HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-12-15, Page 5/ THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE s r f Miss Hazel Morenz spent Sunday ■ at her home ip Dashwood. County warden Louis Rader was in town Saturday on business. -Mr. Thos. Hemphill, of Detroit',, is spending the winter relatives in town, Mr. and Mrs. A, L. turned home after a with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Edward Sheffer for a couple of weess daughter in Port Rowan. Our local merchants engaged decorating their windows foi* the Christmas season. The old time dance put on by the firemen in the Town Hall was well attended on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and family of the Beech u Pines, spent the week-end with relatives in town Our local churches and Sunday Schools are busy practicing for the coming Christmas entertainments. Mr, and Mrs. D. McNaughton are spending the winter months -with their son, Mr. Peter McNaughton of Hibbert. Mrs. McArthur has returned tc her home in London after a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold. » Mr. Thos. Drummono, of' Toronto, came up to Hensall to attend the wedding of his grand-daughter, Miss Margaret Drummond. Miss FlOra Waldron? of Ottawa, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. W. A. Young left last week for Tor­ onto where she will visit friends. The nomination meeting will be held in the Town Hall on Monday evening, December 26th. The elec­ tion will take place on January the 2nd. The Sunday School of the Carmel Presbyterian church intend holding a Christmas entertainment on Fri­ day evening December 23. A very good program is being prepared. , The Sunday School of the St., xPaul’s Anglican church intend pre­ senting a play entitled “Bethlehem the House o’f Bread” in the town Hall on Wednesday evening, Decem­ ber 21st. Mrs. A. Harpole and daughter Pearl who have been spending the summer months with relatives in Mears, Alta., have returned and are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horton. The Arnold Circle of the Carmel Presbyterian church was held on Tuesday evening last at the home of Mrs. W- A. Young. A social ev­ ening was spent and election of of­ ficers took place. The Welfare of Youth Club held their regular meeting. The topic on “Value of the Church” was very ab­ ly given by Mrs. B. Edwards. Con­ tests and games were indulged in at the close of the meeting. At a meeting of the Public Lib- . rary. Board on Saturday evening. Mrs. Robert Cameron was appointed Librarian. Mrs. Cameron has been * assisting in the Library for some time and will make a very efficient "librarian. At a meeting of the Hensall Or­ ange Lodge No. 73'3 the following officers were elected and installed into their respective chairs: W. M., Bro. Glenn Slavin; D, M., Bro. Rus­ sell Brintnell; Chaplain, Bro. Wm. Craig; Rec. Sec., Geo. E. Fee; Fin. Sec., Bro. G. C. Petty; Treas., Bro. John Craig; M. of C, Bro. Wilbur Chappell; 1st Lecturer, Bro. James Petty; 2nd Lecturer, Bto. Albert Geddes; 1st Committeeman, Bro. Louis Clark; 2nd Committeeman, L. Luker; 3rd Committeeman, D. Chappell; 4th Committeeman D. Foss; 5th Committeeman D. Black­ well. While coming home to Hensall on Saturday night Mr. Donald McKin­ non met with a nasty accident which might have resulted seriously. He was passing a truck which was on its way to London with a load of Christ­ mas trees. One of the butts of the trees was sticking out so far that in passing the McKinnon car- struck it smashing the windshield and all the windows on the driver’s side- of the car. Donald turned around and followed it to Exeter where he got it stopped and traffic officer Lever was called from Clinton. Mr. Mc­ Kinnon got a satisfactory adjust­ ment for damages. South Huron Ministerial Association The South Huron Ministerial As­ sociation met in Rev. M. B. Parker’s rooms Wednesday of last week. The paper for the meeting was given by Rev. Mr. Peters of Elimville and was entitled “The Church’s Debt to the Heretics.” Discussion followed as to What meant by “heretics” and as to how far such individuals helped to clarify religious thought. Ten clergymen were present. The Min­ isterial Association, recently re-or­ ganized, is a' get-together of all pro­ testant denominations to discuss lo­ cal problems and activities in which co-operation may be helpful. McKenzie—Drunnnond A quiet wedding, witnessed by immediate relatives was solemnized at ‘ the St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Saturday at 4.30 p.m, when Mar­ garet Netterfield, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Drummond of Hensall became the bride of Orme youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie, of Kincardine,, the Rev, months with Case have re- pleasant visit is visiting with her are busily father was lovely in key wedding, dress of French green, crepe and was! attended by her sister, Miss E- Louise Drummond, who was attir­ ed in blue romanie crepe, Both wore hat, shoes and gloves to match, the bride carrying a bouquet of French Marigolds and fern tied with green and silver ribbon and the brides­ maid yellow ’mums with blue and silver ribbons. Thd* groom was at­ tended by Mr. wm» Druipimond) brother of the bride. Following the wedding a supper was served at the home of the bride’s parents, The decorations in the dining-room and living room carried opt in yellow and white Streamers and ‘mums cen­ tred with a large white bell, bride was the recipient of beautiful gifts. The will make their home Out of town guests T. O, Drummond, of Mrs, T, McLean and eanor, of Wingham, DASHWOOD Or. H. H. Cowwi, L.D.S., 0.0,5, DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hart/elb Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post office. Ip Zurich, last three deva of week Mr. Czar Steinhagen of the Cana­ dian Bank of Commerce at Guelph is spending his holidays with his parents Mr, and Mrs. hagen. Miss Anna Tieman week-end in Henpall, Miss Theada Hayter, parents Mr, Chas. Stein- spent the of Windsor, and Mrs. McKenzie, of Kincardine,, the Rev, M. B. Parker, officiating. The bride Who was given in marriage by her The many young couple in Kincardine Included Toronto, daughter, Mr and El- CREDITON A Christmas concert will be given in the United Church, on Wednes­ day evening, December 21st. A good program is being prepare'd consist­ ing of drills, dialogues, pantomines and a tableau entitled- ‘Silent Night’ will be given, by the Young People, Come one! Come all! Miss Helen Maclsaac and Clara Thompson, of London, spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Maclsaac. With her home gaily festooned with Yuletide decoartions, Mrs. C. C. Mlisener very pleasantly enter­ tained the members of the Woman’s Association of the United Church at their annual meeting on Thursday, December 8th. The President Mrs. J. Mawhinney presided. The lesson was read by Mrs. c. Jones after which Rev. Johnston led in prayer. Twenty two members responded to the roll call. The treasurer gave a very gratifying report having decor­ ated a number of rooms in the par­ sonage. It was decided to remember the shut-ins as usual at Christmas time. After the regular business was attended to, Rev. Johnson took charge of the election of officers which resulted as follows: President Mrs. B. Kestle; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. C. Jones;t> 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. . E. Lawson; 3rd Vice-Pres., Mrs. C. C, Misener; Rec. Sec., Mrs. A. Baker; Treas.,'' Mrs. Trevethick; Pianist, Mrs. Mlisener;; Convenors of' Com­ mittees, Parsonage, Mrs. Kerr; Good Cheer, Mrs. I. Hill; Visiting, Mrs. F. Clark; Managing, Mrs. Ed. Beaver. At the close of the meeting refresh­ ments were served; assisting the hostess were, Mirs. F. Clark and Mrss J. Vfoodall. Fahner-Thompson A quiet marriage was solemnized on-Tuesday evening, December 6th, at Spruce Villa, Parkhill, when El­ sie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, oi near Park­ hill was united in marriage to Lloyd R., only son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fahner. ceremony, ^heartiest congratulations. Women’s Institute The Crediton’s Women’s Institute held their December meeting in the Institute rooms which were decorat­ ed for the Christmas season. Mirs. Mabel Ewald the president presided over the meeting, about 2’5' members being present. 