HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-09-01, Page 8'< i THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER L «32 NOTICE RE VACATION ' -. t Dr, Roulston desires to announce* thaC his Pental Office is at present closed for vacation. Date of re-open- ing will be announced in next week’s issue. i Mrs. Wm. Box, of Seaforth, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Stephen. Mrs. visited week. Mrs. .. London, visited in Exeter during the week. Mr. and >Mrs. Clifton Davis and family, of London, with relatives. Mrs. Walker, of iting with Mr and ling for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. AV. Wallis, pl Dorchester, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor, The Exeter high and public schools will re-open to-day (Thursday) following the summer vacation. Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet and Mrs. Reed ( and Ola visited at the home of Mrs-' Elgin Tom in Goderich last week., Chas. Box, oi and son Harry during the past W. S. Cole in Toronto Wm. Yule and daughter, of Exeter Markets Wheat; 46c, Malting Barley 38c, Oats £ 7 c. Shorts 95c. Bran, 90 c. Manitobaa Best $2.0 Model $2.30 Welcome, $1.80 Low grade $1.10 Creamery Butter 25c, Dairy Eggs, feggs. Eggs, Butter 18e, Extras 18 c. firsts 14c. seconds 9c, U .Wil II mil i 1 ",n-------------1------------" —■“ : I " 1i LOCALS 1 I ■ I [J iii i ii. ii ■ - ji'•-ill'. - jii r.'"i —: ~uFt Mr. and Mrs. John Coward and family, of Kirkton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Gambrill let are spending onto the guests brill. Mr. John Trivethick, -of Brinsley, and son, Lyle, of Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. M, Amy one day last Mr. and Mrs. AATn. Poll-oak, of De- week. troit, visited the former’s sister, ( ^r, Balkwilh-returned to Mrs. C. H. Perkins, a few days last jQngsvme Tuesday after visiting week- for several days with his sister, Mrs. J. Miss Mae, have returned home after/ holidaying at their summer cottage at Grand Bend. Rev. A. E. Elliott, wife and fam- garet Ellerington. ily, returned, last week after holi­ daying with relatives in Brantford ■and the Niagara Peninsula. Mr. Whetstone, of Kint-ore, visit- Mrs. Wm4 Hodgert. ed with relatives in this community and is at present visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. Grieve at Grand Bend. Mrs. Wesley Redmond and baby, of Syracuse, N.Y., who have been visiting with her parents. Mr. and .Mrs. W. C. Pearce, are spending a week in London before returning home. spent Sunday AVindsor, is vis- Mrs, a. T. Ster- LOCALS Coates on Sunday, and daughter' Vio- a- few days in Tor- of Mr. Roibt. Gam- * for several days with G. Jones and daughter, Mrs< j T> Miners. Miss Ina Harding, of Middleton’s Bakery, is on her holidays and her 1 place is being taken by Miss Mar­ x'Mr. and Mrs. Stanley MbFalls ( and two sons Robert and Keith, ,-of i London, spent Sunday witTi Mi\ and ( Miss June Coward and Master Al- . Ian Coward spent the past two weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Hodgert. Mrs. James Downie and Mrs. Glazebrooke, of Saskatoon, visited for a few days la'st week with Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter. Mr. and Alts. Ed. Lindenfield and two sons Lloyd and Alvin were in Toronto the forepart -df the taking in the Exhibition. Mrs. Thos. Amy is visiting Mrs. E. A. Amy The former just returned from an extended trip to California and the AVest. Mrs. McAsh, of London, a former resident of Exeter, spent the week­ end with Mrs. James AVestlake and other friends in the vicinity. Mrs. Alt. Baker and fauj-ily, of Erussels, and Mrs/ J. Brown and daughter/ Ella,- of Bly^h, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Airs'. Milton Rub- sell. Rev. J. AV. and Mrs. Down left AVednesday a. m. for a trip East,' visiting at Woodstock, Bowmanvilie Port Hope, Napanee, Almonte ana Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allston, or Detroit, spent the latter part of the- week with Mrs. John Penhale. They" have been on a motor trip through Ontario. After ' touring northern- Michigan and .northern Ontario, Mr. and Airs. Lakein, of Flint, Mifch., are spend­ ing a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford. Mr. and Airs. Maurice Neil, of De­ troit, called on friends