HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-09-29, Page 3V X >- O“t. rifc J-K £THE. EXETER twS’AOVQCATE:» I \ AUCTION SALE CHATTEI.S , Under a Distress warrant issaed to F. E. Willis, Bailiff undet a Chat­ tel Mortgage there will pe offered for sale on for sale* Oh Lot 23, Concession 13, Hibbeit on FRIDAY, SEFTE^IBER at 1.30 p,m. the following chattels; HORSES—-1 Clyde horse, 10 year old; 4 brown horse, 17 year old; 1 General Purpose horse,. 9 year old. , CATTLE-—! Holstein cow, 1? year oidr 1 Holstein cow, 8 year old; 1 grey heifer, 4 years old; 1 black heifer, 3 years old; 1 white heifer, 3 years old; 1 grey yearling heifer; 1 black yearling heifer. HOGS-—8 snlall pigs, 4 pigs about 160 pdunds; J sow, 1 sow with 3 small pigs about 50 hens. IMPLEMENTS—1 Fleury walking plow, 1 cultivator, 1 buggy, 1 cut­ ter, 1 set Diamond harrows, 1 seed drill, 1 fanning mill, 1 straw cutter, hay fork, track, rope and slings, 1 disc,, cream separator, 2 sets double ' harrows, 1 Frost <fc Cockshutt hay rake, McCormick binder . row, forks, shovels, HAY & GRAIN—10 tons of hay in barn; 1 bin of barley, 2 bins oats, 1 bin wheat, 1 bin mixed wheat and oats, root crop. "■*’ About 5 cords of wood, about 300 feet timber, 11 sticks sauare timber, ■, TERMS—CASH ‘ FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, Exeter F, E. WILLIS, Bailiff, Exeter. Happy To Be 136 lbs. Wood mower, 1 2 heavy wagons 1 wheel bar etc. on farm. Lost 38 lbs. -*« More to Follow Most women would be alarmed if they weight showed 136 Jhs, But not this one. You see sheNwa» 174 lbs., and she has found a way to take off that disfiguring overweight. She writes;—-‘■‘Six mouths mgo, when my weight was 174 Ibs.j I started to take Kruschen, and have gradually got down to 136 lbs,—and am still going down, I have not al­ tered my diet at all, and I only take a haif-teaspoonfui of Kruschen in a glass of hot water every morning. JI also find Kruschen very good for biliousness, from which I used to suffer a great deal. But it hag completely left me now—in fact, I feel a different person, and have only to thank those wonderful Krus­ chen Salts,”—(Mrs.) M, K. . Taken every morning, Kruschen effects a perfectly natural clearance of undigested food substances and all excessive watery waste matter, Unless this wastage is regularly ex­ pelled, Nature will eventually store it Jip out of the way in the form, of ugly fat. One bottle is enough to prove to you that Kruschen will make you feel younger—spryer—more ener­ getic—yo.u’ll enjoy 'life—every min­ ute of it, AUCTION SALE VILLAGE property in- ZUKICH Mrs. c. Eilber has returned ‘home after visiting at Toronto and Sea* toes to the district js that of Mr. and forth. Ma Rennie^Weber, of Toronto, is north of Grand Bend, who jive near .■> pg the Blue High­ way. Mr. Sherette is 77 and his wife 74. Both are in good health and sprits, hnd while retired from actual farm activities, still ■ remain in the old home, where the-families frequently visit. Their family con­ sisted of 14 children of whom pine girls and one son live in tne immed­ iate vicinity, Four died in -early Hie They all have for the most part fairly large families, some of whom are married and have children. The former’s family with the number or their families are are follows; Mr, and Mrs. James Masse, Blue Water Highway, 18, all at homez and very healthy; Mr, and Mrs. Lake Neigh,: No. 8 Highway, south of Seaforth; ”1 eleven of whom are living; and Mrs. N. Masse, Con, 14, Hay Mr. and Mrs, Frank Denomy, Mr. and Water holidaying with his parents Mr. and Mrs, A. A< Weber on the Bronson Line. . < ... . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph KropL "of Milverton and Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Kropf, of Kitchener, visitors with Mr, and BecJUer, Professor and Mrs, us, of New Hamburg, visitors at the home Mrs, E. Turkheim.' Mrs. E. Welker has returned to New York after visiting with her sister Mrs. (Rev.) Burn for a week, Mr,, and Mrs, William S- Ruby and Mr, Daniel Oswald attended the funeral of the former’s brother Mr. David Ruby at Bayport, Mich., re­ cently. Mrs. william Hey was judge of the dairy and domestic work as De­partmental judge in Sarnia recently. were Mrs, recent Menno Alvin were Stnday of Rev. and SrW$T« A REMARKABLE FAMILY Qne of the most remarkable fam* Mrs, Benjamin Sherette, <5 miles *■__'** One of our Customers will Win the Prize. THIS CONTEST IS OPEN TO EVERY*PURCHASER OF A GIBBARD DINING SUITE, BEDROOM SUITE; OR A OCCASIONAL PIECE • YOU DON’T HAVE TO COMPETE WITH PEOPLE ALL OVER CANADA SOMEONE IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD IS GOING TO WIN THIS BEAUTIFUL TABLE rOWXSIlHlP OF STEPHEN SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES By virtue of a warrant undei’ the hand of the Reeve and the Seal of . . the. Municipality of the Township of Stephen dat$d the 4th. day of June A.D. 1932, commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter describ­ ed for arrears of taxes respectively due thereon, together wth costs, no­ tice is hereby given that unless such taxes and costs are paid I shall, In compliance with the Assessment Act Chapter 195, R.S.O., proceed to sell by public auction the lands or as much thereof as may be necessary to discharge the same, at the Town­ ship Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the IQth day of October A.D., 1932, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the fore­ noon. Lot 269, Plan 24, Gon. LRW; acres 1-12, taxes $46.53; costs $14.- 46; Total $60.99. Lot 272, Plan 24; Con. LRW; ac­ res 1-12; taxes $16.92; costs $5.27;' total $22.19. Lot 349, Plan 24; Con. LRW; ac­ res 1-12; taxes $16,92; costs $5.2,7; total $22.19. ' And further take notice that’the said list of lands "showing the taxes and costs owing was published in the Ontario Gazette in the issues of July 9th, 16th, and 23rd, 1932. z Herbert K. Eilber Treasurer, Township of Stephen .Dated at Crediton this j 6th day of SepJ. 1932. ‘ 9-15-4tc NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN'that all creditors and . others having clams against the estate of MAR- GARET DAWSON, late of the Town­ ship of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on the Nineteenth day of August, A. D., 1932, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the under­ signed on or befdre the Third day of October,-A. D., 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe cut'or will proceed to distribute, the estate having regard only to • claims of which he then shall notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this of September, A.D., 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Executor's Solicitors the have I day 12th v —;-------------* NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ail creditors and others having claims against the estate of ARCHI­ BALD DAWSON, late of >he Town­ ship of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the Se­ cond day of August A.D., 193 2, are required to , forward their claims duly .proven to- the undersigned on or before the Third day of October, A. D. 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe cuter will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to claims of which he then shall notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this day of September, A.D., 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall the have 12 th SECURED PATENT Mr. Cornelius Bomhoff, manager of the Clinton Branch of the Ray­ mond Knitting Co., has had his ap­ plication allowed for a patent on a knitting apparatus. Application was made to the Washington Govern­ ment in 19 2D when he was living in the United States and he assigned the patent to the Gotham Silk Hos­ iery Co., New York. His patent Will combine the work of two intricate machines. The undersigned lias received structions to sell by public auction; L on. tlie premises in EXETER, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4tk , at' 2.30 o’clock p.m. Garage with gasoline pumps; bat­ tery charger; vulcanizing plant, al­ so vacant lot. Dwelling house one block distant. The garage is half a 'block south of the Central, Hotel, Selling on account of illness. TERMS—.Made known on day of sale JOHN TAYLOR, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer MISS ELLEN URQUHART Miss Ellen Urquhart, of Fullarton daughter of the late Mr and '.Mrs. George Urquhart, died after an ill­ ness of about seven years. 'She was a member of the United church and had lived all her life in Fullarton Township, and was highly respected. Deceased is survived by four broth­ ers and four sisters. Robert, of Sas­ katchewan; Andrew, of Mitchell; George, of Fullarton; Alex, Annie and Carrie, at home; Mrs. David Dow. Russeldale and Mrs. Ales Mc­ Millan, ..Qf Moose jaw, Sask. The fun­ eral, which 1 was private, took place from the family home to Roy’s ceme- etry. BODY RECOVERED James Morrison, aged 7'5, re- AUCTION SALE STOCK IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has ceived instructions to sell by public auction, at MOFFATT’S FARM, VARNA, ONT. miles west of Brucefield on No. 4 Concerete Highway, on > ' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12th, Commencing at 1 p.m. PURE-BRED DUAL PURPOSE —registered, of. good type, splendid blood lines ana cred­ itable milk production, “Roan Lan­ caster No. 220’806, served April 17; Dolly Lome, No. 220'809, served June 15th; ‘Village Comet’ No. 233,- 27;3< served August 