HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-10-20, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, OCTOBER »0, 1932 Jx COUGHS 1 1r “M.'- ,-M ILinimenT! son pf Rev pf WoQ&ham Ewart, Rutherford, and Mrs. Rutherford has left for/Cochrane, Northern On­ tario, where he will bp stationed under the Home Missionary Dppt. of the United Church.-—jSt. Marys Journal-Argus. be stationed RAU—LAPORTE A very pretty wedding took place, at St. Peters Church, Drysdale when Mr. and Mrs, John B. La­ porte’s daughter became the bride of Mr, Gordon A. Rau, son of Mr. and Mrs, P, Rau, of Zurich. Miss Clotida Laporte/ of Chicago, wjas bridesmaid and Mrs. Irving P. Gum- of Detroit was matron of Little Harold 'Rau. was ring fr bleitbn, honor. bearer. 'A wedding breakfast was served* i parents. ing for Detroit* where a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hupe, sister of the groom. Mr/ and Mrs. Rau, will re­ side in Detroit. at the home of- tre bride’s They lef^, the same even­ ZURICH Mrs. G. Eilber, who spent a week visiting her brother near Seaforth whei has been ill, has returned to her home. . C. Fritz & Son- purchased the en­ tire shoe stock and all equipment of the estate of the late William H Brown. Mr. Ed. Bossenberry,* who has been in town for some time has gone to Bayfield where he intends to remain. * • Y Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hey and ‘hiabe, of' Detroit, were week-end vis-i J HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly ,meeting the Council, of the Township of Hay was held Tuesday, , members tlte last After _ _ cations the following resolutions were passed: • That By-law No.-.10, 19i33» au­ thorizing the treasurer of the Town­ ship of Hay to issue and send out the 1932 tax; notices and receive taxes up to December 15th be read .three times and finally passed. That Miss Lillian Rader be ap­ pointed aS; one of the managers and operators of Zurich Central of the Hay Municipal Telephone System in place of Miss Margaret Schilbe, re­ signed, and that Miss Rader sign .the usual contract. That accounts covering payments on Township Roads, Telephone and General Accounts be passed as. per vouchers:: Towships Roads—Times Advocate Exeter, advertising $z2.10; t, Welsh lumber. $10.63; Lawrence Denome road 8, $8.50; John Oesch road 8 ■$2.50; Jas. Rannie, rd. 6, $4.20>; M. Corriveau road 17, $12/2'0; R. Adams road 10, $16.10';.M, M, Rus­ sell, road 1, $5,90; R. Miller road 9, $3.50; M, Tinney, road 14, $14.- 70; F. E. Denomme, road 10, $7.- 77; W. G, Bell, road 3, $13,65; F. J. Haberer road 7, $12,70; 1G. Arm­ strong, road 2, $8.0'5; S. Ropp, rd, 2, $11.9'5; H, H. Pfaff, road 5 $10'6.49; Crusher pay list $2<54.00; W. J. Harvey, trucking $333.02; T, Welsh, crusher, material $315.7’0; David Ducharme, 2nd hand plow $6. Telephone accounts—'Bell tele­ phone Co., tolls July to August $2'78.17; Northern Electric Co., ma­ terial $jl8?7;5; Zurich Centrtal, switching four' weeks, $68.00; P Mclsaac, salary, etc., $5'5.99; H. G. Hess, salary, etc. $258.73. General Accounts—<C. L. Smith, printing ac­ count $119.10; Postage, t;ax notices $19.50; Grand Bend School Fair, grant, $5.'OO; Zurich Fall Fair, grant $25.00; Exeter Fall Fair'grant Cha’s: Becker,, overpay 1932 $6.22. The Council adjourned to again on Monday, November 7'th, at 1.30 iters John at the' home at Mr. a!nd Mrs, Hey. . . ' , slats’ diary T NEW EXPRESS AGENT Mr. A. R. McClelland, formerly ; of Kitchener, is the new agent nJ the CStf.R, Express Company in St. Marys, he having taken over the office from Ml Russell Johnston, N.