HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-09-22, Page 8’* 0 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2a> W Hugh, the six-year-old son of Mr, and MrSt.-O* L. Wibtou bad the inis-’ fortune tp fall off the shed, at the rear of Wilson’s Grovery vrith the result that his left arm was frac­ tured at the elbow, The fracture was reduced by Dr, Fletcher* WARNING Some of th® young peop*® of town are headed for grief if they persist in pilfering from tbe fruit trees ana vines of the citizens of Exeter. Raids have been made on a numbei' of trees and vines long before the fruit is ready for use and not only has the fruit* been destroyed but the trees and vines have- been damaged, Citizens who take pride in the growing of fruits are not par­ ticularly pleased when they find that during the hours of darkness some person or persons has visited the place and not only taken away some of the fruit, but had. also destroyed both fruit and vines. The local mag­ istrate has warned that he will make an example of any who are brought before him. Parents will do well to bring this to the atten­ tion of their children. BIRTHS ROWILAND—-At Mount. Carmel on .Sunday, September 18th, to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Rowland a son. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Albert Gunning announces the engagement of her youngest daughter, Elsie Ray to Mr. James Angus Earl, of Usborne, the mar­ riage to take place the latter part of September.PP IN 3IEMOBIAM JOHNSTON—In loving memory of our deal* one, Mary E. Johnston, who passed away September 23, 1930. “Until the day dawns.” - Parents and brothers. Mr. Thos. Harton, of London, vis­ ited in town the forepart of the "VYGCik * Miss Thelma Baker has returned home after visiting for two months with her mother in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Flynn visit­ ed with the former’s twin brother in Thedford Sunday and Monday. IMrs. L, Nigh, of Seaforth, is spending a few days with her old frends Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, of Brus­ sels, called on friends in town on Tuesday morning while on his way to London. Mr, J. G. Stanbury was engaged in several cases at Parkhill Court on Tuesday and at Bayfield Court on Monday. Mr. •Harry Smith, of Springhurst farm Lake Road, who has been ill for some time its improving and is now able to be up and around: Miss Gladys Robertson, R. N,, a recent graduate of Wellesley Hos­ pital, Toronto, visited for a couple of days with her sister 'Mrs. E. R. Hopper. Mrs. O. C Wigle and her .son Mr. Elton A. Wigle, of Kingsville, vis­ ited a few days last week with Mrs. J. T. Miners returning to their home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLean, or. Hamilton, and Mr. Ed. ^McLean, of St. Catherines, were recent viMtors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Birney. fi Exeter Markets Wheat Malting Barley 38e. Cats 25 c. Shorts. 95 c, Fran, 90c, , , . Manitoba^ Best $2,>50. Model $2,30. Welcome, $1,80 Low grade $1.10 Creamery Butter 26-2to» Dairy Butter 13-20c, Eggs, extras 20c. Eggs, firsts 15c. Eggs, seconds 10c. Smart, New Fall oats i THE RXRTER T1MES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J. Bernard Rhodes,, Mi A, Minister ” 4 Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M, Organist IQ am.-—Sunday School, 11 a.m.—“A Universal City” 7 p.m.—“Opportunity and Responsi­ bility” Sunday School Rally October 2ud. We are showing a fine range of new coats. .The styles are smart, the cloths new with better quality fur at much lower prices this season. We invite you to see them. ’ LOCALS JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Fletcher's been crit- somewnac of in 11 3 Rev. J, H. Stainton, IkA ,B,l)., Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader. , a.m.—-“.Safety First” p.m.’—Rally Services -of the Sun­ day School, Address ’Iby Mr. Stainton, “Wonders of a Watch" I p.m,—-“If I were 21 again” |7 Prayer meeting—-Thursday- at 8 p. m. Rev. Mr. Johnson, of Crediton will be in charge. ; MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn-Huston < Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m,-—“The Child in the Midst” p.m.—.Sunday School Rally Service—Special 'Features. p.m.—“Burdens” Song Service Monday—Young People’s Society Thursday—Prayer Meeting 11 3 7 .. .... ■ ........................ ............ . . - ’■ -........... FRENCH KID GLOVES In black, black and white, and brown very smartly trimmed. EQ SPECIAL PRICED AT........... SILK AND SILK AND WOOL HOSE In all the newest shades for fall, Bet­ ter quality at lower prices, 50c. to $J.OO s NEW SHOES IN PUMPS & OXFORDS In very smart pumps and oxfords with cut-out effects. Priced to suit your pocket-* book $2.98, $3,25, $3.50 SILK SCARVES A wonderful range of new styles and cplorings. PRICED AT $1.00, $1.50 HEEL HUGGER SHOES FOR WOMEN Regain the joy of youthful feet. You can now be sure of true fit and adsolute comfort no matter what.difficulty you have experienced in the past. They are made in 192 sizes; widths, AAAAA to EEE; sizes 1-12. MEN’S HEAVY SPLIT SHOES This shpe will give you good honest wear comes with Panco sole and rubber* heel SPECIAL AT $1.98 MISS CALF OXFORD A wonderful shoe for school wear1 with good weight sole SPECIAL AT $2.75 ' HEAVY ALL WOOL SOX The kind you want ^or the colder weather. SPECIAL AT PER PAIR 20c. MEN’S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS OuV regular $1.00 line. This is a good weight for fall wear SPECIAL AT EACH 85c. TR1V1TT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemis® Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon p.m.—Sunday School and Rector’s Bible Class. p.m.—Evensong and Senpion Preacher all day—'The Rector New Overcoats for Men Navy Blues $16.50 Latest Models Dark Greys $16.50 GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Western University will reopen next Monday. ■ Miss Leila Stackhouse is holiday­ ing for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Rufus Kestle is again able to be out following her recent illness. iMiss Margaret Penhale has gone to London where she lias secured a position, Mrs. Jas. Lutton, of London, call­ ed on her uncle, Mr. Win. Tapp on Saturday. • Mrs, McMillan and two daughters •of London, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. Sheere. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston, of Stratford, visited with' relatives in town on Sunday. Miss Marjorie Westcott had her tonsils removed at Dr. hospital on Monday. Mr.' Wm Tapp, who has ically ill at his home, is improved this week. Miss Merna Sims has accepted a position with the Exeter Lumber Company as stenographer. Mrs. Geo. Anderson has returned home after visiting for a few weeks in Detroit and Lapeer, Mich. Mrs. E. R. Hopper and infant daughter, Margaret Joan, arrived home recently from Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hooper, London, visited with friends town Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Shapton and Mr. and Mrs. A Francis spent a few days last week visiting with relatives in Detroit. Mr^ and Mrs. Taylor and daugh­ ter, of Chiselhurst, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston one day last week! Mr. Nelson Hill, pf the Head office of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto, is holidaying with his mother in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell, Mr. ana Mrs. George Jones and two children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern, of Zion on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Birney were in Londesboro on Monday attend­ ing the silver wedding anniversay of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCrea. Mrs. John Head, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Witmer and daughter, Sally and Mr. Welford, of London, spent I Sunday Hatter. 'Mrs. North, for some time is at present Visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Stewart, of London. Janies Street United Church wiM hold their anniversary services on Sunday, November 6th when Rev. E. O. Seymour, M.A., B.D. -or Oakville, will be the preacher., Mrs. Alex McMurtrie, of Hensail, accompanied by her son and his wife Mr. and Mrs. John McMurtrie, of Kippen, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welsh, of Hensail, accomanied by Mrs. D. I. of !at the home of Mr. Thomas Wm. • Walker, of Exeter who has been indisposed 3 7 A Fowl Supper will be held under ( the auspices of the Ladies Guild in T'rivitt Memorial parish Hall on Oc­ tober 5 th. Further particulars next week. ‘ The relief committee of Exeter and all others who are interested in relief work are asked to meet at the Canadian Bank of Commerce Friday evening at 8 p.m. A. report of the work for the past year will be given and plans laid for the coming win­ ter. Mrs. J. H. Browning, conven- or. BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING— Hyacinths Narcissus, Daffodils, and T'ulips.