The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-10-20, Page 4THURSDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1932 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Dr. French’s Nu-Erb The Hew and different Herbal Medicine Being introduced in Exeter by Howey’s Drug Store WHO HAS RECEIVED THE APPOINTMENT AS SPECIAL AGENT. JAMES ST. W* S« ENTERTAINS OENTR4I4A AUXUAARY The w. M. ,s. of James St. Unit-, ed church met Thursday afternoon at 2 pan. in tbo church parlors. Tire president in the chair, opened the meeting by singing and prayer. The" S(litabR for this”elim4tV’TWs'was minutes pf the last meeting were ? granted. The meeting was closed read by the secretary and was up- With prayer and benediction asking that the Societies each don­ ate 50 cents for the purpose of re­ fitting with clothes a young lady from Japan, who came to take a coui^e in Alma College. Oil getting to this country, she found that her wearing apparel was not of the kind AUCTION SALE CQUNTY TREASURER’S SAXE LAND FOR TAXES HURON COUNTY Notice is hereby given that OF NU-ERB IS MADE FROM THE JUICE OF TWELVE DIF­ FERENT ROOTS, BARKS AND HERBS AND COM­ POUNDED BY A SCIENTIFIC METHOD TO HELP ALL WHO SUFFER FROM NERVOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEY OR BOWEL TROUBLE. HOWEY’S DRUG STORE HAS A SPECIAL DISPLAY AT THEIR STORE SHOWING THE MANY INGREDIENTS USED IN NU-ERB. CALL AND SEE THIS DISPLAY AND LET THEM EXPLAIN WHY IT WILL HELP YOU. REMEMBER THE NU-ERB POLICY “SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED.” * z --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -—II read by the secretary and was ap- ’ yvitli proved. The corresponding secre-| tary read two letters, one from' Mr$, Dioxn, of Windsor, asking for money to help a girl from Korea who is attending Alma College. It was decided to help; also Mrs. Stone and*Mrs. Walker were asked to represent the W. M. S. in Sunday] School. The layette which was sent out Wes^. was valued at $10.00. The treasurer ‘also gave her report® which was satisfactory, The report of ~ Grand Bend convention was post­ poned until the regular meeting next month. Soon after 3 p.m, the Centralia auxiliary toox charge of, the program, ' ’ _ ’ Mitchell opened their meeting by sinking and prayer, Mrs. George Hicks gave a Bible reading; then followed a piano selection by Mr&. A. Essery and Greta Pollard; also a vocal duet by Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Skinner, with Mrs. Hepburn pian­ ist. A reading by Mrs. H. Ppwe on “Our Opportunity to make Our Province Dry like P. E. Island” and KHIVA s and Mrs. Win. Stade and by sonMr Melvin visitqd over the week-end with friends in St. Thomas, Mr, Edgar MawJiinney had the misfortune to fall through a trap door in the barn and fractured his leg. We are glad to report he is do­ ing nicely. . Mr. and Mrs. S, Gottchalk, of forth, visited last week with and Mrs. Wm. Stade. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb and Sea- Mr. cuun v* . ->***'* *»**»-«. yr*-!-!-? fam-. The president Mrs, ily moved last week to their new home in Goderich and Mr. R. Bayn- ham, of Dashwood, has moved onto Mr. Nee'b’s farm. - We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Baynham to this neighbor­ hood. Of r-— | PURE BRED AND GRADE STOCK OF FIRST CXASS QUALITY | Mr.?G. H. Elliott, uuctioneex', has lisi’of'‘lands" f‘o7sair fir G been instructed by the unjer-sigped - to selj by public auction on , Lot 14, Concession a, L* R-* S. Tnclcersmithn a mil© a quarter East of Kippen and half ji mile south, on MONDAYj OCTOBER 24th, 1932 at 1 o’clock p.ui. the following des­ cribed property: HORSES—One team of matched brood -mares both of which have spring colts, one being a horse colt and the other a filly, both of which are good colts- One Peroheron geld­ ing four years old, broke to work; One 3-year-pld Percheron filly and One 1-year-old Percheron filly, CATTLE—One registered SihorL horn bull Hector' (205392) two- years old and a .sure stock getter of first class stock; One ^registered -Short- horn cow “Evangeline” five years of age and a men of the breed; One Shorthorn cow °Pahsy” old not registered; One Shorthorn cow “Violet” of- m of the hUB oeen prepared, copies of which may ‘ be hacpat the County Treasurer’s ' fice, in Goderich, Ontario. ■ The list has been published The Ontario Gazette in issues ' July 31, August 6, 13. and 20.