HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-02-14, Page 4THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1035 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE ■•* Ask About Anthracite Cobles for Furnaces and Quebec Heaters R. G. SELDON £1 BIRTHS ANDERSON—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital, on Sunday, February 10th .to Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, of Usborne, a daughter. DEARING—In St. Joseph's Hospital London, on Monday, February 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dearing, a son (Mervin Charles) BENDER—In Hay Township on Sa­ turday, February 9 th to Mr. Mrs. Gordon Bender, a son. MOTZ—In Pontiac Hospital, January 31st, to Mr. and ■Frederick Motz, of Detroit, Mabel Webb, of Grand Bend, a son, Dennis Frederick. WILLIS—In Stephen Township on Thursday, February 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Willis, Jr., a daugh­ ter. DEATH OF REV. H. TAYLOR (Continued from He also the order was born page 1.) extended the bereav-to in the the count}’ 45th year, at Victoria the order, sympathy of ed family. Mr. Taylor of Grey and was in his 1-le took his B.A. degree University and hi® M.A. at the Uni­ versity of Toronto. He was a vet­ eran of the late war. For nearly twelve year® he served as a mission­ ary in China 'and owing .to impaired health he returned with hie wife and family to Canada. In July, 1933, Mr.. Taylor came from near Tees- water to the Thames Road church and during that time he has won a warm sp'ot in 'the hearts of the people. He is survived by his bereaved widow, whose maiden name -was Miss Ruth Walker, of St. Catherines and she has rendered valued assistance to Mr. Taylor in his work. Four children also Survive June, Ruth, Hugh and Marjorie-Joy. One child died while the family were in China. The following memers of the ses­ sion from Thames Road and Roys _ „ . x .. , acted as honorary bearer®: JohnTruman Bnntnell, aged 79 yeai®.0gnn Peter Whitlock, James Ander- and 8 months. 1 _ - --- - - WARRING—in Victoria Hospital,' ]>ow, London, on Saturday, February 9, Morgan. The bearers were: Messrs. William James 'Wareing, • - - son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ing, aged 7 days. DEATHS and on Mrs. nee TAYLOR—In Victoria Hospital, in London, on Monday, February 11th, 1935, Rev. Hugh D. Taylor, M.A., B.D., pastor of Thames Rd. United Church, in his 45th ye'ar. BRINTNEOUL—In Victoria. Hospital, London, on Friday, February 8th, I MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION MEETS IN HENSALL The February meeting of the S. Huron Ministerial Association was ; held at 'the home of Rev. Arthur ! Sinclair on Monday afternoon, Feb­ ruary 5th with a large attendance. I Rev. W. A. Young presided and fol- i lowing the singing of a hymn led in ; prayer. Reports were received re- i lative to the Week 'of Prayer services held early in January that these were very helpful and while the attendance was not as large in some churches as desireu yet all were confident that .these services were, distinctly profitable to all who attended. It was de­ cided to arrange for .the usual Holy Week services preceeding Easter and the plans -were left over until the next meeting. Rev. E. F. Chandler invited the members to hold their March meeting at the Kippen Manse and Rev. S. R. Johnston, of Lucan, consented to give the paper. The paper for the afternoon was in charge of Rev. Arthur Sinclair who used as his subject “Preaching.” Mr. .Sinclair dealt very efficiently with this exceedingly interesting and from the preacher’s standpoint very practical and timely subject. The speaker referred to the purpose of preaching, the various types of preaching and .the place of each in the life of the church. His thoughts were scintillating and contained many gems of wisdom for the min­ isters. A splendid discussion fol­ lowed in which all participated and' each expressed his l’eal appreciation of .the very interesting and helpful paper. A vote of thanks ■was pre­ sented to Mr. Sinclair on motion of Rev. M. A. Hunt and Lieut. Gam­ mon for his splendid presentation. A delightful lunch was