21st; ‘Patsy Lqu’ roan heifer dam, Roan Lancaster, Sire, Lynmofe Lancaster; ?1°'' 3 SHORTHORNS- who made his home with his son, James, on the 6th concession of Fullarton, ended his own life, by drowning. For some time past he nas-suffered ,periods of despondency, Coroner Dr. W. J. Armstrong was called and de­ cided thaR-no inquest was necessary. Members of the Morrison family had gone to attend a special service in the United Chiirch at Carlingford on Sunday nighty the elderly 'Mr. Morrison remaining at home. When the family returned he was missing and a search was instituted. About 11 o’clock his hat and coat were found at the edge of an old well in a bush at the back end of the farm. Coroner Dr. W. J. Armstrong, of Mitchell, was called and the body removed from1 4he well which tained aibout 20 feet of water./ DULLER—ELLIOTT ' A quiet wedding took place Saturday, September 17 in the Pres­ byterian Manse, Milverton, with the Rev. John Elder officiating when Iva Margaret, daughter of the late Mr', and Mrs. Carson Elliott of Lo- ----, —M—-- ----------; also one gan, was united in marriage to Roy Red Grade with heifer calf by side Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. and one Roan Grade, served May 14. Miller, Of Staffa, The bride wore a PURE BlREJD S ITR O P S HIRE gown of beige crepe, with beads and SHEEP— All pedigreed, including brown trimmings. Her hat, in match- my foundation breeding ewes, rich in'g shad^ waS/ of fur felt\ She in the best imported blood and'wore an>amJjer neck]ace, the gift «>• Miss without charge. Ewe lambs, yamJ Beatnce Bahn, woie a Jeucho ciepe lambs and one four year old s1iowisown w1*-!1 lace trimmings, and a thistledown felt hat, with shoes to match. Robert Miller, brother of rani' of imported Buttar blood, k YORKSHIRE} SOWS — Well-bred, X 'V'XVlxOLLlXV-Cy QUVYiD'-------’ VY CIl-UX CU <select bacon type, regular' breeders ^ie bridegroom, was best man. The litters of 16 pigs, eighteen months groom's- gift to the bridesmaid, was old, in excellent condition, one sow a Pinaud compact, to the’ groosman, winning five firsts and1 a Special at a safety shaving set. .Mr. and Mrs. five fairs last fall, ;Sired by O. A. C. | Miller left on a motor trip to the -rtorhz, ------------’—'Thousand Islands,‘Ottawa and Mont­ real. .For going away, the bride wore a brown knitted suit and red fox fur. with matching accessories. On their return they will be at home to their friends at E£en Farm, in Logan, . Glory-No. 128526,'also weaning pigs of exceptional quality. ■ HORSES—Heavy draft, grey Per- cheron team of show quality, mare and gelding, 6 years old and a well- bred General Purpose team, splendid disposition and in good condition. POULRY—laying hens and bred to lay White Wyandotte pullets. FARM —— “| spreader, Deering walking .plow, riding plow, cultivator HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, of the Estate of Mrs. Agnes Moffat, in good condition, afe follows: Williams piano, as good as new, hall rack, hall settee, solid walnut parlor suite large leather rockers, fancy tables, oak extension table, solid walnut extension table,* dining room chairs walnut sideboard, mission library, table, leather couch, wood, white enamel and brass beds, springs and mattresses, dressers, wash stands, bevel plate mirrors, curtains, drapes and curtain rods, rugs, carpets dish­ es, pictures, stoves, etc. GRAIN- 2nd cutting, straw mangels nips. House doors, and glaze sash, tile and brick. iSale under cover in case IMPLEMENTS — Manure side rake, hay 'loader,, mower, bean harvester, ■Pure Alfalfa hay, 1st and and tttr- window Sale under cover in case of rain. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. Lloyd A, Moffat, Proprietor LLOYD A. MOFFAT, Proprietor. PURELYVEGETAB^ 14, Mr 14 Blue Water Highway, 7; Mrs. Fred Seamon, Blue Highway, 5; Mrs, ZerJe Brisson, Con 14, 8; Mr. and Mrs, Con. Jordan, of Niagara Falls, 5; Mr. and Mrs. A. _ Bedour, Blue Water Highway, 2; | John Sherette, Blue Water Highway; 13;’Mr‘. and Mrs. Nelson Masse have, nine grandchildren and Mr. and Mrs Fred D&nomy have six grandchild­ ren. For the .most part all the par­ ents and children are healthy, a re­ markable record. that IMr parents parents ents to was 19 when they married while a number of their daughters married at 16, 17 and 18 years of age. The whole connection fonthe most part are good workers, good citizens In nationality their ancestors were French-Canadian and their religion Roman-Catholic. The record shows . and Mrs. Ben. .Sherette are to 14 children and grand- to 100 and great grandpar- 21 others. Mr, Charette and Mrs. Charette was 15 MRS. GRACE SLACK Mrs. Grace Slack,-widow of Chas- E. Slack, died at her home in Col- borne Township, near