The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-02-21, Page 5THE EXETEK TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY gl, 1935
H. Lippert who has been very
for some time is recovering
Jambs ,gangster, the new as-
is now making
getting a large
mill yard for
resume’ his duties as teacher
Cromarty school.
Ila Wood, who has spent the
here with her mother, Mrs.
Mr. William Fee spent Friday
with friends in London.
Mrs. John Zuefle spent laBt week
visiting friends at Flint, Mich.
Mrs. Geo. Smale is able to be out
again after her recent operation.
sessor for the village
his rounds,
Mr-. Thos. Welsh is
* stock of Jogs in his
cutting this spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
children spent the week-end
relatives in Ridgetown.
Mrs, William Consitt, spent
eral days last week visiting relatives
and friends iat Windsor.
Mr. John Sutherland of the Bank
of Montreal staff here, is spending
his holidays in Toronto.
Mr. Milton Ortwein and son Lloyd
of London spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein.
Mrs. Agnes McDonald was a, re
cent visitor with her brother Mrs.
Peter Buchanan at St. Thomas.
. Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell en
tertained recently in honor of Mrs.
Edward Shaffer celebrating her 80th
Mr. and. Mi’S. J. W. Ortwein, who
were both confined to> their home
with a bad attack 'of,,the Flu are re
covering nicely.
The skating, party that was to
have been held on Thursday evening
last was. postponed on account of the
soft ice at the rink.
Mrs. Robert McLaren, who under
went a critical operation in a Lon
don hospital a couple of weeks ago
is recovering nicely.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Snell, of Nor
wich, who were married last week
at Norwich are spending a few days,
visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. L.
Miss Clarissa Mitchell has return
ed home from Victoria Hospital in
London where she was taking treat
ments. ;She is much improved in
• health.
Mr. Ross McKay, has recovered
from his recent severe illness and is
able to
at the
John Dinsdale, and sister Mrs. Sim
mons left Monday for her home in
St. Barbara, California.
At the monthly meeting of the
Kippen East Women’s institute held
at the home of Mrs, Frank Rathburn
recently, Dr. Collyer, of Hensail,
gave a very interesting talk on “Diet
and Health” and also gave a dem'on-
* stration on first aid.
A reception was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ingram on Thurs
day evennig in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Prior, who were recent
ly married. A very pleasant even
ing was spent in dancing, music and
games. During the evening * the
young couple were presented with a
settee and two. chairs and .a nicely
worded address. Mr. Prior on behalf
of Mrs. Prior and himself made a
very suitable reply.
The Y. P. S. meeting of the Unit
ed Church on Monday evening took
the form of a Valentine .Social. The
meeting opened by singing a hymn
after which Mr. Sinclair Ipd in
prayer and the following program
was .given: Solo, Mrs. Maud Hed
den; violin selection, 'Greta Lam-
mie; solo Bella Smale after which
Bob Passmore gave a very interesting
address on Valentine w.hich was
much enjoyed .A solo by Lorence
Battersby after which followed con
tests and lunch was served.
Dr, H. R. Kingston of the Faculty
of the University of Western Ontar
io gave .a most entertaining and in
structive lecture, “The Wonderful
Heavens” to a large and appreciative
audience in the town hall here on
Friday evening last under’ the aus
pices of the Hensail Public Library
Dr. Kingston’s lecture was
Follick and
Collyer, Mrs.
Mattie Ellis,
Rev. W. A.
close of the
spoke of
to be in
and Mrs.
the pleasure
Hensail and
'Collyer, who
they lived
i it
of special interest to the
school children present and
were extremely attentive.
Mr. Robert M.oore, Principal
the Continuation School acted
chairman and was assisted in his
rangements by the other members
of the Board. Mrs. Dr.
Agnes McDonald, Miss
Mr. Geo.
At the
gave him
meet Dr.
knew so well when
The Library Board, are
to Mr. Roy McLaren Who
the lantern.
