HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-10-13, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
111*110 AI I 'l l&frt. At the United Church Ney,' Hr NX Al I I Ml Craig, of Qoderich, occupied theIILIvUllLL BUlpit. At the morning service a
quartette was given by Miss Flor-
Thanksgivipg pay passed eft, very ence welsh, Mrs. Sinclair, Mr. w.
quietly in the village. [o. Goodwin and Dr, iSmillie and a
Misses Lulu Morioek abd Phyllis
Duckworths nf Windsor- and SHU
Morlock» of Toom to spent tl^e week-
wvv-n.w « ^hd with Mr. and Mi’S. Edward Mor*
Mr, Claude Blowes spent the week'solo was also given by Dr. SmilHe..10^. •
end at his home in Mitchell. in the evening a duet was given by ATl‘ w nuiuar nna
Mr, Stuart cudmore, of Seaforth, Mrs, Hedden and Mrs. Hess. •
Mr, and Mrs, H. K, Either and
,u,. w.nu.y v, »,*. mm At the Dmnice spent Thanksgiving Day In
'spent the holiday with Mr. R, Brock. Carmel Presbyterian church Mr* K. Coderich with Mrs* Charles Girvim
Miss Margaret McLaren, of Lon* I Strang of Usborne took the morning Mr. William Qaiser is visiting in
Miss Margaret McLaren, of Lon-j Strang of Usborne took the morning
ddn, spent the holiday at her home service and Mr. Toung of Nairn in Detroit for few days,
here. ' i ”
Miss Olive Harrison, of London,
spent, the holiday with friends in
town, *'
Mr, Harold Scruton, of pt, Dover,
spent the week-end with his mother
Miss Jean Bonthron, of London;
visited at her home here, for over the
Miss Lexier Murdock, of Toronto,
is visiting this week with friends in
Mrs. Erirold Drummond is spend
ing a few days'visiting friendg. jn
Mr, and Mrs. pan
day visitors with Mi*
Consitt *
Rev, and >Mrs. W.
daughter Ruth are
at Westbdiro.
Mrs, James Dick,' who has been not on the assessment roll. Carried,
seriously ill for the past few weeks Councillors Mickle and Spencer;
is slowly recovering. I That the constable be appointed to
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parlmer, of collect the poll tax and to. proceed
Windsor, spent the .holiday witih to collect thezsame.between now and
their parents here, ’ «
Miss Jennie Taylor spent Thanks
giving with her sister Mrs. j
Dick of the London Road. > thron be accepted and same
M1* Wn;i‘nlrl Hhftnhoi’rt. nf T.nnHnn ' wS + l.
visited over the holiday with his' erich.
father Mr. John Shepherd. ‘
Mr. Malcolm -Young/, of S
will preach here in the Carmel Pres
byterian church next Sunday.
Mrs. R. I. P Dougall and children
Specials |
Gerald zwicker has returned from Toronto where he has
the pa*»t month.
and Mrs. M. W.
were in
. home I spent
J Mr.
giving Day.
Miss Laura
Hall, Guelph,'
Clark and babe, of Detroit,
guests with Mr,. and Mrs.
Clark over the week-end,
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fahrner and 1
family were in Toronto on Thanks- i
'giving Day. ‘ • I
the win- Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Truemner and [
as being family, of Chesley visited with the i
latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W- B. ;
read and Gaiser.:
| Mr. and Mrs. Abel, of Montreal, ;
Mr. and Mrs. E, French, of Toron- :
to, and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Oestrich- :
er, of Windsor were guests with Mr. :
and Mrs. Herman Oestrichei* over :
the week-end, j:
Our school teachers of the public ■
school attended thje Convention held ■
in Goderich last week, j ■
| Mr. Royal 'Haist has returned to
■| Councillors Petty and Jones: That home from Chicago where he
Rex tlie bonds of C, Cook and F, G. Bon- has attended the two final games
I thron be accepted and same filed, J;he world series baseball.
Mr. Harold Shepherd, of London,[with the Clerk of the Peace in God-
Carired. »
. I Bills and accounts were read as ! Sarnia f011ows. I J
1 __ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- - ---------
James Priest, catch basins and devotion. Kenneth Sippell read the
streets^!5;8°;2 Wm.£inale,Jarring Scripture, Gordon Ratz gave an in-
« a. paper on "Prohibition”
Helen, Telfer rendered a piano solo..
