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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-10-27, Page 4
t * 4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1932 RBXAIX One Cent Sale COLES’ DRUG STORE Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, & Saturday MEDICINES—HOUSEHOLD DRUGS^-CANDY—STA TIONERY—RUBBER GOODS—TOILET ARTICLES AND MANY SUNDRIES VERY SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. NEXT WEEK WE WILL FEATURE OUR USUAL BIG DOLL CONTEST 15 PRIZES THESE PRIZES WILL BE ON DISPLAY DURING ONE CENT SALE—MAKE YOUR ENTRY NOW OYSTER SUPPER To be held in WOODHAM | BIRTHS I DENOMME—In Hay Township, October 16th, to Mr. and Bernard Blonde, a son. on, Mrs. on Friday, Nov. 4th Under Auspices of L.O.L. 492 Supper to commence 5.30 p.m. Parkview Brotherhood Minstrel Troupe and Orchestra, Stratford Two Hour Program Admission 50c. and 25c. H. G. WEBBER, ,W. M. H. BERRY, H. COPELAND Committee DANCE IN — Lucan Opera House Friday, Oct 28 Commencing at 9 p.m. BILL FISHER AND HIS LION TAMERS Sponsored by Lloyd Freckleton, Bill Chown and Art McLean GENTLEMEN 50c. LADIES 25c. PHOME9 •vi THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Rev. W. P. Pay, of the Presby tery of 'Sit. Pauls of the Alberta Con ference in the Jlnited church of Canada amd a Commissioner to the General Council held at Hamilton gave an interesting address in James Street United church on Sunday ehing, FUNERAL OF MRS. S. HICKS IS LARGELY ATTENDED TO SEE HER FAT GO, Cost This Woman 75c. THE LATE MRS. WM, DAVIS The death took place at Saints- bury on Wednesday of last week pf one, pf the oldest residents of the community in the perspn of Mra William Davis who,* passed away ip her 78-th year, M^s. Davis’s maid en name was Ann bleih -She was born in the Township of McGillivray and . was one of a family of nine, children. At an early age the fam ily moved to a farm east of Centralia In the Township pf Blddniph where she resided until her marriage fifty seven years ago when she moved to the farm on which she has since re sided, Mr. Davis predeceased hei five years ago. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs, Alex MacDon-!_._ aid, of Saintsbury and Mrs. Warren 1 previous Sunday with heart trouble * yaarS. The funeral of the late Mrs. Sam’l Hicks which was held” on Monday from her late home Lot. 1 Con, 2, Usbom© was one of the largest that If you are curious to know what is happening to her bust, waist ana hip measurements, road her letter— **I was 186 lbs. when I started taking Kruschen three months ago and am now 162-lbs. am? I hope can reduce my weight still more. Re garding my measurements before taking Kruschen; I was 41-ins, bust NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of THQiM- AS MARRIOTT, late of the Town ship of Blanshard, in the County of Perth, Farmer, who died on the Tenth day of September A.P. 1932, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the under signed on or before the Fourteenth (Jay of November, A.P., 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after ithe said date -the Administrator will proceed to* distri bute the estate having regard to the claims of which ne thenhas been geon in this community forp®"^' 49-ing. *hips and spme time- ----- - --------.on Saturday, She was taken ill the 4-5-ins. hips, my age being 29 * tV moo A 7'5c. bottle of Kruschen day Of Octobei A,D.> 1932, Mrs. Hicks passed nwaylnow 39-ins, bust, 36-ins, waist, ' .... She was taken ill the an4 4'5-ins. hips, my age being .291 DATED at Exeter, Qnt., this Clark of Dunnville and two grand- • and for several days her life had la$ts me a month. ___ ™___ ___>___________'i_____ j_______tit_____________ _____________ teasnoonful in a t-children Mary and Maurice MacDon- ( been despaired of. aid. Three brothers and three sis-' ters survive: John NeiJ, of Sintulate Sask., Mrs, Wilson, of London; Thbs. Neil, Centralia, Mrs. Elston, of Exeter, Jas., of Centralia and Sara of London. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon with a sh<Trt ser vice at the house, followed by a ser vice in St. James’ Church, Clande- boye, conducted by Rev. G. P. Par son assisted by Rev. L. C. Harrison of Lucan. Interment was made in St. James’ cemetery. The pall bear ers were: Messrs. Hugh Carroll, F. Smyth, Jas. Turner, Garnet Isaac Henry Hodgins and Wm. Dickens. only shall 26 th’ Mrs. Hidks was a woman of splendid Christian char acter, beloved and esteemed by all who knew her as was evidenced by the lovirig tribute paid by many friends who visited the home on Sunday and Monday, ghe was a member of the Centralia church choir and on the Sunday previous-1 • to her illness assisted the church I choir in the service of song at Whal- also a teachei* of the and at the funeral class sang one of the them by their beloved choir also assisted of song. Mrs. GLADMAN & STAN-BURY, Exeter and Hensail Administrator’s Solicitors DEATHS ' DAVIS—In Biddulph Township, - Wednesday, October 19, 1932, Ann Davis, widow of the late Wil liam Davis, in her 78th year. ELLIOTT—In Exeter, on Sunday October 23, 1932, Eliza !J. Ford, -beloved wife of Thomas Elliott, In her 78th year. HEWITT—In Exeter, on October 25. 1932, Mr. William T. Hewitt, aged 68 years and 6 days. HICKS—In Usborne, on Saturday. October 22,« Eliza Jane Hicks, widow of .the late Samuel Hicks in her ‘70 th year. on IN MEMORIAM BELL—In loving memory of our dear husband and father Albert Bell, who fell asleep'~one year ago October 29, 19-31, Oh, how .we long to clasp his hands And hear his gentle voice. Sadly missed by his Wife and Son. I take one lialf- teaspoonful in a tumbler of hot wa- tqr each morning before breakfast. Apart fuom losing weight, I feel so much better in health. I do not] wake up in the morning still feeling | tired, and do not get headaches like, I used to. I cannot thank Krus-. chen enough.”—(Miss) M.A.H. Kruschen contains those six min eral salts, proportionately balanced, . , ■ - • -- --- ---found in the waters of those famous atoout day of August 11932, are required to forward their claims, duly proven to H. Eilber & Son, Crediton, on or before the^lst day of November, 1932.- I AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- I EN that after this date the Execu tors will proceed to distribute the estate .having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED at Crediton, this 11th day of October 1932. George William Clarke, 909 Ro- . berts St., Niagara Falls, Ont. I Eldon Hodgson, Ailsa Craig, Ont. i Thomas Terevthick, Crediton, Ont. I Executors 10-13-2te NOTICE TO CREDITORS * NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1 all persons having claims^ against i the estate of GEORGE CLARKE, 1 late of the village of Crediton, Gentleman, deceased, who died on European Spas used by* .generations for fat people to reduce’weight, Kruschen helps blood, nerves glands and body organs to function properly-—you gain new weight and energy—feel years younger—look better, work better. GREENWAY* en. She was primary class several- of the hymns taught teacher.. The with the service Hicks was born in Usborne on the | farm now .owned by Clinton Sweet August 12th, 1863, her maiden name being Eliza Jane Bailey. In 18885 she married Samuel Hicks! who met with a tragic death in 1917 ! Next Sunday is Sunday School He with one of his gons had been anniversary in the United church drawing in hay when a thunder when Miss Lemmefo, of Toronto storm came up and they had taken wni be in charge of the service. A refuge in the barn. Mr. Hicks was g00d attendance is requested, standing in the doorway and was in stantly killed when struck by lightn ing. ........................ two sons and two daughters: i Mrs. W. Fel-tz was operated on for appendicitis last week in London j ex-The deceased is survived by and js dojng well as can be I—In loving memory of our “2ns andt 7° daughteis: Wil- pected. TTnchanrt rni,'ham Ernest at home and Richard IN MBMORIAM BAIRD- dear Husband and Father, John Baird, who passed away two years ago October 29, 1930. precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled; A A place is vacant in our home,' Which never can be filled, wish God in His wisdom has recalled, CARD OF THANKS Mr. Thos. Elliott and family 1 to express their sincere than-ks to j The boon his love had given; the neighbors and friends for the And though the body slumbers here kindly expressions of sympathy ex-1 The soul is safe in Heaven, tended during their recent bereave- pp Wife and Children IN MEMORIAM ment; for the floral tributes, the loan of cars and especially to Rev. Mr. Elliott. The family of the late Mrs. Wil-, liam Davis desire to express then-, sincere thanks to the neighbors and ( friends for the many kindnesses ex-. When the Lord said( «You have fin. tended to Mrs. Davis during her! ished illness, also for the expression of Come bieber. mother dear: MORTGAGE SALE - of - VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY (-Subject t-o a reserve, bid.), , On the Premises — on — THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1932 at 2 o’clock p.m. The following land: Lot Number 14, in the First Concession, and Lot Number 14, in the Second Conces sion, Township of Stephen, County of Huron, containing by admeasure ment 200 acres more or less. On the land is said to be erected- a story and a half brick dwelling, 20x48 with a kitchen 14x18. barn ^on corner stone 44x88. cow ,.barn, brick wall 30x60. horse stable, stone corners iFrame Drive Shed^18x24. i The land is clay loam and there- R. Hutchinson, ol js no waste land on the farm. There fsw Hnva wTfh Mr . a jbree acre orchard. The proper- | ty faces on Highway Number Four Mr., aricl Mrs. -Lempke, of Pontiac ; 1 % mijes south of Exeter. Mich., Mr- and Mrs. Walter Beavers i- Mr. and Mrs. Corbett and Mr. I Harris, of Fordwich, visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. W. Armstrong and Misses Margaret a'nd Marion, oi Sarnia, visited Mrs., C. Rickhorn. Mr. E. Mason has returned from Bailey, of Flint, Mich., Mrs. Nelson ' Squire, of Usborne and Mrs. George MoFalls, of Biddulph. She is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Rich. I 'Quance and Mrs. Sam’l Skinner, of! Exeter. The fiineral service was ’ conducted by Rev. Mr. Robb, inter-] ment taking place in the Exeter serving on -the jury vin London, cemetery. The pall Bearers were: | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey and Sa,m’l Hicks,. Wilson Hicks, William family visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hicks, Rd. B. Quance, 'Cecil Skinner [ Finkbeiner, of Shipka. Mr. *W. Brown had the misfortune to 'fracture his leg, both bones just j below the knee last week. ____ ***_ * l< Several from here are working at to; Mrs. Moss and daughter, celery gardens. George Young, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grafton, of London. and Harold Skinner. Among those i from a distance who attended the, funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Richard ' of Flint, j HODGINS—-In loving remembrance ____ __ ____ of Elizabeth Ann Hodgins, who I Hicks and four children, passed away one year ago today,I Mich.; Mr. Samuel Hic-ks, of Toron- October 31, 1931. 1 „ - , Come up higher, mother dear;!y™pathl.’ t?® l10Wert’ all° You have won a crown in. Heaven By your love and kindness here.” W'e remember well our sorrow, I As we stood beside your bed, to Rev. >G. P. Parson, Rev. L. C. Harrison, Miss Doris Hodgins and the choir. The family of the late Mrs. fiam’1 ®ur deeP and heartfelt anguish, , ... . * TX71-» nn Chat irmi nrni'o rimHicks desire to express their sincere thanks to the many 1_____ __ neighbors for the many acts of kind ness and sympathy extended during their recent bereavement and es- .specially to Rev. A. V. and Mrs. We miss yPu everywhere. Robb, the Centralia choir and Sun day School class. When we saw that you were dead, handfriends and niiss y°ur ’kind and willing Your fond and earnest care; Our home is dark without mother, Sadly missed by Husband and ' ily. Fam- | Mr. and Mrs. Roy She’ppard have | returned to London after spending a week’s vacation with relatives, here. Mr. and Mrs. ~ ■ A very pretty autumn wedding Parkhill, spem a few days with ,Mr was solemnized at the home of Mr. • Leslie Hutchinson and jacx. and Mrs. John W. Heywood at Elim- j villei October 22nd, when their el- j dest daughter, Ve-ra Othella, became o7R7chmond?we7e