HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-10-20, Page 5<*• THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, OC/IXXJIER M Rondon, was visiting with is this week ARM NUMB WITH RHEUMATISM CREDITON Fraser prewu announces that he is open for business in the Wuerth Chopping Mill building and will pur­ chase Eggs, Poultry and Cream* Hp also has for sale a full variety of winter THE RED & WHITE .store apples.Woman’s Thanks to KrOsdien “I have been suffering from rheu­ matism for years. At one time I and Mrs, Q. N. Braun, Harry . °1' Owendale, Mich** and Miss could scarcely walk with pains in! Esther Eilber, qf Detroit, visited pay feet, The thumb of jny left with Mr. and Mrs. H. Eilber a hand was so stiff j could oqly bend iew days last week, it with the aid of the right hand, J| Mr, and Mrs. F, W, Clark were in was afraid- to. go to bed, as my right j Narnia on Sunday.^ hand and arm up to the elbow used .... ’ x to go num'b,-and the pain was just Mrs. Wm. Hildebrandt was visit-' terrible until I got the. circulation —J started ‘to take a I half-teaspoonful -of Kruschen in a Mr. Gordon Reid, of in town on Tuesday, Mrs, Roy Parlwei* is her sister in Toronto,. Mrs. Thus. Parlmer visiting with her son in Windsor. Mrs. Alex McMurtrie is visiting this week with her son jn Stanley, Mr, Harold Munn, of Stratford spent the week-end with friends in town. Miss Jean Bonthron, of London, spent the week-end at her home ' here, Rev. Braun,=s ed recently by some of her sons of F0!*? agaim London. |Miss Margaret McLaren, of Lon- sMss^ of hot water before breakfast, don, spent the *........... home here. Mr. and Mrs. .............. . <1 1 i Western Rolled Oats/ fine pr pparitp .. 7 lbs. 25c,■a I I Campbell’s Vegetable Soup ,R, 2 tips for 17c, •. {.Chrjk’s Spjaps, assorted , 4 tins fo* 25c, Armour’s Corn Beef 2* tins for 25c. Jewel Shortening 1 1 Jb, pkg, 2 for 2Jc., Falcon Mincemeat 2 lb. for 25c. PURE CANE SUGAR ..Z.................... ..., .. 10 lbs. for 50c. Old Dutch Cleanser per tin 10c. Princess Soap Flakes "•Large pkg. each 15c. Palmolive Toilet Soap 3 cakes for 21c. AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISINS, NEW CROP ....... 2 lbs. for 25c. Cocoa in Bulk 1-2 lb. pkg each 9c. Macaroni Ready Cut in bulk, 2 lbs. for 13c. Servus Pumpkin No, 2 tin, 2 for 17c. FINEST QUALITY PITTED DATES.................................. 2 lbs. for 23c. 0 Good Quality Rice 3 lbs. for 16c. Rex Vanilla 2 bottles for 13c. Broken Sodas McCormick’s 2 lbs. for 17c | Mr. Harrison Holtzmann and chib dren spent a few days with Mrs. | Haist and Mrs, Leah Holtzmann. I (M’r, and Mrs, Everett Haist and 1 daughter of Zurich were guests with the formers parents Mr. and Mrs, Fred Haist, Mr. and Mrs. C. Birk, Mrs. J. Mac­ Donald, of Detroit, and Mrs, C. Eil­ ber, of Zurich were visitors over the week-end with Mrs. Mary Wenzel’ 1 and »Mr. and Mrs, Herb Fahrner. Mrs, Wm- Wein, and children, of Dashwood, visited a ’few days last week with Mrs.’ Elizabeth Wein. Miss Helen Maclsaac, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Daniel Mclsaac.* Mrs. Archie^Miller, Mrsy Ed. Haist and Misses-Cora Haist and Edna Faist, of Pigeon, Mich., and Mrs. A. Haist and Mrs. George Howell, of Detroit, spent a few days last week at *the home- of Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ ford Hill. " \ Miss Lillian Finkbeiner, of South Cayuga, is visiting this week at the Lome of Mr. Hy. Haist and other ■relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Holtzmafin, Mr. and Mrs. Asa He-nry, of Balo Eagle Lake, 'Mich., visited with Mrs. Leah Holtzmann over the week-end. Rev. Fred Faist, of Chippawa, On­ tario, spent Friday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. G. E- Faist. The Women’s Association of the’ United Church held their October meeting on the afternoon of^Oct, 12th. In the absence of the presi­ dent Mrs, Woodall presided. The. lesson was read by Mrs. Rev. John­ son. Prayer was offered by Mrs. I. Hill. After left-over business was dealt with it was decided to serve a chicken supper on November 9th. A social time concluded the meeting at which the following were host­ esses: Mrs. Roy Schwartz, Mrs. Ross Taylor and Mrs. Garnet Hill. Crediton Fowl Supper The Fowl Supper" conducted by the Evangelical church last Thurs­ day evening very nearly attained its usual success. Proceeds frbm the sale of tickets were somewhat higher and the contributions by the local congregation were some­ what lower. The so-called depres­ sion sometimes effects people of whom one should hardly expect it, ‘but no doubt there are many some­ what effected who yet