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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-10-27, Page 7
e i-l I'HE tXETER TIMES-AL VOCATE THURSDAY, O(WBEB 37, 1932 ft 7 Frwi> <and Fragrant—Always n A V 111 AN ft I EDITORIAL ...■ ................. . ..... ... . ...... ................ What fa your pet jneannesi? Recreation and amuseipbnt nover take labor. the place of interest in a ♦ a * *» i rresn rron£ ^,ilL........., , . ■ BRAKEMAN BECOMING STRETCHER-BEARERS Invalids Carefully Transferred i 25 YEARS AGO Mr, Henry Smith, of the Lake Rd, At | has been chosen to sit on the exemp- Morrisburg For Six-Mil© Rid© to tion tribunal in Exeter with Mr. I. Williamsburg Torpnto, October—-Handling the “stretchers cases” into and out of railway cars.has beecme part of the regular day’s'•work for Canadian National train crews at Merrisiburg, Ont,, which is on. the Montreal-Tor- onto line. Morrisburg- is the most convenient point of transfer for the highway trip of six miles to Wil liamsburg, where the famous Doc- Xtor Locke practises his odd treat ments, i . Rcenetly the 18 year-old son of a newspaper editor at' Unity, ■ Sask., travelled 2,000 miles to receive the simple but renowned bone ana 'joint manipulations' from the busy hands of *Dr. Locke. The lad’s father says “The Canadian National Rail ways did everything possible to make my son conmfortable during) the journey arid I am very grateful,” [ Will Baker met with an accident on The boy, whose name is Jack Me- [ Friday night in Usborne when the Doiiald is said £o be already recov- [ Ford car driven by Mr. Dow struck ering from a sever case, of arthritis a bunch of loose gravel and turned ^and sciatica. ’ I R. Carling. Hon, Sam’l J. Latta, of Gowan, Sask., formerly tealhef in ;s. iS. Nd. 3, Stephen, has-been sworn in as Minister of Railways - in premjei’ Martin’s cabinet in Saskatchewan. Mr. Gomer, ‘of the Bank of Com merce and Mrs. Gomer 'left this week for their new home in Orange ville. Mr. Case Howard, Windsor, has taken . Mr. place in the bank here. Rates on Money Orders to th^ Unjted States hav& just been reduc ed by the Postoffice Department at Ottawa. They are now the as those of Canada. Mr. W. D. Clarke has,been to remain indoors for a week to his sustaining a sprained ■> late of Gomer’s same forced owing ankle when stepping off a box in his wood shed, Messrs. G. J. Dow, Ed. Sims and FINE RECORD IN LIFE INSURANCE / Stands First in the London Life Com- article taken from Oshawa District Dominion for paiiy/. The following the Oshawa Daily Times, refers to a Lj^rother of Mrs. Horney and J^iss M. Horton of town. “An indication that conditions in the Oshawa dis trict are not so bad as ps generally supposed is given in the official magazine of the London Life Insur- ence Company, Limited for the last month. In this magazine, it is shown that the Oshawa supervisor rate le£ the whole Dominion in the issue Of new life insurance policies for th'e month and that it stands Seventh in the whole Dominion in the amount of paid insurance. In the standing of agents for the num ber of lives insured for th© year to date, Ja CJ Horton,^ district manager for the company a't Oshawa, stands second in the whble Dominion, be ing led by'A.'L. Spracklin, of Toron to, by only one life insured. These two- district managers have ■ been running neck and neck all ‘year, and Mr. Horton’s stading is a credit tc himself and to the district. v In the list of what is called the “Big Ten” of supervisors for the year; Mr. Horton is in fourth place in the dominion. „ “ These reports indicate 'that, so fri'i. as the London Life Insurance Com pany is concerned,- business in Oshawa is keeping up to a high level as compared with the rest of Can ada. . turtle. The men were little injur ed. t Mr. G. L. Waugh, manager of the ' Bank of Commerce, Grimsby, ‘a former manager here and Mr. Bell, owner of the Grimsby Canning Fac tory motored here Sunday newed old friends. Rev. F. C. Rynott, of well known in Exeter, has -a call from the congregation of All Saints Church in Woodstock. Mr. Nelson Sheere is moving into the house on Albert Street vacated by Mr. Ward, who is moving into the house purchased Boyle. The frame dwelling of Gidley and William by Mrs. Thds. Bissett last week to Mr. Wm. Walker, of Stephen. and re Kirkton, accepted from Thomas on the corner Streets "owned Sr., was sold . The temptation tL speculate on other people’s money must be successfully resisted, X * „ Z J1J. fares a land or an individual rests with a speculative principle, ♦ ♦ ♦*♦ • whose business structure * .