HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-09-08, Page 5*THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE V A THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ft, 1932 a Mr. John Stacey, of Detroit,, is holidaying with relative® here. Mr, Wm. Blackwell or Michigan, ig visiting with relatives here. Mr. Lester Fisher, of Windsor, spent the week-end/ with his parents here. ' Mrs, Thos. Hudson is visiting with her daughter Mrs, Earl Mitchell of Usborne, Mrs. Lou Simpson and family, of Detroit, spent the week-end with relatives here, •fchrTRev, anq. Mrs. Young, of Nairn, spent the holiday with their son Rev W. A. Young. 'Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtie, of 'Toronto visited over the* week-end with their mother here.,. Mr: apd Mrs, qonrad Tieman and Mrs. Garfield Brown visited with relatives in Kitchener: Harvest Home services will be held in the Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday next. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C°0Per liave moved this week to, Mac. Dougall’s house on the London Road. Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Sipmon, of Kitchener, ’ visited over th.e holiday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Sieman, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Glenn and fam­ ily, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson. Miss Jennie Taylol’ visited over the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Roy Dick, of the London Road. Mr. BertAVren and mother mov­ ed this week into the house recent­ ly vacated by* Mr., Chas. Cooper. Mrs. Harvey J. 'McConachie, Grand Valley, has been spending a fort­ night with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. El­ der. Miss Isobel Murray, of Detroit, visited the first part of the week with her sister Miss Hannah Mur­ ray. * Mr. and Mrs. Delos Huntley and Mr. and Mrs, Walker’ Carlyle spent the week-end camping at Turnbull’s Grove. Quite a number from here attend­ ed th£ funeral ’of the late Mrs. Gor­ don Flynn, of London, at Exeter on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parlmer, of Windsor, spent the holiday with the former’s parents Mr. ana Mrs. T. W. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. William McLean, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with the latter-’-s parents Mr. and Mrs.” J, Passmore. Mrs. T. C. Joynt and children and Mrs. Robert Bonthron have returned -home. after a pleasant visit with friends at Bayfield. Laboi’ Day passed quietly in the village. Quite a number of our cit­ izens spending the holiday at the various summer resorts. Master Gordon and Miss Lily Greb took a load of young people to Hagersville to attend , a young .People’s Convention over the week­ end. ? Mr. Simon Greb, of Zurich; John Greb, Harry, Goraon and motored up to Bracebridge spent several days sight-seeing and visiting relatives in the surrounding district. z Hensall defeated Waubuno on , .Saturday at Strathroy with a score of 4-3 in the second round of the O. B. A. playoffs. Tbe weather was quite unfavorable the first two in­ nings being played in the rain. Quite a number game. (Services were well At the United church Rev. Arthur Sinclair had charge of the services Very pleasing solos wep rendered by Mr. Sam. Rennie in and Mr. W. O. Goodwin in the even­ ing. At the Carmel Presbyterian church Rev. W. A. Young occupied jjhe pulpit. ▼ Mr. Richard Blatchford celebrat­ ed his 8,4th birthday recently at the home of his daughter Mrs. Charles Jinks. Fifty years ago he was en­ gaged in blacksmithing here and later going to North Dhkota for sevJ eral years returning Jatey to Hen­ sall where l._ .??.! —i'-„. . Blatchford ds quite smart for Ills o years and his many friends wish him many more. Mr. Lily and t from here* attended the in our ■'local churches attended on -Sunday last. 3Pthe morning he still resides. Mr: «• 1 I DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of w$ek and ar office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three- days of week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther Misses Rose and Florence and Er­ vin attended Toronto Exhibition last week. Mr, and Mrs; Koessel, of Lansing, .Mich., are visiting Mrs. Ko/esseVs