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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-11-03, Page 5
THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE THCKSI.AY, NOVKMJIBIC 8, 1982 spent the friends in here attend- London on Shirley. Twitchell, Leaton Seimop June and Edna Saundercock, Bar bara Shepherd, Betty coles, Carry Joypt, Marion Fiishle, ptaipe Peck Mary Goodwin, Elva McQueen; gui- tar selection by Kathryn Drysdale; mputh organ selections by George Pearce acicompanied by Miss Greta L^mmie; dialogue, “Will You Walk Into My Parlour” taken by Mary Hemphill, Ruth Colee, Kathryn Drys dale, Annie Carlisle, Mildred Fol lick, Dorothy McQueen, Keith Bu chanan, jack Coles, Ronald Peck, a Fllshje; piano splo, Lome Elder; trio by Miss K, prysdale omthe gui tar, Norman Sinclair piano and W Glenn on the„,vlolin. The meeting closed with a hymn and benediction It ’ Mrs. M. McNicql was a recent vis itor with friends in town. ~ Mess Hazel jMoi’enz spent Sunday at her home ih Dashwood. Mr. Geo. W. Wren, who was in jured by a fall is somewhat improv ed, Mr. John Carmichael week-end visiting with Detroit, Quite a number from ed the rugby game in Saturday. Mrs, Henry Jacobi, of Chiselhurst Bpent Monday visiting with friends in town, The Sunbeam Mission Band ” of Carmel church intend having a pag eant in the near future. Mrs. Qorsy and daughter Flossie of London, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Mark Drysdale. Mrs. Edgar Stewart, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks visiting with her parents Mi’, and Mrs- D. Foss. Miss Mary McKaig, of Exeter, has been visiting with her mother and other relatives and friends here. Mrs. F. Farquair will entertain the members of the Arnold Circle of Carmel church at her home on Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonthrvon, of Detroit, have been visiting with Mr Bonthron’s mother Mrs. Robt. Bon- thron and other relatives. The friends of Mrs%. Chas, Troyer will regret to learn she is lying ser iously ill at the home of her daugh ter Mrs. Geo. Hudson. M'iss Doreen Farquair and Miss Grace Gibbons have. rented rooms over T. C. Joynt’s store and are get ting nicely settled there. Miss Nellie Carmichael, of Exeter was in town last week and while here assisted in Mr. A. W. E. Hemp hill’s drug store during the one- cent sale. Mr. D. H. McNaughton, returning officer for South Huron was in town Monday winding up the business of the late election. > Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Jas. Eby, of Collingwood on the ar rival of a baby girl on October the 26th. Mrs. Eby was formerly Miss Janet White of Hensall. Mr. Harry Youngblutt and Jacob Diechert, of Zurich, were recent vis itors with Mr. John Baker, who Is lying seriously ill at the home of his sister Mrs. Wm. Luker. Rev. W. A. Young preached anni versary services at Camalachie in the Sarnia district on Sunday; his brother Malcolm Young, of Camal achie, taking the services here. Mr. Herb Hoggarth and Donald McKaig have returned to Beach-o’- Pines where they have been for the past five months. After spending a few days visiting at their homes' here. The Young People of the village celebrated Hallowe’en on Monday night although their spirits were somewhat dampened by the rain Quite a number from here took in the Li'on’s frolic at Seaforth the same evenjng. Mrs. Frank Kelland, of St. Marys who has spent the last week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson returned to her home on Sunday. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs,- David Kilpatrick of Kippen. / Rev? M.r. Parker has • returned from Dorchester where he has been for. the past few weeks since his ill ness. Mr. Parker’s many friends are pleased to see him back again and able to take up his duties as Rector of the-.Auglican Church. The annual Thankoffering of the W. M. S. of Carmel church was held on Friday afternoon in the basement of the church with a good attendance A duet was given by Mrs. Young and Mrs. W. A. McLaren. Miss Irene Stringer, a Missionary Nurse from India was present and gave a splen did address on her' work in India Aftei’ the business part of the meet- tion lunch was served. The Young People