HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-12-15, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE T’HIJRSPAY, DEpEMBER 1932 County Council County (X'wuul Has Busy Session- Services of County Constable and of Corn Borer Inspector to Ibe a Fees Under Fire—Warden Rader ( is Caned. raised nrder to meet the exact’ ing requirements of the British market, and as this necessitates con­ siderable Improvement work, the council recommends that the agri’ ’cultural representative compile ft boar census of the county; that atl-' visory council recommends' that a 1 represents over a mill and two fifths on the equalized county valuation of $44,271,175.00. Referring to the above figures the McKibbon and Btewman moved that sums- of $1,841.66 and $2,745.55, a the clause be struck- out as they felt total of $4,5 87.21 can be charged they could not vote on It intelligent” up to the several Continuation and ly. The amendment was later re- High Schools in Huron and deduct-, tracted and the clause was referred ing from their levies. The commit­ tee recommended that, since the County is not arranged into High and Continuation School districts, of Justice Committee, and of the .......... Committee appointed to make in­ quiry regarding the stenography jn connection with the same depart­ ment were submitted by Reeves Goldthorpe and Scott, respectively at the afternoon session of Huron County Council on Thursday. The ty for continuation and High School education for 19321 are'1: Huron Cott’ tinuation Schools, $ 10,1595.96; Ad” jacent county School, $1,841.66; Huron High Schools, ‘$47,856.89; Adjacent county High schools $2,* 74'5.55;. total, $63,0'40.06, This sum known as Huron County Sheep Dip­ ping Day and that this be given pub­ licity in the epunty papers and thro’ the medium of circular letters to all [ owners of .community dipping tanks. In view of the heavy losses sus- . tainted by the cattle indusry through the Warble Flies, and' the damage caused by Rots in horses, the coun­ cil recommends that publicity be given to the methods of control and prevention, and suggested that an endeavour be* made to establish an area in the*- county ip which the farmers will undertake to treat all horses and cattle for the extermina­ tion of these pest’s. Owing to the fact that a great deal of weed seeds are annually sown with cereal grain and small seeds, the council wishes to recommend .that the agri­ cultural representative conduct a ■seed drill survey in which the samples collected will as far as pos­ sible, be taken direct from the seed drill; 1 The council recommends to< the 1933 council, continuing the cus­ tomary grant of $200',00 for junior extension wonk and toward each school in the county. 1 It is the wish of •esteem and appreciation of their able and honest efforts for the wel­ fare of the county, Under the heading of unfinished business, considerable discussion centred around the last clause of the Agricultural Advisory Council’s report regarding "the placing of the English pound on a parity with the i Canadian dollar in Canada," Reeves Huron county council opened its December session in Goderich Tues­ day of last week, In addressing the members Warden L< H. Rader ex­ pressed his appreciation of their co­ operation. He believed they were ever conscientious in all matters referred to them in committee, "I think all have' tried tp stay within 'the estimates and I might say that at the present time it is the wish of the public at large to see the mem­ bers come to Goderich to legislate in that way.” The grand jury’s re­ commendation for fire extinguishers and fire escapes for the Children’s Shelter and House of Refuge and other changes were mentioned by the warden who felt the inspection by the grand jury was superflous in view of the fact tlhat the county ap­ points committees' for that purpose., “I feel this county council is quite capable of looking after affairs. We all know the criminal justice ex­ pense is running arway by leaps and bounds.” A savifig of $50'0' juror’s fees had been made. M;r, Rader said there was no county official whp WPuld npt acceed anti sympathize the county council consider the ad- with present conditions, and urged visability of having a sugar beet the council to make fairness an es- factory established in. the county sential. I and a letter to this effect be pre- Later the Council passed the fol- pared and forwarded to the iSt. Law­ lowing motions sponsored by Reeves rence Sugar Co., of Montreal. McKibbon and Taylor: That we ,con-' Whereas at the present time, it sider t'he inspection of county build-, takes about one hog out of^ every ings, Court House, Registry Office f°ur> or °ne bushel of wheat out Children’s Shelter and House of Re- every four to make up the dif- fuge by judge and jury an absolute ference in exchange between Eng- waste of time and money as these and Canadian currency, we re­ buildings are under supervision of spectfully request that this county the government and county county.' council seriously consider this situ- We respectfully suggest that the ation and that a motion be prepar- legislation requiring such expense be ed and forwarded to the Hon. R.obt. amended to do away with this waste Weir, Federal Ministei’ of Agricul- at the earliest possible moment. > ture, requesting ,that he use his in- In the long list of communications fluenae t0 ‘he were many relating to the cost of a WIth tha Canadian secondary education. All the High School grants apportioned by back to committee. Salaries and Fees Considered The report of the Administration a grant of $20 fair conducted the council that •of every four to make up the dif- lish and Canadian currency, we re- that the new Council for 193;3l deal with this matter with a view to mak­ ing these divisions and make other arrangements to prevent the exodus of 'children to schools outside the county, With reference'to resolutions sub-. xUufOUW, x,,* mitted, the committee reported as, recommendations of the former com- | mittee centred around a general re­ duction of cost and ihe dispensing of the services of County Constable Gundry. When the report was tak­ en up clause by clause a vote taken on the latter recommendation re­ sulted in 22 voting in favor and it was declared carried. Reeve Mfc- Kibbon was in the epair. The report of administration justice read as follows: - We, the committee appointed look into the criminal audit accounts find; That the Crown Attorney has re­ ceived for the first nine months of the year $4,113.1.0; the sheriff in fees $871.22 besides salary; the couty constable, Thos. Gundry has received $1,0 86.66; the Warden, Crown Attorney, Sheriff and Treas­ urer received in 1931, $1*64,20 for the selecting of jurors. We also' find oher things in like proposition and we recommend: That this County Council petition the Government to have fees and salaries of the Crown Attorney, sher- ' iff and all other fees in connection /with the Criminal Justice substan­ tially reduced to correspond with the j present conditions, Carried. dollai’ in Canada. _____ ____ ______ __ Under enquiries, Reeve Wright the Department were read: Goderich asked that the facts regarding towns $1,920.50; Wingham, $1,519.42; getting back a percentage of pay- Clinton, $1,869.50; Seaforth, $1,- meats on County roads. This mat- 584.50; Exeter, $1,496.93._________ter was referred to the. Highways The annual report of the ehlet »r G°°a .K°ads Commission to give engineer avlsed that the boilers in |‘ « required mtormat.on with ex- the county buildings were in good, Planations. condition.—'Filed. W. W. Dennison, Inspector of le- {was gal offices, that holds plans in the Registry Of­ fice is not satisfactory, and asked that a new one be obtained; the fence around the building is falling down. Referrred to the County Property Committee. A communication from S. W. Sy­ mons, secretary Ontario Agriculture Council, enclosing statements relat­ ing to swine production, and asking that they be forwarded to the agri-! cultural representative, was sent to the Agricultural Committee. A letter from the Department of Highways concerning the 'reversion of highway in the Township of Turn-j berry was referred to , the Good, Roads Committee. A resolution fromA Elgin County disapproved of the abolition of the County Councils were referred to the Legislative. Committee; and one from the County of Middlesex on the cost of secondary education, to the Education Committee. A motion was sponsored by El­ liott—Haake—'That a request be sent by this Council to the Provin­ cial Minister of Agriculture that he, I ter was referred to the. Highways ‘ or Good Roads Commission to give Reeve Sweitzer a By-law asked if prohibitingueniiibon, xiisjjt/CLux ux *c— i , ■ , * ,i, advised that the rack running o-f cattle and other the public informed there the Hve- high- that a stock at large on ways. He was By-law was passed in 1925 re cattle running at large. The report of the Old Age Pen­ sions Committee was taken clause by clause with Reeve Ballantyne in the chair. The Committee has had 145 applications to date. The total number on the pay roll since the Act ( came in force is 620, of whom nine * have come in from other counties. Afternoon Session William Doig, of Tuckersmith, an 1 ex-school teacher 1 in the County I spoke when Council resumed in the afternoon. Mr. Doig said he was born in Tuckersmith "wnere his par­ ents had built a Io# house, eighty yeans ago. He taught school where he learned his A B C’s and had since been a trustee. He announced that he intends to be a candidate for the Reeveship of Tuckersmith, where he considered' the taxes too high. Mr. Archibald, present Reeve of Tucker smith, aSked if it were u^ual for a candidate to express his views vxo,x xvxxxxxovv.x wx _________ ____ _ to the County