The February meeting of the Wo
men’s Association of the United
Church was held at the home of the
Pres., Mrs. Dyysdale on Thursday afternoon. The 'meeting was opened’
by singing ia hymn and repeating the
Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mts, Mickle
read the Scripture Lesson and Mrs.
Merner. led in prayer. Mrs. Filshie
gave an interesting talk on the five
greatest living men, taking as her
choice, King George the Fifth, Mus
solini, Marconi, Frank Brangwyn and
Henry Ford. Mrs, Ratliburn gave two readings which were much
enjoyed. It was decided
groups and the following
pointed as group leaders:
Paterson, Mrs. L. Mickle,
Elder, Mrs. H, Hilliard. At
of tile meeting the hostess
delicious lunch and a social
was spent,
Mrs. R.
Mrs, B.s
the close
served a
in spite of an operation and the best
of medical skill and nursing he fail
ed to/rally. He was a «on ot 'the
late William Henry and. was born in
Hibbert just east of Chiselhurst 55
years ago. The family lived (there
for a number of years then at Ran-
nock and later in !St. Marys. When a
young man he went to Mancelonia in
Michigan where he spent -several
years and then with his father and
two brothers Alex and Will, home
steaded a section of land about 18'
miles' north west of Moose Jaw, Sask
He wag very successful while there. I
and later sold out at a big figure. |
He also farmed in other parts of
the West and for several years in
the State of Oregon and then re
turned to Victoria, B. C., where he
has since resided. Since going West,
he has returned several times to vis-
Mr. Russell Love was in Toronto
over the week-end.
. Remember the Seed Show held
hero in the town h'all on Friday af
Mr. A. G. Smillie, of Toronto, opent
the week-end here with his son Dr,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy enter
tained a number of friends pn Mon
day evening.
Miss Olive Walker, R.N., of Tor
onto, is visiting with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker.
There is a lot of sickness in the
village at present. Sa many suffering
is cm bad colas and the Flu,
Weather permitting, a hockey
watch will be played here on Fri
day evening between the Hensall and
Zurich teams.
The Hensall’.hockey team played
the Londesboro hockey team at Lon- -it relatives .here and in Hibbert ana
desoro on Monday evening winning was always a welcome visitor, Be-
the game by a score of 7-3. | sides his widow he leaves to mourn
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dayman spent his loss, one son .Albert at home,
Sunday with Mr. Dayman's parents two brothers, Alex of Cass City,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dayman, Us- Mich,, and William of Kindersley,
borne, his mother being seriously ill. [iSask. and one sister Mrs, John G.
Mr, and Mrs. J, R. McDonald of Scott, of Hibbert township. Mrs. W.
the London Road, are sepnding this j Henry., of Hensall. is the deceased
gtep mother and Mrs. Ed, McQueen
and Mrs. Robert Higgins are cousins
Interment took place on Tuesday af
ternoon, February 12th, at Victoria.
week in Toronto' visiting at the
home of their daughter Mrs. Gordon
Mrs. Anna Hawthorne, accompan
ied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Myares, of
Houston, Texas, are spending a, few
days this week visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brock.
Miss Elsie Heywood, who
been engaged in the home
Robt. Bonthron has given
position and has returned
home near Farquhar.
There is a contest in the
of the United Church. Lorence Bat
tersby and Lome Elder are the cap
tains. The contest will be for at
tendance and will last about two
At Carmel Presbyterian Church
la&t. Sunday evening Rev'. W. A.
Young preached the first of a series
of sermons his subject being “What
is Christianity” and was very inter
esting. Miss Irene Daters ‘took
solo parts in the anthem.
About 60 of our local sports
companied by several from a
tance held >a. rabbi't drive on Thurs
day afternoon last under (the lead
ership of John Elder. The hunters
went in three trilcks to Chiselhurst
and formed the drive near 'there.
They returned with over 80 rabbits.
Last (Sunday was women’s day at
the United church. Rev. Arthur Sin
clair preached two very appropriate
sermons. There was a ladies’ choir
which furnished special music. At
the morning service the choir sang
two anthems with Mrs. Ruth Paisley
taking the solo part. A- ’trio by Miss
Florence Welsh, Mrs. Hess- and Mrs.