'The meeting was opened by singing the “Ode” and repeating the Lord’s Prayer in uni­ son. The roll call was answered with “Ideas for Christmas.” After the business session Mrs. E. LaWsoh took the chair and gave the life his­ tory of “Stephen Foster” who is our old-folk song writer and' composer^ after- which she gave a piano solo composed, of some of nis composi­ tions. Little Miss Norma Fahner sang a very pleasing'solo. Dr. Mis­ ener gave an enlightening talk on Relief Work which could be done in our community and the Institute de­ cided to give aid by giving food and clothing. The next item on the pro­ gram was the arrival of Santa Claus and distribution of gifts. After which an appetizing lunch was served and a hearty vote of thanks was tender­ ed the hostess. \ ------------------------ - FOUNTAIN PENS—• Parker’s Eclipse, also Christmas Stationery at Grieve’s Store. Rev. Hill, officated at We extend to them / the our is visiting her R. Hayter, Mr. Eugene London, spent the former’s parents. S. S. No. ‘8 Hay will give their an­ nual Christmas Concert on Thursday evening December 20th. Admission. 10c. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Callfas, of Sarnia, called on friends in town last week, The Christmas Entertainment in thex Evangelical church will be held on Monday evening December 26th, and in the Lutheran church on Sat­ urday evening December 24th. Dashwood Public School concert will be held on Wednesday, Decem­ ber 21st. Admission 15c. A very quiet wedding took place at the Evangelical parsonage on Saturday .evening 1 December 10th.I when Miss Ella Phyley, of Chippa- «« wa, niece of Rev. A. W. Sauer was rnone luZ united in marriage to Mr. Albert W. | Heximer, of Stevensville. Rev. A. W. Sauer officiated. I Mr. and Mrs. Heximer visited a few days with Rev. and Mrs. Sauer. Tieman and the week-end friend of with GIVE HIM!—Cigars, tobacco, cigar­ ettes in Christmas array, case pipes, lighters, cue. at Grieve’s Drug Store, Exeter. CENTRALIA Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto,Mr. spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson. On Sunday evening December 18 a pageant entitled “.The Glory of the Star” will be presented in the audi­ torium of the church. Rev. Mr. Stainton, of James Street United Church, Exeter, will conduct Sunday School Anniversary in the morning. Services at m. and 7 p.m. Don’t forget to come to No. 9, Biddulph Christmas followed by play “Daddy” which will be held' in St. Patrick’s Parish Hall, Saintsbury, on Thursday, December 22nd, at 8 p.m. 10c. Shirley Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis has been seriously ill for the past week with pneumonia. Mrs. Wm. Bowden is taking care of her. Mr. M. Sleamon has' Installed an oil burner in his furnace. Next Sunday, December 18, will be Sunday School Anniversary Rev Mr. .Stainton, of Exeter will be the speaker at the morning service. In the evening the Sunday School schol­ ars are presenting a pageant “The Glory of the Star.” Don’t forget the Christmas En­ tertainment to be held Wednesday December 21. Everybody welcome. The Centralia Sunday School have received a collection plate from -Trinidad which was brought over by Rev. Harold Swan.' This plate is made of one piece of wood only, cut until it is the proper shape and polished with cocoanut oil and was made by an East Indian and all goes to show the skill displayed by the Trinidadians. This is the result of the work of the Supt. M|r. Cecil Skinner as he has been having the 'children save their coloured papers and give dad. the Services 10.30 a. the S.S. Concert THURSDAY, BEQEMBEH 15. 1032 to RED & WHITE store } 94c.IJ„ Ymoo PiH J * poun<* ^ed & White Coffeerive AlllflS Ulll | 1 pound Red & White Orange Pekoe Tea 1 McBeth Chip proof Cream Pitcher and Sugar Bowl . M, Finest Mixed Peel , . per lb, 21c, ■ .............. ..... ..- •...............!• Pure Cane Sugar .....1..................... .... 10 lbs. 49c, New Lexia Raisins 2 lbs. for 23c.Choice New Mixed Nuts ,., 2 R>s. for 29c. Australian heedless Raisins ,,, 2 lbs. 25c.Falcon Mincemeat , 2 lbs. for 25c, New Re-Cleaned Currants .,,. per lb. 15c,De Luxe Jelly Powders, assorted 6 for 25c. Bleached Sultana .. per lb. 19c.Wagstaffe’s Pure Apple Jelly 32 oz. jar 27c Pineapple Rings, assorted .... 