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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-12-01, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, DECEMBER J, 19312 Mjrs. Alex McMurtrie is visiting with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Paul Coates, of Exeter, was in town Monday calling on friends. Mr, D. H. McNaughton, of Bay- field, visited friends in town Sunday. Mr, * ' spent here, Mr, Blake, Monday. Miss'Margaret McLaren, of Lon don, spent the week-end at her home here, Mr. family latives Miss Eldred Smith, of London: the week-end wtih his father and Mrs. Poss Johnston, visited friends in town of on and Mrs. Laird 'Mickle and spent the week-end .w-ith re in Ridgetown. Hazel Morenz and friend Tjako Twp Events" and foRowlhg CREDITON in’ larjgq print are the words, "Bon-I thron Sets the Pace,” finishing in Miss Ruby Finkbeiner is visiting over five mile course, This with relatives in Donjon. was under Princeton, n. J,» of Oc-| Mrs. Jack Marr, or (Cleveland, is tober 29th last, and again under i Visiting with* her parents#, Mr, and date of November 4th, Princeton# N.'Mrs, Charles Eilber, Jo describing a cross country race1 Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Eilber and between Varsity and freshman teams daughter, Joan, of Dewon, spent it states that Captain Bill Bonthron the week-end with the latter’s par won the six mile Varsity race by 50 ents, Mr- anj Mrs. Charles Eilber, yards in 31-51. We have made’ Mr. Herbert K, Eilber was in mention from time to time of how, Goderich last Wednesday on a busi- Hensallities have figured to good hess trip, advantage in different events and Master Orland iGaiser, who had Mrs. Bonthron, of Hensail, justly, bis ear drum punctured 4ast Satur- feels proud of what her grandson day is improving. We hope he will has accomplished along the line •university sports. HORSE AND BUGGY FIGURE IN CRASH WITH CAR A Car driven by Audrey Smith, ™ RED & WHITE STOM T Choice Quality Fruits for your Xmas Cake .......... .... .......................Cooking Figf ------------------ - - - - 3 Jks# 25c. Bread* cash and carry 5c, loaf Choice Quality Dried Peaches ,per li>. 15c# New Pitted Dates ....................... 2 lbs# 23c. Red & White Vanilla, 8 oz. bottle each 15c, Gold Medal Orange Marmalade 40 oz. 25c. Falcon Mincemeat .. per lb# 21c, , 2 lbs# 23c. ■■OB per lb, 19c. . 2 lbs# 25c# Finest Mixed Peel .#',#,.#,# New Lexia Raisins Bleached Sultana Raisins ,. Australian Seedless Raisins ,, „ # > > •* • ft -f. day is improving. We hope he will soon be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Eilber were in Lucknow last Friday and visited with the lattens mother, Mrs. Susan Griven. cd j Dr. and Mrs. Morrison' and daugh- , visited over the of New Recleaned Currants ... spent the week-end with the form-1 Goderich, and a horse driven by Mr.. ter, of Detroit, visited ov™ *„><, j Donald Walker, R. R. No. 1, Hen-1 week-end with Mr. and George of sail, crashed at ( a HensaU ' iqtersep- _ x, __ x,_ 4 ‘Highway ‘Saturday night, with serious results to the per 1-2 lb, lb, 15c, 27c..fSK, er’s sister in London. Mr. and Mt|S, Floyd Smith, . Detroit, spent the week-end at the tion on, No. home of Mr, Alex Smith# Miss Mae Simpson is visiting here horse; buggy and automobile, all of for several weeks with ‘her grand- j which are badly mother, Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. Inspector Beacom was in town on1 Investigation by County Constable Monday and Tuesday visiting the different rooms in- our Public School. Miss Mae McNaughton has return ed' to her duties in Toronto after attending the here, Rev. W. A# Young addressed the Young teriqn Church Exeter, ' on Monday evening. A great many •farmers in the dis trict have still their turnips to take up and it is proving a slow job get ting them up through the snow. Rev. and Mrs. Young very ably assisted in the program at the sup per on Wednesday evening at the Caven Presbyterian iChurch, EXeter. A Court of Revision on the local municipal voters’ list was held in the town hall on Tuesday evening when quite a number- of were made. County Cestello