HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-11-24, Page 5a THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 9! THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, HE HAD TO REDUCE of Exeter friends in Margaret Taylor, • spent the week-end in town. i of Chisel- with John with 01 with Sorry home from to hear she through 111- here atten- iStervices in Mr. W. J, White spent the week­ end with relatives in Collingwood Miss Nellie Carmichael, spent the week-end with Hensall,, ■Miss hurst, friends Mrs. Samuel Steacy and sop, of 'Detroit, spent the week-end friends in Hensall, -Little Helen McNaughton, Cromarty, spent the yreek-end Her grand parents here. Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit in the James St. Church Exeter on Sunday evening last. The many friends of Mrs. Donald McKinnon will foe is confined to. her ness, Quite a numbei’ ded the Anniversary the Caven Presbyterian Church Ex­ eter on Sunday, Services in the Carmel Presbyter­ ian church were withdrawn in the evening on Sunday owing to the An­ niversary services at Caven Presby­ terian Church, Exeter. Mrs. Harry Jacobi, of Chi^elhurst has purchased from Mrs. Samuel . Steacy her house on South Rich­ mond Street. Mrs. Jacobi takes pos­ session on December 15th. The Young People of the Carmel held a meet- the occasion the topic' was Miss Hannah Presbyterian Church ing M'onday evening, being Library night, very ably given by Murray on “Music and Musicians” and was illustrated on the piano by Mrs. W- A- Young and Miss Blanche Mustard. Mr. W, Batten, of Usborne Twp. has started a butchering business in. the Murdock block and is car­ rying a splendid assortment of meats. Hensall has now three but­ cher shops and with a numbei’ of farmers bringing in meat to sell by’ the quarter, Hensall citizens will be well supplied. . Quite a number attended the lec­ ture and lantern .slides on “Lights and Shades of the Great War.” at the Town. Hall on Wednesday ev­ ening' of last week, under the aus­ pices. of the Legion. The lecture which was most interesting was read by Rev. M. B. Parker and -Sev­ eral solos were rendered by ~ W. A. Young accompanied by Young on the piano. While coming up to Hensall London on Monday morning to at- ted the funeral of their grandmoth­ er, Mrs. Charles Troyer, Ruth, Wm. and Claire met with what might have been a serious accident. Ow­ ing to the slippery condition of the roads the car ran into the ditch and turned over on its side, damaging the car and some, of its inmates were badly cut with flying glass. After getting their the young people were turn to their home in the afternoon. Young People’s Day ved in the United Church on Sun­ day last. Large congregations were present at both services and a young people’s choir lead in the singing under the able leadership of Dr, Ivan.Smillie. At the morning service Rev. A. E. Elliott, of Main. St. Un­ ited Church, Exeter occupied the pulpit and solo parts in the antliem were taken by Mrs. H. Phile and Miss Florence Welsh. A duet by Misses Bell-a Smale, and Florence McDonald and a solo by Mr. George Poulter, of Varna. At the evening service Rev. J. H. Stainton, of James St. United Chur eh, Exeter delivered a very excellent address and solos were given by Miss Pearl Wood, of Exeter and Mrs. George Hess. South Rev. Mrs. from car repaired able to re­ London in was obser- Huron League Young People Gather at Hensall Y. P. League rally for South was held in the Hensall, Friday > United evening from the after six banquet. to a by the young league assisted Following the The Huron Chur.c-h, with 100 .delegates present different societies. (Shortly o’clock all sat d-own provided and served people of the local by the congregation, meal, Mr. F. Wildfong, of Exeter, acted as toastmaster and after lead­ ing in short popular songs, called ifpon the three boy candidates for parliament to draw from, prepared slips as to which was to speak first. The honor fell to Frank Strange of Exeter, then Harvey Hyde-, of Kip­ pen and last Gerald Godbolt, Cen­ tralia. The boys all spoke very well stressing the young people and informed questions and Each appealed dates for the the close of -the- ai meeting was held in the auditorium ably presided over by Harry Sturdy of Auburn, the president of the S. Huron League. The principal speak­ er of the evening was Rev. De Witt C-osens, of Stratford, who gave a most able address stressing the importance of boys ahd girls gue, sdcietjes, church work the ministers congregations propriate addresses. much enjoyed, while Di*. ivhn Smil- iie and George poulter, Varna, con- importance of the becoming interested on all the leading topics of the day. for support as candi- BOys’ Parliament. At .ddresses a mass- who gave stressing the training of young for service in the lea- Sabbath