The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-01-10, Page 4THURSDAY* JANUARY 10, 1935 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOUATE
DUNLOP—-At Victoria Hospital, on
Friday, January 4th, 1935, to Dr,
and Mrs. J. G. Dunlop, of Exeter,
a daughter (Julia Elspeth)
ROWiClLIFF'E-—In Clinton [Hospital,
on (Sunday, January 6 th to Mr.
and Mrs. Elgin Rowcliff e, a daugh
ter (Margaret Adabelle.)
STANBURY*—lOn January 8,
to Dr. and Mrs. W. (Stuart
bury at Hamilton, a daughter.
The annual meeting of the Exeter
Horticultural Society was advertised
last week for Friday evening next at
8 o’-clock. This has been changed to
7-3'01 o’clock the same everting in or
der that the members may go, after
the meeting, to the Week of Prayer
Service. Alli those interested in the
work of the Society and particular
ly the Directors and Officers are urg-
to be present as plans for the Old
Boys’ Reunion are suggested.
Exeter Old Boy ip the person
. Jas. F. Russell, of Ribstone,,
suffered the loss of his black
shop by fire and narrowly es-
with his own life. The acci-
BALLANTYNE—In Hibbert Town
ship on Monday, January 7, 1935,
Elizabeth Gardiner, widow -of the
late James Ballantyne, aged 84
years and 20 days.
BAWDEN—In Exeter, on Friday,
January 4th, 193:5, Margaret Wil
lis, widow of the late William
Bawden, in her 88tn year.
FRANCJSf—At his late residence,
10/57 Richmond St., London,
Saturday, January 6, 1935,
Francis, in his 7 8tli year.
Mrs. S. West wishes to announce
the engagement of
ter Florence to Mr.
e.y, son of Mr. and
Tudkey, of Exeter,
take place this month.
her only daugh-
Bruce W- Tuck-
Mrs. Charles E.
the marriage to
The annual meeting of Caven Pres
byterian Young People’s Guild took
the form of a banquet on Monday ev
ening at six o’clock. The reports for
the year 1934 showed considerable
activity in the four branches of the
work, devotional, literary, mission
ary and social. The following officer
were elected for 193j5: Hon. Pres.,
Kathleen Strang; pres., Ray Pryde;
1st Vice-Pres., Jean Stanbury; 2nd
Vice-Pres., Ethel Kydd; Secretary,
Elaine Stanbury; Assist., Secretary,
Marion Gladman; Press Reporter,
Barbara Atkinson,• Treas., Jack
Stanbury; Convenors of Committees
Missionary, Rev. Mr. Gordon; De
votional, Alex Strang; Social, Jean
Stanbury; Literary, Kathleen (Strang,
Flower, Miss Jeckell; pianists, Miss
Alma Brown and Mrs. Clarence Sim
of Mr
dent occurred on December 20th just
a few days before Chritsmas. Mr.
Russell was in the act of tempering
an axe'in oil when the oil exploded.
A can of gasoline a short distance
away was -also ignited and soon the
building was a roaring furnace. Mr.
Russell had a narrow escape and got
out of tke building with his hair and
moustache slightly singed, The shop
was fully equipped with tools and.
machinery and all were a total loss.
There -was no insurance. Mr. Russell
at one time conducted a blacksmith
shop in Exeter on the lot now oc-
cuied by the Supertest service sta
Ashfield—Murdock Matheson.
Bly th—'George Menall.
Brussels—R. J. Bowman.
Clinton—George H. Elliott
iColborne—George Fingan,
Exeter—‘Thomas Pryde
Goderich Twp.—Wilmot Haacke
Goderich'—J. J. Moser,
Grey—-Henry A. Keys,
Hay-—'A. Mellick
Hensall—W. J. Jones,
Howic'k—J. A. Bryan,
Hullett—Herbert Mogridge.
MeKillop—John Eckert
Morris—Elston Cardiff
Seaforth1—fW. W. Crosier
Stanley!—H. M. Hanley
Stephen—William Sweitzer,
ter Mawhinney.
Tuckersmith—W. R. Archibald.
Turnberry—Roland Grain,
Usborne—George Westcott
Wawanosh W.—W. J. Stewart
Wawanosh E.—Peter W. .Scott
Wingham—F. L. Davidson
R. E.
mother, Mrs.
who passed
Jan. 8, 1934.
since that sad
KELLERMAN—In loving memory of
our dear wife and
Jacob Kellerman,
away one year ago,
One year has passed
When one we loved was called away
God took her home, it was His will,
Within our hearts she liveth still.
