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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-02-07, Page 4
THUKSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1035 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE esse BIRTHS £ the Huron Old Boys’ Ajs- of Toronto on Friday, 1st. Notices posted about the mezzanine Arcadian court . held, indicated that the portions of atehoxne • I sedation i February ) IN CRITICAL CONDITION WARDING—At Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday, February 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warexng, a son. BAIRD—In Stephen, on Wednesday, the floor had January 30th, to Mr. and Mrs, T. groups originally {Bluevale, Blyth. Brucefield, Brus- . sells, Clinton, Egnxon'dville, Exeter, G'derich, Gorrie, Hensall, Londes- boro, Saltford. Seaforth, Winglxam and Zurich. Mayor James Simpson J was present and led off the grand mai'ch with Mist. Maude Ferguson, Seaforth. The Mayor and Geo. Spot ton, M.P., for North Huron made ■ brief addresses. floor of Simpson’s where the party was Baird, a daughter. HORNEY—In Halifax, N.S., Janu ary 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Horney, a daughter. (Shirley Marina.) been reserved by • from B Brucefield, Mrs. E'd. Campbell, who was tak en to Victoria Hospital last week for treatment, underwent an opera tion on Monday and her friends will regret to know that she is at pres ent in a critical condition. She will have the best wishe s for her speedy recovery. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING DEATHS HUSTON—In Exeter, on Wednesday, February 6 th, Henry Edward Hus ton, in his 86th year. The funeral private, will be held on Friday from his late residence, service at 2 o’clock. J TRIVITT MEMORIAL A, Y. 1*. A. IN MEMORIAM HILL—In loving mexnory of Louisa^ Sweet, beloved wife of Richard j Hill, who passed away one year' ago February 7th, 1934. iA dear wife and mother. > On Monday evening Mrs. Tanton spoke to the A. Y .P. A. top hex* work as a nurse in charge of a Red Cross Hospital, at Makina, a small village about SO miles south of James Bay. Following the talk Mr. Bryne Cous ins favtored with .a solo. Miss Amelia Acheson, was in charge of the open ing exercises and also closed with the benediction. A precious one from us is gone, A voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. We often think of days gone by, When we were all together; The shadow o’er our lives is cast, Our loved one gone forever. Tonight the stars are gleaming, Upon a lonely grave; There sleepeth there without dream ing, ■One we loved, but could not save. The rolling streams of life pass on, But still the vacant chair; Recalls the smile, the love, the voice Of one that once sat there. girlPassenge?—Captain, ithere’g. a stowaway on board this ship. The Captain—Tell her to hide in my cabin. MORNING-NOON AND NIGHT Inserted by a loving Husband and Family. . .. Just say HURON ASSOCIATION HOLDS ANNU AL GATHERING ‘blue coal* Four hundred men and women whose birthplaces or native ihapnts had been in Huron County, renewed old friendships :at the 35th annual WHO KNOWS THE ADDRESSES? The Ixivitatioix Committee for the Old Girls and Boys’ Reunion, have the following list of names without complete addresses. Will any one who can give this informatiorf, kind ly leave it with any member of the Invitation Committee. Surname is given first: Atkinson, Marshall; Abbott, Clxas. Brickwood, Earl; Baird, Mrs. J. W. (Rev.); Bissett, Fr^d; Brimacombe, Fred; Bright, James; Brockley, Fred Clarke, Gail; Crowley, William and Minnie; Crews, Forest; Chapman, (banker); Curliss, Miss; Cluney family; Cannon Mrs. (Dr,) nee Ber tha Russell; Drinkwater, William and Walter; Dobson, Miss (teacher) Davis, Mrs. George (Bertha Willis); Eadie, Mr. (teacher); Fenwick, Tihog Ferguson, Mrs. (banker); Go,Tie, Dr. and Mrs.; Gray Theodore; Going Rev. Mr.; Gower family (grocers); Gregory, Earnest; Hawkins, Ralph; Howey, Elmo; Inglis, (Miss Bain); KnighL Fred; Keys', Mtos. Chasi; Larsoxj, Mr and Mrs. J. T.; Little, John 'William; Morgan, Joshua; McLean, John; Muir, Bert and