show a noible spirit when it comes *ito church, mat­ ters. Four organized S. S. classes decorated the building. Twelve tables, each accommodating sixteen people and each table bedecked with the usual bountiful supply of good things, besides the serving of hot goose and all that goes with it, tells the most interesting paragraph- of the fowl supper. Behind this scene was that usual and most efficient organization and system that com­ prising the machinery of prompt service. Mre. Gottfried Wein, the general convenor with her secretary Mrs. Emmery Fahrner were cheer­ ful and untiring in their efforts dur­ ing the days of strain. All the convenors and helpers, men, women’ ‘ and young people showed mu,ch of the same spirit. H. K. Eilber was convenor of the business committee and Miss Lavina Smith made ar- of the church friends week end at her an(i believe me I feel a different wo- j man, I tell everyone what5 I' take, j, Bonthron and the- 800d it bas done me.”— spent the^ week-end with friends in t W-A.B. Kitchener. .... The many friends of Mrs. Wm, Caldwell will be sorry to hear she is seriously ill. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Agur, of Mt. Forest, visited on Saturday with friends in town. Mrs. (Dr.) Collyer spent Saturday in London visiting with her pi oth­ er who is seriously ill. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitchell, of Usborne, ^visited on Sunday wiip Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hudson. The Annual Rally of the Young People of Huron will be held at Auburn on Monday evening next; Mrs. H. Workman, and daughters Misses Olive and Mabel, visited friends in Benmiller on Saturday. Quite a number from here at­ tended Anniversary Services at Kip­ pen ^nd Chiselhurst on Sunday last. Mrs. J. W. White Js visiting with, her ■ son-in-law and daughter, Mr. a*nd Mrs. Jas. Eby, or. Collingwood. The Old Time Dance put on in • the Town Hall by the* Firemen on Tuesday evening was very well at­ tended. { The Arnold Circle of the Carmel Presbyterian Church held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Glenn Bell Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, Mrs. W. A. McLaren and Mrs. Harry Howard, have returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in Bor­ deaux, Sask. Miss Annie Consitt is confined her home with a severe attack neuritis! Her duties as teacher the Public Schol are being taken Mrs. Harold Hilliard. Mrs. Maud Hedden’ very sang' over the radio at CJ'GC don on Monday evening. Her entitled “The Voice in the Old age Choir” and “When Irish are Stmiling”. This is the second time Mrs. Hedden has sung over the air. .Services in our local -church were well attended on /Sunday last. At the United Church,' Rev. Mr. Gale of Moncton, occupied the pulpit in the'morning and the evening service was withdrawn owing to the anni­ versary. services in the Chiselhurst United Church. At the Carmel Pres­ byterian church. Rev. Malcolm Young, of ‘Sarnia, had charge of both services and the choir render­ ed several fine anthems. A concert under the auspices of the Young People of the United Church was held on Monday even- x ing* with a large number present An excellent program was given by the men, those taking pdrt were as follows: Scotch solo, Mr. Harry Hoffman, of Dashwood; reading Mr. George Follick'; solo, Sam Rennie and piano solo, Dr. I. S. Smillie. A very interesting address by Rev. Mr. Elliott, of Main Street United Church Exeter. The Welfare' Youth Club of the Carmel Presbyterian Church heliS their regular meeting on Monday evening. The meeting was opened by singing a hymn after which* Rev, J. B. Rhodes led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Alice Walkei1 followed )by< a very interesting address on “Presbyter­ ianism” by Rev. Rhodes, of Exeter. A vote of thanks to Mr. Rhodes was moved by Mr. Jack Bean, after which the meeting closed with the Benediction and contests and games . were^ indulged in. W, ably Lon-' solo Vill- Eyes | Kruschen contains six mineral salts which tone up the- liver, kid­ neys and stomach—and keep them working smoothly and efficiently. The reward of this internal cleanli­ ness is a freshened and invigorat­ ed blood-stream. Piosonous uric acid is expelled through the natural channels, and the pains of rheuma- I tism cease. And as you continue with Krug’che-n, your whole being— body and brain—responds to its purifying force. GR^AND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Joe Oliver were in London on Tuesday visiting their daughter Cora/ 'Mr, and Mrs. Joe Ravelie Jr., vis­ ited with friends around Stratford for the past