HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-11-10, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE TJKJBSW. NOVEMBER 10, '...........’....... ..............;.... c... I jn^ star Uarluw. “Ouri Guests” was pmposed by Wpi*- Bro I ’ a. W- E, HmnpMH anil resppmi©4 let » by wpl BfOf piumstael, of Clinton; of Clinton Wor, Bi’Q. Wilson, of StratforA, and wvYu xvi,uLmuj Wor. Bro, Bisopett, of fteaforth Thos, Sherritt spent Friday Exeter, Wingham and Brucefield - ■ - - -lodges werp also represented, The regular meeting of th© village council was held on Monday evening at 8 p.m, in the council chambers all member© being present. Minutes of .previous meeting were read, Betty 1 geli^rchurch’ held and Spencer that the minutes of the'church held previous meeting be adopted as read- Mr- Sydney McArthur appeared as a delegation from the Legion ask, ing for the use of the hall for one night free of charge and that -th© flag pole be repaired, Petty and Mickle that the hall be granted to the Legion for one night free of charge. Carried. Geo. Hudson reported needing some wood also that the mattresses in the goal were in bad shape and the flag pole needing repairs. Property committee to see to same. Reeve Geiger reported several loads of gravel being needed,for cer- taiCoi?ncinor° Jones rSi-ted re the' ^atz’ Mr’ Jack Wein and Mr? Albert councillor Jones lepoited le the Galsert rphe r^t of tUe evenmg was spent with interesting games and contests, Lunch was served at midnight. The president of the class Mrs. Albert Gaiser offered a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and their daughter for the freedom of their home aiso to the arrangement committee and others who helped to make the ev­ ening one of social interest and pro­ fit, Mrs. Thompson joined the Dor­ cas class when they lived south ot the village -of Crediton and still re­ tains her interest as a faithful mem­ ber of the class. Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary A number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Joab Sims, on Monday even­ ing in honour of their fiftieth wed­ ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Sims, were married fifty years ago on No-1 vembe-r sixth. Gathering outside the people gave them a good, old- time charivari. The remainder 'of the evening was spent in euchre music and a good time for all. Mr and Mrs. Sims have seven children twenty-six grandchildren and one great grandchild. They have lived in Crediton and vicinity since child­ hood and are held in the highest esteem and respect by all who knew them. It is the- wish of the entire community that Mr. and Mrs. Sims will enjoy many years of happy wed- ladies dainty Mr. Norman Miller, was in town Monday. Mrs. 1.......... . with friends in London, i M'iss Hagel Morenz spent Sunday at her horn© in Dashwood. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Corbett visited friends in London on Friday, Th© C-G-LT. club attended a ban­ quet in Seaforth Friday night Mir. Lloyd Passmore, of Belpi spent the week-end at his home here Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron­ to, spent the week-end at her home here, Mr, Fred Brock, of Tuckersmith visited on Monday with relatives in -town, Mr. and Mrs. JL Peppier, of Han­ over, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Bdn- thron. Miss Dorothy Halliday, of Toron­ to, is visiting her aunt Mrs, Lloyd Hudson. Mrs. J, McAllister spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. W» W- Cooper, of Kippen. i Miss Jean Bonthr-on, of London visited over the week-end with her parents- here. Mr. John Reid, of London, spent a day last week visiting his mother and sister here. Mrs, Holland Little and family -of Hanover, spent the week-end with friends in town, Mrs. (Dr.) Collyer visited a day last week with her mother who Is seriously ill in London. The ‘ ’ Troyer ues to Mr. Nairn, and