HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-01-03, Page 4THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1935 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE BIRTHS WILDFONG—On Saturday, Decem­ ber 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wildfong, a daughter. BEER—At t'he Clinton Hospital on Sunday, December i3Vth to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer, a daughter. HOGAN—-At Mt. Carmel on Monday, December’ 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hogan, a daughter. GREENWAY A special service in the United church on Sunday with the Young Men’s Choir and an orchestra was much appreciated. Mary McGregor visited with in London during the holt­ ELIMVILLE Mary Corbett, of London with Mr. and Mrs. Russel'l LIETI T BLOW > 11ET IT SNOW fb- DEATHS CANTELON—In St. Joseph’s Hospit­ al, London, on Wednesday, Jan­ uary 2nd, David A. Cantelon, of Hensail, in his 60th year. Funeral private, on Friday, January 4th at 2 p.m, HARLTON—At the family residence at Granton, on Friday, December 28, 1934, in his 75th year, Samuel Rafe Harlton. SPACEMAN—-Suddenly at Dundas, Ontario, on Tuesday, Decemer 2'5, 193 4, Miss Edith, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Spack- mian, of Bayfield, out. of London, and Finkbeiner, of o'f Mr. and Mrs. Ellen Shank, of CARD OF THANKS wishMr. and Mrs. Thomas Pryde to thanjk all those who so kindly ex­ pressed their sympathy in their r< cent bereavement. •e- Manson’s a guest weefc by TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Ladies and Gentlemen,— I have served the municipality councillor for the tpast three years, but this is the first time I 'have ap­ pealed to you for your vote and in­ fluence, having been elected each time by acclamation. I have endea­ voured to serve the municipality to the best of my- ability and if elected will do so in the year come. To one and all I extend seasons’s greetings. PERCY PASSMORE as re- to the Ulens and Dorman, in London with John Gill, of Grand To the electors of the TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Ladies and Gentlemen,.— I am a candidate for .the position of Councillor and as it will be im­ possible for me to make a personal canvass I solicit your vote and influ­ ence. If elected I will endeavour to serve the municipality to the best of my ability. Wishing you all pros­ perity for 1935. CLARK FISHER TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Ladies and Gentlemen,— Having been nominated as a can­ didate for the council I take this op­ portunity • of respectfully soliciting your vote and influence in my elec­ tion. Owing ito- the condition of the roads it will be impossible to make a canvass. If elected I shall serve the municipality to the best of my ability. BRUCE COOPER TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Our home is cozy because we use 'blue coal’ IET it blow—-'let it snow! With ‘blue J coal’ in your furnace you, too, will be all set for the coldest weather that will ever hit this town. ‘blue coal’ is easy to start—easy to look after. It goes to work fast on zero mornings and sends up heat in a jiffy. It burns evenly and steadily for hours at a time, with little attention and less waste. And it banks perfectly—makes a slow, long-lasting fire at night and on mild days. Why not fePow the lead of other thrifty home owners in this commun­ ity? Fill ypur bins with ‘blue coal’ and enjoy cozy, healthful, summertime warmth all winter long at lowest fuel cost. Telephone us now and say ‘blue coal’, We’H have it there on the dot. on Friday. Mr, Hurlton. a resident of this commun- Ila and Beulah Hod gins their aunt and uncle Robt. Murray on iSup- H. T. ROWE •v WINCHELSEA Miss friends days. ATiss visited Pollock. Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs. L. Brophy. Mrs. Hotson, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. L. Shipka, were guests J. Hotson. Misses Adah and London, were home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mason entertain­ ed their family for Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. To'll and family, London; Mr. and Mrs. Walt'ham, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. R. Eagleson and family, of Sarnia. Mr. Jas. Wasylyk, of Toronto, spent his vacation a guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Woodburn. Mr. Willis Hotson spent the week­ end in London. Rev. J. B. Moore was with his parents in 'Toronto foi* Christmas. Mr. Gelo. Chapman, of Brampton, spent Christmas at Mr. Ed. Mr. Bob. Brunswick