HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-11-24, Page 4THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1032 || CHRISTMAS GIRTS I.him H.IWI ilium I) 11,1-1.1 niiiu .il ■111 li » • i 11 —l II —111 —|I II <— Il »R> gBin.igrir,-; ,ipr y»i.i W ARE SHOWING A MOST COMPLETE LINE OF CHRISTMAS, GIFTS AT BRICES THAT ABE SURE TO PLEASE. LOOK OVER THIS LIST—THEN COME IN AND-SEE THEM! OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT BOOKS—$2.00 books reprints by all well-known authors 90c. each “Ideal Christmas Gift” CANDY—- Try a box of Boomers this week-end \ 50c. a b>- Any assortment French Ivory Pearl Tone Sets Yardley’s & potter and Moore’s English Lavender Toiletries St. Denis and Derpey’s. Christmas Box Stationery, Eaton, Crane and Pike’s. Candy—Boomer's and Neilson's Fountain Pens and pencils— Eclipse and Parker's. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVO.CATE LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY WARNER BAXTER In “AMATEUR DADDY” Better than “Paddy Long Legs” MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY “BROADWAY” Greatest of -all stage shows now a screen sensation musical, technicol­ or. DON'T MIS® IT. COMING—TOM aux IN *‘RIDER OF DEATH VALLEY” I 44 CHILDREN’S GAMES AND TOYS 10r., 15c, 25c. MAGAZINES* AND DAILY NEWSPAPERS You will save money by buy­ ing your Christmas Gifts here. Our cash register coupons are worth 5 per cent, to you any­ time. Books, Magazines, Shaving Sets, Vacuum Bottles, Ash Trays Fine English China, Novelties 5c up, Games 15c, and 25c,, To­ baccos and Cigarettes, Cigars etc., Smokers Supples, Flowers and Flowering Plants, Flowers and Plants always on hand Cyclamen, Cherries, Prim­ ula. Bulbs for sale at Clearance Prices. Tags, Seals, Twine^and Decorations—-------------------------------•------------ Take home a book from our Wendell Holmes Lending Library “Yoxi are always sure of a good book here,” FREE—Each week beginning December 3rd we are giving away Free—a Genuine Hartz Mountain singing Canary complete with floor stand cage, to the person who returns the largest amount in our cash register coupons. Coupons must be in by mid­ night each Saturday beginning December 3rd. START SAVING YOUR COUPONS NOW Christmas Cards lc. up Phone 153 F. L. GRIEVE, Phm. B “We Save • You Money DRUGGIST BIRTHS Blue Water on Novem- Mrs. Garnet JOHNS—BROCK NUPTIALS DIED IN LONDON Mrs, Win. J. Beer w in Loudon Saturday attending the funeral of her uncle, the late Samuel F, Hutch­ inson who died at his home in that city on Thursday last-- The deceas­ ed was a former "resident of Exeter leaving here many years ago for London. He had been ill for sev­ eral weeks, He is survived by his bereaved widow whose maiden name was Eliza Quance, also- two. son’s five daughters. THE RATE JOS. WINDSOR SAINTSBURY and THAMES ROAD Miss jean Ogden and Mr, Gordon monthly meeting of BaJHngall, of Louden, vistied re- Thames Road Mission Circle cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. held Saturday last in the basement Garnet Wilson, I of * churclj. The meeting was- Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards and °Pened singing “What A Friend son WHbsrt, spent Sunday with, their-Have in Jesus” followed by­ prayer by Mrs. Anthony. The af­ ternoon was spent in making scrap books for Christmas cheer and apples were served for lunch, daughter Mrs. Garnet Wilson. CREDITON EAST Otto Pfaff, of St. Marys, and is Mrs. the was PATTERSON—At the Highway, Hay Twp., her 14th, to Mr. and Patterson, a daughter. HODGINS—In St. Joseph’s Hospital London, on Sunday, November 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins, Lucan, a daughter. MARRIAGES JOHNS—-BROCK—At Elimville par­ sonage on Wednesday, November 16th, Verna Doris Brock, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock, Winchelsea, to Garnet El­ mer, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns, of Elimville, by Rev. J. Peters. DEATHS WINDSOR—In Lucan on Saturday, November 19, Joseph Windsor, in his 7<2nd year. ELLIOTT—In Exeter on Saturday. November 19th, Miss Edith El­ liott, in her 79 th year. GILL—In Grand Bend, on Wednes­ day, November 16, 1932, Edward Gill, aged 5 7 years, 1 month and 12 days. HUTCHINSON—At his late resi­ dence, Queen’s Place, London, on Thursday, November Samuel F., beloved husband Eliza Hutchinson. 