HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-10-06, Page 5% THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1082 Miss Lawson, of Exeter, has ac­ cepted.‘a position with Dr. Collyer. Mr, Ross Dick, of Toronto spent the week-end with friends in town, Miss Hazel Morena spent the week­ end with her parents in Dashwood, iMy. W, D. Sanders* of Exeter,! DASHWOOD Dc. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., O.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block. pa»b- wood, first three days of week and <*i ottice over the Post Office, lu Zurich, last tbtse days, of week Dashwood cider mill will be rum* ping every day.—-Alex Zimmer, Pro, 9-22-3tp thb RED & WHITE storei 1 ' wr W w 1 * ■ - I Immii T CREDITON Thanksgiving services next Sun­ day at the Evangelical church, Spec­ ial music and decoration will also feature the day, Dr, and Mrs, J. Engel and daugh­ ter Dolly, of Waterloo,, and Miss E, Grenjiiebach, of Kitchener, spent Sunday at the Evangelical parson- with members of the family in De- Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. I and Mrs, Conrad Kuhn and Mr, and Miss Margaret Drummond,., of Kin- Mrs. Dan Oestrichex* and also t graced cardine, spent the home here. The farmers in W'- busily engaged in beans and roots. Mr. John Swan, a recent visitor at and Mrs, A* Swan. Mrs, John Wilson has returned home after a few weeks visit with friends in gt, Marys. Mrs. Meryin Tieman and Miss An­ na Tiernan, of Dashwood, called on friends in town last week.,. Mr. and Mrs. J. B< Simpson have returned home after a pleasant visit, with relatives in -the West, Miss Alma Scruton R.N",, of Lon­ don, has accepted a position at the Huron Springs Sanatorium. week-end at her the morning service with their pres­ ence. ' The Evangelicals are again readythis district are _____o-J- getting in their with their annual Fowl Supper, to Burns pt Pt. Huron q£ Manit°ulin Isle, few days with Mrs. Specials of Michigan was the home of Mr. ' I be held next week, Thursday even­ ing, October '13 in the cement shed. The supply will be in accordance with the usual reputation. Mrs,, Gott­ fried Wein is again.convenor of tlie supper committee ably assisted by Mrs, Emmery Fahrner, We look for patronage many friends near and Ballantyne, and singer; reader, both an excellent will assist. secretary, from out far. 1 Jock entertainer Wilson, comedian, Mrs. Pauline of London, will furnish program, Local talent The public is most IMrs. Daniel Mclsaac was in troit last week visiting with cot­Huron Springs Sanatorium. j . Mr. arid Mrs. Roy McLaren, visit- .ed on Sunday'with Mr, aud Mrs, A. rar““ J, Sweitzer at Beach-o’-Pines. Mr, and Mrs, George Grann have and Mrs. Lester Mclsaac. , returned home after a pleasant visit with friends ,in"*Lansing, Mich. | Mr. i family, of Cromarty, were recent! visitors with friends in tcw,n. Rev. Mr, Young preached‘‘Young People’s Rally aPcaven Presbyter­ ian church at Exeter on Sunday. Mr. Robert McLaren Sr., has won first prize at most of the local fairs for the best driver in buggy and harness. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith and chil­ dren, cl —.1---- --. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William, here. Consitt. I Mr, Reuben Schwartz, of D'unn- The many friends of Mr. A. L.'ville, visited with Mr. John Gaiser Case will regret to learn he ----' ~ ' taken seriously ill on Sunday a hemmorhage of the stomac'a. Th© onion firms are busy week storing the onions that grown in this district and will them over till next spring for (Mr. T ' Organizer: and Mr. Fred Sanderson. M. P., of St MaryX were in town on Monday helping to speed up the Teller. j»Jyi£®ral vote. | Special anniversary services were w The;’ Arnold Circle of the Carmel held in the United church, Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Adam Gaiser *,**«... i Gordon, of Detroit, visited a and Mi’Sj ^John G. Scott and ^ays ]ast week with Mr. and „„ „ . Fred Gasser, / Mr. and Mrs. Adam Gaiser De­ Mr, and few Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Adam GaiSer and Mr. Gordon Gaiser, Of Detroit, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Haist and other relatives over the week­ end, Mr. Joe Regan, teller of th© Can­ adian Bank of Commerce left for Simcoe on Tuesday. Mr. M; Willis- Miss Ruth Tieman spent the week­ end in Hensail, Mr, .and Mrs, gnd Mr®. Shaw, are spending a J, s.'Witzel. .Mr. Fred Shetler, of Buffalo and sister Mrs. Blair, of Texas, called on friends in town on Tuesday. Mrs. D, Tieman’s Sunday School Class will give a sale or pome cook-' ing in Mr, D. -Tiernan’s furniture shop on Saturday afternoon at three o’clock, A cordial invitation is ex­ tended to all to attend, Bethany’s Sister’s Class Tea ! The monthly tea given by the Bethany Sisters Class of the Dash­ wood Evangelical Sunday School 'was held on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. pavid Tieman with Mrs. Tieman and Mrs Garnet ! Wildfori'g as joint hostesses. Mirs, I Mervyn Tieman and Miss Anna Tie-1 man “assisted in looking after the 7’ A. E Oestricher presided at the prettily appointed About forty ladies called during the afternoon. The proceeds of these teas are to be used for mis­ sionary purposes. guests while Mrs. tea table. ELIMVILLE W. auu Jac. jjujuu itiiu. uuu-j - ■ —dren, of Kincardine, spent Monday on» °f -St- Thomas, will take His place was on Saturday, with1 -Mrs. Christina Schwantz, of South sung and the this( Schwantz and son John visited at were! the; home^ Mr. and Mrs. Henry seed. t Mr. and Mrs. ;he week-end, IMiss S. Schlapgenfiof and Mr. Ho- visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. \ the home^ 1 Haist ovent! .^'“5 ward Gray, ot Niagara Falla, N. Y. The Live Oak Mission Circle met at the .home of Mrs. Harry Murch on Wednesday, September 28th with seventeen presents Mrs. Murch pre­ sided over the meeting which open­ ed with hymn 81. Miss Mary Hunter read the scripture lesson and the De­ votional Leaflet was given iby Miss Audrey Prance. Another hymn was » roll called. Business .. . I means of being the main .sub­ bags are being used of October and it waB discussed ways and AUQ'juMviu vjuvic ui mo vwiuxct m uie uuneu ciiurvn, ounuayj-’Presbyterian ^hurch held a meeting October 2nd at 11 in the morning! at the home o,f Miss Irene Hoggarth on Tuesday evening. A very enjoy­ able time was spent. The friends of Mrs. Jas. Dick will be sorry to hear she has been con­ fined to her bed for the past week and 7 in the evening., Rev. Mr. El-1 liott, of Main St. Exeter, was in charge and took for his subject in! the morning, "The Church of the Future” in the evening, "What ----- — are we worth?” Both were very through serious illness, but at time i much appreciated . by large congre- of writing is somewhat better. gations. Mr. Elliott also renderedof writing is somewhat better. _ __ _____ ___ _____ Mr. J. W. Ortwein is improving1 a very fine solo at each service;-The the appearance of the property he choir assisted by Mr. Clayton Sims vpnantlv nnrAhnspd frnm TVTVfs. 'Rn.ht.'ne + n ri -------- SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR ,, t,per 27c. GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE, half pound pkg. , 2 fpr LIBBY’S PORK BEANS _____ _________1 Jb. tin 7c< per lb. 15c» per lb. 25c. . 7 for 15c. Good Quality Rice 3 lbs. for 16c. Handy Ammonia 2 pkgs, for 13c. Buflk Soap Chips 3 lbs. for 25c. PURE CANE .SUGAR ............. ...................................,. ? 10 lbs. for 50c. Jewel Shortening 2 lbs. for 21c. Black Tea In bulk per lb. 27c. Gold Medal Peanut Butter v In bulk per lb. 16c. CONNER’S HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE v, large tin each 15c. Australian Raisins 2 lbs. for 25c. Gold Medal Orange Marmalade 40 oz. jar each 27c. De Luxe Jelly Powders 6 for 25c. 7 GOLD MEDAL STRAWBERRY JAM..........................40 oz. jar, each 27c. Fancy Queen Olives 141/2 oz. jar 19c. Palmolive Soap 3 cakes for 19c. * Good Quality Brooms Each 25c. Choice Quality Corn ...... 2 tins for 19c. Select Pink Salmon ...... 4 tins for 25c. Shredded Cpcoanut ....... % lb. for 11c. Choc. M. M. Biscuits . Choc. Maple Buds . . ., Asssorted Choc. Bars .. fl _ ROLLIE’S GROCERY - EXETER, ONT EE. Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” sWe Deliver S liiiiiiiiiiillliiiiiiiiiiiiliiilliiilliiuiiillllliiillllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll^ i' i raising money i ject. Sunshine I for the month ( decided to have ten cent teas at each •meeting .for the remainded of this year. The minutes of the last meet­ ing were read and adopted. Heralds who reported were: On Home Mis­ sions, Miss Audrey Prance; China, Miss Mary Hunter; Japan, Miss M. Johns; Murch. read a East”; present ______ ing was closed with hymn 168 and Mizpah benediction. ... Mrs. Miners, of Rivers, Man. and {Mrs. Hugh Ray and son, of Portage Indian Work, Mrs. Harry Miss Marjorie Delbridge story entitled "Community •Mrs. (Rev.) Peters was and gave a talk. The meet- WINCHELSEA Threshing and silo filling is about completed around, here. iMr. S. Whaley, of St, Marys, visit­ ed with fils daughter Mrs. R. W, Batten on' Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Johns and family, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hern, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. J., Dickens and Bessie, Mr. and Mrs.’Fred Davis, of Saintsbury, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Creery spent the ,-week-end in Detroit with their gon Mr. Theron Creery. Miss Vinetta Routly, of Kirkton, spent Sunday with Miss Greta Flet­ cher. Mrs. A. E. Delbridge is moving this ed the Grand report •The Grace / Mc- vis- KHIVA McLachlan moved lastMr. Jas. Saturday to Paykhill where he is taking over a inail route" and Mr. Wm. Mason has taken iMr. McLach­ lan’s twd ..route’s No-. 2 and 3. We are sorry , to lose Mr. and Mrs. Mc­ Lachlan from our neighborhood. Mr. Alex Neeb was in Toronto on business a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Art Willert, Grace and-Reta spent Sunday with friends near Parkhill. Mrs. G. Heywood, of Exeter, spent Sunday with her father Mr. William Witzel. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ziler entertain­ ed a number of their friends to a dance last Friday evening. -Mr. J. Hartman, of Waterloo, vis­ ited with friends in this neighbor­ hood last week. . a inail route" and Mr, A. Gollen, who is away threshing. Miss Fletcher and Miss Nephew of Detroit, called on Miss English last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett and family of London, visited Mrs, Angus Intosh. Miss Mary Corbett has been iting friends in Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Lenahan, of London, have been, guests of Messrs. Davie and Wm. Eagleson. iMr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock spent the -week-end in Fordwich. Mr. A. M. Wilson and Mae were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tay­ lor on Sunday and attended services I in Grand Bend church. .] Several ladies from here attend- W. M. S. Convention at Bend on" Thursday last and a profitable time, Harvest Home Dinner. at Church last Wednesday was j bountifu! supper enjoyed as well as the splen­ did play given by Thedford talent. Mr. Elmer Harlton and Miss _____ _ Bedt, of Granton, visited Mr. "~Mr.~ Frank Davis was called to! Hodgins rin (Sunday and called London on Monday owing to the ill­ ness of his sister Mrs. O. Fraleigh. Mrs. R. E. Pooley attended the W. M« S. Convention on Thursday of last week which was held at to her new home in Exeter week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey spent day in Kirkton with Mr. and A- iCollier. Sun- Mrs. I MMiss Mae Coward spent the week- well attended and the , Jena with her parents ‘Mr. and Mrs. - er en5oyed as well as recently purchased from Mrs. Robt. as tenor and Mrs. C. G Misene/asf £a p^irl Man were visitors X Bell by having the house painted.| pianist furnished special music for! The work is being done by Mr. Fred the day. Rev. Mr, Sippell and his ^aakand' ^®rs’ Rlchard- Johns ljfst j Mrs. Wilbur King and daughter Myrtle, of Forest, were recent visit- ■' ors with the formers sister, Mrs. W. j Horne. in an unconscious condition' «6or! Church choir were entertained ' to( Mrs- Josh. Johns and Miss Alma «—a la sumptuous lunch by their leader visited with Mr. and xIMrs. Mrs., J. Woodall and Mr. Woodall. Kenning. ... (congregation closed their church in! Mr. William Dabus' while riding the evening in honor of the anniver-' -on a motor cycle one day last week sary services. was thrown off and sustained sev-| At ;the close of their practise on ere injuries about the head and was Friday evening last the United some time. IMr. Arthur Dick and Thomas Es­ say returned home Monday" from Carberry, Man., where they have been for the past few weeks, being called there owing to the death of Mr. Essay's brother, Frank. Quite a number of our local Con­ servatives attended the final meet­ ing held at Exeter on Saturday ev­ ening, which was addressed by the Hon. Mr. Gordon, Canadian Minister of Labor and Immigration. xRev. W. A. Young will' preach couple of days with the formerjs anniversary services at Ottawa on* sister Mr, and Mrs, Sam Sims. Sunday, next. His place here Miss Clara Lewis spent the week- will be taken by Mr. Strang, of Ex-' end at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. J. eter, in the morning and Rev. Mr.'.Neil in Centralia. Young of. Nairn at the evening ser-| Mrs. )gilas Rrokenshire and Mrs. i Wilson Anderson returned home on -Mrs. John Dinsdale, FreU Sunday after a week’s visit with Simmons and Mrs. John Murdock at- e1atf - • T.ondrm tended the funeral at Clinton on reIatives k°n°on‘ , „ T - Saturday last of a cousin Miss Eliza*! Mr. and Mrs. Heatherley, of Lon- beth Smith of Detroit. The remains ^on Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz A, were brought to Clinton where in- and two children, of Exeter, spent ™ terment was made. * : Sunday with their parents Mr. and Services‘ in our local churches Mrs. Henry Mota, were well attended on Sunday last. I Rev. J. B. Rhodes, of Exeter, oc­ cupied the pulpit of the Carmel Presbyterian church in the morning and Rev. Young in the'evening. At the United church Rev, Arthur Sin­ clair had charge of the services and in the morning Holy C_____1_ was observed. The Welfare* Youth Club of the ■ - Carmel Presbyterian church held a "^meeting on Monday evening. After the opening exercises the scripture reading was given by Allan David­ son. An interesting number on the program were the lantern slides on India. The slides were run by -Mr. Roy McLaren and were read by Hannah Murray and Mr,s, Roy Laren after which contests games were indulged in. The Election The election on Monday ly contested ■ one, with Working hard during the CREDITON EAST' | Mr, Dan. Truemne-r and daughter] Mrs. Aaron Wein and' two children and . John Sleamon in Centralia last week. The Young People’s Society have commenced holding- their weekly George Coward. i Mrs. David Alexander of ThamesRoad, visited with Mrs. Geo. Davis! on Monday. | of last week which was held Grapd Bend. i Mr. J. Hickey. WHALEN Ila E. on spent the week-end with Dr. 1 Mrs. Truemner in Chesley. J Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baird 1 daughter, of near Grand Bend, spent and l---------------- ---------- iAV.AV.AXXg WCC1YJJ- (•meetings again the first being Mon- iday evening. Mr. and^Mrs. Wm. ;Motz and their i daughter, of London, visited with | Mrs. Motz’s mother Mrs. Heywood, §r, on .Saturday, We are glad to re­ port that she is able to be around. Mr. and Mrs. *Wm, Stephens and children, of Woodham, were visitors on -Sunday at Mr. Chas. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell, Mr. Har­ old Bell, and'Mis^ Agnes Logan vis­ ited at Mr. Thos. Drover’s at elhurst last Sunday. F MT. CARMEL KIRKTON HARPLEY •Mr. Charles-and Miss. Sarah Hod­ gins spent Saturday afternoon in London. ’ « Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hodgins, of Petrolia, visited with his mother, Mrs. (Catherine Hodgins for a. few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgins spent Sunday with Mr. Paul Eagleson. 'tMr. and Mrs. Will Hayter motor­ ed to Detroit on Sunday to- visit their daughter, Mrs. L. Hutchinson. Miss Chrystal Hayter visited With Mrs. Paul Eagleson on Sunday. Chls- Mr. spent Houlihan’s. Bert Farmer, of the week-end at Mr, 5 Centralia, John Mr. and (Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of London and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz visited, Sunday with the lat­ ter’s brother Mr. and Mrs. Jake Messner near Dashwood. I CENTRALIA Mr. Hugo Theander has rented j the blacksmith shop, at Centralia formerly occupied- by W. J. Dobibs _ j and is now open to do. horseshoeing Mrs. Harry Lewis is visiting her and all kinds bf repair work., ... ... ... ( 9-29-2tp. her and ^Irs< Win< j parSons, vis- ited ovei’ tlle week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Davis in London. Communion frmnds neat Centralia. ( Mrs. John Lawson is visiting son and daughter-in-law Mr. Mrs, George Lawson in Exeter. Mrs* Lawson is a remarkable smart wo- Mr. Silas Shier will hold an auc­ tion sale of farm stock and imple- ' ments on Tuesday, October 11. See advt. 'on page four. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter* Hazlewood on Sunday were Mrs. Clare, Sr., and Mrs. Clare, Jr., and Mrs. • Clark, of London. Mr. and Mrs. J. ■ don, were guests of Paul'on Sunday. The Sacrament Supper was observed in the United Church on Sunday. Dr. C. A. Campbell is having his office remodelled. Mr. Wm. Hazlewood and bride, of Detroit, spent a few days this week with friends here. Dr. Campbell, Amos Doupe and S. N. Shier attended the funeral or the late J. W. Eedy^in^St. Marys on Thursday, The -Ladlies’ Association of the Kirkton United, church met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Denham on Thursday’’ afternoon with ■ twenty ladies in attendance. The president, Mrs. Lewis Fletcher opened the , meeting. Mrs. Wilbur Kirkby reaa i the scripture lesson and Mrs. Bell Mr. and Charles Veitch, Mr, and of Lon- iMrs.C. of the Lord’s Miss Mc- and hot- jujiwsoxi is a remarKaoie smart wo- A+vinanri nf natvnitman for her ace as she celebrated \ „ as' Atkin30tt Detroit, gave a very instructive reading andS K^S?Z..C Visited for a few days last week a papei. by Mra< Wes< Batten* At with Mr. arid Mrs. John McFalls. | the cj0§e ^ie iheetirig Mrs. Silas Rev. and Mrs. A. V. K°bb ^ure shier who is leaving shortly for her spending the week m Hamilton, | home at Brvanston was nre- week Mrs. Alice Parkinson, of St. Marys is spending a few days with her sis­ ter Mrs. Geo. iMillso’n. Mrs. Mervin Johnson spent a few days in Exeter last week. Miss Mary ' Webb is holidaying with her parents at Greenway this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Squire spent Sun­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs, A Hern, of Woodham. ’ •Presentation About seventy relatives and neigh­ bors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson on Mon­ day evening of T^st week to do hon­ our to Elsie Guhning whose, mar­ riage is an event of this week. With