Council. The Warden take action regarding the excessive in thanking Mr. Doig ruled that the rates charged by stock commission- latter, was expressing his opinion as ers in the stock yarfts in regard to a ratepayer. shipment of livestock as we submit The reports of the Educational ■in these hard times when prices are, Committee and the Mother’s Allow- low there should be' corresponding, ance Committee were read. The charges exacted by these low prices.. dumber of mothers increased from shipment of livestock, as we submit Tfie reports of the Educational 56 to 6'4. The total number of ben- eficaries is 106t Educational Report The report of- the Educational Committee gave the levies for this year and the returns of the amounts paid by each School district, town or village of the rate levied Adjournment was mpved until 10 a.m. Wednesday. Recommendation for Committee^ -V r .The recommendation of the Agri- icutural Advisory Committee, and hearing t'he report of the Old Age Pensions Committee occupied most of the Wednesday morning session of Huron County Council. The form- gchools the previous years. They are er report was fulj of important in- Rsted as follows: formation to the rural members. The ( Levy clause recommending the,, establish- Hensail ........... $2,107.00 ment of a sugar beet factory, it was Brussels ........... 2,324.67 conceded in the discussion, was as wroxeter ........ 1,156.02’ interesing to town as to country ' Rlyth ............. 1,17,38.41 Reeve J. J. Wright who submitted f ordwich ......... 2,‘037.07 the report, said 20,000 tons or su-' gay beets Were produced in Huron’ by Ontario Cohtinuatlon Schools or ■County. The repors was clause by clause with Reeve Gamble; in t'he chair, and carried with the! exception of clause 8, which was' for these Return $167.90 184.55 68.49 158.86 8'5.00 The following sums were levied taken adjacent County Schools Lucknow ...... Ripley ................ . Rates levied by the reached at noon, and the report laid m the County were on the table tion. The report Council read 1, in view played in the recent pig field and auction sale at Walton, the visory council recommends that or two similiaf meetings be conduct­ ed in the county next year, prefer­ ably either immediately before of after spring seeding operations; it would appear that the standard of Ontario bacon hogs shall have to. be for further considera- ! 1 dis J day a id- one of the Agricultural as follows; of the interest clinton Goderich Seaforth Exeter „ aS E i $1,656.20 185.46 High Schools follows: $11,054.71 11,159 7,045 8,539 $47,85'6.89 County High 05 32 ,69 Total Levy ........ Levies paid to other Schools for students attending from Huron County- were paid as follows; London, $699,80; St, Marys, $<198.- 29; Harriston, $297,3.2; Stratford, $152.68; Listewel, $872.0'8; Park­ hill, $525.38; Total, $2,74'5,55 The total sumS paid by the Cotti- Motions Geiger-Ballantyne; Tbttt ft copy tbp report of the Special Commit­ tee re Criminal Justice account, be sent to each member of the LegiS” jature In Huron, and to the Govern” meat of Ontario. Carried. Archibald-Beaver: That the De&lS- Jslature be requested to amend the Weed Control Act to bare the weeds on the road allowances on all roads cut on the same roa,ds as the adja­ cent lands, as this council considers the present system to be inefficient eumgizey. me worn ut tueClubs on behalf of crippled children J Gmith-Matheson: That the chair. Reeve Sweitzer said no better cause can be helped than assisting Mr. Ed-, " ~ “ *■ wards. . | . - ' . County Engineer Roy iPatterson, reviewed the year’s operations. • Road Committee The Gounty Road Committee re ported that the program of works • .Cpu'nty set forth in June lias been nearly1 completed and it is expected tliere will be a surplus of $1,000 at the end of the year. Economies have been effected in nearly all depart­ ments, particularly in ,’gravel 'pits where the cost of operating crushers have been cut nearly 50 per cent., chiefly by the installation of drag­lines.* k t Elliott—-Gamble moved that a vote of appreciation be given to John McKenzie for his able, and conscien­ tious services at this Council,, and on the County Road Commission. Fri- continuance, wlilcli, we arte sorry to say, appears tp ms wttJ be t^e ulti­ mate result, if this legislation re* mains. in effect. A copy" of tbiis resolution is to be sent to- other County Councils throughout the province and to the rocal members of iparliament.” H- T. Edwards* <upt,_ .of Children’s Aid Society, gave a bal report which •ppvprpd that en by the Children’s 'Shelter Com­ mittee. There are fifteen children in the shelter ranging in age from 16 years to one year, Mr, Edwards eulogized the -work of the Lion’s Clubs on behalf of crippled children. Xhe ver- giv- follows: "Re the resolution of Middlesex County Council making' the parents or guardians responsible for the tui­ tion of pupils over 6 years in at­ tendance at secondary schools.”