1-2 lb, 27c.P. & (J. Soap . ...................10 bars for 32c, Fancy Whole Glaced Cherries .per lb. 39c,Select Oysters ............. .. ,,.. . per pint 55c, Fresh Bordeau Walnut, pieces . per lb. 39c.Fresh Frozen Salmon •....,, .per lb. 15c. New Shelled Almonds.........., per lb. 39c.Fresh Frozen Herring , ., ..... per lb. 10c. Fresh Pitted Dates ........2 lbs. for 25c.New Large Lemons ...... per dozen 25c; New Dates . ...........................4 lbs, for 25c.Red Emperor Grapes ....,,., per lb. 10c. Almond Extract...........,.. . bottle 9c.Japanese Oranges ,. per box $1.10 Rex Vanilla............................. 2 ottles 13c.New Navel Oranges . . 29,39 and 49c. doz. Best Icing Sugar ..........2 lbs. for 15c.Texas Seedless Grapefruit ...........5 for 25c. ROLLIE’S GROCERY “Quality always higher than price.” GIVE HIM—Rolls or Wilkinson English razors the last word in shaving comfort at Grieve’s Drug Store, Exeter. WOODHAM ELIMVXLLE of Miss appoint- follows: Peters; The Live Oak Mission Circle held their election of officers last Thurs­ day afternoon at the home Ruth Bkinner. The officers ed for next year were as Hon. .Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) Pres., Miss Lavona Cooper; 1st Vice- Pres., Miss Helen Murch; Treas. Miss Marjorie Delbridge; Rec. Sec., Miss Mary Hunter; Corr. Sec., Miss Laura Ford; Systematic Giv. Sec. Miss Miss Mrs. Mrs. Miss Audrey Prance; Assistants, Mirs. H. Murch, Mrs. G. Johns; Heralds China, Miss W. Ferguson, Japan, Miss Mary Herdman, Christian Ste- Margaret Johns; Mite Box Sec. Bernice Murch; Supply Sec. Wm. Routly; Literature Sec. Mervin Pym; Temperance Sec. Ruth Skinner; Pianist, M'isis --------- , ------------------------------ WVV, Admission adults, Wardship, Miss Margaret* Johns, In­ sending them to Mr. Swan to to the little children in Trini- Woman’s Association The men’s schoolroom of the church on Thurs­ day afternoon ,December 1st with the President, Mrs. W. Bowden, presiding. The meeting was opened by the use of Hymn 68, after which the Lord’s prayer was repeated in unison, read W. were from given. A short business session took place in which the Association de­ cided to give $100' to the Parsonage Fund. Rev. Robb then took charge of the meeting for the election of offi­ cers. It was moved by Mrs. M. El­ liott and seconded by Mrs. Brooks that all the old officers be returned to office for the coming year. 'This was unaminous and are as follows: President, Mrs. W. J. Bowden; 1st Vice Mrs. T. Willis; 2nd Vice, Mrs. B. Hicks; Thompson ey; assistant sec,, Mrs. S. met and elected hew officers for1 pianist, Mrs, A. Essery. the coming year. The Bunday School is busy prac­ tising for the Christmas entertain­ ment, Mr. anad Mrs. H. G. Burgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Frank Pridham. Messrs. Gerald’ and Wilbur Cluff spent Sunday with Lome Mr, Floyd Pridham was in the village on Sunday, December meeting of the Wo- Association was held in the KIRKTON EXETER, ONT. We Deliver WHALEN and Boxed Drug The Scripture lesson was from the first Psalm. Hymn The minutes of the last meet­ read and adopted. Reports the various committees were Mrs. Ira Marshall spent last week visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. We are val Roger Stratford ing nicely Lankin, of Granton, pleased to hear Mrs. Or- has returned home from Hospital and is recover- from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Routly and baby son, of St. Marys, spent Sun­ day with Mrs. Miatt Routly. The boys-hre working hard try­ ing to get the skating rink in shape Mr. Richard Ross is under the doctor's care at present and we ljope for a speedy recovery. The annual meeting of the Y. P. Treasurer, Mirs. G. 0 Secretary, FloSsey Dav- assistant see Parsons . ... , 'The meeting was Closed by Rev. Robb and a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. er, Mrs. D. Hodgson, Mils. Ed. Walk- A. Brooks and Mrs. G. Ford dia, Miss Thelma Jaques, Korea. Mrs. Garnet Johns; New Canadian. Mrs. Mervin Pym. The officers of the Adult Bible : Class for next yeai\ are as follows: Teacher, Mr. Wm. Johns; President Mrs. Wm. Elf ord; 1st Vice-Pres, Mr. Alvin Pym; £nd Vice-Pres., Miss Dora Delbridge; Secretary, Mr. Hy. Cole; Assists Sec., Mrs. J. Brock; Treasurer, Mr. George Bailey; Audi­ tors, Messrs. Newton Clanke and George Bailey. 