The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-12-08, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8th, 1932 FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, ND. 2732 <1. LADIES’ & MISSES’ WINTER COATS NEWEST STYLES AND MATERIALS FUR COLLARS u AND CUFFS EXTRA SPECIAL—5 dozen men’s four-in-hand silk ties. A real bar­ gain at 35c. each or 3 for $1.00. 5 dozen boys* good quality ties, in individual boxes at 29c. each. COMPLETE SHOWING OF A visit to our store will solve the Christmas gift problem for youf We have a large stock to select from at new low prices. Below we offer a few suggestions. _________ _________ FOR LADIES AND GIRLS——Fancy boxed handkerchiefs, neck scarves, kid and fabric gloves, parasols, bedroom slippers, kimonas, table linens/ fancy pillow cases, silk; underwear, silk hosiery, coats and dresses, tow­ els and wash cloths in sets, sweaters,wool and flannelette blankets, table runners, bed spreads and covers, hans bags, silk pyjamas and night gowns, etc.\ FOR MEN AND BOYS—-Hockey shoes, bedroom slippers, and ties, braces, armbands, initialed handkerchiefs, kid gloves, bath-robes, underwear, caps, suits, overcoats, umbrellas, neck scarves, sweaters, pyjamas, etc. New Tapestry Table Runners We have just received a shipment of new tapesty table rinners. These come in beautiful patterns and. colorings. An excellent Christmas gift for 75c. to $2.75 each Large Plaid Blankets at $2.35 a pair Large size Flannelette Blankets in shades of rose, blue, mauve, and gold plaids, fast colors. A real bargain this month at $2.35 a pair. ILarge all wool^blankets, white with pink and blue borders at $6.95 pair. Reversible bed covers, all wool, satin bound at $5.95 and $7.50. Dinner Sets on Sale at $19.75 Five good patitemis of Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, regular price $25.00 set for quick Christmas selling at $19.75 per set. New Cheese .............................2 lbs. for 25c, Assorted Olives, plain and pimento stuffed large size .........................39c.; med. 21c. . Singapore Sliced Pineapple .... 2 tins 25c. Finest Baking Syrup, in bulk .'. per 1b. 8c. Aylmer Peas Cascade Salmon Pure Lard Chocolate ’Mallowl No. 4 large size . 1 lb. prints Biscuits 2 tins for 19c.2 tins 19c.2 lb. for 21c.2 lbs. for 25c. Shelled Almonds med. 40c. large 5Qc. lb, Cooking Figs ............. . . ., . 2 lbs. for 15c Re-Cleaned Currants...........2 lbs. for 27c. Mixed Nuts, all new crop .... per Ib.< 15c EXETER COUNCIL Monday, December 5, 1932 regular meeting of the Muni- Council was held in the Town with all members present. The cipal Hall minutes of the meeting held Novem­ ber 21st were read and approved. The committee of the Council re­ ported, as to the request of Mr. Wm Fisher to have three trees removed from in front of his property. Np ac­ tion. Mr. Reeve, a pipe Main Street for the purpose of heat­ ing his store. Granted on motion or Bierling and Ross, the work to be done under the supervision of Com­ missioner Norry, The Auditors’ report for Novem­ ber was read and accepted on motion of Rowcliffe and Grieve, The following list of accounts were read and ordered paid. Samuel Sweet, labor town hall $3; R. N. Creech, Division Court clerk and Bailiff’s fees for 1932, $72,00; R, G. Seldon, coke, charity, Mrs. F. Smith, $11.50; Exeter Lumber Co. Ltd. lumber $1.7'3; Southcott Bros supplies, charity, Mrs. F. Smith, $2.