HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-11-17, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE s.THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Hi 1W \Sr. IV—Ronald Peck 79; Jean Foster 73; Bobert Drysdale 71; Ivan Kipfer 71; Loretta Bell 71; Qladys iSaundercpck 68; Muriel week-Hoskins 61. I Jr. IV—David Sangster 77; Irene Hoskins, Margaret Shepherd 71; Herbert Drummond 70; Nellie Fee 69; Jack Simmons 68; Ruth Bel1 66; Mona Glenn 65;, Mae Wolff 63; Ruth- Buchanan 61; Erma Kipfer Mr. Sam Rennie spent the end with friends in Detroit. Mrs. Laird McEwan visited with friends in London on Saturday. Master Donald Joynt is able to be out again after his recent illness. Miss Margaret Douglas, of Blake visited friends in town on Saturday| .52* Kenneth Passmore t57*; Edna Mr. Wm. Consitt was in London Saundercock 5'5.-; on Sunday last calling on his old 53. Harold Willard 50. Jr. IV- Hoskins, *Dorqthy Daters and and Mr ™ RED & WHITE sronE } 45c. friends, Mr, and Mrs. were Sunday visitors with relatives in Kitchener. Mr, burg, spent the week-end home Mr, a couple of weeks with relatives in Ridgetown. Mrs, J. ~W. White has returned home after a pleasant visit with her1 daughter in Collingwoou. Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Hunkin, of Thames Road, visited at the home of Mt. Wm. L, McLaren, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 'Stewart have returned to their home in Toronto after a pleasant visit with friends here, Quite a few from here attended •the sale of household effects of Mr. Thos. Venner, of Chiselhurst on Fri­ day last. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the Anniversary Services atKthe First Presbyterian Chtirch, Seaforth on. Sunday. z Miss Dorothy Lawson was taken to the Scott Memorial Hospital last week for an operation for appendi­ citis'. She is recovery nicely. Large crowds attended the “Lec­ ture and Lantern Slides on “Lights and Shades of the Great War,” held in the Town Hall on Wednesday ev­ ening. Don’t forget the Euchre and Dance in the Opera House on Friday evening under the auspices of the Firemen. A pected. Rev. Dr. will speak Church on progress of in Canada. The Arnold Circle 'of'tlie Carmel Presbyterian Church held their reg­ ular meeting at the home of Misses Olive and Mabel Workman on Tues­ day evening. A very pleasant even­ ing was spent. There was a largely attended meeting of the South Huron Con­ servative Association in the Town Hall on Thursday evening last. It is very probable .that a Motor Li­ cense Issurer’s Office will be opened at Exeter. Young People's Day will be"obser- ved in the United Church on Sun­ day, People’s vice of Exeter, morning ton, of Exeter in the evening. Service in our local churches were well attended on Sunday last. At the United Church Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied the- pulpit in the morning and Rev. R. R. Connor, of Kippen, in the evening. At the evening service Miss Mitchell, Field Secretary of the W,. M. S. gave very interesting dress and a solo Smillie. Remembrance „ _ _ held in the Town Hall on Friday afternoon with a large attendance Short addresses were given by Rev M. B. Parker and Rev. W. A. Young The Rev. Arthur Sinclair beihg un­ able to be present. A beautiful wreath was, placed on the soldier’s monument by Mrs. Robt, McLaren Sr., and the Last Post was sounded by Fred Beer. The Young People’s League of the United Church held their meet­ ing on Monday evening. The pro­ gram was in charge of Dr. Smillie After the opening exercises the Scripture Lesson w^-s read by Miss Ethel Murdock followed by a duet by Mrs. A. Clark and Mrs. G. Arm­ strong and a solo by Dr. I. Smillie. A very interesting address was then given by Rev. James Anthony of*the Thames Road, on ‘My Last Duchess’ by Browning, 'atfer which the meet­ ing closed withubhe Mizpah Benedic­ tion. ' The