HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-10-13, Page 8THURSDAY, (MTOBER 13, 1032 I ■\ “Wardonia” * THE NEW EDGERAZOR ;■ (Made in. England) TOGETHER WITH 4 BLADES $1.00 YOU ARE INVITED TO TRY ONE Guaranteed 100 per cent, shave 'Satisfaction or money refunded S. B. TAYLOR . Exeter Markets Wheat, 45 c. ' Malting Barley Shorts, 85 c. Bran, 80c. Manito has Best $2.50 Model $2.30 Welcome, $L8Q Feed Flour, $1,00 » . Creamery Butter 26-27c. Dairy Butter 12-20c. Uggs, extras, 25c, Eggs, firsts, 20c. Eggs, seconds 14c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. L Berw# Rhodes,, M, a. Minister Miss Lenn Contes, A«L,O.WI, Organist 13 a.m.—(Sunday School 11 a.m.—“Our Father” First in a series of sermojis on the Lord’s Prayer, 7 p.m.—“Discipleship1 THE EXETER TIMB^ADVOCATB n I Ends on Saturday Night ustment Sale • “» . s. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADAI ”..........i | LOCALS j Don’t forget the Hot Fowl Sup­ per in Main Street United Church on Wednesday, October 19th. Mrs. F. K. Mathews, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. A May, Mr. Jas. Saunders, of Woodstock, visited with relatives in town on Sunday. Rev. R. E. Southcott, visited with his mother Friday last. Mr. J. G. Stanbury is a case in the Court of Appeal at Tor­ onto this week. Miss Hettie Sweet and Dr. J, and Mrs. Ward spent the week-end vis­ iting in Detroit. . Df. Wm. Lawson, of Listowel, spent Sunday and Monday with his parents Mr. and Mrs Jas. Lawson. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rice, of Brant­ ford, spent the Thanksgiving day -with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Jones. Dr. and Mrs. C. A Snell June Gordon, of Toronto, guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. cott Monday and Tuesday. Miss Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor and Miss Janie Hogarth, of London,- spent the week-end with their par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth. Mrs. Nelson Sheere, who recently underwent an operation in St. Jo- , seph’s Hospital London returned ' home Saturday much improved in health. ___ _ _ ___ _____ __i Mrs. Elliott, who 'has been visit­ cars and small amount -of capital to ing with her son Rev. A. E. Elliott call on farm trade. No experience at the Main Street parsonage is re­ necessary. .Useful article and ready j turning to her home in Brantford seller. Apply Box 90', Exeter ltp'today (Thursday.) I Mr. and Mrs. J. E Penhale and ONIONS—We will start taking in Mr. and Mrs. C. A Penhale and Doris onions on Tuesday, October l'8th.— Lahay, of Toronto," visited with „. — _.l---- 1 Mr. and Mrs. George* Walker and rn-cran rhnrph will held a RTTM otller £riends over the holidays. | an^ renewal subscriptions to MAGE^SALE and HOMEI Booking, Mr- Geo- Anderson was confined to the London Free Press and the Lon- AATdf a^^serve afternoon tea at his home last w6ek ullder the do.c_I don Advertiser will be received^*at <Reeve B. M- Francis has been confined to his bed for a few days suffering from the flu. Miss Avis Lindentield, nurse-ln- training at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, visited at her home here, / Mr. and family, of latives in Miss J. Pearce were in Brockville attending the Provincial tion of the W.C.T.U. Mr,, and Mrs. Frank J. and family spent the week-end in Windsor, with Mrs. Delbridge’s sis­ ter Mrs. R. J. Campbell. Mrs. M. F. Gladman and London, visited with re­ Exeter for Thanksgiving, Murray and Mrs. W. C. last week conven- Delbridge I. o. O. F. Installation of officers by District Deputy Bro. Hudson will be held Tuesday night next, October 18th 1932. A good attendance is request­ ed. J. W. Batson, N. G. Special Notice Will all the ladies interested in forming a branch of the Rebeccah Assembly at Exeter meet at the lodge rooms Friday night of this week, October 14th, Meeting will be addressed by Mrs. J. Sutter, • Clinton. of of en- The members of the W. A. James Street United Church are tertaining their husbands or friends to a Hallowe’en social in the church basement on Mnoday, October 17th, at 8 p.m. There will be games, con­ tests also a one-act play “How the Story Grew” by eight ladies. WANTED—Two young men with J. H. Grieve. LOCALS of Bayham) in town on engaged on lioli- Missand were the O Bouth- Rev. JT. H. Stainton, B.AoB.D., Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m,—Rev. A, V. Robb, pf Cen­ tralia. 3 p.m.—^Sunday School 7 p.m.