HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-10-20, Page 8THURSDAY, OQM 20, 1032 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE “ Ward onia’ ’ 1’HE NEW EDGE RAZOR (Made in England) TOGETHER WITH 4 BLADES $1.09 YOU ARE INVITED TO TRY ONE Guaranteed 100 per cent, shave Satisfaction or money refunded S, B. TAYLOR Markets Wheat, 45 c, >Ultiug Barldy 38c« Shorts, 85c. Bran, 80c. Mahitobas Best $2.'50 Moael $2.30 Welcome, $1.80 Heed Flour, $1.00 Creamery Butter 2 6-27c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Midlings 90c. Butter 19-2 Qc. extras 28c, firsts 23c, seconds 15c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J, Biermarfl Rhodes,, M. Meister Miss I>na Coates, 4..L.Q.M, Organist 10 a-m.—nSunday School *11 a.m.—-“The Hallowed Name” Second in the series on. the Lord’s Prayer. 7' p.m.7—“Seeking and Striving” I New Models In Cold Weather Let us prepare your car now for winter driving, Change oil and grease Adjust generator, Test Battery, Adjust Brakes, Tune up motor, ■* We have some special Prices on HEATERS, BATTERIES AND ANTI FREEZE SANDY ELLIOT . Phone .6-1 VILLAGE OF EXETER COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a i ~~ " i j LOCALS | i i • Mr. Henry Hern is visiting in Lon­ don with Mrs. -C, Baker. Dr. Thomas, of London, visited on Sunday with Mrs. S. Martin. Mr and Mrs. William Waring* and Evelyn spent Sunday in Clandeboye Miss iSpepce, o£. Arthur, Visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Layton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells and Caroline, of London, spent the week end in town. Messrs. Milo Snell and Gordon ■Hunter are spending a few* days in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ridley and family, of Embro, visited with Mrs. J. Harding on Sunday. Mrs. Lizzie Reason, of Brooklyn, Ontario, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hunter. Light fr-csts on Wednesday ...1 ........: ..■■■iiiijiu I . ■ I! JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA LOCALS 11 Rev. J. H, Stainton, B.A.,B.J>„ Pastoy W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.---Morning Worship Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be administered. p.m.—'Sunday gichool p.m.—Rev. W. H. Day, Missionary to the Indians in Western Canada and General Council representa­ tive to Huron County! will occupy the pulpit. Thursday—Y, P. S. Friday at 8 p.m.— 3 7 ■Prayer Meeting MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and "Chojr-Leadqr a.m.—Rev. A. E. Elliott , and cutCourt of Revision of the Assessment Thursday night of last week Roll of the Village of Exeter will* down numerous flowers, hold its first meeting in the Town,Tuesday, the 1st j is visiting wiSJi freinds in Usborne A.D. 1932 at 7.30 .and Hay for. two weeks. Mrs. Edna Preston, of Cleveland, Jos. Senior, Clerk I visited with Mrs, McAvoy and; Miss few days last week. Mrs. N. Ogden visited In Toronto, and Fort Erie Mr. Arthur LaWreuce, of,the Soo Hall, Exeter, on day of November o'clock p.m. Dated at Exeter, 18, 1932. Exeter, Ontario! Ontario, October HEREFORDS'FOK SAXE ahEight registered yearling bulls so a number of open and bred heif­ ers, sired by our herd bull Brae Dale 42nd -.63223-. Prices are reas­ onable. Notes will be taken on the bank’s approval. Stutt Bros. R.R. 2, Forest, Ontario. 10-20-3tc. Oshawa, St. last week. Otterville, with her last week. Sanders a Mr. and Hamilton, Catherines Mrs. Fred Church, of and son Jack visited sister Mrs. C. H. Sanders The South Huron Plowing Match held today (Thursday) on of William Welsh, north of FOR SALE—5-tube Westinghouse Radio outfit. B Elimnator, B charg­ er, cabinet speaker. See and it. W. is being the farm Exeter. Misses and Mrs. week-end Hamilton, The return match at and Forest will Bend this Wed-1 I II 0. Bolger and Lorenz Frain visiting with W. Frain spent the friends at FOR size 42 onable. 11 Mr. B. W. F. Beavers will assist the pastor and will give some im­ pressions of the General Council recently l|pld in Hamilton. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Pastor’s Subject—“Jesus0 of Nazareth.” Song Service^. Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. S. Thursday 7.30—Prayer meeting. 3 7 YOUNG PEOPLE’S ANNIVERSARY Sunday, October SOtli, 1932 1 Speaker at 11 a.m.'and 7 p.m. the Rev. A. E. Elliott Special Music morning and evening \ . . . ; • Young Men’s Winter Coats O « We are showing a smart model in young men’s overcoats. This is called the “Tube” and it is made up in a fine silvertone material. It is very smart and is bound to please the young men. The price too will interest yon. It is special value at $16,95- ALL WOOL SERGES In Blues, Greens, Browns and Black. This cloth is worth double the price we ask SPECIAL AT PER YARD 79c. ALL WOOL DRESS GOODJ^ Splendid for children’s school dresses. These are away below the regular price. TO CLEAR AT PER YARD 39c. PURE LINEN TOWELING This is an imported pure linen, made in Scotland and will give excellent wear. SPECIAL AT PER YARD 20c. HEAVY TERRY TOWELING Many people prefer a good Terry towel­ ing instead of linen. This is a good one. AT PER YARD 22c. Large Size Plaid Flannelette Blankets These come in the full bed size. We bought a quantity to get thejn at such a low price, Colors of mauve, yellow, blue, rose and green, per pair $2.29 MEN’S FLEECED LINED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS In a good weight with fine fleece made by Penman each 79c. MEN’S ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS You will want one when you see them. They are real value. SPECIAL AT EACH $2.98 MEN’S ALL WOOL CAPS We bought 5 dozen sample c^ps. -These are betCer than regular value. We offer them special 4T EACH 98c. MEN’S FLEECED LINED COMBINATIONS Penman’s make. A good weight com­ bination, well made and properly sized. ALL SIZES, EACH $1.39 BOYSI SCHOOL SUITS We have only eighteen of these suits left..The sizes are 32-38-34-35. All have bloomerpants. These are wonderful values as they sold for $10.00 to $12.00. Take your pick at each $1.98- GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Aylmer Catsup, 12 oz.....................2 for 25c. Aylmer Fruit for Salad l’s, cans each 17c. Aylmer Beans with Pork 2’s sqi|at cans 3 cans for ............................................ 22c. All Aylmer Sodps, except chicken with rice 'f A,Helmet Corned Beef, 12 oz. tin each lac. Choice Corn, No. 2 tin, per tin................7c. Standard 4 Peas, No. 2 tin; per tin . . . 7c. Lily Brand Chicken Haddie, large cans. . *. 2 cans for ............................................ 25c. BOYS AND GIRLS, SAVE YOUR AYLMER LABELS AND WIN A BICYCLE FREE. NEW FALL GOODS TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemlss Twenty-Second Sunday After Trinitybridge byhear Itc the »men of Exeter be played at Grand nesday evening. Miss Pridham, __ __ _____ ( School staff is off duty through ill­ ness. Her room is being supplied rent—A first class 100- Miss, Enola Buswell, Mr. H- T. Rowe is expecting a carload of Welsh coal to arrive this C. Pearce, Exeter. SALE—Hudson seal in Al condition. IJrice Apply to Times-Advocate. coat, reas-of the Public 8.3 0 a.m.—'Holy Communion 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Rector’s. ‘Bible Class' 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon FOR acre farm in the Township of Us­ borne convenient to school and town, good buildings, never failing week. r" water supply, fall plowing done. For kind to arrive in Exeter, particulars apply to Mrs. J. Hard­ ing, Main St., Exeter The Women’s Institute will hold , a ten-day dressmaking-course in the This will be the first of its. basement of the library commenc- j mg Monday, October 24th, at 2 p.m, J. M. Southcott broke the little, The course is under the direction 10-20-2tp' finger of his right hand on Sunday j morning when he got it caught in .WORK WANTED—With a farmer \ the door of an automobile, for the winter or by the year. Ap-j an(j Mrs. Norman Lee- and ply to John Beak, Centralia, or at faxniiy and Miss Avis Lindenfield, of Sleamon’s Store. 