schools and generally. Several of from the adjoining made short and ap- whicli were I Easiest Way Proved the Best A man who- had been advised by his doctor to reduce, writes thus:— “I had put on weight to the ex­ tent of 206 lbs. Thia was excessive as I aip only 5-ft. 6-ins. in height. My doctoi’ told me to. reduce, and I tried hot baths and massage. This, however, was too fatiguing^—and I am a very busy man, I then saw an announcement about Kruschen Salts, bought a bottle, and commenc­ ed taking them right away. Last Saturday I weighed myself, and to my surprise and delight J had reduc­ ed my weight from 20*6 lbs, to 199 lbs. My health generally, is better, I sleep well, and eat more heartily- I have -spread the gooa news to my friends who are putting on weight.” —-W. H. R. Kruschen contains those six min­ erals salts, proportionately balanc­ ed, found in the waters of those fam­ ous European Spas used by genera­ tions of fat people to reduce weight. Kruschen helps blood, nerves, * glands, and body organs to function properly—you gain energy— feel years better, work better, a sure, steady return to weight and vigorous health?—Start the Kruschen treatment today! CREDJTON Miss Margaret McMaster and Miss Melita Wein, spent the week-end at the former’s home In St, Marys. It has been decided by the Unit- . ed Church S. S. to hold their Christ­ mas Concert on Wednesday evening December 21. An excellent pro- ( gram consisting of recitations, drills, dialoges, etc. will be given. Keep ■ thia date in mind. Assistants Day will be observed in | the United church 8. S, next day, Mr, and Mrs, J, T, Hirtzel visiting in Petrpit this week. 'Misses Lyla Haist and Erma ner, of London,. spent Sunday at their respective’ homes here. Miss Helen Mac-Isaac, of London, and Lester Maclsaac, of Detroit, spent the week-end with their par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Maclsaac. Her.ert K, Silber, George Eilber and Henry C. funeral of the Gill, of Grand ternoon. The the Township pall-bearers. I Miss Thelma Howard Haist, few days with Finkbeiner. Mr. Russell Sun- are Fah' Beaver attended the late Councillor Ed- iBend last Friday af- Reeve and council ot of Stephen acted as Haist, Leo Haist and of pelham, spent a Mr, and Mrs. Harrynew strength younger—look, Why postpone' , x ,■normal sPunt Sunday at his home here.norma! | E]gJn Woo(Ullj Eilber, of Detroit. of Detroit, visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woodall. Miss Kathleen Haist, of Pelham vistied at the home of Mr. and Mrs Henry Haist for a few days. ' x , ! 'Mr< Richard Hill attended the‘ The funeral of the late Mrs. Hee-1 Tuneral of the late Edward Gill,- of tor Reid took place from her late Grand Bend on Friday last home on Friday afternoon inter-. The regular meeting of the Senior ment in the Baird’s Cemetery. Her Christian Endeavor was held last E Death of Mrs. Hector Reid 311 THE RED & WHITE STORE BREAD, Grants’ or Middleton’s, Sat. only 5c. A LOAF Choice Quality Fruits for your Xmas Cake Finest Mixed Peels ,7 per lb, 23c. New Lexia Raisins, seeds ip ... . 2 lbs. 23c. Bleached Sultana Raisins ,,, per lb, 19c. Australian Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 25c. Pineapple Rings, red or yellow 1-2 l,b 27c, Fancy Whole Glazed Cherries , per lb. 39c» Fresh Bordeau Walnuts Halves, per lb, 47c Fresh Bordeaui Walnuts, pieces per lb. 40c. New Shelled Almonds per lb. 39c, New Dates ............................ 3 lbs. 23c. Almond Extract ....................per bottle 9c. 2 lbs. 25c.Best Icing Sugar ., Pure Cane Sugar . , Cooking Figs......... 10 lbs. 50c. . 3 lbs. 25c. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 rTir-iiiiiiiO"ill!.,-;:.!,.;.,j.j,, -u. 4. t Crown Brand Corn Syrup L ^2 lb. tin 12c. Select Pink Salmon ,, 1-2 ,1b. tin 4 for 25c. McCormick’s Soda Biscufits . 2 lb. each 25c Broken Soda Biscuits ........ 3 lbs. 25c. De Luxe Jelly Powders asst, . .6 for 25c. Falcon Mincemeat ........ 2 lbs. for 25c. Muffetts ......,. per pkg. 10c< Choc, M. M, Biscuits per lb. J5c. Schneider’s Picnic Hams ,. , ., per lb. lie. 2 lb. for 25p.Fillets of Haddie......... Fresh Select Oysters per pint 63c. British Honduras Oranges doz. 33c. & 40c. New Russett Grapefruit 4 for 25c. Red Emperor Grapes............. . 