Husband and Family
wish to thank the ratepayers for
splendid support given me at the
I I may be
polls on Monday.
able to measure up to the confidence
you have placed in me. Wishing you
all the compliments of the season.
Bruce Cooper
TO the ratepayers of the
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I wish to thank the many voters
who supported me so splendidly at
the polls on Monday. ‘To one and
I extend best wishes for 1935.
James Squire
On Sunday January 6 th twelve
prizes were given in Main Street
United Sunday School as a reward
attendance every Sunday at this Sun
day iSchool fo.r the year' 19 3 4. A year
ago last November the Rev. Archer
^Val'lace, assistant editor of the On-'
w'ard offered one of his (books to any
i boy or girl up to eighteen years of
age who would attend Main Street
Sunday School every Sunday during
the year 1934. Six girls and six
boys had a perfect attendance and
won one of these popular books. The
winners .are: Barbara Harness, Mary
[Caldwe'll, Doris Webber, Olive Cald
well, Lillian McDonald, Florence Mc
Donald, Hu'gh Wilson, Archie Web
ber, Harold'' Elliott, E'llis Pearce,
Murray Moore, Elmer McDonald.
The Robert Raikes seals and di
plomas were given out the same day.
This being a somewhat easier reward
to obtain was given to thirty three
scholars. Mr. Frank Wildfong
charge of the seals and diplomas
made the presentation of them.
The churches of Exeter and com
munity are this week observing a
Week of Prayer.| Interdenomina
tional gatherings are being held
each evening with visiting clergy
conducting the services. On Monday
a service was held in Trivitt Mem
orial church with Rev. W. A. Young,
of Hensall as the preacher. Tuesday
evening a service was held in the
Salvation Army Hall with Reverend
A. Sinclair, of’ Hensall, as the
speaker. Services for the remainder
of 'the week will be held as follows:
Wednesday, James St. Church, the
speaker, Rev. L, C. Harrison, Lucan
Thursday, Main St. United C'hurch,
speaker, Rev. E. F. Chandler, Kip
pen; Friday, Caven Presbyterian
Church, speaker, Rev. S. R. John
ston, Lucan. Services are also be
ing held at Hensall, Kippen, Cen
tralia and Lucan.
Reeves Defeated
The committee in .charge of the
home-coming o<f the Exeter and Com
munity Old Boys and Old Girls has
received a number of letters of ac
ceptance during the past week. Prom
inent amongst them is one from that
youngest of octogenarians old boys,
Mr. J. P. Ross, of Calgary. He and
The Women’s Association of James
Street Church held their first meet
ing of the new year in the church
parlors on January 3rd. After the
devotional exercises which were con-' M>rs. Ross have a lively hope that
ducted by Mrs. J. H. Jones, the pres-' they will be here next July and
ident, Mrs. Steiner, took: the chair, everyone 'back home heartily re-
During the business period it was. spOnds "So mote it be.” In fact it
decided that the main objective of, was just for such a pleasure that
the year's work should be the paying the celebration was organized, and
off of the church debt. Plans were' it would be spoiled if J. P. and his
made for a Valentine Supper t0 be ‘ g00d wife not come. Then
held on February 12-th. It was also prank E. Johns, of Visalia, Calif.,
decided to engage Mr. Piercy, Nia- Wh0 js a grandson of the -late David
gara, to give a series of dramatic re- Johns, one time postmaster of Re
citals in the church, beginning Sun- (ter, writes that his family is "very
..... , much intrigued with the idea and is
busy on plans to put in an appear
ance.” Mrs. Milton Goe, formerly
Martha Fenwick, writes from Port
land, Oregon that she expects to ibe
here, as does also Mrs. G. Cockwill,
formerly iMaud Davis,
SaSk., and Mrs. W. H.
formerly Mary Horn, ui nuuauu,
Man. Letters have also been re
ceived from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill
and from Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blatch-
ford, of Toronto and from Mrs. Barr
in Stratford. All the letters receiv
ed express the great delight of the
writers that the reunion has been,
day evening January 13th and con
tinuing each evening of the week un
til Friday. An interesting feature
of the afternoon was a wedding
dress exhibition by a number of the
ladies attired in wedding dresses of
bygone days. Mrs. Goulding and
Mrs. Stewart sang, "Love’s Old Sweet
Song” and all the ladies joined in
singing "When You and I Were
Young, (Maggie.” Lunch was served
and a social half-hour was enjoyed.
of Rokeby,
•of Holland
A recent decision of the Court -of
Appeal at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, re
duced an award of damages allowed
by the County Judge of Perth against
the Township of Hibbert and G. G.