is ■with his sister in Toronto. Word was received last Mr. A. M. Wilson of the sudden pas­ sing of Mrs. Florence Anderson, who was known here wfaen she was Mrs. Isaac Wilson. Death was caused by a heart attack at her home in Sunny­ side, Wash. Rev. Jas. Foster ana son Calvin, of Leamington, called <on relatives here last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ulens, Misses' Lillian and Ula spent Christmas Mrs. Matthews. Mr. and M'rs. Bend were Christmas guests witih Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence pollock. Manuel Curts entertained the young people at his home on Satur­ day evening when he celebrated his birthday. Mr. Stanley1 Hartle hap­ pened to have 'the same birth date so the hours passed quickly with games and music. Earl Gardiner visited his grand­ mother, Mrs. Gardiner 'last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ulens entertained Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ulens, Shirley and Rayburn, of Grand Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wilson and M'ae at their home on Monday. The S. S. concept held in the Un­ ited church on Christmas Eve prov­ ed to be of a high order. Every number was well rendered, the re­ citations and songs by the little tote showed careful training. Songs by the school, the girls class, the Har­ mony class and 'the young men all deserved special mention. The play­ let by Mr. David, .Sheppard Willis Genevieve spent Christmas with Mr. John Steeper, Ivan Sharpe and Olive and Mrs. M. Pletcher at Exeter. English was very realistic and well I acted—No the cow is not for sale! The Superintendent and his commit-; tee, Mrs. Ulens, Mr. Sheppard and Richard Quance, Mr. and and Mrs. Mr. Kirkby deserve praise. The George Frayne and son Harold, .o.f proceeds amounted to '$45.40. 'Exeter spent Christmas with M'r. The W. M. S. of the United church , and Mrs. Nelson Clarke. elected the following officers: Presi­ dent, Mrs. Good'hand; 1st Vice-Presi-' aid and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey God­ dent, Miss L. Leak; 2nd Vice-Presi- bolt, of Centralia spent Christmas dent, Mrs. R. English; 3rd Vice-, with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher. President, Mrs. 11 Secretary, IMTs. in the village Wesley Johns Mrs. Will EI- Elimville; Mr. Mrs. M. Elford, Exeter with Mr. (Mrs. W. J Veal; Ml’. and Mrs. Collier and Grace, of Kirkiton, and Mrs. George Bailey with Mr. Mrs. H. Bailey; Mrs. A. Alexan- of Lumley, with Mr. and Mrs. and Mi’. Christmas visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. and family, Mr. and ford and family, of and and A’lf. Mr. and der George Davis. .Mrs. H. Brown spent Christmas at the home of her son Mr. H. Brown at Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fletcher Marjorie spent Christmas with and (Mrs. Ed. Stone, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Seers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fletcher and family spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten at Elimville. Miss Greta Fletcher spent a days with her grandparents Mr. Mrs. John Fletcher at Exeter. Mr. and Mt’s. Newton'Clark family spent Christmas with Mr. Mrs. Fred Dobbs at Saintsbury. IM'r. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake and few and and and Mrs. Wesley Heywood recently visited with her sister in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer and Mr. Mr. and 'Mrs. George Godbolt, Ger­ Ladies and Gentlemen,— Your vote and influence is solicit- _ ed in my election for Councillor, I'Secretary, IMTs. J. H. am making no promises but if elect-1 Treasurer, Mae Wilson; ( ed, a year from now my services will {Helpers, Mrs. Sheppard, MTs. Harl- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher, speak for themselves. We extend 'J ~ to all the compliments of the season, GORDON C. HEYWOOD I MT. CARMEL sickMr. Joseph Guinan is on the list. Mr. and Mrs. David Geromette and sons Norman and Napoleon spent New Years with the former’s daugh­ ter near Zurich. The following spent Christmas with their parents: iMliss Aileen Boland, R.N., of Detroit; Miss K. Morrissey, of London; Mr. Joseph Regan, Sim­ coe; Joseph Glavin, of St. Michael’s College, Toronto.; Hugh Fleming, of St. Peter’s Seminary, London, Miss es Hilda, Gertie and Lizzie Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ration, of Lon­ don, sipent Christmas with the lat­ ter’s brother Mr. Joseph Dietrich. Misses Clara Glavin, of St. Marys, Madeline Glavin, of Colgan, spent the past weelr with their parents Mr. and