| In accordance with the Assess- I ment Act I shall proceed’,to sell by I public auction the said lands, or so , much thereof as may be sufficient for payment of the taxes thereon, to­ gether with costSl unless the same be sooner paid. The sale will comipence at the Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday November 1st, ,1932, at the hour of two o’clock in the aft'ernoon, GORDON YOUNG, Treasurer. Huron County Goderich,# Aug, 20, 1932 , ik_ ... .. ?... , . ! HARPLEY Jean Hodgins spent Sunday home here. BIRTHS | IN MEMORIAM ' PROUT—Ill Usborne, on Friday, Oc- ABBOTT—In loving memory of my tober 14th to Mr. and Mrs. Chas J dear husband, Ernest Abbott, who Prout, a son. . passed away, one year ago today, October 24, 1931. \ DEATHS We cannot Eord, Thy purposd see, But all is well that’s dene by The-e; TAPP—In Exeter on Friday, Octo-.Soipe day, perhaps we’ll understand ber 14, 1932, William Tapp, aged, When we meet again in that Better 86 years, 9 months and 9 days. COURSEY—In Lucan, on Friday.' October 14, Sarah Delilah Armi-: tage, beloved wife of James Cour*-1 ■sey. j Land. Ever remembered, by his Wife and* £>on. loving HODGINS—At the residence of her’ daughter, Mrs. M. E. Deacon, 338; Maitland Ave., London, Thursday. October 13, Sarah Maria Hodgins, j •widow of the late. Thomas Hod­ gins, formerly, of Lucan Crossing I in her 91st year. i CARD OF THANKS i Miss Mary Tapp and Mr. Thos. Tapp desire to express their sincere thanks' to the neighbors and friends for the kindness" and sympathy ex­ tended during their recent bereave­ ment; also for the floral tributes, the loan of cars j,nd to Rev. E. L. Vivian and the bearers. IN MEMORIAM SIMS—In loying memory of Garnet Sims, who was killed at the So.u- langes Canal, on October 20th, 192'7. Loving and tender, kind and true, Dear Garnet today, we are lonely for yqti. Sadly missed ,by Parents, Sisters and Brother JAMES STREET Y. P. A. On Thursday evening the .James Street Young People’s Society held their first meeting in the contest when over one hundred were pres­ ent. The “Moabites” under th'e leadership of M’iss Gertrude Francis were in' charge. The meeting was opened by the President Mr. Garnet Hicks and ''following the business Miss Francis took the chair, Scrip­ ture lesson was read by Roylance Westcott. The main feature of the evening was the lantern slides on “David Livingstone” which proved interesting and educational. A -solo by Miss Enola Buswell, instrument­ al by7 Miss Fern Welsh and .a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Goulding were all much appreciated. A contest and games ‘brought the meeting Ito a close. Miss showing how P. E. Island was much,3* her , more prosperous than the wet prov-| and M1’s' Robert Murray inces in so many ways; a vocal duett;tored t0 Sarnia on Sunday, by Mrs. Herman Powe and Mrs. i ' ^Irs' WrIgnt’ Skelton entitled “The Church on the troit, visited with her parents Side of the Road”; a recitation “The lier sjster/Mrs. Leslie-Hutchinson. House by the Side of the Road” by,w^10 seriously ill just now. We Mrs. Geo Thompson; singing by the will soon be wgll again - auxiliary; Mrs, Powe gave a talk on! G®C11 A^ire,y the author and mission work; solo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh by Mrs. Roy Fletcher after which !Pove. on Sunday. • l&rs. Robb gave an interesting talk Miss Knight visited with Miss on what she saw and heard at the Jean Hodgms at hei home h.eie. Grand Council of the United church which was held recently in Hamil­ ton. ISo closed a program which was thoroughly appreciated by the James St. auxiliary, closing with the singing of a hymn and prayer. This was followed by lunch by the James, Street all. ladies and a social time for /X MAIN mo- De- and Mr. and Mrs. Jurge Kienel and son Earl, of Bridgeburg, spent a few days.last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carruthers. > Miss Olive English-, of Greenway, visited Sunday with Miss Pearl Car­ ruthers. ELIMVILLE PHONE 9 < Mrs, B. IV. F. Beavers was in Lon­ don one day last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Bewell. Mr. Bewell, who