Drysdale was much appreciated. At
the evening service Mrs. A. Clarke,
Kay Dobbs and Minnie Sangster took'
the special solo parts in the anthem
a duet by Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Hed
den was also sung.
Word received in the village
last week of the death at Calgary, on
February 1st of Wilson Curtis. Wood
in his 61st year. He was a former
well-known resident 'of this district.
He is. (a brother of John and Watson
and Miss Mary Wood,, of Hensall and
was born here. His wife who died
in 19'13 was a sister .of John and
William Shepherd and Mrs. Fred
Manns, of Hensall. Their son died in
1915. Mr. Wood was engaged in the
furniture business in Calgary and
was a valued member/ of.the Pres
byterian Church. The body was taken
to Regina by his daughter, Mrs. Fred
Thompson, .of Saskatoon, interment
taking place in the Regina .cemetery
on February 6th. Besides his Hen
sall relatives lie is survived by ' a
sister Miss Eliza Woods of Brandon
and two. brothers Frank Wood, Bran
don and Robert Wood, of
The Young People of
Church held their regular
on Monday evening when they en
tertained as their guests the Angli
can Young People. The meeting
opened with the singing of a group
of hymns after which Olive Walk
er led in prayer. The Scripture Les
son was read by Irene Daters after
which a short topic on “Temptation
of Sin” was taken by Miss Campbell.
The devotional exercises were clos
ed by the-’singing of hymn 770. The
business of the evening was discuss
ed after which a piano- duet was
played by Mrs. Young and Irene
Hoggarth followed by a quartette
by Mr. and Mrs. Young and Mr. and
Mrs. ‘ W. ‘A. McLaren. The guest
speaker of the evening was the Rev.
Mr. Hendry. His message to us was
very interesting and inspiring. Mr.
Hendry .closed the meeting with the
singing of “O Canada” and the bene
diction, A dainty lunch was then
served and a social time spent.
The W. M. S. of Carmel Presby
terian church held the regular meet
ing on Feburary 14th in the school
roo'in of 'the church with Mrs. Young
presiding. The meeting1 opened by
singing hymn 393, then Mrs. Young
led in prayer. The Scripture lesson
was read by Mrs. Nicol, after which
a reading was given by Mrs. Farqu
har entitled “An Indian Gift” which
was much enjoyed. Irene Daters and
Irene Hoggarth isang a very appro
priate duet. The president Mrs. C.
Hudson conducted the business. Mrs.
Roy McLaren very ably took the to
pic on “What Missions Stand For.”
The minutes .were read and approv
ed and the offering received. The
roll call was answered with some
item of interest about a missionary.
Mrs. Young gave a full and very in
teresting report of the Presbyterial
'held in" Clinton. Hymn 373
siing. Miss McGregor closed
meeting with prayer.
Death’ of James ITenry
Word was received last week by relatives in the village of the death
of James Henry which ‘Occurred at
hie home in Victoria B. C. on Sunday
February 10th after a lingering i’l-
ness. He was stricken several months
ago with cancer of the stomach and
of .Mrs.
Y.P. S.
Mr. W. H. W-ood, of Toronto, spent
few days at the home of Mr. anda
Mrs. Fred Kerr, last week.
M.r. Jack'Mallett, of (London, vis
ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Mrs. John Fahner is still confin
ed to her bed through illness. We
wish her a speedy recovery.
Miss Alma 'Smith, of London, spent
Sunday at the .honie of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith.
Mr. Ed. Carroll has been confined
to his bed for several weeks under
the doctor’s care. His many friends
wish him a speedy recovery.
Quite ’a number in the community
are still confined 'to their homes
with the Flu.
Mr Gordon Morlock has treated
himself to a fin§ new Chevrolet
Rev. IA. E. Pletch is conducting a
series of Bible studies in connection
wth the weekly prayer service on
•Thursday, evening. The discussions
are very profitable and inspiring. All
are invited to 'attend.
