HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-09-22, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE tf thi rsday, sfijrwBW Wi xm Flett, pt Seaforth, vfeitetj in town on Sunday. Mary Huiser is visiting her in Detroit for several weeks, j. w. Bonthron is visiting Mrs. friends Miss friends•'Mrs, I....... ..... ........................... this week with relatives in Kitchen* er, Mrs. Van de Here, of Guelph, spent the week-end with her mother here. Quite ,a number of our citizens attended the annual: Exeter Fair on Wednesday, Mr, Milton Ortwein and eon Lloyd of London, spent the week-end with relatives here. « - Mr. and Mrsn Floyd -Smith, Detroit, are visiting at the home < Mr. Alex Smith, wkr Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Penhale, Exeter, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Higgins on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Knox and family, of Dearborn, Mich., visited last week with Mr- and Mrs. Thoma8 Richardson. Rev, M< B- Parker was taken to,, the Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea­ forth, last week to undergo an op­ eration for appendicitis. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery, Death of Mrs. There passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs. A. Scruton on Saturday • last, Elizabeth Laughlin, widow of the late James Coxworth in her 83rd year. The deceased was born in Pickering and spent the early part of her life there. Fifty­ seven years ago she moved with her husband to Hillsgreen and later settled in Hensall. Her husband pre­ deceased her 13 years and since that time she made her home, in Strathroy until coming to Hensall a short time ago where'after a short illness she passed away on Satur­ day, She leaves to mourn her loss one brother Isaac Laughlin Osha- wa; three sons and three daughters, Arthur, of Dumas, Sask,; Walter of Flint, Mich., Mrs. S, Symthe, Winni­ peg, Man., Mrs. A. Scruton, Hensall and Miss Olive Coxwor-th, Detroit/ The funeral was held on Mon­ day afternoon interment in the Hensall Union cemetery, The Rev. Arthur Sinclair had charge of the services. ■ * Things are beginning to warm up in the election in South Huron which will be held on October 3rd. It is very prsbablje there will be 3 candidates in the field. Rader, the Conservative candidate has been putting'up a wonderful canvas and has already handed in his nomination papers. Golding, the Liberal candidate jutting up a hard fight and Mr. W. Cooper, of Kippen, the In­ dependent Liberal candidate is in the field to stay and is meeting with of Pt of ,1 nines Coxworth considerable success. There will be 77 polling divisions in the xiding and there ere 14,480 numee on the Voter’s1 List a gain of about 300 over the list of 1930. Nomination will be held here'at Hensall on Monday, September 26th when Hon. Donald Sutherland, Minister of Militia and Defence will speak on behalf of Mr- Ruder. Mr. Golding and Mr. Coop­ er will have splendid assistance. This by-election is creating a great deal pf**interest in the eyes of the 4whole Dominion. / \ i Church Services Services in our local churches were well attended on Sunday last, At the United Church Rev. Ar­ thur Sinclair occupied the pulpit, At the morning service a duet was given by Mrs. and Mrs. Geo. Hess and Miss Greta Bammie and Goodwin jn the evening. Rev. W- A- Young preached very acceptably fh the Carmel Presbyter­ ian church and fine anthems were rendered by the ,choir, At St Paul’s Anglican church Rev. Mr. Robinson, of Clinton, had charge of the services. Young' People’s Banquet ’ The Welfare Youth 'Club of the Carmel Presbyterian church held a banquet oh Monday evening. There was a good 'crowd of young people present and a very enjoyable time was spent, After the/supper a toastmaster’s ad- i dress was given followed 'by a toast to the King by Rev, W. A. Young. A short address was- given- by the. president Miss Blanche Mustard af- t—— i— Mr. .Bill Murdock. DASHWOOD j i Louis H. delightful A. Joynt a duet by Mr, W, 0. are Dr, H. .H, Cqwen, L.D.S.. -p.IJ.Si DENTAL SURGEON ▲t oftlce ip Hartlelb Block, Baah- wood, first three day? of week and at office over the Poet Qfflce, in Zurich. last three dajs. of week Dashwood ci (let' mill will be run­ ning every day.'—Alex Zimmer, Pro, i 9-22-3tp Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Wilfong, Mr, and Mrs". R. Nadiger and Mrs. Hamacher. motored to Detroit over the week-end. > “'Mrs. H, Guenther is spending a few days with her parents in Lon­ don this week. Mr. Sumpsion Colocky returned last week after a pleasant trip out West also visiting his brother in In­ diana. Mr. and Mrs. D, McGregor, of t'S. Marys, and Mr. and Mrs, A. Varley, of parkhill, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and IMrs. O. Restemeyer. Mr. and Mrs . William O’Roui'ke and two daughters, of Detroit, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Verne gc'hatz visiting friends in Sarnia Mr. Hy. M. WiHert Jias purchased Mr. Geo. Kellerman’s house and lo.t, Mr. wiHei't gets .possession immed­ iately.' About 40 enjoyed a jolly evening when Principal Gordon Keeler en-, tertained the staff and pupils of the a, .«m ju.am-.ma.w _________Senior room of Dashwood Publicter’which a^v.iolin solo was’given by' School' at a corn roast at the home Mr. .Bill Murdock. A toast was. °f Mr. and Mrs. A- E, Oestricher. given to the Pres’bytprian church (The evening was spent in lively given by Miss Margaret McLaren out-iof-dOor games after which all and responded to by Rev. W. A. I gathered around the old _ fashioned Youjig followed by a duet by Messrs, cauldron ^of. corn which disappeared Jerry Denfield and Melvin Moir. A Stoo^quickly toast to Rev. and Mrs. Young was, proposed by Miss Hazel Thompson' and responded to by Mr. Young/ A toast to the Country was propos-l ed by Miss Beryl Pfaff and respond-! ed to by Mr. T'hos, Dqugall. Another toast to the Welfare Youth Club was1 proposed by Mr. Glenn Bell and re-i Mr. ‘Milford Merner and sister Kathleen and Clarence Fisher mo­ tored to Niagara Falls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hopf, of Clifford and Mr.1'and Mrs. Ed. Price, of Han­ over, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Hopcroft sonded to by Miss Olie Workman. I an open air Band Concert on Sun- A special feature .of the, evening was; day evening, September 25th at 8:30 . . . W -• _ Til*’ rrtn’TF 1 I awn AllU very inspiring address by Dr. Han- nairn, of Toronto, after' which a vote‘of thanks was tendered on be­ half of the Club by Mr. Roy McLar­ en. The 'banquet come to a close •by all joining hands and singing Auld Lang Syne.”________ —. — # While bathing in the Aux Sable River, near Crediton recently, Ro­ bert Flynn, of McGillivray, got 'be­ yond his depth and it was with dif­ ficulty that Some of his friends able to bring him ashore, friends will''be glad to know he has quite recovered from shock. were His' that the on Dr. Taylor’s lawn. All are cord­ ially invited to attend. Miss Gladys and Ruth Weber holidaying with their parents and Mrs. Dan Weber. - The September meeting of Lutheran ,Ladies’ Aid was held in t^e basement of the church. The meeting was opened by singing, ^scripture reading and prayer by the pastor. The business meeting fol­ lowed with the President, Mrs. H, Wein, presiding. A reading was giv­ en by Mrs. T. Kraft. (The roll call was answered by 29 members pres­ ent. Committees were appointed as follows: Visiting Committee, Mrs O. Restemeyer and Mrs. Wm. Kleln- are Mr.' the and stand behind Imperial Conference Agreements that mean money in the pockets of farmers, merchants and workers of Huron Cou,nty. — IN THE TOWN HALL, CLINTON Thursday, September — AT 8 O’CLOCK Hon. Robert Weir, M. P., Minister of Agriculture and Mrs. Howard Fallis, Peterboro Mr. Weir is an old-Huron County boy. a practical farmer, who is one of the moit capable ministers of agriculture Canada has . ever had. Mr. Weir will speak in support of- LOUIS H. RADER Government Candidate for House of Commons, in South Huron. Hon. Mr. Weir, Samuel Gobiel, M. P., of Compton, Que., and Geo. Spotton, M. P., will address a meeting at Hensall on Friday, September 30th and will also address a meeting at Zurich the same evening. LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED God^ave the King EVERYBODY WELCOME ROBT. HIGGINS, Secretary.COL. Hi B. COMBE, president (This advertisement inserted by the South Huron Conservative Association)A pillllllllllllllllllllJIUlillllllllllllllllW I ™ RED & WHITE store | Combination 5 Cakes P & G Soap 3 Ckkes Gold Soap ........ ■ 2 Cakes Calay Toilet Soap • •* * > # * « ■» ♦ * a »•» ■* ......... ....__ ____ ___............. ........ ......................... . Mill .« » 1 Large pkgl Chipso or Oxydol 87c. PURE CANE SUGAR ,.. 'GlatfJke’g Pork 4c Beans Helwt Com Beef ’ ..........................................1 FAncy Qtieen Olives No. 2 squat, 2 for 15c.1 lb. tins each 10c.26 oz, jar 29c. ., 10 lbs. for 50c. Lox Soap Flakes 3 pkgs, for 25c. „ Many, Flowers Soap 4 cakes for 23<:. Fly Tox or Whizz *8 oz. bottle each 33c. • RED SOCKEYE SALMON, Large Tin.................................................each 25c. Rose Brand Baking Powder 1 lb. tin each 19c. Harry Home’s Vanilla 8 oz. bottle each 19c. Best Quality Icing Sugar 2 lbs. for lj5c. GOOD NEW CHEESE....................... .J .............2 lbs. for 27c. Good Quality Rice 3^ lbs. for 16c. Pantry Shelf Sodas Per tin 33c. Bulk Soap Chips 3 lbs. for 2$c, FRUIT JARS—PINTS PER DOZEN 99c.; QUARTS PER DOZEN $1.14 Zinc Jar Rings \ per dozen 23c. Rubber Jar Rings 4 dozen for 25c. Flip Flop Fly Coil per dozen 19c. PEACHES ARE NOW AT THEIR BEST, WE WOULD APPRECIATE >'I YQUR ORDER. | ROLLIE’S GROCERY E Phone 102 % / . EXETER, ONT. “Quality always higher than price.” We Deliver IllillllilllillllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllO illlhr; sliver; Flower Committee, Mrs. D. Schroeder and Mrs. R. Hayter. This1 Was followed by a ladies, quartette' and after other business discussions the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. Sunday visitors at the home oq the Misses Gladys and Ruth Weber were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly, Miss Verna Brock and Mr. Garnet Johns, of Elimville, Miss Zeta Nadiger, of Dashwood, Misses Aleatha and Ogden, Mr. Gordon Ballingall Mr. Harold Sutton of London. Jean and CREDITON Rally Day services will be ducted in the United church Sunday School, next Sunday. A good pro­ gram is being prepared. Everybody come and bring your friends. Miss Laurene Hirtzel, of London, visited a few days last week with her parents Mr, and Mrs. j. T. Hirt­ zel'. . Mr. Royal Haist, who has been visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haist returned to Chi­ cago'last Friday. ’ A large number from here attend­ ed London Fair last week. Mr. and Mi’s. Henry ' C. Beaver spent the week-end in Hamilton. Centennial Celebration of the Evangelical S. S. Woi’k 'Centennial celebration was held- at the Evangelical Church on Sun­ day in, memory of the founding of the first Evangelical S. S. in the- de­ nomination at Lebanon, Pa.,- Bept. 1932. The pastor, M. Sippejl gave a history of the Sun,day School ac­ tivity and'the development of train­ ed leaders up to' its present statis. Mr. Bernard Brown gave a; brief hi'S- con- i IN THE TOWN HALL, CREDITON — ON — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th «At 8 p.m. / ' Meeting will be addressed in the interests of W. H. Golding, Liberal Candidate by Hon. W. E. Euler, M. P., Former Minister of Inland Revenue. Mitchell Hepburn, M. P., Liberal Leader in the Provincial House. Do not fail to hear these able speakers discuss the questions of the day. Ladies especially invited. Ail Welcome. CENTRALIA Miss Kathleen Hicks R. ^its beginning in the original log | Months at her "home here tory of the local Sunday School from has been spending church about 80 years ago. The Superintendents were Jacob Eilber, Chas. Brown and Jacob Holtzmann, each held7 the office fOr a period of 25 years and until their death." Art Amy is the present superintendent. At the, evening service a symposium was presented: Our task, the accom­ plishment, of our task, the glory of our task by Addileen Gaiser, Ruby Finkbeiner and Ella Morl-ock, The ch oil’ with Alma -Smith their presi­ dent and F. W. Morlock their chor­ ister supported with special select­ ion Chas, Hoffman, Mrs. E. Fahner and Mrs. G' Morlock, ably added to the interest of each meeting. A men’s -quartette consisting of Chris­ tian Haist, Ezra Faist, Edward Mor­ lock and Mose Faist rendered the selection the “Old