parents Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntz. Mr. and Mrs. Elligson, of Mitchell, Were Sunday visitors with friends in .town. Mrs. Sarnia Miss er, spent the week-enct with her par­ ents. Miss Onieda Restemeyer has re­ turned after spending two weeks with relatives in Detroit. Miss Rose Zimmer, of Detroit, is visiting at her home here. Mr, Hra Tieman, of Hamilton spent, the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs, E. Tiernan, R. Goetz spent a few days in last week. iMytra Hoffmart, of Kitchen- Misses Jean and Mary Mclsaac re­ turned to their home in Detrpit af­ ter spending their vacation with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Milford Mdsaac,. Of Detroit, spent the week-end with the former's parents Mr, and Mrs. P. Mclsaac, The marriage of Elizabeth Hart­ leib, of Kitchenei* to Edward Dun­ das, pf Detroit took ptace quietly in London with Rev, R. H. Barnby of­ ficiating. The bride is a graduate of Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, Af­ ter the honeymoon Mr, and Mrs. Dundas will reside ip Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, John Thede,of Grand Rapids, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid. Mrs. Twitchen, of London, sp'&nding a few days with Birk and Verna. Rev.”and Mrs. E. Miller, cago, visited the former’s Mrs. O. Miller on the 14th sion last week. Mr, and chke, and utruguier, <jl lviii Ywrvuu, visited Mr. and Mrs. P, Mclsaac last Monday., Mr, Ed. let and Miss Irene Martene, of De­ troit, who spent the weekend with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Martene returned to their home on Monday, They, were accompanied by Master E. Davis who has spent six weeks with Mr, and Mrs. P. Martene and family. Rev. Silas McFalls, of London, occupied the pulpit in the Evangel­ ical church on Sunday evening. (Misses Lucille and Alice Willert, of Detroit, and Fort Wayne, are vis-, iting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Frdd Willert. # ' School re-opened on Tuesday With 'Mr. G. Keeler as principal and Miss Peper and Miss -Martinson as assistants. . Rev. Koessel, of Michigan con­ ducted special missionary services, in the Lutheran Church last Sunday. Miss Marie Allemang, of St. Cle­ ments spent Monday with Miss Hel­ en 'Nadiger. Mr. P. Schroeder, of IMonkton, is visiting jn this vicinity. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and iMrs. P. Martene were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dixon and family and Miss Irene’*'-Martene, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Becker Jr? Mr. R. Heckman, Miss. Zeta Nadiger, all of Dashwood and Miss Florence Heck- rnan of Mitchell. -------------------------------y..............-.............. CENTRALIA is Mr.- A. of Chi­ mother conces- Mrs. Noll and Mrs, Gat- daugliter, of Milverton, Davis and daughter Vio- been with Mit- and Miss Bernice Conlin, who has the last couple of weeks holidaying at the home of her parents left on Friday t'o resume her duties in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Miss Ada Mitchell, R\ N., of-By­ ron, is spending her vacation her parents Mr.' and Mrs. N. chell. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Knight daughter Miss Laura spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Ipp^r- wash. Mrs. Andeson, Miss Agnes Ander­ son and Miss Mildred Elliott are spending a few days at Miss Ander­ son’s cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobbs and fam­ ily, of Lucan, spent Monday in village. Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis, Mr. the and ELIMVILLE III Miss Helen March was Jn Toron* to last week, * Several families fro*m here were at Springbank on Saturday, A number from here attended a conference in Stratford on Tuesday, Miss Vinetta Routly, of Kirktph) visited at Mr. Wm. Routiy’s re«entiy Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be administered at the morn­ ing service next Sunday morning. Miss Elsie Henderson returned to her home near .Shelbourne on Mon­ day after spendng two weeks in this vicinity. * Mr, Gordon Fprd and daughter Joan, of Flint, Mich., visited at the home of his brother Mr. H, Ford on Sunday, cv •I? Rev. and Mrs. Peters and daugh­ ters Miss Katherine have returned from Muskoka where they have been holidaying. Mr, David