in Exeter on Thursday of last week. Air. Neil was driving one of the new Terraplane cars built by the Essex Co. Mr. C. W. Ford and two .son's Al­ lan and Richard., of London, motor­ ed up Alonday evening and were ac­ companied home by Airs. Lamport, who will remain with them for a time. ' • Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Holmburg and two chilrden, of Sautt Ste. Marie, __ ____Lg with Mrs. Holmburg’s father, Mr. L. Day. In company with Mr Day and Miss Mary Day they m-otored to Toronto to take in the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Brim-acombe, of Hamilton, who have been holi­ daying with Mr. and Mrs. R. Welsh returned home the latter part of last week accompanied by. Mr. R. AVelsh, who visited with them for a. few days and is this week attend­ ing the Toronto Exhibition. TENDERS WANTED un- six up at of jan- church. Tenders will be received til Friday, September 2nd o’clock p.m. for the position itor of the James St. United The lowest or any tender not nec­ essarily accepted. Particulars may be had from, or tenders may be left with P. Coates or H. T. Rowe. HORSE RACES—LADIES SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Brantford, Woodstock’, London, Stratford, Softball Contest. Three fast harness races. 1 run. Other at­ tractions. Stratford Fair Grounds on Labor Day, Monday, September 5th. Admission: Gents 5 5c. Ladies’ 25e., autos free. Not a dull moment. Good used Fordson tractor, also new Oliver tractor plow, and Oliver plow points and parts.:—Sandy El­ liot. WANTED—Young man with ear, can make $5 to $10 a day. Apply Box 280 E»efcer, TimeS-Advocate. We have just unloaded a car or flax and broken wheat screenings. An excellent feed for pigs and cattle. Better book your orders ^^arly as supply is limited. The price is right. —HARVEY BROS. WANTED — Experienced housework. Small family, at Times-Office. girl for Apply lire LOST—On Saturday night, flat leather purse ‘containing money and receipts. Reward, to John Philips in care of Broadfoot, R. Hensail,. some Return James I are vjSitini ltp1 SHOE STOCK FOR SALE BY TENDER Consisting of the entire general stock of coarse and fine shoes, in Brown’s Boot Shop, Zurich. Highest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted, tenders, September 9th, 19,32. ' Mrs. Flossie Brown, administra­ trix, Zurich, Ont. 8-25-2tc. Last day for receiving of BEANS WANTED ' AVe are prepared to pay the high­ est market price for beans, peas, week with has Rev. J. B. Rhodes and Mrs. Rhodes, of Caven x Presbyterian church have returned from Brandon Man., where Mr. Rhodes has been and all kinds of seeds, and arrange preaching for/the first three weeks for trucking * at low rates.—J. C. " ‘ 1 — Reid & Co., phone 3, Dashwood. 8-ll-4tc of August. sTliey motored all the way going by the Soo and Duluth and returning by Milwaukee Michigan. and *1 Massey-Harris cream separator only used 6 months, $15.00. 3 De Laval cream separators slightly used at $-10.00 each. 1 Top Buggy, nearly new, must be seen to be appreciated A real snap; make us an offer. 1 Corn Binder, used two years, come quick. 1 10“-itt. Fleury Grinder, used one winter, 50 ft, 7” belt, a real snap. Come to see it. 1 2-f arrow Cockshutt plow at $10 30 used’ cream Separators, all makes at your own choice $3,00. Among those from a distance attended the funeral of the J. T. Miners were Mrs. Geo. Miners and Mrs. Cornfoot, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. White and two sons, of St Marys; Mr. and Mrs. David Balkwi’ll and daughter, ’Miss Flor­ ence and Kingsville daughters, of Mt. Elgin who late Mr. Harold Wigle, of iM'r. John poll-drd and At the union service in the Main St. United Church on Sunday morn­ ing a unique baptismal service was observed when’ Rev. Mr, Stainton pastor of the James Street United church baptised Allan Douglas, the. young eon of Rev. nnd* of the Main st. church, vice Mr. Frank Johns, sang a very impressive cellent voice. At the evening service in James Sit. Church Rev, Mr. Ell­ iott sang a solo. The union services will be•' continued next Suudtcy. Mrs. Billott At this ser- of Toronto, solo in ex­ International Harvester* Co. Ltd., Exeter, Ont. Street SPECIAL 10 lbs. 15c. I I t Peanut Butter 2 lb. barrels 29c. SPECIAL Patterson’s Buttercrisp Soda Biscuits 10c. pkg. “The l of pe- visiting with the .her in Goderich, visit- and Mrs. Rd. Terry on THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J, Bernard Rhodes,, M, A< Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.D.O.M, Organist 10 am.