- 43; Arthur Jones, new pump and repairs, library $16.60; Wm. Green- ley, labor town hall $1.00; Jno. Morley, stove, town hall $1.50; L E„ Day, labor, town hall $5.00'; Wm. Johns, snowplowing $'2.50; Mrs Bruce Elworthy rebate cm 1931 tax­ es, error in copy ofassessment $1.00 ■Cemetery accounts—Exeter Lum­ ber Company Ltd., lumber $"4.61. Passed on motion of Bierling and Rowcliffe. Adjourned by Ross, Jos.. Senior, Sylvanus Cann, through the asked permission to place underground and across the Clerk word DIED IN EDMONTON Mr. John Hunter received Monday of the death of his sister-in- law, wife of George Hunter, of Ed­ monton, Alta., who passed away that day. Mrs. Hunter’s maiden name was Mary Ann Bullard, of Ridge­ town, and her remains are being brought to Ridgetown for inter­ ment. Besides her bereaved hus­ band she is survived by two sons Roy.B., who is manager for the Swift Packing Co., at Winnipeg, and Hasty, Who conducts a gents’ furn­ ishing store at Edmonton, 1 Phone 32 C.C.M. Skate & Shoe Outfit IN SELECTING YOUR SKATE AND SHOE OUTFIT LOOK OVER OUR QUALITY SHOES AND SKATES DEMAND THE BEST. CHEAP OUTFITS DO NOT LAST ■Give mother and , dad a spring mattress for .Christmas and they will have comfort for years to come..— E. R. Hopper’s Furniture Store. A. SPECIALS Pres- of Cream & Green Dish Pans 59 C. & G. Wash Basins . . 33c. Bread Boxes . $1.35 to $2.25 Roasting Pans 85c. to $2.25 Dry Dust. Mops 85c. to $2.00 $4.50 $1.85 Carving Sets........... Fancy Tea Pots 65c , Electric Percolators Priced at ..... $6 to to $9.50 Axe Handles . .-25c. to 65c. Handled Axes $1.40 to $2.50 Stable Shovels . .60c. to 75c. Stable Brooms 85c. to $1.25 Jack Knives . . .20c to $1.50 Stove Pipes . .. 15c. a length Chaff Baskets .. ... $2.25 Rolls Razor....................$6.95 OLD HICKORY SMOKED SALT FOR CURING AND CANNING MEAT LOWE BROS. QUICK DRYING ENAMEL FOR INTERIOR DECORATING LET US DEMONSTRATE THE NEW ELECTRIC MIXMASTER TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD RELIEF FUND The Exeter Relief and Christmas Cheer fund is beginning to tip. A number of splendid butions have been received the past week, is as follows: ledged $64.00; E. C. Appleton gion $5.00; Women's Institute $10’ Main St. W. A., $5.00 ■ “ “ $1.00; Dr. F. A. Mrs. Miss total HENSALL YOUNG PEOPLE VISIT CAVEN mount contri- during to dateThe amount Previously acknow- Miss $1.00 Bonis, $2.00; Canadian Le- R. N. Creech G. F. Rouiston $1.00'; May $1.00; J. H. Jones, $1.0,0; H* Gidley $1.00; Miss Hoss $5; Braille $5.00; Wm. May $1.00; $105.00. HIM—Rolls and Wilkihson fiff? Razors, Military -Brushes Yardley’s add Potter & Moore’s Shaving Sets at Grieve’s Drug Store. CAVEN FOWL SUPPER, SPLENDID SUCCESS The fowl supper in Caven byterian churich on Wednesday last week was a splendid success The weather was fine and a large crowd were present. The ladies' provided a sumptuous repast of. hot goose and chicken with all the del­ icacies that go to1 make a very tempting meal. < Following the sup­ per a splendid St. Andrew’s Day pregram was given in the auditor­ ium of the church. The Sunday School orchestra, under the leader­ ship of Mr. Harry 'Gidley, provided several • selections. The program was presided over by the minister. Rev. J. B. Rhpdes ;M.A. Among the artists taking part were Mr. and Mrs. Forbes, -of London; Rev. W. G. and Mrs. Young, Hensail; Miss K Strang and Miss Marion Woods of town. Instrumental numbers were given by Ed. Treble and H. Gidley. / I en- the More than one hundred happy thusiastic young people met in basement of Caven Presbyterian Church on Monday evening. It was the occasion of a visit bo the Guild fr6‘m the Welfare of Youth Club So- ciey oT Carmel Presbyterian church Hensail. They came in considerable numbers headed by their minister Rev. W. A, Young. Hensaiil put on the first half of tlie program and for three quarters of an hour entertain­ ed the audience with sohgs, readings and instrumental music.. The lat­ ter half of the program was furnish­ ed by Caven Young People. Then followed games and cuntests add an excellent lunch served by the hosts of the evening. TRIVITT GUILD j