iMr. John Hazelwood in the chair a program was given consisting of reading by Olive Elliott "Grandma Discusses Man”; violin solo "Love’s Old Sweet Song” by Hilton Ogden, accompanied by Mr. Ogden; reading by Ruth Morley "The Jolly Life of a Farmer’s Wife”; duet by Dorothy Hazelwood and Mabel Elliott, "Those Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up that Old Gang of Mine”; mouth organ solo by Mervin Johnson; reading by Clark Shervill "When Granny Was a Bride”; accordian solo by Mrs, ,M. Morley. Mr. D. A. Johnson was called on and he spoke very highly of Elsie and how much she would be missed and extended to her the very best wishes in her new home. A chorus of young people- sang ac­ companied by Olive Elliott on the guitar. Florence Pullen was then called on for the following address, and Edna Siquire and Bertha Batten presented Elsie with a set of knives and forks/ also a Pyrex casserole. Address is as follows: Dear Elsie,— _______ ___„ One of the best joys of life is the conference, where members had an gathering together of friends with opportunity to converse with the whom we- have ^assembled heads of the various departments, all our lives, and who have joys and The devotional period was in charge hopes and aspirations in common, i Of the Kippe-n Auxiliary and music While we may enjoy ; many good by the Whalen Auxiliary. Mrs. W> « things severally nothing can takejH, McIntosh gave “an interesting ad* the place of our associations one dress on the conditions of the pres- with another. ‘ - — ■ converse and plan and strive, gives yorir friends pleasure tonight to meet and join with you, in a so­ cial gathering. You are one with us in the way of. life and your pres­ ence with us Is a part of our hap­ piness. It is the lot of humanity to be subject to many meetings and partings. We will miss you in our community and with this gift goes our love and best wishes for every joy and happiness in your home. Signed on behalf of Whalen' coft- gre? ation Jolly Good Follow. ___ and thanked everyone also inviting all to come and see her trousseau. Lunch was served bringing the ev­ ening to & cio.se. HURON PRESBYTERIAL W. M. S. HOLD SUCCESSFUL CONVENTION AT GRAND BEND A ..very successful Missionary Con­ vention was'- held by the Huron •Presbyterial W. M. Su of the United Church, at Grand Bend United Church on Thursday of last Week. There was a large attendance. The morning session -opened at 9.<30 a.m. when the entire body registered. Mrs. (Rev.) Anthony of Thames Rd. United .Church, vice-president of the Society, presided. An address of welcome by Mrs. Mathers of the Grand Bend Auxiliary -was respond­ ed to by the Hensail Auxiliary. At ’ this point the business was taken up ‘ ; and Miss Murray was appointed se­ cretary. Roll call of auxiliaries and 1 circles took up considerable time. This was followed by a contribution in music, in- which Mrs. (Rev.) Stainton sang. Roll call of mission circles and mission bands was in ; charge of Mrs. Geo. .Layton. After ' discussions or reports and messages from secretaries, the treasurer’s re­ port was given by Mrs'. MriKenzle, of 1 Seaforth, who acted in the place of Mrs. (Dr.) Burroughs, who died suddenly recently. After the offer­ ing was taken music was furnished by the Zion Auxiliary. The closing prayer was offered by Mrs. (Rev.) ^Peters of Elimville. . Dinner was 'served in the basement of the church The afternoon session commenced at 1 o’clock, the first number on the program being the departmental her eighty-eighth birthday on Sun­ day. '• ' Mr. David Baird, who was injur- spending the week in Hamilton. |new 110me at BryangtOn was pre- On Sunday next, October 9th th® geuted with an address read by Mrs. Thaakoffering Servces will stone and also a silver sandwich Mrs. Nelson Schenk and children be held in the ehurch here. Special tray