is organist of Talbot St. Bap­ tist church has resigned and is leav­ ing shortly for Vancouver. z (224574)‘ fine sbeci- pure five pure four year old not registered; One roan Short­ horn cow five years old; One y o'ung white Grade cow; One fine grey Shorthorn cow; One red grade cow. All of these seven cows have, calves and have all been hand milk­ ed and the calves have all been pail fed. j Also . one red pure bred year-old heifer not registered calf at loot. All of-these cows been bred again this year. One pair of three-year-old steers; One pair of year-old steers; pair of year-old heifers and seven 20x48 with a kitchen 14x18. calves. ' 1 barn on corner stone 44x88. Frame HOGS--1OT)P nnTA hrp-fl Vm-lrcViil’P ' nnvr hann on-i-cn boar “Wel'dwood” 975A3 6-148317. sire of the litter that took the prize | also th.e sire of the litter I have e-n-1 tered in the present 1 contest; also! 4 superior Yorkshire sows each of Which have had two litters- and been’ all bred again to. the “Wellwood.” SHEEP—One Oxford Ram, year1 old; also nine Oxford ewes ag­ ed two and three years. TERMS—All sums of $10 and un­ der and the three year old steers to be cash. Six months credit will be allowed on all others on furnishing approved security. A discount at the rate of six per cent, per annum or three per cent, straight will MORTGAGE SALE —■of---’ A^ALUABLE FARM PROPERTY (Subject to a reserve bid,) O11 tlie Premises .— on — 7 - THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, lp32 at 2 o’clock p.m. The following land: Lot Number 14, in the First Concession, and Lot Number 14, in the Second Conces­ sion/ Township of Stephen, County of Huron, containing by admeasure- • jnent 200 acres more or less. On the land is said fo be erected One' a story and a half brick dwelling bred years' bred two- with have Frame 'One pure bred Yorkshirej cow barn, brick wall 30x60, ,2,----register number horse stable, stone corners This boar was the Frame Drive Shed 18x24. | The land is clay loam and there in. the Provincial bacon contest and is no waste land on the farm. There L_____ _______________—-'is a three acre orchard. The proper- tered in the present 1 contest; alsolty faces on Highway Number Four 1% miles south of Exeter. ' For further particulars and con­ ditions of sale apply to: WILLIAM McNEIL, Auctioneer, St. J Marys, Ontario. F. C. BETTS, Vendor’s Solicitor,, Huron & Erie Bldg., London, Ont. Frame 24x40. have boar onee Willa Bowers, of London, for a few days this week Miss visited with the Misses ’ Murch. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. Willis and babe of Stephen were visitors with Mrs. John Johns and family last Sunday. A number of ladies of the W. M. S. are practising the play entititled [ “Strictly Business” for the* even-1 allowefl off for cash ing’s entertainment following the IG. ^7 ELLIOTT, Auctioneer fowl supper. This will be doubly interesting as our pastor, Rev. Mr. Peters is the author. Watch for ad­ vertisement 'later. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Culbert, Mr. Benson anm Miss Myrtle Finni­ gan, of Dungannon, were guests at the parsonage on Sunday. Miss Katheryn Peters returned, home with- them after making a short vis­ it at Dungannon, a former charge of Rev.’ Peters’. ■ (Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rice, of Lon­ don, spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Joans. | an Authorized Assignment of all his Street church Mrs. ... ________— _ _ ___ _ After the usual opening, exercises the roll call was responded to by “Quota-1 tions on Thanksgiving.” After sev­ eral items of business was discuss­ ed. Mrs. George Layton took change of the meeting and gave an outline of the address delivered recently by Mrs. McIntosh, of London Confer­ ence, Branch President, on the de­ pression which pr the most part is world-wide. Mrs. C. J. Moor­ house, -the former pastor’s wife, who now lives at Brussels, offered spec­ ial prayer for the safe return of and the continued work of Miss Cortice of Japan. Mrs. George S. Coward, treasurer, gave a report of the fi­ nances. A letter sent to the corres­ ponding secretary, Mrs. Alice -Moon­ ey, was read by Mrs. George Layton The W.,M.!S: of the