of Carmel church held a very interesting meet ing on Monday evening. The meet ing was in the form of a masquer ade social with the following pro gram: procession of costumes ana witches stunts, games and contestl were indulged in. There was also a real old time fortune teller which , added greatly to the fun. Violin so-1 lo by'-'Mr. Fred Daters; duet by Mrs Jas. Patterson and Mt. Jas, Ben-t with Mr. and Mrs. John Ogden gough. Lunch was served. Gerry. Mr.. and Mrs. Hilton Ogden. Denfield and Jas. Bengough were' the lucky winners fot other prizes for the best costumes. The Young People’s League of the United Church held a masquerade White Rose gasoline-now selling at the price of regular gasoline.— Sandy Elliot CROMARTY £ ’ A, R. Gibson, B, A., of Mit- will occupy the pulpit here conducting Rev. chell, next Sunday morning, the W, M. S. Thankoffering Service. Mr. and Mr.s. Duncan McKellar yisited with friends in Brussels re- ently. Mr.” and Mrs. Russell Scott spent Sunday with friends at Sit. Pauls. Mrs. David Bruce is seriously ill at present but her many friends hope she will soo^ be on the way. to recovery., - * - The Plowing Matches are over for another year and the Hibbert Plowmen captured their share prizes. of MT. CARMEL and Mrs. Lewis Roland,Mr. Parkhill, called on friends here Sunday. Miss Geraldine McKeever, of De troit^’ attended her brother’s wed ding on Saturday. Mr. Thomas O’Rourke returned home from St. Joseph Hospital, Lon don, this week. Miss Helen Regan, was, the guest of her and Mbs. Mat Regan week-end. Mr. and Mrs. T. Denomme family, of Detroit, attended Dietrich and McKeever wedding on Saturday. of on 1 of .Parkhill, parents, during Mr. the and t'he WOODHAM Don’t forget the Woodham Oyster supper to be held on Friday, Novem ber 4th, under the auspices of L.0 L. 492. Supper to commence at 5.30 p.m. Twp hour program pro vided by the Parkview Brotherhood Minstrel Troupe and orchestra,- Stratford. Admission 5'0c. and 2i5c Miss Violet Squire, of Westervelt College, London, spent the week-end with her parents. The Hallowe’en Social on Friday evening of last week was a grand success. A good program was pro vided, all taking their parts well Many were the hearty laughs at the different costumes worn that might Refreshments were served. All went home feeling it was good to ’.be there Mir.z Victor Chatten, of London, spent' Sunda with hism other and other friends. Miss Netta Shier, of London, spent Sunday with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. iS'quire and daughter Violet visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl of Zion. WHALEN Mrs. Alice Gunning is visiting her daughter Mrs. Wm. TooKey, Lucan. Miss Florence Pollen R.N., is nurs ing in Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.-Welling ton Skinner,' of Elimville. Mrs. Geo. Squire and Miss Day man were in Seaforth on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster, of Winchelsea, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ogden and their daughters Aleathd and Jean, Mr. Harold Sutton and Mr. Gordon Ball- ihgall, all of London, spent Sunday and / w THAMES ROAD Mr. Andrew Easton and family social in the basement of the church. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. large Bollen.'' • Mr. and Mrs. N. Hupkin spent The meeting opened by sing- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hun- on Monday evening with a crowd present. Miss Katie Scott pre sided. ‘"'w . '* „ "'“T . ... _____________ ing a hymn followed by a prayer i i<i1K After which little Bobby Hess gave- Mrs Arthur Campbell and Master a reading in his usual fine style, (je,raid Campbell have returned af- a reading by, Ems; solo by■ ter spending a. few days with herBella Smale; trio-by Mrs Geo-Hess. Rnn £ ' Mrs. Maud Hedden, Dr. Smillie; so lo Mrs. Russell Broderick; reading ' Mrs. Annie McDonald. Mrs. L . Hully gave 'a splendid talk on Hal-; lowe’en. Mrs. Geo. ‘Hess and Miss, Gladys Saundercock were the prize Winners. After the program games were indulged in till lunch was, served. All report a most enjoyable time. The Mission Rand of the United Church held a very successful ehter- tainment .in the basement of the church on Friday night. There was, a good attendance and the program , was of an unusually fine nature, ar ranged by Mrs. J. W. Peck, Mrs. E. McQueen and Mrs. R. L. Coles. The chairman for the evening was the ReV. A» Sinclair. Following the open ing hymn a leasing number was given by Bobby Hess and his mothe.r accompanied oh the piano by Miss Lainmie; reading by Audrey Twit- Chell. Instrumental by Mildred Fol lick; redding by Minnie Sangstef; dialogue “Do What You C’an” taken by Mary Clark, Margaret shepherd i ■ son at Brantford. I Mr. and Mrs. Ken. McNichol vis- U I ited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Madge on Thursday. Mr. 