The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-12-08, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TH(JBSI>AX> DJEC®MBBR Sth,
Mr. Roy Kreon, of London, visit
ed, last week with friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W- Bonthron visited on Sunday with friend's in Clin
Mrs. W. A. Young has been visited
for the past week by her sister from
Mrs. MicArthur, of London, is vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Harry Arnold. 0
Mr, Paul Coates, of Exeter, and
Mr. Robert Higgins spent Saturday
in Clinton on business.
Mrs. Jas. Eby, of Collingwood, If
visiting at the home of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. W. J- White.
Mrs. Adams, of Zurich, lias been
visiting for the past few weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm* Luker,
Messrs. Lewis Weigand, Reney
Kellar and Howard Schenk, of Dash
wood visited friends in town on Sat
urday and 'Sunday,'
Mr. Leonard Merner,
visited on Saturday with
Mrs. S. and Mr.
George Brock and family,
Mr. Lloyd Passmore,
of Zurich
Mr. and
and Mrs.
of Delhi
spent the week-end at his home here
County Warden Rader, ( of Dash
wood, visited friends in town on Fri
Reeves Geiger, of Hensall, Ball-
antyne, of Usborne, and Warden L
Rader, of Hay, are this week attend
ing the County Council. This ses
sion of the County Council will be
a stirring one as several committees
who were appointed at the June
session will make their reports.
At the Council Meeting Robert
Cameron who has been fire chief
since New Year’s tendered his resig
nation. The firemen at their meet
ing on Monday night appointed an
acting chief for the balance of the
year. Mr. Lloyd Passmore, who has
been mechanical engineer resigned
and Mr. J. A. Foster has been ap
pointed in his place.
Mr. Borman Miller, of Clinton has
been appointed by the Ontario High
way Dept, as Motor License Issuer at
Clinton in place of W. S. Holmes
who has resigned owing to pressure
of his business. Mr. Miller is a re
turned soldier and was wounded
during the Great Warr* it is not yet
definitely decided as to a Motor
License Issurer’s Office at Exeter
or Seaforth.
The Municipal pot is beginning tc
boil. There is every probability of
an election in Hensall this coming
year. Reeve Geiger will probably
be a candidate again for the reeve
ship and amongst other names men
tioned are Robert Cameron who ran
Mr. Geiger to a tie last year also
Wm. Consitt, G. C. Petty, Walter
Spencer and Laird Mickle. As yet
there has been no other names men
tioned for the council but they will
appear in good time.
At a meeting of the public, Lib
rary Board here on Thursday even
ing i.t was decided to ask for appli
cation for the position of Librarian
for the Hensall Public Library tc
take the place of the late Gretta
MicNaughton. Mrs. Robert Cameron
who has been assistant’ Librarian
during the illness of Miss McNaught
on will continue on until the end
of the year when the new Librarian
will take charge. At the same meet
ing Jas. Paterson was appointed the
secretary-treasurer. \
The Welfare of Youth Club of the
Carmel Presbyterian church spent a
pleasant evening with the Young
People of the Caven Presbyterian
church at Exeter on Monday even
ing. The first part of the program
was given by the Hensall Young
People consisting of a duet by Annie
Huiser and Dorothy Datars; reading
Mrs. Verne Hedden; instrumental
duet by Blanche Mustard, piano and
Mr. Jim Mustard guitar. A musical
trio was rendered by Jim Bengough
and Fred Datars; violin and Miss
Irene D'a.ters piano and several fine
solos by Rey. Young. A very excel
lent program was then given by the
Exeter Young People after which
games and contests were indulged in
and a dainty lunch served,
'The W. M. S. of the United church
held their regular meeting on Thurs
day afternoon last. The president..
Mrs. McDonald, having charge oi
the meeting which was opene'd by
all repeating the Lord’s Prayer in
unison. The Scripture Lesson tak
en from St. John’s Gospel, was read
by Mrs. H. McDonald., and Mrs
Henry lead in prayer. A solo “Af
ter the Storm, Shineth the Sun”
was sung by Mrs. Hugh McDonald
followed by an instrumental by Miss
Florence Welsh, Mrs. Wm. Dougall
lead in prayer. A duet “Make Some
body Happy To-day” was sung by
Mrs. Hess and Mrs.'Drysdale. Miss
Murray spoke on the Temperance
Convention that was held in Brook
ville. Election of officers took place
resulting aS follows
McDonald; vice pres.,
C. McDonald; Christian Stewardship
and Finance, Mrs. Coles and Mrs
Carlyle; Strangers Sec’y, Mrs. Dong-
all; temperance sec., Miss Consitt
Mite Boxes, Mrs. Hemphill and Mrs.