Main United Church, met in the < parlors Thursday afternoon. W. C. Pearce in the chair. QUALITY + SERVICE r MORTGAGE SALE — of — . y FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers, contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale, the undersigned have been instruct­ ed to sell byXpublic auction ‘ at the-, offices of - . Gladman & Stanbury, Exeter — on — SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 22, 1932. at 2 p;m. the following valuable' farm property, namelyI ALL AND .SINGULAR that certain I parcel or tract of land and premises. , situate, lying and being in ther uu; Township of Usborne in the County the 13th day of October, 1932 make!nf Mnron and nf nntnrm ..a-, an M . . ‘ i property for the benefit of his -Cred- We are sorry report that Mrs. • &nd that. Weld> Qfflc_ Isaac Gower is confined to her bed | Rece}vGr haR annointed ns to bewith rt-matism. HetMends W■ X St’ate ot the debt- she will so -Rontlv and or until the Creditors at their first Mr. and Mrs. Norman R-outl_y and fc. . n , Trustee to ad-babe, of St. Marys, were visitors minj t grS^ae11E™ the debtor with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly last XTnrnTnn • f • It? x 1 ovuuvis auu uuuruueB*Sunday I P- NOTICE is further given that the There is a well built brick house and Mr. Kenneth Johns made a trip f”'6t ““W /Credrtors in the 1)ank barn on the j,roul to Ridgeway near Buffalo last week “///Ho'tal Bketer6 ^oilrio on’ the le°01”s and dralninB'- taking with him Mr. and Mrs. Jno. V?1, Hotel, Exeter, Dnano, on the TERMS OF SALClar/ (nee Miss Carrie Stephens). ^lst day of October, 1932, at 3.00 10 pgr cent of the purc t -r.rV.rt V.avo mirnllnRad a • P.lll. v I ov rm the rlav nf oola or, W. M. DOIG, L.L.B, Proprietor be THE BANKRUPTCY ACT the Estate of Joseph Mahony, the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron and Pi’orvince of Ontario, Farmer, DEBTOR. NOTICE5 is hereby given that‘Jo­ seph Mahony, of the Township of Stephen in -the C-ounty of Huron and Province of Ontario, Farmer, >did on IN of OF CHOICE HOME SLAUGHTERED BEEF ABSOLUTELY THE LOWEST PRICES IN EXETER IN TWENTY YEARS. STEAKS ROASTS BOILS Sunday. Mr. 1 t of Huron and Province of Ontario, . being composed of Lot. Number Ten (10) on the South side of Thames Road in' the said Township, except­ ing thereout that portion of said lot heretofore sold to the Methodist Church. ’ 1 . This property is centrally .located^ I to markets, schools and churches.,x premises with. ROUND............. 16c. a lb. 2 lbs. for ...........30c. SIRLOIN ..............18c. a lb. 2 lbs. for ..................35c. PORTER HOUSE 19c. a lb. 2 lbs. foY............ 37c. WING ................ 17c. a lb. 2 lbs. for........... 33c. BEEF LIVER .... 5c. a lb. Porter House . . . 18c. a lb. Sirloin .................. 16c. a lb Rib (no bone) . . 17c. a"lb. Rib (bone in) •.■ . 13c. a lb. Rump (corner ciit) 14c. ,1b. Rump (inside cut) 13c. lb. Wing (no end) , . 15c. a lb, Chuck (meatty) . 12c. a lb. Aim (round bone) 11c. a lb Shoulder (lead) 10c. Ib. Pot Roasts .. 8 & 10c. a lb. s, Rod Rib (no bone) 10c. lb. Rib ('white bone) ,8c. a lb. Rib (lower) Brisket .... Neck ..... . 6c. a lb. ... 5c. a lb. ... ic. a lb. Flank (trimmed) .8c. a lb. Flank (trimmed) 6c. a lb. Shanks .....................4c. a lb. Soup bone*...........'‘Sc. each of London,_ who have purchased a jj home there. Mrs. Clark and her 1 mother Mrs. Rosina Stephens are1 well known here. . They intend mov-| ing in about a months’ time. Mr,- Leonard O"Rielly and have moved into Mr. Alonzo house in the village. Mr. Robt. Woods and Miss Logan were guests at the home of Mr. Dave McCloy’s near Chiselhurst on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. IStephe-n and children and Mrs. Thos. Bell were visitors with relatives in Seaforth1 last Sunday. Mr. Lome Cottenden, of Sault Ste, Marie, is visiting with Mr. and''Mrs. L. O'Reilly. Mr, and Mrs. A. McFalls and their (laughters Birdine and Bonnie, of Biddulph, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw. Next ■ Sunday mornihg Rev. Bell of Kirkton, will preach here as ReV.' Peters, will be taking Anniversary work on the Kirkton circuit. family Neil’S Agnes HAMBURG STEAK, Fresh and lean, . . . Whole^or^half l'S c. lb. Weingys 15 2 lbs 28 j Bologna 13 2 lbs. OE for EXTRA SPECIAL — 2 one-pound prints of lard for - 17c. HOME MADE PURE PORK SAUSAGE 12c. a lb., 2 lbs. for 23c. RIVERS’ QUALITY MEAT MARKET PLEASE PHONE OR COME EARLY AND WE WILL TRY TO D1SSAPPOINT NO ONE; EXTRA CLERKS AND MORE DELIVERY SERVICE. t(We sell for less”, * but terms , * ^Strictly Cash” RS.