Wilson, tax .collector, to John D.
Douglas, for neglecting to perforin
a stationary duty and collect taxes on
certain lands in which the plaintiff
had an interest as mortgages. The
amount allowed by the county judge
was $425.
This the court of appeal reduces
to $30 with no
The reason .for
the lands have
lien in respect
ceeds of the sale of certain chattels.
The principal amount of the mort
gage is $4,510'0,
There were six contests in
municipalities in Huron County on
Monday and in four of these six
former reeves fell by the wayside.t
In Goderich, J. J. Moser defeated
Reeve Munninga. In Hullett Town
ship Reeve iLeiper was defeated by
H. Mogridge by 36 majority. In Turn
berry Reeve Isaac Wright, a strong
candidate for the wardenship’s chair
this year, fell before Grain by m ma
jority of 135. In Tuckersmith
Reeve Archibald was returned by a
majority of 90. In Howick two new
figures come to the county council
as a result of the elections. They are
J. A- Bryan, reeve, and Thomas Mo-
bell, deputy. Altogether there are 10
new members, in the 1935 list.
Grand! Bend
The police village of .Grand Bend
elected, as trustees, .Henry
William Elsie and Thomas
Defeated were Herbert Pfile,
Ireland and Pe'ter Ravelle.
Howick Township
John Bryan defeated Louis
■ling for the reeveship of the
ship of Howick. David Wei-r, Robert
Baker and Albert Toner were elect
ed to the council, and H. Strong was
costs to either party,
judgment; sta'te that
been, freed from any-
of taxes 'by the proColborne Township
Alibert Goldtliorpe, the most
figure in Huron County
went down to defeat in Col-
Reeve Wm. H. Sweitzer, o|f Stephen
in Line
Our home is cozy
because we use
'blue coal’
Iet it blow—let it snow! With ‘blue
i coal* in your furnace you, too, will
be all set for the coldest Weather that
will eVer hit this town.
‘blue coal* is easy to start-reasy to
look after. It goes to work fast on zero
mornings and sends tip heat in a jiffy.
It burns evenly arid steadily for hours
at a time, with little attention and Icsb
Waste. And it banks perfectly—makes
a slow, long-lasting fire at night arid
on mild days.
Why not follow the lead of other
thrifty homd OWndrs in this commun
ity? Fill your bins with ‘blue coal’
and erijoy cozy, healthful, summertime
warmth all Winter loftg at lowest fuel
cost. Telephone ns riow and say ‘blue
coal*. We’ll have it there on the dot.
The January meeting of the South
Huron Ministerial Association was
held at the home of Rev, Mr. A. E.
Elliott with a fair attendance. Rev.
W. A. Young, of Hensall, presided.
Captain Ennis of the Salvation Airmy
was present and was introduced to
the members present. As requested
by the last meeting Rev. Mi*. Young
lead the members in a devotional
theme relative to the practice of
prayer. The subject matter was en
tirely devotional in character and
served) as a fitting introduction to
the services being sponsored by the
Association this week in connection
with the Week of Prayer.
It was decided to hold a special
meeting of the Association on Tues
day next, January 15th when the
members will have the privilege of
listening to Rev. Mr. H. J. Piercy,
who is to be at James Street United
Church during that week. Rev. J. H.
Stainton Invited the Association to
hold this gathering at the James St,
Rev. Arthur Sinclair invited the
members to Hensall for their regu
lar meeting on February 4th. At the
close Mrs. Elliott served a delightful
launch. The appreciation of those
present was suitably expressed to
Rev, Mr. Young for his leadership
during the afternoon and to Rev.
and M'rs, Elliott for their kindness
and hospitality.