Mrs. W- A- Young CREDITON Mr, Wnsley Baxter,, of Elva, Man. is visitipg at th© heme of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lamport. Mrs, E. French and babe, of Tor­ onto, ar© visiting with her parents Mr. and Mirs. Herman Oestricher. Mrs. Elmer- Oescli,. Mrs, Rosina Guenther and Mrs Xdella Fisher, ot Dashwood spent .Saturday with Mr i and Mrs, william Fisher I Th© Boreas S. S. Class of the Evan- —4 a Hallowe’en Social, Monday evening, October 31, I at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson’s near ParkmU. The hus­ bands were also invneu and as a re­ sult about fifty people enjoyed the I evening, The rooms had been dec- | orated in a very appropriate manner by the hostess and her daughter -El- | sie. In the dimness of the light the costumed men and women mean- dered about, wondering who their neighbor was. Mrs. Emmery Fahrner furnished piano music ior the mas­ querade. Mr., and Mrs. Thompson had been appointed judges for the evening. The following received prizes; Mrs. Wm. Smith, Mrs. Roy ™ RED & WHITE store -'1 • rAtnkirtAiiAM f * Baking Powder ,,LOIHDinSUOll dpCClil { J rubber card tab)© coyer . A,.. T New Dates New Cooking Figs ♦■'S’-« Large M,ea*,y Prunes 3 lbs. for 23c.3 lbs. for 25c.2 Ih. for NEW AUSTRALIAN RAISINS (Seedless) ...................... 2 lbs. for 25c. Best Icing Sugar Grapenut Flake Good Quality Mincemeat 2 lb. for 15c.per pkg. 10c.2 lbs. for 25c. PURE CANE SUGAR .................................................................10 lbs. for 50c. McCormick’s Butter Sodas Sundryd Coffee McCormick Broken Sodas 2 lb. pkg. each 25c.1 lb. tin each 43c.2 lb. for 17c. OXYDQL, LARGE PACKAGE ..... , each 18c.* windows in the church shed as in bad condition also north dqor, same to be looked after by property com­ mittee. Reeve Geiger reported re Board of Health ^meeting as to a motion be­ ing passed asking for some ’ definite action to be taken on the Milk By­ law. Petty & Jones rhat Milk By­ law No. 12 be given first and seconp reading. Carried. Petty and Jones that Milk By-law No. 12 be given its third and final reading and finally passed. -Carried. I Bills and accounts read as follows: ..... ...... ... young, oi J- Passmore, hydro, $10.07; G. M visited on Monday with Rev. Case, coal for hall and teaming a.......................................$77.10; Bonthron & Drysdale,” sup- Miss Alice Higgins has returned plies hall, $9.10; A. Spencer & Son home after a two weeks visit with supplies hall $4.25; Chas. McDonell her sister at Beech O’ Pines. 1^nce 011 ^aH $30.‘00; total The W. M. -S. of the Carmel Pres- byterian church will hold their reg­ ular meeting on Thursday afternoon Miss Mildred Workman, who has been in the employ of Mrs. A. Ross for the past month has- returned to her horn© in Kippen. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the reception at Kippen on Tues-, day evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. j Mr. and Mrs. Robt Parsons, of Stanley, have moved into Hensall A large, nUmber from here attend- and are residing in MV. Alex Spark’s Qd tiie Anniverseary service at Grand home on the London Road. i - - x. . Mr. and Mrs. Case Trayer, of Tilsonburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. and"*Mrs* - J’rayer, of Toronto, T f ' Fillet of Haddie per lb. 15c. Angler Salmon 1-2 lb. tin 4 for 25c. Brunswick Sardines per tin 5c. _=E GOLD MEDAL, JAM-—Raspberry or Strawberry, 40 oz. jar . . .each 31c Huron Toilet Tissue . . Hillsdale Tea, bulk . . . Palmolive Soap ............. . ... 8 rolls for 25c. ..............per lb. 27c. .. 