Mr^. Joseph Glavin. (Mir. Michael Doyle spent Christmas with friends, in London. Miss Merle Dietrich, of Dashwood is spending a few weeks with her sister Mrs. G. McKeever. and New Mrs. Con- At 65—Working Again Why worry about rlieumaitsm? This old fellow had it almost as bad as it could be. But he just found the right remedy, stuck to it, and now he’s worthing again1—at 65 years of age. Let him tell you all about it:— “Fo.r two years and a half,” he writes, “I have suffered from rheu­ matism. For eighteen months I could not turn over in bed, nor help my­ self in any way. M’y legs and feet were swollen, and I could not sleep or get any rest until I started talcing Kruschen Salts. After ’taking one bottle, I went about on two canes. I kept on taking it, as I found the pains were leaving me. I have taken six bottles,'and now I have started work again. I am 6151 years of age, and everybody that knows me says I am a wonder to get on, after what I wais,”—J. B. Do you realise what causes rheuma­ tism?: Nothing but sharp-edged ur­ ic acid crystals which form as the result of sluggiish organs. Kruschen Salts can always be counted upon to clear those painful crystals from the system. ily of Mr. Sam. Harlton of Granton who died was long ity. Misses visited with Mr. and Dlrs, day night. The‘annual school meeting of S. S, No. 10, Stephen, was held Wed­ nesday, December 26th. The former trustees were re-elected for the com­ ing year. Christmas visitors at Mr. Maun- sell Hodgins were. Mt. and Mrs. W. C. Warner, of Detroit; Miss V. May I-Iodgins, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and Betty. KIRKTON CENTRALIA c.A. Campbell spent the holidays at his home in for the Christmas Lewis spent Christ- Huron, with the unison. The meeting were The Scripture Ronald Elford Miss Bessie Johns visited reftives in Exeter during the holiday**. Miss Margaret Johns spent a couple of days visiting her aunt Mrs. John Cann at Thames Road the beginning of the week. Miss Mary Johns is confined to her home with an attack of the mumps. Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Johns were: Mr, and Mrs. Herb Dawson and daughter Anne and Mrs. Dawson Sr., of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hern, of Goderich; Mr. Grant Hern, of Port Credit; Mi’s. Geore Hern and JMt. Frank Hern of Blanshard; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern, Woodham and Mr. Fred I-lem, of Bengougfli, Sask. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Delbridge, of St. Marys were New Years visitors in the village, Mr. and Mrs. (Len. Harris family, of Farquhar, were Years visitors with Mr. and Ivor Morgan. Dr. Walter Johns attended a vention held in Toronto during the past week. A number of relatives and friends Otf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns gave them a surprise on the evening of the thirtieth wedding anniversary last Friday. Mr. Fred Long, of Milverton, has engaged with Mr. Jackson Woods for the coming year. A number of young people went for a sleigh ride on Monday evening. Afterwards they with others met for a Watchnighit service at the church. The president, Mr. Horace Delbridge had charge of the meeting which was opened with hymn 279 followed by the, Lord’s Prayer in minutes of the last read and adopted. Lesson was read by and the Talk on the Lesson was giv­ en by Marjorie Delbridge. A second Scripture lesson was read by Cath­ erine Peters. Mrs. John Brock read a poem after which prayer was of­ fered by Florence Bell and Lavona Cooper. Hymn 237 was sung. Rev. Peters then gave a talk on “The Old Year and the~New.” The meeting was closed witih hymn 3'05 and the Miz­ pah benediction. Mi:, and Mrs. Sam! Pym are re­ covering from the effects of being thrown from their cutter on Christ­ mas night when they were return­ ing from the 'home of J. Kirkland. Mr. pym had a rib broken and was badly shaken up. He was able to be out of bed to eat New Year’s dinner. Mrs. Pym was not hurt as .badly. Nomination passed off very am­ iably. Mr. Geo. Westcott was elected reeve by acclamation. Ten men have qualified for councillors namely Messrs. Percy Passmore, John Bal- lantyne, Dan Dew, Clarke Fisher, Gordon Heywood, Bruce Cooper, H. Berry, Clarence Routly, Jas. Squire, and Jno. Prance. Mr. Jas. Ballan- tyne, reeve; Messrs. Peter Moir and Reuben Shier former councillors have retired this year. The latter ing confined to his bed through ness. (Too late for last week.) Miss Loreen Johns, of Miss Catherine Peters, of Misses Maizie O’Reilly and O’Reilly, of .Sarnia; Miss