HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-09-29, Page 5% - *ike Wildtire Be Ready - Friday, Sept. 30 9 a.m. Sharp AY 1 I •x» *4 ► EXTRA! f MEN’S OVERCOATS Values up to 25.00 i 1 Fair warning. Come early! —g| They won’t last long at this fB price. Men's heavy chinchilla wB Bbv and blanket cloth overcoats. ■What a buy at only 1 BOYS’ SUITS REGULAR VALUES UP TO $14.00 Thi’ifty buyers will surely pick these up in a hurry-—1 lot of boys bloomers suits, ■ B B sizes 27 to 34, Tweeds and B blue serge, Regular values JL • up to 14.00—-take ’em. away at r 3 t fi-l FLANNELETTE BUA^ETS Large sizes (12-4) ,Flannelette Blankets white and grey with colored borders—out they go—pair k L79 IK !3 1 Fu ng i F NT * 1 e Men’s Furnishings Men’s all wool Work Socks . .................. Men’s Merino Shirts and Drawers Re»- -2C*’ Raucy aiK] Ra5’0» Socks $2.00 Broadcloth Shirts ....... . 75c. Men’s Silk Ties, your choice Boys’ Tweed Bloomers ................... Reg. 75c. Faiui an AVood Socks ...Reg. ....------- - - Reg- Reg. AWSVU .. Reg. $1.50 Men’s Work Shirts .............. 18c. ..... each. 79c ........... 29c- .............. 49c. ........ $1-19 .............. 39c, ........... $1.39 special $1.19 nishings, Hats, Caps, Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s Dresses, Coats, Hosiery, „Groceries, etc, thrown on the Bargain Block in a Whole-Store Sacrifice for Cash! IB ts ►t. 30th Promptly at 9a.m .BOYS’ BLOOMERS Reg. to $2.50—Boys’ Tweed Bloomers, sizes 20 to 33—out/ T 3 0 they go at only JL 77 erphandise. This is Southcott Bros. Own Stock! ' -4 " i >ts MEN’S / - SURPASS ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS! MENS’ and YOUNG MENS’ VALUES THAT O’COATS I ) FELT HATS .98 Men! Here is a world beater. 1 lot of Men’s Fine Worsted and Tweed Suits, sizes 34 to 38—not the newest styles but a real good knockabout, suit at only .... 2 lbs. special lb. 10c. .... 20 lbs. 98c 2\ lbs. 25c. 19c. BOY’S EXTRA! MEN’S 1 Men’s Fur Felt Hats, limited quan­ tity only—reg. val­ ues up to $4.50— out they go at1 1.49 BUY NOW AND SAVE! GROCERIES Regluar to $25.00 Men who are looking for value will find it in this group of Fancy . and plain tweed suits, come early for best choice. ............. ...... 7 bars ............................. lb. .... Special, 2 lbs. .................. 3 cakes 2 cakes 10 cakes 22CA 25c. 13c 19c. 15c- 25c. 29c. 29c. P. &. G. SOAP ............ BLACK OR MIXED TEA .. MACARONI ................. ........ PALMOLIVE SOAP ............ LUX TOILET SOAP .......... CASTILE TOILET S,OAP ...... .... MAGIC COFFEE, freshly ground .................... lb. FAVOURITE BRAND COCOA ............................. 1b- CHALLEN.GE CORN S.TARCH ....................•......pkg. 9c. FLAKE LUX .................. specially priced, 2 pkgs. 17c- LILY BRAND CHI’CKE^ TIADDIE ................ 2 tins 25c. CORN BEEF, very choice, ..............................— tin 12c. KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES .*.......... special pkg. 7c. 'NEW AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISINS ...."2 lbs. 25c. NEW VALENCIA RAISINS FRESH BROKEN SODAS .. FRESH GINGER SNAPS .... GRANULATED SUGAR ...... Regular $17.50 ■ Buy now and save real money—Boys5 Heavy Winter Over- Coats, sizes; 14 to 18 years. Reg. val­ ues up to $17.50— going 7.95 BOY’S SUITS Boys’ Tweed Bloomer Shits newest styles! — Reg. $4.50 values Going at only Regular to $18.50—SUITS A tremendous1 saving awaits you at this.great sale. Men’s and. Young men’s navy and striped 2-pant suits regular) price 18.50, now Regular to $25.00—SUITS Men’s and young men’s fancy striped greys, browns, blues also , navy serge. The last word in style and value giving. DS ONS! ... yd. 13c. ette yd. 18c. tors yd. 18c. srhs ^d. 21c. ha<W yd 21c. al each 22c. )c. each 29c. -2 yds. 49c. ... .yd. 79c. rool yd. 39<£ special 69c. RSDAY ire Stock. FREE . To every custom­ er purchasing to the amount of $25-00 worth of merchan­ dise dining this sale, we will give 5 gal. of, gasoline ABSOLUTELY FREE Stock up Now and Save! Men s Collar Attached Shirts Good assortment to choose from specially priced at jnt ever witnessed in this Town s.EXETER’S LEADING GENERAL STORE MEN’S AND YOUNG MEJN’S Cpine and you will be young men’s ringbone and —sensationally priced at Values to $25.00 see “these overcoats, amazed. Men’s and smartly tailored Her- Chincliilla cloth coats m| 14.95 Regular to 35.00 O’Coats Men’s stylish overcoats drastically reduced to 23.95—-Men's and young men’s genuine Barry- 41 more’s tailored, in the newest models, regularly sold at $3.‘5.00—out they go at any other place!BOY’S SHIRTS Reg. to 75c.—1 lot of Boys Shirts sizes 13 to 14 1-2—your choice 19c Men’s Work Shirts Men’s Grey Military Flannel Work Shirts, extra good quality —special Men’s Shirts and Drawers Reg. $1.00—Men's extra good I quality “Penman's” Fleece Sliirts and drawers—each sriSaii Men’s Combinations Reg. $1.75/—1’enman’S extra quality Fleece ^Combinations buy now and save.