HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-12-01, Page 8THUBSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1932 <» Something new in China THE MUCH ADnSRTISED BEAU* VILLE CHINA TO MATCH COMMUNITY SILVERWARE We invite you to come in and inspect it Many Gift lines are now greatly reduced in price for the Christmas trade. FOUNTAIN PEN gfflB reg. $5. 1W $a.5Q GENT’S MILITARY BRUSHES regular $10.00 for $0,00 Exeter Markets Wheat 40c. Malting Barley 3§c. Shorts. 85 c. Bran, 80c. Midlings 90e. Manitoba’s Best $2.25 Model Flour $2.00 Welcome Flour $1.00 Fee'd Flour. $1.00 Creamery Butter 26c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs $3.50 Butter 19’2Qc. extras 40 c. firsts 3>5c. seconds 18e, 1 THE EXETER T1MKS-ADVQCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rliodes,, M, a. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M, Organist . 10 a.m.-rSunday School 11 a.m.—“As We Forgive.” 6th in series on The Lord’s prayer 7 p.m.—'The Shining Visitant” S. B.’TAYLOR DON’T LET A COLD HANG ON We have yeur favorite brand cf Cough‘'Syrup and Cold remedies such as: Chase’s Syrup, Wood’s Norway Pine, Pinex, Passmore’s Bronchitis, Buckley’s Bronchitis, Pertussin, Wampo’e’s Cod Liver Extract, Squibb’s and Ayerst Cod Liver Oil, Waterbury’s and Kepler’s Malt and Cod Liver Oil and many others. If you haven’t any favorite brand may we suggest our own imprint line, made by the largest pharma­ ceutical house in the British Empire, each remedy a specific not a cure- all—and SOLD ON OUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Grieve’s White Pine & Tar Mentholated 50c. Grieve’s Cherry Bough Syrup Grieve’s Improved Pine Tar Honey 25c. apd 50c. Vaporizing Salve 35c. Vapor Inhalant 50 c. Baby Cough Syrup 25c Laxacold Tablets 25 c. 25c. and JAMES ST UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA LOCALS I my ii ■■ " ..■> ii The Young Ladies' Class of James Street United church are putting on a play “The .Secret Society of Cab- bageville” in the church on Decem­ ber 9th, Grieve’s Grieve’s Grieve’s Grieve’s Grieve’s Epedrine Nasal Jelly for head colds '50c. Grieve’s Creo-Vin-Tonic and builder $1.00 "Guaranteed— Of Course” Xmas Merchandise now Ready Our tables are filled,with new goods suitable for Christmas gifts. Give practical gifts this season. They are always sure to please. Ladies’ Silk & Wool Parasols Many new handles $2.50 TO $3.50 Ladies’ Bath Robes In Eiderdown or All Wool $2.95, $4.95 TO $7.50 Ladies’ Handbags In fine leathers $1.95 TO $2.95 Boxed Handerchiefs Jn dainty boxes 25c, TO 60c. * Silk Lingerie Vest and Bloomer 98c., $1.25, $1.50 Ladies’ Silk Scarfs Beautiful Colorings $1.25 TO $3.95 Boudoir Slippers In best wanted shades 89c. TO $1.50 Towel Sets In a variety of colorings 85c. TO 95c. Silk Hosiery Season’s Newest Shades 9 89c. TO $LQ0 CHILDRENS’ AND LADIES’ COATS SEASON’S NEWEST STYLES ALL REDUCED IN PRICE. YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO MISS THESE VALUES. ALL WOOL BLANKETS New Plaids SPECIAL Z-..T $3.75 TURKISH TOWELS ■ 20x40 inches 4 colors SPECIAL EACH 35c. ALL WOOL BLANKETS Sizes 64x84 - SPECIAL this wk. pr. $6.40 STAMPED MATS Many New Patterns 25c., 65c. and 75c. LADIES’ GOLOSHES Value to $3.50 SALE PRICE $1,29 PLAID COTTON BLANKETS Large size & new coloring PER PAIR $2.39 Rev* J. IL Stainton, B.A.,B.D., Pastor W, R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir-Leader ,m.—-Rev, Denny Bright, of the Bible Society p.m.-—Sunday School p.m,—“Twice Born Men” The story of Saul Kane taken from Masefield’s poem "The Everlasting Mercy” Wednesday—Prayer Meeting Thursday—Y. P. S. 3 7 UP he will spend daughter Mrs. S. Parsons, of MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A, E. Elliott, pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—<Rev. A. E. Elliott p.m.—Sunday School. phn.—Rev. Denny Bright, of the Bible .Society, will be associated with the pastor and give an ad­ dress. Song .Service. Monday—Y. R. S. Thursday—Prayer meeting. 11 3 ; 7 F. L. Grieve, Phm.B. Next to Senior’s Studio “The Drug Store that appreciates your Business.” Office and storage to rents—Large spztce suitable far storage, also flee in connection, on James Rent reasonable. Apply J. G. chrane. of- St. Co­ WANTED—<25* Leghorns, Anconas or Black Minorcas. Birds must be * laying. Harold State price and age. Apply Cudmore, R. 1, Hensall. 