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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-09-29, Page 8
THURSDAY, SEPTEMJRER ,20th THE I3®TER TIME^AOWATE BIRTHS JOiHNlS—Ip Usborue oft Monday, September 20th to Mr. aftd Mrs. CUreuce Johns, a daughter, H ULSTER—-I ii McGillivray Tp., on Wednesday, September 2 Sth to Mr. and Mrs. Cyrilie Hulster, a 80ft. DEATHS BRIGKWOQD—In London on Tues day, .September 20th Mary Ellen, •dearly beloved wife Brickwood, formerly in her 66th year. JACKSQN-^-In ^Mazeppa, ■September IS th, Gertrude Smith, beloved wife:pf Jiftjry Jackson, in her 47th year.. EEDY~—In St. Marys, on Tuesday, September 27th, John W» Eedy in his 78 th year. NETL—At his late residence lot 9, con. 17/McGillivray Tp., on Sun day, September 25th, John Neil in his 89th year. o-f i'J, B. of Exeter, Alta., on WINS SCHOLARSHIP AT C. N. E. Mr. Harry Hoffman Jr., of Dash wood, is to be congratulated on Winning the scholarship in music at the Canadian National Exhibition. Mr. Hoffman, basso, took part in the vocal contest and received word on Saturday that he had been awarded a scholarship in the men’s solo, com petition valued at $75.00. r" Exeter Markets Wheat 46c. Malting Barley 38c. Oats 25 c. Shorts 95c. Bran, 90c. Manitobas Best $2.50 Model $2-30 Welcome, $1.80 Low grade $1.10 Creamery Butter 2 6-2 7c Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, A X Butter 19-20c. extras 22c. firsts 17 c. seconds 12c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J. Bernardi Rhodes,, >f. a»I Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist I I .................... I I LOCALS L__ __________ _ __i Mr. Robt. Rowcliffe, of Clinton, attended Exeter Fair. Mr. hd Mrs, W. H. Johnston vis ited in Goderich on Monday. Mr. and’Mrs, Milton H-odgert and two daughters, of London, were in Exeter on Fair Day. ‘ Mr. J. G, Stanbury was engaged in court at Mitchell on Friday and at Lucan on Thursday, A light frost visited this section during the latter part of the week but no damage was done. Miss Nona Chambers, of Algonac, * parents LOCALS >. cum- ——. ’V"L, Vi—y<uucu There is visiting with her , were 61 contestants from all parts Mr, and Mrs. John Chambers. " ~ ...................... Dr. and Mrs. Cl. r ------’of the Dominion. This is the sec ond scholarship received by Mr. Hoffman this year, he having been awarded one from the Perth County Musical Festival at Stratford valued at $50. ,Mr. Hoffman was accom panied on both occasions by his vo cal instructor Mr. W. R. Goulding AJT.C.M. RALLY DAY SERVICES we the at- Dr. and Mrs. C- R Jarvis, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones Mrs. N. Baker and Chambers are visiting brother Mr. Wm. Hill, Miss Marjorie Pearce a few days in Brussels in the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Moorhouse. The many friends of Mrs. Reg. Taylor are pleased to hear that is recovering from her recent ness. * Dr. and Mrs. Robert Muir, of wanda, New York, spent a few days last weak with Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Makins. Mr. Harold Hern, of Usborne, was successful in winning the sweep stakes with his baby beef at the Exe ter Fair. » Mr. and Mrs. R. N Rowe, Misses Vera and Reta are visiting at Peter- boro with Mrs. Rowe’s brother Dr. Holloway. Miss Ruth Hooper and Mr. Laurie Watson, of London, visited with Mr.. and Mrs. J. Elston on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Elliott, of Brantford, is visit ing with her son Rev. A. E; Elliott, at the Main Street^Parsonage, for a few weeks. ' Mrs. Nelson Sheere, who last week underwent an operation in St. Jo- J aeph’s Hospital, London, is getting v ajong very nicely. . Rev's, A. E. Elliott, J. H Stainbon, Messrs. George Mawson and Mrs. John with their in London. is spending she 111- Na- Rally Suudlay e 1 I I « * ! 10 a.m.-—Sunday School J t 1 ' 11 a.m.—Rally Service Music from Orchestra and Girls’Choir from Bftftday School ; " Preacher-—Rev. W. A. Young B 1 Sc„ of Hensall 4 p.m,—Evening Service withdrawn for Trivitt Memorial Harvest Thanksgiving. . j 7 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH I OF CANADA < Rev. J. H. Stainton, B,A.,B.D., 1 Pastor 4 W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. < Organist and Choir-Leader Harvest Homie Anniversay . Preacher, The Pastor a.m.—“Sowing and Reaping.” * p.m.—Sunday Sichool ’ Is there a God?” Soloist—Mrs. B, E. Downey, of 4 Dublin; violinist, Miss Eleanor Sutherland, of Glencoe, The evening discourse is the first of a series of sermons on the Questions. life beyond I hell. If so, is it ” Heaven. If where is it, and what is it?” and other great questions. Prayer Service Thursday. Illi— ................■■■■■Il..........— MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader II a.m.—'Rev. J W. Johnson, of 1 Crediton ■Special Women’s Missionary Ser vice. Thankoffering 3 p.m.- 7 p.m- Monday, 8 Society Thursday, Meeting, 11 3 7 p.m general su bject “Great Oqt. 9tlil—/‘Is there a the grave?” Oct 16th—-“Is there a where is it, and what Oct. 2 3rd—“Is there a so, Main Street Sunday School ’ “The best Rally Day service ever had” was the remark to Superintendent by the oldest tendant at Sunday School -on Rally Day. The attendance was large, the school room being filled. The school room was tastefully decorat ed with flowers by volunteer work ers. Everyone taking part in the program showed a thorough prepar ation. The following took part: Miss Eleanor Abbott, reading; Miss es Hilda and Verda Sims, duett; Mr. George ‘ Mawson, address: “Follow ing Jesus Today”; Messrs.- Rev. El liott, Gerald Skinner, Marvin Howey Frank Wildfong, quartette^ address, Rev. Elliott. The orchestra ably assisted with the music. 0 James Street Sunday School | Rally Day Services were held in James Street church on Sunday withi, special services throughout the day. . A special service by the Sunday School was held in the auditorium in the afternoon with a splendid at- i tendance and special Rally Day pro-, gram, stories were told by Mrs. Goulding- and Miss Ella. Link; a coronet and I saxaphqne duet was played by Ed. Treble and W. R. Goulding. (The ; pastor gave an interesting talk on “The Wonders of a Watch.” At the morning service Miss Helen- Pen4 hale sang a solo and in the evening Miss ^Hazel Elliott^sang her first^ so-. with his Dorset Horned sheep. Misses G. and E. Matthews, Mr. Stanley Ward, of London and Mr. Sid. Lawton, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. J. Ward Mr. and T' — - -..............- family spent Miss Lula Lindenfield returned with, 1UCCU1U them after visiting -for a couple of' qu'es't^d' weeks in London and St. Marys. 1 At a meeting of the members of the session in the James Street Unit ed church on Tuesday evening it was . . - „decided to organize a brotherhood A. Traquair and family, and meetings will be held from time! to time. ’ | Mr. Arthur Sanders brought into'- - -- -- - ■ - - --- ---- the office a potato weighing 2J lbs. day W1<* Mr- and Mrs- E- G- Lowry, and is comprised of several potatoes Mr. ,and Mrs. Paul Coates and growing together. Mr. (Sanders lift- ( Mr. Jeff Fisher visited in Elmira on ed ten bags of potatoes from three Sunday. Mrs. E. A. Amy and Mrs. rows 16 rods long. 1 T. Amy accompanied them and visit- Mr. Hugh Creech has returned to' ed in Drayton. the University of Western Ontario,! William Ward, who for thirty were he will continue his studies in five years operated a-flax mill ■ at chemistry. Mr. Creech is-to be con-1 Lucan died at his home in London gratulated on being appointed stu-’at the age of 70 years. He had been dent assistant lecturer in chemistry, ill only a short while. Miss E Morrison, of Hensall, came down last Thursday morning and John 'The primary Tang a3ymn; iBowe, attended the Presbytery meet- , « t t • 1 l-n'o* of Jlndaid/rh .IVfnriHair.ing at Goderich Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold .Hern son Harry, Ross and Morris and — --------------- ---- -------, Hern ancbMi’s. Kyle visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor. At the .Stratford Fair last Prestsn Dearing won four four seconds and two third week firsts, prizes M Io taking part in the anthem;. Miss es Verna Coates and Celia Christie also singing a duet in the anthem. Mr. Frank Taylor rendered a solo. Mr. Hugo Tlieander has Rented the blacksmith shop at Centralia formerly occupied by W. J. Dobbs and is now open to do horseshoeing and all kinds of repair work. 9-29-2tp. FOR old f4fr SALE—Pony 900 lbs., 8 yrs. $35.00.—Sandy Elliot. FOR SALE OR RENT—A commo dious two storey frame cottage with all modern conveniences, situate on the east side of Andrew Street, Ex eter. A most, desirable property convenient to churches, school and” business section. For^further par ticulars apply to CARLING & MOR LEY, Barristers &c., Exeter. FOR SALE—-Good winter cabbage, lc. per p-ound or less if taken in quantity. Canadian Canners. 9-29-tc. STRAYED—-From Lot 5, con. 10, Hay Tp.,_on Sunday, September 11, a light roan, heifer possibly with a calf, Kindly notify Theodore Rader Dashwood ltp. AMBER HO’NEY FOR GALE—2c. per lb. in your own containers or we can furnish the containers. Wesley Dearing, Tele. Crediton 17rl4. 