presented by Mrs. Jose. Mrs. ............. .... .. . gbier replied in a few well-chosen words of appreciation, thanking the ladies for their kindness. ed at Grand Bentl, a short time ago, is improving. j of near Mt. Carmel and Mrs. Paul music will be provided by the choir |Schenk spent Sunday with the form- under the leadership of Mr. Lloyd! Hodgson. The speaker for the day! will be Rev. Elliott, of Exeter, S/er-| •vices at 10:30 a,m. and 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs Rex Mills and daugh­ ter Marilyn, Of Wyoming and Mr. I Trueman Mills, of Sdrfaia, spent the j week-end with their parents ' Mr. er’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Jr, and baby of near Woodham, spent Wed­ nesday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs, Henry Pfaff Sr, ......... . . .................... ./■ was a both sides . „ _ day to get the vote out. The votes came in slow iri the morning but in the afternoon it livened up and a splendid vote was polled. There were 470- names on the voters’ list of ‘which 407 vot­ ed. Quite a number here were sick W- Ewart has return,not vote. At polling division num jffffPip ariPTiflini? th( ber one a, Mr. a vote of 115 and 92. 124 .. __ Mr; Golding of 73 WOODHAM Number one and Ruder 75 Golding received Mr. Lottis Rader b, gave Golding or a majority for ed to his home after spending the summer in the west. I Quite a humber from the village attended the Anniversary Services held at Kirkton, Sunday, October 2nd, Mr. Joseph Rinn, Who has” been Quite ill for several days is at the time of writing ho better, and his [daughter, Miss Hannah Rinn, nurse.. . is Jn attendance. / PLOWING MATCH, OCT. 20th The South Huron Plowing Match will be held on Thursday, October, i» avteuuauvc. 20ttf on the farm of Mr. Wm. Welsh Mr. John Routly is confined to on No. 4 Highway about 2 miles ibis bed through illness. We hope for north of .Exeter, his speedy-recovery.hist speedy-recovery. ■ week-end with their parents and Mrs. H. Mills. ! Mr. and Mrs, /John Willis family, of Exeter, visited with and Mrs. Richard Davey on Sunday. Mrs. D. Shannon, Of Washington Territory^ is visiting her uncle, Mr, Lawrence Barry and other relatives and friends in this community. Mrs. "‘Katherine Kelly arid Mr. Thos, Kearney were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. F. P.. Conlin. jSome vandals broke into S. S. Mo, 1 McGiilvray (JtfeilX School) break- fhe door and stole and other articles, should be made an i ing a lock in some dishes These culprits | example Of, GREENWAY Next Sunday afternoon at and evening at 7:30’ Rev. WilXiamjS, B. A., of Mt. Brydges, will conduct anniversary services rd the United Church, on Wednesday next, October . 12 (not the 10th as announced) the annual fowl sup­ per will be served and a splendid play will be given by talent from Arkona, Admission 40 and 25c. You are invited to come and your friends. Mr. R. English and Rfcv. Mathers attended Presbytery ing in Goderich last Monday. Mr. Willis Hotson spent a days ih Detroit, Mr, C, Bibby has hired with 2:45 D. W. bring St J, meet- few Mr, Together we meet to, ent, It All sang ’’For She’s a Elsie replied Music by the Main Street Unit­ ed Church, Exeter, was followed by a pageant entitled, "The Shadow of the Cross,” by the Centralia Auxil­ iary; Thirty members took part in the proceedings which were of the highest order. This was followed by the offering, and reports of the ....... president, Mrs, of Seaforth, in her dosing said, "Whatever He safth do ft,” Benediction by the Mathers closed the day’s Mrs. C. W. Christie was vice-president on the re­ ef Mrs. Anthony, Mrs; suggested different wyu committees, Lane, remarks unto yon Rev. Mr, meeting, appointed tiremeht Sltainton ............. of making money to help carry on. the work, as was used in other cir­ cuits where site labored,