10,-20-2tc London, were Sunday visitors with t Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lindenfield. I ■ visited relatives in Crediton Sunday, the former with his father H. Hooper, of town, and the latter with his brQther. 1 • Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davie aud gon Aljoe> Mrs. Catherine Creech children returned to ineir home in;and family and Mr. Jog< MteDonaldj London after spending a week with gpent Sunday in London with Mr. Mrs. Davis’ grandmother and her and Mrs> D> Dearingf brother in town. | Miss Ina Jaques R.N., who has been nursing Mr. A. Case in Hen­ sail for the past two weeks has re­ turned home. Mr. Case is much improved in -health. Mr, "and Mrs. T. O. Southcott, Mr. j and Mrs. J. M. Southcott and daugh-| ter Florence were at Bayham on Sunday visiting with their brother, Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Southcott. j Mrs. Alex"McFalls has returned after spending the summer in Forest with her sister Mrs. W. King and I of Miss Collins. Miss Jessie Ferguson, of Toron- /_______________ FOR SALE OR RENT—A commo­ dious two storey frame cottage with all modern conveniences, situate on the east side of Andrew Street, Ex­ eter. A most desirable property convenient to churches, school and business section. For further par- •ticulars apply to CARLING & MOR­ LEY, Barristers &c., Exeter. t-o, spent the week-end with Mr. and .Piano Mrs. J. W. Batson. t Mr. John Hooper, ’Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Isaac iSims and Mr- K. J. Sims Lyle Lewis and child, of Pennsyl- on-vania, are the guests of Mrs. Win.' Wl R. GOULDING A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster Janies Street United Church Instruction in 'Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. BUY A NEW FALL HAT TO COMPLETE YOUR Piano Tuning S. BOARDMAN, 11 years 'with Hedntz- nian Co., will be in Exeter this week. Kindly leaVe orders wth S. Martin, over _ ___ 20 years experience, as to be able to return home Mon- ’ Satisfactioil guaranteed. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Sanders and!OUTFIT Miss Jeanette Taman, who recent­ ly underwent an operation for ap.- I pendicitis In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, has sufficiently recovered | ’ ---- ------------ —............1 day. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William’ H. Dignan, of Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Billyea and son Donald, of London, visited on Sunday with fhe former’s father Mr. Jas. Dignan and Mr. E. M. Dignan. Mr. P. D. Vahey who intended leaving Exeter for Montreal has de­ cided to remain in town and has ,___ _ rented the residence on Gidley St. iously injured during the summer recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. R. when a part of a R< No. 3, Exeter, Thomas Morley, R. assisting to raise R. No. 3, Lucan, Executors, or Glad- he is again able man & Stanbury, Hensall and Exe- around. ter, Solicitors for John Batten Es­ tate FARM FOR SALE North one-half of Lot -No. 4, and part South one-half of Lot No. 5, Concession 8, Usborne Township, 'containing about 85 acres, the pro­ perty of the late John Batten. On tihe, property is a good frame house and bank barn, a never-failing well with windmill and connections to stabling;' good hard wood bush about 8 acres, and* fine young or­ chard. Farm is well fenced and I drained, and convenient to school, j kas moved into half of Mrs. Cdttle’s church and market. Immediate pcs-‘double house on Albert Street. | session for ploughing and full pos- Mr. Jonathan Kydd, ‘who was ser- session April 1,-19i3i3. ------ Apply to Garnet W. Miners, SEE OUR DISPLAY OF NEW FALL HATS, CAPS, SOCKS, SWEATERS, TIES & UNDERWEAR ■S»AT REDUCED PRICES SMART STYLES FINE QUALITY Bargain Prices ON THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES TAKEN IN ON NEW EQUIPMENT 1-—'2-furrow Oliver Tractor Plow in A 1 shape. 1—-10 inch Grinder just the thing for tractor power. 1-—2-furrow Verity Gang Plow, A real snap. 1—Harm' Truck, steel and wood wheels. 