Bradshaw, of Toronto, visited here op Sunday and Monday Mrs. Bradshaw, who has been here for the past two weeks returned to her home with^ him. The annual community picnic was held at Grand Bdnd on Wed­ nesday, August 31st. The day 'was ideal for bathing and a large num­ ber disported themselves in the water for a part of the afternoon. There were a number of races run off with the following results: Girls uiider Pym, years, phen; girls undei* 10 years, Gladys Skinner, Margaret Miners and Mil­ dred Veal; boys under 10 years, Billy Brock, John Miners, Graham Bell; girls under 14 years, Dorothy Johns, Mary Johnte, Hazel Johns; boys under 14 years, Clifton Brock, Earl £Joultis, Irwin O’Reilly; young ladies’ race, Helen Murch, Thelma O’Rielly, Bernice Murch; young men’s pace, Howard' Johns, Lome Elford, Martin Johns; married la­ dies’ race, Mrs. J. Brock, Mrs. Hy. Murch, Mrs. Wm. Routly; married men’s race, Hy. Murch, Chas. .Ste­ phen and Wm. Veal! three-legged race, ('boys), Howard Johns and L. sElford; 'Martin Johns and Harold Johns, Ronald Elford and and Lloyd Bell; three-legged race, (girls), iM. O’Reilly and Thelma O'Reilly; driving the blind horse, Florence Bell and Lloyd Bell, Maizie O'Reilly and Lome Elford, Thelma O’Reilly and Martin Johns; throwing the ball ladies, Bernice Murch Helen Murch and Florence Bell; ladies, kick'the slipper, Helen ' Murch, Bernice Murch, Thelma O’Reilly; men’s kick the slipper, Hy. Murch, Lloyd Bell, Harold Bell; dress-up race, M. Johns, Hy. Murch, Howard Johns. After the.sports a splendid supper' was served and all repaired to their homes voting it an enjoyable.after­ noon. The August meeting of the Live Oak Mission Circle was held at the | home of the Misses Hunter on Tuesday, Miss Mary Hunter the meeting which hymn “I am Thine, ___ ___prayer by ..Miss Marjorie Delbridge1 hospital last Thursday much im-j six years, Grace Brock, Leona Annie Elf ord; Boys undei- 6 Howard Pym, Murray Ste- Lulu and Mary August 30 th. presided opened with. a O Lord” •f llllllllllllll llllllllllll THE RED & WHITE stoke 3 packages for 21c, 4 3,4Ci|kes for 21c, ., 1-2 lb. package 2 for 25c. ............... i., KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES LUX TOILET SOAP..........V. GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE .. i Crown Tea 1 lb. package each 39c. Ideal Catsup X 16 oz, bottle each 13c. Kolona Coffee \ •1 lb. package each 29c. PURE CANE SUGAR...................................................... . 10 lbs. for 50c. Fresh Walnuts Halfs 1-2 lb. package 21c. Sultana Biscuits per .pound 25c. Pure Bulk Cocoa Half lb. pkg. 9c. GOLD MEDAL OLIVES............................../... 14 1-2 oz. bottle, each 19c. . Gillett's Lye 2 tins for 25cr R. & W. Matches Large package each 25c. Huron Toilet Tissue 8 rolls for 25c. CHALLENGE CORNSTARCH........................................ J2 packages for 19c. Crisp. Soda Biscuits 2 packages for 19c, Brunswick Sardines t per tin 5c. Assorted Fancy Biscuits per lb. 19c. Handy Ammonia 4 for 25c Zinc Rings, best quality , . per dozen 23c. Rubber Rings . , . . . r Flip Flap Fly Coils 4 dozen for 25c. .........6 for 10c. WE SPECIALIZE IN PURE PICKLING SPICES, VINEGAR, FRUIT JARS JAR RUBBERS, ZINC RINGS, ETC. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “ “Quality alwa;We Deliver CREDITON Master Glen Wuerth. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Faist and The Women’s Institute will hold 1 Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roesz- their regular meeting' in the hall • ler visited in Camlachie on Labor, o'n Tuesday, September 13th. 1 r'~" Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Breen, Mr., and Mrs. Wilbert Hannah and son • family spent the weekend in Kenneth, and Mrs. Charles Martin and children Margery and Ross, ot Detroit, visited the John Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. M. Helen spent Labor ham. Miss Alberta McClean, who spent the past week with them re­ turned home. Mr. and Mrs. John Morlock visit­ ed for a few days with Rev. and Mrs. Otto Braun at Owendale, Mich. Mrs. John Smith and Mrs,. Ern­ est Guettinger are visiting this week with relatives in Pigeon, Michigan. Mrs. Alfred Smith and daughter MafioiF spent tlje weeik-end with her I parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Richardson