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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-11-10, Page 8
THURSDAY, NOVEMl^EH 10, 1032 THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE a CASH FOR OLD GOLD We are prepared to pay . eash or trade for old gold, jewellery, watch cases, etc Exeter Markets. Wheat 40c. Malting Barley 3 Sc. Shorts, 85C, Bran, 80c, Midlings 90c. Manitobas Best $2.50 Model $2.30 Welcome, $1.80 Feed Flour, $1.00 Creamery Butter 26c. Dairy Butter 19-2Qc. Eggs, extras 32c. Eggs, firsts 27 c. ' Eggs, seconds 16c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rey. J. Bernard Rhodes,, M, 4. Minister ’’» Miss Lena Coates, AL.O.M, Organist IQ a.m.-—Sunday School 11 a.m.—’“Our Daily Bread” ( 5th in series on the Lord’s Prayer 7 p.m.—“The Twilight of Faith" j ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY, NOV. 20 i I Smart Styles in Goats $14.95New Shipment Smart Styles S. #? TAYLOR LOCALS Rev, J. H. Stainton, B.A.,B.D„ Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and. Choir-Leader JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Ia—” Master Teddy Johns, of Elimville is .ill in Dr, Fletcher’s hospital. ’ Mr. Harold Wood, of Chatham spent the week-end at his home here Reeve B, M. Francis is confined to his bed with an' effection of the leg. Mrs. John McNaughton, of Lon don, visited with Mrs. Gecrge Wil liams on Sunday. “Remembrance Day” Friday, No vember 11th, will be_observed as a public holiday in Exeter. ; Mr. David Collins, of London, vis- ' ited with Harold McDonald, Exeter North, a few days last week. Miss Vera Sherrifl’, of the London Normal School, visited over the week end ..Avith Miss Enola BuswqII. Mr. and Mrs. Melburn Greenwood of Munro, were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Jos. May on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Tuckey, of London, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mawson. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was at Strat ford, on legal business on Tuesday and at Mitchell Court on Friday last Messrs. Chas. Salter, Calvert and William Chambers and Irwin Ford left the forepart of the week for North Bay on a hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gould, of St. i Marys, and Miss Mona Gould, Strat ford, called on Exeter friends on' LEAVITT’S THEATRE, EXETER ( Sunday. | I Mr. and Mrs- B. W. F. Beavers were in Brantford (Sunday visiting with the latter’s brother Inspector R. J. Eacrett. Mrs. S. A. McCallum, of London ! visited a few days this week with her sister Mrs. Egan and her brother Mr. James Sweet. Mr. Fred Smith was taken to the London Hospital on Friday evening 10.5 7 a.m.—“Memorial Service” in where he underwent an operation Trivitt Memorial Church for appendicitis. 12.2 Midday—“Military Memorial Ser- The bailiff’s sale advertised in vice at the Cenotaph” last week’s Times-Advocate was call-1 j, p. ed off as a settlement was effected ‘ ~ ________ at the last moment. Mr. and M<rs. J. S. Grant and Mr. and Mrs. JI. C. Carey visited in Glencoe on Sunday with Mrs. A. E. Sutherland. Mr. H. O. Siouthcott Stella Southcott were in Monday attending the their cousin Mrs. G. E. Burridge. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert and three children, of London, and Mrs. Steele and daughter, with Mr. and (Sunday. Miss Nona _______< ___ __ spent some time in Algonac, Mich. . has returned home and is visiting with her -parents Chambers. , • Mr. and Mrs. erloo, visited in week-end-* and horn© by Misses Bissett, who- will Mr. Albert Harness has erected a new greenhouse on his. property .and ily visited in Mitchell on Sunday, expects to raise some choice speci- ] mens of flowers. Mr. Harness is greatly interested in horticulture. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Groves, Miss Helen and Harvey, Mr. Jim McDon-1 aid and Harry Rental, of Wingham visited at .the home of M>r. and Mrs Jioe McDonald, Exeter North, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Dow and son Gilbert accompanied by Mrs. Dow's mother' Mrs. Chas. Edward, left .last week for Montreal. Mrs. Edward has. returned to her home after spending' the past five months here | BUY YOUR BREAD AT GRANT’S AND WIN ONE OF THREE PRIZES lst prize: 10 lbs. Xmas Cake Regular value 85.00 2nd prize: 5 lbs, Xmas Cake Regular Value $2.50 & 3rd prize: 15 Bread Tickets Regular value $1,00 With each loaf purchased at our store a number will be given Duplicate number will be dropped in large container. On Christmas Eve three, numbers will be drawn from container by reliable person. These numbers will be the lucky numbers in the order drawn—1st, 2nd, 3rd. Co-ntest commences Wednesday, Nov. 9th—closes December 24 at S p.m. THE CANADIAN LEGION PRESENTS “LIGHTS AND SHADES OF THE GREAT WAR” A fine set of 120 Lantern Slides made from Canadian Official War Photographs with descriptive lecture and covering all sectors of the West ern Front, as well as the various branches of the service. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th at 8 p.m, School Children Matinee at 4.15 p.m. also at PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Hensail on Wednesday, Nov. 16, at 8 p.m. Admission: Adults 25cz. Children 10c CHIEF SECRETARY OF SALVATION ARMY COMING TO EXETER, NOV. 13th Colonel Wm. Dalziel, second-in- command, of the Salvation Army in Canada, Newfoundland and will give a special lecture, “Modern Miracles” in the Theatre, Siunday, November 2.30 p.m. The meeting will be under the chairmanship of Reeve Francis and the local clergymen are also expect ed to be present. Colonel Dalziel will be accompan ied by Major G. Best, of London. VILLAGE TAXES 11 3 7 a.m.—“Rousing the Dead ” p.m.—Sunday School n.m.-—Rev. Dr. McLachlan, ol Toronto, will speak on the sub ject “Evangelism." Immediately following the even ing service the men of Main Street and James Street have arranged to meet Dr, McLachlan, for a brief discussion of the above subject. Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday at 8 o’clock Y. P, S. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader —D|’. McLachlan, Toronto. Sunday School -The Minister Subject: ‘Why Men Go to Church’ ■Song Service Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. S. Thursday—Prayer Meeting CHURCH ANNIVERSARY NOVEMBER 27th Preacher DR. J. BRUCE HUNTER of . Load/ iu President of the London Conference 9 i. 11 3 ] 7 L a.m.- p.m.— p.m.- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Reci or. Rev. E- L.‘ Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul ClioirJLeader, Mi-. Middlemiss ; REMEMBRANCE DAY, NOV. 11 I I I Alaska entitled Exeter 13th at Mr. ana and London funeral Miss on of Twenty Fifth Sunday After Trinity 11 a.m.—'Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 1 p.m.—Special Children’s Service 1 -Evensong and Litany mark the Cathedra] Anglican 3 7 of Cochrane, visited. Mrs. R. Skinner on ! Chambers who has at p.m.- The above services will Centenary of St. Paul’s and founding of the church in Huron diocese. Special music all day. Payable at the Canadian Bank of Commerce on or before November 30th, 1932 Taxpayers are hereby notified that the second instalment of taxes for the year 19 32 is due and payable on or before November 3 0th, 1932 Five per cent, penalty will be added after the 14th day of Decem- er to all taxes unpaid after that date JO'S, senior, Municipal Clerk & Treasurer TO ORGANIZE BADMINTON CLUB A meeting of all persons interest ed in the formation of a Badminton club in Exeter is called for Tuesday evening November 15th, in the read ing room of the Public Library. STRAYED—From Lot 3, Con. Hay, a black yearling heifer, marks; strayed about three weeks ago.—Win. Hooper, ph-one Dashwood 35r4. tfn 5 no The Thames Road Farmers’ Club in order to make up another car-load of chestnut coal and coke need a few more orders.—P. paSsmore, Sec. 2tc. Mr. and Mrs.John 1 E. Irwin, of Exeter over were accompanied Ethel and Marion! visit with them. Fill with Anti-Freeze now $1.50 the Ford Garage. HOCKEY MEETING PURE SILK HOSE Sen ice weight. This is our regular $1.00 quality but these are sub-standards, only 4 dozen at this low price NEW WINTER WEIGHT BLOOMERS A splendid weight bloomer for colder weather in pink, sand and peach. Special \ VALUE AT EACH 49c. PER PAIR 59c. ALL WOOL SERGE These cerges spld as high as $2.50 a yard. We have several pieces in blue brown ar.d g.cpn to clear AT PER YARD 79c. STAMPED MATS new patterns. Try hooking a mat for your self. EACH 25c. » Men’s and Young Men’s Overcoats If in need of a warm dressy overcoat look at the values we are offering this week. The new “Tube” style for young men. See our special value at $16,95- MEN'S LINED SMOCKS Good warm smccks for cold weather EACH $2.25 MEN’S FELT HATS Men’s All Wool Felt Hats in newest shape EACH $1.95 MEN’S MILITARY FLANNELL SHIRTS Wonderful values at each 89c. SMART SPATS FOR YOUNG MEN Grey and Sand per pair $1.50 MEN’S FLEECED COMBINATIONS Penman’s make, all sizes $1.39 MEN’S WORK SWEATERS With roll collars in heather shades EACH $1.39 MEN’S FUR BAND CAPS In warm tweeds and fur bands $1.25 FINE HEAVY ALL WOOL SWEATERS In new colorings each $2.93 Grocery Specials for One Week Only SPECIAI DATES New and Fancy Quality 2 lbs. 19c, SPECIAL Libby’s Pork & Beans Large size tin 10c. each New Shelle^ Almonds, large size 49c. lb. Challenge Corn Starch ...... per pkg. 9c. Magic Coffee (fresh ground) . per lb. 29c. Fresh Broken Sodas ................ 