HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-02-21, Page 8WTRSBAYt FFBBUABY S}1, 1035 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE .. BONAT .. The method of exclusive features Creates waves that bring the max­ imum of satisfaction with the min­ imum Of discomfort. Oil treatment and premanent wave in one revitalizes the hair leaving it in a lustrous and perfect condition. Reasonable Prices Phone 231, Exeter H. M. SMITH beauty shoppe JExeter Markets Wheat 93c. Oats t38c Barley 65c. Buckwheat 47c. Manitoba’s Best $2.50 Welcome flour $2.60 Low Grade Flour $32.00 a Bran $28.00 a ton Shorts $20.00 a ton -Creamery Butter 29-3 0c. Dairy Butter 21c-24e Eggs, A large 22c. Eggs, A medium 19c. Eggs, A pullets, 17c« Eggs, B 14c. Eggs ■(. lo-C. Hogs $8.10 ton | CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bev, S. Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—Sunday Schoo) 11 a.m.-—“Retaining the Faith” 7 p.m.—Amos'and Justice IE Sj i LOCAL NEWS his his her Us- Qi h»» II ,1 .11—.II I«u n Iim 11 will .»■ ii— I i I LOCALS I I i jgi W II tMWHl III— M —i <I fl— Il —Ml. H IWO'OTH 0 M— .1 »«►<JJJ The W. I. will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. K. J. Lampman cn Tuesday at 2.30 p.m. LOCALS MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA 11 ies 3 Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leadt? • EVANGELISTIC SliJRVICJSS a.m.—“Elijah”. Last in the ser- of Old Testament characters. p.m.—Sunday School. pan.-—-Service withdrawn in favor of union Evangelistic service in James St. Church. -Tonight, Wednesday, Union Evan­ gelistic service. Monday—Y. P. S, NEW WALL PAPERS The paper hangers are getting busy. Don’t leave it until it is too late to make your selection of papers. We have a fine range at reasonable prices Single Roll 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c to 25c Mr. Bert Rivers is confined to home through illness. Mr. Ed. Willis is laid up at home cn Main Street. Mrs. Chas. Dayman is ill at home of the 3rd concession of borne. A number -of friends of Miss Kath­ leen Lawson surprised her at her home on the eve of her marriage and presented her with a. miscellan­ eous shower. She was the recipient of many lovely gifts. A social time was enjoyed after which refresh­ ments were served. Mr. J. G. Dow held a successful auction sale of horses at the McDcn- ell Barns on Friday of last w’eek. Thirty-four h-orises were sold, some of them going as far as St. Thomas. The top price paid was $160.00. W .E. Nairn was the auctioneer. Another sale of horses will be held Friday of this week. I LILLIAN B. HUSTON I intend to continue the business of my father, the Huston. Policies now in be promptly looked after and business greatly appreciated. Insurance late H. E. force will new PROSPECTIVE BOWLERSfc attention: the prospective organization pur­ in the Public Lib- •of next A meeting cf lawn bowlers for poses will be held nary, on Monday evening week at eight o’clock. All who are interested are urged to be present. It is hoped to set up an enthusiastic .organziati.cn for Old Boys. WANTED—A young man between the age of 18 and 22 with bookkeep­ ing experience. State salary desired. Apply box 280, Exeter. Mias Ruth Wildl’ong is visiting in Stratford this week. Mr. W. F. Abbott spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. Percy Vahey visited at his home here over the week-end. Miss Amelia Acheson is visiting in Toronto at the .home of her brother Beverley. Mr. H. O. Southcott and Miss Stel­ la Southcott are holidaying for a few days in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rollins, Lon­ don, spent the week-end with the lat­ ter’s mother. Mrs. T. G. Creech. Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve, and three children, of Forest, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Abbott. Messrs. Reg. Beavers and Maurice Cook, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, Mr. Wm. Parker, 6f Stephen, who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital returned to his home on Saturday. Mrs. A. W. Etherington and her daughter Alma, of Usbor-ne, visited over the week-end with friends aud relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutton and daughter Evelyn, of Brantford, visit­ ed over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott. Master Teddy Johns, of who has been in Victoria London, for treatment, has well the past few days. “HERE CGMES CHARLIE” by the Cromarty Young People at Caven ITesbyterian Ctaorcb, FRIDAY, at 8,30 p.m., 25c. and 15c. Mr. and Mrs, Orby Kestle, M'r. John Palmer and Miss Reta, El­ worthy, of Detroit, motored -over and spent the week-end with rela­ tives. Miss Dorothy Lawson, of Toronto, was. home over the week-end being present on Saturday for the mar­ riage of her sister, Miss Kathleen Lawson. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A„ B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader EVANGELISTIC SERVICES 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Union Evangelistic Service. Closing service of cur special week cf Evangelistic meetings. Thursday and Friday nights un­ ion Evangelistic services held in James St. Everybody welcome. Come and worship, pray and siug. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss am.—U-Go-I-Go Class a.m.—iM'orning Prayer & Sermon ■Sunday School and Rector's 10 11 3 p.m.- Bible Class. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Elimville Hospital, not been Two 175 egg capacity in good condition. $10.00 each. Mrs. Ben Elder, Hensail. , 2tc? INCUBATORS FOR SALE- Buckeye, running Apply to .FOR SALE—Percheron horse, five year old. Priced for quick sale.— Sandy Elliot ,Ford Dealer WANTED — Small pigs. Apply to Manager, Canadian Canners. New Spring Dresses Arrive ■ NEW HOUSE DRESSES SMOCKS AND.HOOVERS PICTURE TUNICS Also a full line of Silk Hose and Underwear WARD’S LADIES’ WEAR Permanent Waves Sil .FOR SALE—12 farm horses, con­ sisting of mares, and geldings from 3 year-old up, m'ostly Percherons. In good shape, and ready for work. Priced to sell. Chas. Godbolt, phone 176 r 23, Exeter. tfc Hot Corned Beef FOR SALE—Three 'and one half h.p. engine, Gold, Sharpley & Muir, price $22.00, Morlock’s shop, Cred- iton. 2-14-2tc. & Cabbage Supper — at-—- Our combination oil Permanent Wave creates a coiffure of beau- iful, natural wave' and lovely ringlet ends. CAI-TEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, on (FOR SALE—Chicken Coop size 17x12 in good repair suitable for colony house. Apply to F. W. Clark, Crediton. ’ 2-14-tfc. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 FOR SALE—Underwood Standard Typewriter with 18 inch carriage. Apply at Times-Advocate. at 5.30 o’clock Admission 35c. and 20c. 1). SALTER Phone 245 CONE CLEANING Makes D. & H, Anthracite more economical fuel a re- NOTICE Electric motors rewound and re­ paired also bought and sold. Blow­ ers for furnaces made and installed. Car generators rewound and repair­ ed, All other electrical appliances repaired.—LORNE JOHNSTON, Ex­ eter, Ontario. 2tc. FOR SALE—Pasture farm, lot 7, Con. 6, Hay Township. Apply to Edward Kestle or Mrs. Alex. Mc- Falls, Exeter. 1-24-tfc NOTICE to uncertain road will take in hogs at R. G. Seldon’s condi- evefy weigh Owing tions we Thursday scales. Other arrangements may be made if necessary. For further par­ ticulars and prices call 171r6. A. W. Etherington & Son. Bring in your hogs and get the highest price. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS {Sealed bulk tenders will be receiv­ ed at the home oft the Secretary- Treasurer until Monday, March 4th, at 2 o’clock p.m. for the building of a new school in S. S. No 3, Usborrie. Plans and specifications may be seen at Lot 15, con. 12. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A marked cheque for 5 per cent, of the contract price must accompany all tenders.-—R. L. Francis, secretary treasurer, Kirkton. R. R. No. 1, phone 34r3, Kirk-tcn. 2-14-2tc. Cedar Chests AND new furniture Also furniture remodelled to order. We talc© orders for all kinds of ca- foinct work for kitchens, etc at the DASHWOOD PLANING MILL Mrs. Chester Rowe who recently underwent an operation at Victoria Hospital, London, is making a satis­ factory recovery and is expected home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Peart, Rock­ wood, and daughter. Miss Peart are visiting the former’s uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs. John Peart and other friends. Mr. and Mrs, T. S. Neale, of Ham­ ilton, spent the week-end visiting at' the latter’s home in Brucefield. They ■called -on friends in Exeter on Sat­ urday evening. Mrs. D. McInnis and son Donald, of Paisley, are visiting at the home of her parents owing to the sickness i of her father, Mr. iSamuel Sweet, who has been confined to his bed for several days. At the regular meeting of the Boy Scouts on Friday, evening las-t a fourth patrol was formed with iScout Gail Browning as Par to 1 Leader and Scout Hilton Sanders as second. Several new members were added 'to the troop. Mr. Albert Alton and bride, Ash­ field, also Mr. and Mrs, Slott, Pine River, called on Mr.