HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-09-22, Page 4IJKURSpAY, SEPTEMBER 22'* 1062 kl..'...,.;... '..I... /LII1.,,L’' ss: Liberal Rally T ✓ 2 O’CLOCK THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE i ► s ► k ■ 5®a ► 1 S; E\ETER FAJR (Continued from page 14. r. poam q\ Wilson; Sussex will speak in support of the Liberal Candidate 1 I Come and hear the man ► ► ► ► ► $•whose government reduced Taxes, lowered the Public debt, gave honest, efficient service. ► Llo&jrJ 1 Z Mr. King will speak at ► ► ► ► V t Seaforth in the Evening. A. cordial invitation is extended to all. I 1 1 *■ 4 GOD SAVE THE KING J. W. SHAW, Pres of South Huron Liberal Association J. A. McEWEN, Secretary I Liberals and the Preference. i The Liberal party is the .party of preference. They introduced it under Laurier in 1896-97; it expanded throughout the succeeding years; they laid the. foundation of our export trade, not only with the United Kingdom, but with the world. When the Conservatives came into office in 1930, the average duty against British imports was 20 per cent. In two years tlje rate was raised to over 25 per cent. In that two years imports from the United Kingdom fell from $189,000,000 to $106,000,000, and exports’ fell from $283,000,- 000 to $174,000,000. In two years the exports of farm products alone declined from $199,000,000 to $110,000,000, Are those who wrecked our trade with the United Kingdom and the world now likely to restore it? The Liberal party welcomes the move of Mr. Bennqtt and his party, no matter how feeble it may be, towards the restoration of the trade they have destroyed. The Imperial Conference could have been made a success had it not been blocked by the rapacity of Canadian protectionists. They had fattened on the Canadian consumer; they had served Mr. Bennett well; he had no power to check them. They blocked the development of a real preference. We received new preferences on only three items—wheat, linseed, copper The othe preferences discussed were in existence before the Conference met. A broader policy, based on sound economic concep­ tions would have opened the blocked channels of trade, restored markets to the farmer, increased Employment, brought new life to the nation’s trade and commerce. J- I appeal to all shades of political opinion for the support of a policy, \ *.in the interest of the nation, but specially helpful to the great basic industry Of agriculture, on which the prosperity of the Country depends. Liberal Candidate for the Constituency of South Huron. (Published by the Liberal Association of South Huron); I bread1 flour, I AUCTION SALE hen, .T. — .. . ... Speckled* hen* E. McDonald; Bar­ red Plymouth Rocks, cock, Mrs, Whiting, hen, Mrs. whiting, T. C, Wjlson, cockerel and pullet, W. Bowden, R, Doan; any other variety Plymouth Rocks; cock and hen, E. McDonald, cockerel, L., O’Rrine,. pallet, Mrs. Whiting and 2nd; white Wyandottes, hen, R, Doan, T, C. Wilson; any other variety of Wyan­ dottes, cock, T. Wilson, Mrs, Whit­ ing, hen, T. Wilson and 2nd, cock­ erel, T. Wilson, EL McDonald, pull­ et, Mrs. Whiting, E. McDonald; S, C. Rhode Island Reds, cock, E. Mc­ Donald, J. Kochens, hen, T. C- WIL son, J, Kochens, cockerel, J, Koch- ens, T. C. Wilson, pullet> J. Koch­ ens and 2nd; R. 0. Rhode Island Reds, cock, Mrs. Whiting,| pullet, R. Doan; buff Leghorns, cock and hen, Earl McDonald, cockerel W. Sanders, E. ’McDonald, pullet, W. Sanders, E\ McDonald; white Leg­ horns, cock, C. Heywood, J. Wein, hen, T. 0. Wilson and 2nd, cockerel I for malting barley. J. Battler, and pullet, E. McDonald, Lloyd O’-j Rader, w. R. Dougall> Ehl . Traquair^fc Lindenfield for Benson Tuckey best led colt under 16, J. Gelinas & Son. cock,’ Mrs SPECIAL PRIZES Harvey tor loaf of made from iManitob.a’s Dost, L. Reynolds. E, R. Hoper, for pieced quilt, Wm. .Decker. R. N. Rowe, for 10 pounds J. O,- Lovie. Springhurst 'Dairy for apple pie, Melvin Smith. s. j, v. Cann, for bread baked by girl of school age, J. O. Levs©. Griggs Stationery, for child’s knitted costume, Miss F, West, Mrs. F. Hogarth, Midleton’s Bakery, tor home made bread, white, Mrs. W. H- Dearing, ^Exeter Dairy,, for novelty in cut flowers, H, Desjardine, Dr. E. S. Srteiner, ror best bird­ house by school children,fAlan