'and Mrs, Percy Stone visited with Mi’, and Mrs. Trueman Fletch er on Sunday. , (Somd of the boys are busy these nights catching sparrows. Sides have been chosen, Usborne versus Blansliard. Allan Fletcher is cap tain of Usborne and Jack Gollings of the Blanshar^ side, the contest closing Monday night. This is to. be followed by a woiner roast and dance. Up to the present (Monday morning) Blanshatd side lias 4,000 heads to show. Threshing done, Winter is near, Taxes are coming, Coal is dear. CAR HEATERS—See the latest hot water type at a price you can afford to pay.—.Sandy Elliot, CREDITON Mrs, -Q. Urquhart, of Sarnia, has returned, homo after spending two , week's*" vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fahrner and family. Mr, and Mrs, Gurnet Baker, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr; Mrs. E. K. FUhrper. Dr. Railton, of Plattesville, in town last Wednesday. Mrs, Edward Fahrner called her brother S, J- Finkbeiner on Sun day at the Hospital. Mrs, Dr, C. C, Misener visited with her parents ivtr, and Mrs. Farr in Fenwich; last week, A number from here attended the rugby game in London between Western and Toronto Varsity last Saturday afternoon. Mr. Lewis Campbell, of Parkhill is visiting with Mir. and Mrs,. J,' Kingdon and family, i Mr. and Mrs. Jack . MacDdnald and son Fred and Mr. 'Paul Trask, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Wepzel and Mr. and Mrs. H; Fahrner. Misses Inez, Dorothy and Carriq Fahrner and Mr. G. Walper spent Sunday at London with Miss Dor othy Mallett. A hot chicken supper is being held in th© United church on Wednes day, November 9th followed by a good program. Mr, and Mrs. J. Kingdon spent Sunday at -Thedford and Parkhill.' The Women's Institute will be postponed until November 15 th. We are glad to report that Mrs. Esli Heywood has recovered from • her recent illness. | Christian Endeavor Society Evening ■— A Hallowe’en sociaf_was' held on ( = Wednesday evening October 26th EE at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry =1| Kuhn and their daughter Margaret. ] There were fifty young people pres ent and many of them came in Hal-1 lowe’en costume. The rooms of the; spacious home were decorated in san appropriate manner with streamers ited with friends in Wiarton for a of orange- and black draped from I few days last week. the ceiling 'to the windows and i Mrs. Elmfer Reeder and children doors. The curtains were also trim- ’ of * Exeter, visited during the past med with Hallowe’en emblems. Shin-1 week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hux- ing pumpkin faces on window sills 'gave the appearance of interest iasm. Margaret Kuhn ter of the-home had everything well planned. Ab nine o.’clock the par ades and judging began. The judges were: Mrs. Kuhn and Mrs. Sippell and they gave first prizes^to the^fol- lowing: Best dressed ladies parade to Margaret McMaster; best-dressed gentleman parade to Gordon Ratz; most comic ladies parade to Nola Faist; most comic gentleman’s par ade to Eugene Beaver. Bernice Eil ber furnished excellent piano and wag on the outside home every and enthus- the daugh- ber furnished excellent piano ac companiment for the > parades and vocal selections. A program follow ed: Piano duett by Elva WuertTi and Evelyn Sippell; vocal duett by Lawrence and Lloyd lyein; humorous prophecies in which the mem bers of the League were included by Margaret McMasters and vocal solo by Charles-' Hoffman. Games contests furnished interest amusement for the next hour. Ber nice Eilber is the convenor of the League’s social committee, ably as sisted