HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-10-06, Page 8THITBSBAY, (X TOI1EK 0, 1U;K CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J, Bernard Rhodes,, *M. A. , MinisterMiss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist ' THANKSGIVING SUNDAY 10 a.m,—Sunday School 11 a.m.-LMr, H. A, Pritchard of Knox College 7 p.m.—Mr. H. A. Pritchard Appropriate music at both services. Exeter Markets , W^eat 46c. Malting Barley 38c* Shorts, 85 c. Bran, 80c. Mattitobas Best $2.'5Q-' Model $2.30 Welcome, $1.80 Feed Flour, $1.00 Creamery Butter 2 6-2 7c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Butter 19-2Q'C, extras 24c. • firsts 19c, seconds 14c, james st. united Church OF CANADA Rev, J, H. Stainton, B.A..B.D Pastor W, R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—“Say Thank You” 3 p.m.-—Sunday Sichool 7 p.m.—Is there a God? 2nd in the series of “Great Ques­ tions", Special Thanksgiving mu­ sic. Thursday—Prayer Meeting. LOCALS MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—Rev. A. V. Robb, Centralia 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m. Song Monday ciety Thursday 7.30- THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE i ■u 4 • am SWIH I Children’s I Fur Collared -Coats Men’s Fine Oxfords reduced to $2.39 Boys’ School Shoes reg. $2.50 for $1.98 Men’s Work Shoes extra value $1.98 Men’s Fine Shoes value to $6.50, $2.98 Men’s Rubber Boots reduced in price. Don’t Let Anything Keep You Away. SUPER SOUTHCOTTS A SALE THAT IS A SALE! WOMEN’S SHOES I lot Women’s high cut shoes ana straps, few, dozen left at FRIDAY and SATURDAY WILL Bit ■■ . . MEN’S WORK SHIRTS Men’s' grey Military Work Shirts extra quality and full 89c MEN’S COMBINATIONS Regular $1.75. Penman’s extra quality Fleeced Com­ binations 1.39 WOMEN’S HOSE Women’s Hose, sand and black exceptional values. Out they ‘go 18c 1.95 Women s Shoes An outstanding value, Women’s straps, pumps & oxfords value up to 85.00 out they VALUE DAYS! Women’s Shoes opportun- affect a Women's pumps, & regular I —now Entire Stock Ripped Loose and Released to the Public in a Gigan tic Store-Wide Sacrifice for Spot Cash. Everything Goes! Save!!! We ask you to read this ad carefully; Note the reductions. They are but a few of the hundreds of exceptional values "this sale of­ fers. They merely throw an interesting IValues to 10.00 C/f QQ| light on the wide avenues of savings®obtain- a , Now . . . *P“**'O| able at this store-wide SALE. A real ity to saving, straps, oxfords to $6 ■ Rev. A. V. Robb Service 8 p.m.—Young People’s Missionary Program Prayer Meeting So- Miss Leila Stackhouse has return- ed after two weeks’ vacation. Mrs. Mary Haist, of Orediton, spent last week with hex* sister, Mrs. Swifzer. ■Mr. Gordon Qaiser, of Indianna, visited with Mrs. Sweitzer .and Mrs. Hewlett. Mr, and Mrs. Flintoff, of Strat­ ford, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. George Etherington. Mr. and Mrs, .David Lippert, of Melbourne, spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. Sweitzer. Mr, Robert Ramsay and Miss Dorothy Cox, of Sarnia, spent, Sun­ day at the latter’s home here.' Mrs. Elizabeth Reason, of Brook­ lyn, is visiting with her nephew and neice, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter. Mr. Harold Wood, of Chatham, visited- over the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Wood. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer. Miss May Skinner and Mrs. Thornton were in j Ingersoll Sunday visiting with Mrs: Finn, I Mrs. McLung returned to her home at Highgate Saturday after vsitlng ■ for a week with Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Bartow. Mi’s.k (Dr.)' Harry Browning and i Miss Susan MeDcnell, spent one day I last week with the latter’s brother • in London. | 'Mr, and Mrs. Harry Griff and' fam­ ily, of Goderich, spent Sunday with , Mrs. Griff’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ]Rd. Hunter.j Rev. J. B. Rhodes made a short ■ visit to Toronto to attend a meeting E. of the Board of Management of , Knox College this week. I Miss Alma Winer, affiliate nurse in Victoria " Hospital, London, visit­ ed’ with her parents Mr1, and Mrs, W. E. Winer on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutton, of Brant­ ford, .and Mr. Allan Hobbs, B.A., or Galt, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T.‘O. Southcott. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McFalls, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McFalls and Mr. W-m. McFalls, of Bi'ddulph, visited with Mr. and Mrs. K. J, Sims on Sunday.! ‘The inorning train from London J arrives in Exeter at 1O':42. This is seventeen minutes earlier than for-! merly, the time being changed last! week. | Rev. E. L. Vivian conducted the( services at Old St. Pauls, Wood-' stock, on Sunday. A large number of All Saints’ congregation attended both services. Mr. and Mrs. George Banting mo­ tored down from Hazelcliffe, Sask., and were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Welsh and Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Waftsh. ! Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Welsh and two’ For particulars apply to the se- sons, of Toronto, accompanied by< cretary. (the former’s sister Miss Leila Welsh H. E. Huston, Sec’y. were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welsh. . 1 Messrs-. B. R. Bartow and R. N. Creech spent one day last week in' ■the Georgian Bay district visiting at Owen Sound, Collingwood, Mea-! ford and other places. | - — . . Mrs.’ Leo Hennessey and two Street Mission children Jack/and Jean returned on ’ visiting for three weeks in Lindsay. They were accom-1 I panied" to Exeter by Mrs. Jackson cab- who sPent tlie week-end here. ' sMrs. F. J. Manning, of Bowman- ville, is visiting for a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ste­ wart, the two ladies being sisters? * TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFau] Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Twentieth Sunday after Trinity 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Preacher at all services Rev. T. Rickard, of Brussels SPECIAL Fur jackets made, any style, $8 and up; Fur Coats relined, $5.00 till 31st of October. Fur coats re­ modelled or repaired. Furs , made any style; also dressmaking. All charges at cut rates. Apply to Mrs. Norman Hockey, Main St., Exeter. ,, 10-6-2 tc. The Thames Road Farmers’ Club are booking orders for No. 4 Chest­ nut and Alberta Co-al; also ordinary and small size coke. Orders should be placed immediately—P. Passmore Secretary. 10-6-2tc. PUBLIC LIBRARY Tenders, up to 6 o’clock p.m. of October Sth inst. will be received at the office of the Chairman, Thos. Pryde, for the painting of the ex­ terior of the building of the Exeter Public Library. Dance at Cromarty Hall.’ Freedy’s Olde Tyme Band-, of London, Tues­ day, October 11th, Dancing 9 p.m. Admission 25c. Remember the crokinole party to be held by James 1 Circle on Wednesday evening Octo- Sunday after ber 12th. t FOR SALE—Potatoes and bages. Phone 28, Canadian banners. Sideboards $6; Dressers $6; tables 50c. up'; beds, springs, bird cages, x ’•store fixtures, chairs, bicycle, cloth- ■^r3, Stewart has just returned from mg. shoes, book and stoves. We sell everything. Come in often, you may find something you need at a price to suit.- ~ phone 122. FOR old f-or a two weeks’ visit at Sturgeon Lake. Misses Verna Coates and Stella Southcott motored to Drayton Sun- ■Powell’s Exchange day and were accompanied home ■ (on Monday by Mrs. Coates, Mrs. E.