2 lbs. ,19c. Libby’s Pork & Beans, med. size per tin 5c. New Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. for 25c. Quick Quaker Oats with chiipa per pkg. 32c .. New Shelled Walnuts ........... per lb. 49c. W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist-^and Choirmaster Janies Street United Church Instruction in ' Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools A hockey meeting is to be held in Studio, Main St. Box, 123, Phone 193 w the Ford Garage on Monday even-1 EXETER. ONT. C”’ ing, November 14th at 7 p.m. If interested, come! • Mrs. Ellen J. Coultis is visiting' with Relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May and fam- INSURANCE Life, Auto, Sick and Accident No policy to large or too small Rates Gladly Given LET US SERVE YOU JAS. P. BOWEY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229 ■t a SPECIAL ' - CURRANTS- SPECIAL 2 lbs. 23c. NEW FRUIT Icing Sugar 2 lbs. for 15c. ■ V Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats $10.00 and $12.00 MEN’S SUITS (Mostly Small Sizes) 8.95 SWEATERS CAPS 1.00 12.95 14.95 1.50 SOCKS 25c. UNDERWEAR 79c. Miss Leila Welsh, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. A- Ho- wald. v '’ SUNMiss Ella Jones, of Stratford spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Jones. ' Mrs. Wesley Bissett and daughter I (Mrs. R-odsom are visiting with the former’s brother in Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lucher, of Thedford, were the guests of Mr ‘ and Mrs. Geo. Hay on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Westlake and three daughters, of Wyoming, were guests over the week-end with Mrs | Jas- FOR SALE—Good Holstein and Durham cow, 5-year-old, freshens at once. E. Lindenfield, Exeter pp The many friends of Mr. Roy Fletcher, south of Exeter, will re gret to' kh,ow that he is seriously ill. A number of other lines reduced in price W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. o_____ __ _____ Northgrave, St. Marys was Mrs. W- H. Thomson was in Lon- Rd, Murphy and Mrs. Murphy"“re-1 sentenced to two months in jail | when he was found guilty of keep- : ing liquor for sale. I Two cars came together in front of S. Cann’s service station Tuesday morning. The cars were somewhat damaged but the occupants hurt. don last week attending the Women’s turned with them on a visit. ” Institute Convention as a delegate.from the local society. Mrs. Ether- Mrs. Hedley May, who recently ington and Mrs. B. 1... _ attended some of the sessions. , * , Mr. W. G. Medd and Mr. George ( Layton and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stan- bury attended the funeral of Mr. Ira : Johns, one of the Council of Tucker-; smith, which was held at Turner’s Church, Tuckersmith on Tuesday af- I ternodn. Mrs. Johns >s a cousin ol FOR SALE—-R. O. P. White Leg-1 Mr. Stanbury. horn cockerels and also a number of . , hspecial matings. Milton Brock, R. R I , A ,lai£e auto truck rrom Goderich 1. Granton. Phone 44 Kirkton. ] the front wheel of an auto i driven by Mr. Andrew Compbell on _• the Main Street shortly dfter noon ; Monday. Mr. Campbell was just pulling away from the curb. The | hub cap was knocked off and the tire blew, . Mr. and Mrs. David Hall, of De troit, visited over the week-end with j the former’s mother in Exeter north. Mrs. Hall has hot been well for some . time and her daughter Mrs. Rinshed, of Detroit, has been visit ing with her, , jQuite a number of the Exeter members of Lebanon Forest Lodge A. F. & A. M» were- at Hensail Mon day evening when the Rt. Wor. Bro W. H. Gregory, cf .Stratford paid his official visit to Ztirloh Lodge. The Wor, Master of the lodge is Bro. j A. Ttaqualr of town and he and his ■ officers exemplified the work -of the • first degree in a very efficient man ned Lunch was served. i POULTRY WANTED Canadian Canners are now buying Poultry for cash. Fnone 28 or 3 6.