HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-10-27, Page 3T«iletriec .2 for 1.50 2 for 25c 2 for 50c NYAL CORN REMOVER 2 for 25c NYAL LAXACOLD 2 for 25c PAR SHAVING CREAM 2 for 50c NYAL KLEER-A-HED 2 for 50c 1.00 NYAL BEEF, IRON & WINE 2 for $1.00* ...■' ....... FW<rwrn^5^rt..tJ» NYCEST LEAD PENCIL A high grade Pencil made from the finest materials. REGULAR 5c........................2 for 5c ►— r 5°c X NYAL LAXATIVE ' CAPSULES 2* for 50c rar I'UAU'l at “a far i” 2 for $1.00 ► NYNAPS—Form ► ► ◄ THERMOMETERS KOTEX Residence 82 1 Kleenex 25c. $1 bottles SPECIAL ^9c. ant Powder 39c. Foui* days only Exeter Deodorized and very absorbent. Each pad contains a special pink in- sert which is NYAL ’ NYAGAR 2 regular 39c.’ pkgs. SOAP SPECIALS Nyal Cocoanut & Almond' Soap..........................................4 for 31c 4 for 29c Muriel Astor Toiletries include every requisite for • complete home beauty treatment, every necessity for beautiful hair and hands— skin and complexion. NYAL CHOCOLAX I 2 for 25c Nyal Hardwater Soap $577^ Nyal Medicine-Cabinet w MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE Cleans teeth to glist­ ening whiteness. Neutralizes Mouth Acids. Contains 50% Milk of Magnesia. Regular 50c............ .........2 for 50c U ySoothes and softens roughened w H* III skin. Reg. 50c...............2 for 50c 65c > NYAL ' SALTS 2 for 65c ’ i'll id THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THCHSDAY, IK'JVW 37, 1SW2 THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, 27, 28 & 29 I- - ______________ JP50C Muriel Astor Toiletries Brilliaptine—Powder Base Cream —-Cocoa Butter Night Cream —Wave Set—Face Powder- Special Hand Lotion—Camphor Iced Skin Cream—Tissue Cream —Cleansing Cream—Deep Pore Cleansei—RoseWater Glycerine and Benzoin. All regular 50c valuesYour Choice ... «£ TOl C * Fit Sanitary Pads. 2 for 45c SALE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY MODESS Sanitary Napkins Phone 50with Vemo Deodor- / NYAL EYE DROPS 2 for 50c NYAL • CATARRHAL, BALM 2 for 50c 25c NYAL A.B;S. & C. TABLETS 2 for 25c NYSIS ALMOND AND CUCUMBER CREAM A fragrant, quick-drying lotion. NYAL ANTACID POWDER For Heartburn, Gastric Acidity, Sour Stomach and Dyspepsia. Reg. 50c.............2 for 50c Nyal Home Remedies, Toiletries and every day Drug Necessities of standard recognized value at JUST HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. This means you buy an item on the sale and we give you another of the same kind or the same price absolutely FREE. Be thrifty—shop where you save half on everything you buy. f2 FOR 1" MEDICINE CABINET SPECIALS 3 oz. Bay Rum............................................2 for 35c 4 oz. Boric Acid, Sifter...........................2 for 20c 2 oz. Camphorated Oil.........................2 for 25c 4 oz. Castor Oil, Tasteless,... v ;.........2 for 25c 4 oz. Epsom Salts.......................................2 for 10c 8 oz. Epsom Salts.......................................2 for 15c 4 oz. Dist. Ext. Witch Hazel..................2 for 25c 5 oz. Glycerin & Rose Water.................2 for 35c 4 oz. Hydrogen Peroxide........................2 for 25c 8 oz. Hydrogen Peroxide............... .2 for 35c oz. Mercurpchrome (Applicator Bottle)............................. 2 for.25c *1 oz. Senna Leaves....................................2 for 10c 25c Seidlitz Powders........................2 for 25c 4 oz. Soda Bicarbonate...............‘............2 for 10c 1 oz. Spirits Camphor. .........................2 for 25c 1 oz. Tr. Iodine 5% .