"Country Garden.” Alma Smith con
tributed one: of Edgar Guests read-
Dew were iSun-
and Mrs- Wm.
. the evening. Special music was ren
dered by the choir.
Council Meeting
Tlie regular meeting of the village
' council was held on Wednesday ev
ening in the Council Chambers. All
members were present.
• The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adoptd on motion of
Petty and Spencer. Carried,
Councillor Jones reported
of filling the cracks in the
asTbeing completed.
Reeve Geiger reported
daws in the church shed
pearly all broken.
Communications were
A. Young and Councillors Petty and Jones; That
visiting friends the constable collect dog tax on all
the dogs without a tag or that are
the work
December 14, 193’2. iCarried.
Telfer and
on Thanks-
MacDonaldClark, of
and Mr. and Mrs. R,
F. H.
. ■ • * 1
The Christian Endeavour held
their regular meeting Friday even-'
ing in the iSunday Schodl auditor- (
ium. Norma Finkbeiner occupied
the chair, after song services and
of Petrolia, are visiting at the home st/e®t £°UV 1 teresting
of Mr. and Mrs. William Dougall. |
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fisher, of
Windsor, were holiday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher.,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith and fam-
iiy, of Kincardine, visited over the
holiday with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren
Mr. Wm. McLaren spent Thanksgiv
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Bell.
Dr. Blatchford . and daughter of accounts as read be, paid. Carried.
of Revision $10.20; N. Blatchford,1
cutting weeds $18.90; J. Passmore,
fire dept. $4.5'1; W. A. McLaren,
supplies? street $1,65; F« W. Hess, jngg. violin duet by Earl Haist and
printing, $6.50; T. E. Drummond, sippell with Evelyn Sippell
cartage tar kettle $1.50; J, A. Pa- af- piano. In the brief business
terson, premium on bond $2.80; J, sessfon arrangements were made for
I Passmore, hydro $9.51; O. Geiger, Hallowe’en social to be held the
and' se^^ing jurors, $1.5$; C. S. Hud- 'evening of October 26th. Marguerite
. - snn s-iftn <ri an. J»^A^ Patterson, i<Uhn presented an invitation for
. | this social event to be held at their
son, ditto $1.50; J. A. Patterson, T<uhn presented an invitation for
ditto $l.'5'0; total $79,27. _ [this social event to be held at their
[ .Councillors Petty and Mickle: That home which was gladly accepted.
— ,,-------------.-----------ar.— ~ ~ ~ ’• An excellent program luilows the
Clinton, Mich., are visiting with Dr.) . Councilors Mickle and Spencer: Evangelical Fowl Supper,>Thursday
and That the clerk charge three quarters evening, /this week, October 13th.
j of the tarring the cracks in the pave-’ Jock Ballantyne, the comedian, who
■■ W __ ____ ____ _____ ___ [was to give the greater part of the
, , Councillors Petty and Jones: That Program, died suddenly Sunday/ev-
what improved. Miss Ina Jaques R. the council now adjourn to meet on ening. The family' however rimmed-
N., of Exeter, is in attendance. I November 7th at the call of t" -oWo
The Arnold Circle of the Carmel Reeve. Carried.
Jas. A. Paterson, Clerk place. A London Reader will also
; add humorous contributions. \
The Crediton Women's Institute
met at the, homb of ’Mrs. Lloyd Eng
land, ^Tuesday afternoon,-. October
1 4th. The meeting was designated to
--------------------o „ ----------- . .j , . .. , . , be in the interest of the grandmoth- , Mr. and Mrs. W; J. .White spent President in the chaw. The meet-1 erg Wwrt> Mrs. Mabel
Thanksgiving visiting with', their mg opened by sinew God, ““Ljavalil. opened the meeting viilth
t Blatchford’s brother Richard
rfT^ther friends in town. , . ___„ ______________
’ Mr. A. L. Case, who has be-en ser- jnent to the County Engineer. Car. i
iously ill for the past week is some-|’*
N., of Exeter, is in attendance. 1_____
The Arnold Circle of the Carmel Reeve,
Presbyterian church held a meeting*^
on Tuesday evening under the lead- > .
ership of Miss Olive Workman. | W- M. Society I
Miss Emma Johnston is having The Women’s Missionary Society!
the barn removed from her property of the United Church held their reg- (
on South Richmond‘~St. and intends, ular meeting in the school room on
erecting a new garage in its place., Thursday afternoon, last with the
■n/r„ uvn Txr t Txrm+a nrPsidftTlf in thR chair 'Thp mopf-
the ! iatel’y engaged another ’able comed
ian and entertainer to take his
X--®wald, opened the meeting vrti'th
song service. The Institute ode and
prayer. Delegates were appointed
fo.r the Annual Convention to' be
held in London' next month, Mrs,
S‘.' n The mlnn^ot the previous meet- '^s
Jrj1 A solo by Mrs S^Joynt and nate; A‘ ‘.he ?'ext “e^?
