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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-02-14, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1935 HENSALL Mr. H. Q. Dayman was in London on business on Monday. Mrs. E. K. Hutton, of Guelph, vis ited in town last week. Mrs. S. Brown, 'of port Huron, is visiting with Mr. 'and Mrs. E. Sheffer Mr. Geo. Walkei* -has taken over hits duties as caretaker of the Town Hall. Mr. Frank Battersby is able t'o be out again after his recent severe ill ness. Mr. 'and Mrs. L. Webber, of Zu rich, visited with friends in town on Friday. Miss Hendry, of Ilderton, visited over* the week-end with her father Rev, Mr. Hendry. Mr. Alex Stewart ’is confined to his home suffering with a severe attack of pleurisy. Rev, Andrew .Boa, of Port 'Stanley visited last weep with relatives in Hensall and vicinity. Mr. Wm, Moir continues *qnite poorly his many friends hope to soon see him" around 'again. Miss Agnes Fairburn left last week for London where she has se cured a good position. Mr. W. J. Ortwein has been con fined to his home for this last week, suffering from a severe cold. Master Keith Buchanan has been confined to his home for the past week with a severe attack of the flu. At the United Church next Sunday February 17 th, there will be a Wo men’s choir who are preparing spec ial music. Mr. Roy Webber v/sited with his parents and also with hie two chil dren Ema 'and Don in Zurich on Sunday. Miss Violet Morrison, of Clinton, is spending a few days this week visiting here with her aunt Miss E. Morrison. Mrs. Lee Wilson and daughter Norma, of Exeter, visited over* the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Dayman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pless and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess and children were recent visitors with -friends at Zurich. Miss Margaret McKay, of Seaforth Is visiting at the home of her brother Mr. Roiss McKay. ' Mr. and Kay Dobbs onto where c eral weeks. Mrs. Holland and a. former resident visited -with friends i Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick and son Douglais, of 'Toronto, visited ton Sun day with Mr. Dick’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dick.. The many friends tof Miss Reid will' regret to hear she is still con fined to her room with Miss Dora Alair in attendance. Rev. Arthur (Sinclair took the Sunday school anniversary services at Main St. United Church, Exeter, on Sunday morning. Mr. Ross McKay, principal of the Cromarty school was confined to his home here last week suffering with a severe attack of pleurisy. Mr. Dean, who is taking the place McLean on the staff of the Montreal .-here has taken duties of teller at the Doctor will no doubt be and apreciative / Of Main St. Unit- (Beginning next Sunday evening, Rev, W. A. Young will commence a series of sermons on the general subject “Everyday Religion” discus ing Christianity as it relates t'Q everyday life. The subjects of the ser ies are: 1: What is Christianity? 2. Is Christianity too great for us. 3. Is the Church Christian? 4. Is Chris tianity Practjable? 5- Christianity or —>—?. The choir of Carmel Church is preparing special music for these services. At the meture which will be given here at the town hall on Friday ev ening of this week under the aps- piceis of 4he Hensall Public Library, Dr. H. A. Kingston, Professor of Astronomy at Western University, London, will take as hjs subject “The Wonderful Heavens.” Kingston is a very <able speaker, weil able to handle this very inter esting subject and heard by a large audience. Rev. Mr. Elliott, ed Church, Exeter, occupied the pul pit of the United Church here on Sunday morning and preached to a large congregation. Mr, Elliott sang a solo and Dr. Smillie took the solo parts in the anthem. At the ev ening service the pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied his own pulpit and among the muisical numbers given by the choir was a quartette by Mrs. Drysdale, Mrs. GeoMiess, Mr. Henry Horton and Mr. W. 'O. Goodwin, Mrs. Heiss also took the solo parts in the anthem. Mrs. Walter Vanlandeghen, who was accidentally shot last fall in the leg by a stray sh'ot fired from a rifle in ithe hands of a boy While she wais working in the onion field and who has already had several opera tions was again taken to the hospit al last week’ 'for an examination as there still seems to be some foreign substance in the wound that is caus ing her a great deal of pain. Mrs. Vanlandeghen 'has suffered severely since the accident and her friends hope that this operation finally clean up the trouble. The Seed Show ' The Hensall Seed (Show will held here fn the Town Hall on d-ay, February 22nd and <the direct ors a.re making every effort to make it a big success. After the judging several addresses will be given which should be .of great interest and value >to the farmers present. The Hensall Seed Show which is an annual affair is rapidly growing in importance. Quite a number attend ed, but not as many as there should be considering the importance of the show. many will be Fri- Mrs. have they Mendoza and Miss returned from T'or- liave beep for isev- Little, of Hanover, ; of Hensall in town on CREDITON | Mrs. Herb Fahner left for Detroit) Sunday where she will visit with her, mother Mrs. Mary Wenzel. Mr. Richard Hill returned home} Saturday night after spending a few days with friends in JLondon last week, Mrs. Hausmeller, Dr, Morrison and Mr. Clarence Eilber, of Detroit, spent a few days with Mr. Charles Eilber. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz and Mrs. I-I. K. Eilber have returned after visiting friends in Windsor. In the first exhibition hockey game here this season Zurich de feated the Crediton team last Tues day night by a score of 8-5. The lo cal teajp showed a good brand of hockey in several stages of the game The line-ups: Zurich, goal, Oesch; defense, Bedard and Yungblut; wings, Heideman and Bedore; -Centro Willert; subs., Kochems and Prang. Crediton: Goal, L. Wein; defense, H. Bowden and A. Mathers; Wings, Merner and Willison; centre, G. Haist; subs., A. Haist, E. Beaver and R. Bowman, Yoiing-Mclsaac The marriage took place Friday evening, February 8th at the home of the bride’s parents of Helen Irene only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan. iel Joseph Mclsaac, of Crediton -to Earl Cameron Young, only son of Mr. J, A. and ithe late Mrs. Young, of London. Rev. A. E. Pletch offi ciated, Given in marriage by her father the bride was lovely in a dress of navy Schaparelli crepe with trim ming of white monk beads and wore a corsage of orchids, 'Following the ceremony a wed ding dinner was served. Talisman roses decorated the 'dining-room and centred 'the table with taljl iviory taper© on either side. Crediton Carnival The Carnival last Wednesday ev ening proved to be a. great success. Prizes were awarded Men’s race, Eugene Beaver, Arthur Haist; Gaiser Austin Fiahner; ladies’ race, Marguerite Guettinger, Agnes Lam port. Prizes for fancy dress; best dressed comic Melvin Lamport; best dresised lady, Agnes Lamport; best dressed gentleman, Clara Gaiser; best children’s comic, Eunice Haist. The judges were Chester (Mawhinney Clayton Sims and Everett Haist. as follows: boys’ 16 and under, Arthur DASHWOOD Dr.H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON y At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, Zurich, last three days of week. A hig hockey tournament will be held on Friday evening February on the Dashwood rink. 'Teams from Exeter, Kirkton, London and Dash* wood will be present. On Monday evening a Carnival will ; be held for which prizes will be given i for costumes, racing and at the close m ' W. M. S. Meeting The Women’s Missionary Society ; and the Women’s Association of the | United Churc'h held their regular .monthly meeting in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon last. There was a good attendance ( of members and the new president, | a brotom ball game will 'take place. 15 ou in be Mrs. Cross. Presided. The meeting opened by singing 315 and prayer. The minutes of t'he last meeting were read by the Secretary and were approved also.the roll was called. The visiting committee reported that they had called on 22 who had been shut in, two being confined in bed. The visiting committee for month will be Mrs. Sinclair and JVTrs. Merner. It was 'decided to hold a quilting bee in about two weeks. A very pleasing solo was given ' by Miss Florence Welsh and a * devo tional leaflet by Mrs, Ed. Mc'Queen. A very pleasing feature of the meet ing was the presentation to Mrs. C. McDonell, former president of the Society of a Bible and an address, also ito Mrs. Samuel Merner, presi dent of the Women’s Association of the United Church, a Hymnary and an address, to •which both ladies made a ery gracious reply. A dainty lunch was served at -the end of the program. The addresses will • be published next week. this of A. G. Bank of over the bank.' The League of the United Church are holding a Valent'ne Social Monday evening February 18th, the church. A good program will given and lunch served. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Hutton are moving b^qk to Hensall from Guelph and will -occupy the house on North Richm'ond recently vacated by Mr. Blowes -and owned by Mr. Ortwein. The young people of Carmel Church intend holding a skating party on the Hensall rink on Thurs day evening. Everybody welcome. Come and bring your friends. The draw for the Times-Advocate Cash Prizes will be made Saturday evening .at nine o’clock. Bi order to get in on the ,draw subscriptions must be paid before that time. Mrs. Dr. Reid, tof Port R-owan has been spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Sheffer. Mrs. Reid coming home in honor of her mother’s birthday which was Friday, Mr. Archie Rowciffe is holding ia community sale of horses, cattle, pigs poultry and Mouse furniture at -the hotel barns on Thursday afternoon, February 21st. Mr. Frank Taylor, raf Exeter, will be the auctioneer and Mr. Frank Coates, the Clerk. A euchre and dance will be put on in the town hall on Wednesday ev ening, February 20th, under the auspices of the band committee ’of the Chamber of Commerce. Ladies are requested t’o bring lunch. A lucky lunch ticket will be- given also four good prizes. At the evening service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday ev ening Rev. M. A. Young spoke es pecially to the young people and took for his subject “At the. Crossroads” a beautiful trio was rendered by Mr. and Mrs. W, A. McLaren and Rev. W. A. Young. o On Thursday evening laclt after choir practice at Carmel Church' the members of the choir spent a social hour land presented Mrs. Ar thur Prior nee Miss Muriel. Hoe'kins with a miscellaneous shower. Rev. Mr. Young on behalf of the ytoung people asked Mrs. Prior to- accept these gifts from iher friends. After which a dainty lunch was served. Next Monday evening the Young People of Carmel Church will have as their guest the young people of St. Paul’s Anglican Church. The guest speaker for the joint meeting will be Rev. Mr, Hendry, who is supplying ithe pulpit of St. Paul’s j v t nChurch most acceptably. Mr. Hendry | will speak oma (topic tof special in- of days at the Conference Wlntei tercet to youth, school in Stratford last week. KHIVA Miss Rose Dietrich, of London, is visiting for a couple of weeks at her home here, Mr. and Mrs. James .Ziler visited with Mr. and Mrs. J, Ryan near Cor bett on Monday. Mrs. H. Glanville, of Ereter, vis ited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lippert. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb and fam ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neeb, Zurich. Mr. Henry Eagleson purchased a fine team of horses from Mr. Hod gins, of Park-hill last week. Miss Dorothy Becker, of London, spent last Thursday at her home. Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry Hoffman and son Harry visited relatives in Lon don on Sunday. Mr. Leonard Bender is visiting in St. Thomas, The Walther League of the Luth eran Church held a Valentine party in the basement of the church ton Tuesday evening. Miss Onied-a Restemeyer is visit ing in London. Robert Hopcroft is spending a few weeks in Woodbridge and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer and family and Mrs. P. Mclsaac were Sunday visitors in London. Hensall vs. Dashwood Hockey Game In an interesting game of hockey 'on -Saturday night Hensall was de feated by Dashwood with a score of •5 on the local rink. Russel Baynham was referee with the line-up was ;as follows: Hensall, goal, Hayes; P-assmore; wings, Blowes and ems, McDonell and Hedden; Kyle and Kyle. Dashwood: Goetz; centre, K. Wein; wings, Ra der and Wein; defence, Tieman and Kellerman; subs., Hoffman, Guen ther, W- Desjardine and B. Desjar- dine. centre Ko ch- subs., goal, GRAND BEND The Young People of the United church here, presented their play “No Account David” in Victoria St. United Church, Goderich, last Fri day night. This is the fourth time they have presented it, and the play has been well received wherever they go. The cast deserves much credit for tibe splendid way.in which -they act their roleis. (They are still open for engagements. Marjorie Jennison attended the Conference Winter School in Strat ford last Week. The Y.