The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-11-03, Page 4I THURSDAY, NOVEMBER S, 1032 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE * i >/ With every purchase, at oftr gar-! age you get a ticket on a? New Y 8 Ford Tudor nlso R* other prizes.—Sandy Elliot. AUCTION SALE AT STRATHROY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER Qjth Lambert & JBurdon’s Sale yard nt 1 o’clock sharp 150 MIXED CATTLE These include sixty choice Hereford and Poll Angus stock calves, also few pure-bred bull calves FEW MIXED PIGS Catte to he delivered -within forty/ miles at the rate of twenty-five cents per head TERMS—CASH ' A. McALPINE, Auctioneer, THE LATE MHS. W. NEIL There passed away on Wednesday morning October 26th, after seven months illness Margaret Ann Lewis beloved wife of Thos. W» Neil, Cen­ tralia and daughter of the late Mr.i and Mirs, Wm. Lewis, London, The late Mrs, Neil was a faithful work­ er in the United Church; the W.M/S the Sunday School arid the Women's Association of which she served as president and treasurer for a num­ber of years and where she will, be greatly missed. In her younger or sincere re-j (j^yg |k.Q deceased was organist of your intended ker kQme church for years. Thirty- * ftiauy [ six yeai>s ag0 she was united in mar- together, as‘riage tp ker nPW bereaved husband ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION | A pleasant evening was spent on' October 26th a? the home/of Mr. and Mrs: Robert, Parsons, of Stanley Township when a number of neigh­ bours and friends gathered to bid them farewell, prior to moving tio their new home in Hensail, They were presented with a davenport ! silk bedspread and* a linen, tableoloth (An address -was react ”— nor as folows: Dear friends; It was with feelings gret that we heard of removal from our midst, years we have lived __neighbors nj/the enjoyment of those1 who with two daughters mourn the benefits and privileges which good ]0SS Of a loving wife and mother fellowship affords. These sacred Essery and Mrs. F. Penwar- Caven'ties insPired companionship iniden and £pur grandchildren.” T~; 28th itlls ^oys and sorrows of life are not, k---- aisn 8nr.vounaest daughter easily severed* You have had your.vjv“e" ? id Mrs w j HQy and sorrows alike and we had Sask ours. Whatever we have been to ~ ~ you is not for us to say but of what Tuesday; Themas SO years DEATHS CAMERON-—-In Exeter on November 1st, 1932, Laughlin Cameron, aged 6 months and 17 days, WALKER—In London, on October 27, 1932, Saraji Ann Montgomery, wife of the late William Walker, BAKER—In Dashwood on Tuesday.. November 1, 1932, Sophia Baker, widow of the late Ered Baker, ag­ ed 85 years and 30 days. NEIL—In Centralia on Wednesday October 26th, Margaret beloved wife of T. W. Neil 68th year. »y Rev. Con- Lewis in heir MARRIAGES MAGUIRE—HARNESS — At Manse on Friday, October Margaret A., 1 . ' of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Harness, of town, to Mr. Edward James, fourth son of Mr. and Mirs. Wesley Maguire, of McGil­ livray, by Rev. J. B. Rhodes, M.A CARD OF THANKS WINCHELSEA Don’t forget the fowl supper and concert* to be held in Elimville United Church on Tuesday, Novem­ ber 8th- Supper served from 6. to p.m. followed by a piny entitled I ’'Strictly Business” to be presented by a number of the 'ladies of the church, Come and bring your'friends Mr. Hurry Horn, of Toronto, call­ ed on his Uncle, Mr. Jas, Horn on Spnday. Quite a number from around here attended the Sunday School Conven­ tion last Friday which was held at Elimville. Mrs. J, E. Creery visited with her daughter, Mrs. M- Lamond, on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morley, of Whalen, visited with Mr, and Mrs. R. Batten on Sunday. . f • Mr and Mrs. Jas, Robinson, of St. Marys, visited with Mr, and Mrs R. W Batten on Sunday Mr. Hal. Brown and Miss Ethel Brown of Centralia, visited with their mother, Mrs. H. Brawn one day last week. v Miss A. Parkinson, of Granton, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Herman Foster. Mrs, O’Brien, of Hay, is spend­ ing a few days with her sister, Mrs Chas. Godbolt this week. T". - ■— I.-'"’’1^-? KIRKTON Geo, McHardy has valuable returhe'd the past' Mrs at f -.1 * to London after spending two weeks with l)is mother McHardy. Miss Nellie Thdm, of Dunberton was the guest of Miss Thelma Mar­ shall this week. A number of young people from . the village attended the convention at St. Marys last Saturday. Those attended were; Miss Beatrice Doupe Muriel Robinson, Mary Bibby, Mrs G. H. Burgin, Alatha Switzer, Thel­ ma Marshall and Rev. T. A. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Ifa Marshall and family spent Sunday with . Mr. and Mrs. W- N. Gunning of Granton. Miss Helen Bretliour, of London, spent Sunday with her ..parents Mr and Mrs, A. Brethour, *<M, I ■I _ ____ „ i, ” Two] brothers and tiTree sisters also sur- j vive: J, J, iJewis, of Swift Current { :<3V. P. Lewis, of Regina; Mrs D. C. Wilcox, of Stratford; ..Mrs . x (Dr.) D. P, Stratton, of Winnipeg; you have been to us we may speaK'and Mrs. H. Kerr, of London. The more freely. I funpra] took place Friday from the You have rejoiced with us in our home pf her daughter Mrs. F. Pen­ prosperity, you have sympathized] wardeu interment in the Exeter with us in our adversity. Your kind-1 cemetery, The service was conduct- ness will live on through the years ed by her paBtor Rev. A. V. Robb as- ~*** ’—--- --- -- - 1 he forgotten.I sjsted by j^eV- m. Elston, London There have been many changes in Favorite hymns of the deceased , ?he, werei sung by the church choir. The Mr. T, W. Neil and faxpily wish and shall not soon the neighbors and friends for the ^r;ommunit7hut" amid? a/ woira DUiX .............. kind^y expressions of sympathy ex- ciiaT1ge5 Of nfe friendship abides.'nail bearers"\vere Messrs A Hicks tended ^during their rec^ have always take? interest »alW® N loan of cars and especially to Rev. Mr. Robb and the Centralia choir. to express their sincere thanks to for the floral tributes, for -n the cOnnminity and in the church Mitchell and G. Thompson. - ___-■»___4-/-, T? mr • " _ - _______11— • OLD TIME DAN in the Exeter Opera House —-ON — Thursday, liov. 3 4-piece Orchestra ADMISSION: Gents 25c.; Ladies 10c and we shall miss you greatly. We hope you enjoy your home in Hensail and will be spared many years to enjoy your home and family and that we' shall see you often among us. We could not let you go from our midst Without expressing to you in some tangible way our appreciation of your fellowship and friendship, Please accept these gifts as a re­ membrance of your sojourn among us. We have had many good times I in your home and we’are glad you 1 will not be moving far from us. We all join in the hope and prayer thatza good measure of health and strength may be yours for many years to come and that you may al­ ways find His Grace sufficient for you.Signed on behalf of your neighbors and friends? » AR3HSTICE DAY, NOVEMBER 11 Friday, November 11th, will^ be Armistice Day, So far no action’ has been taken in Exeter, to pro­ claim the day .a public holiday. Poppies wll be sold. in. Exeter. Qn Saturday next py a number of the young ladies. Proceeds for disabled veterans. A slight fall of snow visited this section Sunday morning. It disap- ! peared about as fast as it came. $1.50 will renew your subscrip­ tion to the Exeter Tim,es-Advocate ,or $5.45' will renew the Times-Ad- vocate and London Advertiser or London Free Press for a year. This offer takes the place of premiums or a subscription contest. It is be­ ing I ber I made for the month of Novem- only. Renew now. r sell by HAY H; Buy at Howey’s drugstore and register your vote for the kiddies. AUCTION SALE — of — FARM PROPERTY ’ I am instructed by the Trusts and. Guarantee Company Limited re­ Trustees of the property of Joseph Mahony to offer at auction on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8tli, 1932 at 2.30 p.m. Farm property described as Lot phen/ in the county of Huron con- BAILIFF’S SALE The undersigned,auctioneer hag; been instructed to public auction on Lot 6, Con. 16, — ON — SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1932 at 1.310, o’clock in the after­ noon the following; ? HORSES—Bay -mare 13 years old Polly; gray mare, 7 years old, Flora bay horse, 11 years od, Fred; Per- cheron stallion. Hector. •CATTLE—5 calves, 2 black and and white cows, 2 red cows, 1 roan - cow. 6 pigs, about 75 lbs.; 3 pigs. as 'about 40 lbs.; 2 white sows, 1 red and white sow; about geese and 4'5' ducks. IMPLEMENTS-3 sets ness; about 12 ton of hay, about 30'0 bus. oats, large copper kettle 50 hens, S' double har-*4 < OYSTER SUPPER To be held in WOODHAM — on — Friday, Nov. 4th Under Auspices of L.O.L. 492 Supper to commence 5.30 p.m. Parkview Brotherhood Minstrel Troupe and Orchestra, Stratford Two Hour Program Admission 50c. and 25c. H. G. WEBBER, W. M. H. BERRY, H. COPELAND Committee IN ajEMORIAM WILLE'RjT—In