R. Taylor; duet "My Wild Irish Rose” by Mrs. E. Brown and Mrs. F. King. The hostesses Mrs. C. Zwicker, Mrs. Wm. Oestrich­ er and Mrs. A. Wein served candy. A duet "Feeding the Nation” was sung by Mrs. T. Mawhinney and Mrs E. Lawson. A vote of thanks was moved by' Mrs. C. Sims and second­ ed by Mrs. G. Morlock after which the meeting closed by singing "God Save the King.” Frederick William Witzel Stephen Township lost, a well known and respected resident in person of Frederick William Witzel, who. died March 5th after an illness of several months. He was in his 78th year. Ho was born in Wilmot Township, County of Waterloo and at about 18 years of age came to Stephen Township and some years later on May 11th, 1880 was mar- t*icd to Finltboinoi'j wlio predeceased .him on May 3rd, 1027. To this union were born eight chil­ dren seven of whom survive, one sop William having died in infancy, to­ gether with thirty-eight grandchil­ dren and four great grandchildren Also Surviving .him are two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Berg, of New Ham­ burg and Mrs, Louisa Wilhelm, of Milverton and one son and six daughters, Ezra Witzel, of Cupar, Sask.; Mrs. Ezra Lamport, Mrs. A. Neeb, Mrs. Henry Pfaff, Mrs. Alfred Funeral in , ZION The Junior Bible class were en­ tertained on Friday evening at the home >oif their teacher Mr. Earl Johnson. and games were enjoyed after which lunch was served. - iOn Thursday *o.£ last week Mr. and Mrs. John Hern, Sir., entertain­ ed a number of their relatives. A- mong the guests were Mr. F. Hern of Bengough, Saski, who has been, visiting in this community for the past four months. He left here on Monday for his return home. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern and babe visited with the former’s uncle, Mr. and Mr©. Hector Taylor on Sunday. Mr. Jack Hewson is employed with Messrs. Harold and Rose Hern for the summer. The many friends of Mies Myrtle Earl will be pleased to kn'ow that she is improving after her recent illhess. Mr. Ward Hern is all smiles these days. A good program, contests It’s a baby girl. Exeter, Grafton and fam- WHALEN Alvin Linclenfield, of spent the week-end with and Ronnie Squire. Mr. and Mrs. C. Millson ily of Lucan, visited on Sunday witn Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson. Miss Alma Parkinson is spending a few days with her aunt Miss x\. Parkinson, of Granton. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, Exeter, were recent visitors of M.r, and Mrs. F. Squire. The W. M. S. observed the World’s Day of Prayer on Friday, March 8, at Mrs. Wm. Morley’s home with fifteen members and two visitors t present. The 2nd vice president, Mrs. H. (Squire tvas in the chair. Rev. Stewart gave an # interesting talk and Mrs. Devotional Leaflet. Family Night Family Night was held in church on Friday niglit with a attendance. With Miss Mary ley in charge the part in the program ing Mrs. Laverne Rev. Stewart; duet and Maida MOrley; Hazelwood, Velma Squire* and Ruth Hodgson. Hazelwood read the i the good Mor- took read­ topic, following (Scrip turn Morley1; by Jean Ogden rea.dings by o. the the SHIPKA The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid was held March 6th at the .home of Mrs. Milton Ratz, 10 members and 2 visitors were pres-J ent. The president, Mrs. . Sweitzer presiding. The meeting Mr. W. It of last Sewing of the Miss Iris Robinson. Tor- R. Elliott who for the g.tt; T akod-in -c aC yqunt iH d I On Friday evening a number of the friends of Messrs. Richard Park­ er and Kenneth Simpson met at the , , VUXLCllH XXCX11 LU CL L1111CTD - together. During the evening Mr.. . ................ Parker were presentedae" with a combination end table and __ . __I___. Mr. Simp,son were presented ’ “' . The ad- J. Ratz. Lunch was served by the hostess and the meeting' was closed by singing “Sweet Hour of Prayer” with prayer by Rev J. Johnson. Aliss Dorothy Ratz spent last week at Crediton at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J- Fahner. Next Sunday will be Temperance Day in the Sunday school. Special, instructions will be given. ] Miss Violet Sharpe, of Auburn, spent the week-end at the home of. her nnother, Mrs. John Sharpe. ’ i • —”v~ -----i”-,. —,The Y. P. S. met in the church on(^}e schoolroom of the church ■tonday evening last. j Thursday afternoon, March CENTRALIA Miss Evelyn Clarke and Miss Wat­ kins spent the Week-end at the former’s home in Goderich. Mr. Sidney Henry spent the week­ end with friends in London. Mr. Gordon McDonald was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks over the week-end, Miss Pollock, R.N., of Kitchener, spent the week-end with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks, Messrs. Fred Penwarden, George Thompson and George Baynham at­ tended a banquet put on by the Shell Gas. Co. at Hotel London on Tuesday evening of last week'. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie, of Us- votional exercises were led by Mrs. A. Isaac. The meeting was opened by the singing of hymn 255, after which the Lord’s Prayer was re­ peated in unison. A reading given by Mrs. Langfbrd entitled Peter at the Gate.” Mrs. A. chell read the Scripture lesson, was followed by a sing song of eral hymns. Mrs. 0. Brown took the chair for the business. After a short busi­ ness session a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. W. Esse.ry, Mrs. F. Huxtable, Mrs. A. Hicks and Mrs. John Thompson. Mooting to Discuss' Fertilizers and pasture Crops "A meeting dealing with Fertiliz­ ers and Hay and Pasture crops will be held In the basement of the Unit­ ed Church, Centralia, on "Wednesday evening, March 20th at 8.00 p.m. The speakers are Mr. R, J. Bryden> Chemistry Department, and Mr. Jae. Laitgiand, Field Husbandry Depart­ ment, O. A- 'College, •Guelip’h. Th© meeting has been arranged by th© Huron County Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, in co-op­ eration with the Men's ’Club of the Centralia United Cliitncli. All farm­ ers are cordially invited to attend.** was "St. Mit- This _ „ . sev- The first Vice-Pres.,