HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-12-29, Page 7'< v ii h -u ' 4 M THE 1WEB THURSDAY, WWft M MBS SCHOOL REPOTS EXETER ROOM VJ Sr. IV, honours—Ray Jiopep 8i5; ElAi»o Stebbury 84; Stewart Fqke 82; /Eileen Lewis 82^ Gerald Fitz­ gerald 80; Ted Buswell 79; Orval Snell 76; Lanrene Beavers 76; Mnr- "ian Qlndinan 75; Pauline Follick 75; Margery Heywood 75i. Pass— Ethel Smith 73; LJoyd Jones 7‘3; Dorothy Traquair 73; Ro­ bert Brooks 73; Margaret Campbell 73; Roy Campbell 72; Jack Jen­ nings 70; Almira Brintnell 69; Hy« Kestle 68; Velma Bartow 68; Billy Penhale 67; Jack Brintnell 66; Billy Kydd 56; Howard Elliot 65; Victor Lutman 64; Alvin Lindenfield Barbara Dinney 62; Bobbie Eller- ingtqn 61*; Charlie SnelJ eiQi; Har­ old Elliott 60. Below pass—Marian Walper 5*1*; ’ Helen Grieve 34*; Robena Hunkin 3rQ>*. Jr, IV, honours—Gerald McFalls 78; Grant Taylor 77. Pass—Grace Snell 73; Donald Winer. 72; Josie Keyslake 72; Mar‘. garet Melville 71; Betty Hogarth 71; Clarence McDonald w7°i Browning 68; Hazel Snell'52, Number on roll 44; average at­ tendance 41.3. G. S. Howard, Principal ROOM V 80; Mary Kirk '79.5; Edith Hunter 7^; Isoel Snell 77; Irvine Armstrong 76; Jimmie Willis 75. Pass—Mary McDonald 74; Doug­ las Brintnell 71; Ruby Welsh 70; Betty Harness 69; Richard 68;- Walter chipchase 66,4; King 66; Eric Jennnigs 6i5; Hunter 64. Below Pass—June Smith 54,4*; Helen Pfaff 54; Archie Webber ab- Sent, Number on roll 34; average at­ tendance 30,12. May me E. Pridham, teacher PRIMARY Pilon May Dois Simpson 351; Marlon Simpson 322; Arthur Hodgins 233, Sr, II—Emerson Lewis 189. Jr, JI—Marjorie .trice Brootk 255; 254; Hazel Dodge 219; Bioome 40, 1st class—Jack Simpson, Marie Bloome, Jack Whitmore, Henry omen, George Edgmton. Pr.—Gladys Bloome, Dorothy Rann, Cecil Lewis, Mary Lewis,, leen Paterson, Gayle Whitmore, ba Solomon, Eleanor McRann, Don­ ald Simpson, Rimpson 237; A. Elypn 32'0'; Bea- Victor Hedging, Maurice Sol- Mc- Ell* Yu- Pr.—Winston Ghapton, Doris mil,' Ou account ot the request of a Batty Perkins, Lorne preemter. parge number of subscribers we> Number on roll 17; average .at-‘have extended the special offertnf tendance 16.68* j $1.50 for a year’s subscription to the (*) indicates tests missed. G. B. Francis, teacher ...........■■ "■ ' USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of the TwP, of Usborne met as per (Statute at the twp« Hull on Thursday, Decern- bet ii5, with all the members pres* ent, The minutes of the meeting of December '3rd were read aud ap­ proved on motion of Moir-Westcott, Correspondence —Communication from Municipal Woi'ld pub, Co. so­ liciting an early order for dog tags— left for 1933 Council. ITreasurer’s report: Received $90, Times-Advocate until January ifi’th The special offer of $3.95.