. o..____ tt ,, are to bring gunny sacks or chil-In entitled “Make Borne One Happy”| dren s wearing apparel for the needy
in other parts of Ontario. The roll
' call of this meeting brought forth
_ e - all manner of relics, old tallow
. lamps, old coins, chinaware, etc.
Mrs. Art. Amy read ’clippings from
historical research of fifty years
past. Especially interesting to' Cred
iton, was, that at one time there
were a number of tile yards, black
smith shops, flax mills, portable
saw mills and grist mills. Traces of
these busy places are no more to be
found in our. village. A humorous
duet was given by Mrs. F. Clark and
Mrs. T. Mawhinney, entitled, "Sil-
ver Threads among the gold.” The
1 singers were costumed. Reading by
Mrs. Lloyd England, "Mothers glass
es”. Piano duet by Ruth and Jock
England. Mrs. Emmery FahnCr put
on a contest “Things grandmother
1 didn’t know,” won by Mrs. M. Tel
fer. The oldest and youngest gran-
j mothers,, who received prizes were
Mrs. Elizabeth Wein and Mrs. F.
Clark. Mrs. Dan Mclsaac and Mrs.
Roy Finkibeiner tendered a vote of 1
t , thanks to the social and program
ition as salesman in the boot and Mrs. Harry Clarke and two daugh- committee for the interesting enter
shoe and men’s department of T.,C ters and Mrs. Ross Taylor and son tainment of the meeting and the so-
Joynt’s store. T J ” ,J* “ ■ - -
lvir. wm. McLean, of Hamilton,
spent the week-end at the home 'of
Mr. ahd Mrs. John Passmore. He ,
was accompanied home by. Mrs. Me-
Lean and little daughter, who ‘ '
been visiting here for the
On Wednesday evening of
week some sixteen friends of
A. R. Campbell very pleasantly
prised her on the occasion of
birthday and spending the evening
pleasantly in euchre. Mrs. Campbell
was presented with a handsome
tablecloth and servettes.
The Mission Band of the United
Church held their regular 'meeting
on Thursday afternoon in the base
ment of the church with the presi
dent Miss Ruth Coles in the chair.
The program was in change of Miss
Marion Filshie and consisted of the
following! Vocal duett" Misses Ruth
Coles and Kathryn Drysdale; instru
mental Miss Irene Douglas and an
address on "Picture Btudy” by Mrs.
Thanksgiving services were observ- week with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Neil at
ed in the local churches on Sunday Centralia..
• daughter Mrs. James Eby, at Col- Our Native Land” after which Mrs.
lingwoodt |TT
' Mrs. John McD. Wilson and sister
Mrs. Mossop, of St. Marys,
I Henry led in prayer.
■ A report on the convention held
after at Grand Bend was given by Mrs.
spending a few days at Mrs. Wilson’s McDonald,
home here have returned to
Marys. '
Mr. and Mrs. John Dingwall,
have returned to their home __ __
StreetsVille, after visiting fo^a few was very much enjoyed by all pres-]
days with relatives and friends in ent.
town. ‘ * I An invitation was\. sent to
Mr. David Cantelon has" purchas-' Hensail union from the Kippen La-
ed from Bonthron & Drysdale, the' dies to meet with them on the 2nd
property of the/late Wm. Blatchford of November and was accepted,
and intends making numerous im
provements on the place.
The Ladies’ Aid of the
Church intend holding a
home made cooking and a
Saturday afternoon October
good crowd is expected.
Mr. Donald phisholm and Mrs., by Mrs. W. Carlyle, Mrs. A. Rpw-
McLeod both of Calgary, who have cliffe and Mrs. J. Elder,
spent the past two months here with1 The hymn "Blest Be the Tie that'
their brother Wm> Bell, of the Lon-' Binds” was sung and Mrs. McDonald
don Road have returned to their' closed the meeting with prayer,
home. |
The Zurich Road, west of Hensail,
is receiving a coat of crushed stone
delivered from thex Nay Crushing
Outfit. ’This should make a splendid
road and should stand a lot of heavy
traffic. |
Mr. Scott Welsh,,who has been In.
poor health for some time is much ; improved • and has resumed his pos- j
After the singing of another hymn
the' devotional lesson on "The Wo-
United men of Tact” was given by Mrs. H.
sale of, Horton after which Mirs. Lamm'ie
tea on led in prayer.'
