HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-10-06, Page 3I * thuivipay, mw < mTHE EXETER TIMES-AEVOCATE Silo filling is about complete#. Skin Loveliness JEaay to Have.. Famous . Fills Better - than Creams Miss E. T. has proved it. She says; 4‘Carter’s Little Liver Pills will do more to keep the complexion clear than all the face creams I have used?’ PURELY VEGETABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both liver and bowels, Dr.' Carter’s Little Liver Pills are with­ out- equal for correcting/Constipatiou, Acidity, Biliousness, Headachesand In­ digestion. 25c, &75c, red pkgs., every­ where. Ask for Carter’s by NAME. Russia would set it aside and, sot q£i|de the family, having cWld'ren become the wards of the (State. That Way lies ruin—T-pojitiicetL moral, spiritual and eternal. The relationship of husband and wife, also, is not detei’mined by the State, or py human society, but by Gad;: and it is, a very sacred and precious relationship. “For the huS" band, is the head Of t$e wife, even as Christ is the head of the Church. Husbands" toys your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for it” (Eph. 5:25). Three stories of family life, give us our lesson. The family experienc­ es that .are recorded, occurred some seventeen centuries apart, but in each case it was a true family in the best sense of the word. Joseph in Egypt was such a broth­ er and son .as would enrich the life of any family, persecuted by his, brothers, hounded almost to death, and sold by them into slavery, he’ forgave them freely when God made him Prime Minister of one of the greatest empires in history, and he provided lovingly, lavishly for all their needs and cared father in a way that warips heart. When Jacob the - Joseph’s brothers were he .plight turn against them and “requite us all the evil which we did unto him.” And Joseph broke down and wept when he learned What they were thinking, “Fear not,” he said to them “for am I in the place .of God?” Then he reminded them that, while they had indeed thought evil against hin>. God had meant it for good, so that all the great family of Jacob’ might be saved in the time of famine. In true love and forgiveness he assur­ ed them that he would care for them and their families. “And he comfort­ ed them and spake , kindly unto them.” Forgiveness is a secret of family life at its best. Pictures of a unique family in the history of the world was given to usj . that of Mpry, and Josgph, her hus­ band, and the boy. Jesus;—not Jos­ eph’s son, but the Son of God, of whom Mary had the amazing honor of being the virgin mother. While the Lord Jesus Christ'was such a dbabe and boy and man as no other has ever been, for there was no hereditary taint of sin in Him as ip all others since Adam fell, never­ theless he was a true, normal boy —indeed, the only normal boy that has ever lived on this earth. We may well believe that ’ His family life was very wonderful as “the child grew and waxed strong I spirit, filled with wisdom and j grabe -of God was upon Him.” I will walk within my house with How Mar.y mtist have prayed for a perfect heart.-—(Psa. 101:2). .God’s own guidance and wisdom in I bringing up this child—as ' every The Christian family is the place mother should pray. Her heart was of the most' precious human rela- terror-stricken when, after that . tionships we can never know in this memorable 'visit to Jerusalem, the life., In his beautiful parallels with j twelve-year-old boy was missing on God’s family, of which all believers the way home, and Joseph’and Mary are members. There is the relation- hurried back to the great city seek­ ship of father and children, of hus-’ing Him. He was found in the midst band and wife. There are those who of 'the doctors (or teachers of the law of 'Mosps), both hearing them( and asking them questions.” He was “about His Father’s business” even at that early age. Yrit he re­ turned to His Nazareth * home with Joseph and Mary, “and was subject unto them.” Growing up in this family, he * “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor w/ith God and man.” , Every child in every family should' have this same experience of normal growth, through wise Christian training, with “the grace of God upon hJim.i' There would be no “youth problem” or broken-hearted parents today if this were so. < Mary and Martha of Bethany with their brother, Lazarus, give us our third family. They were all friends