'The Senior Christian Endeavor of
the Evangelical Church held their
regular meeting on (Friday evening
with a splendid attendance. The
.Sympathy and Service (Committee
with Irene Fahner as convenor
sponsored a. very interesting and in
structive program. Harry Hirtzel
presided at the meeting. The topic
was ably discussed by Agnes Lam
port with corresponding Scripture
read by 'Clara Gaiser. Miss Margtfcffet
McMaster gave a reading; Miss Mar
guerite lAmy and Miss. Thelma Weber
rendered a piano duet and Irene
Fahner and Mrs. Lloyd Fahner sang
“The Royal (Telephone” with guitar
The members .of the True Blue
class was entertained by the Stars
class of the Evangelical Sunday
•School last Wednesday evening in the
Institute Hall.. A splendid program
was given by the True Blue class.
Miss Meleeta. Wein acted as. chair
man and conducted the opening de
votion; Scripture, Margaret McMas
ter; vocal duet by Nola, Faist and
Ella Morlock; vocal solo Agnes Lam
port; guitar and harmonica selection
Irene Fahner and Mrs. L. Fahner;
humorous prophecies in which mem
bers of the Stars class were included,
by Clara Gaiser; piano duet, Addie
Gaiser .and Thelma Weber. Miss A.
Lamport, president of the True Blue
class tendered a hearty vote of
thanks to the Stars class. Lorence
Wein responded in behalf
Stars and in a few well
words thanked the ladies for the fine
program. At the close of the pro
gram games and contests were con
ducted by Eldon Smith after which
supper was served and a social time
enjoyed. *
The W. A. of Credit-on United
Church met in the basement of the
church on February 14th. Suggest
ions were given for ways of making
money and it was decided to use a
travelling box. After the business a
short program w.a® given by Mrs.
Finkbeiner, Mrs. Hill and Mrs.
Woodall, The meeting was closed by
the president and lunch was served
by Mrs. A. King and Mrs. B. Kestle.
of the
Rev, Mr. Gibson, of Mitchell, oc
cupied the pulpit in the Church at
Cromarty last Sunday and preached
a very inspiring sermon. Rev. Mr.
Reidie too.k Mr. Gibson’s work at
The February meeting of the La
dies’ Aid met at the home of Mrs.
McKellar in the village .on Wednes
day last there was a good attendance
It being .St. Valentine’s Day the pro
gram was carried o.ut in Valentine
fashion. A splendid time was spent.
Mr, Donald McKellar was at, Nia
gara Saturday a week ago attending
the funeral of his cousin Mrs. Weitz-j
man. Mrs. WeiUman’s maiden name)
whs Mary /Park and her early life
was spent near 'Cromarty being the
daughter of the late James Park.
Mr. (Stanley Allen, of Edmonton,
owing to the death of his mother ar
rived home on Thursday last and
will spend some time among his
triads and relatives in the neigh
Mrs. Reid, of the village, spent a
couple of days last Week visiting her
sister in St. Maryss
Marmalade Oranges are now in stock 45c. a doz
CROWN TEA, Black, Mixed or Green .. . .
FRESH SODA BISCUITS, 2 lb. pkg..............
SUGAR CRISP CORNFLAKES....................
FRESH DATES........., ..................................
HURON TOILET TISSUE .............,,..,
... EACH 10c.
.. . per lb. 49c.
... EACH 23c.
. , . per pkg. 7c,
, 4 lbs. for 25c.
5 rolls for 19c.
DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, Assorted Flavors . ..6 for 25c,
Fresh Broken Sottas ,...........3 lbs. for 25c.
Peanut Butter in bulk ..... 2 lbs. for 25c.
Choice Dried Peaches..................per lb. 19c.
Large Meaty Prunes...........2 lbs. for 25c.
Choice Quality Blue Berries 2 tins for 21c.
Pure Castile Soap......................10 bars 25c.
Texas Seedless Grapefruit .... 5 for 25c,
Sweet Juicy Oranges . . per doz. 25, 39, 49
New Lemons.............................per doz. 29c?