Wm.; Morrison, William; Nelson, and family; Nelson, Harry; William; Pickard, Joseph, and William; Selby, Mrs. (Miss Mack); Snell, Mrs. Spai'ks, Mr. (teacher); Tom, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory; Venning, William; Venning, Dr.; Windsor, Enos; Waal, William; Zinger family; Terry, Fred Nelson, Archie; Luxton, John; Dick inson, Mrs. J., niece of J. Pickard; Greenlee, Mrs. W.; Heideman, The James Street United Church held their annual congregational meeting in the church parlors on Tuesday evening of this week. Tihe pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, occupied the chair. Financial statements foi* the year were presented and showed that nil branches of the church wei'e in a flourishing condition. Mi*. H. T, Rowe, treasurer, reported for Board of Stewards, Miss Celia -Christie, reported $1756.76 had been raised fox* M, & M. Fund. Mrs, Rev, J. Down gave the report of the W. M. S. showing that they had raised $427.- 51 and in addition had forwarded 3 bales of clothing valued at $17.6. Miss Christie reported that the Will ing Worker Mission Circde had gone ovex* the top by raising $358.87 and had sent two layettes and one bale ' gjative I CENTRALIA ! Miss Evelyn Clark spent the week end at her home in Goderich. Mrs.’ Margaret Fletcher and drexx spent the week-end former’s parents, Mr. and Moodie in Ushtorne, Mr. Kenneth Hodgins with Mrs, chil- tihe Wm. spexxt the week-end .at his home near Green way. Mr. J, Kessell, of Dashwood, spent a couple of days last week at the home of Mrs. Jane lAirmsteoixg. Mrs. Brown, who has been staying with Mrs. Armstrong fox* tihe past couple of months returned home with her brother Mr. Kessell, i Mr. S. Henry spent the week-end at Mbunt Forest and Guelph. The play entitled “Silas Smidge of Turnip Ridge” put on in the church here on Thursday evening of last week by a group of Hensall players , was presented before a large iappre- ■ - - - - ..mauve audience. The characters oi clothing to 'the West. Mrs. J. H. I played their parts in an exception- Jtones reported the Mission Band alljr goO(1 niannex*. The play which with a membership of 41 raised $43.1 wag interesting and humorous The Baby Band has a membership . greeted with peais laughter of 14 axx'd have forwarded $5.5-6 for I througll)0nt the whole performance. tihe that the W. f H. T. ROWE Thomas Pollick, Richard R. B., Rev.; Wm, TRnm MEMORIAL W. A. Wo- ROUND TRIP RAIL From Feb. 15 to CHICAGO $6.65 TRAVEL BARGAINS EXETER Feb. 16 ‘ TO Port Huron . $1,45 Flint . . . $2.80 Durand . « . $3.15 Tickets, Return Limits, Train Information from Agents.T427B CANADIAN NATIONAL- — ——---------- ---------------• The regular meeting of the men’s Auxiliary of the Trivitt Mem orial Church was held at the home tof Mrs. Fred Elleringtton. The meet ing opened by .a hymn and prayer by the president, Mrs. Oran Winer. The business of the evening was discuss ed and it was decided to hol’d a Pan cake 'Social on -Shrove Tuesday. The Scripture reading by Rosa Dearing was followed by a very interesting ad'dresb by Mrs. Gordon from the Presbyterian Churdh on her work in China as a Missionary’s wife. Rev. Mr. Hunt closed the meeting by pro nouncing the benediction. A social time followed and refreshments were served by the hostess. missions. the Women’s Associatioxx that the ladiea had raised $933.62 and had paid off $500,00- building fund. Tlie Sunday School was reported by the superintendent, Mr. J. H. Jones, who was pleased to report that this year they were able to show a small balance aftei* hav ing raised $883.65; $206.31 had been sent to missions. The Y. P. IS. have raised $214.58 and that $100 had been forwarded to missions. A deep interest has b'een taken in the work of all organizations and the work of the church has been well carried on throughout the different branches. Tlxe first ballot for the election of five members to the (Session for three years resulted in the election tof Dr. Roulston, E. J, ©hapten and Leslie Richards with Eli Coultis, D. Rowcliffe and R. N. Rfowe tie. The second vote failed to break the tie and on a third ballot being taken E. Coultis