HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-12-29, Page 5THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE Miss Hazel Morena spent, the holi­ days with her parents in Dashwood, Miss Jean Bonthron, of London, spent the holidays at per home here. Miss Margaret McLaren, of Lon­ don, spent the holidays here. Miss Amy Lammie, is spending the holidays here. Miss Thelma Hudson, of London, spent the week-end with her parents here. Mr Harry Cook, of spending the holidays here. Miss Lyn Ontweip, spent the holiday with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKinnon, spent the holiday with friends in Exeter, .• Mr. and Mrs, Herman Dayman spent Christmas with relatives in Exeter, Mr. Milton Boyle, of Toronto is visiting with friends and relatives in town, Miss Olive Coxworth, of Detroit, visited over the holiday with rela­ tives here. Mr. Harold Scruton, of Pt. Dover, spent the holidays with his mother and sister here. Rev. and Mrs. Young and daughter Ruth, - spent the holiday with rela­ tives in Nairn. Mr. Sam. Rennie accompanied, by his mother spent the holiday with friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Buchanan, of London, spent the holidays w.ith relatives in town. Miss Mary Buchanan, of London, is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Alex Buchanan. Mr. Bertz-Horton, of Texas, is vis­ iting over the holidays with relatives in and around Hensall. Mrs. John Murdock spent the holi­ days with her sister Mrs. John Henry Petty of Hay Township. Mr. John Dinsdale spent the holi­ day with her sister Mrs. .John H. Petty, of Hay Township. The Firemen intend putting on an old time dance in the Town Hall on Thursday December 29th. Messrs. Laird, Harry and Wm. Joynt, of Toronto, are spending the holidays with their mother here. M,r. and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer have re­ turned home after a pleasant visit with- relatives in Port Rowan. Mr. Claire Van Horne and sister Miss Ruth are spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family are visiting over the week­ end with the former’s parents in Ridgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parlmer, of Windsor, spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Parlmer. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren at of at her home Seaforth, her home Toronto, is at his home Of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren and Mr. Wm. L. McLaren wer'e holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin, of Farquhar. Mr,' and Mrs. Floya smith, of De­ troit, and Mr. Eldrid Smith, of Lon­ don, spent the holidays with their fathei* Mr. Alex Smith. Mr. Robt. Morrison, of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Priest, of Pt. Huron were holiday visitors Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Priest. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith Mr. and Mrs. Broderick of the Line were Christmas visitors Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt. Christmas Day passed off quietly in the villas’"'. Most of oifr citizens entertaining visitors. The day was exceptionally fine. Mr. knd Mrs. L. Jortwein, of Tor­ onto, and Mr. Milton Ortwein,, of London, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Ortwein. At the' guessing! contest put on by the B & D Butcher Shop. Mr. Harry Smith wdn th© first prize, half of pig and Mr. Sami Merner won the turkey. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Geiger, of Kit­ chener,/and Mr, Geiger, of .visitors at Mrs. Owen Mr. and family, of Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs. (Dr.) Smith and family, of St Marys are spending the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. George C. Petty. Services in our local churches were well attended on Sunday last. Special sermons were delivered for ^the occasion and special Christmas music rendered by the choir. Mrs. Maude Hedden won prize in the newspaper contests put on by the Huron Expositor. She re­ ceived a handsome grandfather's clock Which is on display in Hess & Son, show window. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and Son Howard, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beaver, of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. A* J. Swietaer and fam­ ily, of Beach-o’-Pines, were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins. At the St. Paul’s Anglican churOh Rev. M. B. Parker had charge of the services and in the morning the Sac­ rament of th© Lord’s Supper was Observed and in the evening a Xmas carol was given by tile choir. The Christmas entertainment held On Friday evening last was well at­ tended An excellent program was tendered consisting of teadiiigs, so­ los, drills, choruses and dialogues. Each number being vary ably given, Quite a num’ber of the parents hhd friends of th© scholars of the with and Parr with very ’ , and Mrs. Oliver Finland, were holiday the home of Mr. and Geiger.' Mrs. Lome Scott and third public and, continuation school at­ tended the entertainipent put on in the different rooms of the schools on Thursday afternoon. At the Con- ■ tinuation School a splendid progam > was given and lunch was served at > the close. The Christmas entertainment put on by the members of the Sabbath School of the United church was well attended on Friday ^evening. 