----—- " ' . I WINTER HOMES FURTHER SOUTH i . Jamaica, the Bahamas, Trinida4» Barbados an<\ such more sutUerly winter paradises appear to be gain­ ing on Bermuda ag poppar places in which to build winter homes. The Canadian National Steamships notes a tendency in this direction and an increase of 25 per cent/in the number of passengers carried to the island colonies further south. Favorable exchange rates for cur­ rency and recently reduced steam? ship fares have Served to make bet­ ter the Mackenzie—carter At the Manse, Seatctth, a pretty wedding took place of Miss Irene E. .Carter, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W 4th,. with all the! Garter, Hullett anj Donald McKen- The minutes qf zie, son of Mr, Donald McKenzie, of Imeknow the ceremony being formed by Rev, G* c. Kaine, in Zurich Town Hall> on October present, meeting The minutes qf were adopted hs per- disposing pf the communl $10; taxes meet o’clock in the afternoon. A. F. Hess, Clerk • GREENWAY (Intended for last week) Miss Viola Curts, London,with, Friday—Ant Emmy was .riding Mr;"a"d Mrs. C? Curts. x - m the noose paper that a Pedes- Mliss Mary Webb, ,:o£ Whalen, ,wlt.u gets hit by a otto - and MTg> We.^b. in New York evry| M}gg Eiieen Hicks, Thedford, with 12 ?rs* A-ny ®!?yiMr. and Mrs. W. Hicks. sed if he had enny Mlgg Qrace siheppard with Mr. sent® .at all he . Wv,D -and Mrs. D. Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheppard,- of London, Mrs. J’ohn Pollock^ of Cor­ bett, and Mr.' and Mrs. R, English have gone ,on a motor trip to Mon­ treal. Mrs.. Jas .Wilson has returned | from, the hospital much improved in * health. , . • |.. Mrs. Leslie Hutchinson has «re- , turned from) Visiting' he?i sister, Mrs. Miller, of Detroit. We regret i/to report that Mrs. Hutchinson has not been as well as her many­ friends wduld desire. * > Mrs. Andrew Pollock has return- trip why he found. 2 radio tubes ed trom ® visIt ln T°ro”t°- ' witch ma had boughten and put in |..the car. . '8 Sunday—well they get a good Mr. poak on Ray Tait witch is thfe plum- mer witch lives across the crick, he) went over to Jackson county to get ’ marryed on the sly and when he got to the preachers house why he found out he had forgot to, bring his girl along with him, Munday—-tonite hile he was at the supper table Mr. Gage the bank­ er called up pa and told him* the peace he rote in the noose paper was very, very fihej Whn pa hung Up he sed he wisht Mr, Gage would say that about sum of the checks he rites a cashionally. Wensday—well they finely cot I Philbottom witch is the biggest bot- legger in town today, he has been getting by for the past ten .years" but got cot for spitting up on the Sidewalk and tliey have got his-lock­ ed up In jaie for spitting. & pa says mebby they will put a nother charge against him -becuz sum fokes says h parked clost to ja fire plug last Sun­ day afternoon. Thirsday—-pa let a nother bonez heatjl ad run in the paper today and mebby he wont have to work any­ more if the boss sees it. It Mr. Flit- - fches add it was supposed to be sined the Pure Food Grocery and pa let it go threw the paper The Poor Food Grocery, . . .. / .................. .. , - wodd move to sum quite place in the Rooral districks. iSaterday — • pa told me to Gbe a cuppie tubes to­ day when she wag down ’town, him and me was a go­ ing to the' coun­ try tomorro tp get • wall nuts, and to- nite when he was' lokirig, threw his car to see was. every there for a tubes Mr, and Mrs. Thompson, of Osh- awa, and Mr. and Mrs, Leask, of 'M Toronto, spent the week-end with LauTie and Miss Leask. 4. HARPLEY (Intended for last week) Mr. Byran’ Brown B.A., of Toron­ to teaching staff spent the. Thanks­ giving holidays with his father Mr. W. J. Brown. Mrs. 9. Gr^b, of Zurich, spent a few days last week with her daugh­ ter Mrs Hugh Love. « Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love- spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodjgins at Corbett* Mrs. W. H. Hayter and Miss H, Hayter spent the week-end with Mrs. Leslie Hutchinson. G ’ Mr. and Mrs. joe HOdgins spent Sunday with Mr. David Eagleson. uVTrs. Will Love spent the week­ end with her father Mr, Ed. Gill. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter ftnd family spent Thanksgiving at. Mr. W. H. Hayter’s. Miss fedith Taylor, of Grand Bend spent Sunday forenoon with her sister Mrs? Thos'. Love and. after at­ tending the service at the United church Greenway, spent the remaim der of the day with Miss M; Wilson. cMrs. William Baker, of Grand Bend, spent Thanksgiving Day with her father Mr. Isaac Bestard, Sr, An Attack of Kidney Trouble Back Bad, Could Hardly Stand Den’t neglect a backache, but treat it before some serious kidney trouble sets in. Mrs. M. Golightly, ‘Willowlfea, Alta», writes:— “When I was teaching sohooll had a bad attack of kidney trouble, and my back ached so I cOtild hardly stand. ■ ■ • , * A friend advised me to Use' Doan’s Kidney Pills, which I did, and before a ihonth had elapsed I felt like a different person.” For sale at all drug and general stores, or mailed direct on receipt Of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, / One of our Customers will win the Prize. 4 AIRS- CAHERINE McFAJ)DEN There passed away recently Catherine McFadden one of forth's oldest residents. Her band predeceased her twenty-two years ago and also two daughter leaving one daughter to mourn loss, Mrs lSea» hue- AGED RESIDENT PASSES her Death removed one ^of the pioneers of the district in the son of Joseph Gelihas Sr., who pass­ ed away at his home in Drysdale at the age of 84 years. He is surviv­ ed by his aged widow and a grown up family of sons and daughters Rev, Father L. Marchand conducted the funeral, interment taking place in the Drysdale R. C. cemetery. old pe^ knpwn /h? heavenly climates of Caribbean’ colonies. THIS CONTEST IS OPEN TO EVERY PURCHASER OF A GIBBARD DINING SUITE, BEDROOM SUITE OR A HIBBARD OCCASIONAL PIECE YOU DON’T HAVE TO COMPETE WITH >EOPLE ALL OVER CANADA *■ SOMEONE IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD IS GOING TO WIN THIS BEAUTIFUL TABLE MAGIC TRICK PERFORMED —WOMAN RECOVERS PURSE When her baby hurled her purse with money, railway transportation* and other valuables out of the train window a few miles west of a prairie village called Eden, a woman abroad a Canadian National train gave up all hope of her trip abroad and ap­ pealed to the kindness of the con­ ductor to ,get her as far as Winni­ peg. To-day, she is in Europe and there is a station agent and a sec-, tion foreman “mentioned fn des­ patches.” Within a few hours of, her loss the purse had been found, the train on which she rode had been caught by a speeding automo­ bile, and the woman was again in possession of her purse and all that it contained. They worked the ma­ gic trick very simply. No sooner had the woman reported her los® to* Conductor Abbott a mile or two west of Eden than he got in touch with the agent, A. Clark. Mr. Clark sent out a section gang to hunt for the purse and wired Neepawa to hold the train a few minutes in case the purse “was found. J. W. Lee, a sec­ tion foreman, foi|nd the purse lying upon by the track two miles west of Eden. He hunted about, picked up the stuff that had been scattered about and tore back to Eden aboard a handcar, Mr.- Clark unlimbered his car and started his ract to Nee­ pawa, where he caught the train which was being heldionly ten, min­ utes overtime. .... • ,, , . ... • X, / ‘ 25 YEARS AGO Wheat at $1.05 a bushel made the farmers of this section get busy during-the past week and consider­ able of it was marketed., The baker raised bread to 6c. oh Saturday. Mr. Peter M. Moir, after spending five weeks in and. around .Crystal City, Man., where he owns a fine farm, returned home on Monday. Mr. A. Dearing Sr., who had hfs ■sale last week moved to town this week and is now occupying the resi­ dence he purchased from the Thos Welsh estate. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ford, of Us- borne, had a narrow escape from Serious injury in a runaway acci­ dent on Saturday night last. While driving along Huron side-road to-' ward home the bridle broke leaving them at the mercy of the horse. When Mr. Ford got out of the rig to fix it the horse started off at a ^lively gait with Mrs. Ford in the rig, 'The buggy was badly wrecked but the occupants were uninjured.’ Hay sold in London on Tuesday at $18.50 a ton. ' Mr. Harold Bissett, teller in the Molsons Bank here, was transferred no Simcoe last week. Mr. John Riley, of Farquhar, left la,st week for British Columbia. The inhabitants of-the village are grad­ ually getting less. Messrs. Glenn,, of Brantford positions. <Mr.- Joseph Snell and daughter, Miss Flossie left Saturday to visit for sometime in Boston. p'^jiMr, Andrews, of Cromarty,, who has been been conducting the gen­ eral store here for some years has disposed of the store property to Mr. David ‘McConnell, of Dublin. . WALDEN-KNIGHT The wedding of Marion Roslyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. p. • Knight, Parkhill, and Fred Stanley Walden, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Walden, London, took place in St. James’ Anglican Church, ^Parkh'ill, on Saturday, October 1, The cere­ mony was performed by Rev. Frank Lewin, rector of the church. PRESENTATION TO BRIDE-ELECT Friends of Miss Edna Blanchard gathered at the 4J0me of Mrs. H. Blanchard, Sylvan, in honor of 'her daughter *who was recently married to Mr. George Eberly. After a very enjoyable program a little bride and groom entered the room drawing a wagon gaily decorated and epntain- anding a many clock from the Y. P. S. other beautiful gifts. i MARY E. STELCK v of the the af- Jack Vance .and Jack Lumley, have gone to' where they 'have . good MRS. A highly respected resident Zurich passed away recently at advanced age of 85 years in person of Mrs. Mary E. Sltelck ter au illness of a* number of years duration. Mrs. Stelck was the wi­ dow of the late Henry Stelck, form­ erly of the 14th con. of Hay Twp., who predeceased her <18 years ago About twenty five years ago Mrs. Stelck moved to Zurich. She leaves to” mourn her loss four1 sons, Levi D.,.of Dauphin, Man.; Albert C., of London; Arthur H. F., of Dauphin Man., and Edward C.,'of Hay Twp and two daughters, Miss Margaret Stelck, of Long Beach, Cal. and Mrs John Hey Jr., of Zurich. )S ... ... ■ NEW STORE OPENING A< Red & White store carrying groceries and. meats• will open in Seaforth. Mr. A. Carter, of Guelph and ,Mr. Angus McRae, of Seaforth will be in charge. 'They are reno­ vating the Toggery Shop for their, store and intend opening at about October 21st. HODGINS—KENNEDY North United church, West Nis- .souri, was the scene, of a lovely Oc­ tober wedding when Marion Char, lotte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, Kennedy, became the bride of Wm. Hodgins, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins, Denfield, The cere*- mony was. performed “by Rev. Roy Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins left on a motor trip’ to Hamilton, Buf­ falo and Detroit. On their return they will reside on tne groom’s farm at Denfield. ’ DIED IN THE WEST Word has been received) of the death pf Mr. W. S. McIntosh at his hpme in Krpnan, Sask., the result of an accident. They were putting sheaves in the loft of the barn when in the act of tripping a bundle the rope gave way and he fell to the floor. He was rushed to Re$na General Hospital but died a few days later. Mr. McIntosh was born 62 years ago in McKillop' Twp. later going to the West. His wife Mary E. Smith was also a McKillop girl. Eight children survive, all of 'whom are at home. 7.A**' X ■ In place of a Subscription Contest as was put on by the "fimes-Advocate last year, we havezdecided for a limited time to pass on the advantage to our ° subscribers and are making a special offer of X X X X X X We are combining with this an attractive Clubbing R.ate with the following daily papers and you can secure the Times-Advocate along with the LONDON Regular Subscription Rate is $7.00 a year X X X X ADVERTISER Remember this offer good for a limited time only. X X X 9 Take advantage of this offer now to pay ydur paper up and save 25 per cent. Subscriptions to London Papers S3.95 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx