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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-09-29, Page 7
t Miss Jean Bonthron, of London, •spent the week-end nt h.er home here. •* Mr. Ray Pfaff, of Stratford, visit ed over th© week-end at, his home .here. . Miss Merle Carlyle, of London, 'spent the week-end at her home here, Quite a number from here attend ed the annual fall fair at Zurich on Tuesday, -Miss Margaret McLaren returned to London this week where she is attending University, Mrs. J, W. Bonthron has returned home after a pleasant visit with her friends in KitcheneL Mrs, Dr. Reid and Mrs. Smith, of Port Rowan, are visiting with the former’s parents Mr, and Mrs. U, Sheffer, The Arnold Circle of the Carmel Presbyterian church held a meeting at the home of Mrs, on Tuesday evening, able time was spent.' Rev. M. B. Parker to return home after eration for appendicitis at Seaforth Hospital. His many’ friends glad tq, see him getting along nicely.. ' ' Sunday visitors at the home IMr. and Mrs, Robert Higgins were Mr, and B’each-o’ Beavers, Coby, of Detroit, ■Mr. and Mrs,. G. W. A, McLaren and Mr. Harry Ho ward left on Sunday for Beaubeaux, Sask, where they will visit with Mrs. McLaren’s and Mr. Drysdale’s bro ther, who is- seriously ill, A quiet wedding was solemnized . at the St. George’s -church, Winnipeg on, Wednesday when Miss. (Florence Lucy Reynolds was united in mar1 riage to Frances Arthur Demorset, of Regina, Saak. After the ceremony the happy couple left for the Pacific x Coast for their honeymoon and on their return they will reside in Re gina. The Mission Band of the United Church held a Rally meeting in the basement of the church on Friday afternoon. The meeting being in charge of the president Ruth Coles. Aft,er‘ the opening exercises a read ing was given by Alex Filshie fol lowed by a solo by Mrs. Maude Hed den after which an instrumental was given by Miss Irene Douglas. Miss Ellis gave a.very entertaining read ing followed by a solo by Minnie h^fcjangster after, which a dainty ljinch, ^Wvas served. ▼ Siervices in our local churches were well attended on Sunday last. Rally Day being observed in the Mrs. A. J ■Pines; Mr. of Exeter THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE * Lloyd Hudson A very enjoy* has been able his recent op- are so of Sweitzer, of the and Mrs, Orville and Miss Dois ■M. Drysdale, Mrs United bhm’bh gud the Carmel Fres- byterUn church. At the Halted church a children’^ chqir of some 35 voices lead, the singing at the morning service and - Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit. Rev. Mr- Roulter* of Varna, had charge of the evening service. At the Carmel’ Presbyterian church a children's choir lead the singing also and Rev. W. A. Young had charge of the ser vices assisted by Mr. Peter Moir in the morning, i The Welfare of ‘Youth’s Club of the Carmel Presbyterian Church held their regular meeting on Monday evening. After the opening exercises the ’Scripture lessbh' was read by Beryl Pfaff after which Rev. Mr, Y-otfug led in prayer, An interest ing feature of the evening was a de bate: ‘'Resolved that Modern Mach inery is a Benefit to Civilization/* Those taking part were, on the af- 'firmative John Bean and Irene Da- ters; on the negative, Mrs. Roy Mc Laren and Roy Bell, The judges were Rev, Young, Roy McLaren and Blanche Mustard and the affirmative side winning, The meeting was cjos-j ed with prayer and contest and i .games were indulged in. IJ was i- KIRKTON I ■ ' ,j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rurgen spent ■ Sunday nt Russoldale. , Miss Bartha Lankin, of Granton, • spent a few days with hey sister • Mrs, Ira Marshall. < i Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazelwood are in Detroit attending the weiU-I dldg of their son ’William Hazel* wood. Miss Mamie Rridham, of Exe ter, was a week-end visitor with- her sister " Mrs. Harry Burgen. Mr. Silas Shier has renteci his farm and is having an auction sale early in October. Full particulars •next week, Miss Thelma Marshall spent the ; week-end at Granton. Eight of our horseshoe pitchers attended a tournament in Mitchell on Friday night. Mr. Joseph Ross! won 1st prize^ Mr, Ed, Davis 2nd and Mr. Colquhoun, of Mitchell, wpn third, Mr. and Mrs. 0, F. Marshall and daughter Betty, lot Hamilton (ana I Miss Hazel White, of St' Marys call- 1 ed on friends here pn Saturday, I ISilo filling is the prder of day. Rally Sunday was pn Sunday morning School with a large number pres ent, The printed pbrgram was fol lowed. The supplement story was told by Miss Beatrice Doupe and Carmen by Mr. ant./ Death of Frank Essay The many friends of Frank Essay, of Oberon, Man,, were shocked- to learn of his death which took place