PLAN RECEPTION j A meeting of the Trivitt Memorial, LITTLE SON PASSES Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bissett, ot the second con. of Usborne Tp. have the sympathy of many friends in the loss of their only child, Bev­ erley Ross, aged .3 years, 4 months and 3 days. The little lad passed away in the War Memorial Chil- •idren’s Hospital, London, on Thurs­ day, December 1st. The day previous ho- had undergone an operation, which he had come through fine, the” operation having proved successful but the shock to his system -was toe great and he passed away. The fun­ eral, private, was held Saturday af­ ternoon conducted by Rev. J. H Stainton, of James Street United church. Interment took place in the Exeter cemetery. The pall-bearers were Lloyd and Harry Frayne, Nor- val Jones and Roylance Westcott. DEATH OF MR. ROY FLETCHER The death took place Sunday at noon.at his home on No. 4, Highway about three miles south of Exeter of Mr. Richard Roy Fletcher, at the age of 33. iMr. Fletcher had been in poor health for about a year and ■a half and for some time had been in a critical condition. He was united in marriage with Miss Mar­ garet Moodie, his bereaved widow who with one daughter Marie aged seven years and one son Douglas ag­ ed 4 years mourn the loss of a lov­ ing husband and father. He is alsc survived by his father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fletcher, of Exeter, and by a brother Charles, oi Ardart, Sask., and one sister Mrs. W Kel’slake, of Usborne. 'The funeral I was held Wednesday afternoon con- j ducted by Rev. A. V. Robb interment I taking place in the Exeter cemetery I ’His brother Charles is expected tc I arrive from the West on Friday. H. Peters, -of At-A meeting of the Trivitt Memorial, Mr. and Mrs. Guild was held in the Parish Hall j wood, visited relatives in this icom- munitv on Tuesday. Rev. Bdrden and Mrs. Cunnings and daughter, Betty, of Mill- visited the forepart of with the former’s parents relatives in town. formerly Thursday afternoon, with the presi-' munity on Tuesday, derit, Mrs. Wm. Winer in the chair | Two matters of importance were dis-1 cussed and it was decided to hold a j reception on the evening of Decern-| ber 8, to afford congregation an the new rector, and Mrs. Hunt. It was also decided to give ati elec­ tric clock and an ’Original picture ag prizes to the ticket sellers for a concert to be given early, in the new year. The members arranged for a cedar hope chest complete with blan­ kets, and tents and drawn as concert, in charge hews ifbs lamp, picture and elock had all been donated. the members of the Opportunity to me pt the Rev. T. Hunt the arid of the other customary con- a reading lamp to be prizes on the night of the Mrs. N. J. Dore is to be of the program. The good anhoiihced that the chest ham bank, week other Rev. M. A. Hunt, Brantford, who has succeeded Rev E. L. Vivian to the rectorship of the Tfivitt Memorial church assumed his new duties Sunday, left h most favor­ able impression upon the members of his congregation. Splendid con* gregations were present both morn­ ing and evening. At the. evening service Mr. Hunt took for his ject “The Holy Scriptures?’ Women’s Guild of tile church planning a reception for Mr. Mrs. Hunt on Thursday evening of this week in the pariah Hall, so that factor and people inay become better acquainted. sub- The are and FOSIVNUPTIAL RECEPTION On Friday afternoon of last week a post-nuptial reception was held .by Mrs. R, H. Sayers at her new home on Wellington St. and many of the ladies took the opportunity ot meet­ ing Mrs. Sayers and extending to her a welcome to this community, Receiving with Mrs. Sayers, who was charmingly gowned in her wed­ ding dress of pale blue satin was