—Sunday School, 11 a.m,—^Experience Essential” 7 p.m.—’’Strange Forgetfulness'1 Sunday School and Congregation­ al Picnic at AV. Sillery's Grove on Saturday, September 10 th. UNION SERVICES Main St. and James St. United Churches „Rev. J. H. Stainton in charge , 10 a.m.—Sunday School in each church, | 11 a.m.—Service in James Street United Church. Subject—*-”The Man in the Ditch” A Labor Day message based on Edward Markham’s poem Man AVith the Hoe,” Rev., J, H. Stainton James St. choir in charge p.m.—Service in Main United church. An old ‘fashioned song service conducted by Rev. Mr. Elliott. Sermon—-“The Lost and Found” Rev. Mr. Stainton. Main Street choir. Thursday 8 p.m. prayer meeting James St, church. 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss« MacFaul Choir-Leader, RD*. Middlemiss 10 ll 7 Clearing All Summer Dresses ! i ■ -—" ■—r^=- We are clearing all summer dresses regardless of price. We cannot afford to carry these over and are sacrificing the price on every dress. . SUMMER VOILES AT PER YP. 25c. - These include voiles that were 50c; a , yard. They go °n sale this week and should move quickly. NEW RAYON BED SPREADS The quality is much better than we have shown at these prices^ You will like the new patterns $2.95 $3.95 $5.50 NEW CHATELAINE PATTERNS FOR FALL ~ You will be interested in these smart new patterns if you have not al ready tried them. You will be surprised at their simplicity and smartness New 97 Pitece Dinner Set for $19.75 The new Gillia pattern in cream ground daintily decorated with a small spray of flowers. Priced to suit your pocket book. Special offer on Kotex and Kleenex For a limited time we offer 2 packages of Kotex and 1 package of 7Qx» Kleenex the regular price of which is $1.23 for the very low price of • <7C Anniversary Services —Sunday School a.fn.—Holy Communion & Ser­ mon. a.nu­ p.m;—Evensong & Sermon Preacher all day— Rev. AV. H. Hawkins, of Forest, Onti ] INSURANCE ■ I LIFE, ACCIDENT & HEALTH AVhen Studying your future • Life, • Income or Pension program, consult ARCHIE T. STERLING Representing METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY EXETER, BOX 277 Miss Reta Rowe is visitin week at Hamilton. / Misses Celia Christie/and Jean /Sheer© .are holidaying this week at Grand-Bend. Miss Edith Foster, of North Ton­ awanda, visited last week with and Mrs. John Hunter. Mr, and iMrs. A. E. Kenna, Stratford, visited Rev. J. AV. Mrs. Down on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. G. F Reulston Monday for Jackson’s Point where they will spent a sh-ort vacation. Mr. and Mrs. John Cowad'd and family, of Kirkton, visit-ed with M’r. 'and Mrs. Frank Coates on Sunday.- Mrs. C. A. Soutlicott and Stella have returned home after spending the month of August at Grand Bend. Mr. Russell daldwell left for Re­ gina, week foot. Mr. Ellis Tapp, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Orangeville, is holidaying with , his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tapp. Miss W. Frain and Mrs. R. Mc­ Innis returned last Saturday after spending a week’s vacation at AVa- saga Beach and Toronto. Mrs. AV. J. Beer and her mother Mrs. Richard Quanoe and Miss May Skinner are spending the month of September at Grand Bend. Mr. and ^irs. Simmons, of Cliisel- hurst, visited with the * . brother, AAresley.. and with'Mr. Mrs. Wm. Ryckman over end. Mr. E. M. Dighan was Saturday and underwent tion for the removal of his tonsils, the operation being performed by Dr. Htwit. Mr/ and Mrs. Hhrley Sanders, Ada and Chester, and iMr. and Mi’s. Henry J. Kestle are visiting with relatives In Toronto and taking in the Exhibition'. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tapp and ■gon Ellis motors^, to- Gravenhurst on Tuesday to ............ L. C. Tapp high school Mrs. Ida her brother Dan Welber and her daughter Mrs. Alvin Kellerman, of Dashwood dnd is this week Visiting with friends in Grand Bend. Rev. F. E Clyesdale, wife and fam­ ily who have been holidaying at their cottage at Grand Bend, were in town calling on old friends on Friday, They are returning to Guelph this week, Their daughter, Miss Edith, has recovered from her long illness, brought on by a ner­ vous breakdown from ovefstudy, Mr. ,8 • Of and left Sask., on ’Wednesday of last by motor with .Mr. Glen Broad- for men’s ana the week- in London on opera- visit with thpir son iM’r. who is principal of the there. Beavei; last week visited SPECIAL IN ALL WOOL" WORK SO£ Extra Value per pair 20c. MEN’S FINE SHIRTS attached collars. Special at each 79c. MEN’S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR Shirts or Drawers each 59c. MEN’S NAVY BLUE WORK SHIRTS Special at each 79c. PURE LINEN HAND TOWELLING 5 yards for 75c. SPECIAL 25 PAIRS OF MEN’S HARVEST SHOES With leather or Franco soles. A go<>d light weight slioe for harvest AT PER PAIR $1.98 PURE LINEN TEA TOWELS /” ' Colored borders 5 for $1.00 GROCERY-SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK _____i______________________________________________<_____________ Course Salt in bulk ... . Fine Salt in bulk..................10 lbs. for 25c. Try our Magic Coffee, always fresh 29c. lb O’Cedar Polish, regulai’ 25c. special 19c. Mr. and Airs. Rd. Young, troit, who were former’s mother ed with Air. i.„_ Sunday. ‘Master Walter an operation Tuesday for the remov­ al of 'his adenoids.u ‘The operation was performed by Drs. Dunlop Smillie. Mr. Frank Jolihs, of Toronto, was in Exeter over the week-end was accompanied home -by his wife and family w.ho have been holiday­ ing here. Mr. and Mrs. G. Si. Howard and daughter Evelyn, Miss Follick and. Mr. and Mrs. AV. H. J-ohnsiton at­ tended the flower show at Kippen Tuesday afternoon. ( Mr. and ‘Mrs. A. A. Davis and daughter Ruth,, of Montreal, are visiting with Mrs. Davis’ mother, I Mrs. James, of Parkhill, and withj Mrs/ James c-alled on friends in Exe-’ ter on Wednesday. [ Mr. John AY. Taylor, who for so m-any years was actively indenti-1 fied with the business interests of { Exeter, wishes our readers to un­ stand that he is in no way connect­ ed, with the Taylor Tire Shop. Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher have re­ turned frofn their holidays at Jack­ son’s Point, Lake Simcoe, and Dr. D. Evans, a graduate in Medicine Of Western Medical College ill . 1929 has returned to his home in Lon­ don. •Rev. E. L. Vivian, who for the njonth of August, has had charge of St. Maijys church, AValkerville, returned to Exeter . Tuesday even­ ing. Mrs. Vivian and son Ellings- worth, $ho have been visiting at Walter’s Falls, have also returned. Mr. A. AV. Johnston, of Toronto, visited with his parents, lyir. and Mrs. W. FL Johnston on Saturday. Mr. Johnston has just returned frofn a two week’s -trip’ to visit with his brother, Dr. Cecil Johnston, of Kerkonkson, N.Y., and with Free­ born’s family who wore camping at a summer resort in Deleware. He enjoyed the drive around the Oatskill Mts. and the Adirondacxs. Davis underwent and and W. R. Goulding A/T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster x James St. United Church Instruction In PfAno Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music In Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT SPECIAL Ginger Snaps Fresh and Tasty - 10c. a lb. . Clarke’s Tomrdo Juice....................5c. a tin . Crosse & Blackwell,, “Little Chip” Orang/ Marmalade with silverplate teaspoon 25c? Crown Pint Sealers . .............96c a dozen Crow t Sealers................$1.09 dozen MEN’S STORE 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT f on the following goods- SUITS TROUSERS BATHING SUITS HATS X z * OVERCOATS SWEATER COATS UNDERWEAR i CAPS TIES THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY OF SAVING MONEY W. W. T PHONE 81 MAN EXETER, ONT ■ ?Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May spent''the Master AVilfred Miller, of London, •r 1 ’J- spent the week-end with his grand­ father, Mr. L. Day. week-end with Mr. Leary of Staff a. J From now until the end of August with every Marshall Mattress pur­ chased we will give Cotton Slip Cover valued at $4.50. Do not let this opportuity pass if you are need** ing a mattress in the near future. We can fit any bed We deliver any distance -X • - • ---------■ ■ E. R. HOPPER FURNITURE STORE Telephone 99; \ t Residence 63 i*