—Powell’s phone 122. The Exeter Women’s Institute will meet" Tuesday, September 27tll ______j _________ ___ at the home of Mrs. M. Quance at . Qhisholm and Mrs. D. McLeod, of 2.30 in the afternoon. Demonstra- Calgary, were Sunday visitors at the tion. A good program has been ar- 110me ,of Mrs Aibert Bell. ranged. .STRAYED—From the 4th con. of Usborne a Yorkshire brood sow with two rings in nose. Information gladly received by Milton Luther. R. R. 3, Exete'r. STRAYED—On Sept. 13th onto the farm of E. F. McDougall, Hen- . sail, a young pig about 200 lbs. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses, Itc Mr. P. D. Vahey held an auction ' sale of his household effects on Thursday afternoon • last, and the family are leaving for Montreal where Mr. Vahey has secured a pos- , -ition. 'The weather the latter, part of last week reminded us that fall Is almost here. A hail st-orm on Sat­ urday morning visited the commun­ ity and „ particularly east of Exeter the hail was\guite heavy. | Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gillies and son F’OR SALE—WOO cabbage, extra, Bobby, of Hamilton, spent the Week- large, solid, tender heads, splendid end with the latter’s mother Mrs. S. for sauerkraut. For quick sale 50c. Martin, per dozen or lc. per lb. Apply Mrs. Elmer Lawson, R. R. No. 2, Credit­ on, -tc. Miss .Margaret Martin,, nurse-in-training at the Hamilton ■ Hospital came up with them. | Miss Alma Winer, nurse-m-train- Anyone wishing twine for corn or. ing at .Strathroy has started a three to months course Of training in Vic- itoria Hospital, London, in connec- | tion with the Strathroy General Hos- —• . pital, Following the holding of Sunday School in the morning for the sum­ mer months, Rally services will be held in Main Street and James St, United Churches on Sunday at 3 buckwheat phone their orders Percy Pa-ssmore, 172rl3, Exeter. .. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Stainton, are Visiting in Toronto, this week where the former is attending the alumani at Emmanuel College. They were ac­ companied by 'Mrs. S-tainton’s mother Mrs. Johnston, who returned to Whitby with them after spending the past week here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sheere, ‘of Saskatchewan, visited with Mrs: M. Sheere ‘Thursday of last week. Mr. erhd Mrs. Sheere were on their way home after spending a couple of months in England. ' Mr. Sheere was a resident of Exeter about 45 years ago. At the Exeter Lodge of Oddfel­ lows tile following officers were sel­ ected for the ensiling year: N. G. Bro. E. R. Hopper; V. G. Brother William Middleton; Recording Se­ cretary, Bro. E. Howald; -Fin. Sec’y Bro. Harry Jennings;1 Treasurer, E. M. Dignan; The present N. G. is Bro. J. w. Batson. James Street choir again accepted the kind hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Quinn and on Friday evening last held an enjoyable corn roast at their home. Some group games were enthusiastically entered into by everyone around the bonfire. Corn was then brought forward in large quantities ef which everyone did ample justice. This was only the beginning as th’e guests all returned to the house where lunch was served The evening was brought to a very successful close by community sing­ ing. A hearty vote of thanks was moved by Mr. Elford and seconded by Mr. Goulding to Mr. and Mrs. Quinn for their kindness in opening their home and to Mr. and Mrs.- Cut­ bush for their assistance on both oc­ casions. * t . FOR SALE usedRenfrew Cream Separator, month, 600 lb. capacity $20.00. Massey-Harris Cream Separator,' P-m, when the schools will revert to their afternoon services.v Mr. Isaac Wade, of Gorrie, visit- ; ed his cousins Miss Sotheran ana 7 Bulk Soap Chips 3 lbs. for 25c. « Domestic Shortening 1 R>. prints, 2 for 21c. i 'Icin’g Sugar 2_Jbs. for 15c. Rubber Rings......................4 Lipton’s Tea, black or mixed Fancy Cakes dozen for 25c. per lb. 45c. special per lb. 19c. Tasty New Cheese................... per lb. 15c. Ginger Snaps ................................per lb. 10c.W! Fancy Sockeye Salmon ...1-2 lb. tin 15c. * tEAVE US YOUR ORDER FOR CRAWFORD PEACHES. YOU ARE SURE OF THE BEST QUALITY AND BEST PRICE. s 1 J Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Winer visited recently with their daughter at the horpe of Dr. and Mrs. Truemner, of Strathr-oy.' They: also visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Dinney, of Lon-' don. ~ ' CARS COLLIDE NORTH OF EXETER On Tuesday morning last two cars on their way to London Fair collid­ ed just north of Exeter. A car driven by W. iStrachan, of Goderich, attempted to pass a. car driven by Frank Garniss, of Brussels, were several people. The car" struck the Brussels car cars took to-the ditch the car turning over. Fortunately the occupants of both cars escaped In­ jury and later were able to continue their journey. Constable Lever, of Clinton, investigated., in which Goderich and both Goderich Mrs. Cal., Bat- Mis- KIRKTON Mrs.