then serv­ ed and t'he .thanks of all was suit-, iably expressed to both Mr. and Mrs.] Sinclair pitality. quai Caven at the Farmers! CAVEN IN MEMORIAM It was felt for their 'kindness and hos- guild party son, J. T. Allison, John Duncan-. Si- Robert Graham. John CAVEN W« M. S. The regular meeting and terly tea of the W. M. S. of Presbyterian Church was reld manse on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Will Sillery, the president in charge. Miss Kathleen Strang read ‘To-day” very acceptably. Mrs. Glad­ man presented the paper “Why D'o I Believe in Foreign Missions” while the topic “The Need of Missions in a. Chaotic World” was taken by Miss Jeckell. A lovely supper was serv­ ed at 5.30 and a social time enjoyed. MT. CARMEL You, are cordially invited to attend the FREE McCormic^ Deering Moving Picture Entertainment in SANDY ELLIOT’S HALL, EXETER, on Thursday Afternoon, Feb. 21 at 1.30 p.m. sharp Films showing mining, mandfactiiring, Canadian Industries and Comedies will be shown. You, your wife and family will be interested. Don’t miss it. - their own- Con. last F. W. HUXTABLE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE The funeral of the late Mrs, Lewi® Rowland, of Parkhill, took place to the R. C. cemetery here on Wednes­ day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Keogh and family, of fihip'ka, moved with household effects to the farm ed by James Carey, of the 17 McGillivray, on Thursday of week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fallon ac­ companied by Mieses Gertie, Hilda, and Lizzie Deitrich, of London, spent Sunday at the home of their brother, Mr. Joseph Deitrich. Miss Marie Regan, R.N.. is at present nursing Gerald Zwicker, of Crediton who has an attack on pneu­ monia. Mr. Jtos. Guinan is able to be out again aftei’ hi® recent illness. A number of school children are laid up with the flu. Miss Geraldine Harness is visiting in 'Stratford. Rev. Fin Corcoran will leave thi® week and will take charge of the Immaculate Conception parish at Stratford .Rev. Fr, Fogerty, Lucan, will take charge of the Mt. Carmel parish. The following address was read by P. Sullivan to Fr. Corcoran on Sunday after 10.30 mass. The presentation was made by J. Ryan. Rev. W. T. Corcoran, Mt. Carmel, Ont. Dear Rev. Father: A wave of sorrow passed over this . parish a few days ago, when it was their ,'learned that you were soon to leave here. This morning we want to express to you our sincere regret and to tell you of our deep appreciation of your labors am'ong us for the passed four­ teen yeans. Reviewing these years we find that you are linked with the’, most solemn moments of our lives. The gift of our holy faith was im­ planted in the hearts of our child­ ren when you baptized •them, and they made their first steps in the supernatural life under your guid­ ance. From you these same children received for the first time their Divine Lord in Holy Communion and a few years later found you with the same patience and zeal, ; preparing them for their confirma- I ticn. To our beloved older ones and to our sick you have always of HORSES at McDonell Baros, John St., Exeter Wze will sell 25 horse® from 2-year- qlds up, some matched teams on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15th at 1.30 o’clock TERMS—CASH G. J. DOW, Proprietor * COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE — at — COMMERCIAL HOTEL BARNS HENSALL, on — of — FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS McNeil & Nairn, Auctioneers, have been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 10, south b-pundary, Usborne, half mile south of Kirkton — on — WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY at one o’clock p.m. HORSEiS—team of heavy one ten years and one seven driving 20th horses,, years; mare, seven years old; pair graj’ horses, matched team, young and broken. CATTLE—-3 cows fresh in the fall cow with calf at foot, heifer due- March 1st, 6 cows due March and April, 2 steers 2-years-oid, 5 steers 1-year-old, 2 last summer calves. HOGS'—Brood sow due in April, 9 chunks. IMPLEMENTS —< Massey-Harris binder, Massey-Harris mower, Mas­ sey-Harris