Home Church” In the morning service and were asked to repeat it in the Bunday School session. It was cheerfully received. Sacramental services next Sunday at both morning and evening ser­ vices, Evangelical-clrfirch. St S. rally from 11.00 to 12.00. The Junior Christian »Endeavor have resumed their regular meetings at 7.15 Friday evenings. Miss Morlock will address the boys girls at the next meeting. ■Senior Christan Endeavor tlieir regular meeting Friday even­ing. Bernice Silber occupied the chair, Song service and devotion, and Marguerite Amy read the iScrip- ture. topic given Music dered position paper entitled “Spanish Character in Folk Bong”; W. M. Sippeii contri­ buted a violin solo Spanish composer pell at the piano, ed and the' choir 1 tice. • Ella and held Lavina Smith •presented the “Other Gods”; a paper was by Miss Eilber, “Hail to the Of Spain”; Helen Teller ren* a piano solo of Spanish com- Ruby Finkbeiner gave a > ‘'Berceuse” by a with Evelyn Sip- Meeting adjjourn- began their brae- N., who ‘summer returned to New1 York last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilpin, visited for a few days last week with rela-. tives in the States. Misses Jennie and Rachel Wil­ son, and Mrs. E„ Abbott visited on Friay with the former’s sister Mrs. Woods, in ^ London. Miss Mary O’Brien, of Lpndon, spent the week-end with kef parents Mr. and Mrs. C. O’Brien*/ The Rally Day seryi'ce of the Unit­ ed Church Sunday'" School will ne held in the church on Bunday morn­ ing September 25th. Special ‘music will be provided by a children’s choir. Service at 10.30 a.m. Mrs, Mawhinney, of the Goshen Line, spent the week-end visiting her daughter Mrs. Otto Brown. Mr. Cecil Hodgson has returned to Toronto after spendng a few weeks with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson. ’On Friday evening of this week the debating team, Miss Hazel Smith and Mr. Gerald Godbolt, of the Y. P. Society of the church will talj^ part in the third debate of the de­ bating contest to be held in the Brucefield United church. This team will debate with the team from the Auburn Y. P. Society. Mr. Hilliard McGowan, of Niagara Falls ville; of Blyth visited on Sunday with Mr, and Kirk’s Grove, on Friday night, Sep­ tember 23rd, and are looking for­ ward to a good time. ’ Miss Margaret Rutherford has gone back to Stratford to the Nor­ mal School for a year. The burn of John Whelihan was struck with lightnng Monday morn­ ing at 4 a.m., and was burnt to the ground, Mr. and Mrs. Leyborne and daugh­ ter Margaret and son Arthur and John Earl of Seaforth were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire also Mr. and Mrs. John of Eden. and son Thomp- » GRAND BEND held at crowd, by the an hour Miss Myrtle Kelly, -of Oak- Mr. and Mrs, Alex McGowan Mrs, Arthur Brooks. —.—^u WOODHAM beenAlfred Gunning, who has some time is at the home of her from this com- Western Fair at Mr in poor health for present quite ill.at son Clarence. A great number munlty took in the London and reported a good time. The Young people of Woodham intend having a weiner roast in Mr, Th© Owl Club picnic was Kettle Point with a good After dinner was served ladies and a genial chat for the horse shoes came on the scene in which Messrs.. Frank and Walter Statton came out champions of all. The tug-of-war was won by the ladies both times. The softball game between Mr. Peter Isenbach’a team and Mr. J. W. Holt’s team was won by Mr. Holt’s team after seven innings. Little and big, young and old took to the water and there cooled down to prepare for the ev­ ening meal. Aftei’ which a five in­ ning game of ball was played with Wilbur Love and. Erwin Holt as captains, the former's side winning by one run. Joseph Ravelle, Jr. was the umpire at both games., humming of songs and a few and three cheers for Mr. John sso, the president of the Club, through his efforts made the picnic such a success, brought it to a close Mr, Arnold Ravelie, who has been on his vacation to different points returned home Friday night. ’Miss Edith Lovie, of London, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Love. Mr, and Mrs. Mothers, of London spent Bunday with Mrs. Sarah Ham- illdn, .The jokes Mou- who<