—WATCH THIS SPACE FOR A REAL OLD TIME PORK SALE NEXT WEEJK, TERMS OF SALE 10 per cent, of the purchase mon- ■ ey on the day of sale, and the bal- TO ENTITLE YOU to vote therte^ ance witbin 30 flays thereafter. Sub- at„ proof of your claim must be lodg- ject to a reserved bid. ed with us -before the meeting Is held. PROXIES to be used at the meet­ ing must be filed with us prior thereto. AND further take notice that if | you have any claim against the debtor, for which you are entitled! be Further terms and conditions ’will > made known on the day of sale* GLADiMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensail Solicitor for Mortgagees ■ —.... ■ —■ —. -X uoM.Lvx, iux wuiuii yuu tire eHLiLieu | . _ A'«i~*■ F* a i I to rank, proof of your claims must.'MORTGAGE SALE be filed with us, withini thirty days} ’* — of —- from the date of this notice, for, from and after the expiration of the, time fixed by the said Act, we shall contained u6«.6^ distribute the proceeds of the debt-’which will be produced at the sale, or’s estate among the parties entitl- the undersigned have been instruct-, ed . thei'eto, having regard only to ed to s,ell by public auction at the- +.t,A __ *---- - Albian Hotel, Bayfield MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1932 ‘ at 11 a.m. following valuable farm property, namely AND SINGULAR those cer- FARM PROPERTY , Under and by virtue of the powers-. 1 ins a certain mortgage- the claim of which we have- then, notice.' ** - ] DAJTED. at Brantford, this 17th day of October, 1932. ,■ | THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE: COMPANY LIMITED, 114 Dalhous-J ie Street, Brantford, Ontario. u. m imu auu FRANK DONNELLY, Goderich, On- premises situate, lying and being in tario, Solictor herein. the . . ALL AND .SINGULAR those cer- ., tain' parcels or tracts of land and NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims " against the estate of GEORQE CLARKE, late of the village of Cred!tonr Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about th6 14th day of Atigust 1932, are required to forward their claims, duly proven to H. Eilber & Son, Crediton, on or before the |st day of November, 193-2. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after this date the Execu­ tory will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED at Crediton, this 11th day of October 1932. George William Clarke, 90Q Ro­ berts St., Niagara Falls, Ont. \ Eldon Hodgson, Ailsa Craig, Ont. Thomas Torevthick, Crediton, Ont. Executors 10-13-2tc, the Towhship of Stanley, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, being composed of Lots- Numbers Three (3) and Four (4) in Bayfield Road Concession North, in the said Township of Stanley, save and.except eight (8) acres thereof heretofore sold for taxes off the North-west corner of said lot num- NOTICE TO CREDITORS , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of FRED-* ERICK F. BENGOUGH, late of the Village of Hensail, in the County-of Huron,- Engineer, who died on the ber Three (3) Thirtieth day of May, A, D., 1932, | t the required to forward their claims wood bush, duly proven to the undersigned on1 nr before the wenty-fotirth day , of October, A. D., 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutrix will proceed to distribute the . __ ________ estate having regard only .to the be made known oh the day of sale, claims Of which she then shall have notice. ! DATED, at Exeter, Ont;, this 3rd day of October, A. D. 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Executrix On this property is a good hard 'TERMS OF SALE' . 10 her cent, of the purchase mon­ ey on the 'day of sale,, and the bal* ance within 3'0 days thereafter. Sub* ject to a reserved bid, Further terms and conditions‘will GLADMAN & STANBURY <■> Hxeter and Hensail Solicitor fot Mortgagee Now is the time to renew your subscriptions.