HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-09-15, Page 4THURSDAY, SBPTWBHR ltSS \THE EXETER times-advocate A % CARDNO’S HALL, SEAFORTH — ALL ROADS LEAD TO — •t J > ► ► ► > * ► ► ► ► 1 ► ► Tuesday, September 20, at 8 p.m. BE THERE TO HEAR 4 Hon. H. H, Stevens, M.P., Minister of Trade and Commerce in Rt. Hon. R, B. Bennett’s Government & Mrs. Howard Fallis, Peterboro PRESBYTERY MEETING On Friday, September 9th, the regular meeting of the Presbytery of Huron within the Presbyterian Church in Canada was held at Bay- As the presbyterial oL the Missionary society was meeting in Bayfield also in Knox Church by kind permission of the Rector, Rev. F. H. Pauli, the Pres­ bytery met in the Anglican Church. The Moderator, Rev. D, J. Lnne, of Goderich constituted the court with prayer and declared it open for the transaction of husiness. Amongst other matters dealt with, the- fob lowing are of chief interest. Representatives of the congrega­ tions of Blyth, Belgrave Auburn and Smith’s Hill expressed their entire satisfaction with the services ren-i dered during the past months by] Mr. H. A. Prichard, student miss­ ionary in the field. Representatives of Knox Church, Bayfield, also spoke very appreciatively of the' sterling work done by their student Mr.. Gordon Peddie. The Presbytery recorded its own satisfaction with the services of its two students, and agreed to certify them to Knox College, Toronto. Used Cars AUCTION sale « ■*!w aw* / ONE OF THE ABLEST AND MOST CAPABLE MEN IN CANADIAN PUBLIC LIFE MR. STEVENS WILL SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF LOUIS II. RADER GOVERNMENT CANDIDATE FOR THE HOUSE OF COMMONS IN SOUTH HURON Don’t fail to hear Hon. R. J. Manion, M. P. Minister of Railways and Canals in the Exeter Opera House, To-Night, Thursday; I field. Women’s \ VOTE FOR RADER AND STAND BEHIND IMPERIAL CONFERENCE AGREEMENTS THAT MEAN MONEY IN THE POCKETS OF FARMERS, MERCHANTS AND WORKERS OF HURON COUNTY Ladies especially invited. Ford Fordo? Sedan. 1929 Ford Tudor Sedan 1929 Durant Coach 192? Ess^x Coach 1927 New also- and Oliver Piow Oliver parts Plow points Sandy Elliot pjion'e 04 WINCHELSEA couple Fair, of Ex- HOUSEHOLD EmiOTfi, The pnd&rsignted auctioneer has. received instructions to eel! iby pno­ lle auction, at Wellington street, ^eter', cua THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th at 2 o’clock the following.; , Chesterfield, number easy chairs, antique -writing dask and booh case combined,, two tables, dining room table, buffet, 2 bedroom suites, 2 beds .^complete springs & mattress­ es, 2 dressers, chest drawers, living room rug, electric range, Moffatt, •kitchen tables, kitchen chairs, mower and other articles too erous to motion. TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR (Auctioneer P. D. VAHEY, Proprietor lawn num- Mr. R. E. Pooley spent a of days last week at Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisher, eter visited; with Mr. and Mrs. New- i ton Clarke on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis and fam­ ily visited in Seaforth on Sunday. Miss Mabel Whaley, of St. Marys is visiting this week with her sister Mrs, R. W- Batten. Miss Violet Sprague, of Toronto, is spending .this week with Mr., and Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Mr. F. C. Davis is visiting with friends in London this week. * Miss Lorene Hern, of Zion, visit­ ed with Misses Marion and Pooley on Sunday. / NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having . claims against the estate of MARIA LAMPORT, late of the Township of Stephen in the CountyK. of Huron, -widow,' de­ ceased, who died on <or about the 4th day of February, 19132, at the City of Toronto, are requires to forward their claims, duly proven to H. EIL­ BER & SON, Crediton, Ontario, on or before the, 24th day of Septem- beY vi 9'3.2, AND, further notice is given that, after /this date the Executor will' proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which lie then shall have., notice. Dated at Crediton, ths* 8th day of September 19,32. J. Wesley Lamport 11 965 Hackett St. London, Ont„ J Announcement was made of a Spiritual Advance Conference to be held within each Presbytery -in the Synod of Hamilton ana London. The Conference for Huron- Presby­ tery will be held in" the First Pres­ byterian Church, Seaforth, on a dqte to be determined. There will be morning, afternoon and evening sessions and all ministers, elders and managers are expected to at­ tend. The special speakers for the occasion will be Rev. J. MacBeth, Miller, M. A., B. D„ of Palmerston; Rev. M. B. Davidson, of Galt; Rev. John McNab,, M. A., B.' D., of Tor­ onto; and-xRev. W. M. Kannawin, D. D., of Toronto. Rev. I. *B. Kaine of I Seaforth, Commissioner to the General Assembly, reported his dil­ igence in attending the sessions and gave a very interesting and infor­ mative account of the proceedings. He emphasised the masterly ad­ dresses of RCv. W. G. Brown, of Saskatoon, the retiring Moderator; the thrilling accounts of, pioneer work in the Peace River given by Miss Hazel MacDonald, formerly of Goderich and by Rey. E, A. Wright the insistance laid on more inten­ sive teaching of Scripture botli in the Sabbath School and the Home; and he reported that the net gain in membership for the year past was 2417. Mention was made of another faithful and esteemed elder, Mr. William Wallace,, of G-oderich, who had served Knox Church with great zeal .