Vu'estrof ^r7 and the bride of Daniel R. Blackwell | Mrs< c H> ,Curts over Sunday< son of Mr. and. Mrs. R. Blackwell lempke and Mr. Beavers assisted the of Petrolia, at high noon while Mrs. | cbcdr and aiso sang jn the Sunday G Layton, a' former teacher of the Scbool of t]ie United Church. bride, played Lohengrin’s Wedding j March. The bridal party entered i On Monday, October 17th, Mabel / >BLACKWELL—HEYWOOD POFt Frame: Frame- Frame- 24x40.. | For further particulars and con ditions of sale apply to: WILLIAM McNEIL, Auctioneer, St. Marys, Ontario. » (F. C. BETTS, Vendor’s Solicitor,. Huron' & Erie Bldg., London, Ont., March. The bridal party entered i On Monday, October 17th, Mabel the living room ’which was beauti-1 Irene Hayter, beloved wife of Mr. fully decorated with autumn colors. Leslie Hutchinson passed away at U and flowers among which was -a; her home after an illness of several f large bouquet of asters and petunias' weeks. 'She was the eldest daughter "" grown at Matheson, New Ont., and of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hayter and MORTGAGE SALE k Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort gage which will be produced at the time of the sale there will be offer- 12c. a lb 12c. a lb 12c. a lb QUALITY + SERVICE On Friday and Saturday we are going to put on ____ "* _ t The Lowest Priced Pork ever put on in Exeter. Fresh Hams.......................................10c. a lb. trimmed ................................. 11c. a lb. HALF HAM .............................1c. a lb. more CENTRE CUT...............................’ 13c. a lb. PORK CHOPS (Butt) .... 2 lbs. for 25c. PORK HOCKS .................................4c. a lb. CURED HAMS (whole or half) 14c. a lb. FRESH SHOULDERS, 5-6 lbs. .. 9c. a lb. FRESH BUTTS ..... FRESH SIDE BACON FRESH LOINS........... FRESH LOINS TRIMMED .... 14c. a lb LOIN OR RIB (trim.) Pork Chops 15c. lb PORK LIVER.................................6c. a lb ’CURED PICNIC HAMS ........... 10c. a lb. CURED PICNIC HAMS, shankless-12c. lb. ..................- took their place before a bank of.had spent her life in this community ____________flowers and ferns. ' where she was always U general fa-1 ed for sale by Public Auction IT 4 4- O .. /*. Ta 4 «•> rt Ta aThe bride looked very beautiful (vorite. Before her marriage she ---- • "'"3 an active worker in Grace 1 later in the United daintily j church retained her interest in all . The funeral was Wed- SMOKED BACON Whole or half . . 15c. a lb. ROUND STEAK . 15c. lb. 2 lbs. for 25c. WEINERS 15c. lb., 2 lb 28c BOLOGNA |3c lb 2 lb 25c EXTRA SPECIAL SIRLOIN STEAK 16c. lb. 2 lbs. for 30c. PORTER HOUSE STEAK 18c. lb. or 2 lbs. for 35c. Pure Home Made Pork Sausage - lie. a lb. 3 lbs. for 30c. Smoked Cottage Rolls—-16c. a lb. | Pea Meal C Rolls GOOD HEAD CHEESE, like mother makes, 5 13c. a lb’ 10c. a lb- Phone or come early and don’t be disappointed like so many were last week. CHOICE BiEEF, VEAL AND LAMB ALSO ON HAND AND PRICES LOW CHOICE DUCK AND CHICKEN DRAWN FREE RIVERS’ QUALITY MEAT MARKET t{We sell for less”, - but terms - “Strictly Cash” i«’s ” on the Premises, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1933 at 2f o’clock p.m. Lot number 17, in the- South Boun dary of the Township of Stephen, in- the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, containing 100 acres more or less. | On the property is said to be sit uate a brick house, bank barn, and driveshed, in a good state of repair. | Terms of sale. The property will in her wedding gown of Biege peau- j was de’ prge lace fashioned on long lines, Church ahd with her veil of Tulle . caught b^ a wreath of orange bloss- good worj<s. oms and carried a slower bouquet1 nesday afternoon and was conducted of butterfly roses baby’s breath and, by Rev. S. J. Mathers and Rev. Le- fern which the groom gathered from i win in the Grand Bend church. In- his own garden. The bride wore the terment was made in the Grand o__ ___ Bend cemetei’y where the service watch and a string of crystals which was in charge of the Ladies’ Orange was a gift from one of her pupils Association of which she was a val- at Matheson Ont. | ue4; member. Besides her sorrowing The ceremony was performed by i^usband and son Jack she is surviv- Rev, J. Peters, of Elimville in the ed hy her parents Mr. and Mrs. W , -....... --- ..... presence of the immediate families, Hayter, two brother Newton and, b& Pat up subject to Sf reserved bid. of the contracting parties andiwillis and sisters Mrs. Millar, Mrs.]10 Per cent- o£ the purchase money friends of the bride and groom, af- Wright, Miss Lillian, of Detroit and j shall be paid on the day of sale and ter which the guests repaired to the 1''r"T TT-1 1 hainnPA within thir-K, dining-iroom where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was served from tables attractively decorated in gold and white and the wedding cake topped with lillies-of-the-valley. Mrs. Wesley Heywood and Mrs. James Heywood,-aunts of the bride assisted in serving the guests. Guests were present from Kirkton Kincardine, Welland, Lucan and Ex eter. ' " The many beautiful gifts showed the high esteem in which the bride and groom are held’. Later the happy couple left amid showers of good wishes and confet ti on a motor trip to Kincardine Wingham, Owen Sound/and other no/’thern parts. The brine’s travel ling costume was a brown silk crepe dress, coat and hat ahd matching ac cessories. She also carried a purse that was a gift from her pupils at Matheson, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Black- well wil’ take up their residence in Copleston. Ont. * groom’s gift a white gold wrist PRESENTATION Complimenting Mrs. W. H. Black forfherly Miss Mildred Norry, Miss Florence DaWson recently entertain- l ed the members of the Sunshine I Bridge Club, prizes being won by Miss Rae . Lqtton j and Miss Helen Renie. The guest of honbr wafe' presented with a handsome hall mirror, the gift of the culb. Refresh ments were served by the hostess ( ue^ member. Besides her sorrowing Mrs. Fred MoLinchey and Miss Hel-1the balance within thirty days there- en, of Greenway. The sympathy of after- the community is extended to all the! For further particulars apply,to bereaved friends. The fioral tri- FRANK TAYLOR, ESQ., Auctioneer butes were beautiful „ and mutely ] testified of tile high esteem in which . Mrs. Hutchinson is held. Rev. Taylor and Mr. Day spoke- at i the United Church on Monday at the, meeting of the .Quarterly Official Board. Exeter, Ontario CARLING & MORLEY, Exeter and . Lucan, -Solicitors for Mortgagees -----------------------------------------1_________________ COUNTY TREASURER’S SALE LAND FOR TAXES HURON COUNTY OF MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the powers- of sale contained in a certain mort gage which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offer ed for sale by Public Auction ' on the Premises, on the, SATURDAY, NOVEMjBER 12, 1932 has Notice is hereby given that list of lands for sale for taxes oeen prepared, copies of which may be had at the County Treasurer’s fice, in Goderich, Ontario. The list has been published The Ontario Gaz'ette in issues July 31, August'6, 13. and 20. In accordance with the Assess-, ...ment Act I shall proceed td sell by,pf£®_a brick house, bank barn, and public'auction the said lands, or so ............ much thereof as may7 be sufficient for payment of the taxes thereon, to gether with costs, unless the same be sooner paid. ( The sale will commence nt the Court House, Goderich,- on Tuesday | November 1st. 1932, at the liour of two o’clock in the afternoon, GORDON YOU&G, 0f- in of i at 2 o’clock p.m. Lot number 15, in the Tenth Con cession of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron,- and Pro* vince of Ontario, containing 100 ac res more or less. On the property is said to be sit- driveshed, in a good state of repair. Terms of sale. The property will be put up subject to a reserved bid. 10 per cent, of the purchase money shall be paid on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days there after. 1 For further particulars apply to (FRANK TAYLOR, ESQ., Auctioneer ’ Ex®ter> Ontario,'^, Treasurer. Huron Cotinty CARLING <fc MORLEY, Exeter and Lucan, Solicitors for Mortgagees.Goderich, Aug. 20, 1932