15th. A[ The study was taken in three
parts on the "Dominion of Canada”
toNew and renewal subscriptions
the London Free Press and the Lon
don Advertiser will be received at
the Times-Advocate for $3.95. This
. offer is for a limited time only.
I and Mrs. Joseph Bullock and daugh* cial 'half hour with its dainty lunch,
ter spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Gower near Elimville. [
Mr. and Mrs Win. Heatherley and
Kelly and Mrs. Frank Scheiding, all
of London and Mr. and Mrs. R. Motz
1 and two children of Exeter spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Motz.
Mr. and Mrs.
Son Marvin, of
past week with
Mr. * and Mrs.
Ailsa Craig, and son Cleve, of Lon
don and lady friend , spent Sunday
' with Mr. and Mrs. Joab Sims.
Mr. and Mrs. Benedick and son
Gordon, Of Kitchener, spent Sunday
, With Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hoifman
and Mrs. Hannah Hoffman.
zMrs. Hannhh Hoffman is visiting
for a week with Mr. ,and
Benedict in Kitchener.
MiSs Normd Sims has
home after spending the
with her grandmother Mrs.
Baird at Grand Bend,
I Miss Clara Lewis spent the past
The committee were iMrs. H. K.
• Eilber, Mrs. Lloyd England, Mrs,
> pell.
Oestreich er andZMrs.M. Sip-
Leonard Wein and
Sharon spent the
Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Sam. Rawlings, .of
Mrs. A,
h&sLloyd Shier has gone to
! ston Where he and his father
t taken over a general store.
( Mr. George McHardy*, of London,
is visiting his mother.
‘Mrs. Charles Clark,Of London,
spent\ a few days with her sister
Mi's, Waiter Hazelwood.
Mrs. John Veitch, of London, was
the guest of Mrs. R. Humphieys this
Miss Laura, Johnson, of Goderich
spent Thanksgiving the guest of
Miss Thelma Marshall,
Mrs. William Drown and Mr.
Mrs, Mrs. Stanley Anderson, of
I onto were guests of Mr. and
S. N. Shier for the week-end.
I The concert given by Miss
i Dunbar and her company
Night drew a large crowd
I well received,
and was
.................. "y)" .......'.... ..................................
CHIPSO, forge package
2 lbs. for 27c.
... , each 17c, ■
2 lbs. for 17c.t*
Select Pink Salmon
fo2 lb, tin 4 for 25c,
Brunswick Sardines
| per tin 5c.
Heliwt Corn Beef
Ib. tin 2 for 25c;.
PURE CANE SUGAR....................... /,,. 10 lbs, for 50c,
Icing Sugar Golden Spray Cheese Rose Brand Baking Powder
2 lbs. for 15c.1-2 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c.1 lb. tin each 19c.
Clark’s Pork & Beans Rice Krjspies New Australian Raisins
No. 2, squat each 8c.per pkg. 10c. |Seedless 2 Ip, for 25c.
SCHNEIDER’S SMOKED PICNIC HAMS........................ 2 lbs. for 25c.
Huron Toilet Tissue P & G Soap Fairsex Toilet Soap
8 rolls for 25c.7 bars for 25c.3 cakes for 16c,
Choc. M. M. Biscuits ........ per Ib. 15c. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes ................ 3 for 25c^
Fillets of Haddie
Kolona Coffee .
.... per lb. 18c.
Ib. pkg. ea. 29c.
Cocoanut Rosettes ....................per lb< 15c.
Crown Tea ...... black or mixed lb. 39c.
Phone 102 “Quality always
and daughter,
Myrtle Walker,
with the Misses
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Davis, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Thompson and little
daughter and Mr, Albert Parsons of
London spent Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. ^arsons.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Price, of Japan
recently visited with Mrs. Byron
Mrs. Fred Kerr
Miss Lula and Miss
of Crediton, visited
Wilson on Sunday.
Mr. Cecil • Hodgson, of ‘ Toronto,
apd Mr. Herman Hodgson, Guelph,
spent Thanksgiving with their par
ents Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson.