week. B Mrs. Taylor is spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Cy­ rus Green. Every available man has gone from the burg to the celery gardens this week, as celery pulling is in full swing. Mrs. Peter Eisenbach, who spent a few days with her mother Mrs. I. Tetreau returned home Sunday. Mr. Wilford Mathers, of London, and Miss 'Edith Lovie, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. The bunch that were bathing in Old LSke Huron at this point Sun­ day shy .the water was beautiful and some took a stroll on the shore in their bathing suits. No need to go farther south. ' THAMES ROAD s Mrs. Greenwood, of Brantford, formerly . of Mitchell, spoke <at a Missionary meeting in Roy’s United Church during the past • week. The Mount Pleasant and Thames Road societies were present. Mrs. J. W. Stewart an,d Mr. Win. Stewa'rt motored to Toronto accom­panied bA Mr. and Mrs. Hillburn, who have been visiting relatives in the community. Mrs. Stewart and William returned- Friday last after visiting a few days. t Mis? Anna. Allison R.jST., of New York, has returned after visiting for some time at the home, of her parents Mr. and Mrs: J. T/Allison. 'Miss Lula Kerr, of Crediton, was the guest of Miss Blackhall, of Lum­ ley, over the week-end. Little Miss • Audrey Jtiunkin, of .Farquhar, had the m'jisfortune to have the end of her finger taken off by a washing machine. /Dr. Dunlop of Exeter, dressed it. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kydd, Mrs. C. Borland, Mrs. G. Monteith and Mr. J. Duncan attended the funeral of- Mrs. Barber, of Nissouri, Tuesday of last week. Mr. Ed. Bearss and family, of An­ derson, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson. \ Mrs. Amos Darling, of Ailsa Craig, visited her sister Mrs. John Selves during the week. Mrs. W. Green has returned to her home aftOr spending a few days of the past week with her mother- Mrs. R. MacDonald. Miss Anna Rhode visited Miss V. Pollen during the week-end. Mr. and 'Mrs. T. Hodgert and family, of Seaforth, spent # Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgert. rangements for the program evening. Trustees of the and pastor thank the many foj1 their presence. - Change over how to winter oil and grease Sandy at the Ford 'Garage, Elliot. CREDITON EAST Red & White Toilet Tissue .... 3 for 23c Peanut Blitter .... 32 oz barrel each 29c. Fancy Queen Olives .... 14 1-2 oz. jar 19c Chocolate or Cocoanut M M Biscuits 15c lb Jumbo Salted Peanuts ....... per lb. 15c. Chocolate-coated Peanuts .... per lb. 29c. ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT. "Quality always higher than price.” We DeliverPhone 102 i»^ CENTRALIA McCarthy, of Adelaide, is her daughter Mrs. M. Mc- Mrs. visiting Cabe. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and daughter Jean are visiting with friends in Windsor and Cottam. Mr. Wilkie, of Tavistock, is relieving at the station for Mr. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, of St. Thomas, visited with ,M'r. and Mrs. Harry Mills one day last week. • Don’t forget the debate on Fri­ day evening of this week to be held in the Crediton United Church. The debating team, Miss Hazel Smith and Mr. Gerald Godbolt will meet the debaters from North Street United Church, Goderich, in the final de­ bate of the contest. Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard and Greta visited with friends in Thed­ ford on Sunday. Mr. Trueman Mills, who has been relieving agent in Sarnia, for some­ time is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Mills. Miss Mary O’Brien, of WINCHELSEA Apple picking is the order of the day in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher attended the funeral of the late Mrs. J. Coursey,- in Lucan, on Mon­ day, the deceased being an aunt of Mrs. Fletcher’s. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten and family visited with friends at Whal­ en on Sunday. > Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock spent Sunday with friends at Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. Alt. Collier, of Kirk- the latter’s par- H. Bailey on Sun- George Davis at- ton, visited with ents Mr. and Mrs. day. Mr. and Mrs. tended the funeral of the former’s aunt, Mrs. O. Fraileigh in London on Saturday. SHIPKA Sunday, October 23rd, will be’ Communion Sunday at 11 a.in. Rev. Johnston in charge. The many friends of little Orpha London, Qajser> daughter of Mr. and Mrs. spent the week-end with, her parents gmie Gaiser are glad to learn shej Mr. and,Mrs. C. O’Brien. | is getting4 along so well and will be „ ------------------------ [able to return to her home shortly. <DASHWOOD I i MT. CARMEL Mrs. M. Ryan attended the an-* nual convention of C. at London this week. Mr. George O’Leary, called on friends here Miss Alice Dietrich, is spending a few days here. Master and Mrs. ed to. St. W. League of Parkhill, on Saturday of London, at her home sdn of Mr, Dr. H. H. Cowen. L.D.S., D.D.S. .. Combination Doors 2 ft. 8 inch. X 6 ft. 8 inch AND ' 2 ft. 10 inch. X 6 ft. 10 inch. \ Clear Cedar 1% inches thick with glass and screen $7.00 Paint Pine ’O/g- inches thick with glass and screen $5.50 STORM SASH GLAZED 4 Its. 12x20—2 ft 416 inches X 4 ft. 0 inches—$2.35 4Jts. 12x24—2 ft. 4^ inches X 4 ft. 8 inches—$2.50 4 Its'. 