Tuesday, July 19. During an elec tric storm the barn an’ the farm was struck by lightning and while he and his brother were endeavoring to save the stock, the barn struck a second time rendering Mr. Essay unconscious. The doctor immediately summoned but IMr. say passed away as a result of Lis injuries. The deceased was barn in Hay Townhsip fifty years ago where he lived for about 30 years after which he moved to Oberon, where he has resided Up to the time of his death. Surviving are two sis ters 'and two brothers, Mrs. James Dick," of Hensail; Mrs.'Alex Foster, of Toronto; Thos. Essay, of sail and William, of Oberon. was Es- Hen- ”r 0. staffa Lodge, of Cleveland, sister, Mrs. William Mrs. George is visiting her Jeffery. Miss Doris Mr. and Mrs, Flint; Mrs. are visiting with Mr. and MrjS. Tpffy. Miss Downey, of Seaforth,' is nurs- Mr. John G. Miller,. who has been ill for some time. Miss Dorothy Grey is in the Sea forth Hospital. There was a large crowd at the School Fair -on Monday. a concert will be given in the hall on Friday night. Lawson, Stratford; Walter O’Brien, of Chas. Tuffy, London, ■:gS ss the observed here in the iSunday Hazelwood and an address Albert Roach of Mt. WOODHAM Pleas* 7 Anniversary Services of the .. __ ham United Church will be held on October 9. the special speaker for the 'day will be Rev. R. C. Wilkinson, a former pastor of the Woodham cir cuit. , Misses Alda and Violet Squire, of London, spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire. • Mrs. W, Stewart and'daughter, of Niagara Falls, former residents of the village are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Bert Rundle. Miss Ethel Copeland left Monday to attend Western University, Lon don. “H- Mrs. R. Miners, of Alberta, is at present visiting Miss, Mary Brethour of the Base Line. Rally Day service was held in. the church .Sunday. The committee m charge provided 'inspiring readings for both young and old. Music was provided by the Woodham Orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. O. 'Cann and son Arnold, Thames Rd., and Misses Ed ith, Mary and Marjorie Earl, of Zion spent Sunday at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. James Squire. ‘ Wood- (BOTH MEETINGS WILL COMMENCE PROMPTLY ON TIME, WITH SPEAKERS ALTERNATING) - — AT 8 O’CLOCK IFINAL CONSERVATIVE RALLY V . — AT — ' ■ HENSALL and ZURICH on f ■ ■ Friday, September 30th I • .1 ™ RED & WHITE Combination <>Special '5 Cakes P, & G- Soap 2 2 1 1 Cakes Gold Soap ............,,, Cakes Calay Soap Large Pkg, Chipso or Oxydol Hgavy Galvanized Utility Tub ► 7 Sundryd Coffee 1 lb. Tin each 45c. Pure1 Lard 1 lb. prints 2 for 21c, Ginger Cookies per lh. 10c. PASTRY FLOUR ., £'~J‘ ............. .................. 24 Jb, bag/ each 37c, Chicken Hardie 1 lb. tin each 13c./ Ready-Cut Macaroni 2 lbs. for 13c. Rex Vanilla 2 hotties for 11c. PURE CANE SUGAR ..............................u........................ . 10 lbs. for 5Qc. Select Pink Salmon x/2 lb. tin 4 for 25c. Kellogg’s Cornflakes 3 for 25c. Flip Flop Fly Coils ■ Per doz. 19c. f/2 lb. pkg. each 22c.LIPTON’S TEA, black or mixed Princess Soap Flakes per pkg. 15c. | De Luxe Jelly Powders | assorted flavors, 6 for 2<5c. Peanut, Butter | 32 oz. jar each 29c. P, & G. Soap............................................................. a. .. . , . 10 bars for 33c. Zinc Jar Rings | Glass Jar Tops Best Quality Jar Rubbers per dozi 23c.I per doz. 23c.4 doz. for 25c. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver III DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Daah- wood, first three days of week and nf office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Dashwood cider mill will be run ning every day.—Alex Zimmer, Pro. 9-22-3tp Miss Kathleen Bell spent a few days in London last week. .Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mclsaac and family, of Windsor, are spending their vacation with the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac Bunday visitors with Mr.< and •Mrs. J. C. Reid were Miss M. C. Reid, Mrs. Wm. Reid, Mr. E. Porter and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Reid, of Bayfield. ' Miss Verda Baker left on Mon day. for Windsor, ■ Dashwood Lutheran Church will hold a Fowl Supper on Thursday, October 20th. Further particulars later. Mrs. Elgin Porter spent the past week'with her cousin, L. Mae Reiid. Miss Elda Kraft left on Monday for London. ? Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver spent a few days in Stratford last week. Mrs. Chas. Steiuhagen spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. R. ’ Taylor, of Exeter. Presentation to Mjr. and Mrs. A. Neeb LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED pod Save the King EVERYBODY WELCOME COL. H. B. COMBE, President ROB?. HIGGINS, Secretary. % (This advertisement inserted by the South Huron Conservative Association) x and stand behind the Imperial Conference agreements that ' mean more money in the pockets of S; Huron farmers, merchants & workers Hon. Robert Weir, M. P., Minister of Agriculture Samuel Gobiel, M. P, of Compton, Que. and George Spottun, M.P., North Huron. , will speak in support of LOUIS H. RADER V Government Candidate for House of Commons, in South Huron. bauotthTs : Rader, Louis H. Farmer On Wednesday evening last about fifty ^neighbors and friends assemb led at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Neeb and gave them a pleasant sur prise and fareWell party before their departure for their new home in Goderich. A very enjoyable even ing was spent during which Mr, and Mrs. Neelb were presented with two handsome chairs. The following ad dress was then read by Mr. W. Sweit zer, Reeve of Stephen: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Neeb and family: • We, your neighbors and friends have assembled here this evening to spend a few hours in your presence, as we feel it our duty ..to give you a farewell reception to show our re-, spect to you who are about to leave us. You who were always willing to give a helping hand to those in need, and those little- acts of kind ness will always remain iii evidence. We have found you to be true, kind, and sympathetic, always spreading sunshine and goodwill among your neighbors and fri&nds and £' ready to speak a kindly word and we feel certain, that our loss of friends will be the gain of Goderich. And so, we wish you to accept this gift; and valtle it highly, not for its in trinsic money value, but for the spirit Tn which it is given, to show you' how much we appreciate you and your activities among us. May God shower his richest blessing on your new home, so that you may continue as you have “in the past, ever faithful, kind and steadfast. sSigned on behalf of your neighbors and friends. Mr. Neeb made a very fitting reply. The rest of the evening was spent in music and games. After which a dainty lunch was -Served by the la dies. elimville LUMLEY iSilo filling is now the or<er of the day, . Mr. John Pepper has recently been • busy filling Mr. Stewart McQueen’s silo, e Miss Jackson, of Listowel, has re turned home after spending a few days with her uncle Mr. W. N. Glen, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Kerslake motored to London on Saturday and spent' the day. Mrs. John Selves Sr., is this week visiting -friends in Buffalo. Mrs._ 'Sarah 'Broadfoot and Mrs. - xjx xzcxixxwuC, of Brucefield aic- your companied by their sister Miss Mary 1 B^oadfoot, nurse of Florida visited friends in Guelph and Shakespeare for a few days last week. Miss Broad foot left on Saturday for her home Palm Beach, Florida, to resume her duties. of your departure from our midst, among us and the influence of your For thirty years you have lived quiet and devoted life has been most blessed. You strated to us the truth of those, words “In quietness and in confi dence shall be your strength.” As President of our W«. M. S. and IS. S. teacher and in all the varied of fice you have held, you have prov ed yourself,-a a capable and faithfur worker, always looking on the | bright side and ready and willing to do your share. As members of | uaiau the Women’s Missionary Society we 1 Alex Broadfoot have sincerely appreciated j " 1 faithful and devoted service. Our very best wishes follow you to your new home. May He who is the^Friend of all bless you and make you a continued blessing. We are glad you are not going far from us’, and we’ll look forward to frequent visits and rest assured there will always be a warm welcome await ing you at Elimville. ’ ! Signed on behalf of the Elimville W. M. St, Mrs. Charles Godbolt act ing President. Mrs. Delbridge in a few well- chosen words expressed her thanks. Mrs. Henry Delbridge read the chap ter from-the Study Book. After an other hymn and a short business session Mrs. Chas. Johns closed the meeting with prayer and benediction iMr. and .Mrs. Jno. Francis, of London, visited in this vicinity last week. . r 1 Mrs. (Rev.) Peters lias been visit- family, of London, visited Mrs. Sara ing her sisters in London during the Hodgins on Sunday. past week. . 1 Messrs. Ivan and Clare Harris Mr. and Mrs. P. Murch, Miss H. and Miss Gamble, of Ferdwich, spent Murch and Mr. Harold Bell were vis- the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. itors in S,t. Marys last Sunday. Mr. Lewis Woods and several boys __ from London visited at the home of to enter Western University in Lon- I the former’s father Mr. Robert don as a Law student. Woods on Sunday last. Mr. Wm. Wells, of London, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. W. Bradshaw. 