^or either of the London papers also holds good offer until that date. This .special' positively closes January 15, ! Jr. IV—Pass—Ralph Delbridge 70*; Vernon Heywood 69; Ethel Kydd 68; Lloyd Stanlake 68; Eileen Andrews 68; Hilton Sanders 67; H. Bawden 66; Dorothy Smith 66; Lor­ raine .Armstrong 6i5; Eleanor Ab­ bott 6i5i; Evelyn Lawson 6*5; Isohel Appleton 63; David Kestle 61. Below pass—Morna Vaney 42****. Sr. IH—honours—Marie Sterling 87; Patsy Russell 87; Richard Stan- bury 86; Labelle iSims 85; Margaret Clark 85; Jean Appleton 84; Freida Moore 81; Helen Buswell 79. Pass—Robert Southcott 73; Jack Smith 73; Carl Stire 73; Lillian Mc­ Donald 72*; Andrew Bierling 70; Irene Brooks 70; Clifford Quance 70'; Walter Dayis 68; Mahlon Ryck- man 68; Leonard Harvey 68*; Eric Morse 66; Thelma Hockey 65; Ted Wilson 62*; Bruce Cann 60; Lloyd Hunter 60. Below pass—Maxwell Harness 55* Number on rdlf 39; average at­ tendance 36.61. Maude A. Horton, teacher ROOM IV Sr. Ill, honours—Hazel Jones 81;, Billy Chipchase 78; Kathleen Kestle 77.8; Billy Jones 77.5. Pass—llrene Kydd ‘74.5; June Bartow 74; Elmer McDonald 73; Wesley Ryckman 72; Alva Elliott 70; Gerald Lawson 6»; Gerray Law- son 63*. Below pass—Eldrid Simmons 55 (2*). Jr. Ill, honours—Lorraine Atkin­ son 85; Florence Southcott 81; Hy. Parsons 78.6; Alta Harvey 78; Bes­ sie Brooks 77.9; Audrey Sims 77.6;. Jean Grieve 75.5*. Pass—Bartle Motz 74.1; Lloyd Hewitt 72.4; Tom Walter 72,3; Mil­ dred Beaver 70.3; Marion Elliott 70/1; Catherine Armstrong Doris Cutting* 66.8; Stewart 6i5<; Jean Cann 64.9*; Bert 64.2; Phillipa Harness 64.1; McDonald 63.1; Doreen Sims Phyllis Cooper 60.9Anita Brintnell 60.2. Below pass—'Ross Moore 56.4*;.; Doris Payne 55.6 (2*); Doris Moore 52.9 (2*); Donald Siverns 5d*; Willie Brown 47 (3*). Number on roll 40; average at­ tendance 37. 1 W". A. Frain, teacher 68.1; Cann Pilon Neil 61.2; Sr. Primer, honors—(Betty Elliott 88; Nancy Sterling 82; Jea»n Stan­ lake 76* . Pass—Jean Snell 73; Mary Easton 71; Eric Heywood 64. Pr., possible marks, 550—'Helen Brock 5118; Dorene Parsons 50'9; Alex Ellis 495; Shirley Mason 48'6; Virla Jones 458; Hugh Wilson 45'2; Shirley Motz 446; Mildred Hanna- gan 431; Jerome Struyf 430; Don­ ald Preszcator 428; Billy Weekes ■427; Melvin Kestle 408; Norman Hackney 375; Mae Snell 3'56; Marie Melville 353. ; 3r. Pr., possible marks, 400'—1 Betty Payne 31J; Bobbie Pryde 305; Mary Willis §03; Billy Elliott 293; Arnold Lindenfield 216; Leonard Wells 215. f Rubie Creech, teacher WINCHELSEA SCHOOL REPORT Senior Room The following is the report of the Senior Room of Wincheisea School for the months of November and De­ cember. Fifth Class—Gertrude Camm 87; Florence Bell 86; 85; Gladys Johns ford 68; Kenneth Francis 62. iSr. IV—Marion Coultis 8'5; Lillian Murch 82; Dor­ othy Johns* 82; Alma Gower 7*6; Eula Herdman 74; Irwin O’Reilly 67. iJr. IV—(Marion Pouiey 81; John­ ny Johns 80; Gordon Prance 79; Hazel Johns 79; Elgin Skinner 76; Thelma O’Reilly 76; Audrey Fletcher 72; Donald Murray 68; Harold Dav­ is 64; Harold Clarke 63; Ipa Ford 61; Clifton Brock 5i6. iSr. Ill—Gladys Skinner 83; Clar­ ence Ford 81;-*Wilbert Coward 71; Philip Johns 67; Clayton Herdman 64; Harvey Pfaff 48. Number on roll '3:2; average at­ tendance 30. x L. McCulloch, teacher James Greenlees 78; Ronald El- Hern 63; Ross Miners 85; Earl -Eugene Detrich 69; Trel- Bruce Gardner 6|5. Dietrich 78; Veya ROOM III Jr. Ill, pass—Ila Willis 72,; Jack; Chipchase 66; Coquoline Simmons 64; Iva Willis 61; Dorothy Jennings 61. Below pass—John Collingwood*; Sidney Stire, absent. 