loving memory our dear son and brothei*Roy Willert, whom God called to rest 3 years ago, November 4, 1929. He has solved it, life’s wonderful problem,The deepest, the strongest, the last. And into the school of the angels With the answer forever has passed How strange he should sleep so pro­ foundly, So young, so unworn by strife; While beside him brimful of hope’s nectarUntouched stood the Goblet of Life. God knew all about ' it, and how noble, How gentle he was and how brave How bright his possible future, Yet put him to sleep in his grave. Some day we will know ilie reason Though we know it not today Why in his promising manhood God took Roy away.Sadly missed by Mother Father and Sisters. ’ of W. LUMLEY z The many friends of Wm, Horten are pleased to know he 46 making a rapid recovery after having a, very serious operation in Detroit Hospit­ al, and it is hoped he will .soon be able to come home. ____! Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and little Wilfred son, Ray, of London, visited at the McQueen home on Friday last. 1M1. ,XXJ. __ _ ____ . Mr. and Mrs. Wellie Kerslake Jr. Ill—'Ruby Preszcator 88.44; spent Saturday in.London. Mr. ‘Stewart McQueen and Helen spent the-week-end in i visiting the former’s 'sisler, I Peter Manson. ' Miss Maud Glenn spent a few days i with her friends here last week and day where she has a good, position- , Mr. Stewart McQueen received the sad ^news on Monday of .the sudden death of his uncle, Mr. Wm. Sanderson, of Roxboro. Mr. San­ derson’s wife, who predeceased six years ago was anAUsborne ofja.nd the eldest daughter of the , Peter McQueen, of Hurondale. REPORT S. S. NO. 3, STEPHEN ! The following is the report of S. S. No. 3 Stephen for me months of September and October. IJr. IV—'Stanley Preszcator 80.44;] Laverne Christie 77.11; Wi’-fro*’ Perkins 75.55.,Sr. -Ill—Billy Johns 7'5.14, Edward Triebner 66.88; Irene Johns 5741; Ilene Jory 51.33. • | II—Clifford Jory 84.85; .Harry Perkins 83.14; Calvin Preszcator' 81.42. I 1 I—Shirley Preszcator 80.28; Ola Johns 66.8-5. Pr.—H----------------Betty Perkins, Lome P-reszcator. I Attenance 17, average attendance G. B. Francis, teacher16.44. little Blake Mrs. Winston Shapton, Doris Hill(returned back, to Toronto on .Mon- X* 'HI* Ill pi vj- UCOVX.AUVU r3, Con. 13, in the Township of Ste- set scales, 2000 lbs., capacity; grain pnen, m tne county of Huiun uun-1 grinder, 7 bags of seed, Chatham taining 100' acres .more or less on-fanning mill, threshing b'jel't,’ hay which is said to be erected frame knife, hay .fork c^r, ropes and equip- •residenpe, good barns and drive [ mfcnt, .2 bunche-s shingles, walking shed, formerly -occupied by Joseph: Plow, Ford truck, Star touring car Mahony neax* Mount Qarmel, Farm ] disc drill, open buggy, cutter, 2 will be offered for sal© in front of .heavy wagons, hay rack, Cockshutt General Store in Mount Carmel. I plow, spring tooth cwl'tivaltOT, 2'~ TERM'S— 10 per cent, as a de-] furrow gang plow, scuffler, 100 4- posit at' the time of sale, balance. inch ‘tile, 2 acres of beans, land roll- in cash on closing within 15 days [er hay rake, M. H. mower, spring or as oiiay„ be arranged with the, tooth cultivator, Fordson tractor trustees. Property will be offered | tractor plow, binder and numerous- subject to a reserve bid and subject '"•+4-1~* to conditions- of sale which will be made known at* time of sale. • For further particulars apply to The Trusts and Guarantee Company Limited, Brantford, ‘Oht. or FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer,«Exe­ ter, Ont. f Mr. Frank Donnelly, , Solicitor, Goderich other articles. Terms of Sale—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. F. E. WILLIS, Bailiff, c 1! ii L. •! MORTGAGE SALE _ of — VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers- contained in. a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale the undersigned have been instruct­ ed -to sell by public auction at The Dominion Hotel, Zurilcli — on — TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1932 at 2 p.m. the following farm property: ALL1 AND SINGULAR -those certain par­ cels or tracts of land and premises | situate, lying and ' being in the ,ixw i Township of Hay in the County of to theJ Huron, being composed of the 1032 x.1 - HARPLEY A.. Murray and family, Thedford, visited on Sunday with Mr. Robert Murray. Mr. Stanley Hart spent Sunday evening with Mr. Gerald Carruthers. We are sorry to report little Miss Margaret Taylor very ill at present Mr. Bob Davies spent Bunday ev­ ening at Mr. Fred. McLinchey’s. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Mellin spent Sunday with Mr. J. Carruthers’. Mr. her girl late Boun- iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FOR DOWN AGAIN J! llllllllllllllll Fresh Pork Liver ., < PHONE 9 QUALITY + SERVICE KHIVA What might have been a serious accident took place just east of Khiva on Sunday evening. As Mir Harry Lippert was going east driv­ ing a horse and buggy, a car going in the opposite direction run - into him throwing Harry out and smash­ ing his buggy and tearing the har- j ness off the horse even to the.! bridle. Fortunately Harry escaped North half of Lot No. 26 and the with a few bruises and a good shak- whole of Lot No. 27 in the Seventh ing up, but the motorist never stop-. Concession of' the said Township ped to lend a helping hand. Harry, containing in all one hundred and is very unfortunate as about a month ago he was thrown out of a car breaking his collar bone. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason enter- • tained a number of their friends to I a dance on Friday evening. fifty acres more or less. On this property is a fine two storey brick house with slate roof. There are four large rooms and one small one upstairs, and double par- MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained', in a certain mort­ gage which will be produced at the time of the sale there will be offer­ ed for sale by Public Auction on the Premises, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, at 2 o’clock p.m. Lot number 17, in the South dary of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron; and Province of Ontario, containing 100 ..acres more or less. On the property is said to be sit­ uate h brick house, bank barn, and ’driveshed, in a good state of repair. Terms of sale. The property’ will be put up subject to a reserved bid. 10 per -cent, of the purchase money shall be paid on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days there­ after. For further particulars apply to FRANK TAYLOR, ESQ., Auctioneer Exeter, ''Ontario \ CARLING & MORLEY,"Exeter and I Lucan/ Solicitors for Mortgagees V i Persisting in our belief that the great majority of people still have money to spend and will spend it if real values are offered, we, being anxious for volume, present this truly outstanding list of BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY st lb, * BEEF Steak (round or sirloin) . . 15c. a lb., 2 lbs. for 25c. Roast bf. (no bone) 16c. lb Boils, beef, .......... Rib or Flank .... 8c. lb. Pot Roast Beef . .10c. a lb. - FRESH PgRK Shoulders ................ 9c. lb. Hams, . . 10c. and 11c. lb Side ................... He. a* lb. Loin or Rib (trimmed) 13c. Pork Chops . . 2 lbs. for 25 LAMB Stewing Lamb .... 7c. lb. Shoulders, lambx - - 13c. lb. > b Lamb Chops .... 15c. a lb. Legs, lamb ’........... 18c. lb. SMOKED BACON Whole or half .... 15c. lb. WEINERS 15c. a lb., 2 lbs. for 25c. BOLOGNA 13c. a lb., 2 lbs. for 25c. SMOKED HAMS Whole or half 14c. a lb. PICNIC HAMS 10c. and 12c. a lb. COTTAGE ROLLS 13c. and 16c. a lb. FRESH HAMBURG STEAK ..........*........ 10c. a lb., 3 lbs. -for 25c. OUR OWN HOME-RENDERED LARD.................... 10c. a lb. GOOD HEAD CHEESE (LIKE MOTHER MAKES) ................. 10c. a lb. CHOICE DUCK AND CHICKEN DRAW N FREE. RIVERS’ QUALITY MEAT MARKET sell for less”, • but tertns - “Strictly Cash” III MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the powers of sale ‘contained in, a certain mort­ gage which will be produced at the time of the sale there will be offer­ ed for sale by Public Auction on the Premises, on I SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1932 ‘ at 2,o’clock p.m. Lot number 1'5, in the Tenth Con- ---------- ---- --------------- - - . cession of the Township of Stephen one mile south of Hillsgreen on the in the County of 'Huron, and Pro­ Parr Line. It is centre—to the best ■ vince of Ontario, containing 100 ac- markets and close to both school ( res more or less, and church. TERMS OF SALE 10 per -cent, on day of sale and dfiveshed, in a good state of repai •kclnnna. i 19 Ck rl n ve “ t Vi al’oil f t ar , I ’T’-or is-i c A-f csala Vi „ dance on jrriaay uveumg. ■ . . eMiss Clara Douglas spent the week-, lour, dining room, kitchen and pan-1 end at Jher home in Ilderton. I.try downstairs. There are two barns A meeting was held at the school,—one with stone walls and cement on Tuesday evening