17, 1932, of IN MEMORIAM KEYS—In loving memory of Thos. Keys, who entered into rest three years ago, November 29, 1932. The pearley gates were opened, A gentle voice said “Come,” And with farewells unspoken, He gently entered home. We know that he is happy, In our Savior’s House above; Growing fairer as he lingers, In the sunshine *of His love. "Sadly missed by wife and family. On Wednesday of last week a very important event in the lives of two young people took place at high noon in the Elimville parson­ age when Verna Doris Brock, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock, of Winchelsea, was united in marriage to Garnet Elmer, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns of Elimville, by the Rev. J. Peters. The bride was beautifully attired in ivory georgette with lace trimming and wore a corsage bouquet of roses, sweet peas and lillies-of-the valley. They were attended by the groom’s sister. Miss Margaret E. Johns, who wore a .pale blue silk crepe dress with velvet trimming and Mr. Gilbert Johns, brother of the groom. Mrs. (Rev.) Peters 'played Lohengrin’s ^wddding March After the ceremony they drove to the home of the bride’s parents where a sumptuous dinner was ser­ ved to the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. The tables were prettily decorated with pink and white streamers. The groom’s gift to the bride was a necklace, to the bridesmaid, a broach, and the groomsman, cuff links. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly and Mr. and Mrs Mervin Johnson friends of the bride and groom, awaited table. The hap­ py couple left the same evening for London and Detroit for their honey­ moon. The bride’s going-away dress was of blue silk crepe. She wore a green coat and accessories to match. Their many friends extend their best wishes. They will "reside on the groom’s farm south of Win- chelsea on their return. IN MEMORIAM PENHALE—In loving memory our dear father, of John Penhale. who passed away one year ago to­ day, November 23rd, 19131. Loving father, true and kind, No friend on earth like him find. A face we dearly loved is gone; A heart so- kind and right for all of us, He did his best ana qog gave him Eternal Rest. - Sadly missed by his wife, daugh­ ters, son and grandchildren. CANCER MAY BE CURED IN EARLY STAGE Dr. J. W. S. McCullough, Chief Inspector of Health for Ontario gave an illustrated lecture in Leavitt’s Theatre Tuesday afternoon to a large audience of women under the auspices of the Women’s Institute. The subject of his lecture was'“War Against Cancer.” D:r. McCullough outlined the work of the Royal Com­ mission, appointed in 1931 by the Provincial government, of which he was secretary. Investigations were carried on in Ontario, United States and in Great Britain and the Europ­ ean countries. He spoke of the In­ crease in cancer >and gave statistics of cancer morality, He outlined the nature of the disease, the origin and cause and' stated' that it -was susceptible to persons of advanced age. It is neither hereditary nor contagious but often begins from in­ jury or chronic irritation and is af­ fected stages only a starts tongue or inside the cheek which fails to heal or maybe there is a lump in the breast. Any of these signs should be regarded with’ the gravest suspicions. 'The doctor out-, lined three methods or treatment' surgery, radium and X-ray. Taken in its early stages it can be cured. After thirty-five years of age indiv­ iduals should present themselves regularly for an examination just as they should visit a dentist. Period­ ical health examination would save many lives. The lecture was illus- trater and the audience listened with -Intense interest.- Mrs. Etherington the president of the W- I. introduc­ ed the speaker. 72 years residence cemetery, The de­ from his late to St. James for interment. born on the fourth con The funeral of the late Joseph Windsor, who died in Lucan on Sat­ urday last at the age of took place on Monday C’.andeboye ceased was of McGillivray Township and was the last of a large family. He farm­ ed on the homestead until ten years ago when he ..retired and moved to Lucan. A number of neices nephews survive. CONTRIBUTE TO. DR, STRANG’S WORK The Women’s Association of and little by diet, In the early of cancer it is painless with few danger signals. It often with a sore on the lip, the Mr. Visiting his parents ivir, Henry Pfaff. IMr. and Mrs, D, Sturgeon, and son and Mr. Sam Merner and Mr, David Baird and Master Jack Anderson spent Saturday in. London. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Mofz and Eli Lawson spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs, R. Motz in Exeter. Miss Clara Lewis spent the week­ end with friends in Centralia. Mrs. Harry Kuhn has i home after visiting in Detroit and Windsor, WHALEN | Mrs. Hilton Ogden returned home I on Sunday after spending the past I week at the home of her uncle and J aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Ogden at the .London, Mrs, Ogden was accom- Presbyterian Church at Ayr manifest panied hojne by Miss Aleatha Ogden their interest in Dr. Strang’s work aqd Mr. Harold Soitton, of London, at Dixonville. At a recent meeting I The November meeting of the Mrs. J, W. Currie gave a short ac- ( Whalen W. M. S. was held Thursday count of her visit with Dr. Margar- afternoon at the home of Mrs. Will et Strang at Dixonville, Alberta, last summer. During the course of her address she expresses me opinion that “Edmonton. Ho.use,” as the log residence of Dr. Strang is known would be much more comfortable during the severe winters if it were lined with matched During the discussion that followed the ladies decided to senct a check to Dixonville to. cover the cost -of this improvement. Dr. Strang prac­ ticed in Ayr and made a great many friends, who were sorry to lose her when she decided to take up mission work in the Peace River District. Douglas fir. Eeasy starting, clean, fuel, greater mileage, White Rose Gasoline now selling at the price of ordinary gas­ oline.