1-—Top Buggy, rubber tires. A buy, Cream Separators all makes sizes at youi^own price. All new Farm Equipment at great* ly reduced prices: Tractors, Plows Wagons, Grinders, Cream Separa­ tors, real i and International Harvester Co* Ltd., Exeter, Ont. Mr. Reg Beavers, of Ft. Erie, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B. W- F. Beavers. The secretary of the Exeter Ball club has received word from the«Ex- ecutive of the North Wellington Baseball Association which func­ tioned until May 1924 that there is a balance in the treasury of $796 to be disposed of. In 1923'Exeter was entered with Lucan in the Junior group. A meeting is to be called-'of the teams interested to make dis­ position of the money. Family Sunday was observed-in ...... Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday and ing and listened to an address by At the morning service there was a Mrs. J. Sutter, of Clinton. Mr. R. G. Seldon is preparing to erect a new cement building south of the building now used as coal shed and storage. Gravel is .now being drawn for it. The building wll be used for storing salt. Mr, Ed. French, Miss Shepherd. building he was Wm. H. Thomson. fell on him and A number of ladies interested in to be -out and a Rebecca Lodge in connection with j the I.O.O.F. attended a meeting in Mrs. Moorhouse, the Oddfellow’s Hall, Friday even- 1 of Brussels, visited with Mr. ; Mrs. E. A. Follick on Thursday last j and with ,Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer ! attended the Fowl Supper at-Gredit- i on in the evening, * ( The Willing Workers Mission Circle of the James Street United church held a very successful cro- kinole party on Wednesday even­ ing of last week. There Tvere six­ teen tables and progressive drokin- ole was played. Miss Leila Stack­ house had the high score for the ladies 995 and Rowe Dlnney for the* gents with 12-35. Eoflowing the playing refreshments and candy vjere served, ’ \ : A dance was held in the Opera House on Friday evening of last week with music provided by George Harvey and his “Capitolians.” There was a fair crowd present. This Is the first time that this orchestra has appeared In Exeter and their music was appreciated. They will make a return engagement Thursday ev­ ening of next week, see advt, In an­ other column. very large congregation, the Sun- 1 day School meeting with the con­ gregation for worship. At the ev­ ening service the officers of tbO A. Y. P. A. Were Installed. The sermon appropriate for the occasion was de­ livered by the Rector Rev. Mr.ViV- ian. The officers ,#rere as fdTfowst. Pres. Mr. Ted Moyle; vice-pres., W. and Mrs. Edna Hearts, of Toronto,/ Walter motored up and are visiting Mr, and Mrs^ E. A. Rollick. Hearts sang a very acceptable in Mhin Street United church Sunday evening, While1 in the act of sweeping the floor on Saturday Mrs. R. G. Terry suffered a weak spell and fell strik­ ing her head, it is thought, on the edge of the stove. She suffered -.a nasty gash on- her nose and dislocat­ ed fyer wrist, Atope at the time she managed to creep to the kitcheh door and call for help. Dr. Fletcher was called when it was found that no bones were broken, _____ she is doing nicely. * f W. W. T PHONE 81 A : MAN EXETER, ONT. Do you want a mattress? If so, Now is the lime to buy one. ! / Never before was there such values, offered. We have a few left. Our regular price was from $5 to $8 NOW $3.95 TO $5.95 ; secretary, Miss F. West; Miss Rosa Dearing, A. V. Robb, »of Centralia, OCr the pulpit of James Street Church on Sunday, morning Treas., Rev. cupied United and preached a very acceptable ser­ mon. Mr. Hy. Hoffman, of Dash­ wood, winner of a scholarship at the Canadian National Exhibition sang a solo In excellent voice that Was ihuch appreciated. At the ev­ ening service 'Rev. .Mr, Gale, Monk­ ton, occupied the pulpit. Mr, Gale is a young man and made a very fa­ vorable impression on the congre- gatloft, Misses Reta Rowe, Pearl At* present* W®od and Margaret Johns sang a very excellent trio, With Mrs solo on We have cut these prices for your beni- fit so get a good mattress at low cost. . N. ROWE X