Large Head Lettuce....................2 for 25c.
Fresh Tomatoes.................... per lb. 19c.
Large Fresh Cocoanuts....................each 5c.
LARGE TIN FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER—handsome goblet free 25c,
“Quality always higher than price.”Phone 102
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood. first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three "days of week.
Mrs. Louis Morenz en-
number of their friends
Valentine tea. last week.
Mr. and
tertained a
at a pretty
The evening was epent in progress
ive Lost Heir. Miss Pearl Kraft won
the prize and the consolation prize
went to Mrs. H. Reynolds. Ice cream
was served bj‘ the hostess at the
close of the evening.
Miss Ruth Tieman, who is at
tending Collegiate in Windsor spent
■the week-end with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs? D. Tieman.
Rev. Silas McFalls occupied the
pulpit in the Evangelical church in
the morning and evening.
Rev. W. S. Heinrich spent Sun
day in Kitchener.
Mr. Eugene Tieman and Mrs. E.
Flynn, of London, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman.
Mrs. Stanley Smith had the misfor
tune to fall while skating on Satur
day evening breaking a bone in her
Death of Mrs, Roland! French
Mrs. Roland French, formerly Miss
Ena Link died on Monday, February
18th at her home on the 15 th con.
Stephen Townhip after a few days
illness with pneumonia.
She was in her 43rd ye’ar and is
survived by her mother Mrs. Jacob
Link an adopted daughter Evelyn
and four sisters Mrs. Jacob, of Clin
ton; Mrs. Fred Bawden, Exeter; Mrs
PilkeypSarnia and Mrs. Ida Link,
of Brantford. She is 'also survived
by four brothers, Sam., of Detroit;
Charles, of Frankenmo.u'th,, Mich.;
Henry and George of Stephen. Hei’
husband predeceased her eight years
ago. Private funeral service was held
at the residence on Wednesday, at
2 o’clock with Rev. W. S. Heinrich
officiating. Interment in the
ter cemetery.
We Deliver
wered the Roll Call with a Valen
tine verse. It was decided that we
answer the roll call at our next
meeting with a verse on St. Patrick's
and our next meeting to be held at
the home of our President, Mrs. W.
Wynn. A reading was then .given by
Miss R. Avery followed by a guitar
selection by Miss Violet Squire. Miss
Evelyn Camm then read a poem and
Miss Myraland Wynn gave a piano,
solo. A valentine reading was giv
en by Miss Hazel Gunning and Mrs.
Wilbur Wynn gave us
esting and instructive
the Presbyterial. The
closed by a hymn and
freshments were then served by the
a very inter
report from
meeting was
prayer. Re
Mr. Wm. Heatherly, of London,
visited Sunday with M.r. and Mrs. Fl.
Sam. Merner returned home
after spending a few days at
Springs Hoispital near Hen-
Nelscn Schenk and children,
of north of town, spent Sunday with
the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Pfaff Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis spent
Saturday in Exetei’.
Mr. George Hay, of Exeter, spent
(Sunday with her mother Mrs. Wilson
('’lasses Entertained
The Young Ladies’ Class
Young Men’s Class ..were entertained
to a Valentine party in the basement
of the Church on Friday evening
last by their teachers, Mrs. (Rev.)
jLovegrove, Mrs. Jas. Squire, Mr. M.
Hooper and Mrs. W. Switzer. The
evening was spent in various amuse
ments and games after which a very
dainty lunch was served by the
The regular Young People’s meet;
ing was held Monday evening last
in the basement of the Church with
Miss Gladys Shier in charge. The
| topic was taken by Mrs. Gordon
‘ 'Sinclair.
Miss Rhea Mills is at present at
tending Mrs. Robert Cann who is,
quite ill with pneumonia.
Mission Circle met Tuesday even
ing of last week at the home of Miss
Viola Jaques. The meeting opened
with quiet music after which hymn
156 was sung. ’The president, Mrs.
Wilbur Wynn then led in prayer.