— Carried. "Re the resolution submitted by the Counties of Wentworth, Halton, Dufferin and Simcoe’ 1 (a) Giving the County Councils the right to set maximum on which they will pay maintenance grants to High Schools and that for 1933-34 the maximum salaries for teachers be $1,800 for principals and $1,000 for assistants.—Carried. (b) That the Lower School work be removed from High Schools and made a public school course in all schools where a teacher holding a first class certificate is employed. The Council could not agree to this “as it will disorganize our pres­ ent system in too drastic a manner,” but then recommended that more at­ tention be phid to the Public School teaching course, introducing such subjects as wjll encourage children' to remain on the farms: "(c) Rais-, ing the school age to 6 years instead of 5 except when kindergarten schools are used.” No action; (d) Th'at in the matter of the many im­ provements asked for t_ _____ _ .. School and other school boards, that, of his duties in this county. Carried. [payer and warden. We recommend that no criminal justice accounts be pai(^ by to this epumcii a report of amounts j of the pay* sheet 'of committees dur- , Carried. Wright-Cardiff; That the Canada • and Dominion Sugar Co. of WaL 1 laceburg and Chatham also the -St. I Lawrence Co, of Montreal, be asked 1 to .start a sugar refinery in Huron /, Carried. Scott-Francis; That By-law No. 5, I19301, appointing Thomas Gundry Sr. special Officer for Huron County, 1 under the Liquor Control Act of On­ tario be repealed. Carryea, Haakp-Goldthorpe; That any per­ son in Huron County wishing to run foxes with dogs be allowed to do so by getting a proper permit. Carried. of Treasurer's Report Gordon Young treasurer of Huron in giving his report Thursday morn­ ing, said the financial standing of the County was good. Instead carrying over outstanding notes of $35,000 in the general account, was hoped to rediuce that amount by half, count ment The Highways’ account were $44,30'8.47/ the total payment $63,9'23.71, leav­ ing a deficit of $19,614.76. 1 Payments in the general account showed for eleveil months; The ad­ ministration of justice, $17,778.88; county home, $18,068.06; schools, $48,163.6'0; municipal government, $5,895.59; county property, $>3,135.- 28; Children’s Shelter, $2,880.83; Mothers' Allowance, $9,5i62.5’0; jail, $3,761.38; hospitals, $4,703.48; grants, $1,290.00; interest and ex­ change, general, $3,642.79; county roads $,3,941.50; printing, $823.18; Division Court, water, light, tele­ phone, etc., $1,200; Old Age Pen­ sions, $12,022.01. Ian McLeod, Agricultural Repre­ sentative of Huron, addressed the Council. He had Imld 9 4 meetings during the year with an attendance of 7,617. The sum of $659.90 had been received in the county as a bonus in the purchase of pure bred horses. There had been dipped l,003i sheep and several parasite experi­ ments were made and! about 3,60'0 treated. The total hogs shipped the past year was 80,44.3; last year 6’0, 598, showing about 33 1-3 per cent, increase. Many experiments in cull­ ing poultry were carried out. The benefit in the use of fertilizer was •shown. Some 172,377 trees had been brought into the county free of charge for reforestration. Sixty orchards were examined for disease in apples and not one found free from certain affection. The unfinished report of th© Ad­ visory Committee was taken. Clause eight had been struck out, re the gold standard. Support Resolution The Legislative Committee agreed to the resolution, from the Elgin County Council against the aboli­ tion of County ’Councils of Ontario, as they are doing good wonk, which was endorsed by th© .Council. Regarding the communications from the C. P. R. and C. N. R in connection with cattle guard s on railways the committee concurred in th© action of the County Coun­ cil in session refusing acqueisence in same. The committee also en­ dorsed the resolution of the Board of Trade of Prince Edward Coun­ ty to recommend to the Provincial and Dominion Governments that “until the remuneration for labor in urban and rural districts relief be considered entirely as ter. Th© committee also the communication of of Stormont, Dundas ry affecting indigent hospitals. tation from Goderich, the members County of Huron, to be added to the in~ Council, protest on the [system, and notice has just been re-; F"** u- to Council adjourned to meet on day morning at 10 o’cIock. Warden is Caned Stories, eulogies, speecnes and compliments of the season following the presentation of a fine gold-. hea'ded cane to Warden Rader, featured the ringing down of the curtain of the final session of ‘Huron County Council on Friday afternoon. The address to the warden was read j by Reeve Owen Geiger, and the pre-1 sentation made by Reeve McKibbon, on Wingham. Warden Rader expressed