presided. A bazaar and sale 'cooking will be held Presbyterian Church afternoon, December 3lrd, used up. The drivers escaped with minor injuries, Eilber. CREDITON EAST Garfield Neil, of Centralia, funeral of her sister Lever showed that the horse was not stopped at the stop -sign before crossing the highway. The automo bile piled broadside into the outfit and the horse suffered severe lacer ations. but no broken bones. EUMfVTLLE Wm. Bradshaw wishes to announce that he /'has commenced chopping grain at Elimville every afternoon, 1 and forenoon if appointment is made by phoning Kirkton 25-7. The W.M.S, meeting for November was held in the church on Wednes- i day afternoon of last week when the Baby Band and their mothers were also entertained. Mrs. George Coward presided over the first part and opened with singing "A bet ter day is coming” followed with prayer by Mrs. Chas. Godbolt. "Far Fai’ Away in Heathen Darkness” was next sung and the roll' called, responded to by seventeen members. The subject was quotation on ."Peace”. Mirs. George Davis read the Devotional Leaflet “Dorcas the! woman who was always wanted. Mrs. Alvin Pym, superintendant of the Baby Band then took charge of the children’s contribution to the pro gram and lead the children in sing ing "Jesus Loves Me.” Little Mur-, ray Stephen. Marion Murch and Leona Pym gave little recitations and Grace Brock -sang a little song which were all much enjoyed. The ladies then resumed their program. Mrs. Wm. Elford, Mrs. Rev. Peters and Mrs. T. Bell all gave readings which were all very interesting. The next hymn "The Great Physician” was sung and Mrs. Peters closed the meeting enjoyed served, election meeting home of Mr., dren, cinity Mr. Sunday' visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffrey on the Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodgert and f Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce | Cooper. Miss Leila McFalls, of London, The meeting closed with,I spent a few days with her cousin, People of the Caven PreSby- changes Judge T- M< of home-made in the Carmel on Saturday ------,—, -------- commen cing at 3 o’clock. A tea will be ser ved from 4 to 6 o’clock. Rd’eve Geiger % was in Goderich klast week attending meetings of the County 'Committee and also the special committee appointed at the June .session to investigate the Crim inal Justice account of the County Services in our local churches Were well attended on Sunday last. At the United church Rev. Arthur Sin clair occupied the putpit. At the morning service a quartette was given by Mirs. Hedden, Mrs. Sinclair Messrs. W. O. Goodwin and Sam. Rennie. In the evening a solo .was given by Mr. Sam. Rennie. The Young People’s League of the United Church held their regular meeting on Monday evening. The program being ,in charge of Mrs. M. Hedden. After the opening exercises a piano duet was rendered by Misus es Gladys Passmore and Grace Brock followed by a solo by Elaine Hos kins after which a reading was giv en by Mrs. Delos Huntly. A solo was given by Miss Emily Hoskins fol lowed by an instrumental by Miss Gladys Luker and a solo by Mrs. Maude Heddem The topic whch was very ably given by Mliss Ellis on "Beethoven” was illustrated on. the violin and paino by Miss Gretta ■Lammie. the Mizpah Benediction and games and contests were indulged in and candy served. The Welfare Youth Club of the Carmel Presbyterian iChurch -held their regular meeting Monday even ing. The program being in charge of Mrs. Roy McLaren. After the opening and devotional exercises a five minute speech was given by Mrs. W. A. Young followed by a paper on Dr. Margaret Strang by Miss Alice Walker, A solo was given by Mr.s. J. W. Bonthron after which a paper on "Our Tasks at Home” was read by Miss Olive Workman followed by a reading hy Mrs. Verne Hedden. The meeting closed by say ing the Mjizplah Benediction ana contests and games were then in dulged in. An especially welcome visitor last Week at the Huron Springs Sanitor- ium was Mrs. McCallum, of .St. Thom as. She was Di’. Moir’s first radium patient of some eleven years ago and possibly the first patient treated