*.......................7.. .2 for 25c STATIONERY SPECIALS ► • Dunbar Flat Paper.........2 for 75c - Dunbar Envelopes... .2 for 30c Saintclaire Papetries, Linen and Kid Finish.................2 for 50c De Ramezay Papetries, Linen and Kid Finish............2 for 75c Warncliffe Papetries, Linen and Kid Finish, Lined Envelopes ....................................2 for 1.00 Glenalda Envelopes, Linen and Kid Finish..................2 for 15c Glenalda Pad, Note Size, Linen and Kid Finish...........2 for 15c Glenalda Pad, Linen and Kid Finish, Ladies Letter Size ................................. .2 for 25c Glenalda Pad, Linen and Kid Finish, Letter Size.. .2 for 30c . "2 FOR 1" HOME REMEDIES .........2 for 25c ..... 2 for 40c ...2 for 75c ... 2 for 50c .. .2 for 25c ...2 for 1.00 .. 2 for 35c ’.2 for 25c ...2 for 25c ... 2 for 50c .. .2 for 25c .. .2 for 75c, ...2 for 1.00 .. .2 for 50c ...2 for 1.00 ...2 for 50c Nyal Worm Powders.........................2 for. 50c Nyal Cold Sore Lotion....................2 for 25c Nyal Blaud Laxative Iron Tablets..2 for 50c Dyspepsia Tablets..............................2 for 50c Nykaline............2 for 5Qc Nykaline..............................................2 for 1.00 Nyal Digestive Tonic.......................2 for 1.00 Nyal Earache Drops, i....................2 for.25c Nyal Emulsion Cod Liver Oil... .2 for 50c Nyal Emulsion Cod Liver Oil... .2 for 1.00 Nyal Ephedrine Jelly. ...................2 for 50c Nyal Rectone...................................2 for 50c Nyal White Liqiment.....................2 for 50c Nyseptol Mouth Wash...................2 Tor 1.00 Bril|rant Lilac Hair Oil....................2 for 50c Nyseptol Tooth Paste.. i..............2 for 25c Nysis Hand Lotion.........................2 for 25c Nysis Hand Lotion........................ 2 for 50c Nyal Fig .Syrup................................2 for 50c 25c Nycetal Tablets, 24*s.......... 40c Nycetal Tablets, 50’s..... 75c Nycetal Tablets, 100*s.... 50c - Nyal Milk of Magnesia... 25c Nycetal Compound Tablets. 1.00xNutritive Hypophosphites..... 35c Nyal Analgesic Balm................ Nyal Aromatic Cascara............. Nyal Yellow Pills....................... Nyal Vaporizing Salve. ....... Nyal Huskeys..................... Nyalyptus.............................„• • • • 25c_ 75c 1.00. Nyal Mineral Oil.............. .... 50c Nyal Face Cream...................... 1.00 Cod Liver Oil, Standardized.. Nyal Cascara Sagrada Tablets f 50c 50c 50c 35c 35c 50c 50c 1.00 50c 50c 50c 60c 1.00 50c 50c 25c 25c *50c NYAL FIGSEN 2 for 25c 25c NYCEST BABY SOAP 2 for 25c 1 moirture proof. SPECIALS- 75c Nylo Playing Cards...........2 for 75c 10c Bunny Nurser. -..............2 for 10c Dr. C. C. Beatty’s O.K. Poultry Liquid Keeps healthy Regular 2 for $1.00 fowl in condition pPr"‘»3far"i” Oalon Dalon Nourishing Cream Firms and Strengthens facial muscles Dalon Foundation Cream A powdgr base vanishing cream Dalon Face Powder Very fine—delicately perfumed Dalon Facial Freshener Facial tonic and astringent lotion Dalon Cleansing Cream A quick liquefying cold cream All regular 75c values zua* Your Choice 4- TQl < 35c Dalon Talcum Powder . . 2 for 35c DALON DUSTING POWDER A cooling, drying Bath Pow­ der for use after the bath. Daintly Perfumed. Large Box with Puff..,.2 foF 1.00 "2 FOR 1" TOILETRIES Nysis Almond & Cucumber Cream 2 for 50c Nysis Brilliantine Liquid.................2 for 5bc Nysis Cocoanut Oil Shampoo.. .2 for 50c Nylotis Cold Cream.................... .2 for 35c Nysis Exo (Liquid)..........................2 for 35c Nysis Quinine & Sage Hair Tonic. 