HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-11-24, Page 8** TMUJWAY, NOVEMBER 2L 1032 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CASH FOR OLD GOLD We are prepared to pay cash or trade for old gold, jewellery, watch cases, etc S. B -TAYLOR Exeter Markets Wheat 40c. Malting Barley 38c. Shorts, 85e. Bran, 80c. Midlings 90c. Manitoba’s Best $3.25 Model Flour $2.00 Welcome Flour $1.60 Feed Flour, $1.00 Creaniery Butter 26c, Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 19-20e. extras 4 De. firsts 35 c. seconds 18c. $3.30. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J, Bernard Rhodes,, M. A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A*L»O.M» Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School Please bring your White Gifts. 11 a.m. Service withdrawn in fav­ our of Main Street Anniversary, 7 p.m.—“The Compulsions of Life’’ November 30th, Fowl Supper and St, Andrew’s Day Concert Childrens’ & Ladies’ Coats Every Childs’» Misses’ and Eadies’ coats will be sacrificed this week, Here is your chance to buy that new coat at dollars below the regular price. At the Sign of a Cold! COLDS ARE DANGEROUS! We Recommend Grieve’s Cold Tablets Grieve’s Grieve’s Grieve’s Cod Liver Compound White pine and Tar Mentholated Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil Grieve’s Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil ■Grieve’s Vapor Inhalant Grieve’s Vaporizing Salve All these and many other tonics and remedies are made for us under our own imprint by the oldest and largest Pharmanautical House in the world and each remedy is a specific for which it is intended.— NOT a cure all, Try any one of them on our money back guarantee. F. L. Grieve, Phm.B. DRUGGIST “We Save You Money’’ Fill with anti-feeze now $1.50 at the Ford Garage, Exeter. forPea Ensilage is now ready sale. Canadian Canners. ll-24-3tc FOR SALE—Wheat straw stack 2 large grey geese, 2 years old; wanted a grey gander, 2 years old. Apply at Times-Advocate. ltp LOST—On Sunday between James Street, church, and,-2nd Con., Ste­ phen, a tire chain. Please return to Samuel Jory. Qt ■iiiii —. IK—., ■■ ix—»<■«—i L j LOCALS I i ___i Mrs. Robert H. Sayers will hold a post-nuptial reception at her home on Wellington ‘Street, on .Friday, December 2nd from three to six p.m. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Every time you make a at Browning’s Drug Store given a chance to wiu a prize. purchase you are valuable McDonald, of Orillia and around Exetei' for Young, of London, is few days ■ltc. Thames held on The annual meeting of the Road Farmers’ Club will be Monday, November 28th at 8 o’clock at the home of Mr. Henry Rhode. Election of officers will be held. All our bulbs will be cleared at half price. Potted plants also duced.—Powell’s Exchange. out re- The Canadian Legion meets Fri­ day evening, November 25th at 8 p.m. FEED BEANS FOR SALE—Apply to’ Times-Advocate NOTICE Canadian Canners require no more poultry after Friday, November 25. STRAYED—Onto Lot 12, Con. 6, Hay Township, a yearling steer. The owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses.—Wil­ frid H. Shapton, R. 1, Exeter, phone Crediton 17r3. I have in my possession on Lot 13,, Con. 9 Township of .Stephen a roan steer, weighing 1,000 pounds, with cut in left ear which came to my herd while in pasture. Owner may have animal by paying expens­ es. I have lost a Hereford steer all white face, weighing 1000 lbs. with cut in right ear. Notify Mi­ chael S. Finkbeiner, R. R. Number 2, Crediton., ll-24-3tc. with Mr, and is again able for the first Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A,,B.D„ Pastor W. R, Gouldipg,, A-T.C.M, Qraanist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—The- Minister p.m.—Sunday School p.m—-Service withdrawn in honor of Main Street Anniversary, Wednesday—'Prayer Meeting Thursday—Y. P. S. (SPECIAL NOTICE—Brotherhood banquet Tuesday night at 6:15, All members young and old are welcome. a former speaker. any member of the Beard or at Cole’s Drug store before Sunday. Chairman, Dr. W. E. Weekes 11 3 7 : Rev, W. E. Donnellyi pastor will be the Get yohr tickets- from Men’s Sweater Coats all wool V Neck $1.49 V Neck Sweaters New Patterns All sizes 98c. Military Flannel Shirts Large size esftra value 89c. Men’s Ribbed Combinations Fine Quality each $1,39 Neat Spats grey or sand per pair $1.50 Heavy Al? Wool Sox The best value we know oi per pair 25c. Heavy Rubbers all guaranteed per pair $2.25 Miner Rubber' Boots give satisfaction < per pair $2.98 1 Buckle Overshoes reduced in price per pair $1.75, NEW MODELS IN MEN’S OVERCOATS $14.95 Without exception these are the greatest values we have ever offered in Overcoats. You will be delighted with the beautiful cloth as well as the smart styles. It will pay you to see these. SPECIAL THIS WEEK $14.95 All Wool Blankets new plaids Special at $3.75 Plaid Cotton Blankets Largb size & new colorings per pair $2.39 z All Wool Blankets Sizes 64x84 Special this week pr. $6.49 Ladies’ Half Sleeve Vests Turnbull’s make extra value each 59c. 36 in. Striped Flannelette variety of patterns Special at per yard 19c. Silk and Wool Hose This value is hard to beat per pair 49c. Miss Rubie -Creech spent the week-end in Stratforcj. Mr. Alvin is visiting in two weeks. ■Mrs. May visiting for a Mrs. W. C. Pearce. Reeve B. M. Francis to be up and was out time on Wednesday. Mr. John Cornish, has been con­ fined to his bed for the past week but is considerably improved. Mr. and Mrs. .Shepherd, of Lon­ don, visited with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman on Sunday. Miss Mildred Rowe was off duty the forepart of the week through illness and her place was taken by Mr. Charles Pearce, Mrs. Wm. Snell has purchased from Mrs. John Andrew the property •on Huron Street recently owned by Mr. Albert Kernick. Mrs. Edna Treston, of Cleveland and Mr. Claire Merner, of London visited with Mrs. McAvoy and Miss Sanders on Tuesday. Rev. J. Morley Colling, of Lambeth formerly of Grand Bend, reopened the Friday evening “Question Bur­ eau’’ programs over CJGG London. A number -of the Masonic breth­ ren were in Clinton Friday evening the occasion being the visit of the D.D.G.M. Bro. W. H. Gregory, of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell, Mr. Geo. Armstrong and Mr. Albert. Geddes attended the funeral of the latter’s brother, Mr. James , Geddes. ’ a at St. Thomas on Tuesday of this' week. Main Street United church will ho d their anniversary services on ■Sunday next when Dr. J. Bruce Hunter, of London, President of the London Conference will be the spec­ ial speaker. Mr. Wm. Stanlake, son of Mr. Jas. Stanlake, of Stephen, spent several days in Toronto last week attending the Royal Winter Fair, the trip be­ ing awarded by the department oi agriculture in connection with the Boys’ Home Garden Club Contest. Quite a number of Presbyterians from Exeter drove to Hensail on Friday evening to hear Rev. Dr. Allan 9. Reid, of Montreal, ’repre­ sentative of the General Assembly, speak on the progress of the Pres­ byterian Church in Canada. M'rs. John Taylor moved household effects to Crediton Monday where slie has joined husband. The home occupied Mr. and Mrs. Taylor was recently purchased by Mr. Benson Tuckey, who intends moving in next week. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wylie, of Comber, sent a couple of days last week with Reeve B. M. and Mrs. Francis while on their wedding trip. Their marriage too.k place on Wed-! nesday, the bride’s maiden name1 , .. _ , , _ n being Miss Violet Parish, nelce of c°n.tlnea t.° her bea for over a Mr. and Mrs. Francis. . |13 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader ANNIVERSARY SERVICES at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. DR.J. President of preacher BRUCE HUNTER of London , the Loudon Conference Special Music 3 p.m,—Sunday School Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. S. Thursday—Prayer Meeting TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Advent Sunday . a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon p.m.—-Sunday School and Rector’s Bible Class p.m.—Evensong and iSermon The evening 'service will close the Incumbency of E. L. Vivian 11 3 : Farewell bring to the Rev. her on her by STRAYED—Onto N. E. Corner of Lot 10, Con. 7, Hay Twp., a yearl­ ing heifer. Party may have same by proving property and paying for expenses.-—F. Wildfong, R. 1, Exeter You can save 50c. on your sub­ scription to the Times-Advocate and $1.0)5 on your subscription to either of the London papers if your scription is paid this month. sub- oilFiddle, sideboard, neater, heaters, phonographs records cheap at Powell’s Exchange. The regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held Mon­ day afternoon November 28th (in­ stead of Tuesday) Mrs.’ Geo. Jaques, demonstration and will be given. at the home of There will be a delegates report SALE OF LADIES; & MISSES’ GOLOSHES 75 pairs of Children’s and Women’s Goloshes. We are grouping them all together and marketing them for quick selling. Many of these goloshes sold for as high as $3.50. They go on sale this week ____________________________AT PER PAIR $1.29 XMAS MERCHANDISE NOW READY Our new tables are all in place and are filled with beautiful goods suitable for Christmas Gifts. We want you to come in and look around. GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK New Australian Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 25c. New Currants..........!........................2 lbs. 28c. Seeded Raisins........................ . per pkg. 15c. Cooking Figs ............ 3 lbs. 25c. SPECIAL , ,• 9 SPECIAL SPECIAL New Lemon Peel New- Fancy Quality Dates Golden Corn Syrup per lb. 19c.‘ 2 lbs, for 19c.In bulk 6c. per lb. New Orange Peel Choice Quality Mincemeat New Citron-»Peel per lb. 19c.2 lbs. for 25c.. - per lb. 29c. Fancy Apricots ........................... per lb. 18c. Candied Cherries in Bulb .... 1-4 lb. 10c. Dad’s Cookies (New Style) .... 12c. doz. Mixed Cut Peel . . . .1-2 lb. pkgs. 2 for 25c. TRY US THIS SEASON FOR NEW FRUITS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE Southcott Bros. W. R- GOULDING A. T C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church Instruction in X Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, iMain St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. O'NT. INSURANCE Life, Auto, Sick apd Accident No policy to large or too small Rates Gladly Given LET US SERVE YOU JAS. P. BOWEY WHATEVER YOU DO \,DON’T MISS THIS DATE _ I _ ___ _Tues., and. Wed., Nov. 29 & 30 We will supply, with every BERGER “Clothes of Quality” suit ordered on that day only, an EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS of the same material at no extra cost MR. PARK ■Head Office reresentative of the Berger Tailoring Company, and clothing expert, will be in attendance at date, to advise customers, and to measure,, der suits during his visit. The offer of free ed to the duration of his stay. ------------------ j SUN- life ASSURANCE COMPANY Ladies’ Class of James! Phone 229 ( church are putting on ' the church on Decern-over. 600 people sat down to the . tables at the fowl supper in James “ ' Street United church on Wednesday Could you use a Tudor Sedan, Fur ^evening of last week but owing to Coat, Electric Refrigerator, or an the inclement weather and block* Electric Stove. Perhaps you would ed conditions of the roads by snow prefer an Electric Washer, 5 tons' the crowd fell below that of former of coal, or Roger Majestic Radio.' years. The ladies served a Inquire. Browning’s Drug Store, j bountiful supper. Following The Young . Street United _ | a play “The Secret Society of Cab- I bageville” in ' ' - • • - ber 9th.- $24.00 our store on the above personally, all who or- .extra trousers is Jimit- i VILLAGE TAXES Payable at the Canadian Bank of Commerce on or before November 30tli, 1932 Taxpayers are hereby notified that the- second instalment of taxes for the year 1932 is duq and payable . o r, . iS „ - _on or before November 30th, 193-2 j in& the Executive of the Provm- Five per cent, penalty will be cial Institute, she having been ap- added after the 14th day of Decern- j pointed a member of that body at 1 er to all taxes unpaid after that date the convention recently held in Lon-1 .JO'S. SENIOR, ! don. Municipal Clerk & Treasurer very the ------------------«----- ‘ supper a splendid program was held Mrs. Wm. Fraser, who has been in the auditorium of the church with week Rev. J. H. iStainton, the pastor, oc­ cupying the chair. (The organist