by Melita Wein, Ruby Fink- beiner, Margaret McMaster, Elldon Smith and Lawrence Wein. Earl Haist and Irene Fahrner tendered a hearty vote of thanks to the host and hostess for granting the free dom of their Wbme and also to the social and program committee for their success in keeping up the en thusiasm., '"’cheer; amusement and rythm throughout the evening. The enthusiasm did not wane when an excellent lunch was served at mid-, night. A week of Religious meeting will be held’ at the Evangelical church beginning next Sunday. Rev. K. Gretzinger of Siouth Cayuga will preach Monday, Wednesday and Fri day evenings. Revs. -A. Sauer, oi 'Dashwood and Rev. E. Burn, of Zu rich will also deliver messages, church invited are in leaders de and and rich will also deliver Members ahd friends of the and community are heartily to attend. These meetings response to the bishops and of the Evangelical and other nominations, who call for seasons oi penitence and prayer, that we may make the recovery from temporal and spiritual depression. CREDITON EAST Mr. and ,Mrs. L. Piper, of ham, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Merner. Mrs. Joseph Bullock and daugh ter Helen and Mrs. Henry Pfa^f Sr. spent Monday in London. Mrs. Wilson Anderson is visiting, het daughter Mrs. George Hayes In Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis spent Sunday with relatives in McGilliv ray. Mrs. Silas Brokenshire is visiting her'brother Mr. King in Forest. ,. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and two children spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Motz. Mi* Earl Haist of near Sharon, spent Sunday witli his cousins Ml* and Mrs, Chas. Hoffman. Mrs. Henry Motz and Mrs. William’ Motz spent Tuesday with Mi*. and Mrs. Roland Motz in Exeter. Mrs. Eli Lawson spent Tuesday ‘With her sister Mrs. H. Parsons in Exeter. Hallowe’en passed off very quiet- ; ly ip. our town on account of fain. > Mr. Deoiiard Wein has tented the ■ home of Mr. McPherson here and Will move In shortly. Chat .per lb. 15c., per lb. 15c. per lb. 15c. ™ RED & WHITE store f 1 Forest City Raising PowderCOlllDinatlOll ppCClfll { I giass pUte or sherbet glass .. .. Neyy Coolcing Figs 3 libs, for 25c. Large Npw Prdnes 2 lbs. for 19c. Fancy Pink Salmon 1-2 lb. tin 4 for 25c. PURE CANE SUGAR ..................20 lbs, 96c. " Ready Cut Macaroni Golden Spray Cheese Helmet Corn Beef per lb. 5c,1-2 lb, pkg. lOc.2 tins for 25c. CHIPSO......................large pkg. each 19c. Libby’s Pork and Beans Choice Sweet Corn Crown Tea 1 lb. tin, 3 for 25c.2 tins for 19c.1 lb. pkg. each 39c. NEW AUSTRALIAN RAISINS, SEEDLESS....................... 2 lbs. for 25c. Chocolate M. M. Biscuits . Golden Fluff Humbugs ... Jumbo Salted Peanuts . . . 'Sm .....................• Good Quality Mincemeat Broken Sodas Acadia Pure Codfish as 2 lbs. for 25c.. McCormick’s 2 lb. 17c.1 lb. pkg. each 15c.== l l l l l l l l l WESTON’S PANTRY SHELF SODAS IN TINS ..........7/ ............... each 33c.1 Matches . , .................... Soap Flakes in bulk . Black Tea in Bulk . . . per pkg. 25c. 3 lbs. for 25c. , . per lb. 27c.» ROLLIE’S GROCERY “Quality always higher than price.” Il w CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wijlis vis- table. Mrs. Wm. Gilpin, who underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital London, on Wednesday of last week is getting along nicely. Mrs. Jiames Neil is visiting with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Neil in St. Thomas., Mr. Fuller is taking down his large brick residence on Main St. and is trucking it to London w’here he intends using it for re-building purposes. Few Hallowe’en pranks were played owing to the disagreeable Weather. Mr. Wm. Colwill has returned hpme after spending the past few weeks in the West, ”**Mn Gordon Culbert has ren^e^ the fine farm on the Sauble Line Biddulph Township, owned by Dr. E. Hodgins, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Anchor, of Lucan, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Boyes on Sunday.' Miss , Jean Thompson entertained a number of her girl friends birthday party on Tuesday after noon of this week. On Monday evening of this the Young People’s ^Society held a Hallowe’en