12x30—2 ft. 4*/* inches X 5 ft. 8 inches—$2.8$ .4 Its. 14x24—2 ft. 8i/2 inches X 4 ft. 8 inches—$2.65 4 Its. 14x28—2 ft. 8^ inches X 5 ft. 4 inches—$2.95 4 Its. 14ji32—2 ft. 8i/2 inches X 6 ft. 0 inches—$3.10 OTHER SIZES AT CORRESPONDINGLY LOW PRICES WRITE OR PHONE YOUR ORDER TO A. Spencer Sc Son ( HENSALL PHONE 102 . DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at* office over the PobT. Office, in Zurich. last thr.ee days of week. Mrs. Faust and sister Miss Mary England and Miss Kathleen Bell are spending a few weeks with friends in Thedford. Mr/ and Mrs. E. Flynn, of Lon­ don, visited with relatives here a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Witzel, of Toron­ to', visited his mother Mrs. Witzel on Saturday. Mrs. A. Musser, of London, is vis­ iting her daughter Mrs. A. Haugh. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Yates and family, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. L. Yates, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kraft. Mr."Reuben Goetz attended the funeral Mrs. Jacob Ney, of Sunday. Mrs.. Ney's Wm. iStoskopf died also within few hours of his sister and was bur­ ied on Monday. Mrs. C. Finkbeiner and,, daughter Catherine are Spending a few weeks in Sarnia. Basil Glavin, Charles Glavin, was rush- Joseph Hospital, London, last week where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Basil is now doing as well as can be expect­ ed. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, of Detroit, spent the week-end at the home of Lis brother, Jerry Camp­ bell. Mr. Wm- Berry, of London, is spending a few days at the home of hs sister, Mrs. (J!ames O’Rourke and other relatives. Mr. Johm^Lynch and friend, of Detroit, spent Sunday with the former’s, cousins, the “ Misses Car- 11 Mr. Powe and sister, Mrs. P. Re- jgen, of’Lucan, called on their sister Mrs. James Boland on Sunday.| Mr. and Mrs. James Hall, of De- i troit, spent the week-end with the .former’s mother, Mrs. Ed. Hall. I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan and family, spent Sunday with friends . at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. M. Doyje were call- I ed the bed-side of her aunt, of ' Strathroy, whb is seriously ill. She had an operation for appendi­ citis in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don. t Mrs. P. Eisenbach, of Grand Bend, spent last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tetreau. iMr. and Mrs. Geo. liemmel from', Lockport, N. Y., visited at the home of Mt*, and Mrs. A. Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynch, of Detroit- caleld on friends last week. Mrs. A. Hudson has returned to her home in London after spending a few weeks with her daughter Mrs. ' L. Finkbeiner. I Mrs., C. Schwartz from S. Cayuga,! visited with Mrs. J. Gaiser and Other fined to the house for several days, relatives last week. | The Women’s Institute were en- Mr. and Mrs. E. Keyes spent Sun- tertained. at Fullarton on Wednes- ... . afternoon. There was a splen- program and the Fullarton gave a v’ery fine luncheon. Mr. called I Henry ! Mr. STAFFA Wm. Golding, M.P., Seaforth, on his parents Mr. and Mrs. Golding on Saturday. F. A. Hambly has been con- spent Chris. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff, of ...near St. Marys, spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Pfaff Sr. ■Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr., is visiting her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. -ike Gower near Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MotZ Sunday with Mr. "and Mrs. Wein, north of town. Mr. and M^s* EH Lawson spent Sunday* with Mr. and Mrs. Esli Hey­ wood, north of town. Mrs. Lawson is remaining for a few days. Mr. Silas Brokenshire spent a few days the past week yrith Mr.' and Mrs. Brokeiishire in Centralia. Mrs. Henry Motz and Mrs. Eli Lawson and Mrs. Wm. Motz spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz in Exeter. * Renew