HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-12-15, Page 4THURSDAY, 15, 1932 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE A Prize Worth While! A BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF GIBBARD SOLID WALNUT WILL BE AWARDED FOE THE BEST SLOGAN RECEIV- ED FROM ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS TO ADVERTISE THE SUITABILITY OF GIBBARD WALNUT AS A XMAS GIFT. THIS CONTEST IS OPEN TO EVERY PURCHASER OF GIBBARD WALNUT SUITES OR OCCASIONAL PIECES. ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS WILL WIN THIS PRIZE WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR OCCASIONAL PIECES AND PRIZE. ACT NOW. CONTEST CLOSES DECEMBER 24th PRIZE AWARDED AND ADVERTISED A FEW DAYS LATER. GOODS DELIVERED ANY DISTANCE Phones—Store 99, Residence 63 FURNITURE DEALER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR I See Yardley’s and Potter & Moore’s Toilet Sets, 85 c. to $4.00.-—Howey’s Drug Store. Christmas Baking at Middleton’s Christmas Cake made from the finest quality fruits. A 45c. line selling for 35c. a lb. with or with­ out decoration. BIRTHS TINNEY—In Scott Memorial al on Saturday, December to Mr. and Mrs. George of Hensail, a daughter. MARRIAGES FRUIT BREAD From 8c. to 25c. sizes MINCE PIES & SHORTBREAD Any size and any quantity . Cherries, Preserved Melon Fruit Cubes. Pecans and mixed nuts at lowest prices in history Middleton’s Bakery u Phone 52 CHINA FOR GIFTS—We believe we have the largest assortment of china in town at prices to fit your purse' .at Grieve’s Drug Store. UNTIL XMAS!! » 4 ♦ ♦ f 4 ♦ t ♦ t 4 RABETHGE’S JEWELRY In an attempt to clear the entire stock before Christ­ mas—Vfe have again reduced our prices on many articles and will continue to do so until sold. This is your op­ portunity to obtain GIFTS AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES Hospit- 3, 1932 Tinney, theWILDFONG— GRASSICK —At Main St. United church parsonage Exeter, on Saturday, December 10, Dorothy Evaline, only daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gras- sick, of Munroe, to Mr, A. Frank­ lin Wildfong, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wildfong, of Hay Tp.; by Rev. A. E. Elliott. MCKENZIE—DRUMMOND—At the St; Paul’s Anglican Church, Hen- sall on Saturday, December 10th, Margaret- N„ eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Drummond, Hensail, to Orme, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie, of Kincardine by Rev. M. B. Parker? FAHNER!—THOMPSON— At hill, Tuesday, December 6, , youngest daughter or Mrs. John Thompson, Parkhill, Mr. and Crediton, to Lloyd R„ Mrs. Chas, by Rev. Mr. DEATHS Park- Elsie, and near Mr. of only son of Fahner, of Hill. HODGINS!—At Ailsa Craig on Mon­ day, December 4th, John Hodgins in his 80th year. CARD OF THANKS Albert Mr. and Mrs. Whitney wish to express their sincere to the many friends for the flowers ifruit, cards and other kindnesses extended to Mrs. Coates while re­ cuperating from her recent accident. CARD OF THANKS Coates thanks Mrs. Thos. Hunkin and family wish to express their sincere appre­ ciation to the many friends for kind­ ness and sympathy extended during their recent bereavement also for loan of cars and floral tributes and especially to Rev. Mr. Bell, of Kirk­ ton and to Mr. Bruce Cooper. GIVE HEiR—Magazine subscription sent anywhere, we take- sub­ scriptions for every magazine published. Grieve’s Drug Sore. Christmas Baking Sale — You’ll Enjoyz — Grant’s Famous Christmas Cake Dark 30c. a lb. Light 25c. a lb. ONLY THE CHOICEST INGREDIENTS USED VERY SPECIAL—DELIGHTFUL IRRESISTIBLE Shortbread Dainties 20c. per d Reg. 25c. Special Fruit Loaf now 20c. Reg. 13c. Special Fruit Loaf now 10c. WE SPECIALIZE IN PUFF PASTRY, BUNS AND ROLLS OUR BREAD IS STILL SELLING FOR 5c. A LOAF, ROUND, BRICK, SANDWICH, ETC. WE GUARANTEE IT TO WEIGH 1 1-2 LBS. BE SURE TO SECURE YOUR LUCKY NUMBER. YOU MAY BE ONE OF THE WIN­ NERS. Grant’s Bakery ORDER EARLY WE DELIVER PHONE 8 ANNUAL MEETING CAVEN SUNDAY SCHOOL The annual meeting of the teach­ ers and officers of Caven Presby­ terian Sunday School was held at the Manse on Tuesday evening with the Superintendent in the chair. Very encouraging reports were read by the Assistant Secretary-Treasur- er Mjiss Iiathleen Strang, It was decided to have the annual Christ­ mas Entertainment on Friday even­ ing December 23rd when prizes will be distributed and the usual Santa Claus bags passed out. A splendid program is being prepared under the, direction of Miss Ross, It was also arranged to have tne annual Mis­ sionary offering on January 1st. The Sunday ’School also undertook provide the Presbyterian Record every family in the congregation last year, At the close of a very interest­ ing meeting Mrs. Rhodes served a dainty lunch. The staff for 1933 was elected as follows: Secretary-Treasurer Harry G. Strang; Assistant Miss Kathleen Strang; Supt. Cradle Roll, Mrs. Rhodes; (Supt. Home Dept, Mrs. Campbell and Mliss Weekes.; Leader of orchestra, H. Gidley; teachers, H. Strang, Rev. Mr. Rhodes, Miss Jeckell, Mrs. (Dr.) Atkinson, Mliss Frain and Miss McInnis. ’Substitute teachers, Mrs Mason, T. Pryde, Mrs. Love and Mrs Ellis. to to as SERMON onUnited church the Pastor Rev.^lJ. ILLUSTRATED At James St. Sunday evening H. Stainton gave an illustrated ser­ mon on “The Other Wise Mian’’ by Henry Van Dyke, lantern slides were trate this beautiful story, illustrated hymns were,thrown up­ on the screen and^the congregation joined heartily in the singing. Highly colored used to illus- Several SCENES FROM FORMOSA The Young People’s Guild ‘of en Presbyterian Church was enter­ tained on Monday evening by a set of slides just released on Formosa. The views included scenes from the visit of zRev. Mr. Brown, a Modera- Jtor to the Diamond jubilee of the Formosa church and also pictures in which appeared Dr. and Mrs. ham, who went from here as sionary about three years ago. Cav- Gra- iMis- MAIN st, MEN’S. UNION I Bath Salts, Bath powders, Bath The, Mam Street United Churck is * ' _ ;.................. Men’s Union met in the ckurch par-! lour on Tuesday evening 'December TR1VJTT A- ELECT OFFICERS 6th with the president, Mr. Georgei , , ,,Layton as chairman. Piano., s’olos*' annual meeting of the Wo- were given .by Messis. Rev, Elliott men’s Auxiliary of the Trivitt Mem- and G, Koch. The speaker for the;°^a^ church was held at the home evening was Hr. Weekes, the presi- 10Miss McTaggart. $'ae new rector, dent of the Brotherhood of James M- A. and Mrs, Hunt were pres- St. Church, who gave a splendid ad­ dress on "Th$ Blood-Pressure Rac-. ket.” Y. P. S .CONTEST CLOSES igo- on ent and the. forjner gave a short ad’ dress. Roll call was answered with a verse of scripture. Mrs- Acheson read a portion of the study book. A very favorable report was given of the year’s activity. Several pales of clothing were sent to missions, | one to the Blood Reserve school at James Street Young People’s ciety held their final meeting Thursday evening in connection with ’ 'the Indian a contest that has been running for | j^eserY6 aj vfalpole Island and a nicrlit •uroalra i.anrarn Sllnos wbi'p , , , ,, , — , x . ... bale and layette to Brocket, Alta. The officers elected for the coming year were as follows: pres,, Mrs. W. A. Middleton; 1st vice-pres,, Mrs. O. Winer; secretary, Miss Carrie Davis; Treasurer, Miss Mary Day; Supt, of Dorcas work, Mjss McTaggart; Con. of buying and cutting com., Mrs. H. S. Walter; supt. of Living Mes­ sages, Miss A. Acheson; supt, of .Little Helpers,- Mrs, H. Jennings. eight weeks. Lantern Slides were shown on the life of Dr. Spurgeon. Musical numbers were given by! | Miss Hazel Elliott and Mr. Gerald Bagshaw. At the close of the meeting the decision of the contest was given in favor of the "Samson­ ites” under the leadership of Mir,' Garnet Hicks. Mr, .Stainton presid­ ed over the election of which resulted as follows; Garnet Hicks; vjice-iires., Down; (Secretary, Ell Treasurer, Miss Loreen Dunn; pian­ ist Miss Pearl Wood; assistapt, Miss Lyda Stewart; Convenor of Commit­ tees, Misses Rubie Creech, Gertrude Francis, Frank Strange and Gerald Ford. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the judges Misses Alice Handford, Mae Jones and Ella Link for the way they so ----, successfully conducted the contest J The meeting closed with the Miz­ pah benediction. officers President Clarence Christie;SAY ' IT -WITH FLOWlEiRS — This -Christmas, cut flowers, flower­ ing plants at Grieve’s Drug Store. MAIN ST. Y. P. S. ____ The December meeting of -the capably and Main St. Mission Circle was held at Tuesday evening with thirteen girls present. The meeting s was opened with singing and prayer with the president, Miss Marjorie Pearce presiding. After the devotional ex­ ercises the election of officers for 1933 took place. The new officers .... --------— — -------- __ -----; are as follows: Hon,-Pres., Mrs. G. M. Southcott recently when the Jayton; Pres., Miss Ina Jaques; 1st .-.•-j*.. xi-_ vice-pires., Miss Marjorie Pearce; 2nd vice-pres., Miss Eleanor Medd; se­ cretary, Miss Ruth Balkwill; Assist- secretapy, Miss »May Sims; Treas. Miss Violet Gambrill; corres. sec.. Mass Olive Lawson; pianist, Miss H. Dignan; press coYre’s., Miss Dorothy Ryckman; Leader of Christian Ste­ wardship, Miss Evelyn Howard; Temperance sec., Miss Hilda Sims; JAMES ST. W. M. S. I The executive of the James Street I W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. J. j remainder of the officers were elected for another year. At a form­ er meeting Rev. Mr. Stainton of­ ficiated for the election of officers when Mrs. Stainton Pres.; Mrs. C. W. Mrs. M. Heywood, Mrs. Eli Coultis, Mrs. Down, ‘Treas., rec. sec. and the following since been named; supt. of mite box' At the close of the meeting a social <Mrs. G. Hunter; corres. sec., Mrs. E.'time was spent and refreshments J. Shapton; press reporter, Gill; Stranger’s sec., Temp, sec., Miss Hunter; . was named Hon. , Christie, , 1st 2nd Mrs. Horney, have Pres, vice-pres. vice-pres. Xu EGGS GAVE HER INDIGESTION When this, .woman of 73 years- found a remedy for her indigestion^ it proved to be one her 70-year-old brother was already using to keep1 him a “perfect picture of health." She writes:— "For years I had suffered with indigestion, .and simply could not eat an egg or a potato, I took an aperient regularly, but still I suffer­ ed. I began this year taking a small dose of Kruschen Salts, Now I can. eat eggs and potatoes and en­ joy them,—without any after-trouble "My brother is a perfect picture- of health, and a splendid advertise­ ment for Kruschen Salts. He is al­ ways bright and happy. He never forgets his morning dose—neither do I, now that I know the value of it, My brother is 70 years of age, and' I am 72 years. We have reason to bless these valuable salts. I recom­ mend them to all my friends."— (Mrs.)'M. E. M, Th six salts in Kruschen stimulate- and tune up the bodily functions from a number of different angles. Your stomach, liver and kidneys all’ feel the immediate benefit. You for­ get indigestion, headaches and de­ pression in a new feeling of physi­ cal and mental exhilaration. AUCTION SALF STRATHROY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1932 Lambert & Burdon’s Sale Yaixl at 1 o’clock, sharp 75 mixed cattle Few young calves and pigs. TERM’S!—CASH M. A. McAlpine, Auctioneer Cattle to be delivered within forty miles at the rate of twenty-five cents per head. ’ ' WINCHELSEA GIVE HIM—Military brushes, shav­ ing sets at Grieve’s Drug Store. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of ANDREW WILFRED JOHNS who died three years ago December 18, 1929 . Ever Remembered Mother, Father and Sister IN LOVING MEMORY of PHILIP HERN who died December 12th, 1931 ' and. MRS- PHILIP HERN who died Decemser 17th, 1927 Sons and Daughters IN MEMORIAM LAWSON--In loving remembrance of .Samuel George Lawson, who pass­ ed away five years ago to-day, cember 12, 1927. De­ fin--When the Lprd said- "you have ished” Come up higher, father dear; You have won a crown in Heaven, By your love and kindness here. We remember well our sorrow, As we stood beside your bed. Our deep and heartfelt anguish, When we saw that you were dead; We miss your kind and willing hand Your fond and earnest care; Our home is dark without you, We miss you everywhere. Sadly missed by Wife, Son Daughters.* IN MEMORIAM dad and of aHARDING—In loving memory dear husband and father,' Joslin Harding, who fell asleep one year ago today, December 14, 1931. No pen can write, no tongue can tell Our sad and bitter loss; But God alone has helped us well, T-o bear our heavy cross. The years may wipe away many things, But this they wipe out never; The memory of those happy days, When we were all together. A husband, father true and kind, No friend on earth like him will find; For all of us he did his best, And GOd give him eternal rest. His charming ways and smiling Are a pleasure to recall; He had a kindly word for each, And died beloved by all. Sadly missed by ‘Wife and Daughters face Military Brushes $3.0A to $5.00 per pair.-—'Howey’s Drug iStore^ IMfs. served. During the year a Mirs. Ogden; heirship contest was held. Lit. sec., Gambrill and Dorothy Sims Mrs. J. M. Southcott; Assoc. Helpers' captains. Dorothy’s side won sec., Mrs. Rundle; pianist, ’MrsJ points. The losing sdle is to Stone; assist. Mrs. Batson; supt. of tain the winning side. Missionary Monthly Miss El Shap-___________, ton; supt. of Christian Stewardship * if it is Occasional'Chairs or Occa- and finance Mrs. Buswell; Supt. of sional Pieces we have them.- Baby Band, Mrs. Southcott. | Hopper’s Furniture Store. , The regular monthly meeting of i __________1_____the W. M. S. met in the cnurch par-1 j HODGINS DIES lore on Thursday afternoon. T[he president Mrs. Christie in the chair. The meeting opened with singing and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mrs. R. Skinner then took charge ofi the meeting. Mrs. H. Jones read thej scripture lesson ’ followed with pray-1 er by Mrs. Christie. Mrs. Batson gave a piano selection which was enjoyed by all. IMrs. J. M. South­ cott gave an interesting talk on the "Making, of Canada" taken from the study book written by Dr. OliVel*; a reading on temperance by Mrs. W. Johns; short readings followed by Mrs. Quinn, Mrs. Godbolt, Mirs. H. Perkins, Mrs. Stainton, Mrs. Arthur Ru'ndle on Christmas customs of other countries. Mrs. F. Down gave a beautiful Christmas reading; duet by Misses C. Christie and M. Johns accompanied by Irene Stewart. The secretary then gave a report of the last meeting and the treasurer also gave her report both being adopted. mem- Violet were by 12 enter- -E. r. AT AILSA CRAIG , AILSA CRAIG—iJohn Albert Hod­ gins, for 3 6 years C. N. R. station agent at Ailsa Craig, and one of the best known residents in North Mid­ dlesex, died Monday at his residence after two weeks’ illness in his >6 Oth year. After his long service with the railway he„ had lived retired for the past eight years. Give Her the Best: Hunt’s & Moiir’s fancy box candy. Also a full line of Christmas candy at Grieve’s wich Shoppe. GREENWAY Sand- The annual meeting of the W. M. S. and W. A. of the United Church will be held on Friday afternoon at the church. Notice the change in .date from Wednesday to Friday, Bale will be packed ror the west. Please bring donations. Mrs. Behr has returned to her home in Michigan after visiting her sister Mrs. C. H. Curts. The Miissid’n Circle will meet on Saturday afternoon. An old time charivari was given M|f. and Mrs. Garner jonns on. Mon­ day evening of last week. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the Winter Fair held in Guelph last week. The deepest sympathy of the com­ munity is extended Mrs. George C-oward in the death of her father the late Mr. Thos. Hunkin. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the funeral of the late Roy Flet­ cher of Centralia on Wednesday of lqst week. Miss Mabel Whaley, of .St. Marys, visited with her - sister Mrs. R. W. Batten on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis were in London one day last week. Mr. Horace DelbridgO and Miss Marjory Delbridge have received their Sunday School Teacher’s Di­ plomas having successfully passed their examinations at the Teacher’s Training Courses held recently in Crediton and Kirk-ton. Misses Marion, Ethel and Irene Pooley attended the monthly meet­ ing of the Mission Band on Saturday -at Zion. Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence Fletcher attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Chas. Sprowle in Lucan on Satur­ day. Master Harold Davis spent Satur- . day afternoon with Mr. Gordon1* Brooks in Exeter. Mr. Fred Brock, of Hensail, spent the week-end with friends in this community. SPECIAL SERVICE BY MEN’S UNION A special service in -connection r?11,?