• Potatoes may be something more next year’s crop is in hand. They may be a scarcity. than just potatoes before Congratulations tb the young men Who/competed successfully in the recent plowing matches. in their work, We need more, folk who- take pride * The Plow and th‘e and religious liberties, good deal about both.v ■» Bible still are the foundations of our civil All honor to the young man who knows a * • got down to business in putting through the agree- at the recent Economic Conference. It remains Britain has ment arrived at for Canada to pour out a torrent of words and to delay as long as she can before giving effect to such arrangements. ft ft * ft ft ft ft ft Some acute observers tell us that in the next generation that it will be as common for women,-after marriage, to keep their jobs as it now is for men to keep their jobs. Ummm!" Let’s see! We know of a good many married men who are none to keen on work, ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ’ plaintively to -the ye canna ;be!” And can. We’ve a nice within “Will ye no’ come back again?’’ we sang Canadian dollar adding soulfully, “Better-loved now the dollar’s getting back as fast e£s ever it little corner in our jeans for the* wanderer should it arrive speaking distance of us, r **** **** By her recent action in Manchuria Japan has shown to be a deliberate war maker and for the nations. The best way to bring other nations to dry up her treasury the dollar that makes war. • a • herself amongthis reason an outlaw her to her senses is for -the as they may readily do. It's One of our Customers will win the Prize. THIS CONTEST IS OPEN TO EVERY PURCHASER OF A GIBBARD DINING SUITE, BEDROOM SUITE OR A HIBBARD OCCASIONAL PIECE YOU DON'T HAVE TO COMPETE WITH PEOPLE ALL OVER CANADA SOMEONE IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD IS GOING TO WIN THIS BEAUTIFUL TABLE PHONRS: Funeral Store 99—Residence 63 ? Director HOUSE WELCOMES S- HURON MEMBER OTTAWA, Oct. 20,—William H. Golding, newly elected member for South Huron, took his seat ip the House of Commons0 yesterday. He was introduced, amid thunderous Liberal cheering, by Rt. Hon. Mac kenzie King and Hon. J. C. Elliott. M.P. for West Middlesex and form erly minister of public works. So prolonged was the Liberal cheering that Eccles J. Gott, Con servative member for Essex South inquired sardonically: “How would you like to gain a seat?’’ “Just resign yours and give us a chance ‘at it,’’ retorted P. Mercier (Lib. St. Henri.) Mr. Gott did not respond to. the suggestion. Mr. Golding, on arrival at Ottawa Tuesday, night, was welcomed by a group of Liberal members, and es corted to his. office in the Parlia ment buildings by an informal' pro cession headed by Thomas Reid, M. P. for New Westminster, Parlia ment's only piper, skirling vigorous ly. DUTCHES TO BE FARTHER OUT At a Rotnry-Club banquet at St. Marys recently, Mr. Smith, deputy minister of highways, stated that in the new style of construction roads the shoulders will be ten feet wide instead of five feet, so that a car in trouble can drive completely off the roadway. Also the 'ditches will be twenty feet from the pavement, thus lessening substantially the danger of a car going into the ditch, he's n cars Olive crash at A coroner’s jury Pickard 23, of St. car Miss Goonan and William J. TWO FACE CHARGE OF MANSLAUGHTER Manslaughter charges have ,laid against drivers of [two ,which figured in the death of ,Coonan of Stratford on the night of .Sept. 4. 'She died in a Sylvan, Ontario, found both Grant .Marys, in whose .was a passenger Johnson, 17, West Williams, respon- ■ sible for the accident. They were arraigned on charges of criminal .negligence, but the charges were changed to manslaughter. James Alexander Morton, Barrist er, and former mayor of Wingham, died recently. 