'The Sunday School officers for next year are as follows: Supt. Mr. Wes. Johns; Assist. Supt,, Mr. Wm. Veal; Secretary, Mr. Howard J'ohn&,• Assist. Sec., Mr. Allan Johns, M<r. A. Herdman, Mr. Laverne Skinner; Treas., Mr. Henry Delbridge; organ­ ist, Miss Margaret Johns; Assist, organist Miss Lavona Cooper, Mr, Lome Elf ord,’ Librarian, Mr. John Ridley; Singing Leader, Mr. William Elf ord; Assist. Singing Leader, Mr. Kenneth Johns; Supt., Home Dept. Mrs-. Wes. Johns; Miss. Supt, Mrs. Garnet Johns; Ass. Miss. Supt. Mr. Horace Delbridge; Supt. Cradle Roll Miss Florence Bell; Temper. Supt.; Mrs. Rev. Peters; Ass. Temper. Supt Mr. Harry Cole, Teachers— Senior girls, Mrs. C. Godbolt, Miss Lavona Cooper; In­ termediate girls, Mrs. Wes. Horne Lula Hunter; Senior boys, Messrs. Horace Delbridge, James Kirkland; Intermediate boys, Rev. Peters, Mr. Delmar Skinner; Junior boys, Mrs Wm. Routly, Mrs. Newton Clarke; Primary class, Mrs. Henry Delbridge 2nd Beginner’s Class, Misses Helen M,urch, .Florence Bell; Beginner’s Class, Miss Marjorie Delbridge, Mrs. James Mr. visited day. Miss Wm. Bradshaw’s for a few days last week. Mrs. Wm. Routly last Saturday after few days with Rev. at South Woodslee. Mr. Chas. Johns good health at present, His many friends hope he will soon be well again. Miss Lorena Johns, who has been in Musfcoka for some time for the tbenefit of her health is at present home The Road home Monday evening. Miss Lila Pym, of Thames Road visited with relatives here over the w’eek-end, Miss Beatrice Knight spent Sun­ day with Miss Lavona Cooper. Kirkland. Scott Whaley, of St. Marys, at Mr, Chas. Johns last Fri- The regular meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the basement of the church on Wednesday, December 7. with the president in the chair. There was a goodly attendance and one visitor. The meeting was open­ ed by the singing of a hymn and prayer by the president. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The roll call was answer­ ed by a verse of scripture after which a short program was put on by group number two. Mrs. Arthur Rundle took the Bible reading and also gave another paper which fit­ ted in nicely with the scripture verses. A very pleasing duett was sung by Mrs. W. Switzer and Mrs. F. McNaughton. Mrs. John Wilson gave an excellent paper on ,‘The Christmas Spirit.” A hymn was next sung and Mrs. Rev .Ruther­ ford took the chair and the officers for the coming year elected, who are as follows: Pres., Mrs. Ben Wil­ son; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Jas. Squire recording secretary, Mrs. F. Mc­ Naughton; assist. Mrs. Oliver Hazel­ wood; corres. secretary, Miss Mary Brethour; treas., Miss Sarah Shier; Baby Band Supt., Mrs. Wm. Rudd; secretary of finance and steward­ ship, Mrs. John Wilson; temper, se­ cretary, Mrs. John Camm; Strangers secretary, M>rs. W. Shier and Mrs. F. Doupe; auditors, Mrs. Wm. Mills and Mrs. J. Routly, Visiting Com­ mittees, Mrs. Cecil Cam.m, Mrs. Jas. Squire, Mrs. Wm. Rodd, Mrs. Jas. Routly. Miss Elaine Camm left last week for Seaforth Hospital to train as a nurse. We wish her success. On Tuesday evening December 6, the Sunday School executive met in the basement of the church and ap­ pointed the following officers to look after the Sunday School work for the coming year. Nearly all of the old executive went back in again, with the exception of two or three; Supt. Mr. Fred Doupe; assist. Mr. Clarence Gunning; treas., Mr Gordon Sinclair; Rec. Secretary, L. Thacker, R. McNaughton; pianist, Miss Nina McNaughton, Miss Violet Squire; teachers, Bible class, Mrs. Delmar Johnson, Mrs. W. Switzer; Young Men’s Class, Mrs. . Rev. Ru­ therford, Mrs. Jas. Squire; Young Ladies Class, Mrs. Gordon Sinclair; Mrs. F. McNaughton,^ class 4, Mirs. Thacker, Miss Blanch Mills; class 5, Miss M. Hooper, Mr. John Camm; class 7, Mrs. E. Davis, Mrs. C. Fiet-1 cher; class 6, Mi'S. wm. 2 Arthur Rundle. A vote of thanks : was tendered by the Supt. for the • teachers, for their work during the year, and the pastor closed the meet­ ing with prayer. ------------- I Mrs. Mervin Johnson and son Neil spent a couple of days last week with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, of Exeter. Mrs. Ernest Foster spent Satur­ day in Stratford. Mr. Ray Parkinson, of Devizes spent the week-end under the par­ ental rpof.- Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire spent last Sunday with Mr. son, of Lucan. Friends of Mr. sorry to learn of hope he will soon be able to be out again. Miss Ruth Morley has accepted a position in Lucan. and Mrs. C. Mill- Ross Duffield are his illness but ZION in- om Mr. The people of Zion are preparing for a play “No Account David’’ to be given early in the new year, the proceeds of the play to go towards the cemetery fund. Instead <of holding a Christmas tree this year the congregation tend holding a social evening December 23rd. Mary, the little daughter of and Mrs. Earl Johnston, has been ill’* but is improving. We are pleased to learn that An­ na, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wel­ lington Brock, is. improving from her serious, illness. ’ Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and sons visited with their neice, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs; Eph. Hern called on Mrs. Myron Culbert, of Lucan Sun­ day. Mrs. Culbert was recently in­ jured when an auto overturned ow­ ing to the slippery condition of the road and she has since been confin­ ed to her bed. 'Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock were in London on Monday. ’ Miss Kennedy,, school teacher has been re-engaged 'until midsummer. Gillette and Rolls’ Razors.—'How­ ey’s Drug Store, Exeter. HARPLEY Miss Lois Brown went to London ’ on Friday. Miss Sadie Hodgins entertained the choir of Grace Church, Green­ way, on’ Thursday. Mr. Robert Davis spent Saturday rs. C. Fiet-1 njght with his brother, Mr. George Rodd, Mrs.lDavig> Mrs. jack Hodgins spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Eagleson. SHIPKA I i .Violet Westlake visited at returned home visiting for a and Mrs. White is not enjoying here to further recuperate, annual meeting of the Thames Beef Ring was held at the of Mr. Richard Johns last Marshall, a visitor mother and dad a springGive mattress for Christmas ahd they will have comfort for years t'o come.-— E. R. Hopper‘s Furniture Store. BATH SALTS—-Dusting powders perfumes make ideal gifts," We have a splendid assortment at Grieve’s Drug store. STAFFA There are quite a number in this vicinity ill with the flu. Mrs. D. O’Brien is not improving as fast as her many firends would like to see. * Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wilson a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart in Exeter. Don’t forget the enristmas cert that will be given by the of the United Church. spent Cecil Con- S. S. The Sunday School of the United Church here will hold their Christ­ mas entertainment on December 19 Miss Mildred Lamport and Mr. L. Tinny, of Hensall, spent last Thurs­ day in London. Mrs. J. Kellerman spent a few days in Zurich last week visiting friends. The regular December meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held on Wed­ nesday at the home or Mrs. M. Bak­ er. The Roll Call was responded to by 13 members present and 1 visit­ or. Meeting was opened by song after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison, led by the Pres« ident, Mrs. Milton Ratz. The Scrip­ ture lesson was found ter of Matthew and An item appeared in the Staffa news last week stating that Mr. O’Brien had received word that his mother had died. This Was in error and should have read that Mrs. OTrien had received word that an aunt of hers had died at Medina, New York state and was burled oii ] Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer Thursday, living in Brandon, Man, though in her 90th year is smart ab’e to be around every day. was born in Hay Township and ed most of her life there aiid many friends will be glad to know that the report was not correct. We are sorry that such an error crept into our news columns.—-Ed. in th chap- was read by A paper was Mr. O’Brien’s mother 'is j given by Mrs. Mlilton Ratz entitled al- ' and She liV- her and i “Lest we forget”, plans were made for to send boxes tc the shut-ins during the Christmas season. Lunch was served by the hostess and meet­ ing was closed by prayer by Mrs. Jacob Ratz. The Ladies' Aid held a quilting at the home of Mrs. Jacob Ratz on Thursday last,