—Sandy Elliott, Ford Garage. ROADS AND SIDEWALKS Morley with twenty two members and twelve visitors present. Mrs. Morley also had charge of the meet­ ing. The meeting opened with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. John Ha­ zelwood and Mrs. A. Gunning. The Devotional leaflet entitled “The Woman Dorcas" Arksey. ed with Grace” ... .. . Gunning which was much enjoyed. Two readings “Esthers Thankoffer­ ing” by Mrs. Mervin Johnson and “The Thankoffering Box Opened At the Master’s Feet” by Ruth Morley were given. Mrs. Robb gave a very interesting talk on the General Council which was held in Hamil­ ton recently. Hymn 191 and pray­ er by Mrs, John Hodgins closed the meeting. Then lunch was served and a pleasant social time enjoyed by all. . v leaflet entitled who was always Wanted” was read by Mrs. • George 'Mrs. Frank Squire favor- a lovely solo “Saved by accompanied by Mrs. Tom BAILIFF’S SALE — of — J ; FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS ; The undersigned has been instruct- ied to sell by public auction on Lot 7, Con. 2, Blanshardl — on — SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26tli 1932, at 1.30 p.m, the following; HQRiSES—Black horse 3 years old, returned roait 2 years old, bay gelding 9 yrs.-*014. v CATTLE—2 Baby beeves, seven milking cows, 2 2-year-old heifers, yearling heifer, 4 black calves, HOGS—6 pigs about 140 lbs.; 11 pigs about 6 weeks, 7 pigs about 150 lbs., 4 pigs about 160 lbs., 6- pigs about 170 pounds, one sow with three sucking pigs, 3 white SOWS. 1 POULTRY—12 ’ ducks, 100 hens. About 15 tons of hay; about 500 bus. oats. IMPLEMENTS—<Seed drill, 1 set diamond harrows, binaer, wagon & box, set of spring tooth harrow, set of sleighs, buggy, grain crusher, F, & W. mower, walking plow, scuff- ler; hay fork, ropes and slings and all other stock and equipment on the premises. \ * TERMS OF SALE—CASH F. E. Willis, Bailiff •J! DANGEROUS ORANGE LODGE ELECTION OF OFFICERS At a special meeting of the L. O. L. 924, Exeter, on Friday evening of last week officers for the ensuing term were elected as follows: Wor. ■Master, Elmore O. Harness; Deputy Master, Aljoe Sanders; Chap. Wor. Bro. E. M:. Dignan; Rec. Secretary, A. T. Harness; First Lecturer, John Kelly; Second Lecturer, Arthur Day Treas., Charles Birney; Marshall. Wor. Bro. Geo. Davis. The election was held under the direction of Wor. Bro. James B. Kirkland. The in­ stallation will take place December 2nd. There was a splendid attend­ ance' at the lodge meeting. The Exe­ ter lodge have a degree team that is second to none in this district. It has exemplified the work in London Woodstock and4 a number of other places. On the previous Tuesday evening a social gathering for the L- O. L, Lodges of Huron County was held in the Exeter Opera House with "a large number in attendance, most of the lodges being represented. The meeting was- in charge of County Master-‘Ed. Faulder. Interesting ad­ dresses were delivered by >Rt. Wor. Bro. L. H. Saunders, of Toronto, Past Grand Master of the order and J. B. Armitage, of Lucan, grand master of the Black Chapter. Har­ vey McGee, of Auburn, was enter­ tainer for the evening and numbers were given by Phillippa arid Jack ' Harness, of Exeter. Refreshments ’ were served and a dance followed * the music being furnished by Flynn 1 Bros, of Crediton. OBSERVES 71st ANNIVERSARY 7(Continued from page one.) travelled over paved roads, talked 1 over a telephone, dreamed of radio or saw an automobile. We talk of turning back to the simpler ways of our fathers but it can’t be 'done God has revealed these things and ' he means for man to take and use CAR ACCIDENT AT LUCAN we’ll Headquarters for car-heaters, chains and anti-freeze.