Heatli of Edgar Baker
Edgar J. Baker, of the- North
Boundary, passed away on Friday
afternoon last at the home of his
sister Mrs. Wm. Luker after a linger
ing illness of several months. He
pres., Mrs
Mrs. Sinclair;
Mrs, C. Cook; secretary Mrs
correspcnrdence sec., Mrs
Missionary Monthly Mrs
whs unmarried living alone on hie
farm on the town line, west of Hillu*
green, A few months ago being in
very poor health he came to Hensail
to be nursed by his sister,
born in Shakespeare, Ont.,
in his 7 Jut year. He has
resident of Hay Township
forty years. He is survived, by 3
brothers, Peter, of Hay; William and
John, of Stanley Township and ope
sister Mrs. Wm. Luker, of Hensall
The funeraj was held from the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Luker, North
Richmond street, on Monday after
noon with interment in the Luther
an cemetery at Zurich.
Death of John E. MfCDonell
The death occurred at his resi
dence on 289 Piccadinty street, Lon
don on Saturday afternoon last of
John's. McDonell, a former resident’been pn the sick list is improving (
and business man of Hensall, He' we hope we shall soon see her out’
was a member of the firm <?f U, E. & again.
C, A. MGDoneJl, conducting a hard-1 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Renny Mrs.
ware and fuel business in Hensall Walter sHirtzel ^and babe, of Detroit
for a good many years. (The Me-1 spent Sunday at the home of Mr
Donell Bros, were one of the best and Mrs. J. T. Hirtzel. Mr. and Mrs
known firms in Western Ontario I Hirtzel returned home with them
After the big fire in Hensall twenty ’ having spent the past two weeks .in
years ago they retired from the hard j Detroit,
ware and furniture business later
conducting a garage and handling1 end with her parents Mr. and Mrs
several well known makes of cars W. H. Gaiser.
Mr. McDonell conducted this business
until about three years ago when and Mr. Ross Krueger, of Kitchener
He was
and was
been a
for over
Petty and Mickle: That the Conn*
cil adjourn to meet again on Decern’
foer 15. Carried,
J, A. paterson, Clerk
™ RED & WHITE store
Mrs. Wilhelmina Gaiser^ who has
been visiting in Kitchener returned
, home last week.
j Mrs. Charlotte JBrown is visiting
in Kitchener with her daughter Mrs.
j H. Sweitzer.
| Clarence Holtzmann is busy these
days building an up-to-date "garage
on his mother’s premises,
Miss Pearl La. Fond, of Grand
Bend, is visiting with Miss Beatrice
' Schenk.
: Mrs, George Finkbeiner, who has
Dr. L. O. Gaiser spent the week*
Miss Erma Fahner,of London
home of theowing to ill health he sold out to ’ spent Thursday at the
Victor Boa. He was married about j former’s parents, Mr. and Mirs. H
three years ago and since then made Fahner.
his home in,London 'coming to Hen-1 Mrs. Henry Eilber returned home
sail frequently on business trips. He last Saturday from St. Joseph’s Hos-
was a
tion. -
spent his early life there till he came
to Hensall. Besides his bereaved
, widow he leaves to mourn his loss
one brother 'Charles A. McDonell, of
1 Hensall and two sisters Mrs. E. A.
Bennett of Saskatoon and Miss ’________
Susan McDonell, Exeter. The funer-1 Eurniture Storo I al was held from his late home 'Furniture Store"
Monday afternoon with interment in
the Exeter cemetery. The funeral
services were conducted by the Rev.
Cannon C. E. Jenkins of tf^e Saint
John’s Evangelist Anglican -church
The pallbearers were all friends of
the deceased, R. Adams, H. P. Mad
den, Geo. J. Sutherland, Alfre’d Tay
lor, Wm. Consitt and Joseph Hagan
Quite a number from the village at
tended the funeral.