and R. N. Rowe were elect ed. Members of the Btoard of Stewards for three years were elect ed as follows: Clarise Snell, Wm. Cook, Hedley May, F. J. Delbridge and Clxas. Godbolt. A vote of appreciation 'of his splendid leadership together with an invitation to return fox* anobhex* year was tendered to the pastor, Mr. Stainton, whto spoke of his happy associations with the congregation. . At the conclusion of the business' of tihe evening music was provided by Messrs W. R. Goulding and W. Cutbush and the ladies 'of the con gregation served iluncth. Mrs. Mutz, secretary of reported on the CREDITON EAST 1 COOPERATION What it has done for the Policyholders of The Great-West Life Assurance Company and for the Community For the Policyholders $156,168,289. paid to beneficiaries and policyholders since the Company’s inception. $138,245,129. of present assets con stituting, with future income, the fund from which all unmatured contracts will be paid. . $570,439,554. of insurances and an nuities in force, providing protection and incomes for thousands of homes. These figures portray Cooperation and Trusteeship operating for the benefit of policyholders and their dependents. The Year 1934 has been a successful one for The Great-West Life and its policyholders. Business in force, new business, assets, income, policy re serves arid surplus have all been increased* For the Community Forty-one millions in bonds of gov ernments, municipalities, public and religious organizations, (Building schools, colleges, churches, telephone lines, public buildings, hospitals, railroads, highways, supplying money for relief and for other needs of modern civilization.) Ten millions in industrial and public utility bonds. (Buildingfactories, har nessing power, providing transporta tion facilities, producing the necessi-, ties and conveniences of life.) Seventeen millions infarm mortgages. (Erecting homes and buildings, pur chasing and breaking new land, furnishing seed and equipment.) Twenty-five millions in other mort gages. erecting stores, etc.) (Building homes for citizens, offices, Warehouses, 4 •♦ Important Items for 1934 Business in Force (induciing annuities) New Business Issued (including annuities) Total Income Payments to Policyholders and Beneficiaries Assets Policy Reserves and Other* Liabilities Contingency Reserve, Surplus and Capital . ♦ $570,439,554 70,751,300 27,042,910 18,633,937 138,245,129 132,005,926 6,239,203 THE GREAT-WEST ASSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE - WINNIPEG, CANADA LIFE Phone 165 C. V. PICKARD Exeter, Ont. t Petatied Statement mailed on request. =a Music between the acts was provid ed by Mrs. Alvin Essery, Mr. ThOtS. Walker, Mr. Stanley Smith and Miss Hazel Smith. The 1'egulai' weekly meeting of the ladies sewing circle was held on Wednesday7 afternoon of last week at the home of A dainty lunch hostess. Mr. iand Mrs. tertaijied a number of their friends at their home on Friday evening of last week. On Monday evening of this week the Young People’s Society of Main St. United Church, Exeter, paid a visit to the Young Peope’s Society of the church here. 'Tihe visiting So ciety provided an interesting pro gram. The main feaure of the even- ign was the debate “Resolved That the World in 1935 a Better Place to Live in Than in 1885.” The de baters were Messrs. J. Francis and G. Lanxpiort from Exeter and Miss H. Smith and Gerald Godbolt, of Centralia. Miss Smith and Mr. God bolt took the affirmative side. The debaters 'brought out their points in an interesting and humorous man ner. The judges decided in favour of the affirmative side. Lunch was served by the Centralia Society. Mrs. Delmar Maltby, was served by the G. F. Pen warden en-1 pleased to now that lhe is aible to be out again, having been confined to his bed for several days, through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern are on the sick -list at .present. Mr. and and family ing laid up Mr. and family were entertained at tlxe home of Mr. and Mrs, Percy Passmore on Tuesday evening of last (week. Miss Hazel Waghorne ihas been spending a few weeks with