—Sandy liot, Exeter. tire El* week and The snow storm of the past made motor traffic difficult dangerous. Several cars went into the ditch around town on Thursday last and numerous accidents taken place on the highways. The slippery condition’ of the walks around town has called to our attention- and the tion is being asked why have not the sidewalks been sanded. The WOODHAM invitation has been extended have side- been ques- An to our Sunday School adherents to attend the Teacher’s Training Course which will be held at Kirkton. on Wednesday, November 23rd. It will continue for three days. There will be ten hours of study besides the homework. Wednesday it starts at 3 o’clock p.m. till 5 p.m. and in the evening rom half past 7 till half NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of SAMUEL STEACY, late of the Village of Hen­ sail, in the County of Huron, Car­ riage Maker, who died on the Seven­ teenth day of October, A.D. 1925, are required to- forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Twelfth day of De­ cember, A. D. 19132. -AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Administratrix will proceed to dis­ tribute the estate having reard only to the claims of which she then will have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 21st day of my ember, A. D. 1962. GLADMAN & STANBURY Hensall and Exeter Solicitors for the Administratrix county highway south of Exeter re- j past nine, starting Thursday and ceivea a noerai coating of sand the latter part of the week. Another matter which well might be con­ sidered is the placing of a rail -on the steps leading into the post-of­ fice. These steps become very slip­ pery during the winter months and a railing would prove a valuable protection, for the aged and infirm who find occasion to use -these steps almost in case occur? daily. Who is responsible a serious accident should VOTING FOR BOYS’ PARLIAMENT SATURDAY Voting for the Boys’ Parliament takes place in the basement of' the Library, Exeter, between the ho,urs of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday, All boys between the ages of 12 and 21 whose names have been sent in are entitled to vote. Boys outside of Exeter are urged to get in touch" with superintendents of iSunday Schools and find out just were poll­ ing takes place in their vicinity. There will be a demonstration in Friday at the same time. Ladies are requested- to bring their lunch and the ladies of Kirkton will serve tea and coffee, was taken 1 Mr. and Thorndale, father and istors at Mr. and Mrs. .Jas. Swal* low. Miss Ethel Copeland, of Western University, visited at her home here over the week-end. Miss Helen Tha'cker .has gone to Toronto to spend the winter. The community is busy-here now. preparing the program Christmas Concert which held on the evening of 22nd. We are- pleased to know her sister are up and after their recent sev- , Last year this course up at Kirkton. Mrs. John Stevenson, of and also the • former's mother were Sunday vis- Wheeler and around again ere illness. Mrs. Chas. the be for will December that Mrs. Cornish, who has been very ill with pneumonia is slowly improving with a nurse in attend­ ance. We are sorry to hear of ah Shier beings taken to AT ROYAL WINTER FAIR THIS WEEK them. This Unsettled age may be more religious than we think. There is a longing for the under­ standing of things. The time will come when we may see through the darkness and see the shaping of things. Not for many is life r simple or soft thing. In the stress' Forward avenue, London, died early of things we need strong words of Saturday afternoon in St ~ Joseph’s courage. It is not- in barracks but Hospital. PROVES FATAL TO LONDON YOUTH Injured in a motor car accident near Lucan on Friday afternoon that also brought injury to two compan- a I ions, Stanley Howard, 22, of 121 NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE: Robert Gordon McDonald, late of the ^Township of Usboime, in the County of Huron, Farmer de­ ceased. •CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav­ ing claims against, the estate of the said deceased are required on or before December 3rd, 1932, to send by pre-pid post or deliver to the undersigned full .particulars of their claims duly verified. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the Admin­ istratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled- thereto having regard only to the claims, of which notice has been received. DATED this" 16th day of Novem­ ber, "1932. CARLING & MORLEY Solicitors for Administratrix Exeter and Luca^ f Miss Sar- Victoria James Street basement at 8 o’clock. Hospital for an operation for mas- Saturday night in honor of the win- toidg> The operation was ' ning candidate followed by a pro-' otle but successful, cession through the streets. Bring some tin pans with you. The de­ feated candidates as we'jll as the winning candidate are urged to be All boys from the entire All to J. a critical At the time of writing she has slightly improved. We hope for her speedy recovery. present. district are invited to attend, returning officers are urged phone in their reports to Rev. H. Stainton, phone 54, Exeter as soon after 6 o’clock as possible. The announcement of the winning can­ didate will be made at the