15 YEARS ; AGO Mr. M. Jackson is confined to liis house owing to having been jolted out of his wagon while unloading iron at the foundry. Misses Charlotte and Rose Dear ing have purchased the fancy goods stock owned by Mr. Thos Boyle, who recently purchased same from Mr. •J. Charlton. Clifford Mallott, so;i of Mr. John Mallott, Jr., while, at the home of his grandfather Mr. M. Finkbeiner. Stephen, unfortunately had a needle run into his right hand Ibelo’w the thumb on Sunday last; as yet the needle has not been located. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westaway be fore leaving here on, Thursday' ev-, ening last were presented With a purse containing $25' by the Young People of town who are interested I in Epworth League work. • j Word has been received that the: provision store of Messrs. Yager Bros., of Swift Current, Sdsk.; form er residents of here, was destroyed by fire one night last week, together with all the contents. Last Wednesday evening abouft fifty called at the home Of Matthew Finkbeiner north of Crediton, in or der to .celebrate his 60th birthday. Mr. Finkbeiner was presented with a beautiful Morris chair, a. pair of gauntlets and several other articles by his admiring friends. ’$e "cruel kick of a colt was the “ade_a_ means of causing the death of a bright little boy just in his budding youth. Last Saturday morning, Royal, th© six-year-old son of John F. Smith, .Was attempting to drive the colt out of the barnyard. The colt kicked him which resulted : in his death a few hours later. Mr. Jeremiah Barry has uurchasea Mr. William Hooper’s hundred 'acre 1 farm. Mr. and (Mrs. Hooper are highly respected in- the neighbor- hood and to manifest the kindly Re gard entertained for them a number 1 Of the young people gathered at their [ home Thursday evening arid present ed them with a nice easy chair. ■ ■ Prisoners in Portsmouth penitentiary staged a serious bit of trouble this week. It seems . that the convicts were not satisfied with th© treatment handed out to them. It is alleged that they re belled becau.se the prisoners believed they were suffering the full weight of the sentence imposed upon them by the courts of the land t while certain rich men who had been- convicted of offences against the laws of the Dominion were allowed special privileges. .The country awaits the facts of the whole situation with a great deal of interest. A great matter frequently is started by a small occasion.- Governments should think of-'this. ’ft ft ■ 'ft ft • * ft . ft ft ft a CUD ON THIS Said*a sheWd 'observer the other day. “There never was a* when^ folk with sens© could live as cheaply as they can live Wool is four cents/a, pound. This wool can easily be made garments./ Our granfathers knew all about so doing. Wheat is cents a bushel. This can readily be ground into meal from ' ' ’ _ " ’------Pork, is less than Potatoes are cheap. Apples ar© abundant. Woou No- en<i of houses are for easy Never was it cheaper to start in business or farming.” 'What’s wrong?” time now. ' into fifty which all sorts' of nourishing food'ean be made. $4-00 per' cwt. z:z z':.zz~ . ' may be had for editing on shares. rent. “Ou-r style of living. It’s the style that costs. Fashion has us ' ;by the nose when it isn’t holding the whip hand, over us.”z ‘MRS. JAMIES T. SCOTT Well Known Resident 01 Granton, .Formerly of Thames Road, Passes Death dame suddenly on Wednes day- evening, October 19th to a high ly respected resident of Granton, in the person of Mary Jane Campbell, 'wife, of Mr. James T.'Scott. Mrs. / Scott had been in poor health for some years and five weeks ago- had undergone a serious operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. She Andrew, ,of Edmonton, al took place from residence on -Saturday two o'clock. Service at interment in Exeter cemetery. The funer- the family afternoon at 2 p.m. with TOO MUCH EVERYTHING! Could Not Lie Down to Sleep She Was So Short of Breath Mrs. P. j, Chernoff, Shoreacres, B.C., writes:— “I had been so troubled with shortness of breath I could not lie down to sleep. I Couldn’t do any hard work, or climb the stairs, and had nervous and smothering feeiings, and became very weak. 1 I tried alt kinds of medicine, but could not get any relief, Until after I had taken three boxes of Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills, and sirice then I have felt better in every way.” ... Fof sale at all drug and general stores; put Up only by The T. Milburn Go., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ROGERS SYMPHONIC TONE, the greatest range of reproduction accomplished since radio began, opens the last door between you and perfect radio reception. Now you hear, not only a part as in the past, but the entire musical and tonal range, reproduced with - the •note-for-note, word-for-word precision and value of the original studio performance.® 'Here is one that is going the roiindsi of newspapers which sums up the ’cause of every kind of trouble it seems. in a terse The writer gives his ideas and trenchant manner: Only Rogers has all these developments which make Symphonic Tone possible.' Twin-Speakers, synchronized to give exact reproduction over the entire musical and tonal range; N^w-Type Rogers Tubes to give increased power and sensitivity, greater tone clarity; Spray-Shield ing to banish rattling and tinniness, increase selectivity and lengthen tube life. Learn for yourself the magic of Symphonic Tone—the glamour of broadcasts Reproduced withjtrue-to-life fidelity—a new thrilling radio tone never available before. “To Too Too Too Too Too Too Toowas born on the old homestead .on1 To0____ ______ __ ___ _______ the Thames ..Road,- Usborne, sixty-[ rpooi p^ariy wearing high heeled siloed two years ago. In 1895 she .became rp00 jpppy loafing, too many bets, the wife of Mr. J. T. IScott, the wed- >p00 much failing to payjklrelr debts, ding ceremony^ being* conducted at rp00, many spending dough for ga3, .....—-11- ........ many talking Europe's sass, many buying beyond their means many haying canned corn- ana beans> ily was hopeful of a return to her former good health when oh Wed- “ nesday, she was seized With ah acute attack of indigestion from which she did not recover. Deceased was a daughter of the late Andrew and Grace Passmore Campbell and ■oats and too much wheat, corn and too much heat, cotton, too much oil, hours that we don’t toil, much much much many many highways, too many cars, many „ _ ’ ' ’ much poverty, too much wealth, many people have poor health, .much people behind the bars, politics, too much booze, Youngville. After their marriage the young couple took up residence on the’Mitchell Road, Ftillarton Tp. where the remained until twelve years ago, when they Granton to live retired. i Since childhood Mrs. . been a member o( . now t„_ _____ health failed had. been a regular attendant at services in Bethel and later the Grantqri United Churches Sihe was a quiet motherly woman beloved by a largo circle of friends and Worshipped .by the members of her family. She loaves to mourn her loss, her husband, two daughters Mrs. Victor Grinnoy and Mrs. Nor man Walkom of ^Fuilarton. brothers also Chas. Fuller, j William and James, of London arid moved to Scott had Methodist,a member of the the United Church and unti and one son Elmer, all ■ Obe sister and four remain, namely: Mrs Fdmonton; Wesley Too Too Too Too Too Too Too TOO Too Too Too Too To O' Too Too Too TOO Too Too TOO The many candidates after your votes, many many many many many many many girls without underclothes much many much many many many much many rips in my 13. V. lb’s, much talk, too much law, darhdest mess you ever saw. wearing oid overcoats, hiring their washing done playing bridge for fun, leaking to Uncle Sam, people don’t give a------ poets, too muph prose, buying goods on time/ people don’t save a dime ball, too much play, offers on big pay, taxes, top ’ much spent folks ■"spend every cent, fun, too much ease, MODEL 850. The new Rogers Symphonic Tone Radios—Twin- Speakers, New-Type Rogers Tubes, Spray-Shielding, 8 tubes. Pricp, complete With fully gunmnteed Rogers $<^.50 tubes ......... I MODEL 870. The new, 11-tubo Symphonic Tone Rdgers Radio. Twin-Speakers, New-Type Rogers Tubes,Spray-Shielding,NewClaBB B” Amplification, Advanced Automatic Volume Control. Auto matic Noiseless Tuning—Tune-O- Lit.e—Mercury Vanor Tubes* Price, complete with fully- guaranteed Rogers $400.50 tubes . 4.• ■ *** 940 ft Phone 109,Exeter