Pen- hale, Villa Farm Dairy, for 5 nonnds of butter, Jr. o. Lovie, iTimes-Advocate, for best collec­ tion of vegetables, W. Sanders, The Brewers Warehousing Co,, for malting barley, <1. Battler Cunningham, M. Rader. Mrs, Milne Brine; brown Leghorns, cock. ... . McDonald, Mrs, Whiting, hen, T. C. ( £alf any breed, Harold Hern. Wilson, Mrs. Whiting, cockerel E. McDonald, Battler; pullet, O’Brien, E. McDonald; any other variety Leghorns, eock and pen, R. Doan, T. 0, Wilson, cockerel and pullet, R, Doan; black Spanish, hen, T. C’. Wilson, J. Kochens, cockerel and pullet, J. Kochens and 2nd; black Minorcas, cock, hen, cockerel and pullet, Jos. Sutton and 2nd; white Minorcas, cock, L. O’Brine and 2nd, hen, Rd. Doan, L, .O’Brine, cockerel E. McDonald, Rd. Doan, pullet, Rd. Doan, E. McDonald; Andalusians, cockerel and pullet, O. Battler; Aanconas, hen, cockerel and pullet L, O’Brine and 2nd; black Ham­ burgs, cock, hen, cockerel and pull­ et O, Battler; Campines, golden, cock, hen, cockerel and pullet, L. O’Brine and 2nd; “Campines, silver, cock, hen, Mrs. Whiting, E. McDon­ ald, cockerel and pullet, Mrs. Whit­ ing; Polands golden, cock and hen, R. Doan; Polands, silver, cock and hen, 1Mrs. Whiting; any other var­ iety Polands, cock and hen, Mrs. Whiting; B. B. Red Game, cock, Rr. Doan, E. McDonald, hen, E. McDonald; cockerel & pullet, Doan; A. 0. V. Game, eock, hen, Mrs. Whit­ ing, Rd. Doan, pullet, Mi’s. Whiting Bantams, game, cock, hen, cockerel apl pullet Mrs. Whiting, W.m. Bow­ den; Golden Seabright, .hen, Mrs. Whiting; any other variety of Ban- tm, cock, E. McDonald, C. Heytwood hen, E. McDonald, L. OBrine, cock­ erel, L. O’Brine, C. Heywood, pull­ et, C. Heywood L. O’Brine; Houdans cock and hen, E.1 McDonald, T. 0. Wilson.; Red Caps, cock and. hen,1 Wm. Bowden and 2nd; Sumatra Game, pullet, Mrs. Whiting; white Rocks, cock, L. O’ Brine, E. Mc­ Donald, hen, Rd. Doan, E. McDon­ ald, cockerel , and pullet, L. 'O’Brine and 2nd; Black Giants, cock and hen, J, Kochens, E. McDonald, cock­ erel and pullet, J. Kochens and 2nd any other variety fowl, cock, E. Mp- Doarild T. C. Wilson, hen, T. C. Wilson.and 2nd; cockerel, L. O’Brien T. C. Wilson, pullet, T. L. O’Brien. z Turkeys Bronze Turkeys, old, E. McDonald, hen, T. C. Geese Toulouse • Geese, old gander and goose, Rd. Doan, E. McDonald, young gander, R. Doan, Wm. Bow­ den, young goose, R. Doan, O’ Bat- ler; any other variety -of geese, old and young, Rd. Doan. / Ducks Aylesbury duc^, drake and duck old, E. McDonald; Pekin Ducks, old duck, R. Doan, O. Battler, young drake, Thos, Snowden, O. Battler, young duck, T. Snowden R.'Doan; Rouen ducks, old drake, R. Doan, R. D. Hunter, old duck, R. D. Hun­ ter, R. Doan, young drake and duck, R. D. Hunter and 2nd;'any other variety ducks, drake and duck Rd. Doan. ' Miscellaneous Guineau fowl, old and young, T. Snowden; Belgian rabbits, buck and doe, Sheldon Sanders; wny other variety rabbits, buck and doe, .Shel­ don Sariders; Collection of pigeons Mrs." Whitirig, Mrs. Cunningham. Juge, Wm. Carter, Seaforth HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS Apples 6 varieties winter apples, Frank Triebner; any variety fall apples, E. J. Willard, F’. Triebner; Rhode Is­ land Greennigs, H. Cudmore, F- Triebner; Northern Spies, Frank Triebner, H. Cudmture; Roxboro Russets, H. Cudmore, H. Disjardine Golden Russets, J. Battler, E. iJ. Willard; Spitzburgs, E. J* Willard, H. Cudhiore; Baldwins, H. Cudmore, ■ F. Triebner; Westfield Seek-No- Further, Fred Ellerington; Snows, H. Cudmol’e, J. Battler; Colverts, H. Cudmore, Hilton Truemner; King, of Tompkins, F» Ti'iebuer, F. Eller­ ington; Alexanders, Mrs. Clayton Sims, W. H. Smith; Wagners, H. Cudmore; Ben Davis, H. Cudmore, H. Disjardine; Ontario, J. Battler, H. Cudmore; Blenhem Pippihs, F. Triebner; Talman Sweets, J. Bat­ tler, F> Elerington ;'St. Lawrence, H Cudmore, F. Triebner; Wealth,, Mrs. C. Sims, W. H. Smith. Peats Duchess. Of Anjouline, H. Cud­ more, Wz. Sanders; Clapp's Favorite Miss M‘, Young, Mrs. Fred Hogarth; Fall Lucrative, F. Brook; Sheldon, F. Brock; East Reurre, F. Brock; Louise Bonnie De Jersey, F. Brock; J Bureau Aiijou, J. Battler; Barlett, H. Cudmore, Clifford Heywood. plums'-• Any variety, F,. ’triebner. Grapes Niagara, Mrs. J. Jacques, Clifford Heywood; Concord, W» Sanders. peaches ! Early Crawford, Miss T. ‘White;) any variety, Fred Ford, W. Sanders. I., -Judges—Ian MacLeod, H. L. Atkin-. with Mr, and Mrs. s011 . 