Council Meeting-
The regular meeting of the village:
Gjouncil held on Monday evening in
the Council Chambers. All members
were present, -Minutes of the pre
vious meeting were read.
Councillor petty reported King St needing 'cleaning also the purchase j
of new mattresses for the goal; also, the repair of the flagpole. |
Petty and Jones: That Casey Hud
son be paid $<2.'5O for repairs to the
Tlagpole. Carried,
Councillor Mickle
Manns & Farquhai' as
room license.
Petty and Spencer:
number 10, 1914, be rescinded and
that a new By-law be prepared set
ting the License fee of $20.00 for
first table, $10.00 for second and
$5.00 for each -succeeding table. Car
Petty and Mickle: That the fire
men be granted the hall free oil
charge for one night. Carried.
Mr. F. G. Bonthron reported (re-1
garding the premium on over due
Mickle and Jones: That the five
per cent, penalty be enforced on all
unpaid taxes after December 14, 19)312
Carried. z The clerk reported issuing licenses
one transient and one meat peddler’s
■license since tbe last meeting.
Communi'cations received from the
followig War Memorial ChSldTen’s
Hospital, of
Health; Dept, of Agriculture; Dow
Chemical -Co,;
pany. Same filed.
Fire Chief Cameron reported ten
dering his resignation. Spencer and
Petty .that Fire Chief Cameron’s
resignation be accepted. Same tc
take effect at once. The firemen tc
appoint a chief for the balance of
the year and report at next meeting
December 16. Carried^
Bills and accounts read, as follows
Edward Sheffer, labor streets $1;
J. Passmore, hydro $6.97; F. W
Hess, printing, Board of Health. $1.-
501; F. Wii'ckwire, printing $3.00;
W. Venner, wood, hall $6*150; Moore
Bros., wood, hall $8.50; G. 'M. Case
coal and cartage, fire dept, $15.95;
C. Alexander, gravel, streets $37.-
00; C. Hudson, repairing flagpole
$2.50; A. W.' E, Hemphill, supplies
$10.26; F. G. Bonthron, salary Tax
Collector $30,00; A. W. F. Hemp
hill, salary Tax Collector $10,0'0;
Geo. Hudson, salary $256.00; Geo
Hudson, moving chairs, mats $26.-
65; Hensall Public Library, village
grant $195
ary $90.00,
$10'5.25; G
$67.50; L. J, PaSsmote, salary mo
tor mechanic $20.80;
mission, street lights
Petty and Jobes
be paid as read.
Spencer and Jones: 'I’hat the same
fleers be given its fifSt and second
reading#. Carded.
Jones and Spencer: That By-law
btimbei* 13 be given its third and
final reading and finally passed
life long Conservative and for
a prominent member of the
Huron Conservative Associa-
He was born in Exeter and
reported re
to their pool
That Byvlaw
London; Dept, of
Canadian Oil Com-
49; J. A. Paterson, sab
registration of By-laws
Cook, treasurer’s salary
Hydro Com?
$963.4i5; tota;
: That accounts
officers as in 1933 be ap-
and Mi'ckle: That By-law
13, appointing election of-
Come in and see our fine display of Fancy Xmas Candies.
Finest Mixed Peel per lb, 21c,Bread, cash »nd carry ,,....... 5c. a Joftf
New Lexia Raisins ........... 2 for 23c,Falcon Mincemeat ......., 2 lbs. for 25c,
Bleached Sultana Raisins ,,,. per lb« 19c«Good Quality Rice...........,,,. 3 lbs* 16c.
Australian Seedless Raisins ,, 2 lbs. 25c.Maple Leaf Salmon ,, 1-2 lb, tin eaeh 15c
New Re-Cleaned Currants ,,., per lb* 15c«Sunlight Soap 10 bars for 45c.
Pineapple Rings, assorted .... 1-2 lb* 27c.De lux Jelly Powders .,,....,. 6 for 25c.