Three are in 'the field for warden
ship of Huron County for 19 35. They
are Reeve Wm. Sweitzer, of Stephen
Township, J. M.
lop and Murdock
field. This will
seventh term as
county- council. He wias in Goderich
and in
Liberal and Conservative alternat
ing each year. This is the Liberal’s
year. In Monday’s voting five of the
six reeves offering themselves for
re-election were defeated and this
has put -an entirely different com
plexion on the race for warden.
This year there are 16 Oonserva-
tives and 12 Liberals in the county
council, with the politics of Thomas
Pryde, reeve of Exeter, in doubt. Mr.
Pryde is of the opinion that party
politics should have no place in a
county council, Politics are not con
sidered when the county standing
committees are formed. With the
affairs of the county as they are to
day a person is justified in main
taining an independent attitude, says
Mr. Pryde. *
The Conservatives will have no
say in the choice of Warden, but will
endorse the Liberal caujcus choice.
Eckert, of MeKil-
Matheson, of Ash-
be Mr. Sweitzer’s
a member of the
the northern part of the
on Tuesday.
warden of Huron county is
according to his politics, a
Rev. Fr. Guinan, of Sandwich,
spent -a few days last week with his
father M1‘. Joseph Guinan -and
Mrs. M. Ryan.
Mr. and Mrs. Corie Regan
small son Jimmie, of Lucan,
a few days this week, with
daughter Mrs. Joseph Die'trich^
Rev. Fr. Sullivan, of Toronto, spent
Friday with his father, Mr. Patrick
Sullivan Sr.
Mr. T. Cavanagh, of Watford, spent
the Week-end with his friend here.
Mrs. John Houlahan is spending
a few weeks with her daughter Mrs.
Denomme, of St. Joseph.
borne Township, which he lias re
presented for four years. He was de
feated hy George Feagan, a member
of the council for the past four years
The figures: for reeve, Feagan, 2S6;
Goldtliorpe, 23 6.
For council (first four elected)
Pitbaldo, 30'2; Tyndall, 295; Chis
holm, 277; McLarty, 217; McOreatli
198; March, 15 2.
The first three named were
bers of the 193 4 board, Mr.
Cl-arty being the new man in
Hullett Township
There was a remarkably
fight in Hullett Township.
Reeve Herert Mogridge,
Leiper 317.
.For council'—John Barr
thew Armstrong 376, Bert Alien 374,
Robert Lawson 3 5 9, James Forbes
326, (the first four are elected.)
co un
3 5>3;
3 81, Mat-
Tuckersmith Township
W. R. Archibald was elected
reeve of Tuckersmith, by a vote
338 to 2'5:3. He defeated J. A. Mc
Gregor. The councillors elected are:
S. H. Whitmore, 3 84; Andrew Bell,
332; David Gemmell, 326; 'Charles
McKay, 314. Defeated were J.
Rintoul, 273; and Clifford
, Hibbert Towiisliip
Joseph Nagle, reeve of Hibbert
Township, was re-elected by a ma
jority of 13 8 over Frank
The new councillors are:
Atkinson, Robert Burlchill,
Dow, William J. Kay.
Logan Townsliip
Reeve William Dalling was defeat
ed as reeve of Logan Township, by
a majority of 29. He was defeated
by John H. Bits. The councillors
elected are: George Heimpel, Charles
Hunt, George Rhouheberg, and Hy.
Blanshard Twp.
For reeve, Dr. G. Jose, 425; E.
Berry, 240; M. Rea, 209. For coun
cillors, William Arthur, 519; Hubert
Hodgins, i5|59; Peter Morispn, 498;
Alex. Irvine, 487; R. W. Burgess,
240;. (First four elected.)
Police village trustees for Dublin,
elected afd; L. J. Looby, 61; John
Cedar Chests
Also Furniture remodelled to Order.
We take orders tor all kinds of ca
binet Work fo'r kHebehs, etc <at the of McGillivray Township with a ma-
. jority of 80 votes OVef his opponent, DASHWOOD PLANING MILL Henry Belling, the 1934 reeve. (M’r,
57; Dan Costello, 57; Thos.
With a vote of 44 defeated.
MjcGillivray Tup.
Sheppard was elected reeve
of Me been visiting for a few days with
her grandmother Mrs. IMorley.
Mrs. Gladys Shier has returned
home from Bracebridge having visit-
ed her sister Mrs. Denham for sev-
.eaal weeks.
Miiss F. Bre'thour spent Sunday at
headed the polls in the me You the home of Miss Evelyn Cumin,
seats on the council. The other two1 Mr, John Bownes has returned
elected to the council were John from England where he had been
Morgan with 381 votes and Wilbert visiting for several weeks. He ,re-
l’oung with 337 votes. The defeat- ported a very stormy sea on his re
ed candidates were William Allison turn trip.
apd Sidney Emery. I A special missionary service was
I held here Sunday evening last Mrs.
Biddiilpli Townsliip . Switzer gave a splendid talk on In-
By a majority ot only two votes, I aia J1”* ?llaes
park polling 414 votes to Park’s | Mrs. Frank Parkinson js spending
412, while the third candidate was a few days with her parents Mr. and
Eli Hodgins. Council (first four, M'rs. Jas. Swalow.
elected)—• Myron Colbert 405, Jo
seph Ryder 404, William
376, Joseph Bryant,
I-Iodgins 344, Percy Armitage,
Charles Coursey 249 and :
Sheppard, is a former reeve
The 1934 deputy reeve,
Hodgson, also went down to
Cecil Elhvood was elected
reeve with a majority -of 61 votes.
John Thompson, with 40'2 votes,
Miss Nina McNaughton, London,
Morkin,' spent New Year's at her home here..
364, Sydney
, 291,
I (Mt. and Mrs. James Squire and.
daughter Violet spent New Year’s
day with ’Mr. and Mrs. Monty Dob
son, of Kirkton.
The January meeting of the W-
M. S. met last Wednesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) Love
grove, with a large attendance and.
our new President Mrs. Fred Doupe
occupying the chair. The meeting’
■was. opened in the usual way and the
roll call to answered by a
verse on the New Year. During the
business part of the meeting it was
decided to send three delegates Mrs*
Switzer Mrs. Doupe andi Mirs. William
Rodd to attend the Presbyterial at.
Strafford on Tuesday, January 2.9.
Reports from the different officers-
were read, 'the treasurer's report was
very encouraging, the society having
exceeded last year’s givings by $21.-
this brought a clap of hands. A bale
of clothing sent to the needy in the
West valued at $6'0' also a bale of
clothing and fruit to Earls Court
Home, Toronto, valued at $20. An
other hymn was sung and Mrs. Wm.
Sinclair .read the] scripture lesson
and also a reading on "The Import
ance of Prayer.” Mrs. Ira McCurdy
„ ) "Does Jesus
The pry care.” ‘This was much enjoyed. UMFrs.
rs. iM.
Miss Ella Routly spent the
end at the home of Mr. and
Switzer, (Mitchell Road.
Ross Marshall has gone to Mit
chell to take a two months’ course in
Mr. Alex Walker, .of Guelph, spent
the past week at the home of Dr.
Little Jean Humphrey has been on
the sick list the past week but is
much improved at time of writing.
tMiss Helen Beckell spent the past
week with friends in St. Marys.
Miss Reta Mollard. .spent the week
end with Thelma Marshall.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Halls, bride and groom of
Mr. Roy Ballantyne suffered a pe-mi. xvw V|yui 4rruyer. evil's
cular accident on Saturday afternoon | favored with a solo
while prying up on a log. The pry Thia was «iuw euju^u. uvrx».
pole slipped and in some wa,y struck Bert Rundle and Mrs. Wm. Mills gave
Roy. on the mouth inflicting a se- splendid readings. 'Mrs. Charles
while prying up on a log.
vere cut requiring six stitches to close
the wound; it also loosened several
Mr. Albert Etherington was
ly kicked in the head while
ing horses from his truck' on Satur
'M-rs. Wellington Kersl'ake suffer
ed a stroke the past week, we are
sorry to hear. We hope for a speedy
Mrs. Alvin Passmore is under the
doctor’s care.
Many will welcome the mild spell.
It should help the water supply.
Mrs. C. Gardiner continues very
The relatives of Mrs. Ballantyne
Sr. were called to the home of her
daughter Mrs. Wm. Hamilton at
Cromarty. -She passed away on Mon
An interesting discourse was de
livered by Rev. Hugh Taylor on Sun
"Things by Which Men Live.”
Camm led in prayer and this was fol
lowed by an inspiring reading by
Mrs. Wilbur Wynn "Putting First
Things First.” M'rs. Whitfield .Swit
zer then gave a very interesting and
instructive talk on the Study Book’,
on India after this the meeting was
brought to a close by the president.
