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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-09-15, Page 5
/ Mr. T, C. tfoynt spent a few (lays last week in Toronto, ’'*• Mr, Josh,‘Ashton, of Seaforth, was in town Hon Monday. Mrs, (Rev.) Ypung has- not beeu eujoying the best uf health lately,Mr, AVriL L- McLaren visited on Monday with relatives in Paisley. Mr, Ferris Qantelon, or Stromberg spent the week-end at his hoine her© Mrs, John Leeper visited last week with relatives in St. Gather* ines, * Mr, Harold Scruton, of port Dov er, spent a few days with his mother here. f ’ Mr. Roy Reron, or London, visit ed with friends in town on Wednes- Str, Laird Joynt, of Toronto, s*pent th© week-end at his home here, Mr. Jas, McClenjent, of Kippen, visited with friends m town last week, Mr, and Mrs. Davidson were visit ed by friends from Newton on Sun day, i Miss Casswill is in town this week canvassing for the Lord’s Day Al liance, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren visit-, ed with relatives at Thames Road on Sunday. ' 4 Mrs. John Murdock and’ Mrs. Hy, Harmon visited friends in Kippen last week. Quite a number of our citizens were in London this week attend ing the fair. Miss Parker, of Dorchester, visit ed last week with her nephew Rev. M, B. Parker. Rev. and Mrs. Young of Nairn visited on Monday with ■ Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Young. Mr. and Mrs. "George Hunter and Mrs. Hooper, of Exeter, were recent visitors with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron have returned home after a pleasaht visit with friends in .Southampton. A number from here attended the annual W.M.fi. Rally at the Knox Presbyterian church at Bayfield. ■ Miss Florence Reynolds left this week for the West, where she will resume her duties as a school teach er. Mr. Robt. Higgles is able to''be out again after being confined to his home*for the past week with sick ness. ■ ■ 1 Mr. Alex Neeb and daughter Thelma, of Dashwoqd; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neeb and Mr. Henry Neeb, Zurich, visited friends in /town Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer', thffiM'Beach of Pines” visited uu SnKmay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rorit. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butt, of Sea forth, visited a day last/^eejr with the former’s sisters MrsAjohn Mur dock and Mrs. john’ijinsdale. Mrs. D. Paisley and children have returned to iheir hpmA'in Montreal after a pleasant-- visit with Mrs. Paisley’s mothpi' Mrs. E. Rennie. (Sacrament pf th© Lord’s Supper will be observed in the Carmel Pres byterian church on Sunday next. Preparatory services will be held on Friday evening. * A large crowd attended the ball game played on our local diamond on Saturday afternoon between Hen- salland Southampton score of 11-1'for the .»*■ 'Death of Adam of on of on resulting in a latter. Reichart on Wednesday evening another of Hensail’s well known residents in the person ot Adam Reichart in his 80th yeaL The deceased "was born in Hessen, Ger many, in 1852 where h© resided for some time afterwards moved to Wel lesley and from there, to where he has since lived, been in good health up until couple of months ago. Several weeks ago his famly was called hoine. He leaves to mourn his loss three sons, John H., of Detroit; Albert, Pt. Hu ron and Nelson at home. The funer al took place from h>s late residence on South Richmond Street on Sat urday with interment In the Hensall Union cemetery. The Rev. Arthur Sinclair had charge of the services. Special Sunday Services Harvest Home Thanksgiving* 4ser- ‘Wtees were held in the Carmel Pre-s- •*byterian and the St. Paul’s Angli can churches on Sunday last. At the Carmel Presbyterian Church Rev. Mr. W. A. -Young conducted the services. His sermon in the morn ing being "The Foolish Harvester” and in the evening "Harvest Thoughts,” At the morning ser vice a male chorus was given "The Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth” consisting of Messrs. Q. Taylor, R. Y,' McLaren, J. Denfield, R. Thomp son, J. Bengough, J. Mustard, C. Moir, W. A. McLaren and also a duet by Mrs. McLaren and Mrs. Young. At the evening service a quartette was rendered by Mrs. Murdock, Mrs. McLaren and Messrs. R. Y. McLaren and W. A. McLaren besides the fine- anthems. At the St. Paul’s Angli can church Rev. W. C. Capper, of