with radium in Western Ontario, as Dr. Moir is the pioneer in that work here. Mrs. McCallum is now almost 101 years old and was pleased to find ih her old home County of Hu ron a sanitorium so much to- her lik ing. During her visit she recalled the fact that her father was the first to own a horse in the township off Tuckersmith, and her mother the first to nse^a cook stove. Mrs. Mc Callum says that a visit to the sani torium is going to be a yearly affair with her and we hope these will be many, Mr. sp?nt the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mrs. Georg© Hayes and daughter Doris and Patricia, of Exeter, .spent a few days, the past week with her mother Mrs. Wilson Anderson, Mrs. Wilson Anderson is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Geo. Hayes Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and daughter Thelma, of .London and Mr. and Mrs. R. Mlotz and two chil dren, of Exeter, spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Hebry Motz. Mr. Mark Mitchell, Exeter, has returned home after spending two weeks with his sister Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mrs. Henry Motz is visiting her daughter,sj 'Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and i Mrs. Frank Scheiding in Lonon. • Mr. and .Mrs. John Taylor, Exeter have moved into the home of Mr. Harry Trick and Mr-, and Mrs. Leon ard Wein and son Marvin, of Shar on have moved into the home va cated by Mr. and Mrs. W. McPher son. We welcome there to our midst. All the houses in our burg are now occupied. It is the first time in a good many years. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kuhn, Baden spent (Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Gaiser and formerly of iShipka, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman, and Mrs. H, Hoffman. Mr. Earl Haist and Miss Haist; of .Fenwick, spent with Mir. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Harry Appleton, Parkhill, here I Kathleen .Monday Hoffman, ■of near renewed acquaintances on Friday. per per lb. 47c. lb.39c, Pineapple Rings assorted Fancy Whole Glazed Cherries Fresh Borde^u Walnuts lr2’s . Fresh Bordeau Walhuts pieces per lb. 40c. New Shelled Almonds ....... per lb. 39c. New Dates .................. 4 lbs. 25c. Almond Extract ........... per bottle 9c. Best Icing Sugar ................2 lbs. 15c# Pure Cane Sugar............... 10 lbs. 50c. Red Emperor Grapes ..............2 lbs. for 25c. ft- .♦ ft • ft ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 with prayer. iThe children a few games and lunch was The next meeting will be of officers and Christmas which will be held at the Mrs. P. Murch. and Mrs. Ewart Pym and chil- of Exeter, visited in the vi- on Sunday last. and Mrs. Phil Murch Were CENTRALIA and Mrs. Geo. Baynham, will be at home December Sr., to 2nd Wilfred Shapton with Mr. and Friday Mr. of Centralia, friends on Friday, from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 in the evening on the (occasion of their 53rd wedding anniversary. Mr. Lome Hicks visited during the past week with friends in Rip ley. Mr. and Mrs. and family visited , Mrs. John Pollard on children from near Seaforth spent ’ ing of last week. On Friday evening the Centralia (Sunday their annual visit to County Home in Clinton and pro vided a very enjoyable program for the inmates. Those taking part in the program were; Rev. and Mrs. Robb, Mrs. Penwarden, Miss Greta Pollard, Miss Hazel (Smith, Mr., Stanley Smith, Miss Kennedy, Mr. Harold ..Mitchell, Miss Wanda Will is, Missek Beulah and Alma (Skinner and Mr. Cecil zSkinner, Mr. Charles McQuillan, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skel ton. Rev. Robb closed the program with a very interesting message to the inmates. Mrs. Jacons expressed their appreciation in a few well chosen words. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johns and fam ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rich- “The Kingdom of^rd Davey on Sunday.' 1 Mr. W. J. Smith has been confined of last School the i even- ; week made -Huron ... 