Mrs. H. A- Chalmers, London. Callers at the home were admitted by Mrs. W. E. Weekes and in turn were pre­ sented to Mrs. Sayers and Mrs. Chalmers by Mrs, R, N- Creech. Mrs, T. O, Southcott invited the ladies to the dining-room where tea was pour­ ed by Mrs, M. W. Telfer, of Credit-, on, assisted by Miss Clara Douglas, of Uderton, and Mrs. W. L. Kregs,. Beautiful roses decorated the din­ ing-room while the living-room was __ ------ ---------- adorned with bronze “mums.” Mrs, mired the way he so cheerfully give? ■ of his time to. answer the many ques­ tions and give whatever information he can in connection with the town’s affairs. He was first appointed clerk in 1904 following the late George Bissett. jn 1910 owing to ill health he resigned the position and from then until 1915 the position of clerkship was held ny the late T. B'. Carling. Following the death ot Mr. Carling in 1915 Mr. Senior .was j again induced tp take over the posi­ tion which he-has filled so effective­ ly since that time. Mrs. Senior and daughter Miss Blanche Senior, have both been confined to the home for the^past two weeks through illness. congratulations Congratulations are extended tc Clerk Jos. Senior and Mrs. Senioi op, the occasion of their 45th wed­ ding anniversary which was cele­ brated on Wednesday of this week - Forty-five years ago on December 7th Mr. Senior was united in mar­ riage with Miss Almeana Wood at the home of the late Daniel Wood just south of Exeter by Rev. James Graham then pastor of the James St Methodist church. 45ince that time they have been prominent and high- ly esteemed residents of Exeter. For 23 years Mr. Senior has occupied tlie< position of clerk -of the municipality J and has been a most efficient apd painstaking official. The affairs ol the municipality have always had his first consideration and to one ’ who has had considerable dealings; with him in municipal affairs, and .............. has consulted him often we have ad- ’ adorned with bronze Sayers and Mrs. Chalmers each wore a shoulderette .of roses while the ladies assisting wore a Talisman rose. THE LATE THOMAS HUNKIN Mr. Thomas Hunkin, a life-long | resident of tjiis community, passed away suddenly early Monday morn.- s 1 ig at the home of his son-in-law; Mr, George Coward 9th concession of Usborne. Mr. Hunkin has not been well for some time but has been up and around. He was taken ill about five o’clock .Sunday even­ ing and passed away about 3.30 the following morning. He was 68 years and three months old. Mr. Hunkin was born on the Sth ’concession of Usborne on the farm on which he lived until he retired and came to Exeter about four years ago. For seventeen years he was assessor of the township of Usborne. For a num­ ber of years he was director of the Exeter Fair and for two years was president of the 'Society. He was united in marriage with Isabella McLean. On Wednesday, Nov. 30th Mr. and Mrs. Hunkin observed their 46th wedding anniversary. Besides his bereaved widow, five- daughters and two sons survive: (Maggie) the j Mrs.- George Coward, of Usborne; ; (Myrtle) Mrs, of the local ministers were present > Robt. Duncan, of Hibbert; (Viola) and lay members from three of the! Mirs. E. Pollen, Farquhar; (Hazel) churches were out in goodly num- ’ Mrs. John .Coward, of Usborne; Kei­ bers, making the largest executive son J., <of-Usborne; and (Arabella) committee that has • attended foi some year’s. The treasurer’s report was presented showing the receipts for the last year to be $134.0'0. The officers elect are Mr. Harry Jen­ nings, president and Rev. J, Down, lectors of last year were requested from the home of Mr. Coward con- to act leetor’s once and the collecting completed etery. The pall-bearers were Messrs, by the end of the year. We are