-and Mrs. W. H., Johnston on Saturday. The former | couple were on their -honeymoon be- i ing married in Paisley the Saturday previous. •The Salvation Army here are hav­ ing the various local ministers -at­ tend their. Saturday evening open air service this coming Saturday, Feb­ ruary 23rd at 9 p.m. The various ministers will testify and sing and no doubt he a blessing to all within hearing, During the early hours of Friday morning a shower of rain accompan­ ied by. lightning and thunder visit­ ed this section but lasted only a short time. A hydro transformer All unburnable impurites are moved by one cleaning' giving you cleaner coal that means more less waste, fewer ashes. JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Assurance Phone 157w or 157j heat. Coates’ Grocery 2 lb. large Prunes ................... Good 'Tea (blk or mix.) lb...... Coffee in bean, special per lb. .. Gold Medal Orange Marmalade large jar ......................... ..... Raspberry or Strawberry. Jam Peanut Butter 15 -oz. jars ....... 7 small cans Tomatoes .......... Aylmer Soups any variety 3 for 25c. Chef pork & Beans large ..........10c. Smith's Laundry Soap .... 0 for 25c. Lemon or Cedar Oil, large bottle 23c Turpentine, large bottle ........... 20c. Sugar ...... IO lbs. 52c. Meats and Fresh Vegetables'Always on hand Hot D.;gs Saturday night 23c. 47c. 34c, 5c. Rowntree’s COCOA STAMPED MATS In a number pf new patterns. See them on display in out window in 1 yd., 11-4 yd. and 1 1-2 yard lengths. AT 25c.; 65c. AND 75c. TABLE OILCLOTHS 12 new patterns in 1 1-4 and 1 1-2 yard widths. You will like the new colorings and patterns. 1 1-4 yard 45c.; 1 1-2 yard 55cf NEW PATTERNS IN CHINTZ We have such varieties of new patterns and colorings suitable for comforter^, pil­ low tops, coverings for boxes and curtains. We offer them this week at PER YARD 22e. COMFORTER BATS These open odt 72 ins. by 90 ins. and are made from a fine bleached fluffy cot­ ton very suitable for quilting. They come in two qualities and sell for 69c. AND 79c. 6 pairs only all wool blankets at $6.50 a pair Only six pairs left of these lovely Mossfield All Wool Blankets. The size is 64 ins. by 84 ins. and they have the candy stripe borders to match any color combination. We consider these real values at this reduced price of $6.50. PURE LINEN TOWELLING It is a good time to buy linens. We are advised they will be much higher. See the special we offer at 18c. A YARD OR 5 YARDS FOR 85c. TURKISH TOWELLING These are English manufacture and are exceptionally good value at the following prices PER YARD 12c., 15c., 18c., 20p. BLEACHED & UNBLEACHED All sheeting sold this month we hem and finish. Free of charge. We offer a real value in unbleached 45 and 50c. and bleached at 50 to 75c. SPECIAL IN WHITE FLANNELETTES These are mill ends. We buy them by the pound. They come in lengths from 1 to 5 yds. and are worth in the regular way 22c. SPECIAL AT PER YARD 18c. New Winter Overcoats at Clearing Prices Perhaps you have been waiting for this opportunity. You will still have several months left to wear it and the saving is surely worth while. Every coat greatly reduc­ ed for quick clearance. See these values. GROCERY SPECIALS Per lb , . . . ra! Orange MARMALADE Large jar . . . 25c Hornets PREPARED MUSTARD Per jar............10c McCormick’s SODAS 2-lib. pkgs for 25c iw HEAD LETTUCE CELERY, CABBAGE CARROTS, PARSNIPS, AT LOWEST PRICES 15c GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 25c McLaren’s JELLY POWDERS Any flavor per pkg 5c Yellow Label SALADA TEA Per lb............55c MINCEMEAT Good for pies Per lb . 10c Southcott Bros jgi i^l I ii i II Have you Money to Invest? Whether the amount be large or small it will pay you to investigate Great West Life Assuraitce Company Annuities, These Annuity Contracts are planned 'to suit individual needs. Whether you wish to invest a lump sum or make yearly, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly deposits there is a contract to suit your require­ ments. An Annuity of -This kind will give you a greater Guaranteed Income than any other investment. We Welcome Inquiries C. V. PICKARD Representing The Great West Life Assurance Company Phone 185 Exeter of Toronto, is and Mr. Fred Lowrys, visiting with Ills parents Mr. Mrs. E. Lowry. Bridal Couple Honored On Thursday evening last neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. George Walker (nee Ella Shapton) gather­ ed at their home and presented them with a walnut end table. The address and presentation was made by Miss' J Alice Handford. After a pleasant j time spent in various kinds of amuse I ments a dainty lunch was served and the evening, ended with the sing­ ing of Auld Lang Syne. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ge-o. Walken were pleasantly surprised .on Friday, ev­ ening when a large number -of neigh­ bors and friend® from the second concession of Stephen gathered at their home. Mr. Nelson Baker act­ ed as chairman for the program. An address was read by Mr. C. W. Chris­ tie and a presentation was made to the newly married couple by Mr. W. Bowden and Mr. Fred Hogarth to ['which Mr. and Mrs. Walker fittingly the 03rd Birthday I .......- - - • Mrs. Hanna Sanders received thei replied. Readings were given by Mr. congratulations of numerous friend© I F, Hogarth, Mrs. W-m. Bowden, Mrs. ■on Sunday on the occasion of ther.C. Walker and Mbs. Christie' 93rd birthday, which was quietly ob- by Ilene and Lloyd Walker sered at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Goo. Walker, 3rd concession of Stephen. Mrs. Sanders is enjoying fairly good health for one of her years. A number of neighbors and friends -called to see her while mes­ sages wore received from Wingham, Toronto, Edmonton and England. Of duets Mrs. soloW. J. Ford instrumental by Big Reductions in all lines of Gents’ Furnishings Suits and Overcoats In order to reduce our stock, previous • to stock taking, we are offering special bargains in all lines ******** Dresses and Suits Tailor Pressed W. W. T A M A N g PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. || iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw ^hhiiii niuii~ -- iiLBn-T ri, liinin BIRTHDAY PARTY Eighty-one years ago on the 14th of February, Mr. and Mrs. William Buchanan, of Donegal, in Perth Co., received a much-prized Valentine in the shape of a little baby girl, who today is Mrs. Richard Terry. ILaiSt Thursday evening a number of her neighbors gathered at Mr. and Mrs. Terry’s home 'to ihelp her celebrate the anniversary of her birthday. A most delightful and pleasant evening was spent in music, social chat and in several games of crokinole by some skillful players. Miss Marion Powell with her violin and Miss Del­ la Peart on the organ pleased all with some splendid music. Then an interestihg program of speeches and the reading of a poem by Mrs. Ryckman was carried out. This was followed by. luncheon 'that was greatly enjoyed, The gathering broke up at midnight with a, last volley of congratulations' and good, wishes for many ihappy returns of the day and long life for the happy couple. Mr. and Mrs. Terry moved to Ex­ eter fifty-eight years ago after their ‘marriage and have resided hore over since. CAVEN Y. P, GUILD The Young people’s Guild of Ca- ven church held their regular meet­ ing .on Monday evening. The vice- president Jean ,Sitanbury presided. Plans were made for next Friday night when Cromarty. Young People are putting on a very interesting play “Here Comes Charlie” in the Sunday iSchool room -of the church. The roll call was answered by re­ peating the 'the name of our favorite hymn. Mrs. Gordon, Elizabeth Murray and Jack Smith then told us of the many varied inspirations which caused so. many, of our beau­ tiful hymns to be written. JAMES STREET Y. 1\ S. The regular meeting of the’Y. P. S. was held, on Thursday evening Following the opening exercises Garnet Hicks took the chair. Stainton gave a few remarks “The Different sides of Life.” Charles Godbolt and Mr. H. Taylor sang a duet and each gave a talk on their, personal conversion. Annie Cox gave a,n instrumental, Mary Van Camp a reading and Irene Van Camp read the Scripture Lessn. Following a contest the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Mr. OH Mr. Christie -and Mr. by E. J. Shapton Mrs. W. Shapton; reading by Mrs. Earl Shapton accompanied on the piano by Mrs. W, Shapton. Speeches by Messers, J3|S. and Ed, Shapton. Following games and stunts lunch was served and 'the evening brought f “God Be With You Till We Meet Again.*’ I J on the Thames Road was blown out. ia family of fifteen Mrs .Sanders and';was served and 'the evem Such a storm at this season of the her brother, James Pomeroy, of Lon-Ito a cloise by all singing year is Quite unueu-al.don, are the only survivors,