Bordeau Walnuts, halves ..... J-2 lb. 23c,Assorted Chocolates in bul k ., per lb. 29c ;
Bordeaux Walnuts, pieces .,,.. per lb* 40e<New Mixed Nuts , *, 7 2 lbs, 29c, i
New Shelled Almonds per lb. 39c.Red Emperor Grapes ......,. 3 lbs. 25c, ;
New Dates.............................. 4 lbs. 25c.Fre?h Cocoanuts .,......each 5c. <
New Pitted Dates..........................2 lbs. 25c.Sweet Japanese Oranges .. per box $1.10 :
Rex Vanilla .............. 2 bottles 13c.British Honduras Oranges per doz. 35c 45c i
Best Icing Stigar . ................2 lbs. for 15c.Texas Seedless Grapefruit .... 4 for 25c. :
Pure Cane Spgar...................... 10 lbs. 49c.Select Oysters............ , . per pt. 55c. f
Choice Cooking Figs............... 3 lbs. 25c.Fillets of Haddie................ 2 lbs. for 25c. :
“Quality always higher than price.”Phone 102
We Deliver
pital, where she was treated for her
eye. We are pleased to report she
is greatly improveci.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke were
in Detroit over the week-end.
Come in and see our stock of Kin
dergarten Sets, Doll Carriages and
Children’s Rockers;—-E. R. Hopper’s
Mrs. Will Motz was called to Ham
ilton on Sunday night owing to the
serious illness of her sister Mrs. An
nie Collingwood.
Mrs. George Wright, of Windsor
spent the week-end w,ith her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson.
Mrs. Hannah Hoffman is visiting
friends at Ailsa Craig. „
Mrs. Henry Motz returned on Sun-
ay , after a week’s visit with her
daughter in London.
Mrs. Merner continues veryjll.
Mr, William Sims, south of town
is quite ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital.
s Mr. George Lawson, of Exeter
called to see his mother Mrs. John
Lawson recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz and Mr
and Mrs. Will Motz and Mr. and
of London,
and Mrs. R.
Mirs. Will Heather-ley,
spent Sunday with Mr.
Motz, at Exeter.
Miss Clara Lewis, is
few days at London.
spending a
Chris. Wein spent Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Will Motz.
ofThe annual business meeting
the W. M. S. was held last Thursday
I at the home of Mrs. Jas. iScott there
being a good attendance. The presi
dent Mrs. Allen- opened the meeting
with prayer and singing Psalm 168
Mirs. Wm. Hamilton gave the Scrip
ture reading followed by reports of
the different branches of the Society
which was very satisfactory consid
ering the times of depression. iMrs
Quanee_sang a solo which was very
much apprecited, “The Church on
the 'Side of the Road.” *New officers
were duly elected for the ensuing
year some retaining their position
for the coming year while new ones
were appointed. The meeting clos
ed with prayer by Mrs. Hill and
hymn 507 and the Lord’s Prayer in
Miss Ada Speare has returned to
her home after spending a few weeks
in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Weitzman, of Nia
gara Falls, visited over the week
end with latter’s parents Mr. and
Mrs. Donald McKellar.
Rev. Mr. Rogers arrived home
Satju^djay evening having jspenjt a
couple Of weeks in Pittsburg.
'The Y. P. ,S. intend having a Christ
mas Tree and Entertainment in the
church on the evening of the 23rd
of December. A good program is be
ing prepared.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rowland,
Parkhill, called on friends here
A number from here attended the
funeral of the late William Potter
on Saturday.
Miss Nellie Dalehey is seriously
ill at the home of her sister Mrs
William Regan.
Miss Gertie Dietrich, of London, is
Spending a few days at her.
Mrs. Walker, who has been
ill is improving.
Miss Winnifred Madden, of
don, spent the week-end at her home
• Jimmie Clark, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Clark had the misfor
tune to tali down from the mow in
the barn one day last week and frac-
tured his arm. Df, Taylor was call
ed who reduced the fracture. Jim
mie is getting along fine.
frillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll'J lb”
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S.. D.D.S
al office In Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post. Office, in
ourich, last three days of week.
Mr. Leonard Birk, of Guelph,
spent the week-end at his home
Mrs. Fassold spent a few days in
London last week.
■ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Mrs. L. Kellerman and
few days in Detroit last
Miss Margaret Hicks, nurse-in
training, Victoria Hospital, London
visited with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Hicks on Wednesday
of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills and their
daughter Marilyn, of Wyoming, vis
ited with the former’s parents (Mr.
Ervin Guen-
ther spent a
A number
gathered at
Mrs. D. Snider’ on Monday evenin:
in. honor of Mrs. (--------- ------
Mrs. Restemyer’s birthday. The ev
ening. was spent in games after
Which a dainty lunch was served.'