\ „ I A/ Amy and Mrs. Thos. Amy who W^Y-Sandy Billot, be“ visiUng there tor a w“k' COME Every Day and Share the Bargains that are Bringing Thousands to this Store! Ladies’ and Misses’ SILK DRESSES VALUES TO $10.00 REDUCED TO $1.48 Silk Knit & Crepe Dresses values $15.—$3.95 Silk Crepe & Celanese Dresses $22.50—$6.95 WOMEN’S SILK AND WOOL VESTS Another real special 49c WOMEN’S lEU'R- TRIMMIilD COATS . Out they go 5 00 Mr. J. G. Cochrane has rented o ~______ from Mr. ,S. M. Sanders the large' w prices right, brick building on James Street and /~ Apply to Chas."Harvey, Exeter ltp. is opening up a machine shop mov-. FOR Hogs, SALE—Young Yorkshire right type; l _ _ _ WOMEN’S PURE SILK HOSE Women's pqre silk full-fash­ ioned ’ hose, newest shadbs1 all sizes reg $1.00 clearing WOMEN’S SILK AND WOOL HOSE Here is 'an­ other splendid bargain, fine quality & al] new shades 49c MEN’S TWEED PANTS Here’s another real, value. Men’s Tweedy Pants values to $3.25 now Beautiful 0 A T C . Fur-Trimmed vUA 1 M Thig Season’s newe/st fur-trimmed styles Now is the time to buy, fully lined' and inter­ lined values to $19.50—going at Bargains Prices Marked on the Entire Stock Reg. 25c* Striped & White Flan’ette yd. 18c 25c. Prints guaranteed fast colors yd. 18c. 25c. Fancy Chintz Assort^ Patterns yd. 21c. 30c. Fancy Certain Nets, ecru shade yd. 21c Turkish Bath Towels, special each . . .22c. Turkish Bath Towels, reg. 40c. each 29c. , Reg. 60c. Table Oilcloth, 1 1-2 yards 49c, Reg. $1.75 All Wood Serge ...... yd. 79c. .Reg. $1.50 Serge & Whipcord all Wool 39c. Window Shades sub standards special 69c. Reg. 18c. Putre Linen Towelling . . yd. 13c. 2 RECORD BREAKING DAYS Kotex per pkg. 29c 2 pkgs'Kotex 1 pkg.' Kleenex 79c .1 Men’s and Q| TI'T’Q Young Men’s OLJ1 1 O Boys’ Suits reg to $14, sizes 3^1 to 35 for $1.98 !.■ Men’s Tweed & Worsted Suits small size $4.98 Young Men’s two pant Suit values to $18.50-—$12.95 Men’s Suits regular to $25.00, $35.00—$16.95 EXTRA FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Ibex 12-4 largest „size blankets, white and grey with col- fl ored borders. Out g they go I 1.98■ ALL.SPECIAL PRICES ' ON GROCERIES WILL Continue this WEEK Men’s and1 A TQ Young Men’s Ax V/lz/x 1 MS s ■’ Values to $25.00 good warm coat at $9.95 Men’s & Young Men’s values $22.50-*- $14.95 Outr best $35,00 coats drastically ciit $23.95 Do not fail to see these! OFFERING Record breaking values i i i SOUTH COTT BROS., EXETE R X 4 - ■ - I Caven Church will hold a RUM- nvinli'inorv fr-mn Ilia a ' MAGE SAILE UUd HOME COOKING’ .^Ullding SALE and serve afternoon tea at opposite the ^ie town hall Saturday afternoon, , October 15th. FOR SALE OR RENT—A commo- on Wellington St, dious two storey frame cottage with creamery. all modern conveniences, situate on, T .. n .__the east side of Andrew Street, Ex-1 . Mr. W. L. Kress is the acting. eter. A most, desirable property1 manager of the Canadian Bank of. MACHINE SHOP convenient to churches, school and, Commerce while,Mr. Sayers is away{ ■ business section. For further par- 011 a month’s vacation having been r Machine Shop opens in the large ticulars apply to CARLING & MOR- married Saturday to Miss Margery brick building on James Street bn LEY, Barristers &c., Eketer,I Isobel McDonald, Of Strathroy, Mr. t October 11th I J. E. Lasier, of London, is relieving BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING— here. . < Hyacinths Narcissus, Daffodils, andTiiHntt__Powell’s nhone 122 . ■Rey' Boiden Cunningham, w(ifeTunps.—Powell s pnone 122. 