2tp. SALE—7 York chunks also a Mr. Bert Rivers has been confined to his home through illness, Mr. Sandy Elliot has been laid for several days with the flu. Mr. aud Mrs, Walter Dearing, London, visited in' town Sunday. Inspector Beacom of Goderich paid a visit to the Exeter school last week. Mrs. Sidney Clark unu Beatrice, of London, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John Hind on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pulleyblank visited Mr, and Mrs. J. W, Skinner at Thorndale over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick. •of Brinsley, visited one day last week with Mr, and Mrs, M. Amy. Mr. John E. Dignan :ert last week for Kingsville where the winter with liis Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Chicago, are visiting with the form­ er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S, Par­ sons. Mrs. John Snell left Wednesday1* for Windsor to spend the winter with her daughters, Mrs. C. H. Smith and Mrs. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. James Howard and family, of Goderich, spent Sunday at the home -of the former’s brother Mr. G. S. Howard. “Miss Agnes Fox, of Lucan, and 1 Mrs. William Elliott, of /Centralia, : are guests of Mrs. IS. B. Windsor ave? The proceeds from i poppy day fund in Exeter amounted Ito $46.98 and in Hensall $18.82. This as only about half of what was received the previous year. Miss Mildred Rowe returned to her duties on the public school staff Monday after being ill for a week with the flu. Her place at the school was taken by Charles Pearce. Caven Presbyterian church are holding a fowl supper this Wednes- Edwards, •London Free Press the recent /TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH "Rector, Rev. Mr. Hunt, M.A. j Organist, Miss MacFaul j Choir-Leader, Mi*. Middlemiss j 2nd Sunday in Advent | . a.m.—Morning prayer and com­ munion p.m.—Sunday School and Rector’s Bible Class p.m.—Evensong This is Mr, Hunt’s first Sunday in this incumbency and all adherents and friends are requested to be present. 11 3 7 — USED — Electric Washers IN A 1 CONDITION J FOR litter 6 weeks old; also fat sow. Ap­ ply Lot 8,. Con. 2, Stanley Township, phone 8 6rll Hensall, Jno. B. Hyde., day evening in the basement of the Kippen. Itp. church to be follower* ny a spendid Day concert in the aud- $35.00 Hand Washers STRAYED—'From £,ot 2'5, Con. 13, Township of .Hibbert, a York sow on or about the middle of Oc­ tober. Information gladly received by Peter McNaughton, phone 88r4,_ Hensall. Itp.1 All furs remodeled, repaired. Fur Coats relined. Fur jackets Dressmaking. For Sale—Quebec heater oven, good baker only used, weeks. Exeter. made, St. Andrew’s itorium. Principal Exeter High _ _........ ______ Monday evening where xe delivered an address -on the history of print­ ing before the A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul’s church. On Monday evening the Young People’s Guild of Caven Presbyter- E. J. Wetliey, of the School, was in Hensall All woiK half price. ian c]iurcj1 enjoyed an excellent ad-< with | dresg on "church Music” from Rev. . , __ __ __ ,aeiW. A. Young,BiSc., of -Carmel Pres- Apply Mrs. Norman Hoekey byterian churehi HeusaI1. __________ _ Harold Puplan, of Silverwoods, -A few loads of Altai- Londan and fOTmerly oi£ From z $6.00 to $10.00 Terms as low as $1 a week. W. 1. BEER The members of the Main St. W. P. S. visited the Y. P. !$■ of the Cen­ tralia United church Tuesday even­ ing where they were royally enter­ tained. The visitors provided a splendid program and the Centralia young people served refreshments.WANTED—^ „ x „ , x ,fa or clover hay. Apply at Times- Centralia, was last week re-elected Advocate. president of the 'Canadian Associa-I tion of Ice Cream Manufacturers at I the annual meeting held in Toronto. Mr. W. R.~ Goulding was able to be up Sunday for the first time after being confined to his bed f-or a week with "the flu. The organ of the James .Street United Church on Sun­ day was presided over by Mrs. Wil­ liams. Six companions of the Royal Arch degree were in Goderich Friday ev­ ening to attend a meeting at which the Grand Z of Royal Arch Masonry, M. Ex. Com. Dr. C. W Haentschel, of Haileybury, was the guest speaker along with the Grand Scribe E. Com- Edwin Smith, of Lohtjon. Mr. Elmo Richards, of London, lias taken over the agency of the .Metropolitan Life insurance Co. In Exeter taking the place of Mr. Ar­ chie Stirling, who is ill in Westmin­ ster Hospital, London. Mr. Richards has rented the residence of Miss Mabel Follick, Main St. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McInnis, and little son, of Paisley, visited with Mrs. McInnis’ parents, Mr. and kfrs; Sam’I Sweet on Tuesday. They were, surprised to see so much snow around Exeter as they have had very , ™al little snow and the dust is blowing1 severai pous in rne around paisley. There was snow until just north of Clinton. The season young skates usual, smooth ice above ths dam and the skaters ate making good use of it, Every precaution, however, should be taken as already thin ice has taken its toll of victims. Th© man­ agement- of the Exeter skating rink has started to make ice and a good foundation has been secured. Inquire at Browning's Drugstore, how to win a VS ITudor Sedan or one of the other valuable prizes. Will the person who was .seen tak­ ing the blankets off the clothesline on Monday night kindly return and save further trouble.—James Bowey "Will the party who picked up a car crank on Huron 'Street, west Sunday last return same to A. Penhale. on J 0 Fill with anti-feeze now $1.50 the Ford Garage, Exeter. at Pea Ensilage is now ready for sale. Canadian Canners. ll-24-3tc FEED BEANS .FOR SAKE—-Apply to Times-Advo cate STRAYED—Onto Lot 12, Con. 6, ■Hay Township, a yearling steer. The owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses.—Wil­ frid H. Shapton, R. 1, Exeter, phone Crediton 17r3. I have in my possession on Lot 13-, Con. 9 Township of Stephen a roan steer, weighing 1,000 pounds, with cut in left ear which came to ihy herd while in pasture. Owner may have animal by paying expens­ es. I have lost a Hereford steer all white face* weighing 1000 lbs. with cut in fight ear. Notify Mi­ chael S, Finkbeiner, R. R. Number 2, Crediton. ll“24-3tc uusual of the people earlier There STRAYED—-Onto N. E. Corner of Lot 10, Con. 7, Hay Twp., a yearl­ ing heifer. Party may by proving property and expenses.—F. Wildfong, R, have same paying for 1, Exeter GIRL’S AND BOY’S, MEN’S AND WOMEN’S HOCKEY SHOES AND SKATES FEATURING THE NEW PROFESSIONAL ANKLE SUPPORT „ BOY’S & GIRL’S COMPLETE OUTFITS $2^89 UP. MEN’S $3.60 UP SUITABLE GIFTS FOR MEN SWEATER COATS, FINE SHIRTS, PYJAMAS, BELTS, ARMBANDS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BRACES, GARTERS, SUITS, OVERCOATS, GOLOSHES, HOUSE SLIPPERS* HANDKERCHIEFS SPECIAL New Lemon Peel per lb. 19c. New Orange Peel per lb. 19c. special New Fancy Quality Dates 2 lbs. for 19c. Choice Quality Mincemeat 2 lbs. for 25c. New Australian Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 25c.* New Currants....................... 2 lbs. 28c. Seeded Raisins....................... per pkg. 15c. Cooking Figs .................... 3 lbs. 25c. TRY US THIS SEASON FOR NEW FRUITS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE. ........ . . . .. SPECIAL Golden Corn Syrup , In bulk 6c. per lb. New Citron Peel per lb. 29c. Fancy Apricots ........................ per lb. 18c. Candied Cherries in Bulb .... 1-4 lb. 10c. Dad’s Cookies (New Style) .... 12c. doz. Mixed Cut Peel .... 1-2 lb. pkgs. 2 for 25c. Southcott Bros. W. Ft Goulding A. T? C. M. Organist and Choirmaster Janies Street United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, iMain St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL— IF SOMEONE STOLE YOUR PA Y ENVELOPE? One man in every five is robbed of his earnings each year Why trust to luck? An Income Protection Policy will ■carry on from where you are forced to leave off. LET US SERVE YOU JAS; P. BOWEY SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229 F. STRANGE ELECTED TO BOYS’ PARLIAMENT / The election for the Provincial Boys’ Parliament was held on Sat­ urday last for the riding of South Huron and 'it