Mitchell, delivered very inspiring sermons at both services and very well rendered anthems were given by the choir. Large congregations attended the United church on Sun day last. The church being filled to the doors at each service when Gypsy Simon Smith delivered two very interesting and inspiring ad dresses. His evening subject was based on his conversion and how he became a preacher. He also rend ered several fine solos. Special music was also given by the choir. A very large audience attended the lecture, "From Gypsy^Tent to Pulpit” in the United church on Monday evening by Gypsy Simon. Smith,-who gave' a splendid Out line of his childhood when he was h gypsy boy wandering through the forests of Englund. He later came . to America where he became a horsebreaker and a week after his conversion he mounted the pulpit There passed away Hensall He had a THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE * ./THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1»3» steps where he delivered hie tlwt seripQri. die eopapfie©4 u number ot hymns Pt whicji he sung several on Monday evening, Council Meeting The regular meeting oi the vil lage council was held in th© Town Hall on. Thursday evening in the ■Council Chambers. AU meiufoers being present except Councillor Mickle. , Minutes of the last meeting were read ajnd adopted on motion pf Betty and Jones, Carried, Constable Hudson reported the Hall roof needed repairs. Same or dered repaired, Mr, • Petty reported the Poll Tax arrears as being all settled. Mr. Geigei’ reported the crack filler for th© pavement as nemg here and ready to apply also some sidewalks as needing repair. Bills and accounts were read as follows: Canadian Oil Co., road oil $18.00; J. Passmore, hydro $9.06; J. A- Pa* tersoif postage $1,-00; N, Blatchford sanitary inspector $13,50; • total $41.56. Petty and Jones that accounts as read be paid. Considerable discussion took place as regards the Transient Traders’ By-law also the rent of Town Hall by-law as being too high according to present. conditions. Spencer and Petty that cl©rk draft out by-}aws rescinding th© present Transient Traders’ by-law and the ToXvn Hall by-law. Carried. Petty and Jones that the Council meet again .September 19th at 8 p, m. to pass by-laws. Carried. Petty and Jones; that the council adjourn. Carried.' J, A- Paterson, Clerk DASHWOOD Dr. jH. H Cowen. L-D.S.. D D.S DENTAT SURGEON At office in Hartleih Block. Dnph- wood, first three days of jveek and b.t nfftice over the Post Office, tn Zurich, last three days of week. ’ Mrs, R. Taylor and son Jimmie, •of Exeter, Miss Lena Steinhagen of Cleveland and Mr. uncf Mrs. Joe Davis were Sunday visitors at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Steinhagen. Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Catt and daughter Donna, of Regina, Sask., are visiting with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Mrs. A. Fisher and daughter Ed na have returned to their home herb after spending the summer at Ipper- wash Beach. Dr. and Mrs. S. J. T. Bean and family, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry England and other relatives over the weekend. Mr. Milton Sauer, who spent his vacation with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Sauer, returned to Na perville, Ill., on Monday. \ Mr. Fred Shetler paid a visit to the Evangelical Sunday School on Sunday morning and gave a short address. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine and Mr. and Mrs. Henry spent the week-end in Kitchener. Mrs. Hopcroft and children Ruth and Russel visited with friends in Toronto, last week. Mrs. R. Mclsaac, who had the misfortune to. fracture her hip somej time ago, has improved consider ably and last week spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Held. Mrs. Mclsaac is 88 years of age. Mr. J. C. Reid and Mr. A. Keller man, made a business trip Tor onto on Monday. , Mr. Geo. palmer and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glanville spent a week in Manitoulin Island. Miss Myrta. Hoffman, of Kitchen- er, is-spending her-vacation at" her home here. . \ •Misp Ruth Tiernan is spending a few days in London the guest of Miss Gerta Burr. Misses Helen Nadiger and Ruth Kleinstiver left on Monday for Stratford, where they will attend Normal School. Rev. Jt P; Hatigh, of Stratford, conducted quarterly services in the Evangelical church Tuesday night. Becker, Beaker CENTRALIA Miss Jean Ogden and Mr. Gordon Ballingall, of London, spent the week-end with the former's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson. Mrs. J. Sullivan and children, of Sarnia, visited last week with Mr., and Mrs. Miles McCabe. - Mrs. Arthur Brooks and Mrs. W. ■Skelton visited with* Mr. and Mrs. Ewart PoWe in London for a few days last week. Mr. George Baynham Jr. and fam ily visited with the former’s sister Mrs. E. Carruthers in London on Sunday and Monday and attended the Western Fair. Mr. Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto, has been visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson for the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powe and family, and Mrs. Agnes Powe, of Stephen visited with Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Cavenaugh in London on Sun day. A numbpr of the young people met at the home of^Ir. and Mrs. Alvin Essery on Friday evening of last week arid presented Mr. and Mrs, Harold Lightfoot with two handsome wicker rocking chairs. A Very enjoyable^evening was spent in cards and dancing. A, number from the'services by *'< Hensall United last. . / Mr. and Mrs the funeral of the late Matilda Con- iin, which Was held in Lttcan R. O. church with interment in St. Fat- rick’s cemetery, “ here attended 'Gypsy Smith” in church on Sunday. F, Conlin attended Si CREDITON Mrs. Flura Brau», Maurice Byatm Mr, and Mrs. J, Preeter, pt Ritckqu- er, aud Mrs. Mpser, of E^austou III., visited with Mr. and ETraun last week. Miss Irene Fahner Miss Elsie ThumpsPri, few days last week. Mr, aud Mrs. Vernon Beaver and babe are visiting in Pittshurg, Pa, Mr, and Mrs. Renny and Mr, Louis Hirtzel, of Detroit, spent the -week end with Mr. and Mrs, J, T. HirtseL Mr. an.d Mrs. Aaron Brown, of Blenheim called on Mrs. Wilhelmia Gaiser last Thursday. Mrs. Samuel Eilber, Mich., is visiting with* Mrs. Henry Eilber, Mr. and Mrs, Roland Mrs. iPraser visited with of Parkhill, a of her Ubly, sister Eilber, of Port Hope, Mich, and Miss Edna the and and, and them for a Mrs., home few Eilber,, of Ubly. Mich., spent week-end at' the home of Mr, Mrs. H. K. Eilber. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Wind Mr. and Mrs, J. Hannah, of Detroit, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gott fried Wein over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. William Wein and fanjily” spent, Sunday with, the lat ter’s mother Mrs. Elizabeth Wein. Mr. Wesley Wein, Gerald and Verna were in Pittsburg. Pa„ last ‘week. Mrs. Willert Temple accompanied where they will visit weeks, A number of young people sur prised Erma Fahnei* last Tuesday evening in honor of her birthday. The evening was spent in games af ter which refreshments were served,. Mr. and Mrs. Graham, of Lansing, Mich., and Mr. George Graham, ot Hensall, called on Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Morlock and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Eilber last Tuesday. Miss Kathleen Wurm, of Mark ham, is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William H. Gaiser. The Evangelical Fowl Supper will be held October 13th, In the long cement shed adjoining the church. Managing,, program and other com mittees have been chosen. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. McCollough, of Pontiac, were visitors at- the'' Evangelical parsonage last week. '* Next Bunday is a very special day i for the Evangelical church being the celebration to commemorate 100 years of organized Sunday School work within the bounds of the Evan gelical denomination. Both morning- and evening services have special addresses and music in connection A history of the Crediton 'Sunday School will be given during the ses sion by Bernard Brown. , The United'Church Women’s As sociation held a picnic at Grand Bend on Thursday, .September 8th, The weather being fine about 70 people assembled. About 3 o’clock a number of -.sports were run off, after which a game of soft ball was played. At 5.30 o’clock all sat down to a sumptuous chicken sup per to which all did justice. After tea another game of softball was played after which all repaired theii’ homes. Crediton Women’s. Institute I Th© Crediton W. I. was held . the home and lawn of Mrs. Emjnery Fahner f on Tuesday afternoon. Twenty-six • ladies were present. This was a picnic meeting