1 Hooper, in St. Marys. WINCHELSEA best boy Quite*1 a number from .here attend­ ed Western Fair last week, Miss Mabel Whaley, of St. Marys, returned home after week with her sister Mrs. R. W, Batten. Mr. and Mrs. W- 4- Coleman and Bobbie spent the week-end with friends at Clifford. Mr. and Mrs.. Alt. -Collyer, of Kirk­ ton, visited with, the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey. Mr.**and Mrs, R. W. Batten and family spent Spnday with Mr. and Mrs. Morley at Whalen. Messrs. Herman Foster and Har­ old Prance were in Thedford on Monday visiting the peach orchards. Mrs. Ernie Foster and son Bev­ erley, of Whalen, spent Monday with Mrs. H. Foster. Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Fletcher and Miss Margery spent IS unday with friends in ExeteL Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis, Kirkton called on Mr. and Mrs. E.1 Pooley on Sunday. Mr. Frank Davis., visited for spending a of R. __ ____ ____. ____a couple of days last | week with Mi>, and Mrs. Alex McDonald at Saints- bury. Mrs. E. Foster and Mrs. Mahaffy, of Kirkton, visited with Mrs. Jno. Francis one day last wees. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Fletcher and family spent Sunday with their friends at Saint,sbury. C. Wilson, W. Essery, Wilson. STAFFA Quite a number from her attend* ed the London Fair! Mr. Henry Golding- is under the doctor’s care. We wish him a very speedy recovery'. Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood, Munro, spent'Sunday with Mr. and Ms. J. Leary, Anniversary Services will be held in the Anglican church on Sunday. Don’t forget t'he school fair next Monday. next CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. ^Gordon Hunter and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Isaac Sims and son, of Exeter, spent Sun- with Mr.’ and Mrs. Joab Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edwards and daughter Vera and son Herb, of Ingersoll, spent Sunday with rela­ tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Kuhn, of Baden, spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and, Mrs. H. Kuhn. Mr. and• Mrs. .Wm. Heather-ley, of ■London, spent Sunday with the lat­ ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. , Henry Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz visited the latter’s brother Mr J Jake Messner in Dashwood Sunday. Mrs. Wilson Anderson is visiting relatives in Exeter and Mrs. SilaS Brokenshire is visiting her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Arva Brokenshire in London. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Thompson, or Cargill, who were recently married spent the week-end with their aunt and uncle, Mrs. t and Mr. Wm. Motz, ’ MT. CARMEL ti Misses Evelyn and Marie Regan of London, are spending a few days at their homes here. Mr. O. Hall, of London, spent the week-end with his parents,» Mr. and Mrs. T; J. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ducharme, of De­ troit, .spent Ducharme’s Brine. Mr. John Tresa are sending ji few -days with friends at Detroit. Mr. Joseph Rowland is all smiles at the arrival of a baby boy. a few days with Mrs. mother, Mrs. M. O’- Hall and sister. Miss WHALEN and Mrs. "Earl Johnson were guests of Mr. and Mrs, of OHATTEIjS Under a Distress warrant issued to F. E. WUlis, Bailiff under a Chat­ tel Mortgage there will be offered for sale on for sale onLot 23, Gxncession 13, iUbbeit r— OU r—r. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th at 1.30 p,m, the following chattels: HORSES—1 Clyde hors’e, 10 year old; 1 brown horse, 17 year old; j. General Purpose horse, 9 year old, CATTLE—1 Holstein cow, 12 year old; 1 Holstein cow, 8 year old; 1 grey heifer,, 4 years old; 1 black heifer,, 3 years old; 1 white heifer,. 