of Efensall. Miss. Lulu Morlock left for East Windsor last Wednesday where .she is engaged as a teacher in that city, i Our school re-opened last Thurs- ' day, September 1st with the former I teaching .staff: Misses Addileen over i Gaiser, E. Kenney and P. Love1: We’are pleased to state that Fred 'and Warner returned home from the Day. Mr. and' Mrs? Everett Rahner and De- home of (Mr. W. Teller and Day in Wing- KIRKTON Robert and Kenneth More, Kitchener, spent a few days with Mrs. Jas. More. IMr. and Mrs. Jas. Pond, ?Df De­ troit, called on Mr, Walter Hazel­ wood this week. (Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Tuft spent a few days at the Toronto Exhibit­ ion this week- We are sorry to know that Mrs. Emerson Gunning is ,jn the Hospital at London and hope to see her home again .soon. x The heavy ra'in on Saturday night has given plenty of moisture for the sewing of fall wheat. School re-opened on after .the holidays with teachers Miss Walcom, at Kirkton and Mr. Hamon, iStrat-. ford in the Stone Schoo*. STAFFA Mrs. (McVey, of Mitchell, i^ visit­ ing her sister Mrs. Wm. Jeffery. I Miss Marguerite Sillery, fiurse-in- training, Buffalo, is visiting her par^ ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sillery. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies’Aid was held at the home of Mrs. G. G. Wilson on Thursday with a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tuffy daughter, of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tuffy recently. Mrs. Stewart and Mss Stewart, of Chatham, )Mrs. W. G. Wren and son Billy, of Montreal, have returned to their homes after visiting Rev. and Mrs. Stewart at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Durke, of Strat­ ford, visited with the later’s parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Barborn. ' 01 Thursday two new of Munroe and Miss Lavona Cooper and Lord’s prayer in unison. The scripture les­ son (I John 1:1-13) was read by. Miss Audrey Prance. Those who re­ ported on the Watch Tower were proved. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wuerth and sons spent the week-end in Detroit. Mr. and babe of Detroit and <Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Russell Clark and Mt;s. E. Thompson and daughter and Miss Audrey Prance on Home Mis- Victor Kestle, ' of ^xeter, were Mr. and Mrs. George Essery of Lon- sions, Miss Mary Hunter on China, | guests with their parents Mr. and don spent the holiday with Mr. and1 Miss Florence Bell on Korea; Miss -Mrs. F. W.'Clark. Mrs. Wm. ^J. Parsons. I H. Murch on India; Miss Marjorie |Mv. and Mrs. .Wm. Bird, Mr. and Delbridge on Oriental. The hymn Mrs. Wes. Hodgins and son Clifford j “o Master let me walk ..with Thee.” of London, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hod-.[ Eighteen members responded to the gert and Mr. and Mrs. Whitneyl roll call; minutes were read and ap- Coates and little daughter, of Exe-1 ter; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coward and' family, of Thames Road, were the guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madge and daughter Mildred, of Hensall, visit­ ed on Sunday with IMr. and Mrs. Grant Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Abbott and little daughter, of Detroit, visited on Monday with Mrs. E. Abbott. Mr. Frank Boyle, of Exeter, visit­ ed” on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T'. Boyes. Mr. Kenneth Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers, of Zurich visited over the sister in Owing IMr, and Woman’s Association of Centrajia United church were ‘entertained at “Bonnie Lassie” cottage at Bend on Thursday afternoon week. This was a delightful not only for the members Association but'for all who •to go. I week-end with Mr. Meyer’s Toronto. to the kind hospitality of Mrs. Thomas Willis, the Grand of last outing of the wished The usual business meeting was in charge of the president Mrs. Wm. Bowden and after the meeting was closed about fifty sat down to a very dainty lunch served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. A. V. Robb, Mrs.