2 lbs. 25c# De Lux Jelly Powders, assted. , ,6 for 25c. Ready Cut Macaroni.................. per lb, 5c# Broken Soda Biscuits .............., 3 lbs. 25c. Schneider’s Picnic Hams . #.,, per lb. 10c# Fresh Fillets of Haddie per lb, 15c, Extra Select Oysters ........ per pt. 63c# British Honduras Oranges per doz. 35, 40c. Texas Seedless Grapefruit .... 4 for 25c. “Quality always higher than price.” III II” DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S.. D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Daah- wood’, first three days of week and at office over the Post. Office, tn Zurich, last three days of week. WOODHAM Miss Freida St. John, of London, is visiting Miss Mary Brethour, of the Base Line. An error in last week’s edition stating that the Christmas concert MT. CARMEL Mr, John Hall accompanied by his mother visited friends in De troit. Miss Katherine Walker, of Lon- ------o ----- — ------------ --------( don, spent a few days last week with is to be held in the Orange Hall on. her mother and other relatives here the 22; which should have read the! Mr. Andrew Keough is visiting Miss Ruth Tieman spent the week- 23rd, Friday night.----------------------| friends in Detroit. end with friends in Stratford. | Misses Netta Shier, Gertrude Glass Mrs. T. J.. Hall spent a few days Miss Gertie Hoffman spent several ,Alda Squire, Ethel Copeland, Violet last week with her sister, Mrs. P. Squire; Messrs, Raymond Sweitzer Haherty, of London. ■ On Thursday, November 17th, to I Mr, and Mrs. Alonzo McCann, a son “White Gift Service” will be ob-; (Joseph Gregory). of , London served here on Sunday, December 4.' Mr, Oswald Hall and friend of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford, London, spent Sunday with the Misses Marion Shier, Nina McNaugh- j former’s parents, Mr. and Mi’s. T.J days in Kitchener last week. Mr. John Hoffman, spent a few days with town. Mr. Eugene Tieman, University, spent the week-end with his parents.* Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tieman, Mission, Elaine Camm and Laura Run-'J. Hall. Ella Martinson and Mr. Gordon die attended the "Teacher’s Train-j Messrs. Keeler spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Martinson in Elmira. Quite a number attended the fun eral of the late Mrs. Battler of Zu rich last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold H-otchkiss, Mr. Hotchkiss ,Sr. and Mrs. Huntley, Of,, Detroit spent Saturday with their fr'i'ehds in town. Don’t forget the Christmas (School Concert which wilt be held on Wed nesday evening, December 21st. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening. A very quiet wedding took place] at the Evangelical parsonage on Saturday evening when Miss Kath leen Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bell, of British Columbia was united in marriage to Mr. Earl Witmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Witmer, of Dashwood. Their many friends will join in extending congratula tions. Death of Mrs. F. Gen.ttn.er Sr- 'The death occurred on Tuesday Novembei' 29, 1932 of Caroline Paul ine Gossman, relict of the late Fred Genttner in her 77 th year. She was born, in Germany and has been a resident of Dashwood for the past 47 years. Her husband preaeceased her 13 years ago. The deceased had been in failing health for some time and reached the age of 76 years 6 months and 7 days and is survived by a family of 6 children, Mrs. Fred Wells and Mrs. T. Harness, Exeter; Mrs. E. Oesch and Fred, of Dash wood; Charles, of London, and Mrs. S. Grovier, of Toronto. One daugh ter predeceased her, 19 grandchil dren and 7- great grandchildren. The funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. with Rev. Wess officiating. Interment in Bronson Line cemetery. ■of London, and Victor Chatten, all of London,! friends in visited with their friends here. II Gordon die attended the "Teacher’s Train-j ith Mr., ing Course” held at nirkton, the previous week. The ladies of the W. M. S. are packing a bale this week to to Andrew and John Mor- Simon Smith spent a fewthe riey and [ days last week with friends in De troit. I the needy in the West. W1NCHELSEA send SHIPKA The children from the community ai’e busy practising for the Christ mas entertainment which is to beQuite a number from this munity attended the dance at Farqu-1 held in tjie Public School on Dec., har last Wednesday night. | 21st and in the Sunday School on. Mr. R. E. Pooley was in London December 13th. one day last week. j The regular meeting of the La- I Mr. Frank. Davis visited with Mr dies’’Aid will be held at the home- and Mrs. Alex McDonald at Saints- bury on Sunday. Mr. Ralph Parkinson, of Blan- shard, spent the week with his sis ter Mrs. Herman Foster. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. P. Dickens, near Lucan, on, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hunkin, of Exeter, is visiting with their daugh ter Mrs. Geo. Coward. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns have returned home moon. Mrs. George her sister Mrs. one day last week. from tnesr honey- of Mrs. Major [Baker on Wednesday December 7 tiff Ladies are asked to> ctfme as early as possible as there is some quilting to be done. The Misses B. Baynham, Ila and Evelyn Siweitzer, of London, spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. M1. Ratz and Jack spent Sunday in Parkhill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. McPher son. Mrs. P. Eisenbach, of Grand Bend, spent last week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Tetreau. iMr. and Mrs. G. Finkbeiner, of London, called on relatives last week. Coward visited with B. Tuckey in ExeterI Mrs. Wm. Routly last. week. Mr. Wm. Bradshaw has commen ced grinding again for the winter. Mr. Chas. Johns has been indis posed with lumbagd for the 'past week. •Miss Aleatha Ogden.and Mr. Har old Sutton, of London, visited re cently at the home'of Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Wilson and also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wilson.. The special service held last Sun day evening under the auspices of the Mission Circle was very well at tended.' Childs, address subject Heaven. ______ __ ___ ....____ and held the attention of her aud-1 to his bed for the past ten days suf- ience throughout. The members .of i fering from influenza. the Circle formed the choir' and sang I Miss Hazel Smith, Literary con- two numbers. A special instrumen-1 venor for Huron Presbytery Y. P. S. tai number “Whispering Hope” was I was in London on Saturday last at- given by Misses Florence Bell and ----------- "-1”*"'u Maizjie p’Riel'ly With v^li^s,, ’Mfr*. Kenneth Johns with guitar and Mirs. J. Brock at the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns return ed from their honeymoon Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Horde and Mrs. Her bert Child’s of London, were guests of ReV. and Mrs, Peters on Sunday. The best wishes of many friends and neighbours is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Heywood who were married last Saturday. They will reside on the groom’s farm sout of village, which he purchased last spring from Mr, WilSon Hawkins,- • Among the graduates of Novem ber 25th from the Lohdoji Technical & Commercial High School,' was Miss Jean Ogden, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Wilson, who won. nine diplomas ahd certificates,' among which were three special diplomas ifot shoirthahd. Diiriiig the three year course she also won two money the Whiskard Memorial The speaker, Mrs. Herbert of London, gave a splendid on Missionary work, her being ” (She is a very able speaker Headquarters for car-heaters, chains and anti-freeze.—Sandy liot,Exeter. W. the tire! E1-- Wins Honors In looking over extracts from the Halted States dailies connected with University, college and other sports, W0 came across ah item that will be of interest to HensalitieS as it is connected with one of the sons of Mr. William D. Bonthron, a son of | prises, Mrs. Robert Bonthron, of out* vil-1 Scholarship prize and the E. E. Reid lage, and of the late Robert Bon-1 Scholarship prize for best budget of thron, of our village and under the > typewritten work and two scholar- the heading, “Harvard Harriets ships fcins for perfect attendance. tending the Officers’ Congress which was held in Hyatt11 