An invitation was extended by Mrs.
Wilbur Wynn to meet at her home
for the next meeting. The new pres
ident Mrs. Wesley Shier, of the Wo
men’s Association then took the
chair and a short meeting was held.
Several items of business were put
through and the meeting was closed
the president. Lunch was served
a committee in charge assisted'
the hostess.
Notice to Creditors.
late of the Village of Exeter, in
the Comity of Huron, One of His.
Majesty’s Counsel learned in tke
Law, deceased.
Wm. Routly; Vice-Pres., Miss
Delbridge; Recording Secretary
Harry M’urch; Corres. Sec’y.,
Ruth S'kinner; Treas., Mrs. G.
The W. A. met last Wednesday af
ternoon a't the home of Mrs. John
Brock with seven members present.
They held their election of officers
and the result was as follows: Pres.
Johns; pianist, Mrs. John Brock and
Mrs. James Kirkland; Devotional
Committee, Mrs. Chas. Stephen; Mrs
Franklin Skinner, Mrs. W. Bradshaw
Parsonage Committee, Mrs.
Kirkland, Mrs. J3.
Bailey, Miss Lilia
Pym, Mrs. John
O’Reilly; Visiting
Cowdrey, Mrs. G.
Heywood, Mi’s. A.
Brock, M'rs. Len,
Committee, Mrs.
Chas. Stephen, Mrs. Harry M’urch,
Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw, Mrs. L. Johns;
Sewing Committee, Miss Ruth Skin
ner, Mrs. Garnet Miners, Mrs. Frank
lin Skinner, /M'rs. James Kirkland,
Mrs, Herman Foster; Silverware Co.,
Mrs. Freeman Horne, Mrs. I. Mor
gan, Mrs. John Brock. The day of
their meeting this year has been,
changed from the first Wednesday
in 'the month to the second Thursday.
Mrs, John Brock and L. O’Reilly
also sang a very pleasing duet .at this
The members of the choir held a
social evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Elford last Friday
evening. After a short practice 'the
evening was spent in playing games
after which lunch was served.
Dr. waiter Johns returned to
Waterloo on Saturday.
Mrs. Wib. Bat'ten had a quilting
last Friday .afternoon and entertain
ed a number of friends and neigh
bors in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns Mr, and
(M'rs. Wm. Elford. and Mrs. Richard
Johns attended the funeral of the
late Mr. John Francis in London on
Mr. Ivor Morgan is indisposed at
time of writing.
Golds are quite prevalent in
Prayer meetings are being
every evening this week In
ing claims against the estate of the
said deceased are required on or be
fore January 24th, 19315 to fyle with
London, Ontario, s-ole executor 'of
the Will of tihe said deceased full
particulars -of their claims duly ver
ified, after which date the said exe
cutor will proceed to distribute the
assets of said estate having regard:
only to the claims -of which notice
has been received.
DATED this 3rd day of January
A. D., 1935.
Executors, London, Ontario
by its Solicitor
Exeter, Ont.
RE: THOMjAS BROCK, late of the
Township of Usborne, in the Coun-.
ty of Huron, Genitlenian, deceased*
ALL PERSONS having claims
against the estate of the said deceas
ed are required 'to send full particu
lars of their claims duly proven to
the undersigned Solicitor* for the
Executors of 'the Will of the said de
ceased not later than the Twelfth
day of January, 1935, after which
date the said Executors will pro
ceed to distribute the assets of the
said estate having regard only to the
claims of which notice has been re
DATED this 26th day of Decem-
Solicitor for Exeuctors
Exeter, Ont.
The Mission Circle met Tuesday
evening of this week at the home of
Miss Gladys Shier.
Miss Merle Squire, of Whaleh, has wP tha whu*sky,’‘
(Al iScotsman, not feeing so well as
usual, called on his family doctor,
who looked him ove'r and gave him
some pills to be taken at bedtime.
Liquor was also prescribed for his
stomach’s sake, a small glass to be
taken after each meal,
Four days later Sandy again called
on the doctor, stating he was feeling
no better,
"Have you taken the medicine ex
actly as I instructed?” the doctor
"Wool, doctor,” replied the pat
ient, I may be a wee bit behind wl’
the pills but I’m six weeks ahead