Mrs. L. Morenz is spending a few
days with relatives in Guelph this
Miss Laura M, Reid, nurse, is at
tending Mrs. Tierney, who is con
fined to her bed at the- home of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker.
. Word was received here on Sun
day of the- death of Mr. Wm. Holt
of Sarnia at the age of 89 years. Mr
Holt was a former resident of Khiva
'and will be remembered by a num
ber of the
on Tuesday
* S. S. No. 8 Hay, will
Christmas Concert on Tuesday even
ing December 20th. Everybody wel
Mr. anjJ^Mrs. E... Witmer was
pleasantly surprised on Monday ev
ening when the members of the
choir of the Evangelical church met
in -honor of their recent marriage
and presented them with a miscel
laneous shower. The evening was
spent in games and contests after
which a dainty lunch was served.
< v
of relatives and friends
the home of Mr. and
Snider’s sister
older residents of this
The funeral
afternoon to
was held
the Exeter
.give their
A Fernery or Mirror will make a
lovely gift for Christmas.—IE.
Hopper’s Furniture Store.
and Mrs. N. Bushfield,
and Mrs S Hannon, of near Mitchell
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mirs. O
W. Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Turnbull, of St
Marys, spent Sunday with the lat
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
The Women’s Institute met in the
hall on Wednesday afternoon.
The regular m’onthly meeting of
the Ladies’ Aid was held at the
home of Mr. Lyle Worden on Thurs
day afternoon. Nearly all of the
members were present.
Mr. F. O’Brien received word that
his mother had passed away. Mrs
O’Brien was getting up in years. The
funeral Was held on Thursday.
Miss Evelyn Parkinson is spend
ing this week at the home of her
cousin, Mr, Kenneth Stevenson, o1
Mr. and Mrs. S. Webb, of Green
way, visited on Wednesday
Thursday of last week with Mr,
Mrs. Thos.. Gunning.
Miss Minerva Brock, of Zion,
holidaying last week with her
Mrs. Frank Gunning.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire and family
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N
Ogden, Exeter. ...
Miss Edna Squire visited with her
friend, Mrs. Stanley in Lucan, for a
few days last week.
Miss Rhea .Foster spent a few days
With her couslh, Miss Alma Parkin
son. %
Mr, and Mrs. E. Squire spent
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart
Pym, Exeter,
In the past -two weeks there have
been Revival Meetings held in the
United Church where Rev, Arthur
Sinclair preached a special series
of sermons to large crowds, Mrs
Maude Hedden and Mrs. Sinclair
rendered a beautiful duet. Also Dr
Smillie sang a lovely solo accompan-
and Mrs. Harry Mills over the week- ied by Miss Florence Welsh of Hen
end. i sail which was much enjoyed. The
Miss Mary O’Brien, of London. Chiselhurst choir were a great help
spent the week-end with her par-. during the services. A large crowd
ents Mr. and Mrs. C, O’Brien.
On Friday afternoon and evening
of last week a reception was held
at the home'of Mr. and Mrs. George
Baynham Sr., in honour of their fif
ty-third wedding anniversary. Dur- ____
ing the afternoon tea was poured by i ^A concert will be held in the
Mrs. John Essery, Mrs. Arthur United Church in the evening of
Brooks, Mrs. Andrew Hicks and Mir.s» Decembei* 22nd, when iSanta Claus
Wm. Bowden and refreshments were will arrive and unload a Christmas served by Miss Flossie Davey, Mrs. ' tree- of gifts and goodies
M. Mitchell and Mrs. Wm. Haddock.] Miss Mabel Curdy has
The guests were invited t-o the» din-] to Mr. Thomas Venner’s
ing room, which was vary prettily Chiselhurst,
decorated with candles and flowers : a reception was held
by Mrs. Lloyd Baynham, Mrs. C. ‘ of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley at the
Baskerville received at the door, home of the bride’s parents, Mr.