Ave. (Church. There will be the usual exchange of gifts at the Women’s Institute meeting on December 8th. Don’t forget the baking salq- to be held in F. W. Morlwcn’s: store on ISatui'day under the auspices of the True Blue and Wide Awake classes of the Evangelical Sunday School. The receipts will go toward relief work, • Mr. Charles Kerr, and son, of Benmiller, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hdwin B'eaver this week. w GRAND BEND and Mrs. Donald Webb,of of and HARPLEY GREENWAY Next Sunday afternoon the quar terly Sacrament service will be held in the United church and on Decem ber 18th the usual Whit© Gift ser vice. Miss Jessie Smith is the guest of her sister Mrs. Eldon Steeper. I Mrs. Paxman, of London, is visit- | ing her sister M!rs. Langford Ridley. [ Mr. and Mrs. D. Webb, of 'Lans- | ing; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen .Webb, Mrs. S. Pollock, of Grand Bend, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGregor last week. -Mr. Ralph Eagleson, of Parkhill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Hicks on Sunday. Wedding bells are ringing* in our burg • this week. The Y. P. S. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Isaac on Mon day evening and enjoyed a Literary and social evening. Several from here attended' the funeral of the late Mr. Wilson Eag leson in Parkhill last Thursday, ifhe sympathy of all is extended to his brothers and sisters, who live in community. Mr, Sam Gratton, of London, a recent visitor with sir. and Mrs J, HOtson. STAFFA Mrs. McDonald, of Montreal, is spending a week with her daughter Mrs. R. N. Stewart. The Staffs Y.P.S, entertained the Cromarty Y.P.S. on Friday evening. There were a large number present and all report a good time. Mr. Arnold Jeffrey, Detroit, vis ited with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey recently. Miss Marietta Sadler, of Whalen spent the week-end under the par ental roof. Mrs. V. McNaughton, of Chicago., is visiting her sister, Mrs. .George Butson, Miss Isabelle Gray, who has been under the doctor’s care is improving Miss Gladys Butson, of Stratford, sp^nt the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butson. Mr. Henry Golding is under the doctor’s care. There was a dance in the Friday#, evening. Hall on this Dance in Cromarty Hall day, December 2nd. Frank 3-piece London Orchestra, sion Ladies please lunch on Fri- Kenny’s Admig- provide was Mr. Lansing, Mich., speni tne American Thanksgiving and the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Webb and Mr. Sol. Pollock. Mr. Melvin Hamilton spent a days in London last'week with C. Mathers. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Webb, the 14th spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Joe Olivet. Mr. Ira Stebbins reports seeing a' couple more wolves in the pinery near his barn. Mrs. Rev. Mathers, who has been Spending a week in Toronto return ed home on Friday. •The young people who have been practicing a play "Yimmie Yonston’s Yob” have decided to put it oh in the United Church Friday night. Mr. Bruce BossSiibury, Of Forest, paid the burg a flying visit on Fri day. Mr, BosSenbury has a good business in £is new hotel in Fofest. Jwtrs. John Devine, who has been laid up with a bad cold is somewhat improved. , Mt. Ivan Green and Mr. Arthur Sheanan have been catohing a few fish lately# Re-made Re-covered Renovated Rebuilt and Mrs. Leon Dearing spentMr few days last week in Exeter. The choir of Grace church# Green way, held their choir practice at the home of Mr. Mansell Hpdgins, Little Master Lyle Hodgihs is ill at present. We hope to ,seo him well again soon, Mr. Wm, Love was in Clandeboye on Thursday. Master Jack Hutchinson spent last Sunday evening with his grandpar-* ents Mjr. and Mrs. W. H. Hayter. a PILLOWS, Steam Cleaned and recovered Per Pair *................................. MODERN FEATHER MATTRESS COMPANY Manufacturers of high-grade Mattresses and down Comforters. Feather Beds made into ten-roll Sanitary Mattresses No charge for estimates or advice on work to he done. Our representative will call anywhere. P. O. BOX 379, GODERICH ■<