3 cakes for 21c. Chocolate M. M. Biscuits Jumbo Salted Peanuts . , Golden Fluff Humbugs . . . . ., per lb. 15c. . ... per lb. 15c. . . , , per lb. 15c. WE NOW HAVE OYSTERS IN STOCK ALSO ACADIA COD FISH, LIMBURGER CHEESE, ETC. /many friends of are sorry to hear be very poorly, and Mrs. G. N. Mrs. Chas, she contin- i $130.52; Jones and Mickle that accounts as read be ,pai^ and G. W. Wren be billed for $2.80 Board of Health ac­ count. Carried. Spencer and Petty that we now adjourn. Carried. Jas. A. Paterson, ClerkI SHIPKA 1 Bend on Sunday. Master Lome Devine, son of Mr. . Wm. Devine has tipder- I is at present getting along nicely. , w®re Sunday g01ie an operation for mastoids- and visitors with friends in town | js at present getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Geiger, Pigeon, pope he will soon be able to re- Mich., M-r and Mrs Isaac Hudson, of ■ .... Seaforth and Mr. Gladwin Melick, of Zurich were Sunday visitors with Mr. hnd Mrs. ;S. Merner and Mr. and Mrs. George Brock and family. i The Arnold Circle of the Carmel Presbyterian church held their reg­ ular meeting on 'Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Roy McLaren^ the meeting being in charge of Miss Irene Hoggarth. The topic was very ably given by Mrs. W. A. Young. ; At the Carmel Presbyterian church Rev. W. A. Young occupied the pulpit. Baptismal services were ■observed at the morning when • Daniel Robert Donna Elaine McEwen ed. The evening subject membranes.” The Welfare You-th Carmel Presbyterian their regular meeting on Monday evening. After the1 opening exercises the minutes of the last meeting were read by Miss Hannah Murray and the business discussed. A sole was given by th© Rev. W. A. Young and the topic by Mrs. Young, of Nairn, on “George Lesley McKay, oi- Formosa.” j The W. M: -S. of the United church' and" Jean^Mr? and ^Mrs.& Lloyd" Ho dp held their regular meeting Thurs-1 son and Reg vjsited on Sunday with day afternoon last. After the open-1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Hobbs in Thorn- ing exercises 'and business discussed dale. an instrumental was given by Mrs.! Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Neil, of De­ Edgar Stewart followed by readings troit,' Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Neil, -of by Mrs. S. Merner and Mrs-. A. MJc- st. Thomas, visited with their par- Donald. The visiting committee re- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Neil over ported on making 12 ca-lls on -sick the week-end. and shut-ins. Mrs. Spencer and Mrs-. ............ McDonald were appointed visiting and* Har-old yisited over the week- committee 4,~........x----x’* ’ - • - ■ — -- Services- were well attended on Sunday last spent At th© United church Rev. Arthur here. Sinclair had charge of the services vMrs. Wm. Gilpin, who recently ded life, yet to come. The I brought their baskets and a lunch was served. turn to his home. / Mr. and <vMrs. Mill Ratz and Jack spent Sunday in London at the home of Mr. and Mrs.yw. Fassold. Mrs. J-ohn .^evin© from Grand Bend is spening some time at the home of Mr. and.Mrs. I. Tetreau. Mr. and Mrs. A. Amy and family Mr. and Mrs. E. Fahner spent Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs Roy Ratz. Miss Millie’ Disjardine, who spent the summer months with Mrs. Gais- er has returned to her home near Grand Bend. Mr. Wm. Sweitzer attended the Fire Insurance meeting Saturday at Hensail. /W- Fassold. vine from services Hedden ano were baptis- ; was on “Re-| ri i nt- tup1 White Rose gasoline now selling at Church held ,‘h6 Pr‘“ °f rSsular Bas01ice-- ' Sandy Elliot CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Baynham, of Toronto, visited over the week­ end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham, jSr. | 'Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson Mr. add Mrs. Fred Penwarden for next month. - I end with friends in Chatham, in our_ local churches Miss Mary O’Brien, of London t the week-end at her home I v*. vaaw kjwa v aww*. v, XVjL I b« VV 111* vXXAJ/-I11f VY'llU IcvCllllj At the evening services an evening underwent an operation in Victoria was spent with Seth Parker by sing- Hospital, London, was able to re- ig some of. his well-known hymns turn to