3 years old; 1 grey yearling heifer; 1 black yearling heifer. HOGS—8 small pigs, 4 pigs about 160 pounds; 1 sow, 1 sow with 3 small pigs about 50 hens. IMPLEMENTS—1 Fleury walking plow, 1 cultivator, 1 buggy, 1 cut­ ter, 1 set Diamond harrows,'1 seed drill, 1 tanning mill, 1 straw cutter, hay fork, track, rope and slings, 1 disc, cream' separator, 2 sets double harrows, 1 Frost & Coekshptt hay rake, McCormick binder row, forks, shovels, HAY & GRAIN—10 tons of hay in barn; 1 bin of barley, 2 bins oats, 1 bin wheat, 1 bin mixed wheat and oats, root crop, About 5 cords of wood, about 300 feet timber, 11 sticks square timber. TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, .Auctioneer, > Exeter F. E. WILLIS, Bailiff, Exeter. Wood mower, 1 2 heavy.wagons 1 wheel, bar etc. on farm. ZION Mr, Wilbur Batten was in Toron­ to, with a truck load of cattle on Monday of last week. Mr. George Earl spent a few days in Detroit with his nbice Mrs. T. Creery -recently. A large number attended West­ ern Fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Peart, of Rockwood, visited with, the former’s aunts Mrs. w. J. Brock and Mrs. G. Earl and other, friends on Wednes^, day of last week. Mr. John Hern Sr., lost a valu­ able cow and'baby beet last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern hna Mrs. H. Kyle visited swlth friends neai* Arkona on Friday of last week. Mr. Henry Hern returned home with them where he had been visiting for a couple of weeks. The Sunshine Mission Band held" their monthly meeting at the church with a good attendance on Saturday September l'Oth. Rose Hern, Morris Herman Kyle spent Mr. and " Mrs. Chas. Exeter. ,, The Trustees of the Church are having/their anniversary services on’ Sunday, October,-the ■ 9th,. The ser­ vices wll be conducted by Rev; W. A. Walden B.A., of Empress Avenue United Church, London. The W.M.-S. Convention for the. South Huron section will be held at Grand Bend Unlited church on. Thursday, September 29th Hern and Mrs- Sunday with Kerslake, of s SHIPKA Rally Day services will in the United church on September 25th at 16 a.m. body welcome. Anniversary services were well at­ tended on Sunday. Rev. Copeland of Parkhill, was the speaker and. preached two very acceptable ser­ mons. Mrs. George Keyes, of Detroit, is, visiting relatives here at present. Miss Ila Switzer, who has spent, the summer months' at her home here returned to London on Friday-.- Mr. J. Russell, of Glendive, Mon. called on friends here on Tuesday. Mr Win. Sweitzer was in Hensail -Tuesday on business. The Y. P. S- held their regular meeting on Monday night after be­ ing closed for the summer months Mr. L. Lebers and fhmily, of Clin- spent Friday evening with Mr. Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer and family. be held. Sunday, Every- ton, and Mr Zion, Melville Gunning on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. O’Neil and fam­ ily, of Detroit, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Frank Squire. Mrs. Geo. Squire spent a few days last week with Mrs. Nelson of Far* puli ar. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arksey spbnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomp­ son, of Usborhe, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire spent ETd gar KHIVA ' Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sararas and. daughter Margaret and Miss Meta, Sararas, all of Toronto and Mr. Gor­ don Sararas and mother of Zublch, spent Sunday’with Mr. and Mrs. O, Willert. Master peter Ziler had the mis­ fortune to fall out of a tree last, week fracturing his arm. • We ate glad to report he is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lippert and fam­ ily, of Melbourne, and Miss Jean Hobbs, of Parkhill spent Sunday at, the home of Mr. Harry Lippert. Miss Thelma Neeb left on Thurs­ day for Detroit after, spending her vacation at her home here. ■ Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson and son Graham, of Parkhill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Willert. ■Mr. John Russell, of Montana, is visiting his mother Mrs. D. Hutch­ inson, of Dashwood and sisters Mrs. rWm. Mason and Mrs. H» Eagleson. It has been thirteen years since Mi\It has been thirteen years since Russell was here last. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Regier family spent Sunday with Mrs. Dietrich, Mi%k Clara Douglas spent week-end at her home in Ildertom Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ziler enter* taihed a few young folks on Satur­ day evening to an ice-cream party in honor of Walter. Rowe who is leaving this week for his home near London. and L„ the