of th© Lord Jesus Christ—as every family may be, and ought to be. But Mary..JhAd the secret of family life at its best as she “.sat at Jesus’S feet, and heard His word.” Martha, EDITORIAL We understand that some people are very well satisfied with the result of the South Huron election. < * ■♦■ • • • •» And now for the gorgeous sunsets, glowing trees, luscious apples and a storing UP of vitality for winter. SAVING Shredded Wheat with EXETER, THE VILLAGE BEAUTIFUL NO. IV On the southwest comer of , tori.a and william Streets is to be ;seen from early spring until late fall •one of the finest looking properties in our beautiful village. A city" man who often visits <iere remarked to the writer once upon the beauty of the home and surroundings and end­ ed up by saying “If one had a home like that one need never go to the city to live because it is as .beautiful as any home to be found there.” (Since 1912 Mr. Dore has been, the C. N. R. station agent here and in 1926, he and his capable .partner, Mrs. Dore had their present house built according to plans prepared by Mrs. Dore. As soon as they moved in they began -preparing the sur­ roundings to make a fine setting for thbir beautiful home and during the past five summers they have accom­ plished a great deal. Along the south side runs a border over ten feet wide and- about 125 feet back in which are planted many varieties of per­ ennials and annuals with .such care .that all summer there is a variety of bloom that is very pleasing to the eye and decorative tp' the property. In it are to be found hollyhocks, zin­ nias, Sweet William, gaillardia, peonies, columbines, phlox, petunias, snapdragons, pinks, balsams, helen- ium, etc. On the grounds is a beautiful pergalo covered with roses clematis and other vines. A circular driveway leads up to the- back door, Beautiful birches, shrubs, spacious lawn, bird bath and a kitchen gar­ den at the back of the lot add var­ iety and interest to the home. Come and see for yourself. Here’s a triple bargain. . , \ hot milk. A treat for your appetite, a pleasure for your pocketbook, and a boost for Canada. For only Canadian wheat is used for Shredded Wheat, the f()O% whole wheat, natural energy food. of Vic- of Now that we have heard the big parliamentary guns, us wonder if the country is pne’whit the wiser. * • • • • • • • No matter how big .a me-ss we’re making of our affairs, us resent any outside* suggestion of better methods. some inost (I Funny, isn’t it? but this old fashioned thing of saving, money is a very difficult thing. Wise old fellows say that the a bit for his old 5 the father died afraid* that SHREDDED WHEAT 12 BIG BISCUITS IN EVERY BOX MADE IN CANADA • By CANADIANS •. OF CANADIAN WHEAT THE CHRISTIAN IN THE FAMILY ■Sunday, Oct, 9—Genesis 50': 17-21' Luke 2:40-52; 10:818-42.' Golden Text in the of way* to gpt rich is to earn a dollar a day and to live on ninety cents. Most of us say when times are flowing that there's no need of saving. When times are difficult some, say that saving simply can’t be done. THAT QUEER KINKA* Uneasiness is growing owing to the way a large number of people are acting asjf their wishes were the laws of the country and were representative of the will of the people. We have heard of the large number of people who insist on getting service from the railway companies for nothing, and who are resentful when that service is withheld. These people forget that there are two sides to the story. For one thing, the companies are willing __ to help all distressed fd'lk to the limit of their ability. On the other hand, the railways must protect themselves against damage suits. If oky party secures a ride with the company’s consent, it looks as if the company becomes responsible for‘any damage that may occur should an accident take place. This side of the situation must be considered. ' Folk demanding free rides should think of this. Further, truck drivers, and. car drivers are in the same position and are quite unaware when the person, invited into the car or truck may prove a menace. Times are different. AU of us are willing to help the other fellow up to the limit but all of us will _do well to be reasonable and to live up to a strict idea of the other fellow’s rights. * * * * * * * * t e DONALD GRAHAM, HAS MKR-ACULOUS ESCAPE SEAFORTH & EXETER GARDEN * CLUB MEMBERS EXHIBIT ’ AT LOCAL FAHto During the past summer two Boys\ Home Garden Club Contests were