-for many years. The next reg­ ular meeting of Presbyterial will be held in Clinton, Tuesday,, Dec. 13th at 10 a.m. Ethel SHIPKA Please remember the anniversary services in the United ^church on Sunday, September 18th. Services will be held at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Copeland, of Parkhill, will be the speaker. Special music. Sunday School will be held at 1.3'0 p.m. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLeod, of Belleville, spent a couple of days last week (visiting at the home of the latter’s brother Mr. E. Lamport. Dr. and Mrs. Catt and Tittle daugh­ ter, of Weyburn, Sask.^ motored here on Wednesday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ratz. Mrs. A. Hotson, of London is at present visiting at the home of Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner who is ill. Mr. Wm. Ratz is at present con- to his home through illness.fined 9-15-2tc. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having clams against the estate of . MAR­ GARET DAWSON, late of the Town­ ship of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on the- Nineteenth - day of" August, A. D., 1932, are required to forward their, claims duly proven to the-* under­ signed on or before the Third day of October, A. D., 1932. AND NOTICE 'IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe cutter will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to claims of which he then shall notice. DATED‘at Exeter, Ont., this day of September, A.D., 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Rensall Executor’s Solicitors? God Save the King.Everybody Welcome COL. H. B. COOMBE, President . ROBERT HIGGINS, Secretary (This advertisement is inserted by the South Huron Conservative Association.) MT. CARMEL A number from this neighbdur- tood attended the fair at London his week. Mr. and Mrs. Etue and family, of letroit, accompanied by Mrs. Etu’s ■rother, Hubert Carey, spent the veek-end with the latter’s sister, 4rs. Meater, of Simcoe. • IMr. Charles Regier accompanied y his mother, Mrs. John Regier, nd nephew Charles Dietrich, spent few days last week with friends t Detroit. Mr. Joseph Glavin, Jr., left this - - ■ ' ■ ■ • ...... week to attend Assumption College Sandwich. Messrs. Timothy Coughlin and Anthony Dietrich to School London. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew family returned to their London last week after spending the summer on the farm. Misses Tresa Hogan left last week to attend Ursuline College Chatham and Helen Regan to High School at Parkhill. " 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Gaiser and family, of Shipka, spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Schenk. Technical Doyle and home in Thomas Marriott, life-long resi­ dent of Blanshard, died suddenly od Saturday at noon and the funer­ al was held Sunday to the St. Marys cemetery. held in Exeter Thomas Gener- action against town, for the his late wife, in favor of Rhe A court case was last week when St. al Hospital entered Lewis Aidworth, of hospital account of Judgment was given hospital. James Morley represented the hospital while Mr. Donnelly, of Goderich, represented Mr. Aldworth McILROY—EGGLESTON A qui^t wedding was solemnized at high noon, Saturday, September 10th when Ella Viola, only daugh­ ter of the late George Eccleston and Mrs. Ida Eccleston of Grand Bend, Ont., became the bride of William Eric McIlroy, son of the late Edward Mcllrqy. and Mrs. Mc­ Ilroy of Main -Street, Toronto. Rev. J. M. Colling performed the cere­ mony in Lambeth United Church. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, E. Strathmeyer. of Lon­ don, was handsomely gowned in bege georgete and luce, wearing a corsage of Johanna Hill roses and brown hat and shoes. Mendlessohn’s wedding march was played by Mrs. J. M. Colling. Only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present, including Mrs. Ida Eccleston, of Grand Bend, Mrs. I. McIlroy, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Strathmeyer, of London, Mrs. Pick­ ering, of Leamington and Mrs. Stauffer, of Sarnia. Following the honeymoon spent in Muskoka Mr. and Mrs. McIlroy will make their home in Toronto. •4, KHIVA . ELIMVILLE and Mrs. Chas. Stephen and ju, Mr. «xuu Mrs. Ed. Johns Mr. children, Mr. and Mrs. arid Hazel, motored to the home or Mr. and Mrs. Mert, O’Reilly Shelbourne on Sunday and the day. They saw hundreds res of grain still in the fields, acres still uncut. Seeding and har­ vest are about a month, later there than here as the land is very low and they are unable to get on the land early in spring. ■Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rader, Amelia Elmer and Violet, of Dashwood, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Thos. Bell’s. Miss Ruby Johns, of Lucan, spent Sunday at her home here. •' Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pym and chil­ dren visited at Mr. Alvin Pym’s on Sunday. The Y. P. Society enjoyed a corn feed at Mr. L. O’Reilly’s last Thurs­ day ..evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott, of London, were visitors with Mr. Mrs. Thos. Bell last Sunday. near spent of ac- many and SAINTSBURY Miss Aleatha Ogden and Mr. Har­ old Sutton, of London, spent-the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wilson. the- have. 12 th, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having­ claims against the estate of ARCHI­ BALD DAWSON, late of the Town­ ship of Usb’orne, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the Se­ cond day of August A.D., 1932, are required to forward their claims; duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Third day of October, A. D. 