Welfare Youth Club of the Carmel Presbyterian Church held their regular meeting on Monday evening. After the opening exercises the Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. Roy McLaren ’after which the business of the meeting was' discus­ sed. The topic on “The Life of John Knox” was given-* by Jim Mustard and an address on “The Influence of John Knox” by Rev. W. A. Young A solo was rendered .by Mrs, W. A,. McLaren and the meeting closed by repeating the Mizpah Benedic­ tion then games and contests Were indulged in. A Young People’s- Rally held in the United Church day evening. A supper will at 6 o’clock during which program will be given. A mass meet­ ing will be held at 8 o’clock and special speakers will be procured, Bev. White Cousins will address the' meeting and Messrs. George POulter soloist and Frances Abbott, elocu­ tionist will’assist with the program Hensall Public School Report September and October James Bonthron * Missed examinations, No. on roll 22, average ance 21. Claude H. attend- Blowes I Ferris, Cantelon, of S!trom- at his here. T, Rutledge is visiting for good attendance is ex- Allan S. Reid, Quebec in the Presbyterian Friday evening on the Presbyterian Churches November 20th. A Young Choir will lead in the ser- song. Rev. Mr. Elliott, of will have charge of the service and Rev. Mr. iStain- and was Day ROOM I ROOM II Sr.. Ill—'Mary Clark 84;' Alice Pfaff 78; Jack Coles 70*; Barbara ' Shepherd 68; Gordon Hodgert 64; • Lloyd Brock 64; Douglas Sangster 60; Elva McQueen 46*. Jr.‘IIIA—Norma Cook 79; Elaine i Peck. 77; Russell Hedden 74; Carey 1 Joynt 73; Marion Filshie 72; Gerald Passmore 69; Jim, Campbell 69; Max Hudson 67. Jr. IIIB—'Shirley Twitchell 57; Laird Hudson 55*; George Sangster 5i5; Audrey Twitchell- 55; Higgins 55; Cecil Kipfer 53; Foster 47; Herman Wolfe 31. ' Sr. II—< June Mary Goodwin landeham 68; Jack Shepherd Leaton Seeman 53*; Preston Lemmon 49*. * Missed tests. M. A. Billie Raye Saundercock 7 7; Madeline 81; ,, Van- Ronald Parker 67; 65; Billie Coles 61; 53*.; Howard ROOM III Love Ellis ■“Norris Bobby Mildred Sr. II—Howard Keohler, Margar­ et Sangster, Emily Hoskins, Bobby Hess; ‘“Donald Joynt and McEwan. 1st— Marion Drummond, Sangster, Bobby Cameron Brock, James Clark, Howard Smale *Raymond Higgins, * Lois McLaren Sr. Primer—Donald WiUiard, Bob­ by Nicol, Alpine McEwan. Primer A—Joe Marks, Ross Ken­ nedy, John Beer, Jim Sangster, Al­ vin . Smale, George Otterbein. Primer B—Jackie Drysdale, H Armstrong, Gordon Campbell. * Missed tests. A. E. Consitt ELIMVTLLE Monday afternon a shower of S. inspiring given by Service a ad- Dr. was will be on Fri- be held a Short over the week-end. McKinnon, days with of Zurich Mr. Gerald CREDITON Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Oestricher, of Windsor, visited for a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Horman oestricher and Miss Mary Young, Mr. and Mrs, Ben Eilber, of Ubjy Mich,, spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Henry Eilber. Mr. and Mrs. Merner Eilber sons spent the yveek-end with and Mrs, Charles Eilber. Dr. L. O. Gaiser, of Hamilton spent the holiday with her parents Mr; and Mrs. W. H, Gaiser. Mrs Jack Mallett, Dorothy and Mr. Arthur Hynd, of London, call­ ed on Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fahrner at the Central Hotel. Miss Laura Clark, who is attend­ ing MacDonald Hall, Guelph; Miss Marjorie Medd, Exeter; Miss Betty McBeth, of Hamilton, who is at­ tending Toronto University and Mr. Harry Dale, of Brampton, William Raymond, of Toronto and A. Stlotz of Auburn, who are attending O. A C. were guests with Mr. and Mrs F. W- Clark Mr. Hugh spent a few Z wicker. Miss Elsie Thompson, of Parkhiii visited a few days at the home oi Mr, and Mrs. Charles Fahrner. Mrs," Misener is visiting with Dr. and Mrs. C. C, Misener. Mr. and1 Mrs. Alex Grant and son of