- Alvin Essery and Mrs. George Thompson. * Before .adjourning Mrs. Arthur McFalls moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Willis for their kindness and everybody heart­ ily responded in the usual Way. Dr. and Mrs. HeighWay, of Loh­ don and Misses Curtis, of Chicago, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' John Essery. A large number from this com­ munity attended the decoration ser­ vices held in the St. James cemetery Clandeboye on Sunday afternoon. A number of interesting ftems have to be held over until next ing to lack, of space/ proved and business was dealt with. Readings were given by the follow­ ing: Mrs. J. Kirkland, Miss Lulu Hunter, Miss Lavona Cooper, Mrs. Ern Cowdry and Mrs. Chas. Johns. The meeting closed with ■ “t love to tell the story” and Mizpah benedic-' tion. X CROMARTY «<•» and with and (Mrs. spent a Mrs. An- WINCHELSEA Mrs. E. Foster, of' Kirkton, visit­ ed with her sister 'Mrs. Jno. Fran­ cis on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brock, of Zion visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Brock on Friday of last week. Miss Jesse Saunders, of /Forest, spent the week-end with Miss Inez Creery. Mr. and Mr. Clarence Fletcher and family attended the Armitage re-union Monday in Biddulph. Mr. and Mrs. George Jacques, of Exeter, visited with Mr. Frank Brock on Sunday, Mrs. Agnes Alexander few days last week with drew Gibson in Exeter. Mrs. Wm. Clarke is in London this week with her daughter, Mrs. E. Gunning, who underwent an op­ eration on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Foster of, St. Marys visited ^with Mr. and Mrs. H. Foster on Sunday, Mrs. Gep. Delbridge and son Jack spent a few days last week attend- the Toronto Exhibition. Quite a number from this com­ munity attended t h'e Delbridge- Frayne reunion at Forest on Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten and family visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robinson at St. Marys. Mr. Wm., Witzel, of Crediton, spent the week-end with his daugh­ ter Mrs. H.‘ Pfaff. Miss Ida Wightman, of Clifford, is spending a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge at­ tended Toronto Exhibition week. Miss Jessie Brooks R. N., of don, is visiting with her aunt A. E. Delbridge this week. Wins Sweepstakes at C. N. Mr. R. e. Pooley, general last Lon- Mrs. Mr. and IMrs. Merner Eilber' and sons, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and (Mrs. Charles Eilber over the- week-end. Rev. and Mrs. .Sippell and family spent the week-end in Rodney with former acquaintances. Rev. Denny Bright, of London, representing the Western Ontario Bible Society conducted a union, service in the Evangelical church last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Grant, of London-, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Fraser Brown. Miss Jean Ogden returned home last weak after spending a week with relatives and friends in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Thomas and twin sons and Mrs. Herbert Platt, at Pittsburg, Pa., visited with Mr. The M. S. home of Mrs. Edgar Allen with Mrs. S. A. Miller presiding. The meeting opened by singing the 93rd Psalm and prayer by the president. The roll call was responded to by a verse and Mrs. Henry Beavers and Mr. from the Sermon on the Mount. Mrs.1 and Mrs. Vernon Beaver. Allen had the scripture reading giv- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rader, of ing the 9th chapter of Matthew. Mrs.' Hamilton, visited on Sunday with Wm. McLaren read the portion of Mr. and (Mrs. J. T. Hirtzel. the Study Book the (Bhils of India) ' after which, Mrs. Hill led in prayer; September meeting of the W. met on Thursday last at the Among those who attended the ___ _ ,, “Hoist” reunion from here at Bay hymn 376 was sung and Mrs. Roy. Shore, near Sebawing, Mich., on La- McCwltoch read a very interesting (bor Day are as follows: Mr., and paper on Education and Literature Mrs. Christian Haist, Mrs. John Work; Mrs. Scott gave a nice talk’Haist, Mrs. Thomas Mawhinney and on the school homes in the West Edgar, Mrs. Gottfried Wein, Mr. and While on their visit to Prinee Albert Mrs. William Morlock, Mr. and Mrs. A few minutes were spent dealing j Charles Hoffman, Mrs. Clifford Hill, With the business* problems of the"' meeting. Hymn 141 was sung and the meeting close with prayer by the president and (the Lord’s Prayer in unison. A vefy dainty lunch was