her home on Saturday of ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 \“Quality always higher than price.” Illlf IIIIIISII IIIIIIIHIUlillllll Illi llllllilllllllllillll EXETER, ONT We Deliver -------g------ LUMLEY CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Pfaff, _ Marys, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock. Mr. Henry Pfaff Sr. is visiting with his son Mr. Osoar Pfaff at St. Marys. Mrs. Hartleib, of Dashwood, visit­ ed last week with Mr. and Mrs. Hy Pfaff Sr. * Mr. and Mrs. William Heatherley and daughter Thelma, of London and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and two children of Exeter, spent Sun­ day with their parents Mr. and Mrs Henry Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Esli Hey­ wood, north of town. Mr. Daniel • Truemner and grand­ son Wilmar Wein spent Saturday in Strathroy with the former’s'son and wife, D.r. and Mrs. Otto Truemner. - Miss Wealthy Schroeder, of Lon­ don, who has been confined to her home here with an attack Of rheu- , matism is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and son Eber and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein and son and Mr. and Mrs. J Sims, Mr. Everett Sims, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims and Mrs. Joab Sims all attended the funeral on Satur­ day of the late Emerson Rawlings of Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Joab Sims be­ ing an aunt of the late Mr. Rawl­ ings.- Miss Claia Lewis spent last week) by singing with Mr. and Mrs. SQm p»>wnn»a' - and family in Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn Margaret, spent a few days week with relatives in Windsor Detroit, Mrs. Kuhn remaining a visit. of St, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Love and little son Howard, of Hensail, spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. G Ryckman. Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons, of Hibbert, visited Mr. and Mrs, Kers- lake the first of the week: Miss Newell, of Hensail, is spend­ ing this week with /-her sister Mrs Noah Horton. John M. Glenn Jas. Broadfoot and George Glenn attended the Thor­ oughbred Stock Sale in London on Wednesday last. Mr. Peter Case, of Exeter, is vis­ iting on the Boundary this week. Miss Jackson,#, of Listowel, spent a few days last week with her uncle W. N. Glenn of the “Gorefarm.”Mr. THAMES ROAD Mrs. Thomas Bell, Mrs. Sherwood Brock, Mrs. Newton Clark, Miss Helen Murch, Miss Lavona Cooper Miss Alvin Pym, Miss Dora Del- bridge, Mrs. /John Brock, Mrs. C Johns and Miss Ruth Skinner. They presented each part, in a splendid manner and brought forth contin­ uance laughter from the audience Each one was a character from life but we hope we will all see our­ selves as others see us and reform permamently. Masters James and Hutchinson from London supplied the music between acts singing neg­ ro and other songs to guitar and bones accompaniment both playing. So ’’much food was provided that a large amount left so a supper was announced for Wednesday evening for ten cents, surely a bargain. The proceeds for Tuesday night amount­ ed to about $150.00. The scenery for the background of the play was very cleverly painted by Miss Flor­ ence Bell and Mr. Walter Lidston One side represented the front’ of a sfore the other side the windows and firq. .place in a dwelling house., and was very natural indeed. vis-n;,„Mrs, Leth. Simpson has been iting with her daughter Mrs. Ken. McNicoj the past week. Mr. Ed. days duck Mr. and itors with hood the past week. Pollen has left shooting. , Mrs. L. Fulton relatives in the tor a few Sam Rawlings j q, and last and for ELIMVILLE Ideal weather prevailed on Sun­ day last for the fall anniversary services of this congregation. The; church was filled to capacity at; both services .and was nicely decor­ ated wjth plants and flowers. Rev J. Johnson, of Crediton, was- the special