Mi's, Wm, Thompson. The W. M. -S. met Wednesday af ternoon at tlxe home of Mrs. Wilbur- Wynn, with Miss Hannah Rinn in charge of the program. The Y. P. League met Monday .ev ening of this week iix tihe basement of the church, with Miss Vio-let Squire, Literary convenor, in charge of the program. Mrs. W. Swutzer gave the topic for tlxe evening. Mrs. Fred. Doupe, Mrs. F. Mc Naughton and Mrs. W. Switzer at tended tlxe Presbyterial held at Stratford -on Tuesday of last week. The play entitled “Here Comes Charlie” staged by the Granton Young People was one of the best put on in the Orange Hall, all the char acters' taking their parts we-ll. The play was humorous and brought great applause and especially the music put on by tihe Paul family, of Kirkbon. A large number from here attend ed the carnival at Kirkton, on Wed nesday evening last, Miss Miarion ' Shier won first prize for fancy dress. Mrs. Clarence Gunning are at the time of writ- with the flu. Mrs, Albert Scott and Notice to Creditors Re: MARGARET BAWDEN, late of the Village of Exeteit in the Coun ty of Huron, Widow, deceased. Attention Farmers! Having contracted for a quantity of cheap “Diesel Oil” fuel, this mill will operate at 5c. per bag, cash, and give the farmers the benefit of the sav- Centralia Chopping Mill W. J. Smith, proprietor Mrs. J-oihn Baird is visiting at the home -of her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird, near Grand Bend. Mr. and’ Mrs. John Rawlings, of the town line spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hamilton, of Grand Bend, spent Saturday with the latter’s .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherly, of London and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and two children of Exeter, spent Sunday with their .parentis, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. Fred Rawlings, of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. Miss Mae Sims, of Exeter, spent!John Johns this week, last week with relatives here. Mr. { The Y. P. S. of ‘Cromarty put on Isaac Sims, of Exeter, tspent Sunday ’ their play “Here Comes Charlie” in with his parents, Mr. and Mi’is. Job Sims. ELIMVILLE The congregation of this church had a very successful w-oodbee in Mr. Robt. Cann’s bush north of the Thames Road on Wednesday after noon of last week'. Over fifty men were present. Master Te'ddy Johns was . taken very seriously ill on Friday .evening last and was taken to Victoria Hos pital on Sunday. Little Betty Johns, of Lucan, is visiting with her grandmother Mrs. I WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs, Brown and Miss Ethel Centralia spent one day with their mother, Mrs. of Saintsbxiry, s.pent Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Newton Clarke. Mr. Hal Brown of last week H. Brown. Mrs. Jas. Horne, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powe, of Centralia spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher spent Wednesday with Mrs. W. J. Davis at Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cromarty spent Friday Mrs. Garnet Murray. The Creamery have supply of ice. Mr. Murray, of with Mr. and put in their KHIVA Quite a numer in ‘tihis neigh borhood are confined to their homes suffering from the flu and ba<d colds. Mr. and Mrs, B. McCann, visited on Sunday with friends Mr. Charles Dietrich a couple of weeks wth Detroit. Miss Hilda Neeb has her home having visited her Mrs, 0. Alliston, Thames Road, couple of weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Lippert Sunday with the latter's parents Mr, and Mrs. S. Glanville, Exetet* Mr. W, Witzel is seriously ill at the heme (of his daughter Mns. Ezra Lamport, Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. S. Adams, of Lon don, sent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. E G. Kraft, in Zurich, is spending relatives in returned to sister for a spent CREDTORS AND OTHERS having claims against the estate of the said deceased are required ton or befere February 25th, 1935, to fyle with WE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, .London, Ontario, sole executor of the Will of the said deceased! full particulars iof their -claims duly ver ified, after which date the said exe cutor will proceed to distribute the assets of said estate having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED this 6th day of February A. D. 1935. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY ■Exectuor, London, Ontario by its Solictor J. W. Morley Exeter, Ont. EXECUTOR’S AUCTION SALT of REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS The Executor of the estate lof the late Margaret Bawden has instructed Mr. Frank Taylor, auctioneer, to sell by public auction, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1935 at 2 o’clock p.m. on the premises the flo.Ilowing real estate and chattels: REAL ESTATE—-Lot No. 1041 on the East side of Main Street in the Village of Exeter according to Mun icipal On 'brick with this church last Friday evening un der the auspices -of the Winc-helsea school; A very good number were present and were Well pleased with the entertainment. Music and sing ing was furnished by school children sand others and between acts a num ber of selection given by the uppei’ room scholars was worthy of special mention. ‘The Y. P. -S. met on Monday ev ening with the president, Horace Delbridge in the chair. The meeting was opened with hymn 237 and ‘the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The min utes of the last meeting were read and adopted; also some business was dealt with. The Christian Fel lowship convenor Lacona Cooper then took charge. Hymn 114 was sung and the topic “How Jesus Es timates People” whs given by Hor ace Delbridge after which he led in prayer. The worship peritod was opened with quiet music and hymn 384. 'The (Scripture lesson Mark 12: 42-47; Luke 18:9-14 and 18-22 was read -by 'Squire Herdman, The talk' on the lesson was read by Mrs. Jno. Brock. Laura Ford read -a poem “Trust.” Margaret and Gladys Johns then led in prayer. The meet ing the was closed with hymn 383 and Mizpaih benediction. WOODHAM Misd Olive (Stephens, of St, Thomas is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. Alonzo Mills. Miss Ethel Copeland wiho has just recovered from an attack of jaundice we are aonry to say that elite hias been talten ill again with flu. We hope she will soon be out again. Mbs. Chas. Uatnm has been stay ing for a while with Mbs. Delmar Johnson, ill with pneumonia, pleased to know she nicely. Friends of Mr. Jds. her daughter, who has been but we are is ^covering Compiled Plan No. 20. the above Dot is situate a H storey house in good repair, all modern conveniences. CHATTELS—Extension table, 1 buffet, ;5 dining room clxairs, couch, couch rug, china dinner set, 5 table clothe', 12 table napkins, wicker rocker, wicker arm chair, 2 rockers, 7 soft pillows, book-case, small stand small table, 2 rugs, 4 small rugs, 4 pair curtains,' hall rack, wash-stand and dresser, 1 bed springs and mat tress, bed-screen, clot and mattress, 4 woollen blankets, 3 flannelette blankets, 4 sheets, 7 pair pillow covers, 8 quilts, 3 pair bed-room curtains, 1 rug and 2 small ma-ts, lt toilet sets, 10' towels, 4 -bed spreads, carpet sweeper, trunk, glass s cup board, low cupboard, kitchen table, 3 kitcihen chairs, stove with pipe oven, two-plate hydro stove, 2 stands sewing machine, coal-oil stove with oven, tub, boiler, clothes-basket, cl-Othes-hOrse, flour-bin, 2 lamps, kitchen utensils, verandah shade & rug, linoleum, lawn mower, buck saw, snow shovel, quantity of wood and ctea.1, and other artices too num erous to mention. TERMS OF SALE Chattels, cash. Real Estate, 10' per cent on day of sale, balance in 30 days thereafter. For further particulars apply to FRANK T|A'YL0R, Auctioneer, Exe ter, Ontario. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, Executor, London, Ont. W. MORLEY, .Solicitor fox* Execu tor. Exeter, Ont. J. AUCTION SALE — of — HORSES at MoDonell Barns, John St.., Exeter We will sell 25 horses from 2-year- olds up, some matched teams on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15U» at 1.30 o’clock TERMS—CASH These sales will be continued ter several weeks. G* J. DOW, Proprietor