aroused considerable interest over the whole field. Polls were held in eighteen out of the twenty sub-divisions in the riding. | There were nearly six hundred names on the lists sent in and about; seventy per cent, of the possible vote was polled. The highest num-j ber of votes recorded at any one poll was 98 and the lowest number was, 3. At one poll every vote on tlie| list of 27 names sent in. The small' jg^ETER .WOMEN’S INSTITUTE vote at a number- of polls indicates a great lack of interest in the boys j and their work. We urge the boys. ing. The musical parade and trium­ phal march up Main Street Saturday evening was not prompted by the winning candidate', but a number of I his young, supporters gave him a ’1 good start on his big job. The boys at home must now unite to boost ; the boy elect -as lie faces the hard task they have placed upon him. “1 Only by our continued and wise sup­ port can he succeed. The regular monthly meeting of the Exeter Women’s Institute was not to be discouraged for their in-I held at the home of Mrs. George terests^will be taken to heart more Jacques on Monday afternoon with fully at the next election. Mr. Frank; about thirty members and .several Strange happened to be the success-' visitors present. The president Mrs. ful candidate with a majority of 10'9. The other candidates, Gerald j Godbolt, of Centralia and Howard I Hyde, of Kippen, have a good reas- I on to be proud of the fine vote they , polled having a good majority at . _ j riding. The whole campaign was conducted by I the three boys in a clean and sane | manner and they are admired by* all cold weather for this, for their fine spirit and good sense, year has enabled the to get onto their in the season than is a sp-ehdld sheet of The winner is not crowing and tlw losers are hot croaking. They are still very much alive and will heard from again, on ed ,ial oh. address full of pep and pith and point, while some other congratulat­ ed all three on the grit and courage | they evidenced in contesting the rid- heed of reform be The public rally election night was well conduct- by the Rev. IJ. H. Stainton, offic- returning officer for south Hut* Each candidate gave a short Etherlngton presided over the busi­ ness session. It was decided .to* give a donation to the Santa Gaus fund and also send a box of Christmas cheer to the. County Home. ' Com­ munity 'singing was enjoyed. Cur­ rent events were given by Mrs. Howell. Misses Helen Dignan and Marjorie Medd played a piano, duett, Mrs. Wm. Thomson,- delegate to the London W. I» Convention gave a splendid report. Master DawtSOtt Goulding sang a charming little song accompanied on the piano by his mother. .Miss Marjorie Medd dem­ onstrated and explained a well-bal­ anced dinner. Lunch was served by the hostess and her committee Mrs; Down, Mrs. F? Taylor ,Mrs. W H, Goulding and Mrs. W. H. Harness 1 , -—*——— NevSr hope for peacd when, there’s WHATEVER YOU DO DON’T MISS THIS DATE Tues., and. Wed., Nov. 29 & 30 We will supply, with every BERGER of Quality” suit ordered on that day only, an EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS of the same material at no extra cost MR. PARK Head Office reresentative of the Berger Tailoring Company, and .clothing expert, will be in attendance at our store on the above date, to advise customers, and to measure,, personally, all who or- dei* suits during his visit. The offer of free extra' trousers is limit­ ed to the duration of his stay. “Clothes j . W. TAMA N PHONE 81 , - EXETER, ONT./ A minister made a startling state- shaking their legs dancing than the ment the other day. He said he older ones .shaking their tongues in would rather see the young people gossiping.Baudette, Minn., Region ■ Christmas will soon be here! Now is the time to select your Xmas Gifts TAKE A LOOK THROUGH OUR STOCK WHERE YOU WILL FIND MANY PIECES SUITABLE, SUCH AS WALNUT CHESTS, SMOKERS, TABLES AND FLOOR LAMPS; ROCKERS AND SETS FOR CHILDREN; BOOK RACKS, SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES, CRIBS FOR BABIES; NICE NEW DINING-ROOM SUITES OR BEDROOM SUITES AND MANY OTHER PIECES ALL AT BARGAIN PRICES Furniture Dealer I * Funeral Director ’i' ~ii nr' 11 a'"..r. i'i Ml