1 and daughter Betty, of Mill- • bank, visited with relatives in ’ ter on Monday. Mr'. Cunningham was in St. Thomas Siunday conduct­ ing anniversary services at his former parish, Mrs, Cunningham ac-1 Used Farm iTuck 2 sets wheels companying him. at a bargain. " t 1 1 Oliver Tractor Plow, 2-furrow 'in good shape at a snap. 1 Top Buggy, rubber-tired. Come quick, Used Cream Separators all makes at your own price. FOR SALE nternational Harvester Co* LtdM Exeter, Ont. wfife Exe- Mr, and Mrs. R. n* Rowe, Misses Vera and Reta Rowe returned home Monday after visiting for a week with Mrs. Rowe’s brother, Df, Hall­ oway, of Peterboro, On Sunday morning they attended service at Port Hope United. Church attd took dinner with Rev. D. attd Mrs. Tavish, formerly of Exeter, xwere delighted to renew old qu-aifltattces, Mo­ an d ac- No job too'- small or too large Expert work attd Service . Phone 135. J. G. Cochrane, 'Mgr. Hev. E. L. Vivian will tile Harvest Thanksgiving at Brussels on Sunday, Mr. M. E. Gardiner, of renewed old acquaintances in ter otto day last week. Mr, attd Mrs. Perry David, Loftdon, spent the week-end Mf, and Mis, J* S. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Trueman' Elliott conduct services Meatord, Exe* Of With Mr. Win. Tapp, who has been seriously ill, shows some improve­ ment. . Mr. Gordon Hewlett has returned to the Osliawa Missionary Gollege at' Osliawa. Rev. J. Morris, of'woodstock, was the guest of Mrs. Vivian over the week-end. ’ Mr. T. S. Neil, of Hamilton. Spent beginninga few days in town the of tlfe week. Mr A. W. Johnston, of sior Life Toronto, spent end with his parents. —'Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, Mrs bol, Mrs.L. Potter, of Woodstock, are visitors at the Rectory. Miss J. S. Murray is in Brookville this week attending the Provincial Convention of the W C. T< u. jMr» and Mrs. Ralph Brand, of Ab vinston, visited /with mother Mrs. last wook. Mr. James _____, ___ ww_ ployed With • E. R. Hopper is in the the Excel- week- Lam- - the latter’s Mawhinney one day Francis, who is em and Mr. and Mrs* Clifton Davis, of, a ^onfse in London, were the guests of Mr, and emnaiming, (Mrs, C. DEATHS HODGINS—In London, .on Sunday, October -2, ‘ 1932, Josephine, daughter of the late, George W. and Frances Hodgins. Interment Tuesday in St. Cemetery, Clandeboye. IN MEMORIAM Of Lucan. James K.ESSELL—In loving memory of Harriett Jane Kessell, who passed away one year ago, October 6th ,,1931. WEDDINGS SAYERS— MCDONALD—In ray on Saturday, October l.st,[ Miss Margery Isobel ^McDonald, daughter of Mr. W. T. McDonald, to Mr. Robert Henry Sayers, Son of Mrs. E. J. Siayers, of Pointe Claire, Que., t Canadian Bank of Commerce at ExCtCf. - I EARL—GUNNING—At the parson­ age, Centralia, by the Rev. A. V. Robb, on September 28th( Hay, ning Deep in our hearts lieS a picture. Of a loved one gone to rest; In memory’s frame we will keep it F2 __ _ * ■- OiU lips cannot sfteak her, Our hearts cannot say, ,. v.xxvw God only knows how and manager of the j As we battle, along :lz of Commcrof xt way< Sadly missed bV Sister Strath- Elsie daughter of Mrs, Alice Gun- to James A. Earl, of Zion. Because she was one of the best, we lovedhow tell what to miss herWh ____ ____ life’s rough and brothers W.'R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church instruction in piano v<eal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools .Studio, Main St. Box 122, Phone 193 . EXETER. ONT. CARD OF THANKS Charles Box attd Mr. Thos. to extend their bo the neighbours and Mrs. __ __ Harrison desire . ... a,, / .---- thanks to u..u„——-.I-- covering in St* Joseph’s Hospital, friends'' fbr their splendid response FOR SALE—Quantity of good/ London from a redent operation ,is and assistance givon at the timb 1 w« J* MeU'^pected home the latter part of of the fire oft Wednesday of last -......A tfd. this week. peek. E, Tuckey i Mrs. Nelson Sheere, who is I coveting in st. ioser" hard whod, 1 ft. long, ville, Exeter, ’f *