2 lbs. 25c. pastor, the Rev. W. A. Young hav­ ing. .charge of the services. Mrs. Reid was a well known resident of Hensall having mo^ed here some years ago from Kenton, Man. About two weeks ago she suffered a stroke and owing to. her advanced age she failed to rally, passing away on a lua.ucmC1 Tuesday last. She_ leaves to mourn session of monthly business was pre- her loss, one daughter Miss Minnie.; gided ov^. by Earl Haigt [The at_ at homeland two sons, John in Tor-1 tendance was excellent. The meeting was sponsored by the committee on Instruction of which Miss Gaiser is the convener. Friday evening. Margaret Amy, oc­ cupied the chair and conducted the opening devotion. Norma Finkbein- er read the Scripture. Alma Ratz presented the subject; Lawrence Wein sang a solo; Addileen Gaiser gave a reading; piano duett by Ber­ nice Eilber and Ruby Finkbeiner. A Gill Mr. being near Gill. year Line to the Aux to DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days ot week and at office over the Post. Office, tn Zurich, onto and the other in California The deceased was born in Scotland some 85 years ago, her maiden name being Jessie McBeath. After her marriage to Mr, Reid they re­ sided on a farm in Stanley Township moving from there to Kenton where they took up a section of land and made it into a valuable farm. After the death of Mr. Reid in the West, the family moved back to Hensall, where since. they have been residents Death of Miss Gretta McNaughton death occurred in the Scott Hospital, Seaforth, The Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Friday, November 118th, of Barbara Gretta McNaughton, y o u n g e s t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McNaughton, of Hensall. Miss Mc­ Naughton was born in Hibbert Twp. and moved with her parents to Hen­ sall ten years ago. Five years ago she was appointed librarian of .the Hensall Public. Library and also treasurer of the Librar/ Board and V/as a faithful and valued of­ ficial. She had been in delicate health for a number of years but was stricken with a severe heart attack in the early part of the week and on Wednesday was taken to the Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, where she passed away on Friday. Besides her bereaved parents she leaves to mourn her loss one sister 'May, of Toronto, and two brothers Peter and Lome of Hibbert. The funeral,, which was private, took place from her home on Brock St. on Monday afternoon interment in ■the Hensall Union cemetery, the Rev. Arthur Sinclair having charge of the services. The 'pall bearers were Messrs. Carl Stoneman, Glenn McLean, Wm. Slavin, Robt. McLean James McDougall and Lloyd Mc­ Lean. Death of Mrs. Charles Troyer" The death occurred at the resi­ dence of her daughter Mrs. George Hudson on Saturday morning last of Mrs. .Charles Troyer. After a short illness. The deceased whose maiden name was Ellen -Sheffer was born in Von Township near Toronto 81 years ago and when a young girl moved with her parents to Stanley Township where she liv­ ed until her marriage to Mr. Charles. Troyer. They conducted the Hills- green- store for a good many years until the dbath of Mr. Troyer when she moved to Hensall and has since made her home with her daughter Mrs. George Hudson. About a month ago she took pneumonia and also a severe heart attack from which she failed to rally. She leaves to lhotw’n her loss, 3 daughters, Mrs Robert Jartott, London, Mrs: Wnt Van Horn, London, and Mrs. George Hudson of Hensall and three sons Case, of Tillsonburg; Charles of Hamilton' add James of Toronto; also a sister, two brothers. Michigan; and Edwatd, of Hensall i The funeral “which was private took I place on Monday mOfhfng at 11 o’clock from the home' of Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson with Interment in the Hensall union cemetery. Her pastor,, the Rev. Arthur Sinclair, having charge of the services. The I, pall bearers wlio were old friends trlbuted "fme"solos," and Francis Ab-> of the deceased, were: Win. Consitt bott, of Hxetef, a reading. Thors1 Thos. Consitt, J. W. Ortwein, John was a good attendance and every-(Zttefle, Owen Geiger and Hairy thing passed off very nicely. Howard. Mrs. TIios, Dick and Charles Sheffer, of LUMLEY large number of friends London and on A relatives motored to Friday and attended the funeral of the late Charles Kenyon, of Elm­ wood Ave. We are pleased to know that Mas­ ter Gerald Glenn, who lias been out of Sichool for a number of with an injured knee is now and able toi attend School. Mr. Donald MicKaig has spending a few days with his aunt Mrs. Noah Horton, and family. The many friends of Mr. Francis Ryckman are glad to .see him able to be out again after being so long with that stubborn rheumatism. weeks better been laid up disease EL1MVILLE Next Sunday evening the Circle will hold a special service at seven o’clock. They have been very fortunate in securing the services of Mrs. Herbert Childs, of London to give the address. Mrs. Horde, of London, will als-o. be present. The choir will be composed of the mem­ bers of the Circle, Honourary and We hope many will avail of Mission has for GRAND BEND After an illness extending over a period of one year there passed away at his residence on the River Road near Grand Bend on Wednes­ day, November 1'6, Edward son of the late Joseph Gill was in his 58th horn on