an’d cere mony was absent. The new presi dent, Mrs. Mabel Ewald, called for a brief song service, ode and pray er in concert. The roll was called and the members responded witjh "Something new in Canning." Mrs. Thos. Maiwhinney gave the most in teresting response, it was full of spide, exercise and humour. >Mrs. H. Young’s contest, "True and False Phrases” was won by Mrs. D-. Mc lsaac. Interesting paper on Current Events was given by Mrs. (Dr.) Misener. The hostesses, Mrs. M. Teller, Mr’s, D. Mclsaac, Mrs. Em mery Fahner, Mrs. Gordon Morlock took charge of the program of pic nic games and contests. Club bag contest won by Mrs. Ross Taylor; hoop throwing won by Mrs. Clayton Rims; eating the biscuit, won by Miss B. Kinney; nose ooxing com t^st won by Mrs. (Rev.) Sippell’s group; bottle filling contest won by Miss <Addileen Gaiser’s group. A self-serve picnic lunch was the pleasure of a social,half hour. The Institute program calls for a grand mother’s meeting in October. The invitation was accepted to hold this meeting at the home of Mrs. Lloyd England. A vote of thanks by Mrs. H. K. Eilber and Mrs. F. Clark was tendered the hostesses for the inter- -esting recreational meeting of the afternoon. Micluicl to at I Beaver Bured Sunday Afternoon services were held Sun- Hi III III the RED A, WHITE ST0REI 1 .Bam br w W ■ 1 ■ ■ nv , Sunlight Soap .. .................. 10 pure Lard, 1 pound prints Fancy Queen Olives, large jar ,,,,, per doz. 23c. per doz. 23c. Select Pink Salmon 1-2 Jb. tin# 3 for 19c. Good Quality Rice | 3 lb, for 16c. Clark’s Pork & Beans 1 lb. tin 3 for 21a. Australian Sultana Raisin# (Seedless) new crop .,,,«2 lb. for 27c. We#ton’s Peanut Wafers Chocolate Marshmallow Chocolate Maple Buds 1 lb, pkg. each 25c.Biscuits par pound 15c.* per pound 25c. PURE CANE SUGAR ....................................................,. IQ lbs. for SOc. Good Quality Brooms Kellogg’s Cornflakes Mdffetts each 25$.3 pkgs, for 25c.per pkg, 10c. REX COFFEE (Freshly ground) .......... \ ..,... 1-2 lb. for 23c. Rex Vanilla •Steel Wool Shredded Cocoanut 2 bottles for 11c. ------------- -------------- ---- --------- per pkg. 5c.1-2 lb. pkg. 12c, : Zinc Jar Rings ■ • Glass Jar Tops’ Best Quality Rubber Rings ... 4 dpz. 25c Palm Olive Soap...............3 cakes for 21c WE SPECIALIZE IN PURE PICKLING SPICES, VINEGARS^ FRUIT JARS, ETC. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 EXETER, ONT “Quality always higher than price.”' We Deliver iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin and Albert, of Welland. Mrs. Amos Geiger, of Pigeon, Mich.; Mrs. Jerry Benner and Mrs. Wilson Flemming, of Detroit. Mr. Wm. Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Browley, of Kitchener, distant relatives were also present and Mr. and Mrs. tylcAlpers, of Middlesex. The service was conduct ed by the- Evangelical pastor, Rev. M. Sippell. The pall bearers were: C. Trick, C. Rowe, C. Roeszler, Paul Schenk, Eli Lawson and Harry Miotz 'Interment at the Crediton Evangel ical cemetery. The Evangelical la dies'! Aid through their siocial com mittee with Mrs.' Harry Beaver as convenor, served light refreshmerits in the church\ basement to the mourners, as an evidence of pleas ant memories of years past when the late Mrs. Michael Beavers was (the tourist camp for the summer, an esteemed member of the Aid and the sons and daughters were active' spent a few days visiting Mr,s. Frank in social circles. The family express ed their heartfelt ’^appreciation ■ for this very cordial act. -4J ; -- -----------------------j---------------- - CREDITON EAST "... <»Mrs, John Baird and granddaugh ter Norma Sims, of Grand Bend, spent the week-end here. Mrs. Eli Lawson, Motz, Mrs. Wm. Motz, and Mrs. Ro land Motz and Shirley and Bartie spent last week in "Robin Hood” cottage "at -Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heather ley, of London and Mr. Roland Motz,J of Exeter and Mr. Wm. Motz and Mr. Henry Motz spent Sunday at Qrand Bend.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis spent Sunday with the former’s brother Mr. Deldon Lewis, of' Brinsley. Miss Verda Huffman returned to Kerrwpod, Friday after holidaying for a week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. F. Sweitzer "and son, of Sebewaing,. Michigan, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Rau. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor and Mr. James Taylor and lady friend °f Exeter, spent Sunday with their grandmother Mrs. Wilson Anderson. with relatives Mrs. Henry All roads will lead to Exeter on Wednesday next the day of the 1 fair. } ———------------------x GREENWAY big Rally Day Services will be held in the United Church on September 25th . Plan to be present and help make it a real rally. Mr. and', Mrs. George Burnett and. family visited Mrs. Sarah McIntosh on Sunday. Mrs. Lesli© Hutchinson is visiting her sister 'Mrs. Millar of Detroit. Mr. Willis Hayter has returned to Detroit where he is attending school. Miss Ellen Hicks is spending a few weeks in Thedford. Mrs. Pickering spens a. week re cently with Mrs. Ed. Bullock. A very impressive communion ser vice was held in the United church on Sunday afternoon conducted by the pastor Rev. St J. Mathers M. A. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McPherson and Mr. A. M. Wilson and Mae spent last Thursday at Grand Bend with Mr. and Mrs. Shettler and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilson. 1 Mrs. Fred jSteeper has been quite I ill and under the Doctor’s care.I Miss Mary Webb, of Whalen, vis* Funeral day afternoon at the Fahner Hotel, where Michael Beaver had stayed for eight years and where he died suddenly on Friday at noon. It, was about the year 1840 when three young families crossed the ocean from Alsace, Germany .and settled at Morriston Ont,, the pioneers, Pe ter, Michael and Philip Beaver. Tile deceased was a son of Peter Beaver and was horn in 1852. In the course1 of time he married Marguerite. Holtzmah and was an energetic car-' penter by trade. The family of sons! and daughters have all moved to jted parents AIr. and Mrs. s. W. other parts of Ontario and Michigan. Webb on Friday. but the aged father chose to stay at | There was a very large attendanpp Crediton during -the evening of his, at the funeral of the late Mr. Geo‘ life, where he could meet? old ac- Rodgins tn Grace church on Friday, quaintances and see the footsteps of We extend sympathy to the bereav-quaintances and see the footsteps of ^end his industrious youthful life, 'The e(' remaining 'sons and daughteBs were present at his funeral: Solomon,.1 Manuel, Norman jtnd Lorne Beaver, | Mrs, J. Hotson and fam- his sister Mrs. Lorna of Shipka on Sunday, Paxman has returned to i Mr. and Sly visited Finkbeiner , ML Wm. ...... ...........of Detroit; Michael, of Port Huron London after a visit with his nephew Mr, J, Hotson. Mrs. Vincent aftd daughter Edith, of Prescott, visited her sister Mrs. Jas. Geromette last week. Mrs. Roy Sheppard returned to London on Sunday after visiting for two weeks. Mrs. James Wilson was operated' on in London last week and is do ing as well as can be expected. Mrs. Manford Belling and Miss Dorothy Belling were visiting Mrs; H. Eggart on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pollock, Grant and Jack Kerwood visited Mr. Mrs. L, Pollock on Saturday. and GRAND BEND Mr. and'Mrs. Abner Mollard moved back to Sarnia after running have Mrs. Joe Geromette, of 'Parkhill, Thursday at the home of her brother Mrs. Thos. Gunning. Mr. and Mrg.^ F, C. Squire and family spbpt Sunday with Mr. and I Mrs. N. Ogden, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks were ■ Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Keith, prospect Hill. 'Misses Elva and Mary Morley al so Howard Morley and Harvey French spent Sunday at IpperWash Beach. Miss Ruth Hodgson was in’ Thorn dale on Sunday visiting friends. .Mr. and Mj»s. Alex Baillie (nee Bessie Morley) left for their new home in Toronto on Friday. ■Several attending week. from,, this community are the .."Western Fair” this with Mrs. Ste- ball fans took Hensall Satur- Geromette. Mr. Jim Cummings and mother and sister of White Church, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Statton on Sun day. Mr. Cummings and Mr. Stat ton were close neighbors out in Sas katchewan a few y^ary ago. Mrs. Ross Desjardine is visiting her parents in St. Thomas this week. Mrs. Joseph Oliver is spending this week in London wart. Some of the base in the ball game in day; ~ Mr. and Mrs. Richards, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Harmon Gill. }Mr. Charlie Wilson, of Niagara Falls, is renewing Old acquaintances this last week. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Tetreau, of the fourteenth spent Sunday at Mr. Peter Eisenbach. Mrs. Tetreau has been laid up for some time but her many fribnds will be glad to know she is able to be out again. Mr. Ma^k Wild bought a nice trailer-house and intends to take a motor trip beng away Mr. and nia. spent Mr. and Mrs. John Love. to the south*this winter about five months. Mrs. Robt. Love, Sunday with his of. Sar- parents WHALEN ■ The September meeting Whalen W.M.S. was held on Thurs day aftern'bon at the home of Mrs. Thomas Gunning with a good at tendance. Mrs. Frank Gunning 2nd, Vice-President was in the chair. The meeting opened with the Doxology, Lord’s Prayer and hymn 163. The Scripture lesson Matt. 18*, 16:20 and Acts 1-8 was read by Mrs. William Duffield. Mrs. Will Morley read the Devotional Leaflet entitled "God’s World.” Miss Mary Webbj favoured with an insturmental which was very mueh enjoyed by all. Several mis sionary readings on "Questions and Answers” were -'given by Mrs. W. Morley, Mrs. A, Gunning, Mrs. G. Squire, Mrs. H. Ogden, Mrs. G. Ark- sey, Mrs. J. Hazelwood. Mrs. H. Squire, Mrs. E. Foster, Mrs. E. Squire Miss Dayman, Mrs. F. Squire Ruth and Mary Morley and Gladys Squire. Hymn 435 and prayer by Mrs. (Rev.) Robb closed the meet ing. Lunch was served by tlie host ess and a pleasant social time was spent by all. Misses Aleatha and Jean Ogden, Mr. Gordon old Sutton, cently with Ogden, , Mr. and Mrs. children, of .Exeter visiters with Mr. and Mrs, Morley. Miss Evelyn Parkinson on Sunday from Thorndale She had spent several weeks. Alf. Brock, of Zion, spent of Ballin gall and Mr. Har ■of Mr London, visited, re- and Mrs. Milton Ewart were Pym and Sunday Wilson returned Baillie-Morley but pretty wedding tooji home where Mrs, A quiet but pretty wedding too£ place at high noon, Saturday, Sept. 3rd at Nairnfrae, Whalen, home of the bride, when Bessie .Helena, youngest daughter of the late Jos eph and Ellen Nairn Morley, be came the bride Of'Mr. A. 0. Baillie of Toronto; The 'ceremony was per formed by Rev. A. Vallance Robb, of Centralia, pastor of the bride) in front of a bank of flowers in the living-room and the wedding music before and during the ceremony was played by Mrs.«A. V. Robb, friend Of the bride. The wedding gown was of blue georgette and the flow ers were butterfly roses and asters. Miss Elva "Morley, cousin of the bride and Mr. Allen Lamport, of Toronto, wer£ witnesses and twel ve of the bride’s intimate friends were guests. The dinner served in the dinning-room from a daintly appointed table in. silver and pink was centred by the bride’s caike and a silver basket Of roses. Some of the linen and silver used are fam- ly heirloorhs and well over a hun dred years old. The toast to the bride and groom was given by Rev. A. V. Robb and the dinner was ser ved by the Misses Elva, Ruth and Mary Morley, cousins of the bride. Later Mr. and Mrs. Baillie left amidst showers of confetti for a short motor trip to points on Lake Erie. The bride travelled in a blue and white flecked suit, white blouse with hose and shoes to match and a sable fur. On Sunday they spent the day with the bride’s aunt in Lea mington, Mrs. Sarah Crew, who was celebrating her. 90th birthday and en Friday they again- left by motor for their future home in Toronto. The gifts were numerous and beau tiful and included were several checks. Whalen friends extend con gratulations for a long and happy life, Mrs. Baillie will be missed in the various church and community circles of which she was always an active member and was organist of Whalen church for many years, an able and willing accompanist and is well known throughout the district as an effecient and kindly nurse. Nairnfrae was the scene of much gaiety both before and after th© wedding and every evening found friends flocking to the home of the bride to bid Bessie good bye. But the great event of the past week was on Tuesday night when a num ber of the younger set arrived amidst a joyful noise of bells and pans and eharivaried Mr. and Mrs. Baillie. An open door bade them welcome and a jolly evening was spent in games and music. A tray with sugar, cream and strainer set was presented to Mrs. Baillie. A light lunch of bride’s cake, ice cream and watermelons was partaken of after which they wended their way homeward to the accompaniment *of more joyful sounds—-honor of hoped for future occasions—happy for the evening.spent in wholesome fun, V /b