Goderich re­ cently. She had been a resident of Goderich for over fifty years. Her husband predeceased her over 50 years ago, also their only daugh­ ter, Three sisters survive. Eli s. L—J f""’* r**"l IT* PHONES: Funeral Store 99—-Residence 63 Director HENSALL COUNCIL -j Special meeting of village coun- ’s cil was held on Monday evening "at [- ,8 P- m. to consider By-laws and to ■- strike tax rate. AH members pres­ ent. Petty and Mickle that Transient Traders’ By-law No. 8 be given first and second reading. ’* Jones and Spencer: No, 8 be given third readng. Carried. Petty and Mickle; Hall rent By-law No. 9 first and second reading. Carried. Jones and Spencer: That By-law No 9 be given third and final read­ ing. . Carried. , 'Spencer and Jones I That the re­ signation .of A. W. E. Hemphill, tax collector be accepted. Carried. Mickle and Petty: That Fred Bon- thron be appointed tax collector at a salary of $45.00 per year and that the clerk prepare a by-law for same. Carried. Mickle and Spencer: That By­ law No, 11 appointing tax collector be given first and second reading. Carried. Petty and Jones; That By-law No. 11 be given third and fourth read- Carried. That By-law and fourth That Town be given its ing and finally passed. Carried. Petty and Spencer; That By-law No. 10 striking tax rate be given itS w first and second reading. Carried. Tax rate struck at the following; That the rate for County Purpos­ es be 5 2-10 mills; Village Purposes 11 5-10 mills; Library Purposes 5-10 mills; ^Debenture Purposes 10 l-10‘,mills; School Purposes 7 7-10 • mills; total 35 mills. Mickle and Jones: That By-la-w No. 10 be given its third a'nd final reading and finally passed. Carried. Petty and Jones; That owners of various properties on South Rich­ mond Street benefitting by the road oil be charged at th^ rate of $1.-00 per lot same added to 1932 Collec­ tor’s roll. Carried- Mickle- and Petty: That the eoun-« cil be adjourned. Carried. Jas. E. Paterson, Clerk With good weather prevailing Goderich Industrial Exhibition scor­ ed a signal success, with increased attendance and increased entries The admission fee was reduced from , 35 to 25 cents yet the gross receipts showed a gain when over 13,000 passed through’ the gates. brown gloves, brown shoes and matching ac- ..She carried, a bouquet Of roses and wore a beauti- con- 5 J Rogeirs Model S50—Popular 8’tube Console (Twin Spcaxcts) Terms as low as $8.00 a irwnth ■ f 9 ROGERS Model 850 • • 6-LEG CONSOLE 1 • SYNCHRONIZED TWIN SPEAKERS ' • NEW ROGERS TUBES— FULLY GUARANTEED EXCLUSIVE SPRAY-SHIELDING NEW 2K-VOLT RADIO FREQUENCY PENTODES TAYLOR—TINSDALE The home of Rev. and Mrs John Hart. St. Marys, Ontario, was the scene of a pretty wedding when Miss Helen Alice Dinsdale, R. N., of Stratfqrd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,>M. Dinsdale, of Kippen, was married to J. Edward Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. J'ames Taylor, of Stratford. The bride was love­ ly in a beige and • silver trimmed gown of imported Persian green silver fleck, with hat of the same material, snakeskin cessories. Talisman fully carved silver bracelet, the gift of the groom. Her traveling coat was Of English silver sheen with brown trimmings. ‘Only the immed­ iate relatives and friends of the bride and groom were present. Rev. John Hart performed the ceremony A unique feature of the occasion was the fact’thdt Mr. Hart, a very close friend of the bride’s family, had married the bride's parents and al­ so christened the bride while minis­ ter in charge of the Kippen circuit, Mrs. Hart graciously entertained those present at luncheon. Upon re­ turning to the home of the bride’s parents at Kippen, a dainty wedding super was served. The happy couple are spending the Georgian travelling in Scotch tweed tones, fur. their their honeymoon in Bay district, the bride a tailored suit of in. green and -.brown With daisy beret add red fox Mr. and Mrs, Taylor will make home in iStratfdtd, An 8-tube radio abso­ lutely new in everything that gives finer radio performance. New fully guaranteed Rogers tubes —new in shape, new in principle,exclusively spray- shielded for longer tube life and minimum vibration. Superb tone beauty— pure, balanced over the en­ tire musical scale—ensured by the new Rogers syn­ chronized twin speakers. A 6-leg Cabinet"of beautiful design, gleaming softly in hand rubbed walnut finish. Come in. See and hear. Learn why these and other features — advanced auto­ matic volume control; full range tone control; full vision illuminated dial— make Rogers the greatest value in rrlodern advanced radio. RA D 16 PHONE 109,EXETER, ONT. ..................................... ......................lulu i -■hi—i 1 p*