2 for 50c Nysis Tar Shampoo Liquid... Nylotis Theatrical Cold Cream Nysis Wave Set......................... Nysis Witch Hazel Cream.... Nyal All Purpose Cream.... Nyal Hirsutone.......................... Nyal Hirsutone......................... Nydenta Tooth Paste............... Nyal Hirsutone Shamp.oo.... Par Men's Talcum...................... Nyal Tooth Paste— Mint, Wintergreen............... Pylora Tooth Powder............... .. 2 for 50c ..2 for 1.00 . .2 for 50c ..2 for 50c . .2 for 50c • .2 for 60c ..2 for 1.00 .. 2 for 50c . • 2 for 50c ..2 for 25c NYAL STRENGTHENING TONIC 2 for $1.00 ►—< FIRST AID SPECIALS 16 oz. Hospital Cotton............2 for 75c 2 oz. Absorbent Cotton......2 for 25c ,1 in. Gauze Bandage..................2 for 10c 2 in. Gauze Bandage..................2 for 15c in. x yd. Adhesive Plaster.........................................2 for 20c 1 yd. Absorbent Gauze............2 for 20c g COMBS & TOOTH BRUSHES 50c Dressing Comb.................2 for 50c rffl 25c Dressing Comb................2 for 25c 20c Men's Comb....................2 for 20c faj 20c Pocket Combs.................2 for 20c U| 15c Bobbie Comb.................% for 15c ■ 50c Nyseptol Tooth Brush..2 for 50c pB 25c Royal Windsor Tooth Brush...................................2 for 25c NYAL STONE ROOT COMPOUND 2 for $1.00 TWO-FOR-ONE SPECIALS 50c Nyal Handy Ointment.......................2 for 50c 25c Nyal Headache Powders. .1............2 for 25c 25c Nyal Headache & Neuralgia Tablets 2 for 25c 50c Nyal Kidney Pills................. 2 for 50c 25c Nyal Little Liver Pills.................. .2 for 25c 35c Nyal Menthol Balm............................2 for 35c 25c Nyaloids...........................................2 for 25c 15c Nyal Soda Mint Tablets...................2'for 15c 25c Nyal Sto.m'ach & Liver Pills...............2 for 25c 25c Nyal 'Vegetable Laxative Tablets. .2 for 25g TWO-FOR-ONE COUGH SYRUPS 25c Nyal Baby Cough Syrup.............................2 for 25c 25c Nyal Cherry Cough Syrup..........................2 for 25c 50c Nyal Ephedrine Cough Syrup...................2 for 5Q.c 25c Nyal H & H Cough Syrup........................2 for 25c 50c Nyal H & H Cough Syrup........................2 for 50c 75c Nyalyptus...............................-...........2 for 75c 2.5c Nyal Pinol.............................................2 for 25c 50c Nyal Pinol....................................... .2 for 50c 25c Nyal White Pine & Tar.............. .2 for 25c 50c Nyal White Pine & Tar....................2 for 50c SANITARY BELTS Pink Narrow Elastic Bands regular 25c. SPECIAL 2 FOR 25c. TOILET PAPER V An excellent 15c. line 2 for 25c. on Sale SPECIAL 3 FOR 25c. FRIDAY and SATURDAY We are in businfess for>your Health—Try us SHOP EARLY RUBBER GOODS AND SUNDRIES 2.00. Nimrod Hot Water Bottle......................z...2 for 2.00 1.50 Nycest Hot Water Bottle"...................... 2.00 Windsor Douche ’ • Syringe..................... 2.00 Fountain Syringe..........2 for 2.00 10c Black Band Nipple...............2 for 10c 95c Nyal Shaving Brush...................2 for 95c 25c Wash Cloths.............‘.2 for 25c 2 for 2.00 25c NYAL CARBOLIC SALVE 2 for 25c 1.00 EXTRACT COD.LIVER OIL 2 for $1.00 NYAL CASTOR OIL TASTY 2 for 25c NY-CET-AL TABLETS 24’$ 2 for 25 1-2 minute Reg $1.50 each with case and chain at 2 FOR $1.50 Regular 1 minute certified test' reg $1.25 at 2 for $1.25