speaker for the day and de­ livered two splendid addresses' which were well received. Rev Johnson was a junior pastor on this circuit, associated with Rev. Hugn J. Fair twenty-five years ago, and many Who were here at that time were pleased to hear him again The choir rendered two anthems at each service namely: “The Voice of Jesus” and “Praise Ye Jehovah” at the morning service. “Thou art my God” and “Great is the Lord” in the evening. The Male Quartette al­ so sang two numbers “In tne Bless­ ed By and By,” and “God never For­ gets.” Among the many visitors in the neighbourhood SJundaiy who were present at these services were notic- ’ ed, Mr. and M:rs. Wilson Hawkins were Vis- of Seaforth, Miss Leila Mollard, ot neighbor- Sliipka, Misses- Marjorie and Gerta - Hunter, of London, Mr. and Mrs. G Mies-srs. Nelson Squire and Albert I Squires and two children, Miss Mary Scott attended the weekly livestock Dayman, Mr. and Mrs. Ern Foster sales held at Strathroy and invested j and son, of Granton; Mr. and Mrs. in -the stock market and returned' Wynn, of Woodham, Mr. and Mrs T. Morley, of Whalen, Mir and Mrs Will Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Gunning, of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harris and three children of Farquhar, Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock, of St. Thomas, Mr. and. Mrs. P. Whitlock, of Thames Road Mr. Sam J-ohns, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym and children, of Exeter, Mrs. (Rev.) Johnson and son Howard, of Crediton/Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Willis and babe of Stephen. A large num­ ber from Zion congregation were also present. Mr. Ned Avery, was a visitor at Mr. last week. A few from here Teacher Training class Crediton United church during the past week. Mr. Ben Williams shipped si& car loads of cattle on Saturday fro© [Lucan, Ailsa Craig, Centralia am Kippen to England and one carloat y ZION Th© W. M. S. meeting was held* on Thursday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Geo. Earl with a good attendance The meeting was conducted by the president, which opened by singing the Doxology and a hymn. The minutes of the last meeting were read and aproved. The roll call was answered with a verse -of scripture on Thanksgiving. A leaf­ let entitled “A Boy’s Thankoffer­ ing” was read by Miss Thelma Jac­ ques. Watchtower a reading -on. the Homeland was given by Miss Haze1 Earl; on Hospital work by Mrs. Wel- ligton Brock; on Japan by Mrs. R i Batten. .Th© Scripture lesson wag read by Mrs. peters;,, another hymn was sung followed with prayer by the president. The devotional leaf­ let “Dorcas the woman who is al­ ways wanted” was read by Mrs. W. Brock. A leaflet -on “The Steward- „' ship -of Thankfulness” was read by ‘ Jr Mrs: Melville Hern. A duet was a 5 sung by Mrs. Alt. Brock and Mrs. E ni Johnston^, accompanied on the*piona .cP by Miss Hazel Earl; a leaflet “Shut i\iy;jcn vu xuu&ioiiiu auu uuc vaiAUdT. iu but not shut out was Tead by from Exeter to Toronto. This is the I Mrs. Kyle; the first‘chapter of the third shipment he has made to the' Study Book, “His Dominion of Can- Old Country. ” " ‘ " • Mr. and Mrs. Melville Skinner Delmar and Ross have all been very ill with the flu and aie confined to their beds. Mi’S. George Hunter has been caring for them for over e week and Mrs. Murch has also been in the stock market and returned with quite a number of young pigs Another farmer was down the week before and invested in store cattle costing him there, 2 x/z cents per lb Mrs. Arthur Gardiner and Mrs Jack Hodgert sang a duet at church on Sunday morning, which was ap­ preciated by the congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hun­ kin on Tuesday. Farmers are making the most of the fine weather, finishing roots and picking apples. Thames Road W. M. S. The Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. P. Stone