served at the close of A number of visitors At the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. James I ed last week from the West where the Wilson-Edwards 'they visited with their daughter,Saturday Mr. and Mrs. McKay, Miss ollie sipeare spent a few days ,Lake,^ Midi at the Exhibition in Toronto. , Mr. and Mrs. RussAl Scott spent a few days last week at the Ex. School has re-openod and Mr., McKay, of Tuckersmith Is the teach-, week in Detroit with Mr. and er for the ensuing year. It is some Mrs. Hy. "Wind. | Master Dawson Goulding, of Ex- I eter, is visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morlock Frederick, Mrs. '-Arthur Amy, and Mrs. Sylvester Wuerth, Clinton Morlock. Mr. and Mrs. James Ogden the meeting.!daughters Aleatlia and Jean were pi’esent. Messrs ’ Told, Sutton, of London; Mrs. S. Scott return- McLeod, of Lucan, wore guests wedding and (Mr. Mr. and and Gordon Ballingai and Har- J. at on | Mrs. Asa Henry* of Bald Eagle h., spent Labor Day With j Mrs. Leah Holtzmann, ’I xMr. and Mrs. W. Dawm, of Ches- ■ ley, spent the' week-end with their I friends. • Mrs. Gottfried Wein is visiting er for the ehsuing year. ] time slnfie a gentleman has been en­ gaged to teach this school. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Charies Hoffman are attending the riaist re-union- which is being held in the States this year." _ Miss Verda Hoffman, of Kerwood is holidaying at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brown and daughter Kathleen and Mrs. Muriel Drummond and daughter, Ruth, cf Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Hoffman and daughter Verda. A number of relatives of the late Mrs. G. Flyn.n, whose burial took place in Exeter Cemetery, Monday, attended the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and two children, of Exeter, spent Sun-r day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. | Mi’, and Mrs. T. H. Hedden, of! Brantford, and Mr and Mrs. T. Pace of London, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. and Mrs. .Stuart Kuhn, of Baden, spent th® week-end1 with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson attend­ ed the funeral of the latter’s sister- in-law Mrs. Heywood, in Exeter on Tuesday. Mr. iMervin Brokenshire and three children, of Fergus, spent the week­ end hei’e with Mrs. Brokenshire and Mrs.| W. Anderson. Mrs. Brok- eiishire,* who lias spent the last two weeks here vflth her mother return­ ed home with them. Mrs. Nelson Schenk and children, of Mt. Carmel spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Schenk. Mr. and Mrs. L. Piper and son, of Chatham, spent the week-end with Mrs. Fiper’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Merner, Miss Clara Lewis spent the week­ end at Gtahd Bend, E. .. ---- mer­ chant at Winchelsea, won £he sweep­ stakes with his eggs at the Cana­ dian National Exhibition. 'Mr. Pool- ey Avon ten prizes out of twelve en­ tries bringing the highest honors to Huron County by winning ’ the sweepstakes in both the commercial and the open classes. This year’s showing of eggs was the heaviest ih many years. Much credit is due to Mr. Ppoley on his selection, of eggs. WOODHAM Mrs. Sims anti children, of Sud­ bury, are visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Switzer. Mr. Carman Switzer is quite ill at his home and under the doctor’s care. Our high school students have started their daily trips to St. Marys IMrs. David Stevens who has been laid up with an attack of tonsilitis is able to be around again. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Sidney Mills, who has been in? ........ ' ’’ able to beisbed for so many weeks up and around again. Mrs. Wm. Thompson after her recent illness, We are sorry to hear Emerson .Gunning had to be taken to Victoia. Hospital, London, for an operation, latest reports are the op­ eration was successful and she was getting on pected. Mr. and the Misses were Thursday visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Squire. Kot many from here have attend­ ed the Toronto Exhibition. They are all waiting for Lohdon Fair. Mrs. ‘Wm. Sinclair has been laid up with an attack of summer flu, with a doctor in attendance. as well as is improving that Mrs. ould be ex- Mrs. James Amanda ana Routly and Sarah Shier *