conducted by the’’Huron branch pt The Ontario Dept, of Agriculture, one in the Seaforth district with 16 Horse He Was Riding Instantly Killed t War heroes that have had horses shot from under them had nothing! on 8-year-old Donald Graham, Ilder-1 ton district lad. Young Donald was - - - — - --------— ...... .. - ■ -driving two of his father’s show ani- J members, and the othei* in the Exe- mals -back home from the fair at3er district with 15 contestants. Strathroy when a motor cai* hit them 1 T^e members were boys be- in the- rear, The horse that Donald tweeh the*ages of 12 and 20 and was riding bareback was killed in- each boy was supplied with seed stantly, suffering a broken neok, which he was required to plant ac- while the other had to be shot to cording to a definite plan. Each club relieve its sufferings from a broken! member was al^o required to keep back. Although tossed from the Sarden notes and make an exhibit horse’s back to the pavement the fresh vegetables at the local fall young chap was not even scratched. • The ^gardens were judged in .A doctor’s examination only reveal- T"1”' ed a few minor bruises. each boy was supplied with seed would tell us that these relation­ ships are only a matter’ of conven­ tion or- convenience, trie result' of customs or standards set up .by men and women for themselves, and therefore there is nothing binding in the relationships, but they cap be set aside or ignored if wex think 'best... Such reasoning does not hap­ pen to be true. It is funamentally false and comes from a rejection of God and.-His -Word. For the family, the relation of parents and children and of husband and wife are matters originating” not in the human mind,' but in the mind of God. The family is ordain­ ed of God; to ignore it or set it aside is to defy God and ensure the destruction of humanity. « Let us make this very clear when teaching this vitally important lesson. God is the Father of the whole ✓ family of believers—-“one G®d and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all” (Ephr'while a true believer, made the com- 4:6). We must be careful to re-'mon mistake of being “cumbered about much serving . . . anxious and troubled about many things?” She let her household cares get be­ tween her and her Lord—do Chris- tiaji housekeepers eVer do that to­ day? The Lord lovingly rebuked her and commended Mary. As the' late Henry Clay Trumbull pointed out many years ago, Mary was probably a better housekeeper than Martha. A REAL DIFFICULTY F-olk, who are doing their level best to get Canadian business and social conditions onto a working basis find themselves con­ fronted with a peculiar state xof mind on the part of the public-. Here is an instance of this sort of thing. Producers claim that the distributors get far too large a portion of the goods they bring to the doors of the consumer. Tire spread between producer ana consumer, they argue is. too great. Storekeepers and merchants and distributors and office men and professional men are inclin­ ed to say that the farmer in thisi^rying period is, comparatively ■ sitting pretty, right on the top of the world, right. stands the other and each class is inclined to resent any suggest­ ion or comment that the other class has to offer. Each declares that the horse wearing the shoe al’-one knows the foot that’s pinch­ ed. ITill this difficulty arising from lack of information is remov­ ed, there is no prospect that* matters will improve to any satisfac­ tory .extent. Our suggestion is that trusted men representative ,of both-parties should get together‘and look the matter squarely iit the face (in the light of business principles and of actual rec­ ords. When reasonable men are well informed, suspicion’’ dies arid satisfactory co-operation becomes a possibility. CRASHED INTO AV AGON Two young men. from St. Thomas, Carl Earnes and Carl Bradshaw, who were handicapped from the af­ fliction of being deaf and dumb but who had a permit to drive ran into a wagon in St. Marys. While coming down a hill they apparently did not notice the wagon ahead and crashed .jnto the rear of it. someone who could transcribe their j language they settled the damages and proceeded on their way. . The gardens were judged in July and 60 per cent, was allowed for the garden score, 20 per cent, for the garden notes and 20 per cent, for the exhibit of fresh veg­ etables. The Seaforth Club members exhib­ ited at the Seaforth Fair and the Ex­ eter members at the Exeter Fall Fair. Both Agricultural (Societies very generously donated $15.00 to- wrds prize money for the contes­ tants. The following is a list of the prize After securing winners of the two cluibs: Seaforth Home Garden dub LITTLE BOY RECOVERING Jack Shield,’three-year-old son Krogman, Garden score 17; exhibit 19 to- Linnes 55; garden notes tai 91; 1st $5.00. Gordon Elliott, of garden notes 15; Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Shields, near 87; 2nd, $4.00. Goderich was the victim of an un- _____ _____, usual accident one day last week, garden notes 18 Frank Moylan, garden exhibit score 55; 17; total Both classes are Both classes'’are wrong. In reality neither, class under­ said on an out- “Gentlemen, we Empire's affairs score ’56; „____ __ _____ 12; total Jack was found hanging by his chin 86, 3rd, Free four-day trip to Royal arms dangling helplessly by his sides Winter Fair. with life all but extinct, from the! CL..____, edge of a nest^in the chicken house.J[garden notes 15; It is thought he was seeking out the 85,; 3rd, $3.00. eggs- and had climbed up on a keg Willie Papple, David Shannon, eggs- and had climbed up on a keg which rolled from under his feet garden notes *15; his chin catching on the edge of the 84; 4th, $2.00. garden exhibit garden exhibit garden exhibit score 54; 16; total score 51; 1'8; total Kelso- Adams, garden score- 52; An opera-i garden notes 16; exhibit 14; total nest. He did not regain conscious­ ness until the next day. _ __ tion was performed on the spine for 82; 5th, $1.0'0. relieving brain pressure and. little lad is recovering nicely. DEATH OF JOHN W. EEDY Citizens of St. Marys, newspaper­ men from all over Ontario and friends and ^relatives from far and neaf^ gathered at St. Marys cu Thursday afternoon to pay their re­ spects to the late .John W. Eedy, veteran newspaper editor and form­ er owner of the St. Marys Journal- Argus, who died on Tuesday, -the result of a heart -attack. Mr. Eedy was in his 78th year and bad been enjoyitng good health until) about three days previous to his death The deceased waS iborn at Elginfield In early life he taught school for a \ Winner of speeial prize—Free 4- ' day trip to Royal Winter Fair— Frank Moylan,. R. R. 5, iSeaforth. | Ontario.I Exeter Home Garden dub“X. Fred Ell&rington, garden score 55; garden notes 17; exhibit 16; to­ tal 88, 1st $5.00.. Orlando Battler, garden score *54; garden notes 16; exhibit 17; total 87; 2nd, $4.00. William Btanlake, garden score 50; garden notes 18; exhibit 18; to­ tal 86; Free four-day trip to Royal Winter Fair. Russell Mills, garden score garden notes 17; exhibit 13; 84; 3rd, $i3.,0W . Russell Passmore, 54; total member that this is not Said of those who have let God become their Father by accepting His Son as their Saviour. “As many as re­ ceived Him, to them, gave He bower to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe His name” (John 1:12). Human fatherhood, then, is based on the divine Fatherhood, and cannot be set aside. Atheistic BIO 1NAM&. THLCANADA STARCH CO./ Limited, MONTREAL Send cascof? ot “Canada'* Mu RedRM” I encfeae i*e«, for maillot No other food,you. can buy will give you so* much delicious nourishment for such little cost as CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP-the famous economy food. Every grocer sells it. Send 10c for “Canada’s Prize Recipes” 2H practical, home-tested recipea. EDWARDSBURG QUITE ORI&KET? Word comes that .some of the members of the British Cabinet are falling in line with the findings of^-the Imperial Economic Conference recently held in Ottawa. ' These members, on learning that things at the Conference had not gone their way. resigned, as they had a perfect right to do. At the same time we "wonder if these great men are acting as they should. These are times t *when folk are required to forget party advantages and to seek the common good. As a noted American statesman standing occasion of great peril to his country, must hang.-together or we’lj hang separately*” The Conference was a serious effort to get the on a good basis through co-operation between the various parts of the Empire, i In stfc-h a case it was not to be looked for that every nation in the Empire would have all its own way. Further the world and the Empire were facing an extraordinary condition. It was not to be wondered at that axtraordinary measures were mooted and agreed upon. The .situation continues to be extra­ ordinary. W’hy, then, should not the, members of the British cabi­ net have had the little patience that would have-allowed the measures proposed by the Conferenpe to be seriously tried? Fur­ ther, the measures were intended to tide the Empire over a dim- cult period. That period past, which it is not, it would have been the privilege of the various* nations within the Empire to devise new measures and to act upon the new knowledge that the emerg­ ing circumstances had -brought forward. 5Dth ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrow, of Goderich, recently celebrated i‘ ’ . fifty-fifth anniversary. Among those1 guests who called to extend" con­ gratulations were'- William, Mary and Sarah Fee of Hensall. Two gentlemen who were present at the wedding in 1877 are still living one of them being present on this occasion. j The marriage took place of Miss F'Marion Rowan, only daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Angus McInnis, of Con Bosanquet; to Mr. Wesley James, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hudson of the same township. The ceremony was performed by Rev./' P. H. Law-' son, of Thedford, assisted by Rev. A. W. Gardiner. The happy couple will reside in Bosanquet. number ot years and 1884 Joined 5,3 arden notes 16’; the staff of the St. Thomas Tunes. I In 1897 he purchased the St. Marys! Journal which he developed to the front rank of C “ Newspapers. He retired about seven years ago and is being succeeded by his son Lome. The deceased was widely known and highly esteemed by his confreres throughout the years Mr. Eedy er part of the He is 'survived Lome and Archie Gillies, of Timmins. At the funeral oit- 'Thursday three past presidents of the C. W.|N. A. were present: J. A. McLaren, of Barrie; David Williams,, of ColI^gwoodT Malcolm McBeth, of Milverton; also W. E. Elliott, Woodstock, Sentinel- Review; N. B. Davis,1 Mitchell Ad­ vocate; J. M. Southcott, Exeter Times-^Advocate and A. W. Wright, -JSIount Forest Confederate. I tai S3; 4th, $2.00. Harold A. Clarke, „ _ 49; garden notes 15;Canadian Weekly)tal 79. 5th, $1.00. of the press Dominion. In recent has spent the great­ years in California, by his only son. one daughter, iMrs, [0RN SYRJ^I (CROWN BRAND BARN BURNED I’ 'ADDRESS. Goderich—The brim and season’s crop of George Dennan, 10th conces­ sion of Aslifield Township, near Am- berly, was totally destroyed by fire late September 27th. Mr. Dennan was sitting in his home, a short dis­ tance away, about 10' o’clock, when he noticed the flames. He was in time to save , the stock, everything else is a complete loss. , 1 Four Bayfield fishermen loaded down with the day’s catch found it impossible to dock at the Bayfield pier on Thursday last owing to the rough water. They had been fish­ ing off Kettle Foint and when re­ turning home owing to the shallow water surrounding the local dock were forced to proceed to Goderich harbor. Those in the tug were Louis McLeod, Newton Sturgeon. John McLeod and the fourth man** name could not be learned. garden exhibit 14; t-o- score garden 'Score exhibit 15; to- prize, Free 4-Winner of special day trip to Royal Winter Fair, Wil­ liam Stanlake, R. R. No. 1, Exeter. Ontario. The free four-d'ay, trip to the 1932 Royal Winter Fair was awarded tc the club -members in each club who had the higest aggregate score, who lived on a farm, and whs between the ages of 16 and 20 on.November 1st, 1982. Frank iM-oylan in the Seaforth Club and William Stanlake in the Exeter Club were the fortun­ ate winners of this very worth while prize. Only four boys from each County are being awarded as free trip to the Royal this year and the other two Huron County winners will be selected from among the Wing­ ham Calf Club and the Dungannon Grain Club members. Dull Aches In His Back Terrible Pains In Bladder Mr. James E. Bowdle, Bath, Ont., writes:—‘/I had Such h terrible backache I became nearly crippled, and had to quit harvesting. I could not lie still at night, and had terrible bladder pains.The lady of the house told me to get a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills, which I- did, and was feeling better after the first few doSes, ana I hate not been bothered since I finished the one: box,” ... - For sale at all drug and general stores, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milbum Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont,