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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-09-08, Page 4
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE’HUR^DAY, SEIfTEMBER 8, 1932 AT 8 O’CLOCK P. M HON. DR. R. J. MANION Exeter Opera House, Minister of Railways and Canals in Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett’s Government, who will speak in the interests of Louis H. Rader, Conservative Candidate in the S. Huron By-election *■ INBORNE COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the Municipal council of the /Town ship of Ugihorne was held on Satur day, September '3ird at Elimyille with al) the members of council present. The minutes of the meeting of August 6th were read^and approved, on motion of Moir-Westcott. Correspondence: List of equip ment of Canada "Construction. Co., in liquidation offered for sale by Trust Co, ' Noted, Fred Ellerington applied to coun cil for tile for roadway outlet from Lot 5, Con. 5. Westcott-Shier—That the culvert be supplied and owner bear the cost of installation. Carried. The garinshee of Wernes vs. Pfef fer served on the Treasurer—Shjer- Westcott that the amount stated therein b.e paid into court. Carried. Passmore-Moir: That the follow ing accounts be paid, viz; ' Times-Advocate on account 1932 printing $7 8.09; Thames Rd. Farm ers’ Club, wire for Ebenezer ceme tery $13,60; Garnet Wilson cutting $15.00; Calvin Westlake ditto $21.- 45; M. Glanville, ditto $7.50; C. Glanville, ditto $4,50'; Lome Oike, ditto $18.75; John McElrea, ditto $9.60; John Fletcher, ditto $3.00; Archie Thompson, ditto $1.95; John Kellett, ditto $1.5'0; Maurice Coates ditto $'3.40; Fred Cole, ditto $22.80; William Hunter, ditto $22.80; Hil ton Johns, ditto $21.90; R. Cornish, ditto $16.65; Luther Oke, ditto $8.- 48; R. W. Batten, ditto $.8.25; Wm. Bradshaw, ditto 53c.; Times-Advo- cate, road signs $1.75; Pfeffer & Burroughs, crushing gravel $520.48; Clerk of Court, amount of garnishee $56.70; Henry Fo-i’4, superinten dance $57.60. Carried. Henry Strang, Clerk > 4 Ted Lamport and Alma Lawson. Ted Sims and Mrs. 0. McCurdy. The out standing success of wfeat is to 'be henceforth an annual affair cap be attributed to the energetic commit tee who had full charge of all ar rangements for the day. SHIPKA ,Mr, and Mrs. Roy Rat? and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser and family attended the Haist reunion in Michigan on Labor Day, Miss. Ada McGregor visited last week with Miss Dorothy Ratz. Mr. Gordon Hewlett, of Qshawa, spent last week visiting at Siamuel and Ray Sweitzer’s/ Among those who are attending high school are Nola Sweitzer to Pankhill and Arthur Gaiser to Exe ter. Annivesrary services will be held in the United church on September 18th. Rev, Copeland, of Parkhill, will be the speaker os the day. Ser vices at 2.30 and 7.30. Special mu sic. Mr. and Mrs. La Fond, of Sarnia, visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. C. Finkbeiner.-. Miss Jean Hodson, of Greenway, is at present visiting at the home of Mr. L. Finkbeiner. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Finkbeiner, who underwent an operation at Dr. Tay lor’s hospital has returned home. Last Sunday was missionary day in the Sunday School, a sol-o was sung by Jack Ratz and a paper given by /Mr. M. Sweitzer/ Public school re-opened ..Tuesday with Miss Thomson, of Strathroy, as teaciier.' Mrs. John Sharp,wlfo nas spent the, past two weeks with hei* sister in Sarnia, has returned home. A number from here attended the Lamport reunion on Labor Day at th© home of Mr. Ezra Lamport, of Crediton. Mr. Matthew Guenther, Paul and Mildred and two girl friends of Kit chener, called Mrs. W. Sweitzer and family Labpr Day. wood; two sister also survive, Mrs. 0, Kenney, Detroit ana Tena, ,<jf Dashwood. ne brother Wiliam accidently killed in 1925, The.fun- eral which was largely attended was held on Saturday morning from the home of her brother Ben to Mount Carmel where high mass, was sung by Rev, Fr. Corcoran at 10 a.m,. In terment in 'Mt. Carmel cemetery., the deepest sympathy of this com munity is extended to the bereaved Mr, Mrs, C. Kenney and son Pres and daughters Marion and Alice F. Keller and Mrs. C. Webster Mi’, and Mrs, J. L. McCann, all of Detroit; Mr, and Mrs, McCann, of London; Mr. |M. Hoffman and Mr, and Mrs. Hoffman, of Zurich and Mr, B. Cun ningham, of Ilderton, family Those who attended funeral i from a distance were; and ton Mr. ajid Thomas and Mrs,. S. auction sale . — of --- HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by puo- lic auction, at Wellington Street, Exeter, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 15 th at 2 o’clock the following: Chesterfield, number easy chairs, antique writing" desk and book case combined, two tables, dining room buffet, 2 bedroom suites, 2 complete springs & mattress es, zi dressers, chest* drawers, living room }ug, electric range, Moffatt, kitchen tables, kitchen chairs, lawn- m^wer and other articles too num erous to mention. TERMS—'CASH FRANK TAYLOR .Auctioneer P. D. VAHEY, Proprietor table, beds es, 2 ► ► ► ► I ► ► ► How the farmers will benefit by the Imperial Conference Agreements will be told by Dr. Manion. VOTE FOR RADER-- A Practical Farmer Who Knows Farmers’ Problems. Ladies especially invited.Everybody Welcome God Save the King. COL. H. B. COOMBE, President , ROBERT HIGGINS, Secretary A ’ (This advertisement is inserted by the South Huron Conservative Association.)' XEATH FOLLOWS AUTO ACCIDENT was believed that Miss Coonan’s in juries were not serious. The other occupants of the car suffered bruis es and shock. J I I •Stratford, died Monday in the Stratford General from injuries received in accident near Parkhill on night. Miss Coonan with Miss Olive Coonan, aged 18 years, aughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Coo- an, of uorning lospital, n auto aturday party of six were on their way to iperwash Beach and just east of arkhill the rear end of their car as struck by a hit-and-run driver Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Lennie, Seaforth, wish to announce the en gagement of their only daughter, Gwendoiyne Pbarl, to the Rev. R. Keith Love, B.A., B.D., of Kintore, Ont., "son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hugh Love, the marriage to take place in Sherbourne United Church, Saturday, September 10th, at 3J30 o’clock. At a drawing for prizes by the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen in St. Thomas on Labor Day the money for which will be used for the un employed Mr. M. Brenner of Grand Bend won a mantle clocik, K. Hod gins,-of Centralia $2.00 cleaning wonk and Wallace Ross, of Kippen a side of bacon. The Ontario Department of High ways have let the 'contract for the construction of a permanent road from Londesboro to Wingham to .the Wingham construction, Company. ■5 I I I Exeter Agricultural Society Annual Show SEPTEMBER 20-21st Wednesday afternoon attractions better than ever. Girls’ Softball Game Relay Race ll Special attraction in front of the grandstand BAND IN ATTENDANCE In the Evening DANCE In the Opera House Good Music Exeter Women’s Institute offers prizes for school drill Open to schools in South Huron. Prize List for Exhibitors may be had by applying to the Secretary, WM. COATES, Pres.T. S. WOODS, Treas R. 0. SELDON, Sec’y LAMPORT FAJHLT RE-UNION A very successful Lamport reun ion was held on Labor Day at the home of Mr. Ezra Lamport, two miles south of Crediton. Members of the family began to arrive at 10 o’clock in the morning and by noon 150 had registered and before the registry had closed 204 had signed. Guests were present from Toronto,' London, Belleville, Detroit, Pontiac, Siarnia, Strathroy, Fergus, 'Brussels, Forest, Exeter, Crediton, Centralia and Shipka. At 2 o’clock'in the af ternoon those present assembled on benches on Mr. Lampprt’s larwn and the following program was carried out under the efficient chairmanship of Mr. Jos. Woodall. Singing of “Blest Be the Tie’ That ‘.Binds;’’ short prayer by Jos. Woodall; reading of .the 100 th Psa-m by Jas. Maw- hinney; community 'singing led by Clayt.on Sims; solos “Home Again” by Mrs. Mary Ann Bedford; Clayton Sims and Miss Annie Parker, Lon don; readings by Mel. Lamport and Margaret Jones; duet by Margaret and Agnes Lamport; address by Jo shua Jbhns eulogizing the early pioneer. Mrs. J. Woodall read a his tory of the Lamport family. Jo seph Lamport and wife came out from England over one hundred years agG settling near ’Woodstock where a number of the children were born. About 77 years ago- they mov ed to the farm opposite to the one on which they were celebrating and their children by dint of hard work and honest dealings made homes in this and adjacent communities. Mr. Ed. Lamport also gave a very fine address speaking ot zhe improve ments that have taken place during the past 77 years. A presentation to the oldest and youngest members present were awarded to Jas. King, aged 84 years and Donalds Smith, aged three months. A first anni versary cake of several stories and beautifully decorated was presented by (Mrs. Mary Ann Bedford. Mrs. Jos. W. Lawson typed the song sheets and donated prizes for some of the races. Following the program sports were held. In the evening a soft ball game was played by sides chosen by Percy Wallis and Tom Lamport resulting in a 7-1 victory for the latter’s side, it was decid ed to hold a reunion again next year on Labor Day at the home of Mr. Weysley Jones. The following of ficers were elected: Pres., Mr. Ed. Lamport; sec’y., Mrs. McDonald; Treas,, .Mrs. Jos. Woodall. Supper was served in the spacious driving shed. A vote of thanks' was tender ed to the host and hostess for the loan of their home for this event. The program closed by singing “God be with you till we meet again.” The results of the races were as fol lows: girls 5 to 7, Doris Wright; girls 7 to 9, Edith King; girls 9 to 11, Audrey Sims; girls 11 to 13 Mary Lamport, Evelyn Lawson; boys 5 to 7, Hughie Wilson, Reginald Robinson-” boys 9 to 11, Ed. Wright, Gerald Wilson to 15, Jones; Lamport, Will Lamport; young la dles’ race, Olive Lawson, Lillian Ed wards; obstacle race, Gordon Lam port, Milton Bedford; married wo men, Mrs, c°°Pe1’ McCurdy, Mrs. Melvin King; filling the bottle by matt and woman, result a tie; thread the needle race, Olive Lawson, Wilsbn; thread the needle, men, Lamport and Gordon. Lamport; per plate race, Bill Lamport and ha Wright; Ted Sims and Miss Lind' say; secret race, and A'lma Lawson; Percy Willis and Kathleen Lawson Lawson; boys 11 to 13, Ted Jack Brokenshire; boys 13 Nelson Lamport, Frederick young men’s race, Gordon Ina W. pa- Ed- Gordon Lamport leap year race. MT. CARMEL The funeral of the** late Miss Jane McCann took place from the R. C. cemetery here on Saturday at 10.00 a.m. Mrs. John Doyle, of Detroit, is a visitor at the home of Mr. Mat. Doyle. Miss Geraldine McKeever, of De troit, spent the 'weekend at her home here. Miss Hilda Deitrich, of London, is spending her vacation at her home here. Mr. ,troit, /Mr. called Mr. of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mrs. Etue’s parents Mr. and (MrSyJame* Carey. Mr. and ily, Delhi, with Mrs. Breen. Miss Winnifred (Madden, of Lon don, spqnt tile holiday at her home here. |Mrs. Rowe, of Montreal, is a vis itor at the home of her cousin Miss Annie McPhee. Miss Madaline Glavin (Monady to take at Colgan. '• Miss Kathleen don, spent the home here. and Mrs. James Hall, of De sipent the holiday here. B.' Cunningham, of Ilderton, on friends here last week, and Mrs. Etqe. and children, Mrs. K. McNeil, and fam- are spending a few days McNeil’s mother Mrs. J. left on charge of a school MoYrissey, of week-end at KHIVA Lon- her School re-opened here on Tuesday with Miss C. Douglas, of Ilderton-as teacher. Mr. and -Mrs. Harry Libby have returned to Buffalo after spending a couple of weeks with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Hanover. Misses Jean and Grace have returned home after spendin; the past week with friends in bourne. j Mr. and Mrs. A. Hanover, of falo, spent the week-end with and Mrs. J. Hanover. Mr. C. Dietrich and family visit ed a few days last week with his friends in Kitchener. (Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade and Mr. J. Hanover and Miss Florence and friend