Miss Annie Gilfillan read the 'Scrip
ture Lessen and ten members ans-
Mrs. Robt, Cann has been critical
ly ill with pneumonia. We are glad to’
report on going to press of an im
provement in her condition. Mr.
John Cann has been very sick with
a cold but is now on the mend.
The Sunday service was in charge
of Rev. Mr. Gordon, of Caven Pres
byterian Church, Exeter. Next Sun
day Rev. Mr. Hunt, of Trivitt Mem
orial Church will be in charge. Miss
Jessie Monteith sang at the service
entitled “I’m A Stranger.”
Mr. Alfred Ross and bride with
Mrs. Emily Ross were visitors on
Wednesday and Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Stewart.
There is a little improvement in
Mrs. T, Hunkin’s condition ‘the last
few days.
Mrs. D. Coward is nursing a brok
en arm just above, the wrist when
she fell in her home. She is staying
with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coward,
the injured member being her right
The regular meeting of the Thames
Road W. M. IS. met at the home of
Mrs. Wiseman on February 7th. The
meeting opened with hymn 394 and
prayer by the President Mrs. Kydd.
Mrs. J. Allison then read the Scrip
ture Lesson and the roll was called
and minutes of last meeting read
and adopted. Miss Kydd then read
the minutes of the first meeting of
the W. M. S. fifty years ago in July.
Business was then discussed and
Mrs. Rhode took charge of the pro
gram. Mrs. Wiseman .gave the topic
Mrs. Arthur Gardiner and Mrs. John
Hodgert sang a pleasing duet and
Mrs. F. Down and Mrs. Rhode gave
very interesting readings. Mrs. Kydd
then read a letter from the Mission
ary Monthly. Hymn 477 was sung
and collection taken. Meeting closed
with prayer by Mrs, Kydd and re
peating the Lord’s Prayer in unison
and a social half hour was spent over
the teacups.
The winners in the South Section
of Huron County in the seventh Na
tional Temperance study, course of
1934 are as follows:
(Senior Grade—Jessie Monteith,
Russell Passmore of Thames Road
and Laura Ford of Elimville.
Intermediate—(Helen Morgan and
June Taylor, Thames Road Sunday-
School and Audrey Powe, of Cen
Juniors (10 and 11 years)—Flor
ence Southcott, James St. S.iS,; Jean
Brock, Zion and Alma Borland of
Thames Road.
Juniors (8 and 9)—Erlma. Ja
ques, Zion; Nola Perkins, James St.
Exeter and Mary. Caldwell, Main St.
S.S., Exeter.
The prizes were given by the Ex
eter W. C. ,T- U-. Zion S. S. won the
Competitive Shield for the highest
percentage if its enrolment writing
upon the examination. We congrat
ulate all these young people for the
honour they have conferred upon
themselves and upon their S. S.
and Mrs. Frank Statton on
a number that have been
with the Flu are able to be
of Shipka,
Lafond on Sundav.
Clinger, of Loudon,
days at the Brenner
Mr. Melvin Hamilton spent 'the
week-end with friends around Thed
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker visit
ed Mr.
’ Quite
laid up
out again.
Mrs. E. Desjardine entertained the
choir of the United Church to a
sumptuous lunch Thursday evening.
Miss Leila Mollard,
visited Mrs.
Mr. Bert
spent a few
House. ,
Mrs. Manford Luther, of the Blue
Water Highway, north, spent the
past week with her mother Mrs. Et-
tie Baker.
Mrs. W. B. Oliver still
on the sick list.
Dr. Moore and his wife
Edna Swant and Miss
Bradford, of ‘Toronto are
a few days with Dr. Moore’s son the
minister of the United Church on.
their way to Florida to spent a few
Rev. Mr. Moore spoke on one of
the hymns last Sunday evening “Oh
Love That Will Not Let Me Go” il
lustrated on the screen. It was en
joyed by all who were able to hear
it as quite a number have been laid
up with colds lately.
Mr. Ed. Vincent who cut his, foot
while cutting wood, is improving
and Miss
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- ---------- —.—,—,—.................