London, and Miss Lovley, of St Thomas, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Braun. Monday evening, December 26, is the date chosen by the committee for the Evangelical Christmas Con­ cert at Crediton. An excellent can­ tata by the young people will be giv­ en together with a -miscellaneous program by the Beginners, Primar­ ies and Juniors. The Evangelical L.A.S. and Wo­ men’s Missionary Society are invit­ ed" to spend a social . evening the Zurich L.A.S. and W.M.S. week (Wednesday). CREDITON EAST -»l with this p L* 1*-. C * 1 f l pound tin Red and White Cpffee Lombination bpCCISl ( J Red and White Jelly Powder .. , .,, 6 for 25c. 10 lbs. for 25c. . per pkg. 15c. , . per lb. 15c. New Dates 3 lbs. for 23c. Finest New Cheese 2 lbs. for 29c. Best Quality Cooking Figs 3'lbs. W 25c. P. & G. SOAP .........t P .< < • > » « ,t « *, • > • • 9 9 » » 9 « • 9 9 •10 bars for 33c. Libby’s Pork & Beans Large tin each 9c. Select Pink Salmon 1-2 lb. tin 4 for 25c, Ready Cut Macaroni per lb. 6c. FRY’S. COCOA—LARGE TIN ........... . ,EACH 19c. * Rex Vanilla 2 bottles for 13c. Australian Seedless Raisins 2 lb. for 25c. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 3 for 25c, Herrings in Tomato Sauce 1 lb. tin each 15c. Golden Spray Cheese 1-2 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c. Broken Sodas 3 lbs. for 25c. De Lux Jelly Powders No. 1 Cooking Onions Princess Soap Flakes . Fillets of Haddie .... Chocolate M. M. Biscuits ... / per lb. 15c. Jumbo Salted Peanuts per lb. 15c. Golden Fluff Humbugs...........per lb. 15c. British Honduras Oranges .. per doz. 40c. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—-LETTUCE, LEAF OR HpAD; CABBAGE, CARROTS, TURNIPS, CAULIFLOWERS, SWEET POTA­ TOES, BANANAS, ORANGES, CRANBERRIES, GRAPES, ETC,; ALSO FRESH OYSTERS, ICE CREAM IN BRICKS AND BULK. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 CENTRALIA “Quality always' higher than price.” On kitchen utensils etc. was given tc ■another of our esteemed young la­ dies and bride of this week, Miss Verna Brock. Over seventy lady friends of Miss Brock met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Routly to show their regard in this way. Mrs. Well­ ington Skinner played the Wedding March as the lady was shown to her chair wliich was draped in white and decorated with pink roses and, tinsel with background prettily trimmed with a white bell, and pink and white streamers. A program was then given, Rev. Peters as chairman, gave an address. Reading by Miss - Marjorie Delbridge; duet by Mrs. E. Johns and Miss Helen Mur ch; reading by Miss Audrey Prance; solo by Mrs. E. Gunning; reading by Mrs. Leon O’Rielly; duet by Rev. and Mrs. Peters; reading by Miss Ruth Skinner; duet by Mrs. E. Johns and Miss Heleif Murch; prayer by Rev. Peters, after which Mp.Peters read from slips of paper which were pinned to an evergreen branch, the directions for finding the many articles included in the shower as they were hidden in var­ ious places. to gather these paSsjed' around, donors very their kindness. was served tp all and all repaired to theii- homes. A song service was held last Sun­ day evening at the regular service Rev. Peters also sang a solo companied by Mr^. Peters on the piano. Some from here attended membrance Day service Thames Road church Friday morn­ ing last. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elford, Doris and Annie visited in Wellburn last Sunday. Miss Catherine Peters, of London ■spent the week-end at her home here. Master Teddie Johns has been in Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital for the past week suffering from ear trouble. It was necessary to have his ear lan­ ced. His friends hope he will soon recover fully. Mr. Kenneth Johns was to his bed for a few days flu Miss Brock procedeed which were duly She thanked the appropriately for A delicious lunch but is recovering, CROMARTY the ac- Re­ held in confined with the SeaforthRev. Mr. McIlroy, of conducted the services herb on Sun­ day. The W. M. S. Thankoffering ser­ vice which was postponed on Sun­ day, November 6th, will be held on Sunday, November 20th, when Rev A. R. Gibson, of Mitchell, will oc­ cupy the pulpit at eleven a.m. Mr. Andrew Hamilton, of Exeter is in Victoria Hospital, London, hav­ ing been operated on for appendi* citis. His many friends hope for a Speedy recovery, Miss Mary Visiting with Exeter. The Y. P. Jeanette Hamilton is her grandmother in S. been invited to ing with Staffa evening of this of Cromarty have spend a social even- Y. P. S. on Friday week. Mrs.v Frank Scheiding Yuli, .of London, spent with Mr. and Mrs. H Heatherley London Mr. and and Mr. T. Wednesday Motz. Mr. and and Mrs. M. Newman of spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Motz. Mrs. Wilson Anderson has return­ ed home afiter spending the past two weeks in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes and other rela­ tives. Mr. Mark Mitchell, of Exetel-, is visiting his sisters Mrs. W. Ander­ son and Mrs. Chris. Rau. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson and son Jack, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with the former’s mother Mrs. W. Andersdn. Quite a number from here at-' tended the Orangemen’s Supper which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.'Faulder in McGillivray on Friday Mr. and Mrs.-John Mr. Albert evening. Mrs. Joab Sims, Mr. and Edwards and family and Wolfe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edwards Ingersoll. in onThe Times-Advocate now have display a magnificent array of Xmas cards. The "popular price of these cards printed with your name and address is one dollar a dozen. Make your selection early. Mr. KHIVA and Mrs. Otto Willert family attended the funeral of late C. Sararas of Zurich on Sun­ day. Mrs. Wm. Mason and Mrs. H Eagleson were in London on Thurs­ day to visit their uncle, Sam Hutch­ inson, who is seriously ill. Miss Mildred Neeb, of Goderich is visiting wth Mr. and Mrs. Ris visiting wth Mr. and Bayham. Miss Catherine Walker and the left last Week for London where she will re­ main for some time. Mr. Jerome O’Rouke and friend spent last Sunday in Melbourne. Mr. and Mrs-. E. Rock, of Cen­ tenary,, and Mr. Parry Thompson and friend of Parkhill spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Art Will- ert. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Jos. LawsoD on Friday afternoon. CHISELHURST Prance at Winchelsea last week. Miss Myrtle Luther spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Luther. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning, of Whalen, visited her parents, Mr and Mrs. L. W Webb. Mrs. J. Eagleson, of Grand Bend, returned with them for a visit. Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of Toron­ to, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. C. Woodburn. Mrs. Russell Pollock, Miss Mary Corbett and Mr. Robt. Brunswick spent the week-end at Fordwich. Thirty-three members of the ex­ ecutive of the United Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curtis last week. Rev. S. J. Math­ ers conducted a study on J'esus’s life., Mr. W. Young took charge of the business. The program commit­ tee for the Sunday School concert on ‘December 26th met and planned their work. Afterwards lunch was served and a pleasant social hour enjoyed. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey in December. Mrs. C. Rickhour is visiting Miss Mabel Purdy-at Kippen. DASHWOOD Da-. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block. Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days* of week. Rev. and Mrs. A. Kellerman and family, of Waterloo spent Friday with friends in town.. Miss Myrta and Jack Taylor, of London, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor. Miss Ruth Kleinstiver and friend, of Stratford, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. Ira 'Tiernan, of Hamilton and Miss G. Cornell, of Waterloo, spent Armistice Day and the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tfieman. Mr. Milford Mclsaac and daugh­ ter Mary and Miss Bertha Hartman, of Detroit, spent a few days with, relatives in the community. Mr. Eugene Tieman, of London-,, spent the week-end with his parents, Miss Ella Martinson spent the- week-end with her parents in El­ mira. The Ham Supper which was held: in the Evangelical church last week turned out to be a big success in spite of the rainy weather. Mr. Gordon Keeler spent the week­ end with his parents in Mitchell. Mrs. Jacob Schroeder spent a days in New Hamburg. , Mr. and Mrs. J. McLean, of Sud­ bury, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Mills on Saturday of last week. “ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hodgson and family, of Chatham and Mr. HermaD Hodgson, of Guelph spent the week- ; end with theii' parents Mr. and Mrs : D. Hodgson. Mr. Charles McQuillan spent the week-end at his Thome in Lucknow. ' Mrs. Arthur Mack is visiting with her cousin Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pen- , warden. Mr. George Thompson who under- ■ went an operation in Victoria Hos- : pital, London, on Thursday of last 1 week was able to return to his home on Sunday. I Mrs. Wm. Bawden visited with friends in London for a couple of days last week. ""Mr. W. Bamford spent the ^veek- , end at his home in Auburn. Mr. Gerald Godbolt has been nom- Parliament which will be held i» Toronto. The session will open on Tuesday, December 27th. Mr. God­ bolt is a very popular young man of . this community, taking a very great interest in young people’s work ii the church here. He is a notable speaker having won the medal in the Oratorical contest put on by Huron Presbytery two years ago. This year he took a prominent part in the series of debates held in the inter­ est of the Young People’s Society of Huron Presbytery. He and his col­ league Miss Hazel Smith carrying off the honors of winning the shield Gerald is also secretary-treasurer of the Bible Society in connection with this church. On November 26th the election will be held. All the young men from twelve to twenty-one years of age are privileged to vote. We sincerely hope that all voters- will give Gerald their loyal support. On Sunday evening a very inter­ esting and-inspiring service was put on by the Women’s ciety of this church. Powe presided over Mrs, Arthur McFalls Duett was played by Mrs. Alvin Es- sery and Miss Greta Pollard.’ Scrip­ ture lesson was read by Mrs. George Hick§; Temperance talk by Mrs. F. Bowden; duet by Whalen Ladies Mrsr B. Duffield, and Mrs. Squires; Memorial service for the late Mrs T. Neil and the late Mrs. S. Hicks, conducted by Mrs. Robb. The mem­ orial tributes were placed by Mrs T. Willis and Mrs. Albert Mitchell; solo very man “An .sented by fifteen members of the So­ ciety: Mrs. George Thompson Repre­ senting, Christian; Mrs. Cecil Skin­ ner, Doubt; Mrs. James Blair, Fear; Mrs. Andrew Isaac, Pride; Mrs. Wm Bowden, Unbelief table, Sorrow Indifference; Mrs. Arthur Wm. Skelton. Davey, Humility; Miss Hazel Smith Joy; Mrs. Albert Mitchell, Truth; Mrs. George Hicks, Love and Mrs Robb, Life. The music was provid­ ed by a. ladies’ choir with Mrs. G Hepburn as pianist. and and the few 3 Missionary So- Mrs. Herman the meeting, led in prayer. by Mrs.'" Lloyd Hodgson. A interesting talk by Mrs. Her- Powe. The pageant entitled: Unshadowed Cross” was pre- WHALEN Mrs. Will Morley visited with her mother Mrs. J. Dann over the week­ end. Mrs Hartwick and family, of Bry- anston, spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Ernest Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley family visited on Sunday with former’s mother Mrs. J. Morley at Woodham.