2nd class, honours—Marion Smith 88; Shirley Penhale 85; Margaret Fitzgerald 85; Britain Sanders 85; Neil Jones 82; Norma Wilson 8(2; Labelle Lutman 81; Annie Mason . 80; Dorothy Kydd 79; Norman Han­ nigan 78; Murry Stanlake 7i8; Jean McDonald 78;. Norma Parsons 77; L. Elliott 76; Raymond Snell 76. Pass—Norma ’Stonehouse 74*; J. Snell 73; Billy Walper 72; Frances King 72; Ellis Pearce 72*; Doris Hay 70*; Marjorie May TO1; Calvin Heywood 67; Mae Willis 64; Jack Harness 6'3; Hazel Williams 62*; O. Hunter 60. Below pass—'Jimmie Triebner 56; Frieda Stire ;&4***; Douglas Har-j ness 54*; Roy Kirk 5'3; Doris Web­ ber absent. 1 Number on roll 39; average at­ tendance 35.4* - Mildred Rowe, ROOM II REPORT S. S. NO. 11, BLACKBUSH The following is the report of S. S. No. 11, B'lackbush, for the month of Decembers. Pupils wijose names are marked with an asterisk were absent for one or more examina­ tions. jSr. IV- lis Disjarine 6'6; Jr. IV—Merle Adams*. Sr. Ill—Louis Dietrich 71; Roy Morenz 65*; Ervin Fischer 27*. Jr. Ill—'Henry Ziler 69; Eileen Disjardine 67; Elva Adams 31*; E. Gardiner 28*; Ray FischeT 14*; L. Devine*. iSi«. ii—Viola Vincent 64; Earl Dietrich 63; Sylvia Vincent 55. Jr. II—Aldene Preeter 58; Evelyn French 54; Tresia Ziler 50‘*. 1st—Chester Disjardine 85; Leon­ ard Dietrich 78; Wilmer Disjardine 67; Verna Vincent 58;-Harold Fis­ cher 48*. Pr.—Joyce England 8'9; Hubert Dietrich 72; Ruby Disjardine 62; Peter Ziler 45*; Helen Ziler 37*; Lillian Fischer 30*. Number on roll 32; average at­ tendance^. - L. M. Snell, teacher Dietrrcfl 71; Rita GRAND BEND SCHOOL REPORT Junior Room Jr. Ill, total 750'—Carl Manore, 595; Emerson Disjardine 591; GTa- 1931 taxes, penalties’ $17.95, Trane- ham Mason 584; Lois Wanner 540;*.ferred by Collector to Twp.'acct, $4,* Carman Ireland 525* I 00Q 1932 taxes. 2nd class, total 5001—Eloise Gill| Shier-Passmore: That the follow* 445; Alvin Wanner 428; Shirley ord6rs paifl viz: Manore 427; Maurice Tiederman 424 j^mes Ballantyne, salary as reeve Winnifred Tiederman 381. ?6'0‘; Geo. Wegtcott, councillor $50; 1st class—Mona Raveile 4176; H. p6ter Moir, ditto $5(0.00'; Reuben Winnifred Tiederman 381. J __L, L- 1st class—Mona Raveile 4176; H. peter Moir/ ditto' $53.0O'­ Nichols 464; Fred Statton 45'5'; S, shier, ditto $5'0,00; Percy Passmore, Brenner 450'; Leslie Gratton 447; I ditto $50.00; ~ ‘ Gilbert Station 430; AUace Disjar- '$280.00• r”‘* dine 4?7; Hugh Pickering 422;. Hel-'$7.26; 1’ en Gill 420; Henry Tederman 275. | Ufirw 'Pr.