with a large | attendance. The meeting opened ■-•--—•--j “When all Thy mercies, my God” followed , with prayer by Mrs. Rhode. The minutes of last meeting were then read. The Secretary read a letter of thanks from Mrs? Hunkin, also one from Jessie Montieth for fruit and flow­ ers received. An appeal for Western relief \vas read by the president and the ladies decided to meet with the church board to discuss ways and means of sending a carload of food and clothing to the Western prov­ inces. A report from the booth at the plowing match was given and (assisting this week. Their friends proved very successful. Miss Mon- r sincerely hope' they wjill all soon teith moved a vote of thanks to Mrs.' V^cover their normal health. P. Passmore and her helpers making the booth a success. tlieir j i St. Thomas. Wes. Horne’s "X attended the held at ; “His Dominion of Can­ ada” ‘was given by Mrs. Ralph Bat­ ten. The next meeting will be at the home of’ Mrs. Harold Hern. The meeting was dismissed Uy Mrs. Pe­ ters. - Mr. Warren Brock went to Lon­ don on Saturday and had his ton­ sils removed. A number attended the anniver­ sary services at the Elimville Unit­ ed church .on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern and daughters Laurene. and Hazel and Mr. Henry Hern spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kerslake and at­ tended the James St. United Ohurch anniversary service. Mr. Ross Hern and Mrs. H. Kyle .spent Sunday in London with the latter’s cousin Mrs. C. Baker. Mr. Henry Towle has purchased the farm of the late- Mr. John Bat­ ten. Mr. Joseph Follick, of Exeter called on relatives in the neighbor­ hood on Monday of last week. DASHWOOD Da/ H. H. Cowen.; dt.D.S.. D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week arm at office over the POst Office, In Special music was given by the choir iast week. consisting -of -solos by Miss Annie) Miss Mildred Madge, -Smith, Mrs. Maude Hedden, Dr. I visited with her -sistei’ ___ ____ iS. Smillie and Mr. Harry Horton; Ford on Monday of- this week. duets by Mrs; Drysdale and Mrs ( Mr. and Mrs. A. Proctor and chil- Hess and 1. ’ ” ,___ __ __ _ Phile; quartettes by Mrs. Hedden dy Rowse, of London, visited with Mrs,. Hess, M'essrs. W. O. Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Br-ooks for a and S.^Rannie^and by^Mrs. Drysdale coupie Of days last week. -m.. ( Wes. Hodgins, of parents. I London, visited on Sunday with Mr.j Mrs. P. Brown, of Detroit, attend-‘ ladies who attended the 'convention j Mr/McEwen and sister Miss Me- j and Mrs. Thos.' Willis. „ ; ed the funeral of the late Mrs ’ at Grand Bend. Mrs. Gardiner gave Ewen fr-om Toronto were Sunday The regular monthly meeting of Baker last week. 1 ' Mr. r , .~ into, Mr. Geo. Kellerman’s house. i Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Restemeyer ; have moved into the residence they ' recently purchased from Mrs. Lip­ pert. , Mrs. R. Lamport and daughter ■ Lottie and friend, of Londbn, visited ( relatives in town on Sunday. Mrs. Finkbeiner and Gathern re­ turned home on Sunday after spend­ ing several weeks visiting in Sarnia. You. are earnestly invited to at­ tend and take active part in a ten- day Evangelistic Campaign at the] of Hensail, Mrs. -Grant ■* , Tv i iVU< ana Ivira- J/rocior ana cun- at otuce over tne rosr omceby Mr. and Mr,s. Henry dr0n> of gt< Marys, and Master Ted- Zurich, last three days of week rtof-.tps hv T-Tp.nrtp.n ,1.. r +1, Mrs. Hess, Mr. Goodwin and Dr i Smillie. j Visit of n.-I). G. M. | At the regular meeting of Zurich the Woman’s Association was held Lodge A.F.