The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-11-03, Page 8THURSDAY* KQVWm 3, 1032 SPECIALS n Exeter Markets TOMATO JUICE GLASSES (TT — Topas 85<M crystal etched 39c. ea. GOBLETS, SHERBERTS, tall and low', 39c. each. SAFEDGE TUMBLERS, Guaranteed wot to chip, £ doz. for 50c. SHILEY FINE BONE CHINA CUPS . AND SAUCERS, regular $1.50. Special 89c. * S. B. TAYLOR Wheat 42c. Waiting Barley 38c. Shorts,. 85c* Bran, 80c. Midinigs 90c. Manito bag Best $2,‘5Q Model p.30 Welcome, $1.8Q Feed Flour, $1.00 'Creamery Butter 30c. Dairy Butter 19-20-c. Eggs, extras' 3.0 c. Eggs, firsts 25c. Eggs, seconds 15c. v THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J, Bernard Rhodes,, M. a, Minister ARss Rena Coates, A.L.O.M, Organist ARMISTK^E SUNDAY 10 tuni.—"Sunday School « 11 a.m<—-“Thy will Be Done” 4th in series on the Lord's Prayer( ■ i 7 p.m.—-'Every man, the Unknown’. i' ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY, NOV. 20 X. i Xr 1 Smart Styles in Coats New Shipment Smart Styles $14.95 Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of occupied the pulpit and very impressive sermon his theme “Making the our lives in spite of our Mr. Robt, Gambrill, I ’ 1 LOCALS | i___________________i Mr. G. J. Dow shipped a car load of horses to Montreal on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor spent the forepart of the week in Toron­ to. Mrs. Harry Carey was confined to her bed for a few days through ill- 1 ness. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Harold. Hern at Zion. Miss Laura Hicks, of London, is visiting at the home of her pat­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert and family, of Lucan, visited with rela­ tives in this community on Sun’day. Miss Reta Rowe has been engag­ ed as te-acher at the Wincheisea Public School until after Christmas. The friends of Mrs, Geo. Mantle will be glad to know that she is re­ covering from-a severe attack of the flu. »*• Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer and Miss LOCALSMINISTERS AND CHOIRS EXCHANGE The W- M. S\ of the James Street United church held anniversary ser­ vices on Sunday. The pulpit ros­ trum was beautifully decorated with fall flowers. The pastor Rev. Mr. Stainton delivered an inspiring mes­ sage on the “Challenge Extraordin­ ary” an appeal to the congregation to maintain their interest in mis­ sionary work. He told of several interesting experiences he had met with when stationed in India dur­ ing the Great War. Mrs. Stainton sang a solo that was much apprec­ iated by the congregation as this was her first occasion to- sing be­ fore the congregation since .coming to Exeter. For the evening service an exchange of ministers and choirs was made with the Palmerston Unit­ ed church. Palmerston preached a taking for best use of handicaps.” leader of the Palmerston choir pre-> sided at the organ. The choir loft! was taxed to capacity and three May Skinner visited with Rev. and selections were sung, two anthems -Mrs. ‘Borden Cunningham at Mil- “And the Glory of the Lord” by bank on Sunday. Handel and “God is a Spirit” byi Mrs. M. Heywcod has returned Bennett, the latter being sung un- frora Toronto after visiting her son- accompanied. A male chorus- sang in_iaw Mr. J. W. Wilson and grand- “My Shepherd”. Following the ser- daughter Nancy Pat. vice the members of the choir were* entertained to luncheon in the base­ ment of the church by the ladies of the W. M. Sj. Mrs. Christie, the pres­ ident expressed the appreciation of the society 'for the splendid sermon and the music of the choir. Rev. J. W. Down, J. H. Jones and J. M. Southcott also made a few remarks. A vote of (thanks was - tendered by the Palmerston choir to the. ladies and a short address by Rev. Mr.' Bal­ lantyne and Mr. Gambrill. While Mr. Gambrill presided at the James Street organ, his sister Miss Violet Gambrill presided at the organ' in Main Street church. Previous to evening service Mr. and Mrs. Gambrill gave a light lunch to members of Palmerston choir. the A. the White Ro^e gasoline now selling at the price ; of regular gasoline.— Sandy Elliot ...I....... ... POULTRY WANTED JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA M Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A.,B.D., f • Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader ANNIVERSARY SERVICES .Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Rev. E. O. Seymour, M.A., B.D, of Oakville M.A., Will be the special speaker both morning and evening. Mr. Seyniour is a prominent scholar and orator and a well known con­ vention speaker, Everyone Invited 3 p.m.—Sunday School Wednesday 8 p.m,—Prayer Service Thursday at "8 o’clock Y. P*. S. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—“The Wings of the Sera­ phim” 11 3 p.m.—Sunday School Evening Service withdrawn for James St. Anniversary Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. S. • ' ’ ■ Thursday—Prayer Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perkins and son, Wesley, Toronto spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Quance and other relatives. All new subscribers who take ad­ vantage of tlie $1,50 offer during the month of November will be giv­ en the balance of this year free. There will be a reorganization meeting of the Ministerial Associa­ tion at Trivitt Memorial Rectory on Tuesday, November 8th at 2.30 p.m I Rev. Robt. Hicks, of Wallaceburg, I visited with his sister Mrs, John An-| drews and his brother Mr. A. Hicks' REMEMBRANCE DAY, NOV. Wedneday and Thursday of last' week< 10j57 a.m.—-Special Memorial Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott mo-1 vice tored to Preston on Sunday where ^2 Midday—-Military Memorial the latter is remaining tor a days to visit with her cousin IL. Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick Miss Mabel Follick spent. Friday of last week with .their cousins Mr. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. ViviaD, L. Th. » Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Trinity 11 a.m.—'Morning Prayer. 3 p.m.—(Sunday School and Rector’s Bible Class " ' 7 p.m.—'Evensong and Sermon I and Mrs. Ephriam Hern and Mrs. H.Canadian; Canners will start buy-1 j^yie of zion. ing Poultry for cash on j Monday | Novepnber 7th, phone 2 8 or 3 6, Ex­ eter. , few vice at the Cenotaph Misg ' |_____ and-------- t . Fill at the R. I. P. with .Anti-Freeze now 81.50 Ford Garage. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and fam­ ily, of Waterford, visited with rel­ atives in Exeter elver the week-end Mr. and 'Mrs. Sidney Davis returned with them on a visit. 1 Mrs. Harry White, of Stratford ; WARNING To Whom It May Concern has been called to my atten- that I have been called a very ^ay ^to ° visTt" with .------Anyone found|Lucknow, Mrs. White It tion disrespectful name. Anyone found (Lucknow. I'.I. T.'LU? after this date calling me by such j turned from ~a~ visit "to name will be prosecuted to the full- (the Pacific Coast, est extent .of the law.—Mrs. John Taylor. Browning, convenor of theMrs. ■ relief organization for Exeter is call­ ing a meeting of relief -workers for Saturday evening at 8 o’clock at the Bank of Commercp. All persons who are interested are requested to thej visited at the home of her brother be present, A full report Mr. W. H. Johnston Saturday on relatives in recently re­ Calgary and of work done will be given. White Rose gasoline no^ selling at the price of regular gasoline.— Sandy Elliot pen.FOUND—A green fountain Owner may have .same by proving property and paying for this adver­ tisement. Apply Times-Advocate. Dance in Cromarty Hall on Fri­ day Nov. 4th. Music by M'cNichol Trio. Adm. Gents. 25c., ladies 10c Everybody come and hav^ a good time. FOR SALE—40 White Leghorns pullets at 75c. and 45 Rocks at 85c. Apply at Times-Advocate. NEW FRUITS ARE ARRIVING EV PURE SILK HOSE NEW WINTER WEIGHT BLOOMERS Service weight, This is our '’regular $1,00 quality but these arc sub-standards, only 4 dozen at this low price » A splendid weight bloomer for colder weather in pink, .sand and peach. Special VALUp AT EACH 49c. \ PER PAIR 59p, ALL WOOL SERGE These serges sold as.high as $2.50 a yard. We have several pieces in blue, brown and green to clear AT PER YARD 79c. STAMPED MATS new patterns. Try hooking a mat for your self, x . ’ EACH 25c. . Men’s and Young Men’s.Overcoats * If in need of a w^rm dressy overcoat look at the values' we are offering this week. The new “Tube” style for young men. See our special value at $16.95* MEN’S LINED SMOCKS Good warm smocks for cold we;ather EACH 79c. MEN’S FELT HATS Klen’s All Wool Felt Hats in newest shape EACH $1,95 MEN’S MILITARY FLANNELL SHIRTS . Wonderfuil values at each 89c. SMART SPATS FOR YOUNG MEN Grey and Sand per pair $1.50 MEN’S FLEECED COMBINATIONS ’ Penman’s make, all sizes $1.39 MEN’S WORK SWEATERS With roll collars in heather shades EACH $1.39 s MEN’S FUR BAND CAPS . In warm tweeds and fur bands $1.25 , FINE HEAVY ALL WOOL SWEATERS In new colorings each $2.98 DAY ANDVNEW SPECIAL "SPECIAL .....................■* X'' SPECIAL SPECIAL Extra Large Prunes New Fancy Apricots New Cooking Figs Spanish Onions lbs; for 19c.2 lbs. for 35c.3 lbs. for 25c.4 libs, for 25c. BRITISH, HONDURAS ORANGES, sweet, juicy, large size . . >(K. 49c. a doz. NEW MINCEMEAT IN BULK, VERY CHOICE......................2 lbs. for 25c FINEST WESTERN ROLLED OATS, COURSE OR FINE . 8 lbs. for 25c NEW SEEDLESS RAISINS CLARK’S CHICKEN SOUP 1 Large Fancy Jar Sweet Mixed Pickles and Glass Relish Dish for 49c SPECIAL Large Grape Fruit 3 for 23c. • New Table Figs . A**** per pkg. 10c Dad’s Cookies per doz. 12c. New Large Prunes 3 lbs. for 25c. 2 lbs. for 25c. 2 tins for 25c. W. R. Goulding NEW FALL GOODS BUY A NEW FALL HAT TO COMPLETE YOtJR Piano Supervisor of Music in Schools .Studio, iMain St. Box 123, Phone 193. EXETER. ONT. A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church Instruction in Vocal Organ Theory YOUNG PEOPLE’S. ANNIVERSARY Sunday was Young People’s Anni­ versary in the Main" Street United church and good congregations ,were _______ __ _______ ____ _ _ present both morning and evening, pects to spend the winter,. Mr. Luk-1 The church was beautifully deeorat- er is past eighty and is quite active f ed with colored autumn leaves and. for his years. •A Rally of the Mission Circle and} charge of the music, C. G. I. T. groups of Huron Presby­ tery will be held in the United Church, Seaforth, on Friday. Sup­ per at 6 p.m. Mrs. Rush, Dominion Secretary, will be the spbaker. Sup­ per will be provide for the gentle­ men drivers. Mrs. E. R. Howe, wno has been making her home with Miss L. M Jeckell and who has not been well is sufficiently recovered to be) abh to be removed to the home of heri daughter Mrs. J. M. Kilbourne, of Owen Sound. She stood the«jour- new well. I A travelling side shew visited in Exeter Friday and Saturday evening Mr. .Wm. Luker who time has been re- with hissiding for so'me brother Robert is moving back tc his home in Centralia where he ex- Until November 11th we are of- at $14.00 and $13.00 per ton, cash. ■ - • ■ - . ® . These prices are for ton lots only. Better act quick. HARVEY BROS. . * HJEREFORDS FOR SALE I flowers. A young people’s choir had ' , Miss Violet Gambrill presiding at the organ.’Mr. Ellibtt, (the pastor, delivered two very inspiring sermons, the morning subject being “What’s right with the Churches” and in the evening the message was especially to the young people “Religion in Youth.” At the morning service a men’s quartette was sung by Messrs. F. Wildfong, M. Howey, J. Francis and G. Skinner and a duet by Misses Hilda and Mer­ na Bims. In the evening Miss Violet Gambrill sang a solo accom­ panied on the piano by Miss Helen Dignan and a duet was sung by Miss •H. Dignan, and Rev, Mr. Elliott Four young men acted as ushers and collectors namely: G. Lamport, H ___o __ _ v<z„- Stanlake, Earl Allen and Mervin perfornied~a~ numbeir^of.Sims- For his evening subject Mr. The show was fair-}Elliott referred to. the religious char- NOTICE ' ; The Exeter Public Utilities Com­ mission are introducing a new sys­ tem whereby half of the customers will be bifled one mdnth and the other- half the folloswing month. On Nov. 1st accounts for one month only will be sent out to half of the cUsto'mers payable November 12th The balance of the customers will receive their accounts as usual. Public Utilities Commission, H. W. Doerr, Sec’y. OUTFIT SEE OUR DISPLAY OF .NEW FALL HATS, CAPS, SOCKS, SWEATERS, TIES & UNDERWEAR AT REDUCED PRICES SMART STYLES FINE QUALITY MAGUIRE—HARNESS The marriage took place in Exe­ ter Friday 1 at noon when Miss Margaret A., youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Harness of town, became the bride of’ Ed- Ward James, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Maguire, of McGilliv­ ray Township. The ceremony was performed in the manse of Caven Church, Exeter, by* Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, Mi.A. The comingly gowned in accessories in black, dig of the register to the home of the surroundings, daintily decorated in pink and white, refreshments were served. The young couple motored to Millbrook, peterbora, and other eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. Ma­ guire, were married on what would have been the 41st anniversary of the wedding of her ■ parents. They v/ill reside on a farm in McGillivray Towiiship. PHONE 81s. W. W. TAM A N EXETER, ONT. ELECTION FOR BOY’S PARLIAMENT Election for the Ontario Boys Par­ liament will take place on Saturday, November 26th. All members of registered groups between the ages of 12 and 21 years of age are en­ titled to vote. Groups are request­ ed to send their voters’ lists to the returning officer Rev. J. H. Stain­ ton not later than November 19th. Nominations for candidates close on Saturday; November 12th. For fur- their particulars consult Mr. Stain­ ton, Exeter, Ontario. . 1 —-------------------------s- Mr; Edgar Thomson, of Madison Wisconsin, has been visiting during the past week with his parents Mr, and Mrs. w. H. Thomsott. Tlije Exeter Teniiis Club are hold­ ing* their second informal dance in the Exeter Opera House on Armis­ tice Eve., Thursday, November lO.th Bill Robinson and his six-piece or­ chestra Will provide the music. Y. P. S. VISIT COUNTY HOME James Street Y. P. sS. visited the County Home at Clinton on Thurs­ day evening and gave 'a program that wa-s thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present. ThO' record .for any group to visit the home was broken when ninety young people signed the register. The following took part in the program: solo, Miss Enola Buswell; number by Garnet Hicks and Frank'.. St range; duet by Misses Pearl Wood and Margaret Johns; solo by Gerald BagShaw,. ac­ companied on the guitar; duet by Misses Celia Christie and Loreen Dunn with guitar accompaniment; readings bY Ear^ Christie and Miss Grace Strange; SoloS by Misses E. Link and Pearl Wood; duet by Ade­ line Stone and Hazel Elliott. Gar­ net Hicks gave several numbers on the mouthorgan and guitar and al­ so sang several- numbers. .The chair was very acceptably filled by Rev. Mr. (Stainton, who> alsu gave a few brief remarks at fhe close which left a very favorable impression up­ on his first appearance. A appreciative vote of thanks rftoved to Mr. SitaintOn and young people by Mrs. Jacobs “which was heartily responded to by sing­ ing 'For ^they ate jolly good fellows’ A treat of candy and oranges was handed out at the close, bride was be- blue crepe with After the sign- the party we(nt bride, where inage. A Belgian about seven feet tall and wearing wooden shoes, con­ tortionist, i uncanny tricks. hxi., quvw wc*o «« ww. VA.v * *.**«.*-ly' well patronized. j acters of the Old Testament stating Rev. J. B. Rhodes, M. A, deliv-1in the- main religion appertam- ered the third sermon in the series. e“ principally to men Of age. The on the Lord’s prayer at Caven Pres-• Sreat characters of the Old Testa- byterian church on Sunday morning This is proving to be a most inter­ esting and inspiring set of sermons ru». xv.n.. showing the most intense study and 10-20-3tc. outstanding ability of ,the preacher | The Lion’s Club of Goderich, held •a banquet at Clinton Friday even­ ing at which Mr. Everett Quinn, of Exeter, was the guest of honor. Mir Quinn “was the winner of the six mile marathon at Goderich Thanks­ giving Day and was presented with the Lion’s Club trophy. Mr. N. W. Trewartha was one of the speakers Mr. R. H. Sayers and his bride have returned to Exeter and have taken up housekeeping in the resi­ dence on Wellington Street recently vacated by Mr. Vahey, Mr. Sayers haa resumed his position as manager -of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Citizens of Exeter will welcome Mrs. Shyers to our midst. • al-Bight registered yearling bulls so a number of open and bred heif­ ers, sired by our herd bull Brae Dale 42nd -63223-. Prices are reas­ onable. Motes Will be taken on the bank’s approval. Stutt Bros. R.R, 2, Forest, Ontario. FOR RENT—A first class v100- acre farm Lot 9, Con, Twp., convenient th town, good buildings, never failing water supply, fall plowing done. For particulars apply to Mrs. J. Hard­ ing, Main Bt., Exeter > lo-20-2tp ....... ................. ( FOR SALE OR RENT—A commo-' dious two storey frame cottage with all modern conveniences, situate on the east side of Andrew Street, Ex­ eter. A most desirable property convenient t'o churches, school and business section. Eor further par­ ticulars apply to CARLtNG & MOR­ LEY, Barristers Exeter, ■ i 2, Usborne school and ment did their greatest work in their old a£e, especially the priests IF There were a few as David and Solomon. Testament Jesus was than young. His dls- young men. The pres- In the and patriarchs youths such In the New never more ciples were ent age is the age of youth. Gre-at War We discovered to our sor­ row that nien of middle age started the war but that the’ youth " of the land laid down their lives. The magnificent qualities displayed in the war, the speaker coveted for this time of peace. Such qualities as de­ votion red to of war mance tian life, file appealed to the young people that If they wished romance and adventure to Invest their lives in the Christian enterprise. <j and the and and Messrs. Edmund and Luther Braund, of Brantford, have been vis­ iting for a few days with Mrs. John Braund. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was ford as Counsel in a case Court there Goderich on both Monday and Wed' lies day. Mi*. R. has. been Miss L. M< Jegkell. They are ing today, Thursday, to visit relatives, atYbungatoWn, Ohio. Mt. and Mrs. Areliibald and Margaret Rogers, of Flora; Miss Al­ da StitHfe, df Westervelt (Business College, ahd Mr. Jack Gambrill, of Fergus, Wetei Week-end Visitors at ’ SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gambrill phene 229 j C. Mr and on Tuesday at in and Strat- Police at Jeckell, of California visiting with his self-sacrifice, Ete refer- romance and adventure compared it with the ro­ adventure of the ehris- He appealed to the young sister leav- with MISS INSURANCE Life, Alito, Sick and Accident No Jolley to large or too small * Bates Gladly Given LET US SERVE YOU ' JAS, P. BOWEY very ■Was the