—Ruth Wpkie, Ruth Atchison Blanshard Twp., Blanshard Tele­ Junior Mason; Donald Brenner, £> phone Rates $2,183.24; The Treas. cil-Lovie, Donna Hayter, Glen Hay-®CQlk f6e Biansh. Telephone rates . $3.45; The Collector, coll, fee Blan­ shard Telephone rates $3.45; The Clerk, coll, fee Blansh. Telephone rates $6.90; ,Jno, B, Mustard, Tuck­ ersmith telephone rates $4.18,53; The Clerk, coll, fee Tuqker. Tele, rates $4.00; 'Co. Treas., General Co. December. * |rate $8551.65; Co.. Treas., County Sr. IV—Jean McKenzie 89.9; D. Highway rate $366(5.00'; Co. Treas., Harlton 78; Ruth Lamport 72; Ray Prov. Highway rate $2443.33; Wm, Sweitzer 68; Orval Mellin 56.- I Jr. IV—Ida ‘.Sweitzer 73; Evelyn icier $2.50'; Albert Clarke 68; Milton Sweitzer 62; Jas,, sheep killed by dog j Berry, cutting weeds McLean, ditto $1.50; yer, ditto $3.0'0; Bert ,$.2.30; Ro land, Williams ditto $1.92; Fred Ellerington, road tile and cut­ ting weeds $29.85‘; H. K. Eilber, rd. tile, $18.90; Isaac Grower, cleaning pit $2.45; Milton Gregory, 166 yds. gravel $24.90> Silas N. Shier, 1,392J yds. gravel $153.18; Russell Skinner 1962 yds. gravel $215.82; Freeman Horne, gravdj, $65.20; Alice Cud- more, 6 yds. gravel 90'; John Simp­ son, dragging $3.50; Wm. Stephen, dragging $3.50; Wm. Moodie, ditto .$4.40; Henry Ford, super. $12.92; Russell Skinner, 71 yds. uncrushed .gravel $10,65; Wellington Haist, tile rd. ,9-$'7.10; Fred Kerr, tile $11.- 42; McKnight garnishee, Pfeiffer & Burroughs $49.99; Gladman & Stanbury ditto $26.80; Pfeiffer & Burroughs, balance gravel contract $3.21. Carried .^’Council adjourned to;.meet at the close of nomination, December 23. Henry Strang, Clerk With ho mapy tricksters nut of lu­ crative employments in the larger centres of population is it any wond­ er. that the unsuspecting small town resident and country citizen is taken in by these fake schemes, The other' day we heard of an aged man of the town giving away good money in exchange for a worthless insurance' policy, a policy that had expired by default.—St, Marys Journal-Argus Henry Strang, clerk* ; The clerk, Twp. postage, Mrs. Mary Kellett, salary as en Gill 420; Henry Tederman 275. (caretaker $12,0.0; W, L. Switzer, cil-Lovie, Donna Hayter, Glen Hay- ter, Charles Tiederman. E. M. Taylor, teacher REPORT S. S. NO. 7, STEPHEN Following is the report for S. S. No. 7, Stephen for November and Cidinu u o | ...... Clark absent. ;Sr/ III—Ada Gaiser 79; Iva Pick, ering 73; Earl Pickering 72; Baynham 72; Mabel Hai'lton Malieda Clarke 68. Jr. Ill—.Harold Finkbeiner Kenneth Raker 72; Robert Gower 63; Hazel . Pickering 61. 2nd class—Melvin Gaiser 76; Roy Clarke" 7 47 * Sr. I—Jack Ratz 87; Donald Ratz 81; Stewart Sweiitzer 79.7. Pr. to 1-—Jack Pickering 76; Iva Gower 72; Ruby Gamer 68. Pr.1—'Ross Pickering 89\6; Lila Finkbeiner 8'9'; Catherine. 4Keough 8,7. Most stars in spelling—Jack Ratz L. Thompson, teacher Roy 70'; 79; | Johns, expenses (School Attend. Of- ......................Etherington, $5,00; Hugh $1.80; Allen Otis E. Saw- Rundle, ditto REPORT S. S. NO. 2, HAY T,he following is the report, of S. S. No. 2, Hay for the months of No­ vember and December. Asterisks mark those who were absent for some examinations. Sr. IV—Gordon Bieber 72. Jr. IV—Gerald Campbell 78; Al­ vin Rowe 70; Tom Willard 70; Car­ rie Bieber 66. Sr. in—Stuart Triebner 75; John Keys 72; Milford Prouty 71; Verda RoyBieber 71; Olive Caldwell 70; Campbell 62; Allen Gould 58*. Jr. Ill—Bobby Keys 67. 