Social in the basement of the church. Over thirty of the Young People came in costum#. A spent in held to the dif- Lunch at a week very enjoyable evening was games and a contest was guess the correct names of ferent Hallowe’en spooks, was served by. the Young Ladies. The Centralia players presented their play ‘‘Cabbages or Dollars” before a large audience, in the An glican Church in Granton on Friday evening of last week. Dr. DASHWOOD H. H. Cowen, L.D.S.. D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week ana at office over the Post Office, in Zurich. last three days of week. Miss Anna Tieman is visiting in Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Talyor an^ Mr. and and last week was stricken, with a paralytic stroke. Funeral services will be held on Thursday'afternoon at the home and at the Evangelical chu/ch with Rev A. W. Sauer officiating. Her bus-; band predeceased her eleven years ago. She is survived by 2 sons and 2 daughters: Richard on the home stead (Hannah) Mrs. Godkin, of Vancouver; Mrs. Geo. Wiegand of' Dashwood and Sam, of Zurich one daughter Mrs. D. McCormick pre deceased her five years ago, There are 10 grand-childVen and 3 grandchildren. Interment will place in Exeter cemetery.' GREENWAY All services in the United church here will be withdrawn next Sun day in favor of the anniversary ser- , vices at Grand .Bend when Rev. Mr. ; j Leskie, ex-president of the London I Conference, will preach. The Fowl , Supper will be held on the follow- ■ ing Tuesday. MiSs’ Mabel bqen visiting : born. Mr. Allan , . son. and Misses Marion and Alice Hodgson, of Ailsa -Craig, visited with Mr. J. Laurie and Miss Leask on Thursday. Mr. Geo. Chapman left last week to visit relatives in England. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pollock and family, of Kerwood, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock on Sunday. Several from here are attending the Teacher Training class in Cred- iton this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. James viisfed Mr. Laurie and Miss Leask last Tuesday evening. • Several delegates from the Unit ed church here attended the S. S. Convention in Elimville last Friday” Mr. W. Young has been President I of the Association for two years and is succeeded by Mr. Amy. I The Young People’s meeting of the “Tpie People)’ the united Church will be held at Mr. ELIMVILLE great take Miss i i t i Purdy, of Hensail, has her aunt Mrs. C. Rick- Bothwjck, Mrs. Hodg- and •Craig, The monthly meeting of the ion Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Routly on Wednesday af ternoon of last week. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Routly and opened with hymn 196 followed by prayer by Mrs. (Rev.) Peter’s and Lord’s prayer in unison. Miss Ruth Skinner read the Scripture lesson, Luke 19:1-10. Roll Call was responded to by sixteen members, the subject was “Thanksgiving” Minutes of last meeting were read read and adopted. Miss Lavona Cooper read the Devotional Leaflet “The Woman of Tact”; “The Task”| “The Country” ‘ ~ first chapter of the Study Book was c7Go'odha^d.’s 'on ^Monday" nfght taken by Miss Marjorie Delbridge; November 7 with the 1st vicerpres. reading, “Great Grandma Wang” (in ciiarge> was given by Laura Ford. Miss Mary. Hunter read an article on West' China; Miss Audrey Prance gave an article on “World Friendship”. An interesting report of the Convention at>Grand Bend was given by Mrs. H. Mur ch. Some business was dealt with then Miss Helen Murch, Miss Verna Brock and Mrs. L. O’Reilly led in short prayers. and meeting closed with benediction. A ten cent tea served and sociaL time enjoyed. The Sunday School convention held here on Friday of last week wgs well attended and was very in teresting and instructive. Tea was served in the basement by ladies “of the W. M. S. ' ' Mrs. M. Routly, of Kirtkon, visit ed in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunhing, of Granton were Sunday visitors at Mr. Bruce* Cooper’s. ! Pfeifer & Burroughs, of Mitchell 1 wlio have been crushing gravel in The Y. P. S. met at tne home of Mr. J. H. McGregor* recently and appointed the-’ following officers:' Hon.