1 Misses Greta Hunter and Helen Dyson, of London, were week-end visitors at the former’s home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gay and son of Montreal, spent a week recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams. Silo filling is being rushed along in this vicinity. Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood suffered a bad spell on Monday and is not very well since. uux I ReVi attended the Presby- a'lways tery meeting at Goderich on Mon- W. M. S. Meeting The ■September meeting of the W. M. S. met at the church on Septem ber 21st with ten members present. Mrs. Newton clarke presided over the meeting which opened with the 105th hymn, Miss Bessie Hartnell led in prayer. Mrs. Wes. Horne read the Devotional Leaflet. Mrs. Fred Delbridge Was presented With her removal card and an address as fol lows: Dear Friend and Fellow Worker,—- It is with sincere regret we learn versity. have demon I GREENWAY United Church AnniversaryThe services will be held on October 9 , with Rev. W. W. Williams BA, as speaker and the fowl supper on Oc tober 12 th Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Thompson, of Brampton visited relatives here over the week-end. Mr. Claude Fallis motored to Tor onto on Monday with Mr. Newton McGregor, who will remain there to take a course for an Optometrist. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence rihute and : Pollock. -Mr. Claude Fallis left this week I Successful Rally Day services were conducted in tlfe United Church Sunday afternoon with the Supt. Mr. W. E. Young in charge. Interesting stories were told by Miss Laura Le,asl< and Mrs. Sarah McIntosh and Rev. 9. J. Mathers gave the address on “Following Jesus.” Mr. Bruce Romphf entertained the young folk to a party on Tues day evening celebrating his birth day. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love visited Mr. J. E. Hodgins last Saturday. Very successful anniversary ser vices were held in Grace Church on Sunday morning and evening. The church was tastefully decorated and I special music was given by the choir. Neil who has been in Several boys with their teachers hospital London for Mrs. Young and Mrs. McGregor, at- > day. . i Mr. Alonzo three months has returned but will tended the Boys Conference in Bay stay with relatives in Exeter for the Deld on Saturday and report a pleas- ’ winter ' ,sant and profitable time.' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Christie and' Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason and Mr. fomily were Sunday visitors itfith Mrs. L. Pollock : Mr Bert and Miss Mary Herdman, i Mr. and Mrs. Rhiny Stephen and babe, of Chesley, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen on Sunday. Mr. and -Mrs. W.‘ Lindsay and daughter, of Toronto, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Lindsay’s father and brother Messrs. Robt. and Jack- son Woods recently. Mr. and Mrs Harry Webber and children, of Woodham were visitors at Mr. T. Bell’s last Sunday. Mr. Roy Pfeifer, of Logan, who is employed with the crusher working for the township in Mr. R. Sikinner’s . gravel pit had the misfortune to get his foot caught in the rope and pul ley of the giving it a ately he is bones being It was decided, last Sunday to hold a fowl supper in connection with the the fall anniversary services the date being set for Tuesday, Nov, 8. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, of London, were callers in the com munity an Sunday last. Messrs. Walter and Kenneth Johns motored to Ithica, N. Y., the first of the week where Walter has resumed his studies at Cornell Uni- j VC1D1V0-, : attended the funeral of Mrs. M. Hudson near London.on Monday. Mrs. Hudson was the eldest daughter (Laura H.) of Rev. and Mrs. Jas. Foster and Spent her early childhood in this community. The sympathy of all is extended the bereaved ones especial ly her husband and two children, HURON COUNTY A. A* A. drag line last Saturday had squeeze but fortun able to get around, ■no broken. The annual meeting >of the Huron County Amateur Atheltic Associa tion was held in the Clinton Colleg iate Institute. The officers appoint- # ed foi' the coming year were: Hon orary president, W. J. Duncan, Sea forth; President, I. H« Weedmark, Seaforth; vice-president. Jack Han son, Mitchell; secretary-treasurer. Marion Bell; Seaforth. Arrangements were made for hold ing the annual meet at Seaforth on September 30, The following schools will be represented; Mitchell. Exe ter, Hensail, Clinton, Goderich and Seaforth. These schools compete an* anally for the McMillan Cup and the Medd Trophy, Shields are also giv en to individual champions. • \