the Babylon Dashwood later moving Sable concession Stephen then his late residence twenty-three years ago. He was a member of the United Church and a member of the S'tep- hen Township council for the past three years. Besides his widow, who was Mary Ann Baker, he is surviv­ ed by his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Gill; one brother, John, of Grand Bend; two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Baker, Grand Bend; and Mrs. Rube R. Wilson, of Arkona; and his two daughters, Mrs. W. H. Love and Mrs. L. K. Love, of the 20th con­ cession of Stephen and one son Ed­ ward W. at home. Services were held in the United 'Church on Fri- "'dty, November 18th, at 2 p.m. by J. Mathers assisted by J. Morley Coling of Lambeth with interment in the Grand Bend cemetery amid beautiful floral tributes. The pall bearers being the members of Step- lien Council. Headquarters for car-heaters, chains and anti-freeze.—Sandy liot, Exeter. GREENWAY tire El- home re(cent 'Shank after Mrs. illness. has returned spending the Ed. Gill', of last three days of week. Pope, of Hensail, visited her Miss E. Graybiel, the past E. Martinson spent the^week- Strafford. Milford Merner and mother Mrs. sister, week. Miss end in Mr, Mrs. George Merner and sister Kath­ leen visited in' Detroit a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman were Sunday visitors in Zurich. Evangelistic services conducted by Rev. Silas MeFalls are being well attended. Miss Anna Tieman after a pleasant visit in Toronto. Mr. J. C. Reid and man made a business don CENTRALIA Miss Spence, of London, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills over the week-end. Mr. Thos, Willis is attending the Dairymen’s Convention in Toronto this week. Mrs. Willis accompanied Mr. Willis 'to Toronto and will visit With Mr. ad Mrs. J. Nicholson, Mr. Wm. Gilpin is confined to his home with an attack of influenza. On Tuesday evening November 29th the Young People’s Society of Main Street, Exeter, will visit the Young People’s Society of this church and will provide the program for the evening. Don’t forget the election for the Boys’ Parliament on Saturday of this week. Come and vote for Gerald Godbolt. on Monday. has returned with friends a Alvin Keller trip to CROMARTY SHIPKA Lon- oc- active. themselves of the opportunity healing Mrs. Child’s speak. Master Teddy Johns, who been in Dr. Fletcher’s hopsital the past two weeks receiving treat­ ment for ear trouble returned home the first of the week. > Mr. and Mrs. W. J Hodgins, Mr. Arthur Hodgins. Misses Mary and Marjorie Hodgins, of Lucan, Miss Edna Hodgins, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Well. Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster and son, Beverley, of Granton, were Sunday visitors and Mrs. Jas. Heywood.Mr. •with and' visited is ill WINCHELSEA The school teachers are practicing the children for Christmas entertainments. , Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill and baby, of London, spent Thursday -with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Veal. ’ Mr. Hal Brown and Miss Ethel Brown, of Centralia, visited with their mother Mrs. H. Brown on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott and family and Mr. W, J. Davis, Saints- bury, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Fletcher on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster spent the week-end with friends in Tor­ onto. Another one of our popular young ladies in the person of Miss Verna, Bro.ck, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock was united in marriage to Mr. Garnet Johns eld­ est son of Mr. and Mrs. Will. Johns of Blimville, on Wednesday of last week. The young couple left Wed­ nesday evening for an extended honeymoon in London and ‘Detroit On their return they will reside on the groom’s farm south of the vill­ age. The heartiest congratulations of the community to Mr. ahd Mrs, Johns. Mr. Chas. Brown, who has been engaged with Mr. joe Bailey for the past two years left last week to re­ turn to his homo in England. busy their Miss their with Rev. Mr. Gibson, of Mitchell cupied the pulpit in the Presbyter­ ian Church last Sabbath and preach­ ed a very acceptable sermon in the interests of the W. M. S. Mr. Gib­ son gave an interesting discussion on his Home Missionary Work in B. C. and the Peace River District, outlining the work at some of the Mission stations. It is not all, “When you are meeting strangers, you are meeting angels unawares.” The Home Missionary’s work is not always in pleasant pastures, but have some very unpleasant and strenuous work to do. The Y. P. S. of Cromarty church intend having a Christmas Tree on the 23rd of December. The young people are sparing no pains to make this a success. Miss Ada Speare is at present vis­ iting with her many friends in Tor­ onto. Rev. Mr. Rogers visited with rel­ atives at Ingersoll last week and on Sunday evening occupied M.r. Gib- son’s pulpit, Mr. Gibson taking the services here. The Executive of the Sunday School held a meeting on Thursday, evening last at the home P. Keyes with Rev. Mr. presiding. It was decided a Christmas entertainment 'cember the 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer cele­ brated the 21st anniversary of their marriage -on Tuesday evening last. Mr. John Gower who has spent the past two months at Thedford returned home last week. The Y. P. S. held their regular meeting in the -church on Monday night last. Mr. Wilfrid Adams who has spent the summer months at Sylvan re­ turned home last week. Mrs. Prance formerly iMss Miner­ va Vincent, who was recently mar­ ried was tendered a shower by the young people of the community one evening last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Vincent. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Edward Gill on Friday last to Grand Bend cemetery. KIRKTON of Miss Johnson to hold on De- X Miss Ellen Hicks returned last week after spending several weeks at Thedford. Mrs, Roy Hutchinson is recover­ ing from her Miss Adah to her home Summer with Grand Bend. Mr. Laurie and (Miss Leask were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laurie, of Deleware. Mrs. Lau­ rie has,returned from the hospital and is improving in health. • -Mrs. J. Scott, of Ravenswood, vis­ ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson last week. Miss Maude Brown Viola Curts, of London, parents on Sunday. Master Ray Young pneumonia; we hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Jas. Geromette began his season’s work at the chopping mill -on Friday so' that is a busy day in our town now. A very enjoyable program was put on by the W. M. S. of the Unit­ ed church last Thursday evening., “Maggie and Jiggs” were present and lived up to their reputation. The games, contests and conundrum lunch afforded a lot- of fun.' During the evening Miss Leask gave Mr. Fred Sharpe a certificate of Life Membership in the W. M. S. as he had paid twenty-five dollars to the society. Several attended the funeral of Mr. Ed. Gill at Grand Bend on Friday. Miss Ellen Hicks returned to her home last week after spending sev­ eral weeks in Thedford- Mrs. Roy Hutchinson is recover­ ing from her recent illness. Miss’Adah Shank has, returned to­ ller home after spending the sum­ mer with Mrs. Ed. Gill of Grand Bend. Mr. Laurie and Miss Leask were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Laurie, of Deleware. Mrs. Laurie has returned from the hospital and is improving in health. Mrs, J. Scott, of Ravenswood vis­ ited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson last week. Miss Maude Brown and Miss Viola Otirts, of London, visited their par­ ents oh Sunday. HARPLEY Nelson Hickey is visiting inMr. Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mellin spent Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Murray. Mr, and Mrs. Mark Miller, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mts. Wm. Hayter Mrs. John Love, of Grand Bend has been spending a few days with her son, Mr. Colin Love. Mr. Therman Hayter, of Detroit visited his m-other, Mrs. Margaret Hayter. i Mr. Russell McGregor sjent week-end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bestard family visited on Sunday with Sdm Ireland at Grand Bend. last and Mr A number Of people attended the anniversary services at Mt. Pleas­ ant on Sunday. Mrs. J. Gardiner has rented rooms from Mrs. Sam. Brown for the winter months. Mr.' Ira Marshall, and Tom Constable from their hunting River, all bringing a good sized deer home with them and reported a good time. * The regular Young People’s meet­ ing was held on Monday night with forty in attendance. The report of the Convention held at St. Marys two weeks ago was given by Miss Muriel Robinson, Mrs. G. H. Bur­ gin, Miss Beatrice Doupe, Aletha Switzer, Thelma Marshall and a solo by Mary Bibby after which the meeting closed with prayer. Mr. Jim Brown and family, of An­ derson, have moved into Mr. Hiram Hanna’s hou«e on the fourth line. Miss Nettie Roiitly has returned home after spending a week and a half at Thorndale. Wm. Arthur, have returned trip at South Re-made Re-covered Renovated Rebuilt PILLOWS, Steam Cleaned and recovered Per Pair ............ MODERN FEATHER MATTRESS COMPANY Manufacturers of high-grade Mattresses and -down Comforters. Feather Beds made into ten-roll Sanitary Mattresses No charge for estimates or advice on work to be done. Our representative will call anywhere. P, O. BOX GODERICH - ■■ -■ -•"f- -J r--■ f ............. ' - •••*-• ................................-...■............ ............................ .*I