-6 /“JS? “ Stee^ te able to be out the Mam Street United church onl-after her rec6nt ilWe8s. Sjunday evening. A male chorus of 2.6 voices directed by the pastor Rev. A. E. Elliott, who presided at the piano, led the singing aud ren­ dered two anthems, “Though your sins be as scarlet’’ and "Beautiful- Lands.’’ A quartette was sung by Gerald Skinner, J. Francis, M. How­ ey and Mr. ^Elliott. Mr. George Lay- ton president of the union and Mr. Hy. Huston assisted in the service. Mr. Elliott preached a fine ser­ mon entitled "The Story, of four men". The men were tne four who carried the paralytic to the top of the roof and lowered him into the presence of Jesus. The speaker's first point was that these four men Were interested in their brother man, and asked the question “What are we interested in?". Are we in­ terested in man’s needs, liiS diffi­ culties and his temptations?" The second point was that these men were- earnest, persistent and deter­ mined and were not turned aside by difficulties. It is often a diffi­ cult tafck to get Christian work done but courage and determination are necessary to accomplish any worth­ while task. He also stated that these wei'e says, faith1 have in his capabilities, redeemable nfeti. The last point was that these were men Of compassion. He ap­ pealed to his hearers to walk in the why of the loving heart; to exer* else the human element in religion to be eompassiohat^ and tender; Misses Lawrence and Edison Pol­ locks and Bruce Rompnr motored to London last Tuesday. The Y. P. S. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hartle on Monday evening. Miss Mary McGregor was in charge of the program which was on citizenship. The roll call was responded to by naming a Governor- General or Premier of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Steeper and family, of We^t McGillivray, visited friends here on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eagleson on the birth of a soil last wee'k. Mir. R. English visited his daugh­ ter Mrs. R. Sheppard of London last week. NOTICE TO CREDITORS notice is Hereby given that all creditors and others having- claims against the estate of IRA W. JOHNS, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the' County of Hur­ on, Farmer, who died on the Sixth day of November, A.D. 1932, are re­ quired to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned’ on or be­ fore the Second day of January, Al D. 1933. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER, GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont. this 9th of December A.th, 193(3. GLADMAN & SfTANBURY, ' Exeter and Hensail "Solicitors for Executrix day CREDITONEAST Mr way, day. Mr Walter McPherson, of Green- visited friends here on Satur men of faith. The scripture "When Jesus saw their J. It is a splendid thing td faith in our brother man and Every man is the gospel is for all William Sims, who in Victoria Hospital, home shortly. Mr, James King, of ther of Eli and Albert lias been ill is improving slowly. We are glad to see the Honorable Judge Costello of Goderich able to be back on operation, last week. Mts. hgain bed. Mrs. Mrs. Haas, of Zurich, is waiting on her. is has been expected Forest, bro- King, Whd duty after his serious He attended court here Jos after being confined to her Bullock is up around Henry Pfaff is ill, her sister NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors i claims against AGNES HERRON, ship of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Spinster, quired to forward duly proven to the undersigned on of before? the Twenty-sixth day of December, A.D. 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- - EN that after the said date the Exe* cutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard oilly - to the claims of which they then .Shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, out, this >5 th day of December, A.D. 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensa-li Executors’ Solicitors and others having the estate of late of the Town- deceased, are re- their claims-