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe, cutter will 'proceed to distribute the estate having regard, only to the claims of which he then shall have, notice. z DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 12th. day Annual Show SEPTEMBER 20-21st Mr. Ed. Willis and Mr. Graham, . of with Wednesday afternoon attractions better than ever. of Kinkara, and son, Alfred Shakespeare, spent Sunday their aunt, Mrs. J. Hanover. Mr. Harry Lippert spent week-end in Melbourne with parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lippert. Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagleson and •family and Mr. and Mrs. Art Will- ert visited on Sunday withzMr. and Mrs. J. Allison, of Parkhill. Mrs. L. Dietrich and son Charles, spent the week-end with friends In Detroit. , • Mr. and Mrs. P. McMcGee and Martin, of Lucan called at the home of Mr. J. Hanover on Sunday. the his North Huron plowmen’s Associa­ tion has announced its annual plow­ ing match which will be held this year on Thursday, October 13th, Grey Township, four miles east Brussels. ' in of Special attraction in front of the grandstand — of f ififf ♦ H i HH i ♦■+++» 11 + t +♦ f + + f Hi D A INCE In the Evening - In the Opera House - Good Music WM. COATES, Pres. Exeter Women’s Institute offers prizes for school drill Open to schools in South Huron, Prize List for Exhibitors may be had by applying to the Secretary. i' ’ T. S, WOODS, Treas > R. G. SELDON, Sec’y ' ■I REAL ESTATE Under the powers of sale contain­ ed in a Mortgage which will be pro­ duced on the day of sale there will be offered for sale by public auc­ tion on the premsies on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER |34tli 1932, at 2 p.m. the following; Lot number 1277 in the Village of Exeter, in the County or .Huron ac­ cording to Municipal Compiled Plan No. 20. ” This property is situate South-east corner of Huron bert Streets and has thereon a frame 2 storey and steel shed. TERMS—10 per cent, of chase money shall be paid on day of sale. Balance in 30 days there­ after. For further particulars apply to: FRANK TAYLOR, fisQ., Auctioneer, Exeter, Ont. I CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors for Mortgagee, Exeter, Ont. on the and Al- erected dwelling the put- TOWNSHHIP OF STEPHEN SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES By virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Reeve and the Seal of the Municipality of the Township of Stephen dated the 4th day of June A.D. 193'2, commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter describ­ ed for arrears .of taxefe respectively due thereon, together wth costs, no­ tice is hereby given that unless such taxes and costs are paid I shall, in compliance with the Assessment Act Chapter 195, R.S.O., proceed to sell by public auction the lands or as much thereof as may be necessary to discharge the same, at the Town­ ship Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 10th day of October A.D., 1932, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the fore­ noon. Lot 2 69, Plan 24, Gon. LRW; acres 1-12, taxes $46.53; costs $14.- 46; Total $60.99, Lot 272, Plan 24; Cop. LRW; ac­ res 1-12; taxes $16.92; costs $5.27; total $22,19. Lot. 349, Plan 24; Con. LRW; res 1-12; taxes $16.92; costs $5 total $22.19. And further take notice that said list of lands showing the taxes and costs owing was published the Ontario Gazette in the issues July 9tli, 16th, and 23rd, 1932. Eilber of Stephen an 27; the in of Herbert K. Treasurer, Township Bated at Crediton this 6th day of Sept, 1932.9-i 5-4tc of September, A.D., 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY v Exeter and Hensail Executor’s Solicitors: / ' ------- NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims againsj; the- estate of RO­ BERT WILLIAM DEBgATY, late of the Village of Bayfield, Farmer, who died on the day of August, A. D. 1932, are re­ quired to forward their claim£ duly proven to the undersigned on or be­ fore the Twenty-sixth day of Septem­ ber A-. D. 19J2. , I AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard. only to the: claims of which they then shall have notice. \ DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 6th of September, A. D., 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall Executors’ .Solicitors Retired second day z NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a'l creditors and others having claims against the estate, of MAR­ GARET1 ANN CUWORE, late of the V Rage of Hensall, Widow, Who died on the Twenty-sixth day of July A D. 1932, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the un­ de *sgined on or before the, Twenty* sh;th day of September, a. D. 1932, AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Ad- ministrator will proceed to distri­ bute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont. this 6th day of September, a. D., 19i32. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall Administrator’s Solicitors