During the evening tea was poured and Mrs, Wm. Taylor, .Sr., a large
by Mrs. George Hicks and Mrs. Geo.1 crowd was present. The young coup-
Thompson while Mire. Grant Ford *le were presented with half a doz-
and Miss A-gnes Anderson served re- en chairs, a mirror, clock, white en- . * amel kitchen table and a mattress
The presentation was react by Miss
Pearl Harris. ' , j
The address is as follows: . x,
i attended the afternoon service in the
United Church on Sunday afternoon
Twelve united with church, ten by
profession of Faith and two by
transfer of letter. Three babies were
to all.
moved in
house at
in honour
Mr. Charles McQuillan visited
with friends in London over the
. Chiselhurst, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley.
Dear friends:
We your mends and neighbours
are gathered here to-night to con
gratulate you on the occasion of
your recent marriage.
We sincerely wish you an abun
dant share of health, wealth and
prosperity in future years.
As a slight remembrance we cor
dially ask you to accept these gifts.
Signed on behalf of your friends
and neighbours.
(The groom replied in a very pleas
ing manner. All reported a good
iMrs. Thomas Harris, Mr. Percy
and Pearl spent Thursday in Strat
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann, of
Thames Road, visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald on
Wednesday of last week.
has securedThe
ton Sunday School was
1st with Rev. Bell in the chair. The
folio-wing -officers were elected:
Supt., Mr. Clarence Roiitly; Sec.’y
Ross Marshall; Treas., Aleix 0-ra.go;
Teachers, Miss Kate Doupe, Mrs. T
Tufts, Miss E. iShier, Mrs. W. Bat
ten, Dr. Jose, Mr. D. Goulding, Mrs
W. R. Kirkby, Mr. Clarence Switzer
Mirs. H. G. Burgin, Mrs. L. Fletcher
Mrs. I. N Marshall,' Miss B.. Doupe
pianist, Mrs. Alex Crago; Music
leaders .Frank Routly, Lome Mar
shall. There was a short program
given between the election of of
ficers, which consisted or readings
duets and solos. After the close of
the meeting by Rev. Bell a social
hour was spent.
Mrs. Orville Roger is in Strat
ford Hospital. We hope for a speedy
Mr. Amos Doupe is under the doc
tor’s care.
Kirkton Skating rink Committee
held a meeting on Saturday night
last and- elected all new officers.
Mrs. J. Gardiner has left for the)
West to spend the winter with her,'
son J. Gardiner of Saskatchewan. I
Public Library-
new books,
annual meeting of the Kirk-
held on Dec
Mrs. Ewart Pym, of Exeter, Visit-
witli her mother here 'Sunday.
Miss Banes, Of London, is visit
ing with Miss Marion Switzer.
The rabbit hunters are busy in
this community.
White Gift Service was held here
Sunday and a large crowd was pres
ent. Gifts
family to
Children in
mas. The
were brought by every
give seventy-two little
the West a Happy Chirst-
smaller children sang
“Jesus Loves Me” after which the
orchestra played a selection while
euts in
classes presented their
a white decorated has-
Thompson visited atvs. Rev,
home of her son, Harold for a
days last week.
The clifldren and young people
are busy practising their -drills And
dialogues for the Christmas Concert
Why not give your husband of
friend a smoker for Christmas.'—M
R. Hopper’s Furniture Store.
■ The Live Oak Mission Circle
last Wednesday afternoon at
home of Mrs. Erbest Cowdry.
President Miss Lavona Cooper
sided. The meeting opened with
hymn 384, followed by the Lord’s
Prayer in unison. Mrs. Wm." Rout-
ly read the Scripture lesson; Miss
Marjorie Delbridge read the devo*
j tional Leaflet, “Dorcas, the Woman
who was always Wanted”; hymn 295
was next used and roll 'called which
was answered by eighteen members
The minutes of the last meeting
Were read and adopted. Some busi
ness was dealt with- and hyn)n 377
was sung. 'Short prayers were of
fered by several members. The
“The Making of Canada” second
chapter of the study Book was
taken by Miss Thelma Jaques. Hymn
123 wds then sung and meeting was
closed with the Mizpah benediction.
Mr. John Heywood’s house caught
fire from the chimney last 'Thursday
evening. Neighbors hastened tc
the scene and managed tn get the
fire extinguished
house by tearing a
roof and reaching
Members -of the
to the home of Mr.
Johns last Thursday evening and
gave them a surprise party express
ing their best wishes -with a sum e|f
money and ether gifts,
Sacrament was administered at
the morning service last Sunday,
and saved the
hole through the
the flames with
Johns clan went
and Mrs. Garnet