4 well rendered program was consisting of readings, solos, and dialogues. At the close program Santa Claus arrived buting the presents. At the United Church Rev, Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit and in the morning two fine anthems were rendered and a solo by Dr. L Smil- lie. In the evening a ladies quar­ tette was given by Mrs. M. Drysdale Mrs. A. i Sinclair, Mrs, G. Hess and Miss Florence Welsh, and a mixed quartette by Mrs. Hess, Miss Flor­ ence Welsh, Mr, Thos. Snerritt and Dr. Smillie, At the Uarmel Presbyterian church Rev. W. A. Young delivered very in­ spiring addresses at both services i In the morning several fine anthems rendered also a solo /‘Nazareth” by Mrs. W. A. Young, In the evening a mixed quartette was given by Miss Iren© Hoggarth, Mrs, Jas. Paterson, Messrs. Jas. Bengough and Jerry Denfield; a mate chorus by Messrs. Jas. Bengough, R. Y. McLaren and Rev. W. A. Young; a ladies’ chorus by the ladies of the choir was then rendered and a ladies quartette by Miss Mabel Workman, Mrs. W .A. McLaren, Mrs. Jas. Paterson and Mrs. W. A. Young. Death of Win. Armstrong Friends in the village were shock­ ed to hear on Tupsday morning that Wm. Armstrong had passed away at the home of his daughter Mrs. John Coleman, of London on Monday ev­ ening. Mr. Armstrong had gone to London to spend -the holidays with his daughter and spent a very enjoy­ able day on Monday. He retired at night and shortly afterwards com­ plained of a severe pain over his heart. Medical aid was immediate­ ly summoned but in spite ot this he failed to rally and passed away in a few moments. Mr. Armstrong was 78 years old and a life-long resident of Hay Township and was one of the best known men in this district. He was a member- of the St. Paul’s An­ glican church and was- a Conserva­ tive in politics. Since the death of Mrs. Armstrong a few years ago he mad© his home with his son George of Hay Township. H© leaves to mourn his loss one daughter Mrs. John Coleman, of London; one son George, of Hay and an, adopted daughter Mrs. Ehril .. Campjbell, o|. Hay. The funeral will take place from the home of his son on Thurs­ day afternoon, interment in th© Hen7 sail Union cemetery. Nomination Meeting The Nomination meeting held on ’ Monday evening was well attended and a great deal of interest shown in i town affairs. Jas. A. Paterson, vil­ lage Clerk was Returning Officer and at eight o’clock announced the following nomination for Reeve. Owen Geiger by Wm. Jones sec­ onded by Fred Hess. Wm. Consitt by A. R. Campbell seconded Robt. seconded The election will take place Monday, January 2. given drills of the distri- Geiger Geiger sec­ sec­ sec- L. Hudson by Fred Daters. Cameron by Dr. Campbell by Wm. Sangster. For Councilors Wm. Jones by Colin Hudson sec­ onded by A. R. Ryckman. Geo. C. Petty by Robt. Cameron seconded by Wm. Consitt. Robt. Cameron by Geo. C. Petty seconded by Wm. Consitt. Dr. Campbell by Wm. Consitt sec­ onded by Robt. Cameron. Walter Spencer by Geo. C. Petty, seconded by Wm. Jones. Wm. Consitt,by Robt. Cameron seconded by Walter Spencer. E. L. Mickle by Jas. Hogarth onded by Donald Burns. School Trustees Henry Soldan by Owen onded by Colin Hudson. Alfred Clark by Owen onded by A. Ryckman. W. O. Goodwin by C. seconded by Wm. Jones. Edgar McQueen by Robt. Camer­ on seconded by Wm. Consitt. Public Utilities Thos. Welsh electee* by acclama­ tion. - At the close of the nomination Mr. Paterson was asked to take the chair for the after meeting and first called on Reeve Geiger for an ad­ dress. Mr. Geiger gave a good re­ view of the work of the County Council fOr the year and also the Village Council and asked for sup­ port of the ratepayers again for the year 1933 for Reeve. Councillors Petty and Jones also gave short addresses. Mr. Wm. Consitt was then called on and gave a splendid address and announced that he would be a candi­ date for the Reeveship. Mr. Cameron thanked the electors .for the spendid support they gave him last year but would not be a candidate for the Reeveship this year but would retire in favor of Mr. Consitt. Mr. Cameron will however be a candidate for the Council. Mr. Geiger then, made a short ply. There was very little criticism fared as the Council Of 1932 tried to keep down expenses as much as possible. . There will be a stiff contest be­ tween Mr» Geiger and Mr. Consitt for the Reeveship which will prob­ ably be the only ope. re­ ef- i THAMES ROAD A fine concert wap given by Junior members of th© Church ; Day School ou Wednesday of i week, The children were prearqd l under the instruction of Mr. Roy W. Goulding and Miss Baxter. Th© pro- , gram consisted of drills, dialogues, choruses etc, Special mention is to i be made of Solos by Master Law­ rence Anderson, Miss Margaret AL lison and Miss Mildred Hodgert also the mouth organ band and dialog­ ues entitled “Wanted ‘“The Won’t and ithe the program candy were distributed to and any that were left over were sent away to the city to the needy. A large congregation turned out to the Christmas ‘services on Sunday morning, who were well rewarded in a fine sermon and good Christmas hymns and music by the choir. Miss Kathleen Wiseman, of West­ ern University, London, is spending Christmas holidays with her mother Mrs. Wiseman. Two auto loads of farm provis­ ions, one from the members of the, Thames Road congregation and one from Roy’s church were taken to London to be distributed amongst-fi the needy families for the Christ-1 g mas season. The loads contained (t provisions of all sorts produced on ft the farm and made many of the city .ff families happy. ig Fullarton Horticultural Society J The annual meeting of the Ful- * larton Horticultural Society was held in fhe Fullarton Hall on Tues­ day afternoon December 13' with a good crowd in attendance. A re­ port as follow^ was given for the year: Prizes given $56.50; Bulbs $3.<0'0; Bulbs and plants given to public places $10.02; meeting and lectures! on Horticulture $9.4b; 7“ ” " 1 ai periodicals $1.75; delegates ex-j penses $24.00; judges fees $13.0(0'; purchase of plants and seeds $204.- 28; total $322.00i There were two shows held dur­ ing the year. Spring with 55 entries and fall with 185. One lecture was given in th© fall by Mr. Park, Tor­ onto. After the report election of officers was held. Pres., Frank Gollings; 1st Vice- Pres., Mrs. GSo. Urquhart;~2nd vice- pres., Mrs. Stanley Hocking. The .following five directors for 2 years Mrs. Vannatter, Mrs. H. McKay Mrs. Rowland, Mrs. H. Fanson Mrs. Ed. Hanson. a Wife” and Will”. After and oranges the children THURSDAY, ©EOEM»W 29, 1982 l. j THE RED & WHITE STORE■ 1 MM* W W w I II ■ MM ll Cherished among the gifts bestowed by the passing year is the memory of the pleasant relations with those it has been our privilege to serve. So it is most sincerely that wishes are sent out for a Happy 1933. ROLL IE'S GROCERY fi­ 1’Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” CREDITON Rev. and Mrs. Hagelstein and family of Fullarton spent Christmas Monday with Mr. and Hill. I Mr. and Mrs. Erwin I Kitchener, visited over Mrs. Isaac Fahrner, of the holidayHorticultur- 'WTT .7 1 v ™ VAipp-ntoa py. the home ot Mr. Christian Fahr- and HARPLEY Robert Davies spent Christ- London, a guest of Mr. Fred Mr. mas in Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hodgins, of •Corbett, spent Christmas Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Eagleson. Mr. and Mrs. Lou. Fahner and family are spending a few weeks with Mr. Isaac Bestard Sr., Mr. and Mrs. M. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande Wright, Miss Lillian and Mr. Willis Hayter, Miss Addie Hockey, all of Detroit, and Rona Hickey, of Toronto, among the Christmas visitors Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hayter. , ,, Miss Jean Hodgins is "holidaying with her father, Mr. J. E. Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mellin, Mrs. J. J. Carruthers, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and Miss Betty Ann spent Christmas on Saturday at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgiife. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Love had their Christmas difaner with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greb. of Zurich. ’ \ Miss Crystal Hayter spent Thurs­ day evening with Misses Ila and Beulah Hodgins. Those who spent their Christmas with Mrs. A. Hayter were: Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Hayter ana Doreen, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Thermon Hay­ ter, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson and babe and Messrs, ford and Thornton Sherritt. Mr. Fred Bailey returned to don on Saturday. Mrs. Russell Pollock held a We Deliver +....... ELIMVIIXE/ Miss Wi'lla Bowers, of London, is spending the holidays at the home of her friend MisS Lillian Murch. •Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Sam Miller and family, of Dashwood, spent Christ­ mas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johns and chil­ dren,' of Lucan, spent Christmas in . the village. Mr. and Mrs. Clifforct Talbot and children, of Goderich, spent Christ­ mas at the home of Mr. John Cor­ nish. Miss Catherine Peters, of London, is spending the holidays at her home here. Miss Marjorie Hunter, of London, spent Sunday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Hunter. Quite a large number from this vicinity attended the Xmas service at James St. Church, Exeter, last Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Pybus, Mr. andi Mrs. Robt. Bragg and daughter Ger­ aldine, of near Chiseilhurst spent Christmas at the home of Mr. Ed.. Johns. Nomination, which was held here.- last Friday, passed off very quietly, the old council all being returned! by acclamation. On Sunday the Christmas service was held in the afternoon and was largely attended. The church was beautifully decorated with holly, red and green streamers, tinsel and bells. . Rev. Peters took for the sub­ ject of his The younger classes sang a couple of numbers, two anthems. Misses Helen /Murch and Florence Bell took special parts in one number. A good number of White Gifts were received for the needy in the West. Last Thursday evening the Christ­ mas concert was held in church, the program being put on by the schol- are of Winch.elsea school under the direction of the teachers, Miss Mc­ Culloch and Miss Reta rtowe, who has been supplying for Miss M. Mc- Geegan, during her recovery from an operation. The program consist­ ed of choruses by the school, dia­ logues, recitations and songs. Rev. Peters acted as chairman. At the conclusion of the program Santa Claus (impersonated by Mr. Bruce Cooper) made his appearance with his pack and presented each child with a sack of candy and nuts to the delight of each one. The pro­ ceeds amounted to over $44., there being a large number present. The annual meeting of the W. M. S. was held Tuesday, December 20, at t£s home of Mrs. Philip Murch with 19 members and one visitor present. Mrs. Murch presided over the meeting which opened with hymn 308 after which the Watchword was repeated in unison. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopt- Rqll call was responded to by 314 were Rev. were Mrs. Chas. Mrs. Wm. Elford; 1st Mrs. Chas. Godbolt; 2nd Mrs. A. E. Pym; Rec. sec, Horne; Corr. Sec., Mrs. E. Treasurer, Mrs. T. Bell; 4 The Christmas Concert at the Evangelical church attained the us­ ual success. The miscellaneous pro­ gram with, the Beginner’s and Jun­ iors attracted captivating interest and the Cantata, “The Great Deliv­ erer” had many majestic touches The decorations with two large Christmas /trees were complete. The committee are all to be congratulat­ ed. The proceeds at the doors were more than last year. A watcn nlghlt service will be held at the Evangelical church on Saturday night beginning at 10 o’­ clock. The W. M. S. will present a brief play and other interesting it­ ems. Offering for Missions will be received. Everybody welcome. A Mission Circle tea will be given at the home of the Sup’t of the Y. P.M.C., Mrs. Roy Finkbeiner, Fri­ day afternoon, from 2 to 7 o’clock. The members are asked to bring their mission dues of five cents if they can and get their lunch free. Everybody invited to spend- a social period with a friend or two as they sit at tea. Not more than a (Mme is expected. New Year’s services both morn­ ing and evening at the Evangelical church next Sunday. The Christmas decorations will remain until after the holidays. The choir furnishes choice anthems for the services. The new gowns for the members of the choir present a very imposing ap­ pearance and have given renewed interest in the work. Miss E. Grenzebach from Goudies, Lim., Kitchener, is spending the holidays alt the Evangelical parson­ age. The annual School meeting was held Wednesday with F. W. '.Mor- lock acting as chairman. The trust­ ees are able to show a neat balance in the bank., Mr. George Mawhinney was re-elected school trustee and Mr. Ernest Gettinger was re-appoint­ ed caretaker. 1 ner. Holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lamport were: Eileen Lam­ port, Marguerite Lamport, Thelma Lamport. Miss Erma Fahrner of London and Ross Krueger, of Kitchener, visited with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fahner on Monday. Lyla Haist, of London, spent the holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haist. Dr. L. O. Gaiser, of Hamilton, is spending her Christmas, vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H, Gaiser. Holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Eilber were: Mr, and Mrs. Hamulled, Elgin Eil­ ber and friend and Russell Eilber. Rev. Fred Faist, of Chippawa and Miss G. Arends, of Naperville, Ill., are spending a week with the form­ er’s parents Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Faist. Mass tending visiting Mrs. F. days. The Public School Closed Thursday. The teachers Miss Pearl Love and Elizabeth Kenney are spending Christmas week at their respective homes. Mr. Elgin Woodall, of Detroit, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Woodall. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist and daughter, of ZuTich, visited Chritet- mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haist. Miss Helen Maclsaac, of London, and Mr. Lester Maclsaac, of Detroit, spent Christmas Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mac- Isaac. . Miss Gertrude Haist, of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hess and .children, of Zurich, spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Haist. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fahner and family were in London on Sunday and Dorothy spent Monday with them. Miss Margaret McMaster is spend­ ing her vacation with iier parents in St. Marys. Misses Lulu Morlock, of Wind­ sor, ngnd Ella Morlock, of Toronto, are spending their Christmas vaca­ tion with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morlock. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Fink­ beiner and family, of near Zurich and Milton Finkbeiner, of Dundas, visited on Sunday with therr parents Mr. and Mrs. George Finkbeiner. Mr. Elgin Woodall, of Detroit, visited with his parents on Sunday, Herb Morloc'k’s team of horses had a very lively run through town On Wednesday afternoon from the chopping mill to John O. Lovie’s hitting Dr. Misener's car slightly damaged, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Misener, of London and Mrs. Farr, of Fonthill, visited with Dr, and Mrs, Misener on Christmas Day, The Christmas concert which was held on Wednesday evening, Dec. 21st in the United Church proved a great success. A gooa crowd was in attendance and an excellent pro­ gram was given. Promotion Day services were hold in the United Church Sunday School last Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs, Il Jones and fam­ ily, of Kippeh, Mr. ahd Mrs. Wm. Persons, of Cromarty, spent Christ- at the home of Mr, Jacob Finkbeiu- et. .1 Miss were with Paul Clif- Lon- very successful Christ-mas entertainment in S. S. No. 10 last Thursday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hodgins, of Corbett, spent Sunday evening with Mr. Jack Hodgins. STAFFAThe United Church held their Christmas concert in the hall on Fri­ day evening. Owing to the slippery roads the crowd was not as large as we would like to have seen, Santa Claus was there with liis presents for the children just the some. Holiday visitors were,— Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jeffery, of De­ troit, with his parents Mr Wm. Mr with Misses Seaforth, Hambly. Miss Anne Speare, her father, Mr. Jos. Mr. Clarence Norris, Toronto, hi& parents Mt. and Mrs. A. W. ris. Mrs. Casey, Miss Rota Casey, chell with Mr. and Mrs. J, A. ler. Mrs. McNauglion,j Chicago, has been visiting her sister George Butson, for two months has returned to her home. Jeffery. , and Mrs, W. M,r, and Mrs O’Brien, Flint, and Mrs. F. O’Brien. Cooper, of with their- Toronto, and sister, Mrs. F. Toronto Speare. with with Nor­ Mil- sad- who Mrs. Laura Clarke, who is at- MacDonald Hall, Guelph, is with her parents Mr. W. Clark, during the and holi- last is ts Which was and Mrs. Mr. and discourse “Goodwill” The choir also sang St. Marys, Gilfillian. Thorndale Mrs. KIRKTON Mrs. J. Gilfillian, of visiting her son Wm. Miss Nettie Routly, of visiting with her mother, M. Routly for the Christmas .holiday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts, of Toronto, are spending the Christmas holiday with Mrs. S. Tufts. The Sunday School held their an­ nual Christmas concert on Friday night, the children all doing parts real well and it was a success. Mr. Ronalds, of Hamilton, the week-end in oUr village. Mr. H. Ross, of cnatnam, Christmas day with his father, Mr. R. Ross, who is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ira N. Marshall and family spent Christmas day at W. N, Gunnings, Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crago spent Christmas day with Mrs. M. Routly. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, of Lon­ don,-called on friends in the village on Christmas day. their good spent spent KHIVA attended the Crediton on is spending at her home with Mrs. With Toronto and spent OttoMr. and Mrs, T. Mawhlnney , Mr and Mrs, spent . A. A number from here Nomination Meeting in Monday. Miss Clara Douglas her Christmas holidays in Iidorton, Miss Meta Sararas, or Mr. Gordon Sararas, of Zurich Christmas Willertr Mr. ahd Christmas Kuntz Of the 14 th. Mr. ahd Mrs. Otto Willert and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason and family spent Christmas with Mt. and Mrs. II. Eagleson. Mr. Harry Lippert is visiting with his parents in Melbourne, ed. a Christmas message. Hymn was sung and then the officers appointed . for next year with Peters in charge. The officers as follows; Hon. Pres Johns; Pres. vice-pres., Vice-pres., Mrs. Wes, Skinner; Supt." Chris, steward., Mrs. j. prance Baby Band Supt., Mrs. P. Mutch; Mission Band Supt., Mrs. Ed. Johns; Associate Helpers Sec., Mrs. Chas, Johns; Missionary Monthly Sec., Mrs. Sherwood Brock; Temperance Sec., Mrs. Wes. Johns; press Sec., Mrs. H. Ford; Supply Sec,, Mrs. G. Davis and Mrs. R. Johns; Mite Box Sec, Mrs. Geo. coward; Flower com. Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. N» Coultis, Mrs. S. Hunter; pianist, Mrs. Wellington Skinner, Mrs. N. Clarke. After the business was dealt with the closing hymn 298 was sung and Rev. Peter»s closed the meeting with prayer.