# L. Lewis and Miss Eliza Doupe, of Mt. Forest, are visiting friends here. , ■ iMr. and Mrs. Ferd Doupe, Wood­ ham, were Sunday visitors with Martha and Beatrice Doupe. Mrs. L. ‘Wills, of Pasadena, is visiting her mother Mrs. S. ten. Miss Edith Brbwn returned sionary from the Angola Mission in Africa gave a very interesting ad­ dress on Sunday morhrng on behalf of the Women’s ^Missionary Society of the United Church. The Kirkton Fair will soon be here And the directors are doing every­ thing to make *it bigger and better than ever. ... Whatever You Do— • Don’t Miss This Date! MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th We will supply, with every BERGER “Clothes of Qqaliyt suit ordered on that day only, an EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS of the same material AT NO EXTRA COST MR. PARK; Head Representative of the Berger Tailor- *n=> Co., and clothing expert, will be in attendance at otir store on the above date, to advise customers, and to measure, per­ sonally, alk who order suits during his visit. The offer of free extra trousers is limited to the duration of his stay. <0-4 GO J BERGER “Clothes of Quality” / EXCLUSIVE DEALER W. W. TAM A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. 1 one 1 • slightly used at $15.0'0. ; 2 De Laval Cream Separators, ’ 500 lbs. capacity at $10.00 each. 35 Cream Separators all makes at her brother Fred on Huron iStreet, from $1.00 to $5,00 1 new 1 teal x-. . xut? yuuug lauitnr uitiaa t»i jtxmtja 1 McCormick corn Bnder in Al street united church held a weln- shape, Come quick. • er roast pp Monday evening at the 1 Rubber tired, top Buggy, can’t home of Mrs. Cecil Walker, their be told from new. Huory if you want teacher. Everyone enjoyed a few this bargain! [games after which they all gather* * * I ed around the bonfire for the next ita —4. - ®vent. After Che weiners had all international Harvester lbeeil disposed of lunch was served Co* Ltd.* Exeter, Ont. by th6 hostess. I west. Mr. Wade came down with Fleury 10 in. grinder, nearly the Rev. 'Mr, Jones, of Gorrie, who at a bargain. I conducted services in Yrivitt Mem- Fleury Quebec Sulky Flow. A' orial Church last Sunday. Snab> ...! The young ladies’ class of James HARVEST HOME Anniversary — IN — James St United Church Under the Auspices of the Women’s Association —. on — Sunday, October 2 nd REV. J. H. STAINTON B.A., RD. WILL BE THE THE SPECIAL MUS’IC SPEAKER FOR DAY BY TEE CHOIR MISS ELEANOR SUTHERLAND of Glencoe, Violinist MRS. B. E. DOWNEY, of Dublin, Soloist ELIMVILLE • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, Cargill, Mr. and Mrs. William Horn­ ey and Miss Irma Fergtfson, of Kip- pen, visited 'Mr. and Mrs. William Bradshaw and other relatives in this community last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Allison and children, of Springfield, Visited- at the home of her sister Mrs. Harry Ford1 last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elford and family Were Sunday visitors in Well­ burn, It has been decided to Hold the fall anniversary services of .this church on November 6th. We un­ derstand thaf? Rev. Johnson, of Crediton Will be the speaker for the day, • Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd ^Johns 'and daughter Patricia, visited relatives, in st. Mtarys recently. Mrs?! John Johns and Mr, Hilton Johns motored to Sarnia on Suttday aud visited with relatives, or “THE BEST ALWAYS Choice quality meats THE IDEAL MEAT MARKET is steadily gaining an enviable reputation for .selling the choicest of meats, the best that this dis­ trict produces. You will be pleased when ordering your meat by phone or coming personally to the store with the care taken to ensure your satisfaction. For your next meat order phone 38 * r I o;THE IDEAL Tanton & Co. Opposite Ford Garage. MEAT MARKET Main Street, chiselHurst Tho Aiihivetoary Services of the Cliiselhurst United Church will be held on October 16 th at 2.30 and t,30: ftov. J. H, StaintOn, of James Street Church, Exeter will the services. Special music choir of the church. ‘The Rally Day services held at Cliiselhurst Sunday School on September 25 th. conduct by the will be - W. R. GOULDING A. T. O. If. Organist and Choirmaster tames St. United Ohurcli Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Muifc In Schools Studio Main St. Bo* 123> Phone 131 EXETER. ONT \ i