fertilizer seed drill, Cock- shutt seed drill, Deering manure spreader, land1 roller spring tooth cultivator, Maxwell hay loader, hay rake, .one man hay rack, stock rack, wagon and box, two sets of bob sleighs, flat bottom and bunks, a set of double harness, whiffletrees, neck yokes, Deering cream separat­ or, new; and a lot of other useful articles. TERMS OF SALE—CASH Everything will be sold as the owner is giving up farming. JOHN HANNIAI, Proprietor McNEIL & NAIRN, Auctioneers THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 31, 1935 at 2 o’clock p.m. Consisting of Cows, Horses, Pigs and Poultry, Farm Chattels, House­ hold Furniture, Cars, Wood and Pea Ensilage, etc. Bring along everything you have to sell—we will sell it for you, TERMS—iCASH All stock and chattels sold on com­ mission of 5 per-cent. If nbt sold, a nominal entry fee will be made | according to value of same. Phone what you have and we will list it for you. Under management of A. B. ROWCLIFFE FRANK TAYLOR, (Auctioneer FRANK COATES, Clerk A most enjoyable Valentine party was held at the Manse on Monday( evening by the Young People’s. Guild of Caven Presbyterian church. | Some forty members and thelx-j guests attending. Games and con­ tests and magic lantern views of local persons and scenes all proved very interesting, after which luncn was served. infant Wilson Tremeer, R'oy Dow, Bert Ware- Russell, Edgar Monteith, Arthur I Gardiner and William M'oodie. Mem­ bers of the Ministerial Associatoin acted as floral bearers. The remains were taken to Owen S'ound by train for interment Wed­ nesday afternoon in the Greenwood cemetery. Mrs. Taylor and the two oldest children and Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor, of Toronto, accompanied the remains. ■of Mrs.BISSETT—In loving memory Thomas Bissett, who died April 23, 1926 and of Thomas Bissett, who passed away February 13, 1934. The rolling stream of life goes on And still the vacant chairs Recall the love, the voice, the smile Of .those who once eat there. The Family ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. Bierling wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter’ Irene, Reg. N., to Kenneth Hern Johns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, R.R. No. 3, Exe­ ter. The marriage to take place this month. HURONDALE W. I. Maxwell Harness, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Harness had ithe misfor­ tune to fall on some slippery ice on Tuesday afternoon fracturing a bone in his right arm just above the wrist. MAIN STREET UNITED SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY Y. P. U. ADDRESS PRESBYTERY At a meeting of the Presbytery of Huron held recently in Wesley-Wil­ li® church, Clinton, three members of the Executive of the Huron Pres­ bytery Young People’s Union, ad­ dressed the -Ministers and Laymen in the interests of the Christian Educa-. tion Dept. Wilmer Harrison, C. S. | E. T. Convenor, gave a. brief resume of the Conference Executive Lead-] ership School at Stratford; Stanley [ Todd, Citizenship Convenor, sketch- _,_____ ed the themes studied^ each day CLur- counsenor an(i faithful past'or. U. „„ TX f.jme was it t00 much for you to bring them the Guest of the Enchanfet, a comfort and consolation in >their trials or as their compauion on life’s last jour­ ney, then wihen death took them from us it was prayer® that pleaded for them a “Happy Eternity.” Your priestly fervor has been manifested in the daily celebration of the Holy Mass thus pardon and terial side during this 2 Auction Sales at been a LAMBERT AND BURDONS SALE YARDS, STRATHROY — ontrouble Divine ing the week of the school and Mar­ jorie Jennison, President, outlined a Leadership Training Program for the local church. The speakers were introduced by Rev. C. W. D. Coisens C. E. chairman of Presbytery, and also Leadership Training Convenor of the Y. P. U. On Sunday February lO.th special services were held in Main Street United Church as Sunday (School An­ niversary. In the morning Rev, A. Sinclair, of Hensall, preached . tak­ ing as his text “What manner of man shall this child be.” His discourse was clear, concise, and impressive. He showed where the home had the greatest respon­ sibility in the training of children The Sunday School also is a mighty force in the training of the boys and girls. The Superintendent, Mr. B. W. F. Beavers assisted with the ser­ vice. Mr. Sam. Rennie sang in very clear voice two well beautifuly rendered. In the afternoon Gordon sang a very which was much apreciated as was The regular meeting of the Insti­ tute was held at the home of Mrs. Ben. ’Williams. Following the roll call and opening exercises Miss N. Keddy was appointed librarian. Mrs. Etherington pointed to layettes to Savage. It nate five dollars to Thames Road church of the use of the church for special occasions. The program consisted of solo by Mrs. Stainton accompanied by Mr. Stainton; Mrs. H. Taylor, of, Thames Road, sang a hymn in Chin-' shown by the hearty applause he re- ese accompanied by Mrs. John Cann reading by Mrs. Hy. Ford. An ad­ dress was given by Rev. Mr. Stainton entitled “Milestones of Progress” which was very interesting and edu­ cational, Miss Keddy demonstrated several quilt blocks. Lunch served and a social hour spent the teacups. and Mrs. Moir were ap- purchase material for be sent was also to Dr. Strang decided to do- .the W. A. of in appreciation selected Master pleasing was over The W. M. S. of Huron Presby- terial of the United church will meet in Main Street church on April 3 0th, instead of April 20th as mentioned last week. J H. T. ROWE solos, Keith solo ceived. In the evening the pastor gave a short address and assisted with mu­ sical numbers, solo by Mt. Sam. Ren­ nie; chorus, Young people’s choir, duet, Rev. A. E. Elilott and Mr, Ger­ ald tSkinner; solo, Mr. D. A. Gordon; quartette, Messrs. F. Wildfong, Jas. Francis, Harold and Gerald Skinner; duett Mrs. Gad and Miss Forsythe. All numbers were well rendered and were much appreciated by the gregation. MAIN con- STREET MEN’S UNION Main Street United church Union held its monthly meet- GOLDEN WEDDING Former Blanshard Residents Cele­ brate Golden Wedding in. St. Marys bringing blessing, has not time is upon us God’s That the ma- been neglected evidenced by February 11th, 1885. the late Rev. I the splendid condition of, our -parish E. A. Fear united in marriage Miss buildings. We point with pride to Nancy Sarah Beavers and Mr. Jona- our church which under your direc- than Albert Kirkby, both -residents of the Township of Blanshard. Feb­ ruary 11th. 1935, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kirkby celebrated their golden wed-1 ding at their home on Wellington Street. St. Marys from 3.30 p.m. to, 5.30 p.m. and from 8.30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Miss Mary Senn aunt of the The Men’s ing on Wednesday evening, February 6th, with Mr. Charles Pearce, acting president, as chairman. The Scrip­ ture Lesson was read by W. Balk­ will. A duet was played by Rev. A. E. Elliott and Mr. G. C. Koch and a selection quartette Skinner, and Rev. of the evening was a movie film of -the Province of Ontario Pictures showing technical education -as con­ ducted in the Central Technical School, Toronto. It was decided to hold the next meeting on the second Wednesday in March and a. commit­ tee was appointed to draft a pro­ gram for a service to be put on by the men of the church on the first Sunday in March (March 3rd.) was given by the male comprised of Messrs. H. Skinner J. H. Francis A. E. Elliott. 'The feature CENT A MILE BARGAIN FARES FEB. 21—From EXETER To C.N.R. STATIONS in MARITIME PROVINCES Prov. of Quebec; New Brunswick; Prince Edward Island; Nova Scotia FEB. 22 and 23—To Ottawa $7.50; Montreal $8.60; Quebec City $11.85; Ste. Anne de Beaupre $12.45 ROUND TRIP FARES Tickets and Information from Agents. Ask for Handbill. TisiA CANADIAN NATIONAL . . ...... ....• ' ' ■ (» tion was so artistically decorated a few yeans ago. These, Rev. Father, are some of the things which have endeared you to us and for which we say a heart­ felt “Thank You.” .So a token of the good wishes which follow you to bridef acted "as bridesmaid and Mrjyour new field of labor we ask you Jonathan Kirkby cousin of the. to 'accept this purse. It will ex­ groom as groomsman at the wedding press in a tangiable way our senti- and were bo.th present at the fiftieth, meats of deep graditude for all your anniversary. The home was beautifully decor-! we ask you to remember in the Holy ated with spring blooms carrying out ’ Masses which you will celebrate in the color scheme of gold. 'The daugh-j ter Mrs. W. Anderson, of London, J assisted Mr. reception of was opened Miss Norma room table was covered with a beau­ tiful lace cloth, centred with a mas­ sive wedding cake and yellow candles The assistants in the dining room were Mrs. W. R. Kirkby Mrs. John McArthur and Mrs. J. R. Robinson with 'the three granddaughters Bar­ bara and Rhoda Kirkby and Norma Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkby’® family are Mrs. W. Anderson, London; Mr. W. R. Kirkby, residing On the farm taken up by his grandfather, the late Francis Kirkby, one of the pion­ eers on the 4th concession of Blan­ shard. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have three sons and one daughter. Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Kirkby have one son and two daughters. These were all present at the Golden Wedding. Twenty or more guests at the wed­ ding fifty years ago were present to extend congratulation®. Among the relatives present were Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Beavers, Mr, G. S. Beavers, of Blanshard; Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, of (the men being brothers briejd); Miss Ber.tie Laidman, Ham­ ilton; Mrs. Mary Foster, of Caledon­ ia. Many of the friends and neigh­ bors from the old Salem appoint­ ment, where Mr, and Mrs. Kirkby were devout church and S. School workers, were present to offer con­gratulations, Mr. and Mrs, Kirkby are enjoy­ ing good health and their host of filends wish them many more years o£ health and happiness, goodness to us. In conclusion may and Mrs. Kirkby in the the guests. The door by the grand-daughter Anderson. The dining the years to c'ome your parishioners of Mt. Carmel, who will not soon forget you. (Signed on behalf of the Parish John Ryan, P. /Sullivan, McCann, A. Morrisy. A. THAMES ROAD overA shadow of sadness passed the community Monday m'orning on j death of oui’ The Mrs. Taylor bereavement. Mr. and Exeter, of the SATURDAY AFTERNOON, FEB. 16 15 milkers and springers, 50 stock steers and heifers, usual eale of pigs and calves. — on — MONDAY •AFERNOON, FEB. 18th 3 3 mixed horses, mostly broken, atgood ages. Delivery of Stock both sales by arrangement. TERMS—CASH M. A. McALPINIE, Auctioneer CREDITON EAST twoMr. and Mr®. David -Baird and sons and Mrs. John Sims, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird, near Grand Bend. ‘ Mrs. John Baird ha® returned to her home here after visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs., Thomas Baird near Grand Bend. Mr. Sam Merner is spending a few days at the Huron Spring® Hospital, near Hensail. Miss Mabel Hayes and sister Doris and Mr. V. Jeffrey of Exeter, spent Sunday with the former’s grand­ mother, Mrs. W. Anders-on. Mrs. Wm. of Fairfield, the former’s son. Miss Jean Exeter. Mr. Joe. -Flynn; of Exeter, Sunday at his home here. I---------------------------- Schroeder and son Ule, visited Saturday with mother, 'Mrs. W. Ander- Baynham is visiting in spent Compiled Plan No. 20. the above Dot is situate a IS storey ihouse in good repair, all modern conveniences. receiving word of the pastor, Rev. Hugh D. Taylor, deepest sympathy to and family jn their sad ■The services on Sunday morning was in charge of Mr. p. Whitlock, Mr. J. Cahn leading in- prayer. Miss- Mary Gardiner and Beth Ballantyne sang Very acceptably. The services next Sunday will be Sunday School 1:30, church at 2:30. Mrs. T. Hunkin is very l'ow at the time of writing at the home of her sonx Mr. Nelson Hunkin. The Young People’s Society of Thames Road United Church held their regular meeting in the base­ ment on Tuesday evening February Sth the president, Miss H. Thompson in the chair. Meeting was opened by singing hymn 382 and prayer. Min­ utes were read and adopted and bus­ iness discussed. Mary Gardiner had charge of the program. Scripture reading was given by Lloyd Ballan- tyne and explanation by Anna Hack­ ney and the topic was taken by Miss Beth Ballantyne. Ah instrumental on the piano by Evelyn Huh'kin and a selection on the guitar by Tom Al­ len were followed by a reading by Arthur Rhode. The meeting was closed with a hymn and the bene­ diction. Contests and game® .were enjoyed by all and the evening clos­ ed with Auld Lang Syne, WINCHELSEA Quite a number from around here went >to Granton on Friday night t'o see the Lucan-Zion hockey match. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Pym :and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Prance. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster spent the week-end in St. Marys with the former’s brother, Mr. Percy Foster, who was taken suddenly ill last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock and Shirley visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brock, of Zion on Sunday, W. E. Fletcher spent the Young of Mt, EXECUTOR’S AUCTION SALE — of --- REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS The Executor of the estate Of the late Margaret Bawden has instructed Mr. Frank Taylor, auctioneer, to sell by public auction, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1935 at 2 o’clock p.m. on the premises t-he fiollowin^ real estate and chattels: REAL ESTATE—iLot No. 10 41 on the East side of Main Street in the Village of Exeter according to Mun­ icipal On brick with CHATTELS— Extension table, 1 buffet, 5 dining room chairs, couch, couch rug, china dinner set, 5 table cloths, 12 table napkin®, wicker­ rocker, wicker arm chair, 2 rockers, 7 sofa pillows, book-case, small stand small table, 2 rugs, 4 small rug®, 4 pair curtains, hall rack, wash-stand and dresser, 1 bed springs and mat­ tress, bed-screen, c'ot and mattress, 4 woollen 'blankets, 3 flannelette blanket®, 4 ^sheets, 7 pair pillow covers, 8 quilts, 3 pair bed-room curtains, 1 rug and 2 small mats, a toilet sets, 10 towels, 4 bed spreads, carpet eweeper, trunk, .glass cup­ board, .low cupboard, kitchen table, 3 kitcibeh chairs, stove with pipe oven, two-plate hydro stove, 2 stands sewing machine, coal-oil stove with oven, tub, boiler, clothes-basket, clothes-horse, flour-bin, 2 lamps, kitchen utensils, verandah shade & rug, linoleum, lawn mower, buck­ saw, snow shovel, quantity of wood and ctodl, and other artices too num­ erous to mention. TERMS OF SALE Chattels, casih. Real Estate, 10 per cent on day of sale, balance in 3 0 days 'thereafter. For further particulars apply to FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, Exe­ ter, Ontario. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, Executor, London, Ont. W. MORLEY, Solicitor for Execu­ tor. Exeter, Ont. J. Mrs. week-end with Mrs. M. Pleasant. Mr. .and Mrs. Walker Genevieve visited with W. Kerslake, of Lumley recently. Mr. and Mrs. Alt C'ollier, of Kirk­ ton visited with Mr, and Bailey on Sunday. Mrs. Geo, Davis spent a last week with Mr. and Alexander, of Lumley, The Misses Audrey Fletcher, sie and Jessie Heywood visited Mrs. J. Saturday. Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thoma®, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs, F, V. Horrie. Mr. Garnet Coward, of Farquhar spent Sunday -with Ronald Fletcher, Kerslake and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. fe^v Mrs. days Ed. Bes- With E. Croery, of Kirkton, on Notice to Creditors Re: MARGARET BAWDEN, late of the Village of Exetev. in the Coun­ ty of Huron, Widow, deceased, CREDTORS AND OTHERS having claims against the estate of the said deceased are required ion or before February 25th, 1935, to fyle with THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, London, Ontario, sole executor of the Will of the eaid deceased full particulars of their claims duly ver­ ified, after which date the said exe­ cutor will proceed to distribute the assets of said estate having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED this 6th day of February A. D. 1935, The Canada trust company Exectuor, London, Ontario by its Solictor J. W. Morley Exeter, Ont.