2nd class—‘Melvin Greb 80; dy Prouty 74; Lloyd Campbell 67; Doreen, Campbell 66; Jean Triebner 66; Donald Case 63* Sr. L—Clarence Knight 72; Helen Rowe 43*. Jr. I—Audrey Russell 88; Harold Campbell 77; Grant Triebner 60; Muriel Rowe 59*; Mary Caldwell 55*; Beverley Gould *. Nmber on roll 27; average at­ tendance 25.3. M. I. Russsell, teacher i ZURICH ZION The schoolheld a Christmas con­ cert Thursday afternoon to which the parents -of the section were in-: yited. a fine program was put on by the scholars the musical part be­ ing /under the direction of ‘Mr. W. YU Goulding. Treats were provided for the children by the teacher, A successful social evening .was held by the Sunday School Friday evening. Lantern slides Christmas story were shown by Rev, •Mr. peters, a social hour -sms spent those present being divided into groups. Lunch was served at the close. Santa Claus appeared and distributed Christmas cheer to ail the children. Last Sunday, a Joint service was held by the Sunday School and con­ gregation when Rev. Mr. Peters gave a slendid Christmas message, Mrs. Chas, Jaques .spent several days in Stratford with her sister* who has been ill. On Wedneday of last week Mr, Drnest Cowdry had a wood-bee and on Thursday afternoon Mr, Warren Brock also held a wood-bee. Mrs, H. Kyle spent Saturday in Exeter with Mrs. Kyle at Exeter celebrating Christmas. The boys or rne community have organized a hockey team, They play­ ed their first game recently at Kirk­ ton, Kirkton boys being the win­ ners. The next game will be played Friday night at Kirkton, weather permitting. 'The boys are expecting ajgood time this winter and would like to see a"goodly number of root­ ers present at the games. "Mr. Geo, Gunning from the West, spent Christmas with his sister Mrs. Alfred Brock. . Mr, and Mrs, Ephriam Hern held a Taylor family gathering for Christ­ mas. ITS CANADAS CHOICE LOW-PRICE FIELD! When a new car “clicks” as Chevrolet is clicking—pullx thousands' to Chevrolet showrooms for days on end — there’s bound to be a reason! It’s value that makes the new Chevrolet Six Canada’s choice again in 1533! Value in proved design: Chevrolet pioneered the low- priced six-cylinder engine five years ago; built a strong, nigged chassis and a durable Fisher body around it. Today Chevrolet gives, you the biggest, roomiest cars in the low- price field, bar none! A famous six-cylinder engine — one with background—now Cushion-Balanced in a new patented,..way!. Even smarter Fisher bodies — with Air- Streamed styling, safety glass windshield and No-Draft Ventilation! Low running costs that pedple have been talk­ ing about for years—now whittled .down amazingly! And a low first cost that finds its true appreciation when you size- up the tag. that says, "Delivered Price”! Value In the latest advancements: Certainly, the new Chevrolet has them all. ^Because it’s Made to Order for Canadians—with new features selected by thousands of Canadians in a nation-wide