—'Rev. Mr. Gale, of Monkton. Thursday 8 p.m,— Young People’s Society. Moabites in charge. Il­ lustrated lecture on David Liv­ ingstone. Orchestra in attend­ ance. • Come and join us. Friday at 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA . Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss1 Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—Communion Service Subject—The Last Step p.m.-—Sunday School p.m.—-The Unexpected or Way bf Wonder. Monday 8 p.m.—Young People’s ciety. Citizenship Program Thursday 7.30—Prayer meeting 11 3 7 the So- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middle«riiss Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity FAMILY DAY 11 a.m.—Special Family Service. The whole Sunday School to par- ■ ticipate. 7 p.m.—-Evensong and Sermon. Installation ficers The ... „ _ attend 'the morning service. of the A. Y. P. A. service.at this whole congregation asked I Lixe Juiuxiuujul r i jripoa cviiu. viip x/uix” ana serve aicernoou tea at , , ... __ _ .. (---------------—----------------------------- the town hall Saturday afternoon., tor s care wltd Quinsy. He was able! the Times-Advocate for $3.95. This to resume his duties at B.-W. F.- Beavers hardware on Tuesday. - Miss Lily Greb attended a Young People’s Convention in Niagara Falls .. Fur jackets made, any style, $8!n,Y., o^er the week-ena and is visit- and up; Fur Coats relined, $5,00j j! till 31st of October, modelled or repaired. Furs made any style; also dressmaking. All . charges at cut rates.' Apply to Mrs.' I Norman Hockey, Main S-Jt., Exeter. I' 10-6-2tc.’ October 15th.offer is for a. limited -time only. I We wish to thank our many customers who have helped to make this sale such a success. s "T4 <• HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY ON WARM WINTER WEARABLES THAT HAVE ALL BEEN GREATLY LOWERED IN PRICE DURING THE BIG STOCK ADJUSTMENT SALE. THESE LOWER PRICES WILL CONTINUE UNTIL SATURDAY NIGHT. WE URGE YOU TO GET'YOUR SUPPLY THIS WEEK AS WE ARE CERTAIN THAT YOU WILL NOT HAVE THE CHANCE AGAIN TO BUY AT THE PRICES WE ARE OFFERING. SALE PRICES WILL CONTINUE THIS WEEK ON ALL/LADIES & CHILDREN’S WINTER > COATS AND DRESSES, MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS AND OVERCOATS, WINTER UNDERWEAR, BOOTS & SHOES & rubbers, sweater coats & warm cozy blankets, every­ thing IS TICKETED AT REDUCED PRICES. WE WANT YOU TO COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. REMEMBER THIS IS YOUR OP­ PORTUNITY TO MAKE YOUR DOLLARS COUNT. SPEC! AL ing with friends and relatives in Fur coats re-1 Brantford and Kitchener this week. Furs made Mr> James Smith, of Washing- also dressmaking. All visited his father Mr. Sam’l Smith and other relatives Thanks-1 giving Day. : iu-t>-ztc.'t0 Exeter by Mr. Wm. Aitken, of, Rowe, r --------------- - . ™ Toronto. FQR SALE—Pony 900 lbs., 8 yrs. w' t "old. for $35.00.—Sandy Elliot. Mr\<andu MlS>* n' • _______________ Mrs. Marsh and Miss Canning, of FOR SALE OR RENT—A coihmo- London, Miss Prior, of Windsor and dious two storey frame cottage with Mrs. Harvey, #zuean, spent Thanks­ ail modern conveniences, situate on J giving with Mr. and Mrs. William the east side of Andrew Street, Ex-' eter. A mosh desirable property convenient to churches, school and business section. For further par­ ticulars apply to CARLING & MOR­ LEY, Barristers &c., Exeter. NEW FALL GOODS OUTFIT AT REDUCED PRICES FINE QUALITY and vis- and SEE OUR DISPLAY OF NEW FALL - SMART STYLES HATS, CAPS, SOCKS, SWEATERS, TIES & UNDERWEAR 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunn Of iWrs. Nancy Carey, of Goderich, BUY A NEW FALL HAT TO COMPLETE YOUR Mr. Harry West, of Sarnia, spent Thanksgiving Day at his home here. Mr. Harry ’ Sweet, of Windsor, holiday with Dr. spent the holidays visiting in Exe- Browning. ter. . | Mrs. (Rev.) Veale, of Dorchester stone who are attending the Univer- Mr. and Mrs. O. Becker and clii'l- . dren, of New Hamburg, spent the . and Mrs. J. H. I | Misses Helen Penhale and Ruby I-'!