his preciation' of the gift and said would never forget the hearty operation he had received from “the _( We also recommend that County J chosen people 'Of this county,” of the Public ’ Constable Thos. Gundry be relieved’which he was proud to be a rate- ap- he co- of it The County Highways’ ac- will balance when the govern- suhsidy is received in March, total receipts in Provincial these demands be discontinued dur-! ing the time of depression as ^possible.” Carried. Motions far as Reeve Elliott was asked to take the} the chair for the presentation. Fol- County Treasurer before they have J lowing this a number of the mem- gone before the Criminal Audit and ( bers of the council made short 'O. K’d by the. committee. Carried. ' speeches. We further recommend that the | Three cheers and a tiger for War­ selection of jurors be allowed four! den Rader and the singing of God days only for selecting jurors at jSave the King and Auld Lang ‘Syne * An r'~...I closed the 193'2 sessions of Huron County Council. Scott-Stewart: That the between concessions 8 and 9 Township of East Wawanosh run­ ning westerly from Belgrave be add­ ed the County Highway System as East Wawanosh has no roads on county system except their share of Boundary roads on the south, west and north sides of township. Refer­ red to Good Roads Committee. Campbell-Cardiff; That this council ? ask the inspector of Old Age Pen- 1 sions or Mother’s Allowances to con-! / suit a member of the Board of each municipality before any pension be granted or readjusted. Carried. Matheson-Archibald: That 1 Council, recommend dispensing- with ^1^ Mis^O^ the county corn-borer inspector and deputy and paid her perscnaUy £or transfer his . responsibilities to the ^er services. That Miss Shoenal’s local weed inspectors. Carried. j uame should mot appear in county Haake-fSweitzer; That the county accounts under the administration of pay Goderich/Township for the gra- justice as receiving pay unless as the vet taken from their pit on the Ben-. Deputy Court stenographer. Mrs, miller road which has been owing Reynolds also informed us that she since the years 1928 and 1929, andhs Matron of Huron County Jail, this council go out and look this ■ From** the information received to ■■ ” •- ~ - — ~ -v*w,vw, ¥, AX UXXW xwvvz J. fOT | ■ . * , • Referred to the Good these service should be materially1 There are at present 91 inmates m .the House. During the years there were fourteen deaths. During visits I to he House the committee was well pleased with the way the inmates Juvite'W6r6 cared for and are proud of this ' institution.’ The County property Committee's report which was carried, told of visits to the jail when the eleven prisoners and the jail were found in good condition; recommended a new filing cabinet for the registry office but that it be left to the incoming council; recommended a new fence around he Registry Office; a new flag for Court House. The second report of Huron Caun- was taken road in the - $4.00 per day. Carried. Report on committee re steno­ graphy was carried as follows: According to your instruction's we have made enquiry into the matter •of stenography in connection with . the administration of justice in this ' county. We were shown the Order in Council dated Aug. 11, appoint- ! ing Miss Edna Webb now Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, court stenographer for the county. We were also shown I the tariff of fees for court wonk of this kind. We were also informed tJ}ls by Mirs. Reynolds that she had, ap- the county corn-borer inspector and ” /// transfer his responsibilities to the her “services. Friday Morning The Friday morning session was . largely taken up with discussion on the report of the Good IRoads Com­ mission, which' recommended that the County pay for the gravel taken from the Benmiller R'oad and the doubt as to the ownership of it. Reeve Haake declared there- was no dout Goderich Township owned the gravel pit, read minutes of previous ■County Council meetings and main­ tained they should be paid for the gravel taken. Reeve McKibbon mov­ ed that $125 be paid as "more than that amount has been wasted cussing it.” Finally the report a'dopted. — dis- was situation over’ when we adjourn thig!.date, we feel the rate of pay afternoon. . " Roads Committee. (lowered during this time of depres-i ;Scott-Goldthorpe: That this county sion, and further that the remuner- council recommend to the various.ation should come from the same! High School Boards that the maxi-1 source as the appointment. We re-' mum salaries to be paid tp. princi- /commend that this Council pals be'not more than $2,000 per other counties to join in making a' annum owing to the continued de-1 request to the Ontario Legislature to give local autoinony to the coun­ ties in this province regarding these appointments. We recommend that the incoming Council take up 'matter that all county should be law. Another clause pression with a view of relieving the taxpayers a-nd having the teach­ ing profession take their share of the existing scarcity of money. Re­ ferred to Education Committee. Geiger-McNabb: That a copy of the Old Age Pension report be print­ ed and sent to the Reeves of each municipality and after nomination day is over it is to remain with the clefk for any information. Carried. Cardiff - Taylor; That council petition the government to have township engineer’s fees reduced by law. We with the municipalities feel that local engineers receive for too much money for services rendered. Carried. Cardiff-Wright: That this council' stenographers appointed by the for By­ asking that stenographer in the (Engineer’s fice be required to combine het Reports of Committees ,The report of the House of Refuge Committee ;was carried as follows! •the °£’l du­ ties with the stenographic work injty Road Commission the clerk’s office was struck out as clause by clause. The report read: it was shown that the work of the former required all her time. Deputation From Tjown, Mayor C. C. Lee headed a depu- Re the motion of Messrs. Scott and Stewart: That the road west of Belgfave be added to the 'County Road 'System, this road was includ­ ed in By-law No. 20, 1930, of the a local mat- concurred in the Counties and Glen gar- patients in The report’ was adopted of which spoke in The question of certifying accounts “; caused The remuneration do not give consent to the C.N.R.! recent action of the Department to ceived from the Department of High-, for indigents in hospitals xi.„ ........jx-u ..x,,.1.,. . ..-x,. x.._.„,.jlg schools in'ways that the only county roads ap-'some discussion. The remi His Worship in proved to date are the road to Au-jof the corn-borer. inspector and the •to go on record burn 'Station and the road between' certification of his accounts caused for the doing away with cattle’do away with training schools in! guards within the county as we still smaller hospitals. ( feel that they are of much value to asking the Council to go - cattle being driven along the road/ as being against this, introduced M!r Carried. j G. L. Parsons, president of the MloKibbon-Archibald.' That this council desires to place on record our sincere regret at the several of our old esteemed of former county councils county—tli,o late William former Reeve of Morris and Wing-' ham; Herbert Crith, fermer reeve of Tttc]kersmith, ah ex-Reeve ef, Wingham; ux«xxxco wxiu. was Reeve of Wiugham iii 1888; ■ regarding same. A. motion of this Thomas Gregory, ex-reeVe, Winghafh effect was sponsored by Reeves John iShortreed, ex-ReeVe of Morris;/Craigie and Smith after hearing the Einlay Anderson, Robert reeve of East Wdwahosh; Campbell, ex-reeve of E. and ex-warden of Huron county and rural cemmunities, and greatly in- the late Thomas McMillan, ex*Mi.P. We wish to' place on record our hospitals, if not entirely their dis-lgato to Toronto, Concessions 8 and 9, Turnberry. Car.{many questions. Reeve Smith ask- ‘ _ __•Lx~_ KillRe motion of Messrs. Haake and ed on whose authority was the bill That the county pay for’Paid and ths warden said 11 wasj G. L. Parsons, president . .'Goderich Hospital Association and Dr. Martin, a member staff. The Council went strongly disapproving Of the Provincial Government in or­ dering the discontinuance of a train- • ing school in small hospitals that /have lived up previously in every! ' wav to all government regulations' Sweitzer gravel taken from the ; Benmiiler Road, the Commission of a former year offered $125.00 in full ’settle­ ment of all claims against the land, and we recommend that a similiar offer be made without prejudice. Carried. , „ _ r Peeve Wright asked the Warden.James A. Morton, who t way to all government regulations' opinion on sending of delegates to death of members of this Isbester of the medical on record aS of the action Buchanan, deputation from Goderich, The mo. J. Newton Wawanosh tion further stated "Wo feel that this Will act as a real hardship to trease the cost of conducting these his. In the last mileage was Scott and after discussion Mir. Rader asked that the question be consider­ ed by the January session. By-ixiws By-law Nc. 17, confirming the payment of grants and exenditures Was adopted. By-law No. 18, repealing By-law No. 5, of 1930, appointing Thomas Gundry, St., of Goderich, a special ncijuu,) uxxc x..^v officer to enforce the Liquor Cott* Ing of Council, would he the proper trol Act of the Province of Ontario* time to make appointment of dele*}was carried, effective December 31* . 19.32‘j the Ontario Agricultural Advisory met ting in Toronto, with the Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agrlcul* turn. The Warden gave a verbal re­ port on this meeting which lie felt was helpful, but the January meet- minute the subject of introduced by Reeve