survey conducted by Chev­ rolet and General Motors. Drive the new Chevrolet! Nothing else so quickly reveals how natural it is that Canada chooses the car that’s Made to Order for Canadians. *Mr. Albert -Smith, of Croswell, Mich., spent a week, with his brother- in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien. Mr. Ross Dignan, who lives Zurich recently celebrated his birthday. He resides with his in-law and daughter Mr. and David ’^Blackwell. Mr. Dignan quite active for his age and is in good health. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Foster and sons Roy and Clarence, of Kitchen-: er, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Foster. Mr/ Albert Foster, of Biggar, Sask., who had spent/some time visiting his par­ ents returned to Kitchener with them 'and will return to his home in the West. Mr. Newell Geiger, of London and Mrs. Lydia Geiger, who has been in Kitchener and Miss Euloine Geiger,, who is teaching school at Rye in the Parry Sound District, are home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Reed, of Toledo, O.. are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gallman, or town Mr. and Mrs. Jeff. Dickerson, of Detroit, spent a few days at the lat­ ter’s home, Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster. - Mr. and Mrs. Paul ffeffery and family, of Detroit, were week-end visitors with the former’s mother, Mrs. C. Ayotte. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton’Truemner and' Mr. and Mrs. Garnet" Jacobe visited' in New Hamburg ohe day recently. Mrs. C. C. Schilbe has returned ■from the'” hospital in London Wherfe 'she has been taking treatments and is much improved. Wm near 90th son- Mrs, l is REPORT S. S. NO. 2, USBORNE Report of S. S. No. 2, Usborne. for November and December. Sr. IV—Mary Borland 83.3; Eve­ lyn Hunkin 8‘3>; Anna Rohde 75; R. Knight 57.8; Norman Ferguson 56.1 Jr.. IV—Lawrence Anderson 66.7; LenOre Anderson 6(5'. 8; Wilfred Hunfcin 60. .Sr. Ill—Vera pollen 71.8; Mari­ lyn Campbell 68.9; Wilmer Fergus­ on 63. Jr. garet 70.2; Allen Doris / y Name- Address . r ?; ■■ > -—‘— WHAT 30,000 MOTORISTS TOLD MS This “Automobile Buyer’s Guide” tells about our recent survey among Canadian motorists and provides informa­ tion which you will find valuable in choosing your next car. Send coupon for free copy: Customer Research Dept. General Motors Products of Canada Limited, Oshawa, Ont. REPORT S. S. NO. 5, USBORNE The follownig is the report of S. S.. No. 5, Usborne for December. Sr. IV—Ray Perkins 79.1; Orville Webber 75.6; Ivan Webber 70.6; E. Frayne 61.5. Jr. IV—IVan Penkins 81..8; Eee' land Webber 80.1; Anna Kernick 78; Paul Gregus 70.7; Ferrol Fisher >68.8; Eldon Heywood 54. Sr. Ill—Stanley Frayne 72.7; G. Kleinfeldt 71.8; Jack Frayne Helen Westcott 68.8; Laverne wood 66; Iva Fisher 6O’.7. 2nd class—(Shirley Gregus Lloyd Webber 73.2; Raymond wood 71; Pauline Godbolt 65.4. •1st class—(Ntyia Pe|r.l<ins 98; J. Westcott 82.5; Norman Johns 76. Pr.—JShirley Moir, Marion Ker­ nick, Marie Frayne. Number, on tendance 2'5. 