-*"' — jOlAJU'Cr vyivv ’— is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John sRy oj Western Ontario were home ------ -- -• - / Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and son; __ _____________ Gordon, spent Thanksgiving Day in' of Hamilton, spent the [ for the holidays. I ‘ Mr. Eber Hogarth and son Bert, j week-end Mitchell. | with Mr. and .Mrs, S. J. Hogarth and Miss Frain and Misses Mabel and, other relatives. I Mr. and Mrs. A. Lindsay and Mrs. Norwich, visited over and XVAKSS £ LiXlU CHIU. XYLU-UUl iXUU < Doris Hay motored to Brussels and I spent Thanksgiving. | Dixon, of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ward enjoyed Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. a motoi’ trip to Hanover, Clifford Mrs. K. J. Lampman. _ and Listowel for over the holidays. _ . _ Freeman and Annie McGill, Usborne, spent Thanksgiving with their grandmother, Mrs. T. McCurdy Mr, and Mrs. Frank Flintoff, of Stratford, visited for a .. with Mr. and Mrs. George Ethering- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Simmons and daughter, of Chatham, visited over the holidays with relatives in town. Miss Annie Simomns, of the Vic­ toria Hospital training staff, Lon­ don, visited with her parents Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer, Mr and Mrs. Earl Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Quance visited in London for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. ’ William E. Bradt and two sons, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jhs. Jewell over spent the week-end 'with the form-(holiday. er’s mother, Mrs. Well. Johns. The’ Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Patterson and Martyn, Andrew Street. Rev. A. V. Robb, of Centralia, oc­ cupied, the Main Street pulpit on even- ser- Cen- ser- FARM FOR SALE North one-half of Lot No. 4, and part South one-half of Lot No. 5, Concession 8, Usborne Township, containing about 85 acres, the pro­ perty of the late John Batten. On tihe propferty is a good frame house and bank barn, a never-failing well with windmill and connections to stabling; good hard wood bush about 8 acres, and fine young or­ chard. Farm is well/ fenced and drained, and convenient to school,' church and market. Immediate pos­ session for ploughing and full pos-, Ernie Crawford of the Goderich session April 1, 19(3tB. legiate was second a third of a Apply to Garnet W. Miner-s, R. behind Quinn. R. No. 3, Exeter,- Thomas Morley, R,! ,R. No. 3, Mean, Executors, or aid-', Mr- and F(rank Joh"s man & Stanbury, Hen&ll and Bxe- tTO s0“?’ °£ Toronto,^orored up and ter, Solicitors for John Batten Es-1 tate Sunday last both morning and ing preaching very acceptable mons. Rev. Mr. Elliott was at tralia' conducting anniversary vices. Mr. A. E. Andrew, of Pointex, Sask., spent a few days the fore part of the week visiting with rela­ tives in this community. Mr. An­ drew was a representative from the West to the General Council of the United Church which met ilton last week. W. E. Quinn, of Exeter, Thanksgiving Day Lion’s mile marathon at Goderich day romping home an easy winner covering the distance in 3 6. minutes. - ' - - - - - - - ■ - Col. mile in Ham­ won the Club six on Mon­ and Bargain Prices ON THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES TAKEN IN ON NEW EQUIPMENT 1-—2-furrow Olivhf1 Tractor Plow in A 1 shape. , , 1—10 inch Grinder just the thing for tractor power. ............ l-—t2-furrow Verity Gang plow. A real snap, « 1—-Farm Truck, steel and wood wheels. 1—Top Buggy, rubber tires. A real buy. • j Cream Separators all makes and sizes at your own price. * All new Farm Equipm ent at .great­ ly reduced prices: Tractors, Plows, Wagons, Grinders, Cream Separa­ tors, * er’s mother, Mrs. Well. Johns. The’ . __ ___ ___________ latter returned to Toronto with them daughter, Marion, of Detroit, Visit/ on a visit., At the morning service ed with relatives in town Monday ............•....................... I International Harvester * Co* Exeter, Ont» in James Street church on Sunday and Tuesday. Mr. Johns sang a solo which was much appreciated by the congrega-' tion. • - • ; Messrs, Wm. Balkwill hnd MHldfong, representatives ) Main Street Young People’s Society . roe, were in Chatham Friday, Satur­ day and Sunday attending the Con- i ference Y. P. Convention. 5It was one of the largest conventions^held , by the conference with a well-balan­ ced program, Monday was Thanksgiving Day and a public holiday. Rain during the afternoon and evening somewhat marred the pleasure of the day. Thanksgiving Sunday however was a magnificent day With bright sun­ shine and invigorating atmosphere. The leaves on the trees throughout the country are beginning to turn, presenting a very beautiful appear­ ance. Frank from ited with the latter’s son, Mr. • Mrs. H. C. Carey on Sunday. | Mrs. Thurston, Misses Ward, Miss *few"*days ’ Firtli and Mr. Key, of Brampton, visited with Mrs. E. A. Amy and Mrs. Thos. Amy over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. G."Stonehouse