your subscription now and save money. See advt. on another page. ZION Anniversary services held in the Zioh United 'Church were very suc­ cessful. Services were conducted by Rev. W. A. Waldon, Of femiiress Av­ enue United Church, London, who delivered excellent setMons, both morning and evening. Special music was furnished by the choir, The of­ fering for the day amounted to $80. and of the Stratfofd, brother mother late on Mr. a KIRKTON Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell Mr. -and Mrs. F. Bradshaw, of troit, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hazelwood. Mr. John Morpeth is having his house wired for hydro. Mr. Silas Shier had a very success­ ful sale Tuesday, October 11, and intends 'moving to his new home in Bryanston Shortly. Mr. Wm. Mack, of St. Marys, call­ ed on friends in the village on Fri­ day. Miss Helen Bretliour was a week­ end visitor with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Bretliour. 5 Mrs. Harry Burgin attended the convention at Catham last week. . We regret very much to hear that Mr. Chas. Paul received word from England of the death of his father Miss E. Shier is spending a few days this week with her neice Mrs H. Balfour, of London. One of our old esteemed residents passed away Saturday morning in the person of Mrs. Si. Brown after a lengthy illness. We’ extend our sympathy to Mr. BrOwn and family A number- from the village at­ tended the Whalen anniversary on Sunday. and De- day in Usborne at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Etherington. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sparks, calle'd' at the home of Tetreau last weec, don, Mrs.I. 1 of Lon- Mr. and day did dies la- \ GREENWAY Carlton, Mrq. Crawford, and Pickering, were guests of neice Mrs. W. E. WOODHAM W. 12, The M. S. in the Mrs. Ben Wilson presiding.- The October meeting of the met Wednesday, October basement of the church with Mrs. son, of Mrs. Carlton’s ___ ____ _______ _____ _ __ Young on Sunday. I meeting opened by singing a hymn The Young People of the United and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Church bad a successful weiner The minutes of the last meeting roast ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs/ were read and approved. Roll was J. H. McGregor on Monday evening.' called and answered with a verse of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shettler and Scripture. A few minutes were Mrs. Blair have returned to Buffalo, spent in discussion about business _. The treasurer’s report showed an increase of ten dollars more than October 15, 1931 A hymn was sung next and Mrs. Wes­ ley Shier read the Scripture Lesson and then read a nice paper on "Thanksgiving.” Mrs. Cecil Camm read the study book, and Miss Cook gave a Bible lecture, which was en­ joyed by all. sung and the meeting with Mr. Joseph sick for some slowly. Mr, and Mrs. James Squire and daughters, of Woodham^ attended the anniversary services at Chisel­ hurst .on Sunday and spent the iiay at Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Harris’. Quite a number from her attended the aniversary services at Whalen on Sunday. Miss Sarah *Shier is improving af­ ter her recent illness. Church services were here Sunday, October 16, of anniversary services .at.Zion on the Mitchell Road? Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Jaques and family spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. John Selves and took in the Anni­ versary at CWselhutst. after spending several weeks camp-1 problems, ing at Grand Bend, Mrs. A. Hotson, of ed with Mr. and Mrs. week. ' Mrs. W. Leltz and Paikhill, have been Mr. and Mrs. H. Bertram. Mrs, F. Sharpe entertained members of the Baby Band London, visit- J. Hotson last little son, of visiting with the and their mothers on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wellman, of Port Huron, mdtored here last week with Mrs. Mr recent Gollen. The Church last well attended in spite of the cool weather. Old members came from far and near and renewed acquaint­ ances. After the’ bountiful, hot dinner the members of the Arkona W. I. put on a play, "Her Step-Hus­ band" in a very acceptable way and the many good bits of humor received hearty applause. Proceeds of the evening amounted to $181.00 The united church school is studying the Temperance Course that is being sponsored by the W. C. T. U. Archie McIntosh. . and Mrs. Fred Kading were guests with Mr. and Mrs. A, Fowl Supper at the United Wednesday was very Another hymn was president closed the prayer. Rinn, who has been time is improving withdrawn on account being held