9-1129-2tp. BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING— Hyacinths Narcissus, Daffodils, and’ Tulips.—Powell’s phone 122. Anyone wishing twine for corn buckwheat phone their orders Percy Passmore, 172rl3, Exeter. or to FOR SALE * usedRenfrew Cream Separator, month, 600 lb. capacity $20.00. Massey-Harris* Cream separator, 1 on© 1 slightly used at $15.00. 2 De Laval Cream Separators, 500 lbs, caparity at $1'0.00 each. 35 Cream Seh»rators all makes from $1.00 to $5,00. 1 Fieuty Quebec Sulky plow, feal snap. at A IntPrnatiotial Harvester Co. Ltd., Exeter, Ont. -Sunday School Rev. J. W. Johnson o’clock—Young People’s .v' 7.3 0 o’clock— Prayer X\ TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mrf Middlemiss Nineteenth Sunday after Triiuty HARVEST FESTIVAL Harvest Thanksgiving Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m Sunday School at 3 p.m. Preacher—Rev. John Moris, L. Th., of Woodstock, Ont. Wednesday, Oct. 5th, Fowl Supper in Trivitt Memorial Hall under the auspices of Ladies’ Guild. Supper 5,310 to 8 p.m. The regular meeting -of the Cana- 1 dian Legion will be held Friday, t. , iSeptemebr, 30tli at 8 p.m. Comrades!Mrs. Ed. Lindenfield and|jjarry -y^ray and R. S. M. Wyatt oft I’L.Sk J^aryS' I London 'Branch will address the —----- - ------------.1 meeting. A full attendance is*re- Miss Sarah Goulet, uf Hamilton, has been(the guest of her niece Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lowry, of Tor onto, and Mrs. Frank Ball and son Gordon, of Islington, visited on Sun- Mr. B. W* F. Beavers leaves on Thursday morning to attend, as I f i In one of my last appeals to the electors of South Huron before pollingIn one of my last appeals to the electors of South Huron before polling day Monday, October 3, I urge that you cast your votes for me, because I up hold the Government of Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett, that negotiated the Imperial Conference agreements, of such material benefit to Smith Huron and the rest day Monday, October 3, I urge that you cast your votes for me, because I up hold the Government of Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett, that negotiated the Imperial Conference agreements, of such material benefit to Soiith Huron and the rest of Canada. -. ; This is thd first test of public opinion in the Empire since the Confer ence concluded. For that reason, if the Government candidate is defeated, ■■"V J ' .................. -r it will be stated in Great Britain that Canada has turned down the Imperial trade agreement; that she is opposed to the Conference. If, on the other hand, yoii elect me as your representative, the forces working in Great Britain and throughout the Empire for increased trade and prosperity will be cheered and heartened. / ’ ■ ' . ■ ' 1 Conference results have already increased prices for apples and other farm products. If you want the good work to continue, vote for the Govern ment, whose splendid work has made it possible. I have had twelve years service in municipal life in South Huron. This year I am Warden of Huron County. If elected, I will devote myself to the interests of every' person, regardless; of political affiliations, as I have in the past. <, ‘ * Mark your Ballot thus Yours respectfully LOUIS H. RADER i I i I RADER, LOUIS H., Farmer,X / WANTED—>-<50 or 100 yearlings or pullets xof one variety. W. F. Abbott, Exeter. ltp.. Th© Seaforth Fair on Friday of last week drew a record crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bieber and family, of Ridgetown, visited with Mr. Berbers’ brother, William. Mrs. E.'.G. Lowry and Mr. Fred Lowry visited in Toronto recently and while there attended the wed-" ding of'Mrs. Lowry’s elder son, Ed gar, in St. James Cathedral. ’ Farmers with sugar beets are now harvesting their crops and a number of Belgians are- engaged in taking up the' roots. A blight this year has somewhat affected the crop. * •Hensall and^Lucan baseball teams held their play-off on the local dia mond on Thursday afternoon of last week and the game was witnessed by a goodly number of fans. The game resulted in a victory for the Hensall team with the .score of 5 to 1. (This makes Hensall winners of the Cyclone League. Miss Hettie Sweet received word last week of the death in Prescott, Wash., of her aunt Mrs. Maria Hawks. It will be remembered that Mrs. Hawks together with her twin - - NEW FALL GOODS took Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston to commissioner, the General Council mster Mrs. Sarah Wallace, ot Waits- tt ,1 _ _uk - - the United church, being held at phrg, Wash., spent a month withHensall for a day’s visit with her and her mother and a number of J other friends in Hensall The South Section of the Huron Brookville the follow/ng week to at- Presyterial W.M.iS. are holding their. tend, the W. C. T. U. convention convention to-day- (Thursday) in Miss A. Eacrett goes with them to Grand Bend United Church. Mrs. W. - Hamilton, thence to Toronto. R. McIntosh, Conference Branchi Rev. W. A. Bremner, ( of Hamilton. Mrs. Beavers accom panies him to Hamilton, going to I their sister Mrs. Susan Atkinson, of town four years ago this summer. Deceased was in her 8i0th year. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Traquair en tertained at an informal lundheon on Wednesday at noon in hon'or of .............. _______ of Bruce- the Rt. Hen. W. L. ^Mackenzie King President will be the guest speaker, field, goes to the General Council as who was their guest, s- A the Ministerial Commissioner from * Huron Presbytery.Mr. and -Mrs. P. Merkely and Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay, of London; Mr. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto and Miss Dorothy Snell ,0f St. Thomas and Mr. I and Mrs. J. Northcott were visitors i at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Etherington on Sunday. ' | Mrs. D. K. Alton and son Albert,' of Ashfield, and her two daughters, I Mrs Samuel Morrison, of Kinloss and | Mrs. Percy Graham, and small son, JameS St, United Church James, of Colborne, visited the form er’s sisters, Mrs. W. H. Johnston here one day last week. j Mr. and Mrs. J. G« (Stanbury and' family spent -Sunday with Dr. Stuart Stanbury and family, of Hamilton. They Were met there by Mr. Stan- buryf’s brother, Dr, R. B. J. Stan- bury and his Wife, accompanied by rev. j. r, STAINTON B.A,, D.D. Miss Helen ahd Mr. Kenneth Stan- ' bury, of iToronto, Misses Ruby Stone, Helen Pen- hale and Gordon Greb left Monday SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR tq attend University of Western On tario. Miss StofiO was- Scholarship Winner for the Exeter High School. Mr. Hftrry Jennings is also return ing to the University to continue his Divinity studies. HARVEST HOME Anniversary — IN — * ....... "Under the Auspices of tlie Women’s Association On Sunday, October 2nd WILL BE THE SPEAKER FOR THE DAY , in company with Hon. J. C. Elliott, former cab inet minister. The house was taste fully decorated with autumn flaw- ers and the table was centred with baby-faced zinnias lit with yelloiw tapers. Covers were laid for eight. Among the guests was Dr. Smillie, of Hensall. DEATH OF JOHN NEIL Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jiones ed the funeral of the latter’s uncle Mr. - John Neil, Of McGilJivray Tp., oil Tuesday. ' Mr. Neil died at the home' of his sdn GOorgO at LieUry ■Sunday in his 89th-year. He had been.residing with his son since- the death Of hisz wife about five years ago. The deceased was born Biddulph Tp. and marriage where he cleared owned By his son. I. Q. attend- MISS ELEANOR SUTHERLAND of Glencoe, Violitiist MRS. 11. E, DOWNEY, of Dublin, Soloist in following liis in McGillivray the farm now He was a man of sterling principle, honored and beloved in the community. J^e prac tised in. an amateur way'Taxidermy and had a fine colioctidn of birds and small animals. He is survived by four softs and one daughter, Geo. and Walter, of McGillivray; Wesley and ErastuS, of the West; and Mrs. M, O’Neil, of Lucan. settled I I BUY A NEW FALL HAT TO COMPLETE YOUR OUTFIT SEE OUR DISPLAY OF NEW FALL . HATS, CAPS, SOCKS, SWEATERS, TIES & UNDERWEAR / AT REDUCED PRICES ♦ z / SMART STYLES ' FINE QUALITY $ W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT.' “THE BEST ALWAYS” CHOICE QUALITY MEATS THE IDEAL MEAT MARKET is steadily, gaining an enviable reputation for selling the choicest of meats, the best that this dis trict produces. You will be pleased when ordering your meat by phone or coming personally to the store with the care taken to ensure yotir satisfaction. For your-next meat order phone 38 THE IDEAL MEAT MARKET k Tanton & Co. Main Street, Opposite Ford Garage. Wiliam Dally, homesteader and resident of the Crystal City district Since 1879 died September 14tli aged 88 years. Death followed a brief attack of pneumonia. Mr. Daly was one of a party of farmers who loft Exeter for the Crystal city district. Ho is survived by three sons, Ed., Ray and William/ Two Sisters Mrs. Hoibert Hollins and Miss Daly* of KHIafnoy, and a brother Mr. James Daly attended the funeral. W. R. GOULDING , A. *. O? M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in school* Studio, Main St. Box 123, phone 192 SXE*YH. ONT