^res., Rev. IS. J. Mathers; pres. Adah McGregor; 1st vice-pres., Man uel Curts; 2nd vice-pres., Mary Mc Gregor; 3rd, Harold Bloomfield; I 4th, Erma "Goodhand; Secretary, H. „ . Sheppard; Treas., Robbie Steeper;Hymn 48 was sung• organigt> steeper; M. Mizpah rprea5 Gordon Young, was i> A large number of the People gathered at the home and Mrs. S. W. Webb last Thursday to honor their only, daughter Miss Mary, who is being married this week to Mr. T. Gunning, of Whalen. She has been active in the depart ments of the Greenway United . Church and served faithfully and 1 efficiently as organist for three years. After a very pleasant time , had been spent in games Mrs. Elton ’ Curts, Mr. Albert Pollock, Mr. Ivan Sharp' and’ Mr. W. Young presented the popular bride-to-be with a fern ery and an end-table and Miss Grace r [Sheppard read the following Miss Mary^ Webb,— Who taught in Greenway S. 1 And sat on the piano stool great variety and showed ingenuity in their make-up. About forty were present nearly all in costume those who were not paid a fine of twenty- five cents. Mr. Wellie Brooks was judged the best costume and Mr. R Hunter the most comic costume. Lunch was served at the close of the evening’s activities. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones and Miss May Jones, of London and Mrs. Hagerman, of Foxboro were guests at the home of Mr. Hy. Johns on Sunday last. Bear in mind the Anniversary Ser vices to Sunday, speaker, perform ter the night. Mr. and Mrs. Sid,‘Wilson, Mr. H. Cross visited in London one day last week with the former’s son and daughter, Mi*, and Mrs. Mervyn Wil son and Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Ogden. Mr. Herb Cross is leaving shortly for England where he will spend Christmas with friends and relatives! there. We wish him a safe and served and all left wishing her a pleasant Voyage. happy ftittire. Mrs. Mervyn Tieman spent' Satur-jMr. R. Skinner’s pit have finished their contract with the township. I The Hallowe’en party held at Mr.i P. March’s by the young people was well attended in spite of the wei; | weather. The costumes were c. day in London. Messrs. Raymond Calfas and Mil ford Koch, of Detroit, spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. Morton, of Toronto, spenf Wednesday in town inspecting the telephone office and found it in very good condition. Mrs. A. W. Sauer had the misfor tune to fall and sprain her wrist. We hope for a speedy recovery. Don’t forget the Ham Supper to be given in the basement of the Evangelical Church on .Wednesday evening November 9th under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid. Follow ing the suppei’ a good program will be given by local talent. A serious accident occurred on Monday afternoon when Mr. Ernest Keyes had a horse tied on the West side of the hotel. Mr. Leonard Bender came around the corner not noticing the horse ran into it frac turing its leg with the result the horse had to be shot to end its suf fering. Mrs. Siillery, of Seaforth, _is visit ing With Mr. “ ’ Tlie Death Mrs. Fred Ash) a pioneer of this community passed away oh' Tuesday morning November 1st, 1932, in her 86th year. She was born in Ellice Town- ship and hbs resided in Dashwood for the past 30 years. She has been in failing health for several years and Mrs. W. Wolfe. of Mrs. Fred Baker Baker (nee Sophia & M. Young of Mr. address School To play church hymns just rule by the ’Twas Mary! Who always helped with everything And in the choir for years did sing Until you got a diamond ring ’Twas Mary In matrimony, may you sail Your ship, and never meet a gale Nor out in Whalen see a whale Dear Mary! We always did enjoy your fun, Until that man came with a “Gun’* And to coaxed you from your friends run, be held in this church next Rev. Johnson will be the Come and see the ■'ladies in ‘'Strictly Business” af- fowl supper next Tuesday Oh, Mary! friendship ne’er has had a rift. So please accept May it from you Olli’ this little gift all sorrows lift, Dear Mary! all the years than of tears of fears Our Mary! Signed on behalf of the United Church, Sunday School aiid choir R. English, Clei’k Of Session. Miss Webb replied in a few gra cious grateful words. Lunch wa$ tliro’We wish you joy With more of sunshine And happiness instead