Miss Margaret Hicks, nurse-In-
training, Victoria Hospital, London,
spent Sunday at her home here. z’
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe and son
Teddy, of Lonaon, visited on Mon
day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Broohs.
’iMr. Charles McQuillan spent the
week-end at his home in Lucknow.
Mr. Wm. Parsons is confined to
his home owing to illness.
Mr/: Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto
and Mr. Herman Hodgson, of Guelph
spent the \veek-end with their par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Dan’l Hodgson.
<• The play entitled "Cabbages and
Dollars” put on by the Centralia
Players in the auditorium of the
church Tuesday evening of last week I
was w&U attended. Each player took
his- part exceedingly well and the
witty speeches by Peggy the cook,
and Ezra kept the audience in peals
of laughter. Music between acts
was provided by the orchestra. Piano
duetts were played by Misses Hazel
Smith and Florence Mitchell.
Miss M. Francis, of Kirkton, visit
ed with Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Pooley
on Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Chas. Godbolt Sr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher and fam
ily visited with Mr. and ’.Mrs. W. F.
Batten on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kerslake spent
Sunday with friends at Centralia
Mrs. Geo. Davis visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Kirk Hutton” on Friday of
last week.
, Mr. E. Sprague, of Toronto, is vis
iting with his nephew Mr. R. E.
Pooley this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. - Day, of Exeter,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Garfield
Brock on Sunday. s
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch,
Elimville, visited at the home
Mr. Chas. Delbridge on Sunday.
Mr. Ralph Parkinson, of Dlan-
shard, spent the holiday with
and Mrs. Herman Foster.
Mr, File, of Detroit, is making
good headway with his new home
which is now nearly ready for the
Mrs. Sinclair, who ran the Wallis
Gift Shop, has closed _up for the
winter and moved to her home in
Mr. and
14th Con.
Olliver on
Anniversary of the ChurchThe
was held on Sunday, October 9th.
The services were takenj by Rev.
Nelson Gould, of St. Thomas, who
preached two good old-fashioned
.sermons. Rev. Anthony filled Rev.
Mrs. Russell Webb, of the
visited Mr. and Mrs. •J'oe
The Frank Salter Co. have mov
ed the office on the bank of the
river down to the Beach of‘Pines.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker, of
Hay, spent Monday at Mr. Mark
Mrs. Sarah Eagleson visited Mr.
Sam Webb on Sunday at Greenway.
Mr.,and Mrs. Moona, of Windsor,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Gill
over the week-end.
Mr. Lloyd Stibbins has moved to
Mr. Stanlake’s farm near Exeter.
, Mrs. Bert Craig and little Betty
are visiting with friends in Blyth
for a week or so.
Mr. Wes. Nickles has moved into
his cabin for the winter,
Mrs. Ida Eccleston left on Friday
last' for Palm Beach, Calif, for the
attended Rev. Gould’s Sunday
School in the afternoon where they
have over’ 400 in attendance. He
was back to his own charge in the
evening and, took part in' the ser
vice with Rev. Gould. The choir
( rendered some very good music with
1 Mrs. Aimer Stewart at the piano.
Large congregation^ were present There was a solo by Mrs. J. Hodgert
at both morning and evening ser- and quartette by Messrs. W. Cann,
vi^es for the Harvest Thanksgiving1C. Montieth, A. Gardiner and W.
Service held in the church here on' Moody and an anthem by the whole
Sunday last. The speaker for both
services was Rev. Mr. Elliott, Main
Street United Church, Exeter. Mr.
Elliott preached very inspiring ser
mons both morning apd evening and
in the evening sang, "Jesus Is My
Neighbor..’ .Special'-music was pro
vided by the choir under the leader
ship of Mr. Lloyd Hodgson.
On Sunday, October 16th, the ser
vices in this church will be with
drawn in favqr of Anniversary Ser-,
vices being held at Whalen. The,
Centralia choir* will provide the mu
sic. .Sunday School will be
here at 10.30 a.m.....
and Mrs. Jas. Jewell, of Ex-
Were recent visitors at the
of the former’s cousin, Mrs.