70.5; Hey- 77.8; Hey- I teachet I-leywood,’ Kenneth roll 27; average at* Harold Teddy Jr. II—-.Lillian Kestle 76; Elliott 74; Bobble Burtts 67 McDonald 65; Jean Elliott 52; Don­ ald TraquMr 29*. fer. I—rLols clarke 75; Ross Ward George Doorr 68; Walter Sims A. R. Dodds, teacher s,REPORT OF CLANDEBOYE P. Sr. IV—Doris McWilliams 545 vuj vrcvxe,^ ju/ww*.* ------ Jr, IV—Lyle Simpson 490; Billie 65; Jackie Cann 64; Harold Hockey.Whitmore 396; Mary Simpson 381; 54*; Ethel Stire 44*; Lillian Hewitt Fiorene Whitmore 366. •absent. fo* 1( Douglas 70 lion.-—Gloria Morse 86.8; pryde 86; Robert Moore Sr. IM—/Noil McRann 474; Murray Lewis 467. Jr. hi—Ha Raton 441; GOOrge III—Ruby Simpson 73.4; Mar- Alllson 71.1; Alma Borland Graham Campbell 63; Mildred Hodgert; 60.1;60.7; Mildred Duncan 56.5. 2nd class—Jack June Coward 78.7; 70.4; Billy Rohde 64.8; Bobby Simp­ son 62.5; Ronnie Gallings 59.2. 1st class—Wilma Borland 82.7; Alan Coward 77.7; Glen Stewart 73.7; Mac Hodgert 73.1; Billy AR Ien 7-0'.9; Everett pollen 46.3; Ger­ ald Campbell 42.7. Number on roll 31; average at­ tendance 29. j A. Baxter, teacher Stewart 82.5; Reg. Hodgert REPORT S. S. NO. 3, STEPHEN The following is the report for S. S< NO. 3, Stephen, for the months of November and December. Jr. IV—Laverne Christie 80; Stan­ ley Preszcatdr 76; Wilfred Perkins 58.42**. Sr. Ill—Billy Jehus 66.35. Jr. Ill—Ruby Preszcator 78.11; Edward Triebner 67.76; Irene Johns 63.94; Ilene jury 50.47. ■Sr. It—Clifford Jory 75 Perkins 73.38; Oaiven 6'31.69. 1st—Shirley Preszcator Johns 63/25. .23; Harry Preszcator 82; Ola JOHN G. MILLER Another, of the early pioneers of the Township of Hibbert, ,a few miles west of Mitchell, in the person of J. G. Miller, died Dec. 17, in his 89th year. He was born in the county of Lanark. In 1879 he was married to the late Mary Jane Mahaffy, who died four years ago. He was a mem­ ber of the Presbyterian Church, a good farmer, and ho had a wide circle of friends. Mr. Miller is survived by four daughters,, Mrs. E. H. Payne, Moose Jaw, Shsk.; Mi’s Ernest Pentelain, bf Hibbert, the Misses Margaret and Bella At home; and three sons, Jas., Thos. and .George, all ot Hibbert. There are also one brother and two sisters, Ai’Ohlbald, of Stratford, Campbell, of Moose Jaw and Cornish of Hibbert. Interment was made in the byterlaii cemetery, Mitchell, SNELL BROS., EXETER ONT. Associate Dealers C. Fritz & Son, Zurich, Ont. John Passmore, Hensall, Ont* Dull Aches In- His Back Terrible Pains In Bladder Pres- Mr. James E. Dowdle, Bath, Ont., writes!—“I had such a terrible backache I became nearly crippled, and had to quit harvesting. I could not lie still at night, and had terrible bladder pains. ., , . . ,The lady of the house told me io get a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills, which I did, and Was feeling better after tne first few doses, and I have not been bothered since I finished the one box.” For sale at all drug and general stores, or maned direct oh. receipt of price by The T, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.