massdidate will be made at the___x,___ Suffering terrible ihjur- on the field that soldiers are made;Jies, Jittle hope of his recovery was (meeting at 8 o’clock. not in the harbor but on the rough held from the time of his admission, seas that the ship is tested. Out of.An inquest into the death will be the turmoil the world will find life. held. Out of the chrysalis comes the but-1 terfly. Out of the conflict comes | greater power; doing the things at hand comes the ability to do great­ er things. In the midst of honest Also injured was jack Dormer, 26 of 487 Richmond Street, who suf­ fered a compound facture of the.leg and severe lacerations and bruises. From •'the hospital Sunday night it and faithful struggles God walks | was said that his condition was only PARKHILL HOME LOST near , of AUCTION SALE Strathroy, Saturday, November 26th at Lambert’s ami Bitrdon’s sale yard 'at one o’clock Sharp mixed cattle, milch 'cows, ■ young calves and Cattle to be delivered ty miles at the rate of cents per head. s Terms of Sale—Cash M. A. McAlpine, 100 few few Elizabeth Thompson of Cromarty and Phoebe Worden. St. Rauls, left Monday^ to attend the Royal Winter Fait as guests of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. These girls were the winners of a free trip for the work which they did in the county judging competi­ tion. Even a woman who says; she ad* mires a masterful man is sure to kick when her husband trios to boss her. and talks with his followers like the form that stood t>y Daniel in the fiery furnace. God is still in hie universe, In the absence of the minister Rev, J. Bernard Rhodes MA., who was in Stratford for the day, Mr. Henry Strang, the representative elder of Caven congregation, extend­ ed the greetings of the church to the visiting congregations and tors. it was announced that niversary celebration would eluded by a fowl supper on draw’s night, November 30th fol lowed hy a Scotch entertainment, minis- the an- be eon- St. An* “fair” but it is believed that he will recover, Nelson Steele, 128 Mount DIeasant avenue, received slight lac­ erations. He was discharged the hospital Sunday, Constable John Whlttji of- traffic police investigated the dent, and stated that there had no charges laid in connection the fatality*. Howard is believed to be the driver of the car at the time of the accident. The car, which was completely wrecked when it skidded in rutty ice and crashed into a tree, is the property of R, E, Sumner, of London, from the acci- been with The home of Garnet Vanalstyn, of Parkhill was completely destroyed by fire about two o’clock Tuesday morning and was a complete loss. As the fire had gained great head­ way before being discovered it was impossible to save the contents, Mr and Mrs. Vanalstyn were, out of town at the time, leaving Monday afternoon, pigs. Within for- tweny-five NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of SARAH ANN WALKER, late .of the Village of Exeter, in the Counity of Huron Widow, who died on the Twenty­ seventh day of October, A. D. 1932 are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Twenty-eighth day of November A., D. 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutors will proceed to distribute the- estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATRD at Exeter, Ont. this 3rd day of November, A. D. 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY . Exeter and Hensall Executor’s Solicitors A.Auct. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN ADJOURNED TAX SALES Announcement was made in the various churches on Sunday last that the EJxeter Relief Committee are in need of warm winter clothing, boots and shoes for men, women and chib dren. The need for those articles this winter will be greater than ’ever. Articles may be left at -the Canadian Bank of Commerce or at the Times-Advocate., As announced at the Township Treasurer’s “Sale of Lands for Tax­ es” on October 10, -1032, the ad­ journed Tax Sale of Lot 269, plan Con. L.'JR. Wo 1-12 acre, will held in the Town Hall, Crediton, Monday, December 5, 1932, at 1 ■O’clock p.m. The amount necessity to pay tax­ es in arrears, costs and the 1932 taxes is $105,81, The Hydro Ser­ vice Charge has been cancelled. Herbert K. Eilber Treasurer, Twp. Stephen Crediton, Nov. 17, 1932. 24 be on 30 NOTICE TO CREDITORS notice is hereby given that all creditors ■ and others having claims against the estate of THOMAS CAMERON, late of the Village oi Exeter, in the County of Huron, Re­ tired Farmer, who died on the First day of November, A.D, 1932, ate re­ quired to forward their claims duky proven to the undersigned on or be­ fore the Fifth day of December, A, D. 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, out., this loth day of November A.D. 1932, GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Executors’ Solicitor#