1 The October meeting of the
M, S. met on Thursday last at
hqme> of Mrs.. Jas Hill* ^rs. °liver
presiding. The meeting opened by
singing a hymn and prayer by the
president. The Scripture lesson be
ing read by Mrs. Bert Kerslake af
ter which Mrs. Russell Scott read
the Portion of Study Book for the
day. The roll call was responded to
by each member giving their favor
ite Scripture text. Mrs. J. Hill led
in prayer. Mrs. John Hamilton gave
a very fine paper on "Christian
Living.” . Mrs. Thos. Scott read a
few items from Glad Tidings among
them being a letter from Dr. Gra
ham, of Formosa. A few minutes
was spent in discussion about busi
ness problems. A number of visitors
Were present. The meeting was clos
ed with prayer
and the Lord’s
Mrs. Donald
ent visiting at
her daughter.
Rev. Mr. Rogers has returned
from his holidays and is^ now
feeling much the better of the rest,
Mr, and Mrs. Manuel Speare, of
Toronto, are spending the Thanks
giving holiday at his old home,
Mrs. Malcolm McKellar, of Sea-
forth, visited with friends near the
Village over the holiday. 0
by Mrs. Jas. Scott
Prayer in unison.
McKellar is a pres-
Niagara Falls with
Mr. and Mrs/Wm. Bradshaw were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. McFalls,
of Biddulph on Sunday last.,
Rev. Mr. Peters showed a number
of interesting lantern slides in the
church on Friday evening of last
week. • The collection amounting to
about $3. went to the Mission Band.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Miller and
family visited at Mr Thos. Bell’s
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford and
family were. visitors at Mr. J|ohn
Ford’s, Lake Rd. on Sunday.
■ Mr. Enos Herdman, of Toronto,
spent the wee'S-end with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. -Chas. Johns, Ken
neth and their guest, Mrs. Edith
Young, of London, spent Thanks
giving Day with Mrs. A. Walter’s in
Mrs. Jas. Herbert, who has been
with her daughter Mrs. Jas. Hey
wood for a month returned to her
home at Lucan.
Rev. Mr. Peters was in London on
Sunday supplying for Rev. Waldon,
who was preaching Anniversary ser
vices at the Zion appointment. Quite
a large number from this congrega
tion availed themselves of the op
portunity to heai* Rev. Waldon as
he was the junior minister on this
“circuit some years ago.
Miss Bessie Hartnoll, of London,
returned home recently after spend
ing six weeks with her, cousin Mrs.
C. Johns.
Miss Kathryn Peters, of Western
University spent the week-end at her
home here.
Miss Evelyn Whitlock
Thomas was a caller in the
on Sunday.
Mis. Peter McEwen and
Misses Hazel, Mabel and Mr. Frank
McEwen, of Toronto, spent the week
end at r
liams, ■
A number from here attended the
Anniversary services at the Thames
Road church last Sunday.
^vir. and Mrs. Stanley Gay, of
Montreal, visited last Week with
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams. ,
Mr.\and Mr^. William Oke and
'sons and Miss Cantelon, of HamiL
putting up a nice addition to his’ten, visited at the home of Mr. and
now beautiful cottage. Mrs.. John Brock last Monday.
choir. In the evening there was a
duet given by Miss K. Wiseman and
Mrs. A. Morgan and a quartette by
the men. The choir then rendered
an anthem in an able manner. Two
solo parts were taken by Mr. W.
Cann and Mrs A. Morgan. There was
a special offering asked as there
will not be a supper.
Miss Pearl McNichol is home at
present with blood poisoning in her
‘Mr. Foster Bray is spending ‘a
few days with his brother Jack.
Miss B. Gollings is spending
Thanksgiving with friends at
Pt. Huron
Mr. John
of Chisel
last week
Misses Bernice and isobel Webb'
of Toronto, spent the week-end
with their -parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
‘Mr. Nelson Ravelie, of
spent,the holiday with
Mrs. Richard Taylor,
hurst, spent a few days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Welland Ravelie, of
Detroit, Mich, are spending a week
With his brother, Arnold Ravelie.
Quite a number took in the An
niversary services at Greenway on
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Love, of Thed
ford spent the holiday with Mr.
in St.
has his new cottage nearly oomplet-
•ed, .ready for paint.
Mr. T. Wilkie is all smiles over a
baby boy,
Quite a number holidayed at their
cottages for the week-end, some
closing them up for the winter.
Mr. Fred Marshall, of Sarnia, is
parents, Mr, and Mrs. John
and Mrs. W. B. Oliver took
Marys fair on Saturday,
Frank Nestle, of Ingersoll,
of, St.
the home Of Mrs. Roland Wil*
the former ^remaining for a
0* Johns was in London last