and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ziler spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mi’s. Wm. White, of Centralia. Mr. Win. Witzel ;spent the week end with friends in Woodhaih. Mr. and Mrs. David Lippert and Mrs. W. Black of Melbourne spent ■Sunday with Mr. H. Lippert. Messrs. A. White and John Dona- gan, of Detroit, spent Sunday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hanover. Death of Miss Jane McCann. ' 1 The death took place in St.. Jo seph’s Hospital, London oil Thurs day morning September 1st at one o’clook of Miss Jane McCann young est daughter of the late Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. McCann in her 47th year. The deceased had not been enjoying the best of health for the" past couple of years and about five weeks ago underwent a very serious operation, and was doing nicely and looking forward to returning home in a few days. When about two weeks £go she took a relapse and gradually grew weaker until she The late Miss McCann the 12th concession of all her life has lived munity. The deceased was of a very Willert g Mel- Buf- Mr. passed away, was horn on iSteplien and in this com- NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Ku— BERT WILLIAM DELGATY, late of the Village of 'Bayfield, Retired Farmer, who died on the second day of August, A. D. 1932, are re- qured to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or be fore the Twenty-sixth day or Septem ber A. D. 19i3'2. |AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the Exe cutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 6th. day of September, A. D., 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY, . Exeter and Hensall Executors’ Solicitors: NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that; a'l creditors and others having; c) aims against the estate of MAR GARET ANN CUDM'ORE, late of the- ■Village of Hensal-V Widow, who- died on the Twenty-sixth day of July! A D. 1932, are, required"to forward’ their claims duly proven to the un de' "sgined on or before the Twenty- sij\th day of September, A. D. 1932. A.ND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the sdid date, the Ad- mi nistrator will proceed to distri bute the estate having regard only to the -claims of which he tnqm shall hare notice. DATED at ’Exeter, Ont. this 6tK day of September, A. D., 19132. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall Administrator’s Solicitors Wairant for New Election Bearing date the 16th (lay of August 1932 NOMINATION AND ELECTION A vacancy ill the Municipal Coun-» cil occuring by the 'Death and Re moval of Councillor George Newton. Williams. Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Vil lage of Exeter will be held in the- Town Hall at the hour of 7.130 o’clock in the afternoon of Monday* September 12th, 1932. That then and there for a space- of one hour I will be prepared to receive Nominations of Candidates, to fill the said vacancy in the Vil lage Council for the balance of the year 1932. And that in case more than one Candidate is named and a poll is de manded in the manner by Statutes prescribed. Such poll will be held on Monday, the 19th day of September, 1932, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five’ o’clock in the afternoon at the following places as fixed by warrant. Poll ford’s Treble Clerk. Poll Street, ter T. No. 1-—At Miss Alice Hand residence, Main Street,* Ed. D.R.O. and W. J. Carling, T*. No. 2—-At Town Hall, Main J. A. Stewart D. R. O., Wai- Harness, P. Clerk. Poll NO. 3—At the Brick Office Building, corner of Main and Wel lington' Streets, Geo. Anderson D.R\ O. , Alfred H, Gambrill p. Clerk. Poll No., 4*—At the residence ot ' Thomas Webster, William Street N.. Richard Welsh D.R.O., Jno. L. Kydd' P. Clerk, All Electors are requested to take- J. M. Francis, Reeve Jos. Senior, Returning-Officer- quiet disposition and beioVed by all '• notice hnd govern themselves wlio knew her. She leaves to mourn I cordingly. her loss four brothers: Levi, of De troit; Thomas, of London; Alonzo, I .’J ____ of Mt. Carmel and Ben., of Dash- Exeter, September BthfToi X