Wm. Passmore, John Hunkin, Al- sure the collectors will be kindly re- fred Hunkin, Fred Parsons, Chas ceived and the contributions as lib-. Borland and Wm. Stone. eral as circumstances will permit The churches cannot be engaged in a more important and deserving work. The was the the BIBLE SOCIETY RE-ORGANIZES » £ The annual meeting >of the Exeter branch of the Bible Society was held on Sunday last and the public services were well attended. Rev. Denny Bright, of London, the guest speaker and spoke in James Street United church in morning and in Main St. United Church in the evening.* His timely messages were listened to with in­ creased interest and profit. His at­ tentive hearers were kindly disposed toward the supremely important cause that he represents. The business session was held in the • Main St. Church at 8.30 p.m. Three j A? Edgar, of town; Mrs. Benson Tuckey, of town. The deceased is also survived by two brothers and two sisters, Fred. H. of town and Henry of Mitchell; Mrs. Samuel Passm-ore, of Exeter and W j Mrs. John Westlake, of Strathroy. secretary-treasurer. The col-. The funeral was held Wednesday for another year. The col- books are to be sent out at ducted by Rev. Mr. Peters, of Elim- ville, interment in the Exeter cem-/ DANCE LOCAL NEWS ON to her bed through illness B. M. Francis is in Goder- week attending County London and Mrs. on Sunday, and Mrs. Wm. Snell Snell and Mrs. George Johns Tuesday in Hamilton visiting and Mr. Mrs. W. R. Goulding is this week confined Reeve ich this Council. Hear the new .seven tube Cana­ dian General Electric radio, Console model, at $59.50—W. J. Beer. Mrs. J. S. Grant is visiting this Week with her daughter Mrs. Perry David, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and family, of London, spent Sunday with Mrs. S. West. Mr. J., A. Christie, of Montreal is visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W.’ Christie. Mfrs. C. H. Perkins left Monday for Detroit, where she will spend the winter. Rev. Denny Bright, of was the guest of Rev. J. W. Down Mil’. Chas, spent with friends. Mr. Wm. Walter has been engaged at the Ideal Meat Market taking the place of Mr, Reche, who has severed ed his connection. Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Edmunds, and son, of Flint, Mdch., are visiting with Mrs. Edmund’s parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowcliffe. Mrs. John Hunter has been con­ fined to her bed for the past couple of weeks through illness, present is improving. Mr. Harry Clark, who past two years has been with Mf« Wilfred Shaptoit hen, left Thursday last for his home ill Scotland. Mr. and Mirs. Gordon Lightfoot and son Bobby, of Brantford, were the guests of Rev. M. A. and Mrs Hunt at the Trivitt Memorial Rec­ tory over Sunday. but at for the employed of step- in the Exeter Opera House BILL ROBINSONS ORCHESTRA FROM LONDON Admission: Gents 50c. Ladies 25 DANCING FROM 9 UNTIL ? The Gift of Golden Song Give a Canary This Christmas. In every home a canary is a de­ lightful, lovable pete—singing his way ever deeper into your growing affections. Bright-eyed and perky —-he sings your blues away and brings lasting sunshine to all. > And then, who can resist his sprightly ways—his lovable antics'—• as he hops from perch to perch, trill­ ing his full-throated song for the en­ joyment of all who may hear it* A sweet singing ’canary is a happy gift at any time—a living apprecia­ tion of the kindness of friends, or as a pet for one of the family, Which the whole can enjoy. This year let a canary sing your “Merry Christmas’’ greeting to yotii friends on Christmas Day. IMPORTED HARTZ MOUNTAIN guaranteed singers for said by F. L. Grieve, Phm.B. Next to Senior’s Studio “The Drug Stere that appreciates your Business?’