&A.M. Hensall on Mon-'iii the basement of the churchy on day evening, Rt. Wor. W. H. Greg­ ory, of Stratford, D. D. G. M. oi Masonic District South Huron paid his official visit. The work of the first degree was exemplified by Wor. Mas. Bro. Albert Traquair and his effecient staff of officers in such a manner as -to call forth high com-, _niendation from the distinguished! two faithful departed members. Mrs. visitor and some of the speakers j Andrew Hicksjp^ke in honor^ oMhe Following the business of the ev­ ening refreshments were served and a short toast list was carried out A toast to “Th© King” was respond­ ed to by singing God Save the King; a toast to “Grand Lodge” was pro­ posed by Rt. Wor. Bro. L, R. Coles Thursday afternoon, November 3rd. with the president Mrs. W. Rowden in the chair. The meeting was opened by the use of hymn 32 aftqr which Mrs. D, Hodgson led in pray­ er. The* Beautitudes were repeated in unison. Hymn 236. A short memorial service took place for the late Mrs. T. Neil and .Mrs. A. Mit­ chell in honor of the- late Mrs. S. Hicks. This was followed by sileht prayer after which Mrs, Robb led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and reports from the different cohimit- l. Mrs, Otto Brown - ____ -....._____save a reading entitled “The Man spoke on the summit of Masonry un-j^Vho Carried the Oil Can.” Mrs. L. der four headings, Giving, Forgiv- Hodgson sang a solo and Mrs. Robb Ing, Living and Loving, leaving d gave a reading. This was followed profound impression upon his hear- by a short business session and Mrs ers. “The Craft” was proposed by T, Boyes closed the meeting. A daln- Rt. Wot. Bro. Thomas Bryde andjty dhih was served by Mrs. H. Bus- was responded to by Rt. Wor. Bro [well, Mrs. B. Hicks, Mrs. T. Boyes Bqkor and Wor. Bro. Hill, of Morn- and Mrs, C- Skinner, and was responded^to by Mr. Greg-! tees were given, ory D.D.G.M. In a short 'address he n reading Miss Myrta Hoffman, of Kitchen­ er, spent the wedk-end with her 1 . i end visj The reports were- then given by vicinity. for Mrs. I-Iarturick and daughter i Miss Reta.’-of Bryanston, were week- ) end visitors with relatives in this JUI"WAA«« O'-* T JU4 iv WJ--I- XXVXIX XVAVAlbJ \V C I* Q ’ the report of the morning session visitors at Mr. R. Williams.Clayton- Wilfong has moved and home. s01Me very helpful. On Tuesday evening a fowl sup- i hints from other societies. Miss A« P®i" was served to about three hun- Hackney gave the afternoon report) sbxty. The play, “Strictly which was most interesting and help­ ful. A chapter from the Study Book on “Education in Korea and Japan” was read by Mrs. Stone. Mrs. Mor­ gan rendered a delightful solo. A letter of sympathy was sent to Mrs, j Cameron, a former | ing to the death c __I Collection was then receivedbe-1 the hymn' “Lord, While For ' Mankind We Pray” was sung the meeting was closed with benediction from the president. December meeting is the meeting and will be held at the home of Mrs. Alfred Hunkin. The ladies are urged tb attend and bring in their, mite boxes. ) Business” whs presented by a caste | of ladies, viz: Mrs. Wm. Elford . who impersonated Rev. Benson Mar- I low, Mrs. Wm. Routly, Mrs. Marlow Berdeen Clarke, their five-year-old Mrs. Ed, Johns, Mis. Chas. 'Stehens. Evangelical Church, Dashwood, be­ ginning Thursday, Novembeiv 17th 1932, " ‘ “ ing. 7.30 Mass “The choir, etc. will sing November 18, 19, 20. The speakers are: Rev. A. W. Sauer, pas­ tor, Rev, Silas w. McFaiis, Evan­ gelist. Come prayerfully and bring your Bible. Song service 7.46 each even- Sunday service p.jn. November meeting for World’s Crisis’* orchestra, quartettes, solos Mr, Dbloss Scott, -of Toronto »■ i"1- president, ow- f her husband, and All and the The annual at w ♦ Re-madeMattresses ~ and pan. 10 a.m 3 all. Subject: music by the quartettes, 20 Now is th© time to fenow your subscriptions. f PILLOWS, Steam Cleaned and recovered per Pair .............. ........ MODERN FEATHER MATTRESS COMPANY Manufacturers of high-grade Mattresses and down Comforters, Feather Beds made into ten-roll sanitary Mattresses No charge for estimates or advice on work to be done. Our representative will call anywhere, P. 0. RON 870, GODERICH