‘ Exeter, Phone 44 Kirkton. ll-10-2tc FOR SALE 25 Used Cream Separators, all makes and sizes from $2.00 to $5 Fordson Tractor in Al shape at a real bargain., Oliver Tractor Plow good as new, a real snap, 1 2-furrow gang plow, Verity, first class condition $6.00. i 1 Set wagon wheels, oak, good tiros and rims, make an offer. You can buy McCormick Deering Farm equipment now at the lowest price in 20 years; come In and In vestigate. International Harvester Company Limited W. F. Beavers underwent an operation in St. Jo seph’s Hospital, London, returned to her home on Thursday last and is c-on/hlescing nicely. < were un- Now is the Time to Put Your Aladdin IN ORDER COME in and get a folder en titled, “How to Put Your Aladdin in Order.” It will tell you how to make your Aladdin give better service than eVer. It’s yours FREE. We also carry a full line of ' Mantles. Chimneysand Wicks Get ready now for the long winter evenings When you will need the pure white light of the Aladdin for your indoor work or pleasures. W. J. BEER Phono l.oo Exeter PRESENTATION MADE A Hallowe’en party was the Baptist Youfig People home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Box, Park- Of Montgomery, silver sugar held at the by hill. During the evening one their members, was presented with a and cream set. Mrs. late ^Thomas on Thursday from his late LAID TO REST The funeral .of the L. Cameron was held afternoon of last week residence and was largely attended. Interment was nij-ide in the Exeter con- Of The ____ svas ma— ......... „ cemetery. The ^ervice was ducted by Rev. J. B. Rhodes. Caven Presbyterian church, pall-bearers Were Messrs. Andrew Campbell, James Dennis, Oscar Al len, James Allen, Wilfred Allen and Earl Allen. Among those from a distance who attended the funeva’ Mrs. Ed. Dennis, Mr. J Junes , Burgesville; Mrs, Oscar Al- Mr. James Allen, of Toron- Wilfred Allen, Of Dresden, A. Poplestone, Bly th; Mrs Mr. Harry tiuhkin, of Mit* Were: Dennis, len gild J to; Mr. iMrs. S. Meyers, shell. James street w. a. The November meeting of the James St. W. A. was held in the church parlors on Thursday after noon with thirty five members pres ent. The president, -Mrs, Moulding was in the chair. Mrs. Maud Hey wood conducted the devotional ses sion. After the business session an interesting program was enjoyed. It consisted of a solo by Mrs. Thos. Coates; reading by Mrs.t Frank Down and a vocal duett by Mrs. A, O. Elliott and Mrs. E. Lindenfield After the meeting the ladies inspect- &d tlio y&stry wliicli lists recently been redecorated. Rev. IStainton will be in charge of the election of of ficers at the December meeting. The members are requested to bring their holiday coin bags and their tea nioney to this meeting. MEN’S UNION ENTERTAIN EADIES *The 'Main Street United Church Men’s Union met in the church par- lour on Tuesday evening November ] 2nd and entertained the ladies of, the congregation With a Splendid, program consisting of" the following musical numbers': orchestra selec tions by Bev. Elliott and Messrs. C. Pearce, F. WHdfoftg and G C Koch; piano selection by jack Doerr- vocal solo by Rev, Elliott; piano duets by. jytisses H. Dignan and V, Gambrilfand a vocal duet by Messrs F. Wildfong and G. Skinner. The j speaker of the evening was Mr. Geo. Mawson who gave a very thought ful address on “The Depression of the Present Time.” Mirs. Geo. Lay- i ton and Mr. Francis Abbott rendered (two readings each. The president j Mr. G. Layton was chairman. JAMES ST. MISSION CIRQUE Regular meeting of James Street Mission Circle was held on Monday night dt home of.Miss May Jones Meeting opened by President, Mil dred Rowe. All joined in singing a hymn and repeating the Lord’s- Prayer. Twenty-two girls answered the roll call. The business was con- I ducted by tlie President and it was decided to hold a meeting in church next Monday evening, Nov. 14th at Which the .travelling secretary, Miss Mitchell will speak and everybody welcome. Meeting was then taken charge of by Alice Handford. After singing hymn 91 Madeline Dearing read an interesting chapter of “The Call of Korea.” During the evening we- were favoured with, a duet by Celia Christie#and Loreen Dunn ac companied, on their guitars and Mrs. Goulding sang a solo accom panied by Verna Coates at the piano Miss Link then gave a very inter esting talk oh the Buddha religion Meeting closed with singing hymn 90 and the Mizpah Benediction Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Meta Salter and Alice Handford.