and family are spending a month at Forest where Mr. Stonehouse is engaged at the canning fact-ory.. MiSses June and Velma Bano^ underwent operations for the re­ moval of their tonsils at Dr. J. H. Browning’s office on Thursday last. Rev. J. W. and Mrs." Down return­ ed home Tuesday after-a motor-trip extending bver six weeks during which time they travelled about 1500 miles. / . .Mr. and Mrs. Elton A. Wigle and Mrs. Roy Alderson and children, fPowell accompanied them and^yisit- son Ralph motored over from Red- Leona and Bruce, of Arkona, are j ®d" with their motheir Mrs. A. Nash ford Detroit, last Friday and visit- Spending a week with her parents ! in Sarnia, ed 4their aunt,' Mrs. J. T. Miners, re- Mr. and Mrs. T. Collingwood. Mrs. Chas. Brown and Mr, Robt. Gambrill, of Palmerston'" and Mr. Fergus, visited parents, Mr.’ and ' W. W. T A MAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Miss Alda Squire, of Westervelt T| :: Business College, London, was the red Murphy, guest of Miss Violet Gambrill over the week-end. Mrs. R. H. Murphy and Miss Mil- __ „ ,, Miss Greta Harness spent the holiday ‘visiting in Flint, Mrs. ,J. W. Powell and Miss Marion G. Seldon. John Willis, Sr., is quite ill home suffering from pneu- Her many friends will hope turning next day. Mr. H. Creech and Miss Frances Weekes, of the University of West- Jack Gambrill, of ern Ontario spent Thanksgiving with the former’s parents, Mrs. R. N. Creech. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Halliday and children, of Galt, visited with the Rowe con­ nection on Sunday. Mrs. Hoskins returned with them aftei’ visiting with her brother Mr. Samuel Rowe for three weeks. I With the latter’s Mrs. A. GambrilL | „ . _ _ _ .................. Mr, H. C Schwegler and daughter V|c6 on s.untlay the James Street motored ,up from Toronto united church congregation to hold a fowl supper in the future. A meeting will be held Tuesday evening to make the essary .arrangements, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F Beavers re­ turned home Saturday from Hamil­ ton where Mr. Beaverd was, lay re­ presentative fr-om Huron Presby­ tery to thfe General Council of the United church. In addition to the business sessions at which a very fine, spirit prevailed the people of Hamilton provided some splendid entertainment tor the delegates, Mrs. Beavers also attended the Pro­ vincial W.C.T.U, convention Which was held in wall St. United church. M .Brockville, of Which Rev. W. E. I Supervisor of Music in Schools Donnelly, formerly of James st., is Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 now the pastor. Mr. and At the close of Marion, j accompanied by the former’s moth­ er, who will remain on ............ her daughter, Mrs. N. J. Rev. T. E. Rickard, conducted the services Memorial church Sunday. The rec­ tor'; Rev, E. L. Vivian conducted the Harvest Home Services at Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. w. Martin and daughter Patsy and Mrs. S. Martin visited with Mr, Gillies and with Miss tin in Hamilton on Monday, Mrs. Windsor, of Mich., Mrs, Windsor, of Pt. Huron, Visited With the former’s -sisters over the# h-oli- a visit with Dore. I of Brussels in TrivitA voted near next ndc- Mr, and Mrs. Robtv, Horney and daughter, Mary, Miss Doi’othy Downey and Mr, A. J. Pierson, of London, visited with Mr! and Mrs. Chas. Kerslake over the holiday, Mrs. Armstrong and ,„Mrs. Downey who have been visiting here return­ ed with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jos Davis and twp children, of Waterford, .motored up" and spent the holidays with their parents' in town. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newman and Son Seldon, of Kingston, spent the Thanksgiving holidays With Mr. and Mrs. R, Mrs. at her monia. for her speedy recovery, 1 Mr. Thos, Tapp, of Detroit, is vis­ iting his father, Mr. Wm. Tapp, The latter, who has been seriously ill for some time, shows litle signs oi improvement. Mrs. John S. Folster ah'd two chib dren Janet and Stewart, of Cottam, who spent a few days at Grand Bend, visited at the home of Mr, H. E, Huston on Tuesday and called _ on friends an relatives. Mrs. Fol-"day, Mrs. Grace Snell returned’ with ster was formerly Miss Lulu Essefy, them on Wednesday, and Mrs. R. G. Margaret Mar- Sunday an# Brown Mann and Mr, City Steve W. R. Goulding A. T* O. M. Organist and Choirmaster I .Tames Street United Church I Instruction in i Piano Vocal Organ Theory <1 I EXETER. ONT.