Dr. Christmas Toronto. Mrs. iM’oHardy is visiting at her home in Sarnia season. Rev. and Mrs. mas day at pt. former’s mother. Miss Nettie Routly, of London, is spending this week 'holidaying with her mother, Mrs. M. Routly, Our local skating rink opened Saturday night for the first this sea­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Routly and children, of St. Marys, spent .Sunday with Mrs, M. Routly. Mr. and Mrs. George Mills re­ turned Saturday after spending the past week with friends in Stratford. (Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts re- . turned to Toronto spending the .holi­ day with Mrs. A. Tufts. Mrs. Lewis, of Port Huron, visiting a couple of weeks with son, Rev. C. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Doupe family visited Sunday with Mr. Mi'S. C. Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Heywood, of Elimville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bibby. is her and and. be­ lli. Russell, of Exeter, of Miss Jean Tlxomp- evening of this week Miss Pollock, R.N., of Kitchener, visited over the week-end. with her sister, Mrs. Lorne .Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and Jean spent New Years with Mr. Mrs. Thomas Willis. ■Mr. Richard Parker, who has been employed with the Shamrock Creamery is leaving this weeifc to take a course at the Ontario Agri­ cultural College in Guelph. Miss Patsy was the guest son last week. On ‘Monday the members of the Young Married People’s Sunday school class spent a very enjoyable .time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powe. , At the annual nomination meet­ ing held on Monday evening, Messrs. Fred. Penwarden, Lome Hicks and Fred. Bowden were .nominated as village trustees for the coming year. Miss Dorothy Davis spent New .Years at her home in Exeter. Mrs. Lena Willert entertained her family over the week-end including Mrs. H- Zirner, Windsor; Mrs. Klein- stiver and Lome, Mr. and Mrs. Hayter and Bobbie, Dashwood; and Mrs. Tom Isaac, Greenway; P. Stnatton, Toronto. HURNDALE AV. I. Notice to Creditors. RE: ISAAC ROUTLEDGE CARLING late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, One of His ■Majesty’s Counsel learned in the Law, deceased. Bob Mr. Mrs. held with CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav­ ing claims against the estate of the said deceased are required on or be­ fore January 24th, 19315 to fyle with THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, London, Ontario, sole executor of the Will of the said deceased full particulars of their claims duly ver­ ified, after which date the said exe­ cutor will proceed to distribute the assets of said estate having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED this 3rd day of January A. D., 193.5. THE CANADA Executors, The December meefing was at the home of Mrs. F. Down, the rooms being decorated very at­ tractively. The meeting opened in the usua’l manner, with the roll call being aswered by a “Christmas Thought.” The Travelling Library was again brought up and after some discussion it was decided for each member to bring a book to the next meeting 'and these will be left for the committee in charge to loolki over and choose the ones they think suitable. The committee are Mrs. Kestle and Miss Keddy. A splendid program then followed with a com­ munity song “Silent Night”. A tsolo by Harry Jeffery. The district dir­ ector Mrs. A. Rundle .gave a -report o.f the district meeting held on No­ vember 23rd also a few words of welcome to the new branch formed at Chiselhurst with Mrs. McLean as president. We also had the pleasure of having her present at the meeting S’ol'o by IMIrs. Morgan; Mrs. Taylor then favoured with a Christmas story. “Tihe Night Before Christmas” after which all sang “Jingle Bells.” recitation by Gladys Beckler; piano solo by Kathleen Strang; Mr. Clar­ ence Down favoured with a. solo ac­ companied by Mrs. Chris. Beckler. A very appropriate demonstration was .then given by Miss Nettie Keddy on “Packing Christmas Boxes”; re­ citation by Melville Beckler. The collection Was 'then taken. Santa then appeared and distributed the pres­ ents from the tree to all those pres­ ent. This brought a real successful Christmas meeting to a close after which lunch was served and a social half hour spent. TRUST COMPANY, London, Ontario by its Solicitor J. W. MORLEY Exetea’, Ont. Toronto, London; Thelma Florence Bell, of Lucan were holiday visitors here at their Miss Bessie was home for Mrs. Wes. days recently 'mother Mrs. Whiteford, and her sis­ ter Mrs. McFalls. The Christmas service on Sunday last was held in the afternoon. Rev. Mr. Peters delivered an. appropriate ■address and a Christmas anthem was sung by the choir. The decorat­ ing committee had the church very prettily decorated with evergreen and streamers. The Mission Circle met on, Thurs­ day afternoon of last week at the home of Margaret Johns with eight members' present also one visitor. Lulu Hunter had charge. Roll call was answered by a Christmas mes­ sage. The minutes were also read and adopted. The Scripture lesson from Isaiah 9:6, Luke 2:8, 14; <M,htt. 2:9-11,# was read by Gladys Johns'. The Devotional Leaflet “Courageous Friends” was read by Laura Ford; Heralds who reported were: Eula Herdman on Korea and Margaret Johns on Africa. Marjorie Delbridge read a story “Wazyi and her Friends’^’ Audrey Prance gave a reading “From a China Girl’s English Dairy”; Lulu Hunter led in prayer and after sing­ ing a hymn Rev. Peters took charge of the election. o.f officers with the following results: Hon. Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) Peters; Pres., Marjorie Del- bridge; Vice-Pres., Margaret Johns; Secretary, Laura Ford; Treasurer, Gladys Johns; Chris. Stew. Secretary Audrey Prance; Pianist, Lavona Cooper; Assist., Helen Murch; Her­ ald’s, China, Gladys Johns; Temper­ ance, Lulu Hunter; Africa, Wilhel­ mine Ferguson, Korea, Mary Herd­ man; Home Missions, Helen Mruch and Ethel Coward. The Y. P. S. met on Monday even­ ing, The program was in charge iof Laura Ford. The topic was given, by Marjorie Delbridge; subject, “Some Christmas Literature,” The Scripture Lesson from Romans 1; 28-32 was read ihy Eul'a Herdman; John 10:7- 18 was read by Gladys Johns and Luke 2:8414 was read by Margaret Johns. The talk,1 on the lesson was given by Audrey Prance. A poem “A Christmas of Long Ago” was read by Florence Bell and Horace Delbridge led in prayer. i Roy/ Hutchinson; | Mr. and Mrs. W. Batten and Gladys r ” McGregor; ; Mr. Alf. Broolks, oif Elimville, IMr. Sec’y Ass.i Chas. Godbolt spent Christmas with ~ ' ‘fr/T-w in rl ID 'tr Lfil zn 4- znln ton; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. A. Curts; Finance Committee, Mrs. Goodhand, Mrs. A. Cu,rts, Mae Wil­ son, Mrs. Elton Curts, Mrs. Sherriitt; Mission Band, Mrs. Fred Steeper, Mrs. Lloyd Brophey; Supply Sec’y, Mrs. Sherritt; Baby Band, Miss Young; Literature Sec’y, Mrs. W. Webb; Miss. Monthly, Mrs. L. Pol­ lock; Temperance Sec’y, Mrs. Brown; Str.anger^zSec’y, Mrs. Frank Steeper; AuditoY Mrs. D. Brown; Program Com./ Mrs. Elton Curts, Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. J. H. McGregor, Mae Wilson. The Women’s Association then el­ ected the following: Pres., )MTS. J. Brown; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. Sher­ ritt; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. Andrew Pollock; organist, Mrs. L. Brophey; Program Com., Mrs. Elton Curts, Fred Mrs. George Davis 'and family spent Saturday with IMIr. and Mrs. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. John Coward and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mi’s. Robert Duncan at Thames Rd. Mr. and Mrs. R. E Pooley spent a couple of days last week in Tor­ onto. Miss Eunice Parkinson, of Bl'an- D. j shard, visited witih her sister Mrs. 'Herman Foster one day last week. Program Com., Mrs. Elton Mrs. Roy Hutchinson; Mred (Steeper; Convenor of Flower Com­ mittee, Mrs. C. Woodburn; Look Out Committee, Mrs. ,S. Webb, Mrs. Harlton and Mrs. Frank S'teeper. Look- A farcial comedy twill be present­ ed by -the Saintsbury Dramatic Club at the Parish Hall, Saintsbury on January 16th. Admission 25 and 15 cents. CENT A MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES (Minimum Fares: Adults 75c.; Children40c.) Friday, JAN. 11 from EXETER To TORONTO, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Paris, Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, and all Intermediate Points. ALSO ON FRIDAY, IAN. 11 To Whitby, Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, .Belleville, Kingston, Gananoque, Brookville, Preacott, Momsburg. Corn wall, Agincourt, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, Allandale, Collingwood, Meaford, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracobridge, Huntsville, North Bay and all intermediate points. ALSO TO All Towns in NewOntario onlines ofTeminkaming&Northern Ontario Riy., Nipissing Central Rly. and on C.N. Rlys. to Kapuskasing, Hearst, and Longlac Mining Fields. Fores* Tickets, Return Limits and Train information from Agents. Ask for Handbill. CANADIAN NATIONAL MS I »-......... ....... ..... .........