to decide on a' floors for stabling and the other Christmas Entertainment. |with stone foundation and -shed.Mr. and Mrs. Tuffield Denomme There is also a pig pen and Sen of Detroit, visited a few days with kouse. Both hard and soft water at L. Dietrich and attended the Me- kouse and a second ^ven jn tke jane. Mdsse/At the rear iS some sett wood • - - •" ----The farm is said to be well drained , and fenced. Only six miles from Hensall, four miles'‘from Zurich'and was Mt. Oic- ..... ZJ. Dietrich and the'Mtisses Monica and Lucille spent Tuesday in London. McKeevei’-Dieitrich A pretty autumn wedding solemnized <at the R. C. Church, Carmel on Saturday morning, tober 29 at 9 a.m. when Rev. Father Corcoran united 'in marriage Miss Sidonia Marie, eldest daughter of Mrs. Josephine Dietrich and the late L. Dietrich to Gordon Ambrose, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKeever The -bride entered the church to the strains of Lohengrin’s bridal chorus played by Miss E. Dietrich cousin of the bride;1 She looked winsome in her bridal gown of white georg­ ette trimmed w.ith silk radium*lace.| Over it fell her tulfe veil which was! caught up with a coronet of orange blossoms/ She carried a shower bouquet of Sunset Rosebuds, with white satin shoes and hose to .match She was assisted by her sister Miss Clara Dietricli/ who looked charming in her bridesmaid’s gown of pale blue silk crepe, white shoes and Ifose and carried a beautiful bouquet of chrysanthemums and pink baby mums. Austin McKeever brother of the groom acted as groomsman, Af­ ter the wedding ceremony the brid­ al party repaired to tlfe liomd Of the bride’s mother, where a bountiful wedding dinner was served to a few of the immediate relatvies friends of the bride and groom the evening ajboui fifty neighbors and friends gathei'ed at the home of the bride's mother to wish the : young couple a long and happy life ; The remainder of the evening was ; spent in dancing. Mr. and Mrs, Me- ■ Keever left on the following morn* j (ng for Detroit and other western : points. The bride travelled in a {| navy costume with haj, shoes and gloves in matching tones. > if? On the property is said to be sit­ uate a brick house, bank barn, and iair. balance within 3(Kdays “thereafter.] Terms of sale.’ The property ?will'. Subject to a reserve bid. I be put up subject to a reserved bid. Further conditions and -terms 10 per cent, of the purchase money will be made known on aay- of sale, shall be paid on the day of sale and OSCAR KLOPP, Auctioneer I the balance within thirty days there- GLADMAN & STANBURY, and Hensall, Solicitor for Mort-1 gagee. | Exeter after. For further particulars apply to FRANK TAYLOR, ESQ., Auctioneer Exeter, Ontario 'CARLING & MORLEY, Exeter and- Lucan, Solicitors for Mortgagees. relatvies and in CLERK’S. NOTICE OF FIRST PORTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ -Lists/ 1932 Municipality the Village of Exeter, County of Huron ' Notice is hereby given that I have claims agaiftst the estate of THOM- complied with Section 7, of the Vot-lAS MARRIOTT, late of the Town- ers’ List Act and that ; have posted ship of Blanshard, in the County of up at my office at Exeter on the'Berth, Farmer, who'died on the- 31st day of October 1932 the list of.Tenth day of September A.D. 1932. all persons .entitled to Vote in the’-JJ’^ ^hjr^d t0 forward their nt. Winlcinal Elec* i nl5 duly P.10Yen to the uftdOr- tions, and that such list iemains'day November, a.D there for inspection.t liAv/kv Anil ntinh all vnf"WmUI IS Jj’UH’iWR GIV-And I hereby call upon all voters that after the said date the Ad- te/take immediate proceedings to niinistrator will proceed to distri- have-any errors of omissions cor-.butG the estate having regard oniv rected according to law^the last day . for appeal being the Twentieth day of November 1932a of NOTICE,TO CREDITORS notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having I sdid Municipality at Municipal Elec-j «u*y proven to me unuer- cau Het n’GTMniria I . gued ^n or before the Fourteenth: there for inspection., 1932.I AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GlV- * ” ” *■. " „„..........i- , ministrator will proceed to distri- to the claims of which ne theft Shall have ftoticS. I DATED at Exeter, Ont.; this 26th Haled this 31st day of October, ( day o£ October/A.D., 1932. 1932 proceedings to JOS. SENIOR, Clerk of the Village of Exeter I GLADMAN Vstanbury, Exeter and Hensall Administrator’s Solicitor#