W.W. TAMAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT FOR SALE 25 Reed Cream Separators, all makes and sizes from $2.00 to $5 Fordson Tractor in Al shape at, a real bargain. Oliver Tractor Plow good as new, a real snap. 1 2-furrow gang plow, Verity, class condition $5.0o. 1 Set wagon wheels, oak, good and rims, make ah offer. You can buy McCormick Deering Farm equipment now at the lowest price in 20 years; come in and in* Vd^tigate. Master Teddy Johns who has been Mr. W. R. Goulding played several ■Misses Hannah and Nettie Keddy,1 in Dr, pietcher’s hospital has re-, selections >o.n the organ instru- of Hurondale, left Monday for Tor- turned t‘o his home in Elimville. onto where they will attend the. .._______ Royal Winter Fair and where Mis&I ... - .. „•nt L. -rr u . The editor of the Times-AdvocateNettie Keddy is attending a meet-' , .... . , „& was delighted to receive a post card Monday from Mr. Jim Wong who recently l£ft here for his native , land. Mt. Wong is proprietor Of (the Wong Cafe. ___— — ' ed Hong Kong, October 27th and stated that Mr. Wong had arrived safely. We have learned that sev­ eral others have also received post cards. X Mr George Hunter has rented the ___ ______„ residence of Miss Emily iFrayne on making her home-with James Street and is moving in. A Mrs. Alex Hackney is at present i Mrs, A. Cottle, Ann iStreet. Rev. Arthur Sinclair, Of Hensall occupied the pulpit in James Street United Church on Sunday evening preaching a very acceptable sermon. Rev. A. E. Elliott of Main Street United church was at Hensall Sun­ day morning conducting Young I People’s Anniversary for Mr Sinclair ’hnd Rev. J. IL Stainton took the service in the evening. first The stores of Exeter are being I decorated for the Christmas season. Some of the stores already present a very attractive -appearance. A magnificent array of gifts are on display. The merchants have tried to sense the needs of the J public and are stocked up with a line of ! merchandise both useful and orna- TritPrndti nntil Wnt vodtAr I mental that will make splendid international Harvester glfts thig clltigtmaa< Btty at home Company Limited ■ should be the slogan. ’ + ■ mental duet was played by Misses Pearl Wood and Irene Stewart; vo- ! cal solos by Mrs. iStainto.n, Miss E. Buswell, Chas. iGodbolt, Gerald Bag- shaw, and Harry Hoffman; vocal duett by W. R. Gouliding and Wal­ ter Cutbush; Frank Strange played is p,ruprieLW UL mU£}ical selectjon on a saw; The card was dat-I cornet soIo by Bd Tr6ble. violin se­ lection by Geo. M. Grant; banjo and guitar duett by Garnet Hicks and i Frank Strange and readings by Miss Grace Strange and Earl Christie. One hundred and thirty one geese had been provided for the occasion and as these more than met the requirements of the evening a social was held the following night wheii people II—-n Christmas ^ill soon be here ! Now is the time to select your Xmas Gifts TAKE A LOOK THROUGH OUR STOCK WHERE YOU ^WILL FIND MANY PIECES SUITABLE, SUCH AS WALNUT CHESTS, SMOKERS, TABLES AND FLOOR LAMPS; ROCKERS AND SETS FOR CHILDREN; BOOK. RACKS, SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES, CRIBS FOR BABIES; NICE NEW DINING-ROOM SUITES OR BEDROOM SUITES AND MANY OTHER PIECES ALL AT BARGAIN PRICES Relief Cana-about three hundred more were served. tiros CONCERT FOR RELIEF A meeting of the Exeter t Committed was held in the ! dian Bank of Commerce Saturday evening, The Huronia Male chorus under “the leadership nr Mr. W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. have consented to put oh a program in the Exeter Opera House on the evening of Wed­ nesday, December 7th for relief pur­ poses. The admission to the con­ cert will be, reserved seats 35c. rush seats 25c. and children 15c, Tickets Will be sold previous to the concert and the plan of the halt* will be open - Friday, December 2hd< T. tT. regular monthly meeting of C. T. U. was held in Main St, w. o. The the W. Church, November 15th. Mi’s. Pearce the Evangelistic Supt., had charge Of the devotional period. Miss Mur­ ray, the president, took charge of the business and gave a short ad* dress, <T’he December meeting will be held in James St. Church. R. Furniture Dealer N. ROWE EXETER Funeral Director