—■.. ..... N» 3. DORE, Agent, Phone 4<hv CREDITON EAST Mrs. Joseph Bullock and daugh­ ter Helen have .returned home after spending the Xmas holidays with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gower at Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon and son Russell have returned to their home in Grand Bend after spending the Xmas holidays with Mrs. Stur­ geon’s father Mr. Sam. ’Mlerner. Mrs. Nelson Schenk and children from north of town spent Sunday with the former’s parente, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff, Sr. Miss Velma Baker to her home in Granc week’s visit with her Jean Baynham. Mh’. and Mrs. Walter MacPherson entertained their friends and neigh­ bors numbering thirty to a progres­ sive euchre party on Friday evening. Prizes were won by Mr. Gordon Merner, Harry Louis, Mrs. Baynham and Fred Sims. Mr. and ’Mrs. Harry1 Kuhn are vis­ iting in Windsor and Detroit, Mr. Howard Truemner left Sun­ day for Espinola after a Visit with his father, Mr, Truemner and sister Mrs. Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman and son Claire and Mrs. Chris. Hoff­ man spent Christmas in Kerrwood with Miss Verda Hoffman. Mr. and Mirs. Kenneth Kuhn spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Sam’l Kuhn the former having to return to the St. Joseph’s Hospital, London on Thursday for further treatment •on his hand which was operated on some weeks ago. has returned Bend af'tei’ a ■cousin, Miss week’s Dan, Aaron respective homes. Bell, R.N., of Toronto Christmas Day. Horne visited a few in Forest with ber NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE: THOMAS BROCK, late of the Township of Usborne, in the Coun­ ty of Huron, Genltleman, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the said deceas­ ed are required to send full particu­ lars of their claims duly proven to the undersigned Solicitor (for the Executors of the Will of the said de­ ceased not later than the Twelfth day of January, 19'35, after which date the said Executors will pro­ ceed to distribute the .assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims of which notice has been re­ ceived. DATED this 26th day of Decem­ ber '1934. J. W. MORLEY Solicitor for Exeuctors Exeter, Ont. Township of Usborne NOaHNATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that meeting of the electors of .the HARPLEY and 'Mirs. Newton Hayter and family spent Sunday with her par­ ents Mr. and Grand Bend.- Mr. Elmer Crediton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love on Saturday. Mr. Therman Hayter of Detroit, spent Christmas with his mother Mrs. Margaret Hayter, Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Murray were: Mr. and •Mirs. J. J. Carruthers and family; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson and family; Mr. and Mns. Wes. Mellin; Mr. Garfield Stoeper and Helen; Mr. and Mrs. John Rock; Mrs. Charlotte Carruthers; Stan Hart and Wilbur Lovie. Mr. and Mi’S. Byron Brown, Tor­ onto are holidaying with his father Mr. Wm. grown. ■Miss Chrystal Hayter, of London, spont Christmas day with her mother Mirs. Margaret Hayter. The community extend their sin­ ce, c. sympathy to the bereaved fam- Mr. Mrs. Frank Stanton of Lawson and Jack of a meeting of the electors' of .the Township o'f Usborne will ibe (held in the Township Hall, Usborne, Mon­ day, December 31st at the hour of one o’clock p.m. for ,tlie purpose of making and receiving nominations for the offices of Reeve and 4 Coun- ciHors. And further take notice that in the event of more candidates be­ ing proposed than required to be elected, proceeding will be adjourn­ ed until (Monday, January 7th when polls shall be held from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the fol­ lowing places with the undermen­ tioned officers in charge as fixed iby Township By-law viz’ .. Su.b SVisl0“ Sch<>ol House No. 4 Eden D.R.°.’ j. j, Hunter, Ho’^Clerk, Jn° LUxt'on; Sub Divis- n n0, £Touse of L1°yd Stewart,ri^h0,T B' AII*son’ Pon Clerk, Chas. Jeffery; sub. Division No. 3, House of H. Rowcliffe, D.R.Q., S .W. Hougal! Pon clerk, Wm. Jeffery; Sub Division No. 4, Public Hall, Far- Jtuhar, D.R.O., Albert Scott, Poll Leonard Harris; Sub Division No. 5, Township Hall, Elimville, D. yd ws’ Po11 Clerk» Wes­ton Hoine, Sub Division ho. 6, House of Alfred Brock, D.R.O Earl Suib Division No. 7, House of Russell S 01iver McCurdy Poll Cleric, Wm. Mills. to ai^e het,el)y requestedaioStagly “delves U.H. No.1.