- P. S. held a Scotch Night recently under the direction of Miss D» Camm, literary convenor. Ed. Hendrick, Vice-President, presided. Oh Tuesday night the Y.P.IS. held , a box social. KIRKTON Mr, and Mrs. Norman Routley and family of .St. Marys spent Saturday with Mr. and Mfb. M. Routly. A number of the young people at tended the carnival at Fullarton on Friday night some of them bringing home prizes. Mr. lAiif. Collier is sporting a new Chevrolet Dr. G. this past Council. Mr. B. McMillan, of Otterville, is visiting with Rev. Mr, Parsons, at the Rectory. ' Mr. McMaloy is a citizen village staying at the Roy Francis. Mr. Herb. Cousins in our village. Mr. Alf. Collier has for the coming season and the re port is that it is much better than in previous years, it being seventeen inches thick. Mr. and Mrs. O. Copeland enter tained their friends and neighbors to a party last Thursday night. The Kirkton Young People pre sented their play “The- Tinker” at Exeter last Tuesday night. The Young People’s meeting on Monday night took -the -form of a skating party when 120 young people gathered at the rink and had a good old skate. All went, to the church fol* refreshments. truck. H. Jose was in Stratford week attending- County home spent of our of Mr. Sunday his ice stored The draw for the Times-Advocate Cash Prizes will be made Saturday evening at nine o’clock. In order to get in on 'the draw subscriptions muet be paid before that time. SHIPKA RED & WHITE STORE 11 PURE CAN SUGAR........................ ....................10 lbs. 53c. s 1 Grocery GOLD MEDAL PUMPKIN, choice quality, large tin , . , 10c.s g Maple Leaf Raspberry or Strawberry JAM, large jar each 29c CHOICE DRIED PEACHES...................................per Jb, 19c. Specials FRESH DATES.......................... 4 pounds for 25q< CASCADE SALMON............. large tin 2 for 23c.i 1I 1 WONDERFUL SOAP..............................................10 for 25c. pxigLARGE TIN FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER, handsome goblet free.......................25c.1 Fresh Soda Biscuits .... lb. pkg. each 11c.Large Meaty Prunes............. 2 lbs. for 25c.B i Peanut Butter in bulk ........ 2 lbs, 25c.Texas Seedless Grapefrujit ..... 5 for 25c. Golden Spray Cheese 1-2 lb. pkg, 2 for 25c Sweet Juicy Oranges per doz. 29c., 39c., 49i, Choice Sweet Corn ....... .. 3 tins 25c.Fresh Lemons........................per dozen 29c. No. 4 Peas..........................2 tins for 19c.Large Head Lettuce.................. 2 for 25c.B Choice Quality Tomatoes .. . . per tin 10c.Fresh Tomatoes.................per lb. 17c.| DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, assorted flavors........................................................ 6 for 25c.1 1 FRESH FISH EACH WEEK—FRESH FROZEN B. C. SALMON,HALIBUT, WHITEFISH, HERRING,FRESH FILLETS HADDIE, SMOKED FILLETS,SISCOES,§ CODFISH, OYSTERS, ETC.1 ONT.gE ROLLIE’S GROCERY -- EXETER, Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” We Deliver SEE EH=■IIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlilllllllllillilllHIIlIIlMH^^ ...non ZION The February meeting of the Wo men’s Missionary -.Society met at the lionrd of the president, Mrs. Warren Brock it being the annual social ev ening the ladies entertaining their husbands. After everyone had enjoy ed a good supper a short meeting wa® held which opened by singing “Sound the Battle Cry.” Rev. Mr. Peter then led in prayer. An ad dress of welcome to the guests by the hostess; a letter of thanks from the West for clothing sent was read by Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Mr. Peters then took charge .of the program which was as follows: A piano duett by Mrs. Peters' and Mrs. Wilbur Bat ten; reading by Mr. Ross Hern; a mouth-organ selection by Mr. Earl Johnson accompanied by Mrs. John son on the piano; reading by Mr. Pe ters piano solo by Mrs. Geo. Brock, a debate ‘Resolved that a wife should have her own private income.” the affirmative side was taken by Mrs. R. E. Pooley and Mrs>. Ralph Bat ten, the negative side by Mr, Harold Hern and Mr. Wellington Brock. The judges -were: Mrs. Warren Brock, Mr. Earl Johnson and Mr. Peters. While the judges were making their decision Mrs. W. Batten and Mrs. Peters favored with a duet and Mrs. George Brock a piapo -solo. The judges gave their decision in favor of the affirmative. The debate was much enjoyed by all. The remain der of the evening was spent in con tests led by Mrs. Pooley and Mrs. Peter. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mr. and Mrs, Brock for their hospitality also a vote of thanks was given by the gentlemen to the ladies for tainment which ward to another The Sunshine Band held their the church Saturday last week. The Sunday School gr.atulated on again temperance shield presented by the County W.C.T.U. for having one hun dred per cent, of the pupils writing on the recent temperance examina tions. the evening’s enter- they will look for- year. Workers Mission monthly meeting in afternoon of are to be con- winning- the ELIMVILLE The Y. P. S. met on Monday ev ening and the meeting opened with the president Horace Delbridge in the chair. Hymn 120 was sung and the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. Some business was dealt with and the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The Literary Convenor Margaret Johns, took charge of the meeting. The to pic “Canadian History in (Fiction” was given by Delmar Skinner. The Worship Period opened with quiet music and hymn 123. The Scripture Lesson, Proverbs 8. 1-6 and the talk on it was read by Lome Elf ord also I Peter 5:6-11 and the talk on it was read by Mrs. John Brock, A poem “This year is Y-ouns” was read by Blossom Wright. Prayer was offer ed by Marjorie Delbridge. The meet ing closed with hymn 156 and the Mizpah benediction. Miss Ruby Jonns who has been in Exeter for a time is home again. Mrs. Wes. Horne visited at the home of her brother Mr, John White ford near St. Marys for a few days recently. Mias’Velma Squire of Whalen vis ited her cousin Miss Eula Herdman on Monday last. Mr. Lome Elf ord is able to be out again after an -attack of mumps and influenza. Ronald and Doris are recovering also Mr. Howard Johns. WOODHAM The February meeting of the W» M. S. met Wednesday afternoon last at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Wynn with the president, Mrs. Fred Doupe presiding. The meeting opened with quiet music and the Lord’s Prayer in unison, a hymn was sung and Mrs. Ben Wilson read the Scrip ture Lesson 'from Jtahii 16, chapter The minute© of last meeting were read and adopted and twenty mem bers answered the roll call, A short time was taken to discuss businees after which 'hymn 293 was sung the president led in prayer. Mrs. James Squire gave a reading entitled “The Circle of Friendship” this ^as fol lowed by a piano solo by Miss Ethel Wilson. Mrs. Fred Doupe and Mrs. 'Frank McNaughton then gave- two very interesting and instructive re ports that they brought back from the Presbyteriai that -was held in Stratford on January 29th. Mrs. Whitfield Switzer next gave a very helpful and inspiring balk on the Study Book on India, tone verse of a hymn was sung and the president closed this splendid meeting by the benediction. The president Mrs. Weisley Shier of the Women's Association next* took the chair and -conducted the! meeting. Prayer by the president and a goodly number paid their fees for the coming year. Many items .of business were put through and it was decided to hold an entertainment of some kind of .St. Patrick’s Day. Sev eral letters were read giving -thanks and appreciation for flowers, fruit and cards sent to the sick This meeting was brought to by prayer by the president ten cent lunch was served hostess assisted by a committee in charge. Congregational Meeting The annual -congregational meet ing was held Tuesday evening last in the basement of the church. .Sup per was served from 6.30- p.m. to 8 p.m. The - color scheme for the tables and other decorations was yellow and blue which was tasteful ly arranged. About one hundred and thirty partook of the sumptuous splendid Rev. Mr. chairman secretary quartette, Rev. Mr. lately, a close and a by the repast. After supper a program was put -on with Lovegrove, our pastor and and Mr. Cecil C'amm as pro tern, vocal solo by the Wm. MilLs, Ray Mills, Lovegrove and Will Rodd this was followed by" a mouth organ and qui- tai solo by .the Misses Verna and Audrey Scott; a reading by Mr. Geo. Wheeler; a guitar selection by Miss Violet Squire; another number by the harmonious quartette; selection on the violin by Mr. Russell Mills; reading by Mr. G. Wheeler. Reports were then read by the different of ficials which showed the church and the different societies to be in a very flourishing condition. One cost ly item of expense through the year was the re-construction of the fur- uace at a cost of one hundred and forty dollars. The secretary-treasur er Mr. John Camm reported all the debts paid with a small balance on hand. The Sunday School treasurer Mr. Gordon .Sinclair reported a good balance on hand. The Mission Band secretary Miss Lois Rundle gave a good report; Miss Laura Rundle re ported a good increase for the Mis sion Circle and Mrs. Jas. Squire re ported for the W. M. S. with a splendid increase in their givings, also having sent three bales of clothing away. Report of the Young Men’s Class showed a good balance on hand and also the Young Ladies’ class reported by Miss Myrland Wynn showed a substantial balance. Miss Violet (Squire reported for the Willing Workers’ Glass with a good balance on hand. Our Superintendent Mr. Fred Doupe reported the money raised by all the different , or ganizations as $2,300. Members' for the board of stewards for three years were re-elected as follows: Mr. Cecil Camm, Mr. Jas. (Squire and Mr. John Camm; the retiring elder Mr. John Wilson was also relected. At the close tof the business part of the meeting a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the choir leader Mr. Wm. Mills and organist Miss Myrland Wynn and also to the committee of ladies who prepared and made the evening such a splendid success. Old Time Dance in Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton, Friday, Feburaty 15th, Music by McNiChOl Orchestra. C6me, The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid was held on Wednesday last at- the home of Mrs. Jacob Ratz. The president, Mrs. Wm. (Sweitzer was in charge. The meeting was opened by singing ihymn “Work f-or the Night is Coming” -after which Rev. J. Johnson led in prayer. Scripture lesson wae read by Mrs. A. Fink- beiner, the 14th chapter of St. John. The roll was called and reports were given. Some of the members thank ed the Aid for treats sent to itihe sick. After discussion it was de-, cided to start an Autograph quilt Meeting closed by singing hymn “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross” and the Lord’s Prayer repeated in unison. Lunch was served by the hostess. ‘The remainder of the after noon was spent in quilting. The regular meeting of the Y. P. S. was held on Monday evening last at the home of the president, Miss Leia Mollard. The meeting was in the form of a social evening. Lunch was served and a program was given All report an enjoyable evening. Next iSunday being Temperance Sunday in the Bunday School a spec ial program will be given. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Keough and family moved .lost week to Mount Carmel. We are sorry to lose them from our midst. Miss Velma Baker is at present visiting with Miss Lorraine Baker. Mrs. Wm. Ratz spent last week in Crediton at the home of her par ents Mr. and Mrs. John Fahner. Mr. Clayton Lovie spent Sunday at his home with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lovie. Warden Sweitzer spent Wednes day in Goderich on business. Miss Ruth Lamport is at present spending a few weeks with her sis ter Mrs. McNair at Ilderton. The congregation of this church had a successful wood bee in Roy Ratz bush on Monday last, men turned out well. Misses Edith and Louise Ball friends of London had Sunday ner and with their aunt and uncle, Mrs. Win. Sweitzer. CENTRALIA and din- Mr, Miss Mary O’Brien, of London,- spent the week-end at her home her© Mrs. N. Pollock and niece, of Rip ley, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks. Mr. N, Pollard has been confined to his home for the past week ‘with an attack of inflammatory rheuma tism. Mrs. Pollard who has been seriously ill for sometime remains about the same. Mr. Kenneth .Simpson,<> of Ailsa Craig, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Maltby en tertained a numer of friends at their home on Friday evening of last w*eek Group number 2 of the W-Omen’s Association are having a supper on the schoolroom of the church on Wednesday, February 27th. A good program will be provided by mem bers of the same group. The members of the Sewing Circle were entertained -on Wednesday af ternoon by Mrs. Margaret Fletcher and Miss Evelyn Clarke at the home of Mrs. Fletcher. A dainty lunch was served by the ladies. Mrs, George Thompson is spending a few days this week with her mother at Brantford. Miss Bernice Conlin, R.N., has re turned from London Where she has been nursing for the past few weeks in St, Joseph’s Hospital, Presentation ■Complimenting Reverend W. '£» Corcoran on the completion of four teen years of untiring services in SL Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, Mc Gillivray, the members of <his con gregation assembled after Mass on Sunday morning last to present him' With a. purse, and to express their re grets at his leaving mingled With their appreciation of his zeal la a short address, which presentation was made on behalf of the parish by; C. J, O’Brien and James Giavin.