-. •Mrs. H. Ogden is holidaying this week in London with friends. '•Mrs. Stanley Orchard and daugh­ ter Ruth, of Thorndale, spent last Thursday with her friend Miss Elva Mbrley. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning visit­ ed on Sunday with the latter’s par­ ents at Greenway. Miss Alma Parkinson returned to her home on Sunday from Woodham where she spent the past week, with her cousin Miss Gladys Shier. HARPLEY and Mrs. jack Hodgins spent Mr. and Mr. .Sunday with her parents Mrs. D. Eagleson. Miss V. May Hodgins, of Toronto' spent Armistice Day with her brother Mr. Mansell Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pfile of Zurich. Miss Helen Hayter went to don on Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Love spent a few last week with her father Mr. ward Gill. Mrs. Therman Hayter, of Detroit, is at present visiting with her mother Mrs. Geo. Lovie. Mr. J. J. Carruthers oh Thursday with Mrs. Hodgins. Miss Jean Hodgins, Of Visiting at her home here. Lon- days Ed. of and STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leslie, Stratford, were guests with Mr. Mrs. George Butson on Sunday. The W. M. S. are holding a ba­ zaar in the Hall on Friday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. C. Tuffy, of London are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Tref- fry. Miss Dorothy Grey is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Livingstone in Hamilton. The Young People’s Society of the United Church are entertaining the young people of Cromarty on Friday evening in the Hall. The work on the creamery 'is pro- ' _ ‘ • The new engine-^ is about completed. " gressing nicely, room KIRKTON Miss Nettie Routly is visiting this week with Miss Eleanor Skinner of - Thorndale. Little Laurene jCopeland, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Copeland had her tonsils’removed last week. The Mission Band had a social ev­ ening* last Friday night and they had a splendid program consisting of solos, readings, duets and a little playlette. A good crowd gathered and all reported a good time. The Library is busy practising their play and hope to have it ready shortly. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Burgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Frank Pridham. of Russeldale. I Mrs. Fred Htlx- ; Miss Agnes Anderson Mrs. Langford, Death; McFalls, Faith; Mrs Hope; Miss Flossie Tor- Mrs Mr onto, George T. Wren over Mr. Thos. Vennor tion sale 'Of his household last Friday afternoon. The sale was well attended. The services of the Ch is el hurst United Church which have been held during Sunday morning of the summer and Fall months will be held in the afternoon from now on. The Sunday School services at 2 o’clock and the church services at 3 O’clock. We hope these servicee will be as well attended as they have during the Summer and Fall months, iStafting next week there are tb be two weeks of Evangelistic meet­ ings to be held in the church in the evenings. We hope the- meetings will be well attended. and Mrs. John visited with Wren, of Mr. and last week-end. held an auc- goods Sr. visited Catherine Detroit, is GREENWAY Maggie and Jiggs will be presen­ ted at the Conundrum 'Tea in the United Church on Thursday even­ ing. Come for a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock and Mr. and • Mrs, Milton Pollock spent the week-end in Toronto' recently Mrs. T. Bullock and Mr. W. Bull­ ock Visited Mr. and Mrs. John » Re-made Re-covered Renov&ted Rebuilt PILLOWS, Steam Cleaned and recovered Per Pair ....................M........ MODERN FEATHER MATTRESS COMPANY Manufacturers of high-grade Mattresses and dawn Comterters. Feather Beds niade into ten-toll Sanitary Mattresses No charge for estimates or advice oh work to be done. Our representative ‘will call anywhere, P. O. BOX 379, GODERICH